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Dear Editor,

A puzzled job seeker

I am writing to share my views on occupation ( ). Recently I've been thinking which

one of the following occupation is the most suitable for me: a secondary school
teacher, a policeman or a flight attendant.

I majored in English and did my postgraduate diploma in education at the University

of Hong Kong. I would love to contribute to the community by using my talent. Which
one do you think is the best in terms of all aspects?

Yours faithfully,
David Chan

Writing (3)
In response to David's Chan's letter, write to the Editor telling him which one of the
three options should be the best.

Vocabulary Part:
I would like to explain the reasons for this choice in the following paragraphs.
account for
spell out
Dear Editor,
Job Seeking

In response to David Chan’s letter entitled “ A puzzled job seeker” dated 7th
October, I am writing to __________________ (提供) some career advice, which is
hoped to be ___________________ (有用). Among the choices of being a school
teacher, a policeman and a flight attendant, the first one is suggested/ advised/
recommended/ proposed. The reasons for making/ reaching/ coming( ) to this
decision are as follows.

_____________________(關於) the factor of personal safety, being a teacher is

more preferable( ) to a policeman. Apart from classroom teaching, what teachers
have to do is mainly paperwork. The chance of getting injured is
___________________ (細小). On the contrary, the job nature of a policeman is to
maintain the law and order of the town. In addition to tackling violent criminals, a
policeman is confronted by/ came across ( ) by ______________________ (激進)
protestors ____________________________ (有時).

The degree of job stability and prospects of being a teacher is higher than that of a
flight attendant. ___________________________( phr. 與...比較) the teaching
career, the job of flight attendants is temporary in nature, which only lasts for several
years. The large number of temporary contracts ______________________ (V. 導致)
a high turnover rate. This unstable ( ) nature implies ( ) that there is no guarantee
( ) of promotion. ________________________ (phr. 至於) a teacher, with
_____________________________________________ (n. 努力) and enthusiasm,
he/ she may be promoted within a certain period of time.

Given (p.p. ) the above thorough/ comprehensive ( ) analysis, David Chan

may consider ___________________________ (選擇) becoming a teacher. In spite of
this ( ), it is __________________________ (可理解的) different people are free to
make their own choice based on diverse/ varied/ unlike/ mutifarious/ different/
various ( ) considerations. There is no single univeral rule for everyone to
____________________________________ (跟從).
New Options: a doctor, an artist and an accountant

Reason for choosing to be a doctor (how it outweighs an artist):

Speaking of (當談及) the meaningfulness/ fruitfulness of the two jobs, the majority

incline to the view that a doctor can directly serve the needs of a larger of people

than an artist does. Most physicians are involved directly in patient care and save

milllions of life. Contrary to them, what artists do is cheifly/ primarily (主要) for

entertainment, which is not as important/ essential/ fundamental/ indispenssable/

intergral (重要) as the job of doctors. It is worth- noting ( ) that doctors have to

treat a variety of/ a wide range of ( ) numerous common health problems, which

is a matter of life and death.

Reason for choosing to be a doctor (how it outweighs an accountant:

When we take the job natures of a doctor and an accountant into account (考慮),

the former enjoys a higher degree of interaction with the general public than the

latter. An accountaant helps to ensure that forms are operated efficiency, public

records are kept accurately, and taxes are paid properly and on time. These tasks

involve a huge amount of papaerwork and thus, result in little interaction with

others. By contrast/ On the contrary ( ), a doctor has to diagnose and treat

problems of patients. To get a precise analysis of patients' illnesses, doctors ahve to

interact well with them.


1. There is no + N (沒有.../ 不要...)

 e.g. There is no need to hurry.

= It is not necessary to hurry.

 根本沒有理由要去爭論。



 其實喊都沒辨法。



2. SVO + in that + SVO. (…在於...)

e.g. You are important to me in that you support my living.

e.g. I desire to/ long to get a souvenir from Sally in that/ for the reason that/ on

(the) ground(s) that I am her super fan

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