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Unit 1 Short Test 1B

1 Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a zárójelben lévő ige megfelelő jelen idejű alakjával.
1 They (work) in London.
2 My mother (teach) maths at my school.
3 She (watch) TV at the weekend.
4 He (go) to English club after school.
5 Martin (wash) his hair every day.

Mark: /5
2 Illeszd be a megadott igék megfelelő jelen idejű alakját a mondatokba.
come finish work live study
1 She French and Arabic at school.
2 My cousin with an old computer.
3 They to our house every weekend.
4 I in a big apartment.
5 This class at 11 a.m.

Mark: /5

3 Rendezd a mondatok szavait megfelelő sorrendbe, úgy, hogy kérdő mondatok legyenek. Használd a
do / does segédigéket! Pl. Do they speak English?
1 play / they / football __________________________________
2 you / Spanish / speak __________________________________
3 Maya / the violin / play __________________________________
4 he / argue / with his friends __________________________________
5 know / they / the email address __________________________________

Mark: ___ / 5
4 Párosíts össze a szavakat a kifejezésekkel.
aunt father-in-law granddaughter grandmother nephew
1 my wife’s dad
2 my son’s daughter
3 my brother’s son
4 my mother’s sister
5 my mum’s mother

Mark: /5
5 Add meg a szavak többes számát.
1 lady –
2 woman –
3 dress –
4 factory –
5 paper –
Mark: / 5

Total: / 25

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