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Name : Aullya Mayandzru

Class : 3 BD
Nim. : 061930902809
Subject : Speaking 3

Unit 5 Exercises

Exercises 1
1. collecting ( He collecting glasses from the waiter’s station)
2. Replacing ( she is replacing some of the existing cutlery with steak and fish knives
and forks.)
3. Topping up ( she is topping up the empty glasses )
4. lifting ( he is lifting the ashtrays onto his tray )
5. Removing ( she is removing the plate useless from guest table )
6. Placing = he is placing the basket of bread and the butter in the centre of the table.
7. preparing ( he is preparing the hot food )
8. removing ( she is removing the movable food cover for the guest )
9. lighting ( she is lighting the cigarette for the guest )
10. bringing ( he is bringing a water jug to the table )

Exercises 2
1. (Right/Left),
2. (In front of/Behind),
3. (Full/Empty),
4. (Cold/Hot),
5. (Blunt/Sharp),
6. (Under/Over),
7. (Round/Flat), And
8. (Used/Clean)

Exercises 3
1. Kitchen,
2. Apron,
3. Butter,
4. Pocket,
5. Jug,
6. Lighter,
7. Butt,
8. Wholemeal,
9. Ashtray,And
10. Slice

Exercises 4
1. Because in hot and cold food have a different preparation, in food you must preparing
in hot kitchen, a hot kitchen is a kitchen that supports the use of heat in cooking all
sorts of ingridients, whether by boiling, steaming, frying, stir-friying and ect. But in
cold food you must preparing in cold kitchen that supports cooking processes that do
not require heat. It’s usually related to smokde ingrideints, fresh vegetables and fruits
or related to ingrideints that have already completed heating processes such as cooked
prawns, boiled egg and ect. And also in cold kitchens, emphasis is put on preparing
salads, decoratong plates or slicing ingredients.

2. There are some example of good restaurant etiquette ;

 Stand to the right of guest when removing or placing anything in front of
 Say, “excuse me” if you have to reach across a guest.
 Keep your left arm behind your back while performing any task with your
right hand.
 Inform guests if the restaurant is out of something before they read the menu
and order a dish you don’t have.
 Always bring all appetizers, entrees, and desserts at the same time. Never
leave one guest hungry while everyone else is enjoying their food.
 Serve from a guest’s left, using your left hand, and clear from their right, using
your right hand.
 If you ask a patron how their meal was and they say something isn’t right, fix
 Never blame a co-worker for something that goes wrong, whether the hostess,
the chef, the busboy, or the weather is at fault. Just fix it.

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