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Thesis Title: My Little


A Masters Thesis
Presented By

Adeel Awan

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of

Masters in Electrical Engineering

Supervisor: Dr. Nauman Zafar Butt

Spring 2021

Department of Electrical Engineering

Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering
Lahore University of Management Sciences
This masters thesis has been examined by a Committee of the De-
partment of Electrical Engineering as follows:

Dr./Mr. X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evaluator, Thesis Committee
Professor of Electrical Engineering

Dr./Mr. Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thesis Co-supervisor
Professor of Electrical Engineering

Dr./Mr. Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thesis Supervisor
Professor of Electrical Engineering

Dedicated to all those who are constantly striving to

make their today better than yesterday.


The work presented in this thesis would not have been possible without the support
of a number of individuals and organizations and they are gratefully acknowledged

• No. 1

• No. 2


The combination of global warming, a growing global population, and the increas-
ing scarcity of fresh water are expected to put significant stress on conventional
agriculture. On the other hand energy is the largest overhead cost in the production
of agricultural greenhouse crops in temperate climates. Photovoltaic (PV) technol-
ogy with agriculture is a best approach towards dual land productivity that could
fulfil growing food and energy demands. Agrivoltaic technique is best approach for
high temperature (hot) climate areas, roof coverage with panel can prevent exces-
sive thermal energy due to which crops yield will not effected and lowering water
demand. This study assessed the climate conditions inside a greenhouse in which
50% of the roof area was replaced with photovoltaic (PV) modules, describing the
solar radiation distribution inside the green house at different canopy height. we
find that as sun angle vary in each month light distribution also vary as canopy
height is increases. In the month of January to March light intensity increases
from 30% to 70% as height increases. In June and July sun passes above the panel
above the panel there is very small variation in light intensity. From September to
December light intensity increases 30% to 50% inside the green house and increase
upto 70% near the walls.

List of Acronyms

EE Electrical Engineering
LUMS Lahore University of Management Sciences
FFT fast Fourier transform
3D 3 dimensional
DC Direct current (average value)


x scalar variable
X matrix variable


Dedication i

Acknowledgements ii

Abstract iii

List of Acronyms iv

Notations v

List of Figures viii

List of Tables x

1 Introduction 1

2 Materials and methods 5

2.0.1 Characteristics of the photovoltaic greenhouse . . . . . . . . 7
2.0.2 Elevation and Azimuth Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.0.3 Calculation of the internal global radiation . . . . . . . . . 11
2.0.4 Determination of the global radiation on a random OP inside
the PV greenhouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.0.5 Simulation of the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.0.6 Monthly variation of elevation and azimuth angle in Lahore 16

3 Results 18
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point . . . . . . . . 18
3.1.1 January . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.1.2 March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.1.3 April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.1.4 June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.1.5 July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Contents vii

3.1.6 September . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.1.7 November . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.1.8 December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

4 Proposed Contribution 2 56

5 Proposed Contribution 3 57

6 Simulations, Performance Analysis and Evaluations 58

7 Conclusions and Future Research Directions 59


Appendix A Chapter 1 60
A.1 Proof of Theorem X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

References 61
List of Figures

2.1 The top view of PV greenhouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.2 The placement of PV panels in PV greenhouse . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Sun light dependency on Elevation and Azimuth angles . . . . . . . 11
2.4 The azimuth angle is calculation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5 Determination of panel and observer points coordinates . . . . . . . 13
2.6 Solar elevation angle and azimuth angle of the sun, in relation to
the position of the PV panel and the observation point (OP). The
position 1 depicts a position of the sun in which the OP is under
direct sunlight; in position 2 the OP is under the shading of the PV
panel. θ and ψ are the solar elevation and the solar azimuth angles,
respectively . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.7 Division of radiation on green house . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.8 PV Shading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.1 Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of January . 19

3.2 Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of January . 20
3.3 Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of January . 21
3.4 Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of January . 22
3.5 Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of March . . 23
3.6 Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of March . . 25
3.7 Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of March . . 26
3.8 Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of March . . 27
3.9 Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of April . . 28
3.10 Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of April . . 29
3.11 Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of April . . 31

List of Figures ix

3.12 Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of April . . 32

3.13 Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of June . . . 33
3.14 Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of June . . . 34
3.15 Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of June . . . 35
3.16 Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of June . . . 36
3.17 Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of July . . . 37
3.18 Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of July . . . 38
3.19 Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of July . . . 39
3.20 Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of July . . . 40
3.21 Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of September 41
3.22 Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of September 42
3.23 Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of September 44
3.24 Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of September 45
3.25 Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of November 47
3.26 Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of November 48
3.27 Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of November 49
3.28 Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of November 50
3.29 Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of December 52
3.30 Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of December 53
3.31 Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of December 54
3.32 Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of December 55
List of Tables

Chapter 1


Renewable energy sources have increased the productivity and competitiveness of

the agricultural sector, contributing positively to its environmental sustainability.
The photovoltaic (PV) energy has been the most successful renewable source ap-
plied in European agriculture, primarily due to the long life, reliability and broad
application of the technology. These features have been considered in the design
of new crop systems, defined “agrivoltaic” systems, which integrate energy and
food production on the same land unit [1]. The PV greenhouse achieves this goal
by integrating the PV panels on the roof. This is useful especially in locations
where the land resource is limited [2]. Under this point of view, PV greenhouses
can be considered an example of Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) systems,
because the shading is useful for both the power generation and for reducing the
cooling load of the building [3]. The installations often occupy large areas of land,
since they are specifically built for PV energy massive production, resulting in an
ecological impact on the agricultural ecosystems. The application of the solar ar-
chitecture principles allows the installation of PV modules in more environmental
friendly ways, improving the indoor environmental quality of the building [4].
The PV greenhouses are particularly efficient in high solar irradiation regions,
such as southern Europe [5]. These structures consist of large-scale investments de-
signed to maximize the energy production by avoiding any shading on the PV array
(from objects or nearby greenhouses), choosing an East (E) – West (W) orienta-
tion, corresponding to South (S) – oriented PV roofs, and providing the greenhouse
with openings designed to cool down the back cover of the PV modules, aiming to
an optimised efficiency. The inverters are usually placed inside the PV greenhouse,
exploiting the cooling effect of the shading cast by the PV array, thus optimizing
the energy conversion efficiency. The maximization of the energy production is
considered crucial to ensure the high profitability of the investment, which relies


only on the favorable public subsidies supplied for the PV energy generation. In
fact, the high economic incentives provided by some European countries for PV
energy generation in the last 7 years triggered the construction of new large PV
greenhouse installations, which agronomic performance is in most cases negatively
affected by the low level of solar radiation [6].
These issues address current researches to the agronomic sustainability of the
PV greenhouse systems, focusing in particular on the design optimisation, the de-
velopment of new PV technologies and the selection of plant species suitable for the
solar light limitations inside PV greenhouses [7]. The greenhouses catch about two
thirds of the available solar radiation and their efficiency is strongly related to their
position and geometry, which are determined by horticultural constraints [8]. This
efficiency further decreases due to the PV panels on the roof. As a consequence,
the characterisation of the internal environmental conditions is essential to evalu-
ate the agronomic sustainability of the PV greenhouses. In particular, the analysis
should be conducted primarily on the available solar light and its distribution on
the greenhouse area. The measurements of the daily solar radiation with weather
stations are scarce and dispersed for operational use in crop growth simulation
models [9]. For this reason, specific models are required to provide effective solar
radiation data for agronomic purposes.
Various studies have been conducted to provide decisional support for new de-
sign criteria and management of PV greenhouses. Some authors applied numerical
simulations, including the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) to assess the PV
greenhouse microclimate in terms of solar radiation, temperature and air flow for
specific summer and winter days [10]. The evolution of temperature and humid-
ity inside PV greenhouses have been simulated also using the TRNSYS (Transient
System Simulation Tool) software, highlighting that the winter night temperature
inside a PV greenhouse under a sudden fall until ambient temperature, while the
summer temperature was too high for greenhouse crops [11]. TRNSYS has been ap-
plied also to evaluate the solar water heating systems for greenhouse microclimate
control, to calculate the productivity of the PV array, and to analyse the environ-
mental parameters inside a prototype greenhouse equipped with semi-transparent
PV panels and vertical farm systems for urban agriculture. Geostastistics ap-
proaches have been used to assess the variability of the thermal spatial distribution,
suggesting that the results of the crop growth models cannot be generalized for the
entire greenhouse area due to the variability of the microclimate patterns. [12] pro-
posed an equation-based procedure to calculate the solar radiation impinging on
a specific point located inside a PV greenhouse with 12.9% cover ratio, compar-

ing the straight-line and a checkerboard installation pattern of the PV panels the
roof [12]. Castellano calculated the solar radiation distribution inside a greenhouse
with different PV installation patterns and roof cover ratio on specific days, by
using the software Autodesk Ecotect Analysis. The variability of the shade dis-
tribution was calculated as percentage of shading, which changed accordingly to
the sun position, the configurations of the PV panels on the roof and the zones
considered inside the greenhouse.
The software packages and the methods proposed in literature calculate the
direct and diffuse light inside the PV greenhouse only on a specific date and time,
while the agronomic performance of the PV greenhouse should consider the cumu-
lated light distribution on the crop cycle basis for a reliable crop yield estimation.
The cumulated values of solar radiation inside the greenhouse can be simulated
by calculating the external solar radiation on the horizontal and inclined plane.
This can be obtained by determining the astronomical parameters related to the
solar geometry in terms of sun elevation and sun azimuth, as a function of the
geographic coordinates of the study location [13]. The direct and diffuse radiation
can be simulated using equations based on the astronomical parameters and the
atmospheric conditions. Some of them are empirical and use dimensionless coef-
ficients for estimating the effect of the atmosphere, such as the Ghouard model
or the Perrin de Brichambaut model [13]. The Collares-Pereira and Rabl model
uses semi-empirical expressions, coupling equations and coefficients, showing to
be very accurate, especially for predicting the monthly mean hourly global radi-
ation. In addition, more complicated models, such as the Capderou model and
the Bird and Hulstrom model, include the turbidity factor to calculate the direct
and diffuse solar radiation components. In particular, they implement the absorp-
tion and diffusion factor of the atmospheric gases, such as ozone, gas, water and
other aerosols. Lastly, other simplified models include few variables, allowing a
faster calculation, and are suitable for estimating the greenhouse global radiation
on the top of canopies, such as the Bouguer and Berlage equations applied in the
present paper, which considers the general atmospheric transmissivity without the
absorbed and reflected solar flux by the atmospheric components.
In PV systems energy estimation, the reduction in energy yield due to the
shadow cast by obstacles surrounding the PV array can be estimated following two
possible approaches. The first is to simulate the shadow cast on the PV array and
their variation in time by using an heliodon, and calculate the direct and diffuse
irradiance. The second approach is the estimation of the reduced irradiation as
seen from an observer point on the PV array, considered as polygons expressed in

cylindrical coordinates by means of optical instruments. We decided to follow this

latter concept, given its flexibility for application in different contexts. However,
the procedure had to be modified for a new scope, since the irradiance must be
calculated on the greenhouse area and each PV module becomes a small obstacle
to the solar radiation input on the crop. According to this, we introduced an
algorithm which can calculate the cumulated distribution of the solar radiation
inside a PV greenhouse at the desired time interval, as a function of the shading
cast by the PV array on the roof. The procedure is based on a geometric condition
assimilating the PV panels to polygons that can overlap the sun path observed
from specific observation points located inside the greenhouse. The calculation
can be reiterated for multiple points and used to draw maps of cumulated light
distribution on yearly basis and on different canopy heights. The validation was
conducted on a real PV greenhouse with 50% cover ratio. This algorithm can be
applied to various PV greenhouse types with different location, orientation, roof
slope, PV cover ratio and installation patterns of the PV panels on the roof.
Chapter 2

Materials and methods

Figure 2.1 represents a top view of PV greenhouse. According to Figure 2.1, the
PV greenhouse has been divided into two parts. The first part consists of observers’
points that are located in the shad of PV panels. On the other hand, the second part
consists of observer points located under direct sunlight. In other words, these OPs
are not in the PV shading. The green regions in Figure 2.1 represent the shaded
parts, while the white regions represent the unshaded part of the PV greenhouse.
The black dashes represent the observer points. The OPs are placed in a way
that they cover the area of 625m2 . Therefore, our hypothetical PV greenhouse for
this thesis is spaned over the area of 625m2 , where both axes (the x and y axis)
are equally divided in 25m. We call the x axis the length of the PV greenhouse,
whereas the y axis represents the PV greenhouse width. Every observer point in
our simulation model is located at a 1m of distance from each other. The total
of 625 observes located in the model. Out of 625, 375 OPs are located in shading
regions, and the rest of OPs (250) are located under direct sunlight. The means
that the 60% of the total area of the PV greenhouse is under shading.
This chapter consists of the methodology we adopted in our work. First, we
characterize the photovoltaic greenhouse, in which we presented the benefits and
the complete structure of the greenhouse we used in this thesis. Afterward, we in-
troduced the elevation and azimuth angle of the Sun. We also showed the elevation
and azimuth angle of Lahore, Pakistan. Secondly, we presented the complete cal-
culations of the internal global radiations considered the incident global radiation
inside the greenhouse without any PV panels installed on the roof. Thirdly, we
present the determination of the global radiation on a random OP inside the PV
greenhouse. Lastly, we presented the validation of our simulation model.


Figure 2.1: The top view of PV greenhouse


Figure 2.2: The placement of PV panels in PV greenhouse

2.0.1 Characteristics of the photovoltaic greenhouse

Cultivation in greenhouses allows us to satisfy the growing demand for vegetables
and fruits by the growing global population by extending the production window
both geographically and seasonally. The use of greenhouses allows for the control
of the microclimatic parameters that characterize the internal environment (i.e.,
air temperature, relative humidity, lighting level, CO2 concentration), influencing
both crop quality and quantity and the spread of pathogens and diseases [14]. By
appropriately positioning solar panels on greenhouse roofs, it is possible to obtain
multiple advantages: using the solar energy produced to make the agricultural
production independent of traditional energy sources; reducing the environmental
impact and production costs; not subtracting from the land useful for crops (since
both agriculture and photovoltaic panels need sunlight and available land, and
these two practices are in conflict); and using the panels as a passive cooling system
thanks to the shading produced, as an alternative to special shading systems such
as nets and reflective coatings.
Depending on the latitude and weather conditions, cultures must be protected
from low temperatures in winter and/or autumn and at night and from high tem-
peratures in spring and/or summer. These low- and high-temperature conditions
occur easily in Mediterranean countries.
To correct the excessively high temperature values that can occur inside the
greenhouse, there are several methods; among them, shading is an advantageous
practice—especially in regions of high insulation.
Shading reduces the level of solar radiation, the air temperature, and the rate of

evapotranspiration, reducing water consumption—a fundamental aspect for coun-

tries where this resource is scarce. Furthermore, it has been shown that shading
combined with evaporating cooling is more effective in arid regions and in hot sea-
sons, while shading combined with thermal screens reduces the energy consumption
used for heating in cold regions, maintaining the temperature of the internal air at
5C higher than outside air.
Shading is important to improving crop growth, extending the crop cycle, and
delaying ripening, and its benefits have been demonstrated by some studies con-
ducted in Japan and in the Mediterranean regions. When placing the solar panels
on the roof of the greenhouse, the shading depends on the inclination of the so-
lar rays (and therefore on the latitude, altitude, time of day, and season), their
arrangement on the roof, their degree of transparency, and their inclination.
Some studies have analyzed the effect of the panel arrangement on cultures, and
highlighted how this aspect drastically influences plant growth and energy produc-
tion. Controlling the panels’ disposition seems to be a good solution to reducing the
lack of lighting uniformity. Photovoltaic panels can be opaque, semitransparent,
or transparent, and can let different amounts of solar radiation pass, influencing
crop growth. Opaque panels have negative effects on production, reducing the crop
growth in the case of tomatoes or reducing the amount of biomass in the case of
maize. Meanwhile, in the experiments conducted so far, semi-transparent pan-
els such as DSCs (dye-sensitized solar cells), OPVs (organic photovoltaics), and
PVs based on the latest generation of luminescent solar concentrators have been
shown to have great potential for improvement in terms of biomass production,
plant morphology, and nutritional content, since they allow the wavelength used
by plants for photosynthesis and morphogenesis to pass through. Li et al. say
that “the installation of semi-transparent PV modules on a greenhouse roof sur-
face can be beneficial when crops require moderate shading under high-irradiation
conditions” [15] and, for example, tomato, lettuce, wild rocket, and Welsh onion
were cultivated correctly under semi-transparent panels [15]. The arrangement of
the semi-transparent panels varies from checkerboard to conventional planar PV
modules or cells to dispersed PV micro-cells.
One important aspect to be analyzed for shading concerns the inclination of
the panels. By placing the solar panels on the roof of the greenhouse and creating
a static system, independent of time, their inclination will be equal to that of the
greenhouse cover. In this way, the shading system is not very dynamic and not
very adaptable to the needs of the plants, which are influenced by excessive shad-
owing when it is not necessary. Considering that the amount of solar radiation

reaching the Earth varies according to the time of day, season, latitude, weather
conditions, and altitude, a compromise must be found between electricity produc-
tion and agriculture, making the solar panel system dynamic over time, exactly
like irradiation.

2.0.2 Elevation and Azimuth Angle

The elevation angle (used interchangeably with altitude angle) is the angular height
of the sun in the sky measured from the horizontal. Confusingly, both altitude
and elevation are also used to describe the height in meters above sea level. The
elevation is 0° at sunrise and 90° when the sun is directly overhead (which occurs
for example at the equator on the spring and all equinoxes). The elevation angle
varies throughout the day. It also depends on the latitude of a particular location
and the day of the year. An important parameter in the design of photovoltaic
systems is the maximum elevation angle, that is, the maximum height of the sun
in the sky at a particular time of year. This maximum elevation angle occurs at
solar noon and depends on the latitude and declination angle.
The maximum elevation angle at solar noon (θ) is a function of latitude and
the declination angle (δ).
From the previous figure, a formula for the elevation angle at solar noon can be
determined according to the formula:

θ = 90 + φ − δ (2.1)

When the equation above gives a number greater than 90° then subtract the
result from 180°. It means the sun at solar noon is coming from the south as is
typical the northern hemisphere.
where: φ is the latitude of the location of interest (+ve for the northern hemi-
sphere and -ve for the southern hemisphere). δ is the declination angle, which
depends on the day of the year.
At the Tropic of Cancer on the summer solstice, the sun is directly overhead
and the elevation angle is 90. In summer at latitudes between the equator and the
Tropic of Cancer, the elevation angle at solar noon is greater than 90, implying
that the sunlight is coming from the north rather than from the south as in most
of the northern hemisphere. Similarly, at latitudes between the equator and the
Tropic of Capricorn, during some periods of the year, sunlight is incident from the
south, rather than from the north.
While the maximum elevation angle is used even in very simple PV system

design, more accurate PV system simulation requires the knowledge of how the el-
evation angle varies throughout the day. These equations are given in the following
The elevation, θ, can be found using the following formula:

θ = Arcsin(Sinφ Sinδ + Cosφ Cosδ Cosω) (2.2)

ω= (LAT − 12) (2.3)
23.45 284 + n
δ=π Sin(2π ) (2.4)
180 365
LAT was calculated using the formula

λ − λR
LAT = LM T + +E−c (2.5)

E is expressed as,

E = 2.292(0.0075+0.1868Cosβ−3.2077Sinβ−3.2077Sinβ−1.4615Cos2β−4.089Sin2β)
where β is an angle expressed in radians and equal to:

2π(n − 1)
β= (2.7)

The azimuth angle is the compass direction from which the sunlight is coming.
At solar noon, the sun is always directly south in the northern hemisphere and
directly north in the southern hemisphere. The azimuth angle varies throughout
the day as shown in the figure below. At the equinoxes, the sun rises directly east
and sets directly west regardless of the latitude, thus making the azimuth angles
90° at sunrise and 270° at sunset. In general however, the azimuth angle varies with
the latitude and time of year and the full equations to calculate the sun’s position
throughout the day are given.
The azimuth angle is like a compass direction with North = 0° and South =
180°. Other authors use a variety of slightly different definitions (i.e., angles of 180
and South = 0°). Ψ is

sinθsinφ − sinδ
Ψ = Arccos( ) (2.8)
cosθ cosφ

The angle is 0 to the S direction and it was multiplied by -1 when sinΨ < 0. .

Figure 2.3: Sun light dependency on Elevation and Azimuth angles

2.0.3 Calculation of the internal global radiation

The direct and diffuse radiation on the horizontal plane were calculated according
to the following Bouguer and Berlage equations, assuming clear sky conditions [16].

ID = I0 .p Sinθ .Sinθ (2.9)

The diffuse radiation is:

I0 Sinθ(1 − p Sinθ .Sinθ )
Id = (2.10)
2(1 − 1.4Logp)

IG was considered as the sum of the direct and diffuse radiation:

IG = τ (ID + Id ) (2.11)

where the overall light transmissivity of the greenhouse τ is due to the frame
and the cover material. IG can be considered as the incident global radiation
inside the greenhouse without any PV panels installed on the roof. Therefore,
this parameter was considered to calculate the percentage availability of global
radiation inside the PV greenhouse as a function of the global radiation inside a
conventional greenhouse.

2.0.4 Determination of the global radiation on a random

OP inside the PV greenhouse
The functions used in the present algorithm were implemented in the software
Wolfram Mathematica. To determine the actual solar radiation on the OPs, each

Figure 2.4: The azimuth angle is calculation procedure

PV panel on the greenhouse roof was considered as a polygon with 4 edges by

using the geometric function “Polygon” of the software. The Cartesian coordinates
(x, y, z) of the 4 edges and the OP were calculated as a function of an arbitrary
point of origin located in the North (N)-E edge of the greenhouse. The Cartesian
coordinates of the PV panels were then converted into solar coordinates, thus he
and We, in relation to a specific OP (which can also represent the position of a
single plant on the greenhouse area), by using the following expressions:

ze − zop
θe = Arcsin p (2.12)
(xe − xop ) + (ye − yop )2 + (ze − zop )2

ye − yop
Ψ = Arccos p (2.13)
(xe − xop )2 + (ye − yop )2
Ψ is equal to 0 on S and it was considered negative when xe − xop < 0, thus when
it moved towards W .

The solar coordinates of the 4 edges of the PV panel (θ1,2,3,4 , Ψ1,2,3,4 ) were
compared to the solar coordinates of the sun (θ, Ψ) seen from the OP, by using the
function “Region Member” of the software, to verify when the solar coordinates
cast on the PV panel surface area (Fig. 3). When the solar coordinates of the
sun were inside the area of the polygon, the OP was considered under the shadow
of the PV panel, thus without incident direct radiation. As a consequence, the

Figure 2.5: Determination of panel and observer points coordinates

global radiation on the OP (IGP ) was equal to the diffuse radiation (IGP = Id ). On
the contrary, when the sun coordinates were outside the area of the PV panel, the
OP was considered under sunlight, thus receiving both direct and diffuse radiation
(IGP = ID + Id ). This procedure was applied simultaneously for all the panels of
the PV system on a single OP and then reiterated for all OPs.
The incident global radiation on the PV greenhouse area (GGR ) was calculated
as the mean percentage ratio of IGP of all m OPs and IG , which can be considered
as the potential global radiation inside the same greenhouse without PV array on
the roof: m
GGR = .100 (2.14)
m OP =1 IG

where m was varied to calculate the GGR for specific zones of the PV greenhouse.
It is well known that the transmissivity of the cladding material is related to the
sun beam incidence angle, the condensation, the dust accumulation and ageing.
In particular, the maximum nominal transmissivity is measured with an incidence
angle of the sun beam normal to the cover and decreases with the increase of the
angle of incidence. The angle of incidence on the greenhouse roof is minimum in
the central part of the day, and higher in the morning and evening.
To avoid the variability due to the transmissivity of the cladding material, the PV
greenhouse global radiation was expressed using a ratio: in fact, both the numerator
(IGP ) and denominator (IG ) of the ratio were calculated multiplying the calculated

Figure 2.6: Solar elevation angle and azimuth angle of the sun, in relation to the
position of the PV panel and the observation point (OP). The position 1 depicts a
position of the sun in which the OP is under direct sunlight; in position 2 the OP
is under the shading of the PV panel. θ and ψ are the solar elevation and the solar
azimuth angles, respectively

Figure 2.7: Division of radiation on green house


Figure 2.8: PV Shading

value for τ , thus leading to a GGR independent from the cladding transmissivity.
As a consequence, GGR describes the light distribution only as a function of the PV
greenhouse type (dimensional parameters and PV cover ratio), assuming a general
validity also when the same PV greenhouse is assembled in different locations or
using different cladding materials.

2.0.5 Simulation of the model

A two-dimensional model for spatial shade distribution is developed to better un-
derstand the edge effects due to direct light obstruction from panels. To calculate
the amount of direct light shadowing at any observation point (OP) due to the pan-
els, we assimilate the panels as polygons with four edges defined through their carte-
sian coordinates (xe , ye , ze ). The coordinates of observation points (xop , yop , zop ) as
well as for the panels were calculated with reference to an arbitrary point of origin
located at north-east corner of the farm.The solar coordinates for a given OP with
respect to a panel are then calculated in terms of elevation (θop −→ s) and azimuth
(Ψop −→ s) angles using [6].

ze − zop
θop−→s = Arcsin p
(xe − xop )2 + (ye − yop )2 + (ze − zop )2
ye − yop
Ψop−→s = Arccos p
(xe − xop )2 + (ye − yop )2

θop−→s and Ψop−→s for all solar panels in the farm were calculated and were
compared with corresponding angles for the sun. This was used to find whether
there is any obstruction to the direct path from the sun to the OP due to panels
as shown in Fig. 6. At any given time, if the solar coordinates lie inside the region
bounded by θop−→s and Ψop−→s , the OP was considered to be under shade hence
receiving the diffused light only, for which Iop = Idif f . Otherwise, the OP was
considered to be receiving both direct as well as diffused sunlight (Iop = Ignd;dir +
Idif f ). The cumulative radiation incident at a specific crop height was calculated
as the percentage ratio of light received under panel coverge to the total incident
light with no panels installed

1X Iop
GGR = × 100% (2.15)
k op=1 Iglobal

Here, k is varied to cover the entire farm area.

2.0.6 Monthly variation of elevation and azimuth angle in

In this section we present the calculated data for elevation and azimuth angle of
Sun in Lahore, Pakistan. We have observed that the both angles have same trends
in variation of the months, except in the month of December. In December the ψ
angle tilled little bit at in its last days.

(a) Ψ and θ for all over the (b) Ψ and θ for all over the (c) Ψ and θ for all over the
month April month August month December

Figure 2.9

(a) Ψ and θ for all over the (b) Ψ and θ for all over the (c) Ψ and θ for all over the
month February month January month July

Figure 2.10

(a) Ψ and θ for all over the (b) Ψ and θ for all over the (c) Ψ and θ for all over the
month June month March month May

Figure 2.11

(a) Ψ and θ for all over the (b) Ψ and θ for all over the (c) Ψ and θ for all over the
month November month October month September

Figure 2.12
Chapter 3


In this chapter, we present the variation in global irradiance in different months.

Each month we also vary the height of the PV panels to identify the significance
of height in the PV greenhouse.

3.1 Month and height variation of light on ob-

server point
3.1.1 January
In the month of January, there is change in the normal path of the sun. The angle of
the sun increases and start moves towards north from south as shown in Figure 2.6.
. Now, according to this Figure 3.1 panels are placed at 2 meter height and we want
to calculate the global radiance on the observers. In this Figure 3.1, the first span
is 10 meter in width (y-axis’s). The covered area is of 0 – 5 meter and uncovered
area is of 5 – 10 meter. But the decline in angle of the sun and placement of panels
are placed in such a way that they are providing shade to some of observer in the
uncovered area. In the Figure 3.1, each cell represents an observer. The observer
which are along the wall, global radiance is about 70% because they are receiving
both diffuse and direct light. The observers under the panels are dark blue color
in the Figure 3.1 and there global radiance is less than 30% which means they are
only receiving the diffuse light. Now the observers under the uncovered are have
decreased in number because of the geometry of the panels which are intercepting
the direct light from reaching the observers and also the angle of the sun. Total
uncovered area remaining is 6 – 9 meter. The observers in this area is yellow in
color and are receiving the direct light and global radiance is about 90 – 100%.
Now the first and last row of observer which was uncovered but became shaded

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 19

Figure 3.1: Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of January

due to panels has global radiance of 50% to 55%. The second span is of 10 – 20
meter in width. The area under shade is 10 – 15 meter and in dark blue in the
Figure 3.1. So global radiance is less than 30%. In the second span, the covered
area has increased because of the path of the sun and geometry of the panels. So
the uncovered are remains is only of 16 – 19 meters. This area is yellow in color
and has the global radiance of about 95%.
Now the covered area which has increased because of the panel and sun has the
global radiance of about 60% and is light blue in color.
The third span is fully covered and is 20- 25 meter in width. These covered
panels are intercepting the direct light in 19 – 20 meter area which is now receiving
both the diffuse light and direct light instead of only direct light, the global irradi-
ance almost 50% to 60%. The area of 20 – 25 meter in dark blue in color and has
global radiance of less than 30%.
Again, the first span is of 0 – 10 meter in width. The covered area is of 0 –
5 meter in width but due to the increase in the height of the panel, the observers
under the 0 – 6 meters are receiving the diffuse light so, the global radiance is less
than 30%. The observer in 6 – 9 meters are receiving the direct light which are
uncovered because of the increase in the height so here global radiance has increased
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 20

Figure 3.2: Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of January

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 21

Figure 3.3: Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of January

and is about 90%– 100% and yellow in color. The covered area has increased and is
receiving the diffuse light and it is blue in color and has the global radiance of less
than 30%.. The observer which are along the wall and green in color, is receiving
global radiance is about 70% because they are receiving both diffuse and direct
The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. 10 – 15 is covered area and 15
– 20 is uncovered. The observer in 10 – 16 meter are only receiving the diffuse,
this uncovered area in the second span is receiving the diffuse light and GGR is
less than 30% .While 16 – 19 meter are receiving the direct light. In 16 – 19 meter
GGR is 90 – 100%.
The third span which is 20 – 25 meter is totally covered but due to the increase
in the height of panel and angle of the sun the observer in 19-20 meter which is
uncovered area of last span theses observers are receiving both direct and diffuse
light so GGR is less than 70% while observer in 20 – 25 meter are receiving the
direct light and GGR is about 90 – 100%.
Again the first span is of 0 – 10 meter in width. The covered area is of 0 – 5
meter in width but due to the increase in the height of the panel, the observers
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 22

Figure 3.4: Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of January

under the 0 – 2 meter are receiving the diffuse light so, the global radiance is less
than 40. The observer in 2 – 5 meter are receiving the direct light which being
covered because of the increase in the height they become uncovered so here global
radiance has increased and is about 90% and yellow in color. The uncovered area is
5-10 it should receive only direct light but due to increase in height and sun angle
in the month of January this portion is receiving the most part of the day only
diffuse light and small fraction of direct light has the global radiance up to 50%.
The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. 10 – 15 is covered area and 15 –
20 is uncovered. The observer in 10 – 14 meter are receiving the diffuse and little
amount of direct light. While 14 – 16 meter are receiving the direct light. In 14 –
16 meter GGR is 90 – 100%. The uncovered area in the second span which is 15 –
20 is receiving the diffuse light and GGR is less than 40.
The third span which is 20 – 25 meter is totally covered but due to the increase
in the height of panel and angle of the sun the observer in 23 – 26 meter they are
receiving both direct and diffuse light so GGR is less than 60% while observer in
23 – 25 meter are receiving the direct light and GGR is about 90 – 100%.
When the height of the panel is increased up to 8 meter, the observer in the
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 23

Figure 3.5: Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of March

center of first span 0-10 meter and second span 10- 20 meter both covered and
uncovered area has GGR of about 45 – 50% observers which are place under panel
they can only receive the diffuse light on the other hand the observer which are place
uncovered area are also shaded due to increase in height of panel and movement of
sun, these observer also covered only can receive direct light in noon . The observer
near the walls has GGR of about 70% these observers are unshaded most time of
the day. The last two three observers in the third span has 100% GGR while the
first two have about 65% GGR.

3.1.2 March
In the month of March, there is change in the normal path of the sun. The angle
of the sun increases and start moves towards north from south as shown in Figure
2.6. Now, according to the Figure 3.5 panels are placed at 2 meter height and we
want to calculate the global radiance on the observers. In Figure 3.5, the first span
is 10 meter in width (y-axis’s). The covered area is of 0 – 5 meter and uncovered
area is of 5 – 10 meter. But the decline in angle of the sun and placement of
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 24

panels are placed in such a way that they are providing shade to some of observer
in the uncovered area. In the Figure 3.5, each cell represents an observer. The
observer which are along the wall, global radiance is about 70% because they are
receiving both diffuse and direct light. The observers under the panels are dark
blue color in the Figure 3.5 0-5 meter and there is global radiance is less than 30%
which means they are only receiving the diffuse light. Now the observers under
the uncovered are have decreased in number because of the geometry of the panels
which are intercepting the direct light from reaching the observers and also the
angle of the sun. The observers in 5-6 meters lies in uncovered area become shaded
due to the shadow of covered area panels these observer can only receive diffuse
light. Total uncovered area remaining is 6 – 9 meter. The observers in this area is
yellow in color and are receiving the direct light and global radiance is about 90 –
100%. Now the last row of observer which was uncovered but became shaded due
to panels has global radiance of 50% to 55%.
The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. The area under shade is 10 – 15
meter and in dark blue in the Figure 3.5. So global radiance is less than 30%. In
the second span, the covered area has decreases because of the path of the sun and
geometry of the panels. So the uncovered are remains is only of 16 – 19 meters.
This area is yellow in color and has the global radiance of about 95%.
The third span is fully covered and is 20- 25 meter in width. These covered
panels are intercepting the direct light in 19 – 20 meter area which is now receiving
both the diffuse light and direct light instead of only direct light, the global irradi-
ance almost 70%. The area of 20 – 25 meter in dark blue in color and has global
radiance of less than 30%.
The first span is of 0 – 10 meter in width. The covered area is of 0 – 5 meter
in width, the observers under the 0 – 5 meters are receiving the diffuse light so,
the global radiance is less than 30%. The observer in 6 – 9 meters are receiving
the direct light which are uncovered because of the increase in the height so here
global radiance has increased and is about 90%– 100% and yellow in color. The
observer which are placed between 9-10 meter they are receiving both diffuse and
direct light. These observers are under shade some portion of day and can receive
GGR 70%. The observers which are along the wall and green in color, is receiving
global radiance is about 70% because they are receiving both diffuse and direct
The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. 10 – 15 is covered area and 15
– 20 is uncovered. The observer in 10 – 15 meter are only receiving the diffuse,
this uncovered area in the second span is receiving the diffuse light and GGR is
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 25

Figure 3.6: Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of March

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 26

Figure 3.7: Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of March

less than 30% .While 16 – 19 meter are receiving the direct light. In 16 – 19 meter
GGR is 90 – 100%.
The third span which is 20 – 25 meter is totally covered but due to the increase
in the height of panel and angle of the sun the observer in 19-20 meter which is
uncovered area of last span theses observers are receiving both direct and diffuse
light so GGR is less than 70% while observer in 20 – 25 meter are receiving the
direct light and GGR is about 90 – 100%.
Again the first span is of 0 – 10 meter in width. The covered area is of 0 – 5
meter in width but due to the increase in the height of the panel, the observers
under the 0 – 5 meter are receiving the diffuse light so, the global radiance is less
than 30%. The observer in 5 – 8 meter are receiving the direct light because this
area is uncovered so here global radiance has increased and is about 90% and yellow
in color. The uncovered area is 8-10 it should receive only direct light but due to
increase in height and sun angle in the month of March this portion is receiving
the most part of the day only direct light and small fraction of diffuse light has the
global radiance up to 70%.
The third span which is 20 – 25 meter is totally covered but due to the increase
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 27

Figure 3.8: Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of March

in the height of panel and angle of the sun the observer in 18 – 20 meter they are
receiving both direct and diffuse light so GGR is less than 60% while observer in
20 – 25 meter are receiving the diffuse light and GGR 30%.
When the height of the panel is increased up to 8 meter, the observer in the
first span which is 0-10 meter and the covered area is 0-5 and uncovered is 5-10
meter. In covered area (0-5) the observer can only receive diffuse light. There is
GGR 30%. In uncovered area , the observers which are lies between 6-7 meter can
receive direct light through out a day , GGR is up to 80%. From 7-8 meter area
which is uncovered area but the observer can receive both direct and diffuse light
.The GGR in this area is 50% to 60%. And the same trend is follow in next span
of 11-20 meter height.

3.1.3 April
In the month of March, there is change in the normal path of the sun. The angle of
the sun increases and start moves towards north from south as shown in Figure 2.6.
Now, according to this Figure 3.9 panels are placed at 2 meter height and we want
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 28

Figure 3.9: Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of April

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 29

Figure 3.10: Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of April

to calculate the global radiance on the observers. In the Figure 3.9, the first span is
10 meter in width (y-axis’s). The covered area is of 0 – 5 meter and uncovered area
is of 5 – 10 meter In the Figure 3.9, each cell represents an observer. The observer
which are along the wall, global radiance is about 70% because they are receiving
both diffuse and direct light. The observers under the panels are dark blue color in
the Figure 3.9 0-5 meter and there is global radiance is less than 30% which means
they are only receiving the diffuse light. Total uncovered area is 6 – 10 meter. The
observers in this area is yellow in color and are receiving the direct light and global
radiance is about 90 – 100%. Now the last row of observer which was uncovered
but became shaded due to panels has global radiance of 50% to 55%.
The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. The area under shade is 10 –
15 meter and in dark blue in the Figure 3.9. So global radiance is less than 30%.
In the second span. The uncovered area is between 15 – 20 meters. This area is
yellow in color and has the global radiance of about 95%.
The third span is fully covered and is 20- 25 meter in width. The area of 20 –
25 meter in dark blue in color and has global radiance of less than 30%.
In this Figure 3.10, the first span is 10 meter in width (y-axis’s). The covered
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 30

area is of 0 – 5 meter and uncovered area is of 5 – 10 meter. But the decline in

angle of the sun and placement of panels are placed in such a way that they are
providing shade to some of observer in the uncovered area. In the Figure 3.10,
each cell represents an observer. The observer which are along the wall, global
radiance is about 70% because they are receiving both diffuse and direct light.
The observers under the panels are dark blue color in the Figure 3.10 0-5 meter
and there is global radiance is less than 40% which means they are only receiving
the diffuse light. Now the observers under the uncovered are have decreased in
number because of the geometry of the panels which are intercepting the direct
light from reaching the observers and also the angle of the sun. Total uncovered
area remaining is 6 – 9 meter. The observers in this area is yellow in color and
are receiving the direct light and global radiance is about 90 – 100%. Now the last
row of observer which was uncovered but became shaded due to panels has global
radiance of 60% to 70%.
The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. The area under shade is 10 –
15 meter and in dark blue in the Figure 3.10. So global radiance is less than 30%.
The uncovered area is 16 – 19 meters. This area is yellow in color and has the
global radiance of about 95%. The third span is fully covered and is 20- 25 meter
in width. These covered panels are intercepting the direct light in 19 – 20 meter
area which is now receiving both the diffuse light and direct light instead of only
direct light, the global irradiance almost 70%. The area of 20 – 25 meter in dark
blue in color and has global radiance of less than 40%.
The first span is of 0 – 10 meter in width. The covered area is of 0 – 5 meter
in width, the observers under the 0 – 5 meters are receiving the diffuse light so,
the global radiance is less than 30%. The observer in 6 – 9 meters are receiving
the direct light which are uncovered because of the increase in the height so here
global radiance has increased and is about 90%– 100% and yellow in color. The
observer which are placed between 9-10 meter they are receiving both diffuse and
direct light. These observers are under shade some portion of day and can receive
GGR 70%. The observers which are along the wall and green in color, is receiving
global radiance is about 70% because they are receiving both diffuse and direct
The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. 10 – 15 is covered area and 15
– 20 is uncovered. The observer in 10 – 15 meter are only receiving the diffuse,
this uncovered area in the second span is receiving the diffuse light and GGR is
less than 30% .While 16 – 19 meter are receiving the direct light. In 16 – 19 meter
GGR is 90 – 100%.
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 31

Figure 3.11: Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of April

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 32

Figure 3.12: Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of April

The third span which is 20 – 25 meter is totally covered but due to the increase
in the height of panel and angle of the sun the observer in 19-20 meter which is
uncovered area of last span theses observers are receiving both direct and diffuse
light so GGR is less than 70% while observer in 20 – 25 meter are receiving the
direct light and GGR is about 90 – 100%.
The first span is of 0 – 10 meter in width. The covered area is of 0 – 5 meter
in width but due to the increase in the height of the panel, the observers under
the 0 – 5 meter are receiving the diffuse light so, the global radiance is less than
30%. The observer in 5 – 8 meter are receiving the direct light because this area
is uncovered so here global radiance has increased and is about 90% and yellow
in color. The uncovered area is 8-10 it should receive only direct light but due to
increase in height and sun angle in the month of April this portion is receiving the
most part of the day only direct light and small fraction of diffuse light has the
global radiance up to 70%.
The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. 10 – 15 is covered area and 15
– 20 is uncovered. The observer in 10 – 15 meter are receiving the only diffuse.
While 16 – 18 meter are receiving the direct light. In 16 – 18 meter GGR is 90 –
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 33

Figure 3.13: Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of June

100%. The covered area in the second span which is 10 – 15 is receiving the diffuse
light and GGR is less than 40%.
The third span which is 20 – 25 meter is totally covered but due to the increase
in the height of panel and angle of the sun the observer in 18 – 20 meter they are
receiving both direct and diffuse light so GGR is less than 60% while observer in
20 – 25 meter are receiving the diffuse light and GGR 30%.

3.1.4 June
In summer the solar elevation angle on observers (OP) is high and the sun path
move above the PV array, leaving the OP under direct radiation for all days of
June. So there is no change in shading in the month of June as we increase the
height of panel. The covered area is fully shaded GGR is 30% because the observer
can receive only diffuse light. The GGR in uncovered area 100% observer in this
area receive direct light. The observer which are placed near the wall can receive
GGR up to 70%.
Due to movement of sun in the month of June there is no change in shading on
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 34

Figure 3.14: Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of June

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 35

Figure 3.15: Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of June

increasing the height from 2m to 8m.

3.1.5 July
Starting from the July, the elevation angle decreased till the sun path intersected
the PV array, causing a very small shading as we increase the height from 2m to

3.1.6 September
In the month of September, there is change in the normal path of the sun. The
angle of the sun increases and start moves towards north from south as shown in
Figure 2.6.
Now, according to the Figure 3.21 panels are placed at 2 meter height and we
want to calculate the global radiance on the observers. In the Figure 3.21, the
first span is 10 meter in width (y-axis’s). The covered area is of 0 – 5 meter and
uncovered area is of 5 – 10 meter. But the decline in angle of the sun and placement
of panels are placed in such a way that they are providing shade to some of observer
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 36

Figure 3.16: Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of June

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 37

Figure 3.17: Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of July

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 38

Figure 3.18: Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of July

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 39

Figure 3.19: Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of July

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 40

Figure 3.20: Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of July

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 41

Figure 3.21: Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of September

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 42

Figure 3.22: Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of September

in the uncovered area. In the Figure 3.21, each cell represents an observer. The
observer which are along the wall, global radiance is about 70% because they are
receiving both diffuse and direct light. The observers under the panels are dark
blue color in the Figure 3.21 0-5 meter and there is global radiance is less than 30%
which means they are only receiving the diffuse light. Total uncovered area is 6 –
10 meter. The observers in this area is yellow in color and are receiving the direct
light and global radiance is about 90 – 100%.
The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. The area under shade is 10 –
15 meter and in dark blue in the Figure 3.21. So global radiance is less than 30%.
The uncovered area is only of 16 – 20 meters. This area is yellow in color and has
the global radiance of about 100%.
The third span is fully covered and is 20- 25 meter in width. The area of 20 –
25 meter in dark blue in color and has global radiance of less than 30%.
In the Figure 3.22, the first span is 10 meter in width (y-axis’s). The covered
area is of 0 – 5 meter and uncovered area is of 5 – 10 meter. But the decline in
angle of the sun and placement of panels are placed in such a way that they are
providing shade to some of observer in the uncovered area. In the Figure 3.22,
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 43

each cell represents an observer. The observer which are along the wall, global
radiance is about 70% because they are receiving both diffuse and direct light.
The observers under the panels are dark blue color in the Figure 3.22 0-5 meter
and there is global radiance is less than 40% which means they are only receiving
the diffuse light. Now the observers under the uncovered are have decreased in
number because of the geometry of the panels which are intercepting the direct
light from reaching the observers and also the angle of the sun. Total uncovered
area remaining is 6 – 9 meter. The observers in this area is yellow in color and
are receiving the direct light and global radiance is about 90 – 100%. Now the last
row of observer which was uncovered but became shaded due to panels has global
radiance of 60% to 70%.
The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. The area under shade is 10 – 15
meter and in dark blue in the Figure 3.22. So global radiance is less than 30%. The
uncovered area is 16 – 19 meters. This area is yellow in color and has the global
radiance of about 95%.
The third span is fully covered and is 20- 25 meter in width. These covered
panels are intercepting the direct light in 19 – 20 meter area which is now receiving
both the diffuse light and direct light instead of only direct light, the global irradi-
ance almost 70%. The area of 20 – 25 meter in dark blue in color and has global
radiance of less than 40%.
the first span is of 0 – 10 meter in width. The covered area is of 0 – 5 meter
in width but due to the increase in the height of the panel, the observers under
the 0 – 5 meter are receiving the diffuse light so, the global radiance is less than
30%. The observer in 5 – 8 meter are receiving the direct light because this area
is uncovered so here global radiance has increased and is about 90% and yellow
in color. The uncovered area is 8-10 it should receive only direct light but due to
increase in height and sun angle in the month of Septemberthis portion is receiving
the most part of the day only direct light and small fraction of diffuse light has
the global radiance up to 60%. The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. 10
– 15 is covered area and 15 – 20 is uncovered. The observer in 10 – 15 meter are
receiving the only diffuse. While 16 – 18 meter are receiving the direct light. In 16
– 18 meter GGR is 90 – 100%. The covered area in the second span which is 10 –
15 is receiving the diffuse light and GGR is less than 40%. The third span which is
20 – 25 meter is totally covered but due to the increase in the height of panel and
angle of the sun the observer in 18 – 20 meter they are receiving both direct and
diffuse light so GGR is less than 60% while observer in 20 – 25 meter are receiving
the diffuse light and GGR 30%.
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 44

Figure 3.23: Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of September

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 45

Figure 3.24: Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of September

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 46

The first span is of 0 – 10 meter in width. The covered area is of 0 – 5 meter

in width but due to the increase in the height of the panel, the observers under
the 0 – 5 meter are receiving the diffuse light so, the global radiance is less than
30%. The observer in 5 – 7 meter are receiving the direct light because this area
is uncovered so here global radiance has increased and is about 90% and yellow
in color. The uncovered area is 7-10 it should receive only direct light but due to
increase in height and sun angle in the month of March this portion is receiving
the most part of the day only direct light and small fraction of diffuse light has the
global radiance up to 70%.
The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. 10 – 15 is covered area and 15
– 20 is uncovered. The observer in 10 – 15 meter are receiving the only diffuse.
While 16 – 18 meter are receiving the direct light. In 16 – 18 meter GGR is 90 –
100%. The covered area in the second span which is 10 – 15 is receiving the diffuse
light and GGR is less than 40%.
The third span which is 20 – 25 meter is totally covered but due to the increase
in the height of panel and angle of the sun the observer in 18 – 20 meter they are
receiving both direct and diffuse light so GGR is less than 65% while observer in
20 – 25 meter are receiving the diffuse light and GGR 30%.

3.1.7 November
In the month of November, there is change in the normal path of the sun. It rises
from the east but the angle of the sun decreases and decline towards south.
The first span is of 0 – 10 meter in width. The covered area is of 0 – 5 meter
in width but due to the increase in the height of the panel, the observers under
the 0 – 5meters are receiving the diffuse light so, the global radiance is less than
30% to 40%. The observer in 6 – 9 meters are receiving the direct light which are
uncovered here global radiance has increased and is about 90%– 100% and yellow
in color. The observer which are along the wall and green in color, is receiving
global radiance is about 60% because they are receiving both diffuse and direct
The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. 10 – 15 is covered area and 15
– 20 is uncovered. The observer in 10 – 15 meter are only receiving the diffuse,
this uncovered area in the second span is receiving the diffuse light and GGR is
less than 40% .While 16 – 19 meter are receiving the direct light. In 16 – 19 meter
GGR is 90 – 100%.
The third span which is 20 – 25 meter is totally covered but due to angle of
the sun the observer in 19-20 meter which is uncovered area of last span theses
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 47

Figure 3.25: Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of November

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 48

Figure 3.26: Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of November

observers are receiving both direct and diffuse light so GGR is less than 70% while
observer in 20 – 25 meter are receiving the diffuse light and GGR is about 40 –
The first span is of 0 – 10 meter in width. The covered area is of 0 – 5 meter in
width but due to the increase in the height of the panel, the observers under the 0 –
5 meter are receiving the diffuse light most time of the day and only small fraction
of direct light the global radiance is 35% to 40%. The observer in 5 – 6 meter are
receiving the direct light because this area is uncovered so here global radiance has
increased and is about 80% and yellow greenish in color. The uncovered area is
7-10 it should receive only direct light but due to increase in height and sun angle
in the month of November this portion is receiving the most part of the day only
diffuse light and small fraction of direct light has the global radiance up to 40%.
The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. 10 – 15 is covered area and 15
– 20 is uncovered. The observer in 10 – 15 meter are receiving the only diffuse.
While 16 – 17 meter are receiving the direct light. In 16 – 17 meter GGR is 90 –
100%. The covered area in the second span which is 10 – 15 is receiving the diffuse
light and GGR is less than 30% to 40%.
The third span which is 20 – 25 meter is totally covered but due to the increase
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 49

Figure 3.27: Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of November

in the height of panel and angle of the sun the observer in 24 – 25 meter they are
receiving both direct and diffuse light so GGR is less than 45% while observer in
20 – 24 meter are receiving the diffuse light and GGR 30%.
When the height of the panel is increased up to 6 meter, all observers under cov-
ered and uncovered area are shaded has the GGR of about 30 – 40%.The observer
along the walls of the both spans has 60 – 70% GGR.
When the height of the panel is increased up to 8 meter, all observers under
covered and uncovered area are shaded has the GGR of about 30%.The observer
along the walls of the both spans has 40 – 50% GGR.

3.1.8 December
In the month of December, there is change in the normal path of the sun. It rises
from the east but the angle of the sun decreases and decline towards south.
Now, according to the Figure 3.29 panels are placed at 2 meter height and we
want to calculate the global radiance on the observers. In this figure, the first span
is 10 meter in width (y-axis’s). The covered area is of 0 – 5 meter and uncovered
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 50

Figure 3.28: Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of November

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 51

area is of 5 – 10 meter. But the decline in angle of the sun and placement of panels
are placed in such a way that they are providing shade to some of observer in the
uncovered area. In the figure, each cell represents an observer. The observer which
are along the wall, global radiance is about 60 – 70% because they are receiving
both diffuse and divert light. The observers under the panels are dark blue color
in the Figure 3.29 and there global radiance is less than 40% which means they are
only receiving the diffuse light. Now the observers under the uncovered are have
decreased in number because of the geometry of the panels which are intercepting
the direct light from reaching the observers and also the angle of the sun. Total
uncovered area remaining is 6 – 9 meter. The observers in this area is yellow in
color and are receiving the direct light and global radiance is about 90 – 100%.
Now the row of observer which was uncovered but became shaded due to panels
has global radiance of 60%. The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. The
area under shade is 10 – 15 meter and in dark blue in the Figure 3.29. So global
radiance is less than 40. In the second span, the covered area has increased because
of the path of the sun and geometry of the panels. So the uncovered are remains
is only of 16 – 19 meters. This area is yellow in color and has the global radiance
of about 90%– 100%.
The third span is fully covered and is 20- 25 meter in width. These covered
panels are intercepting the direct light in 19 – 20 meter area which is now receiving
the diffuse light instead of direct light. The area of 20 – 25 meter in dark blue in
color and has global radiance of less than 40%. .
Again the first span is of 0 – 10 meter in width. The covered area is of 0 – 5
meter in width but due to the increase in the height of the panel, the observers
under the 0 – 1 meter are receiving the diffuse light so, the global radiance is less
than 40. The observer in 2 – 5 meter are receiving the direct light which being
covered because of the increase in the height so here global radiance has increased
and is about 90 – 100 and yellow in color. The uncovered area has increased and
is receiving the diffuse light and is blue in color and has the global radiance of less
than 40. The second span is of 10 – 20 meter in width. 10 – 15 is covered area and
15 – 20 is uncovered. The observer in 10 – 12 meter are receiving the diffuse and
little amount of direct light. While 13 – 15 meter are receiving the direct light. In
13 – 15 meter GGR is 90 – 100%. The uncovered area in the second span which
is 15 – 20 is receiving the diffuse light and GGR is less than 40. The third span
which is 20 – 25 meter is totally covered but due to the increase in the height of
panel and angle of the sun the observer in 20 – 22 meter they are receiving both
direct and diffuse light so GGR is less than 70% while observer in 23 – 25 meter are
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 52

Figure 3.29: Percentage of global irradiance at 2m height for month of December

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 53

Figure 3.30: Percentage of global irradiance at 4m height for month of December

receiving the direct light and GGR is about 90 – 100%. . When the height of the
panel is increased up to 6 meter, the observer in first two spans under covered area
has the GGR of about 40 – 50%. The observer in the uncovered area of the both
spans has GGR of about 50%. The observer along the walls of the both spans has
60 – 70% GGR. In the third span last two three observers has 100% GGR while
the first two rows of observers has GGR of about 65%. .
When the height of the panel is increased up to 8 meter, the observer in the
center of first two spans of the both covered and uncovered area has GGR of about
45 – 50% observers which are place under panel they can only receive the diffuse
light on the other hand the observer which are place uncovered area are also shaded
due to increase in height of panel and movement of sun, these observer also covered
only can receive direct light in noon . The observer near the walls has GGR of
about 70% these observers are unshaded most time of the day. The last two three
observers in the third span has 100% GGR while the first two have about 65%
GGR. .
3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 54

Figure 3.31: Percentage of global irradiance at 6m height for month of December

3.1 Month and height variation of light on observer point 55

Figure 3.32: Percentage of global irradiance at 8m height for month of December

Chapter 4

Proposed Contribution 2

Chapter 5

Proposed Contribution 3

Chapter 6

Simulations, Performance
Analysis and Evaluations

Chapter 7

Conclusions and Future Research


In this chapter we summarize the general conclusions drawn from this thesis.

Appendix A

Chapter 1

A.1 Proof of Theorem X


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