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What is a reliquary?
A container that holds a relic

What is a relic?
(noun) An object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of
historical or sentimental interest.

-Remnant of the past

-An object used a long time ago that is kept for its historical significance

-Something that is treasured for its past associations

-Bones/remains of an individual
Relics can be anything… but relics are always:

Relics can be... an object or an idea

useful sentimental
important antique
Form vs. Function vs. Design

Form: the visible shape or configuration of something- what it looks like

● Since anything can be a relic, a reliquary can come in any form. Traditional reliquaries tend to stick to
similar forms, but they don’t have to (think about the Buddhist stupa-shaped reliquaries all having similar

Function: the action for which something is specially fitted or used: an object’s purpose

● The function of a reliquary always remains the same. The function is to hold a relic.

Design: an arrangement of lines or shapes created to form a pattern or decoration

● Because the form of a reliquary can always be different, so can the design. But usually, the design is
highly ornamental and decorated. Sometimes its easy to recognize certain reliquaries as belonging to
certain cultures because of their similar form and design.
Medieval Relics and Reliquaries

Reliquary Bust of Saint Juliana

Medieval Relics and Reliquaries

The Fieschi Morgan Staurotheke, 1 1/16 in. x 4 1/16 in. x 2 13/16 in.
Medieval Relics and Reliquaries

Arm Reliquary, 25 ½ in. x 6 ½ in. x 4 in.

Buddhist Reliquary (7th-8th century)

Height: 7 ⅞ in.
Diameter: 4 ½ in.
Buddhist Stupa Reliquary (18th century)
Sri Lanka

Height: 6 ⅝ in.
Diameter: 2 ¾ in.
Contemporary Reliquaries
Sherlin Hendrick

“Smell” “Sip” “Savour” “Song”

Becky McDonah

Lakefront Defense: A
Reliquary for Mosquito
John Baldessari

“In 1970 Baldessari burnt all of the paintings he had created between 1953 and 1966 as part of a new
piece, titled The Cremation Project. The ashes from these paintings were baked into cookies and
placed into an urn, and the resulting art installation consists of a bronze plaque with the destroyed
paintings' birth and death dates, as well as the recipe for making the cookies. Through the ritual of
cremation Baldessari draws a connection between artistic practice and the human life cycle.”
What is the relic?

What is the reliquary?

What is the relic?

What is the reliquary?

Favorite artworks Why you liked them

9 ● Interesting to look at / detailed

3 ● Strong, clear message
● Thoughtful use of color
● Details related to the relic
● Objects incorporated were
5 2

4 1
Brainstorming, Research, and
Mind Map
Start by drawing this beginning of a mind map in the center of your paper:

meaningful helpful

important sentimental
meaningful helpful

Important fact
important sentimental


objects / ideas
Tips and Techniques for Mind-Mapping
● Use words AND images

● Keep lines between words short

○ If it’s closely related, it should be close in proximity

● Use different colors to separate ideas/topics

● Keep each bubble to one word or short phrase at most (no sentences!)
Pick two of the objects/relics you listed on your mind map
● Create two columns on a piece of paper
● Draw each object at the top of the column and title the column with what the object is

Answer the following questions in the column:

1. Why are these objects important to you? What makes them relics?
2. Do these objects make your life easier? How?
3. Would these objects be important to other people? Why or why not?
4. What is visually noticeable about these objects? What sticks out to you about them?
5. How do you care for these objects? (think about maintenance, cleaning, storage, etc.)
6. When looking at or thinking about this object, how does it make you feel?
Student Reliquary
As we go through the slides,
think about what each
reliquary might hold.
Clay Box can be in
any unique shape
really that has a lid
and meets
This is the lid and knob to
remove the lid.

Clay Box can be in

any unique shape
really that has a lid
and meets
Using hard slabs you can
take on very complex
geometric designs with flat
areas for surface designs.
● Come up with a challenging /interesting design that is unique.
Ideally not just a square or rectangle. Has a lid = a “box” /

● Whole composition/form is equally interesting.

● The surface has detailed execution of additive, subtractive, or

texture techniques. (not just carved designs with needle tool) -
reliquaries are highly decorated

● Lid is functional and has interesting solution for knob and lid
catch. Not a slab with a marble just resting on top.

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