Magic Morning Affirmations: Jessica Estrada

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Magic Morning Affirmations

Affirmations allow you to program your mind with more positive, high vibe
thoughts that will help you create a life beyond your wildest dreams. Read these
affirmations out loud every morning and say them like you mean it. Feel the vi-
bration of the words all the way to your core and allow yourself to dwell in those
warm and fuzzy feelings.

1. I accept myself just as I am.

2. I love myself deeply and unconditionally.
3. I am beautiful. I am enough. I am blessed.
4. I fully surrender my desires and trust that the universe has my back.
5. Everything in my life is working out for my highest good.
6. My success is inevitable.
7. Today is filled with blessings and I open my heart to receive them.
8. My life is overflowing with joy, love, and abundance.
9. Something amazing is about to happen to me.
10. I am deeply devoted to creating my dream life.
11. I am a blazing potential for greatness.
12. I am healthy. I am whole. I am complete.
13. I am a radiant, divine, magnificent being.
14. My body is strong. My mind is brilliant. My soul is fulfilled.
15. I manifest miracles in my life every single day.
16. I am light. I am love. I am joy.
17. I fully let go and trust in divine timing.
18. Everyday I am moving closer to my dreams.
19. The world needs my light and I’m not afraid to shine.
20. My heart is filled with gratitude for all that I have and all that is yet to come.
21. I live my truth unapologetically and I inspire others to do the same.

Jessica Estrada

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