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Latin Patriarchate School – Tla’a Al-Ali

Date: 26/02/2021

Subject: Relative Clauses (Defining and non-defining)

Q1: Put the suitable relative pronoun in the blank:

1. Linda worked for a man ------------- used to be a lawyer.

2. Unfortunately, I broke the computer --------------- belonged to my father.
3. My brother, -------------------- is an engineer, has a nice smile.
4. The woman -------------------- keys were lost was very upset.
5. London, -------------------- my uncle lives, is very beautiful.
6. Winter is the time ------------------ everybody wore thick clothes.

Q2: Tick  the sentences that are correct. Rewrite the incorrect sentences:

1. This is the woman who came to our house yesterday. -------------

2. My father, who son is a lawyer, is very happy. -----------------
3. The house, when we live, is not far from here. -------------------
4. Autumn is the time of the year where the leaves fall. ---------------------
5. I bought a new laptop which works effectively. ------------------------

Q2: Write two sentences (Defining & Non-Defining) from your own using
who, which, when, where

Relative Pronoun Defining Relative Clause Non-Defining Relative


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