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Topic: Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Pakistan movement

Submitted to: Dr. Tahir Jamil

Submitted by: Hazrat Ameer Mphil 1st semester

Date 30-6-2019

National Institute of Pakistan Studies

Quaid-e-Azam University Pakistan

The conception of Pakistan is directly linked with the charismatic and capable leadership of Quaid e
Azam Muhammad ali Jinnah. He was loyal and keen to the cause of Muslims as after his graduation
when he came back from London he joined Indian national congress for the Muslims to give them and
demand for their proper and basic rights. He didn’t join all India Muslim league firstly because he thinks
that it is based on religion But after close observation of Indian national congress he understood that it
is also based on Hinduism and protect and represent only Hindus not all the nations in subcontinent
than he decided to join all India Muslim league. He protects Muslims from the congress rule and Hindus
permanent dominancy because he was aware more than any other Muslim leader from the intentions
and policies of congress as well as of Hindus. He was so intelligent that he converted Muslims from
minority to majority and sought their equal representation in every type of legislation. He opposed
Nehru when he said that in subcontinent there are only two forces British and the Hindus as Nehru was
thinking about Hindu raj but Quaid e Azam said that there are another force also which are Muslims.
Because of this statement of Nehru and congress aggressive attitude towards Muslims Quaid e azam
once said that Hindus which is in majority thinks that Hindustan is only for Hindus. Quaid e Azam faced
both British and Hindus with a very prominent and respectable way and no one of them can deny his
polity as someone ask from him that probably all the leaders of subcontinent went to jail and you didn’t
he replied that I am a parliamentarian and prisons are for criminals. Muslims in his leadership stood very
strong and feel comfortable with him. Quaid e azam encourage Muslims towards Muslim nationalism
and the spirit of separate country. That’s why Allama Muhammad Iqbal chose him and requests him to
lead the Muslims. He reassured British and Hindus that by all means Muslims of subcontinent are one
nation. Quaid e Azam have a good and suitable model for Pakistan whether it was administratively,
politically or democratically but it was not followed by any single person or institution after the
departure of him. Some historian says that he wants secular state some says he wants theocratic state
but all he wants was a social welfare state with modern democratic institutions according to Islamic

Every movement or event in the world has their own history by which one can understand the
movement or event properly. Pakistan movement has their own history of independence. Muslims
conquerors enter subcontinent from west and North West. Some historian link the establishment of
Muslim rule in Sind by Mohammad bin Qasim in 712 A.D with the formation of Pakistan. After that
Mahmud Ghazni in 11th century conquer Sind and Multan and established Muslim role their so the areas
which came under Muslims conquerors before the formation of Pakistan are now in the territory of
Pakistan. Muslims remains the ruler of sub continent more than five hundred years but the death of one
of the great mughal emperor Aurangzeb in 1717 is consider the decline of Muslim rule in sun continent.
The reason of decline of Muslim rule in sub continent was the process of succession, internal
disturbances, external invaders such as ahmad shah abdali and the lust for luxury life and for power of
the Muslim rulers. The last mughal emperor bahadur shah zafar which was only by name an emperor
was sent to Rangoon for life imprisonment and his sons were killed by the British in front of him for the
unsuccessful attempt of war of independence.
The conquest of British in the battle of plassy and buxer in 1750s and 1760s proved their way towards
the throne of sub continent from that time up till 1857 war of independence the mughals were only by
name the rulers of sub continent the actual power was in the hands of British. After war of
independence the British government considered Muslims responsible for the upraising and after that
they shutdown all the doors on Muslims because they think that we capture the throne from Muslims so
only Muslims can do such types of strikes or conspiracies but the actual matter was that Hindus were
also present in this rebellion because of the harsh and strict policies of British government but British
government considered only Muslims for the war of independence. After war of independence British
government deprived all the Muslims from government jobs and important posts. Muslims also started
leaving their jobs under British government and stop acquiring western education but in another side
Hindus were very happy with their new masters and get jobs and important post under British
government. Hindus were busy in acquiring western education and they were in leading position in all
types of activities from Muslims. They pretended in front of British rulers that we are loyal to you people
and blames Muslims that they are not loyal to British raj and are aggressive towards British government.
During this time Hindus in sub continent began dream of Hindu Raj. At this time sir sayyed ahmad khan
realized the cause of Muslim backwardness in education and all other related matters. He wrote a
magazine the causes of Indian revolt in which he said that Muslims were not alone in this revolt and that
he suggested some policies of British government that the upraising is because of your policies and
Muslims have no intent to capture the throne from the British. After that he gave advise to the Muslims
that Muslims should to acquire western education and must go to public offices because Hindus are
busy in all of these and after that if Muslims don’t want to do so than they will not compete with Hindus
and they will lead in all types of institutions. Another thing was that sir sayyed ahmad khan advised
Muslims to be loyal towards British government as like there Hindus counterparts. After Urdu Hindi
controversy in 1864-66 he came with an idea which is called two nation theory which says that in sub
continent there are two nations one Muslims and the other Hindus and which can’t live together. In that
time Quaid e azam was in London and was not aware of that sir sayyed ahmad khan which gave two
nation theory will be completed practically by him in after days. This two nation theory was present
from the first day because in mughal period Akbar also try to unite these two nations with the invention
of his din e elahi but he failed. Quaid e azam Mohammad ali Jinnah which was considered an
ambassador of Hindu Muslim unity also try his best to unite Muslims and Hindus but at last he also came
to the idea of two nation theory. As when Nehru said that there are two forces in British India Hindus
and British but Quaid e azam refused and said that there is another force also which is Muslims. Quaid e
azam said that Muslims in subcontinent are a nation by any definition of nation.

Some political thinker believe that if Quaid e azam attend Aligarh instead of going to England and
Lincolns inn than it was expected that he realize earlier that Muslims and Hindus are two separate
nations with different cultures and religion. Allama Muhammad iqbal which was Muslim political thinker
and one of the great poet also try to encourage Muslims through his poetry and he remind them that
you should to follow your ancestors how they conqueror and ruled the sub continent.
He guide them through his poetry that how to get freedom and how to fight for ones rights. Allama iqbal
was the first man who give the idea of separate Muslim dominion within the British India or without it.
He chose Quaid e azam to lead the Muslims against Hindus. Allam iqbal wrote many letters to Jinnah but
there is no evident of Jinnah reply. He wrote to Jinnah that I know you are busy man but I think you will
not mind my writing as you are the only Muslim in india today that you can look up the Muslim
community and can escape them from farther damage and chaos. Quaid e azam follow the path which
was shown by these great political thinkers and scholars.

Quaid e azam mohammad ali Jinnah was not only a brilliant lawyer but also a competent politician. He
came to politics when he was mature and well aware from the political system of the world. He
practiced as lawyer to get money for his livelihood and for comfortable life as he didn’t like to use
politics as profession. Jinnah family belongs to ismaili khoja branch of shia Islam. In the age of six he
went to a school in Karachi, and then he goes to bombay for one year. After returning from Bombay he
was eleven when he went to Sind madrasah high school and in the age of fifteen he went to Christian
missionary high school in Karachi and in this time he was married to amai bhai. After that in 1892 he
went to England for the degree of law and at that time when he was there his wife died. He was very
clever and intelligent from child childhood. He completed his law degree in two years. He was the
youngest Indian student in the bar in England. According to Fatima bhai he used to spend all the night
on studying his books. One night Fatima bhai went to him and said that you to go to sleep because you
will feel ill but he replied that I want some big achievements which is possible only with hard work. He
remains there in England for the next two year to broad his study about their political system and
judiciary system. In England he was very impressed by the British liberalism. He was honest and truthful
throughout his life as someone said that true appreciation is that when your rival appreciate you so a
famous congress politician sarojini naido wrote Jinnah first biography. He was a devoted Muslim as after
partition in an address to Karachi bar association he said that why I join Lincolns inn in England was that
there wrote the name of our holy prophet saw with the names of best justice giver so that’s why I join
Lincolns inn. He has great affection for our holy prophet saw and said that he was a great states man
and great sovereign. He always believe in reality and inner faith as one day after partition liaqat ali khan
his secretary was busy in searching of best and suitable words to draft Jinnah statement he said to him
that I don’t care about beautiful language I only want to convey my message or idea as possible as I can
there is no need of beautiful words and parses for the statement of real leader statement if he is true
and honest in his words. He was one of the best lawyer in his time after returning from England a British
official sir Charles olivant offered him 1500 salary per month with permanent appointment but he
refused and said that I aspect that I earn 1500 rupees per day. After some years he became one of the
successful and most earning lawyer of Bombay. He was a man of great self confidence because once a
judge said to him in his case that you are not addressing a third class magistrate after that Jinnah replied
that you are also not addressing third class pleader. He used to say that failure is a word unknown to
He was very straight forward once his client which was very satisfied with his cases sent some additional
fee Jinnah returned and wrote a note to him that this was the fee and here is the balance. He was a man
of action and punctual once a judge ask him to speak loudly he replied that a barrister not an actor and
sometime later the judge ask him again to speak louder Jinnah replied that if you remove that bundle of
books which is in front of you than you will be able to hear me. In 13 February 1915 he advised to the
Bombay Muslim students union to follow discipline and give up all racial discriminations cooperate with
one another and with other communities of the country. Gopal krishna Gokhale which was Jinnah best
friend and a prominent congress politician said about him that he was a true and trustworthy human
being free from all types of sectarian issues. Gokhale said in near future he will become the ambassador
of Muslim Hindu unity. Jinnah was a very hardworking and even people use to say about him that the
word holiday is alien to Jinnah busy mind because when Jinnah and gokhale went to England to spent
holidays Jinnah did two things there first he create London Indian association and another was his
decision that after return to India he will join all India Muslim league. When gokhale died Jinnah said
about him that a great Hindu and as a tower of intellect. In Indian politics he produced his own name
with his dignity and statesmanship. He use to say to other politician that you try to do that what will
please common people but my way of action is different first offal I decide what is right and I do it. The
governor of Bengal R.g casey said about Jinnah that it is not too much to say that Jinnah is the only
outstanding Muslim of all India stature in Indian politics today. Mohan das Gandhi use to ask Jinnah that
when British leave India than how we will distribute power. In one of their letters Jinnah ask Gandhi that
speak honestly how will we distribute power when British leave India. He replied that I can’t answer this
because my inner light is not working. Jinnah replied that your inner light is working but your narrow
mind and shortsightedness don’t allow you to answer my question with trustworthy.

He believe that all the problems and issues can be solved through constitutional means as in 1936 there
was a mosque in Lahore which was Muslims property but Sikhs clams about that mosque some minor
roits began in Punjab because of that riots some leaders were sent to jail. When Jinnah reached there he
solved the issue with dialodge and consultation with one another and Jinnah called this dialodge
constitutional methods. The governor of Punjab officially thanked him and also appreciated his
technique of solving problems with constitutional methods. He was very humble and humanitarian once
after partition when he was passing through a camp of Hindus who stayed in Pakistan after saw their
condition he wept. Another time when Muslims and he suggested some amendments in Nehru report in
1928 when their amendments were rejected than Jinnah wept and decided to leave British India and
settled in England. After when he return to India in a speech to the student of Aligarh in 1938 he give
reasons that why he left British India was that he said that I was tired because there was no one to lead
Muslims with their true aspects and in another side there was congress leaders which were very
aggressive towards Muslims and minorities of British India. He said that Muslims were very helpless and
they were playing in the hands of British government and congress leaders.
He said that in that time I was fail to realize to the Muslims their true spirit and I can’t change Hindus
mentality about Muslims and unity. After Nehru report and round table conference he went to the
conclusion that there is no hope of unity between Hindus and Muslims because of Hindu sentiments,
their attitude and mind led me to decide to settle down in London. Jinnah was the friend of poor and
miserable people as in 1946 in a meeting with Muslim league workers he said that I am now very old
and God give me enough resources to live my life comfortably than why I am struggling is for the rights
of powers not for capitalists. He points out towards Bengal when he saw people starving because of
shortage of food he said that though it was very earlier but in Pakistan we will adopt such types of
policies which will beneficial and equal for all types of our people.

After returning from England in 1886 he started his profession as a successful lawyer and he build a
house in Bombay called Jinnah house. He was so competent in his profession that Hindus leader use to
hire him for their cases such as once Bal gangadhar talik. When he understood all the political system of
British India than he joined India national congress not Muslim league because first he thinks that
Muslim league is a political organization base on religion sentiments. His aim was to safeguard the rights
minorities in sub continent especially Muslims but after the reforms of 1909 on the issue of separate
electorate and some other issues Jinnah saw the true face of Indian national congress and admitted to
join all India Muslim league. After joining Muslim league he again try his best to unite Muslims and
Hindus because in December 1915 when congress was going to their annual meeting in Bombay Jinnah
ask the leaders of all India Muslim league to hold their annual meeting at the same place and in the
same time. In 1942 he said about this meeting of both Muslim league and congress at the same time and
place in 1915 that he actually wanted to unite both of these organizations and to bring them on the
same line. He said that my aim was to end the differences between them not and it was not my aim to
convert Muslim league into congress or to expose the sectarian sentiments of congress. Jinnah was
successive in his mission to bring Hindu Muslim unity because there were some issues or reforms on
which both were agreed. The problem of separate electorate was also solved as congress agreed that
where there Muslims are in minority they guaranteed some specific proportion of seat for them in the
future legislative council. Quaid e azam was consider the founder of lucknow pact in 1916 in which he
tried to bring Hindu Muslims as close to one another as possible. In 1920 when Gandhi started non
cooperation movement against British than Jinnah parted ways from congress because he was man who
believes on constitutional way and negotiation not on strikes and crackdowns.

After the khilaphat movement of Muslims and non cooperation of Gandhi in 1924 Jinnah started to
reorganize the Muslim league and he sought ways that how one will bring Hindu Muslims in one line and
closer. Jinnah thinks that our freedom is in our unity if Muslims and Hindus don’t want each other and
cannot unite than it is very difficult to get freedom from the British. For that purpose in 1927 he brings
both the party on one plate form on the issue of future constitution a committee was formed in the
leadership of Nehru.

This committee prepares a report which is called Nehru report in which one of the demands of Muslims
was separate electorate but here Nehru was in favor of joint electorate thus the report was not proved
as successful as what was Jinnah expectation. Jinnah later in his speech said that the report is not
acceptable to any Muslim because of the short sighted policy of Nehru committee they tried to keep
away Muslims from any fair part in British India political culture. Pundit Nehru was somehow better than
Gandhi because he didn’t talk about violence during 1937 elections and Jinnah said about him that he is
peter pan, he will never learn anything or unlearn anything. After that Jinnah tried again through his
fourteen points to bring all the communities of sub continent united and closer in these fourteen points
all the communities were referred not only Muslims but it was also rejected by congress.

In 1937 when congress won the elections with huge majority after the congress rule Muslims realized
that Hindus and congress dream is to established Hindu raj over sub continent. Hindus started different
types movements such as shuddi movement, vidhya manadar , and bande matram to show the Muslims
that Hindus are in majority and after British they have the right to rule over sub continent. In that time
Quaid e azam proved that he is a true and loyal leader of the Muslims of sub continent and he bring the
Muslims towards Muslim nationalism and produced among them the spirit of Pakistan because in 1937
elections almost all Muslims sided with congress which makes some 30 percent of the total congress
voters. Quaid e azam was advised by Allama iqbal in his one letter wrote to Jinnah that why Muslim of
sub continent are not consider one nation like others nation with in India or without it. After that Jinnah
was also convinced that Muslims and Hindus are two separate nations with different religion, social
codes, aspect of social life, different philosophies, literatures, different civilizations and their marriage
system. He said that our all types of customs are contrary to one another so Muslims and Hindus cant
live together. The British people and British minded people criticized Jinnah that you are going to base
religion for all these Muslims and Hindus issues Jinnah reply that why the British people forget their own
history of wars which were based only on religion and now they says that religion is personal and private
matter. In an address to all India Muslim league he argue that we have to give up the idea of united
India because Hindus don’t consider us their equal so how can one negotiate or share power with
Hindus which consider Muslims minority and not their equal. He said that Hindus don’t treat Muslims as
their equal but they think that Muslims are a minority and he said that Muslims are a nation by any
definition of a nation. He said an in interview to American news paper in 1942 that we are a nation by all
canons of international law.

Addressing a historical public gathering in Lahore in 23 march 1940 he said that we have a past
experience of two to three years and we learnt a lot from that experience now we can’t trust anybody
actually he was pointing to the congress rule in which Muslims was treated very harshly and tortured
especially in those areas where they were in minority. In an interview to London news chronicle in 1944
he points out that there is only one way of this Hindu Muslim problem that British India should be
divided into two separate and independent parts one Pakistan and the other India.

Quaid e azam Mohammad ali Jinnah was also one of the greatest constitutionalist. He said about Indian
national congress that their habit of harsh treatment of Muslims and not sharing of power with Muslims
leads Muslims to establish their own organization. He also said about the British administration that all
types of discriminations by British government with Indian people will lead one day India towards
freedom. He was a strong believer of solving all the issues with constitutional methods because when
Gandhi ask him to join their home rule movement and take your share in the new life Jinnah refused and
replied him that I don’t want to follow and adopt your methods and decisions because it is always prove
to us very harmful and disastrous. He said that it is evident from your methods they cause division in all
types of institutions. Jinnah wrote to him that your disastrous methods and extremist minds have great
impact on inexperienced and on the ignorant youth which is the base of all disorganization and chaos.
In 25 February 1938 Nehru wrote to Jinnah that until now I don’t know that what are points of dispute
and difference between Hindus and Muslims so please clarify them for my understanding. Jinnah replied
that it is very strange and it shows your high level of ignorance because these points of dispute are from
1925 and every leader discusses these from that time. He said that I ask you to be natural and study
closely all these points which is discussed both in public plat forms and in meetings. After that Nehru
again wrote a letter in the name of Muslim league and wrote that all India Muslim league is an
organization like the other types of organizations in British India and in our view Muslim league has also
more or less importance like other organizations with which we are dealing. Jinnah replied that it looks
you don’t understand my first reply of your letter but now again your behavior shows your ignorance
and militant spirit. He said unless congress recognize Muslims as their equal partner in power sharing
and all other related issues these disputes will never end and it is really difficult for me to explain further
to make you understand.

Finally in 1940 Muslim league in the leadership of Jinnah clearly demanded the formation of Pakistan for
the Muslim of India. This demand of Muslim league can be clearly seen in Jinnah articles of that time one
was the interview with an English news paper and the other was an article in Time and tide by which one
can clearly understand that what is in Jinnah mind and what the demand of Muslim league is. Jinnah was
a far sighted political leader and in this time he understands that the political future of British India will
largely depend on the upcoming general elections. He also realized that the British government is going
to handle the string of government to Indian people because he observed the situation very closely both
internally and externally. For that purpose he prepared Muslim league and Muslims of India for the
upcoming election and because of his political experience Muslim league won all their seats in the
elections of 1946. This victory in the elections by Muslim league and the British government believe on
democratic process and constitutional ways Jinnah was able to demand a separate Muslim state for the
Muslims of India. After this once in Lahore in a meeting Jinnah said to his colleague that Allama iqbal is
no more among us but if he was live and came to know that we did exactly what he wanted us to do so
and later in one of his speech he said that now no power on the earth can prevent us from
establishment of Pakistan.
Jinnah was one of the influential leaders of Muslim league, devoted and critical political actors in British
India as once viceroy appointed some Muslims leaguers to his national defense council. When Jinnah
was informed about the appointments he immediate order them to resign from the appointments and
wrote to the viceroy that it is not suitable for viceroy to misguide the Muslim league leaders holding this
high position. He said that it was very deplorable act on the behalf of viceroy that he didn’t seek our
permission and approaches them behind the back of Muslim leaders. After that Jinnah defended the
Muslim cause very well in Gandhi Jinnah talk and the conversation of letters in between them in 1944.
Gandhi wrote to Jinnah that why you are talking about two nations Hindu and Muslims in British India
and how can they don’t remain united and live with another. He said that before Islam and the arrival of
British they were living in India very peacefully and you now say that they can’t live with one another.
He also wrote would you think that if the whole of India accept Islam than the two nations become one
nation. Jinnah replied that Hindus and Muslims are two nations by any definition of a nation. He said
that Muslims are separate nation as Muslims have different culture, civilization, language, traditions,
laws and rules regulations. He wrote that both have different customs, history, way of life and by any
international standard Muslims of India are a separate nation. After some time Gandhi wrote a letter to
Jinnah that he is welling in favor of separation of British India with the following terms that we should to
give up the idea of two nations but we should to regard India as one family with different members and
Muslims can live where there are Muslims in absolute majority with in Indian domain. Jinnah replied
that this is not one of the good ideas and I can’t leave Muslims only with such of thin layers of
boundaries which can be damaged any time by the powerful. Jinnah said that I want a permanent
settlement of these issues not for some specific time. Gandhi second condition was that congress and
Muslim league will make a commission which will decide the boundaries of the provinces where
Muslims wants to live with in Indian domain. He said If the inhabitant want the boundaries according to
their wishes than we will settle it through adult franchise or some other proper way. Jinnah wrote to
him that it means that the right of self determination will not be exercise by the Muslims but by the
inhabitants of those areas which consist of so many other people than Muslims is point out to the
deprivation of Muslims from the right of self determination. Gandhi third condition was that if the
inhabitant cast vote in favor of separation than they will be allowed to form separate state after British
leave the country. Jinnah replied that we want separation in the presence of British government in the
form of two separate states Pakistan and Hindustan. One can look into the narrow and militant minds of
the congress leaders from their conversation with Muslims leaders. All they means were to agree
Muslim leaders on the term that when British leave India after that we will decide about separation but
Muslim leadership refused their conspiracy that after that congress will not share power with Muslims
or any other party in sub continent. After the beginning of world war two the British decided that the
executive council should consist of all members from India except the viceroy and commander in chief
of arm forces. They said that this member should continue their work with the present constitution and
after the end of war they will form their new constitution. With this announcement the debate of
representation started but firstly it was accepted that
Muslims will have equal representation with Hindus but not the British official not the congress allow
Jinnah to nominate their members for council. In last Muslim league with draw from all the process and
this process was not successful. There was confusion during the war that Japan might attack India but
with success of Attlee in becoming of prime minister of the British and the surrender of Japan to the
British led our leaders to give attention to their own local problems.

The historical success of Muslim league in the elections of 1946 both in the provinces and central
assembly was due to the regular and consistent campaign of Jinnah and now the voters of Muslim
league were spread all over the British India. Dr jal patel said about Jinnah that during the simla
conferences he was very ill and we advised him to take some rest and he said that when I went with
Jinnah to train station because he was leaving for somewhere in Bombay train station I request the
security guard that allow me to help him during climbing stairs. Fatima Jinnah his sister said about him
that after the second simla conference Jinnah became so ill that I called a doctor to come at home for
Jinnah checkup. He dislike capitalist system and chose democracy as an institution for the political
system of Pakistan and he said about democracy that democracy is the blood of Muslims and whenever
I go to mosque I find all types of people standing all around me without any discrimination. As Muslims
and Islam believe in equality and liberty of all individual democracy is also the second name of equality
and liberty. When he was about to leave Delhi on august 7 1947 Jinnah packed his English clothes and
wear white sherwani when he was climbing on the stair of air plane than he look back and said that it
looks that I am looking Delhi for the last time and when aircraft take off he said” that is the end of that”.
After he reached to Pakistan there was some confusion in the minds of Muslims and British official about
the nomination of governor general of Pakistan as India declared Mountbatten as their first governor
general and they aspect the same from Muslims but Jinnah refused him and said that his people wants
him as their first governor general. When he arrived at government house in Karachi he said that I was
not expecting that I will see Pakistan in my life so we have to keep special care of this country and
grateful to almighty Allah who gives us this precious gift. In his presidential address on 11 august to the
constituent assembly of Pakistan which is very important in the history of Pakistan he said that in
Pakistan people of all races and creed are free to live their lives according to their respective religion and
traditions. We are all equal citizens of this country we should to keep in front of us our ideal as Hindus
will remain Hindus with the course of time and Muslim will remain Muslims not in religious sense but in
political sense.

After this speech of Jinnah in constitutional assembly a new debate begin in between the modernist and
traditionalist in the political system of Pakistan that whether Jinnah wants secular state or he wants a
theocratic state. Actually Jinnah wants secular state with Islamic principles because a true Islamic state is
not consider a theocratic state and he said that Pakistan is not going to be theocratic state and ruled by
priests. He said that Pakistan will not be a theocratic state because we have Christians, Hindus and other
minority communities in our country which have equal rights as of Muslims in the affairs of this country
Jinnah said in his address to civil, military, naval and air force officers of Pakistan that we have now our
own country where we are free to live our lives with our own culture, tradition and according with the
social justice principles of Islam.

Some historian such as Ayesha jalal and M seervi argue that Jinnah was nor in the favor of partition and
said that Jinnah only use Pakistan to demand Muslims rights in sub continent but as we know that
Jinnah was in favor of united India but due to the habit of non sharing power of congress leaders led
Jinnah to demand separate state for Muslims. Quaid e azam mohammad ali Jinnah died on 11
September 1948 due to tuberculosis. He was very ill at that time and his doctors constantly advise him
of complete rest but he was a man of action and use to say that work, work and only work. Stanley
wolpert an American historian wrote in Jinnah biography about his legacy and statesmanship that “Few
individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly
anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Muhammad Ali Jinnah did all three.

The achievement of Pakistan was not a bad of roses but one of the impossible task which was done by
Jinnah with his capable leadership and hard working nature. He faced both congress and British very
brilliantly. He face many hurdle as compare to his ancestors sir sayyed ahmad khan and allama iqball in
achieving this goal but Jinnah solve all these hurdles with great confidence and constitutional methods.
He was a man of polity and dignity he never made secret intentions even against his rivals. He is
considered one the greatest freedom fighter in the world because he got freedom through
constitutional methods not through rebellion and strikes. Jinnah was the one who was able to read the
minds of his opponents and from the first day he was aware of the congress secret intentions of Hindu
raj and their hostility towards Muslims. He was the man to convert a minority into majority because
Muslims in India were in clear minority but due the clever politics of Jinnah Muslims was considered as a
majority. He produced the spirit of Muslim nationalism in Muslims as in the presence of colonial power
people become spiritless but Jinnah with his single hands produced it in Muslims. Now it is our
responsibility to promote the ideology of Pakistan with the help of Jinnah formula faith, discipline and

 Rani amtita, arora Mahesh. (2016) role of Jinnah in the creation of Pakistan, international journal
of English and literature, volume 6, issue 6, page 1-6.

 Majid abdul, Abdul hamid, Zahidahabib. (2009) Genesis of two nation theory and the Quaid e
azam, Pakistan vision, volume 15, issue 1, page 1-13.

 Bolitho, hector. (2006) Jinnah the creator of Pakistan, London, oxford university press.

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