Perception of The Nursing Students About The Effectiveness of Conducting Clinical Practices or Competence Learning Through Simulation Online

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Perception of the Nursing Students about the E ectiveness of Conducting Clinical

Practices or Competence Learning through Simulation Online

Currently the task in nurse education is to make programs convenient, accessible and clever to
a broader cohort of college students. In nursing education, the ow in the direction of
integrating distance education and Web-primarily based totally learning into curricula maintains
as college students and faculty experience the results of distance education technology on
teaching and learning. Just as in classroom settings, nursing applications brought via way of
means of distance education can contain college students as co participants who form
studying thru inquiry. Despite those bene ts, e-Learning has a extra drop-out rate than
traditional brought education. This can be due to the fact there are negative aspects for e-
Learning such as beginners need to have access to a computer and the Internet. They required
having computer competencies with programs inclusive of word handling, Internet browsers,
and e-mail communication. Slow internet connections or older computer systems may also
make gain access to the course materials hard, this could cause the beginners to get
disappointed and give up. Another downside of e studying is that scholars may also sense
isolated from the instructor. Learners additionally need to have good writing, computer, and
communication competencies. When instructors and di erent learners aren't meeting face to
face, it is feasible to misconceive what was intended

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