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Virtualization and Compliance:

How to Maintain Speed While

Navigating Bumps in the Road

Hemma Prafullchandra
CTO, HyTrust, Inc.
Virtualization Today
Virtualization Emerges from the Test/Dev

• 18-25% of servers in SMB and large enterprise are

virtualized today

• More than 70% of users are comfortable deploying

production apps on shared environments

• “Virtualization First” is the deployment goal for

many larger enterprises
Source: Taneja Group

Virtualization Today
Virtualization Emerges
from the Test/Dev
ROI is Proven for Dev-Test
Sandbox and Tier 2 Applications
• 18-25% of servers
in SMB and large enterprise
are virtualized today • Primary Use Case to Date:
• More than 70% of users
are comfortable deploying
production apps on shared
environments • Primary IT Challenges: P2V, Rapid
• “Virtualization First” is the
Provisioning, Sprawl Management
deployment goal for many
larger enterprises
• Server virtualization has driven
storage and network virtualization
Source: Taneja Group

Virtualization Today
Virtualization Emerges ROI is Proven for Dev- The Next ROI Challenge: Tier
from the Test/Dev Test and Tier 2 1 Business-Critical
Sandbox Applications
• 18-25% of servers • Primary Use Case to Date:
in SMB and large enterprise Consolidation • More than ¾ plan to virtualize
are virtualized today an additional 25% of servers by
• Primary IT Challenges: mid-2012
• More than 70% of users P2V, Rapid Provisioning,
are comfortable deploying Sprawl Management • The combination of sprawl and
production apps on shared
higher business criticality for the
environments • Server virtualization has
driven storage & network next wave of virtualized
• “Virtualization First” is the virtualization workloads will place heavy
deployment goal for many burdens on IT operations teams
larger enterprises
• Demands higher levels of
Source: Taneja Group
infrastructure security,
automated management, and
best-practice control processes

Virtualization Management Inflection Point
Virtualization in Transition
Growth Phase Transition Control Phase
• VM numbers increasing
• Workload priority is higher
• CapEx savings leveling off
• OpEx efficiency declining
• Risk curve rising rapidly
Compliance Efficiency
Risk Management Focus Shifts:

From Growth to
CapEx Command and Control

Lower-Priority Business-Critical
Workloads Workloads Source: Taneja Group

Before Virtualization

Established Controls
 Physical Security
 Identity and Access Mgmt
 Firewall Mgmt (incl. WAF)
 Perimeter/network segmentation
 Asset Management
 Vulnerability & Patch Mgmt
 Log/Event Monitoring & Mgmt
 Backup, encryption
 A/V, IDS/IPS, …
Physical Datacenter
 Incident Mgmt
 Policies & Procedures

Before Virtualization
Established Controls
 Physical Security
 Identity and Access Mgmt
 Firewall Mgmt (incl. WAF)
 Perimeter/network segmentation
 Asset Management
 Vulnerability & Patch Mgmt
Administrators  Log/Event Monitoring & Mgmt
 Backup, encryption, A/V, IDS/IPS

 Incident Mgmt
 Policies & Procedures
Physical Datacenter
Typical Challenges
Poor hardware utilization leading to higher power/space costs
Limited flexibility
• Rigid architecture
• Long Mean-Time-To-Recovery
Near zero agility – provisioning assets/infrastructure
Limited redundancy/DR setup

Compliance Today
Reached a certain level of maturity

• Much to comply with: HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, GLBA, FISMA, NIST
800-*, SAS 70, NERC, …

• Many methodologies and frameworks to help: ITIL, COBIT,


• Clear delineation of roles and responsibility

• Typically top-down, risk-based approach

Compliance Today
Reached a certain level of BUT, constantly evolving given innovation
in technology and threats/risks; and new
• Much to comply with: regulatory/policy requirements
SAS 70, NERC … • PCI SSC established a Virtualization SIG in
• Many methodologies and
February 2009
frameworks to help: ITIL,
COBIT, VALIT, GAIT, ISO27K • Draft-800-125 released by NIST in July

• Clear delineation of roles
and responsibility
• Cloud Security Alliance developing
• Typically top-down, risk- guidance, frameworks and audit tools for
based approach
Cloud Computing

Compliance Today
Reached a certain level BUT, constantly evolving Challenge: Adoption and
of maturity given innovation in implementation
technology and
• Much to comply with threats/risks; and new
(HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, regulatory/policy • Demands actionable,
GLBA, FISMA, NIST 800-*, requirements auditable & portable controls
SAS 70, NERC, …) for the emerging highly
• PCI SSC established a dynamic environments
• Many methodologies and Virtualization SIG in Feb09
frameworks to help ITIL, • Greater automation and
COBIT, GAIT, ISO27K, …) • Draft-800-125 released by
improved processes
NIST in July10
• Clear delineation of roles
and responsibility • Cloud Security Alliance • Continuous visibility and
developing guidance, compliance auditing become
• Typically top-down, risk- frameworks and audit tools critical
based approach for Cloud Computing
• Models and frameworks
have to span both internal
and external clouds

After Virtualization


 Lower OpEx and CapEx
 Greater flexibility
 Ability to recover more quickly
Virtualized Datacenter
 Speed of server deployment
• Template-based provisioning
 Easy to maintain redundancy
 Cost effective for DR/backup

After Virtualization
Virtualized Datacenter


Control and Visibility Challenges

Unknown Perimeter
New powerful layer – hypervisor
• Configuration management
• Separation of duties
 Lower OpEx and CapEx Undefined access paths/new remote APIs
 Greater flexibility Virtualized infrastructure components
 Ability to recover more quickly Server consolidation – density & diversity
 Speed of server deployment
Fully functioning Assets are mobile
• Template-based provisioning
 Easy to maintain redundancy Lack of Visibility
 Cost effective for DR/backup • Trouble-shooting root cause
• Logs from each components

Re-review with Virtualization in Mind
Plan Establish policies, processes, procedures, and security
controls taking a top-down risk based approach.
Implement and operate policies, controls, processes
Act Do
Do and procedures focusing on automation and
Check Check Monitor/assess and review focusing on continuous.
Maintain and improve, take corrective and preventive
actions focusing on automation and consistency.
Operational and

and security
IT goals

and risk
Four Inter-related Domains of COBIT
Source: ISACA business goals

Existing controls/solutions are inadequate
Security Control Domain Additional Virtualization-specific controls
Access and User Administration: - Consider both physical and logical access
- Centralize User and Group (de)provisioning - Segregate hypervisor administrative duties (e.g. by
- Grant access on need basis function, purpose or ownership)
- Enforce least privilege - Control all access paths/remote APIs
- Reduce and monitor privileged access - Segment virtual networks
- Segregate resources by purpose or ownership

Change and configuration: - Harden hypervisor, virtual machine container,

- Inventory and track all assets virtualized infrastructure components & associated
- Authorize and track all change mgmt activity management servers configurations & monitor drift
- Monitor and manage configuration - Inventory and track all virtual components/resources
- Ensure that critical virtualized infrastructure
components are NOT turned off (accidently /otherwise)

Operations: - Patch hypervisor and virtual machines (offline &

- Vulnerability and patch management online)
- Retain granular logs for audit/forensic needs - Collect logs from hypervisor, management servers,
- Regularly review collected logs virtualized infrastructure components
- Log records MUST state who did what, when and on
what virtual object residing on what host

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