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Professional Mining Engineering Consultant

Brief of PARA Consulting

✓ A professional mining services provider for Engineering and Operations

consultancy in coal, mineral and non-mineral mining.

✓ A private company that is 100% owned by national investors.

✓ Always committed to provide professional services at every stage of mining,

such as:
▪ Exploration and JORC statement
▪ Development
▪ Engineering and mining operations stages
▪ Financial/investment analysis
▪ Contract Management
▪ Risks Management
▪ Legal – Permit and Social and Community Issues
▪ Environment and Occupational Safety and Health.
Vision & Mission of
PARA Consulting

‘being Professional, Independent, Integrated and Reputable Consultant in
Mining Management Services’

▪ Always committed to provide a professional, independent and integrated
services in the field of consulting and operational management of mining
industry, such as
- Exploration Program, Feasibility Studies and Environment Impact Analysis
- Development and Construction
- Engineering and Operation stages through the product marketing by
always being committed for paying attention to the environmental aspect,
social, community and legal-permit.
▪ Always committed to achieve a harmonic sustainability, providing benefits
and added value to all mining industry stakeholders.
Scope of Services of
PARA Consulting
1. Exploration Stage:
➢ Coal, Mineral and Non-mineral Exploration Program
➢ Topographic Survey: Bench Marking, Terrestrial, Drone
➢ Feasibility Study, Resource and Reserve Reports (JORC and KCMI)

2. Construction Stage:
Design and Construction of Mine infrastructure

3. Production Stage: Technical services and operation management

▪ Mine Evaluation: Pit Optimizing, Mine Plan – Design and Mine Scheduling
▪ Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Evaluation: Data collection and Analysis
▪ Quality Control and Assurance: Quality Forecast, Processing Plant, Stockpile Management
▪ Contract Management and Risks Management
▪ Environment: Preparation of Environmental Document
▪ CSR, Community and Social Issues, Forestry Issues, and Legal - Permit
▪ Occupational Health and Safety: Preparation of SMK3P

4. Due Diligence
✓ Asset Prospect Assessment
✓ Advisor on Project Commercial Take Over or Joint Venture
Teams of PARA Consulting

YOGA SURYANEGARA – Principal Consultant, Principal Consultant, - MEng (Applied Geology),

MAusIMM, CPI - Yoga has more than twenty-two years’ experience as a coal geologist on the
fields of exploration management and resource evaluation, both on open-cut and underground
coal mining projects. He has worked on numerous coal projects within Australia, Indonesia, South
East Asia, China, and Mongolia. Yoga has also experience in Coal Resource estimation for
feasibility studies and bankable documentation in accordance with the JORC Code. Yoga has
been a member on the KCMI Committee (Indonesia JORC-AusIMM version) as well as the sub-
committee for the Indonesian National Mineral and Coal Policy 2018 and as Technical Advisor on
Indonesian Coking Coal Development Program in Indonesia Geological Centre Agency.

DENY HARTONO – Principal Consultant - BEng (Civil Engineering) and Master Degree on
Engineering Management, graduated from Curtin University, Western Australia – Deny has more
than nineteen years’ experience as coal mine analyst, cost analyst, contract engineering and
management, business development and business management. Deny was working at PT. BUMA
(the 2nd biggest Indonesian mining contractor) for more than fourteen years, the last position as
General Manager of Business Development with a demonstrated history of working in the coal
mining and had been successfully awarded with more than seven billions dollar coal mining
project contracts, including coal mining and coal hauling operation. He is a strong business
development professional and has extensive experience in developing coal projects from the
beginning until the project runs.
Teams of PARA Consulting

WISNU JATI – Principal Consultant – BEng (Mine Engineering) and Accountant Graduated –
Wisnu has more than twenty five years’ experience in the areas of all mining operations on the
fields of open-cut mining projects in Indonesia and Vietnam. He spent more than ten years
experienced in coal mining operations to deliver coal mining services at several Indonesia coal
region. He also has experienced for more than seven years in gold and copper mine operation at
PT. Newmont Nusa Tenggara (the 2nd largest Indonesian gold mining company). He has
professional capabilities on several aspect all mining operations (mining, hauling and port,
construction, budgets, contractor, local government regulation) from mine to port.

EKO AGUS SARJONO – Senior Coal Geologist PARA - BEng (Engineering Geology) and Master
Degree on Management and Business – Eko has more than ten years’ experience as coal
geologist extend to Indonesia and Africa on the fields of exploration management and resource
evaluation in open-cut coal projects. He has six years’ experience as Technical Project Geologist
in the field of Mozambique Coal Project for Vale and Rio Tinto where was responsible to conduct
exploration management program preparing for JORC Resources Report. Eko has involved
directly on Rio Tinto’s Mozambique successful drilling program which was stated for more than
1.3 Billion Tonnes JORC Coal Resources of mostly export coking coal. Mostly in many of coal
projects experiences, he directly involved in the field exploration management as well as in
modeling geology evaluation using Minescape and Minex Software.
Teams of PARA Consulting

AGUNG FRIANTO – Senior Consultant - Bsc (Applied Geology) - Agung has more than eleven
years’ experience as a coal geologist in the areas of exploration and evaluation of coal mining
projects in Indonesia. He spent the last of 8 (eight) years experienced period worked together
side by side with Yoga Suryanegara to develop coking coal project at some coal tenement at
north region of Central Kalimantan Province. He has planned, budgeted and managed
exploration programs (geo-mapping, drilling, coal sampling, and database preparation) in the
most of coal exploration project experience. All Agung coal project experience has been done
mostly in preparation for Coal Resource estimation for feasibility studies and bankable
documentation in accordance with the JORC Code.

IKA ZULI IRAWATI – Senior Consultant – BEng (Mine Engineering) – Ika has more than fourteen
years’ experience in the areas of all mining operations on the fields of open-cut mining projects
in Indonesia. She spent more than ten years experienced in coal mine engineer to deliver coal
mining services. Mostly in many of coal mining projects experiences, Ika directly involved in the
evaluation and mining management operations in open-cut coal mine design, block model, road
design, using Surpac and Minescapepit as well as on mine pit and dump scheduling using XPAC
and SPRY software.
Teams of PARA Consulting

NANO MARSURTONO – Senior Consultant – Chemical Analyst - Nano has more than twenty
five years’ experience in Quality Assurance and Quality Control of coal and mineral product in
some Indonesian coal project. He has strong knowledge and extensive experience on coal
processing, quality superintending, coal marketing in both of Thermal and Metallurgical coal
product. Nano has also good network with most of reputable coal assay quality laboratory in

HENDY HERMAWAN – Senior Consultant – BEng (Applied Geology) - Hendy has more than
fifteen years’ experience in the field of geotechnical and hydrogeological analysis. He has
strong knowledge and extensive experience on soil and rock mechanic investigation for mine
slope stability analysis and earthwork program. Hendy also has done many projects for
hydrogeological analysis in mine operation as well as in water source management.
Teams of PARA Consulting

YUDI PURWANDI – Senior Consultant – BSc (Applied Anthroplogy) – Yudi has more than twenty
years’ experience in the areas of community and relations and government legal-permit in
Indonesia. His experience in coal mining companies, spent mostly as community liaison for land
compensation, community development and government relationship program which comply with
Indonesian regulations. Yudi also has five year experiences directly involved in PT. Kelian Equator
Mining mine closed program.
 Professional Mining Services Consultant

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