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1010 Rockville Pike, Suite 306

Rockville, Maryland 20852-1419, USA

301-738-8487 • FAX 8488 • TTY 8489
Computer Prompting & Captioning Co. •

Vpedal Foot Control and MacCaption

1. Transcribing text with a foot pedal control

Note: Do not try to transcribe the video within MacCaption. MacCaption has been
designed to work very well, if you transcribe the video as a text document in your
favorite word processor and then import the file to the MacCaption. MacCaption breaks
the text into individual captions to your choice in split seconds - saves lot of time.

Caption File Creation

You can use a foot pedal control like vPedal from vPedal works with iTune
(Mac). See the link for details: |

It also works with OS X Mac applications by using the OMNI application:

Or, you can use speech recognition software such as MacSpeech from or
ViaVoice. After training the speech recognition software, you listen to the video and repeat the
dialogue into the microphone. At the beginning, you are going to get lot of errors. But you can
teach the software to fix the errors and down the road you can expect to get about 95% accuracy.

Once you’ve obtained the script of the show, you import the text into our software. Our software
will automatically break up the text into caption blocks with about 80% accuracy. You can easily
do the final 20% manually using our software.

Working with vPedal

To control videos using the vPedal you must first download the plug-in for the media player you
will be using to play your videos. There are plug-ins for QuickTime and iTunes available for
download at and also an Omni plug-in that allows vPedal to work with
any program.

Transcribing Using QuickTime Videos

• Download the QuickTime Player plug-in at:

• After you’ve installed it, double click the vPedal Player icon

• Then click on the File menu and choose Open

• There are no settings or configurations you need to setup. The vPedal will operate the
play, pause, forward, and rewind functions of the video
• When you hit pause, and then resume again, the video will skip back 1 second so you do
not have to rewind

• To change this skip time to something longer than the 1 second default, go to vPedal
Player >> Preferences and change the value in the Auto-backup time field

• To change how fast the video plays, change the Default forward/rewind rate field

• Now open up a TextEdit file or a Word document and begin transcribing. If you want to,
you can resize the video and your Text Editing window so that the two or side by side.

2. Control Video inside MacCaption using vPedal

If you have a vPedal foot control from, you can control the video playing
inside MacCaption by assigning the keys “J’, “K’ and “L” inside the plug-in software for vPedal.

• Download the Omni plug-in at:

• After you’ve installed it, click on the vPedal icon inside the .dmg file

• Go to the Vpedal menu and select Preferences, then under Application choose

• MacCaption has shortcut keys already assigned to the Play/Pause, Rewind, and Forward
functions when you have the video window selected. They are J, K, and L. So all you
have to do is click on Rewind under Pedal Designations and type in J, click on Play and
type in K, and click on Fast-Forward and type in L.

Now click OK, go to MacCaption, select the video window and you should be able to control the
video using the pedals you assigned.

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