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The Monthly Messenger

March 2021

He is risen! He is risen indeed! Worship With Us!

Christ is risen! Jesus is alive, and God has swallowed up
death forever. With Mary Magdalene, Mary the
Sunday Schedule
mother of James, and Salome, we may feel 9:00 am
astonished and confused, unsure of what to make Praise & Thanksgiving
of the empty tomb. But this is why we gather: to Communion
proclaim, witness, praise, and affirm the liberating Presiding: Pastor David Hill
reality of Christ’s death and resurrection. In word Livestream on Facebook
and feast, we celebrate God’s unending love, and
depart to share this good news with all the world. In-Door Service has been
Alleluia! resumed, but social distancing &
mask wearing are still in place.
Call Committee For those unable to attend, you will
The Call Committee has shared a letter from Pastor continue to receive a weekly email
Callie to the congregation. [please see letter on every Friday with the upcoming
pages 4-5] She is a possible candidate for pastor at Sunday’s Bulletin, which you can
Saron. This will be determined at the congregational use to follow along on Facebook
meeting on February 28th. Sunday mornings at 9am.
If you have any further questions,
please contact the church office at
(209) 838-7695

Table of Contents:
Pastor David’s Message pg. 2
CARE, Daylight Savings pg. 3
Letter from Prospective
Pastor, Pr. Callie Torres pgs. 4-5
Birthdays, Crossword Answers pg. 6
A New Beginning pg. 7
KKM Monthly Craft (New!) pg. 8
St. Patrick’s Trivia Quiz pg. 9
Upcoming Events pg. 10
Bible Crossword pg. 11
Scripture Word Search pg. 12

Pastor David
Dear Saron Family:
In the Gospel of Luke 9:51, Luke tell us "As the time
drew near for His return to heaven, Jesus resolutely
set out for Jerusalem.” This would be Jesus' last
journey to the Holy City. Palm Sunday is a day of
great excitement and celebration. But Jesus knew that
betrayal, humiliation, pain, suffering and death
awaited Him. He went to His destiny but also
believed that the end was not death but the promised
Resurrection. This is the real Good News!!

Death could not tie Jesus down. He told his

followers that on the third day He would rise from Bell Ringer in Training.
the dead. No power on the earth or the universe could Each Sunday, when Grandpa
keep Him ln the grave. Because of this powerful act Strand rings the bell, Emma
of God you and all of God's people have new and McNinch comes to help. We see
eternal Life! This way we can worship and celebrate an Acolyte in training for the
our Risen Lord and Savior. future.

Christ has Risen! He has Risen Indeed!! May our

Risen Lord Bless you all. Join us on Facebook!
Pastor David Search for us by “Saron
Lutheran Church,” our icon is
the front of the church.

Rest in Peace
Geraldine “Gerry” Neky
Born: 12-24-1930 Chicago, IL.
Died: 2-7-2021 Manteca, CA.
Gerry died peacefully in her
sleep in the early morning. She
is now joyfully reunited with
her late husband Joe and our
Heavenly Father.
A Memorial Service will be
held on FB Live 3-20-21
@1:00pm on the Saron
Facebook page.

Breaking News! Finance

We wanted to thank those
We are pleased to share with you that that have sent their offerings.
the congregation voted to approve the If you are able, please send
calling of Pastor Callie Torres and the your offering to the church.
compensation and benefit package. Thank you
Today, this favorable vote has been
conveyed to Pastor Callie, who has
verbally accepted our call, and over the
next thirty days we will work on a
written contract with her. The final vote
and the voting process was approved
and validated by Bishop Mark
Phil Sandall, Church Council President
Dave Strand, Call Committee

Don’t Forget!
Sunday, March 14

C.A.R.E. requests for the month of

In March, you are encouraged to
take canned meats for distribution
at C.A.R.E. (Community Action
Resources of Escalon), our local
food bank. Many provide monthly
donations by writing “CARE” and
the amount given under Special
Gifts on the offering envelope or on
the memo line of a check.
Monetary Donations
are always welcome

People of Saron Lutheran Church,

My name is Callie Torres and I am excited at the prospect of being

called to serve as your next pastor. It has been a joy to speak with
the call committee and to learn more about your congregation over
the last several months and I am eager to meet you all and serve the

I am a recent graduate of Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in

Berkeley and if I am called, Saron would be my first congregation
to serve as an ordained pastor. While this would be my first pastoral
call, I am no stranger to ministry and the life of the church. From
the time I was a child, I have attended worship, participated in
Sunday School, sang in choirs, served as a worship assistant,
worked as a summer camp counselor, and did a year of domestic
service. I am a bit of an “spiritual mutt”: I was raised by a Catholic
mother, I grew up in the Presbyterian church, attended a non-denominational college, and
served with the Mennonites. I came into Lutheranism in my twenties and I quickly came to
enjoy the theology, liturgy, and structure. I have an appreciation for other theological traditions,
but I call Lutheranism my spiritual home. My call to pastoral ministry came while I was serving
as the Ministry Associate of Christ the King Lutheran Church in Miami, Florida. My work there
was primarily with children, youth, and families; however, my ministry soon grew to include
connecting with local non-profit organizations and leading worship on occasion. The joy and
purpose I found in that work, along with the encouragement of mentors and the call of the
Spirit, put me on the path to becoming a pastor in the Lutheran church.

As your pastor, I will be bringing all of my experiences with me including my internship

experience in Bogota, Colombia. I served as the Intern Pastor of Castillo Fuerte, a small
Lutheran congregation on the outskirts of the city. During my time there I lead worship, Bible
Study, and discipleship classes, as well as assisted with the
children’s Bible School, and participated in workshops and
events with the denomination (Iglesia Evangelical Luterana
de Colombia). I am so thankful for the relationships that I
built and the ways in which I was challenged and grew from
my experiences there.
I am excited to be a part of Saron for so many reasons: the
church’s commitment to the Gospel, the work of the church
in the community, the strength of the relationships in the
congregation, and the wonderful involvement of lay leaders,
to name a few. I believe that God has called me to the tasks
of preaching, teaching, and leading worship and I look
forward to doing these things with the My internship congregation,
Iglesia Luterana Castillo
Fuerte in Bogota

community at Saron. I am eager to strengthen the

relationships between the many churches in the area and find
new ways to expand the ministry of Saron by connecting
with local non-profit organizations. I look forward to being
called to a congregation where I can live fully into my
vocation as a pastor, put down roots and grow with you.
I am currently living in Santa Maria with my husband of four
years, Jorge Torres, and our two cats, Pwa and Griot. While I
have lived in other places, I am a California kid: I grew up in
the Bay Area, went to college in Santa Barbara, and my
family still lives in the state. While I attended PLTS, Jorge
Jorge and I on a hike. We received his California teaching credential from Cal State
appreciate getting to know East Bay and is eager to begin his career as a High School
places and explore nature on English teacher in one of the many school districts near
foot as often as we can. Saron.

When I am not busy with the tasks of ministry, I enjoy hiking, cooking, crocheting, practicing
yoga, and playing my ukulele.

Jorge and I have filmed a video introduction that you can access here:
I hope that you are able to view it to get to know us a little better.

To get a glimpse of my worship leadership and preaching

style here are some links to videos of services I recorded for
a colleague at Messiah Lutheran Church in Hayward. The
first is from July 12, 2020 (sermon begins at 5:46)

and the second is from August 20, 2020 (sermon begins at 4:11).

I am praying for our shared time of discernment and the

upcoming vote on February 28th. I look forward to meeting
you all in person and serving alongside you all as your
pastor at Saron Lutheran Church. Pwa (left) and Griot (right)
our two cats. They have been
Grace and Peace, a part of my life for 8 years.

Pastor Callie Torres

John Rivers Scholarship Portals of Prayer
Applications for the John Rivers Memorial The Portals of
Scholarship are available in the church Prayer for April-
June 2021 have
Applicants must be a member of Saron arrived. They are
Church and a graduating high school available in the
senior planning to continue their education
in college or a trade school.
church office or if
you prefer having
Deadline for applying is April 23. one mailed, just let
If you have any questions, please contact Ann know.
Katie McNinch or Ann Shaddix.

How many months have 28 days?

The Messenger, Saron’s monthly newsletter is for all the

family of Saron. If you have anything you’d like included
such as a committee announcement, family update,
interesting tidbit, photos, personal experience or anything you
think others might find interesting, please feel free to email
all information to Karen Peters at
We will do our best to include it in upcoming Messengers.
Please include “Messenger” in the subject line on your email.
Deadline to send information for
3-20-21 Birthdays!
03 Gene Bartolomei
Feb 2021 Crossword Answers 05 Becky Emery
10 Heather Patterson
14 Kelli Armstrong
16 Kristin Gonzalez
17 Sherrie Cole
21 Anna Soliz
29 Shannon Grossi
30 Heather Thomasser

A New Beginning
By Heather and Gary Thomasser, Stewardship Ministry Team

What a difference a year makes! Last year at this time, Pastor Sheri had just left and Pastor
Hill had joined us as we entered the season of Lent. We were still worshiping in the
sanctuary. None of us had any idea what a quarantine would look like, or how long it would
last. Remember how you felt when you found toilet paper, sanitizer or meat in the store?
Throughout the year, we have had time to evaluate what is important to us. We realize that it
is the little things that are really big, like a hug, a handshake, a pat on the back, a smile not
hidden by a mask. Somehow we allowed ourselves to believe that if we could survive 2020, it
would be over. How depressing to see evidence on January 1st that the pandemic was at its
worst and we would have to wait for our new beginning.

Now, we take time during Lent to reflect on the lessons we have learned from Jesus’
teachings and how they impact our lives. We prepare for Jesus’ earthly death and ultimately,
his resurrection on Easter Sunday. We have come to expect Pastor Hill’s proclamation that
“Christ is risen” and our response, “He is risen indeed.” Easter always feels to me like a light
at the end of a tunnel. The understanding that if we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness, a
weight can be lifted. A new beginning.

It aligns so perfectly with what is happening at Saron. It seems so appropriate to me that the
Call Committee would propose a congregational vote to accept their recommendation for our
new pastor during this time. A new beginning.

As vaccines become available to more and more people, Covid statistics on infections,
hospitalizations, and deaths all are headed in the right direction, it gives us hope that
worshipping together in person, and even inside, is a real possibility. A year ago we could not
imagine how excited we would be at the prospect of meeting once again for in person
worship. A new beginning.

With that in mind, we will need to be prepared. It has taken creativity to manage constantly
changing rules and requirements during the pandemic and we owe a debt of gratitude to all
those who have been innovative, and flexible during this challenging time. When services in
the sanctuary can resume, we will once again need to reactivate more of our volunteer support
staff. When we asked for your financial commitments for 2021, we also asked you to consider
those areas where you were willing to contribute your time and talents, and many of you did.
Thank you. When we get the word, we will once again need more members to be willing to
share those talents. We are not in a position at this time to have in person signup sheets, thus
this appeal to all of you to let us know where you would like to help. We will need: Ushers,
greeters, acolytes, communion assistants, lectors and choir members. We will need people to
provide flowers and refreshments and to set up and take down tables and chairs. “Many hands
make light work.” It is reassuring to those people planning the reopening to know you are
eager to lend a hand when they call. All these months it has been the goal to safely reopen to
in person worship. That now seems to be within our reach. A new beginning with our pastor!

Dear friends in Christ,

As you know, the Covid crisis has presented our church with many challenges including a financial one.
With that in mind, we are encouraging you more than ever to help make items for the Kris Kringle Market
this year. We know you each have a myriad of talents and we hope you will tap into those. You really
don’t have to be “crafty” to contribute. Although we are unable to have our craft days right now, we are
including some simple ideas in each month’s Messenger and there are many more you can check out on
Pinterest. It is not too early to start! If you are already working on things or have some in mind, please let
us know so we can have some idea of what to hope for. Don’t forget jam as fruit comes into season or
baked goods closer to the actual event! Please contact Becky, Karen Peters, or Jenlane to let us know what
you are working on or hoping to or if you have any questions. Thank you all for your support!
Becky Emery, Witness & Service Committee


In addition to adding that something special to family

photos these mats are made with recycled materials,
always a plus! Read more about how they are made 3) 5)
2) 1) Beginning by measuring and cutting old pizza or
cereal boxes into 8x10” rectangles. The following
measurements will work for a 5x7” photo or picture.
4) 2) Measure and mark lines 1 1/2” from top and bottom.
Measure and mark lines 2 1/2” from both sides. Cut out
the inner rectangle you have created.
5) 7)
6) 3) Apply glue to the cardboard frame and adhere it to the
back of the decorative paper you’ll be using.
8) 4) Trim the paper until it is 1/2” from the edges of the
cardboard frame.
5) Cut your corners (see photo for details.)

• 6) Use a bone folder to tightly wrap paper around

• 7) Glue the paper folds onto the cardboard.
Aren’t these cute and so colorful? The great thing about
them is that you’ll be able to switch them out depending
on the season or holiday.
Go to link to view online:
ANSWERS: 1-a, 2-c, 3-a, 4-a, 5-c, 6-c, 7-b, 8-c, 9-a, 10-b, 11-c, 12-b, 13-a, 14-d, 15-d
9 9

You Might be Lutheran if…

You think that an ELCA Lutheran bride and an LCMS groom make for a “mixed marriage.”

Upcoming Events FUTURE DATES:

April 1st
UPCOMING DATES: Maundy Thursday
March 11th 7pm – In-door & FB Livestream
6:00pm – Council Meeting April 2nd
March 14th Good Friday
Daylight Savings 12-noon – In-door & FB Livestream
March 17th April 4th
St. Patrick’s Day Easter Sunday
March 28th 9am – – In-door & FB Livestream
9am - Palm Sunday Service Easter Egg Hunt following the service
In-door & FB Livestream

Easter Service
Sunrise Service
The Easter Sunday Sunrise
service, hosted by the
Escalon Ministerial
Association, will be at
Don’t Forget! Burwood Cemetery at 6:30
am. Bring a chair and dress
warmly. Pastor Hill will be
participating in the service.

Sunday, March 14 ANSWER:
All of them

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