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Trabajo práctico integrador de 6to

d- Read the text and complete it with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (Lee el
texto y completalo con la forma correcta de los verbos que están entre paréntesis.)

My name’s Jim. I am 12. I was born in Switzerland. I ………………….(live)

in Manchester, in the north of England. I have one sister and two

In the morning I ………………..(get up) at 8, then I ……………..(get) dressed,

I …………………………..(wash) my face and I ………………..(have) breakfast.
For breakfast I usually have a toast and tea. I ……………. (not have) milk
because I hate it, yuck!! I …………………..(not have) a shower

In the morning because I have it in the evening, before I go to bed. I …………….(do) my homework
in the afternoon. My teacher is very strict and he …………………….(give) us a lot of homework.
However, I really like him. After that, I …………………(listen) to music. I have dinner with my family
and I ………… (go) to bed.

My best friend is Annie. She was born in New York, but she ……………. (live) in Manchester too.
She is 1.80 metres tall and she is very good at basketball. She ………………(play) it twice a day in
the sports centre but she ……………….. (not play) with her friends. She ………….. (play) on her own.
She ……………..(work)with her father in her family shop at the weekends, so we only
…………..(meet) with our friends three times a month.

e- Answer these questions about the text (contesta estas preguntas sobre el texto) 1-
Where was Jim born?

2- Does he like milk?

3- What does he have for breakfast?

4- What sport does Annie play?

f- Complete the following questions for the underlined answers and write the answers.
Use the words in the box.(complete las siguientes preguntas para las respuestas que
están subrayadas y escribe las respuestas. Usa las palabras que están en el recuadro)


1. …………………… does Jim live?

2. ……………………….does he get up?

3. ……………………. does he do his homework?

4. ………………….does he have dinner with?

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