Mahatma Gandhi Scholarship Scheme (MGSS)

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Embassy of India, Kathmandu

Education Wing
Mahatma Gandhi Scholarship Scheme (MGSS) - 2020- 2021
4439926 (3pm- 5pm);

Acknowledgement Slip

Batch No. :     18th Receipt No:     MGSS2020(18)-73941

Name of Candidate
Father/Mother Name
Mobile/Phone No.
Email Address
Name of Institute/School/College
Date of Birth
Permanent Address

1. The Candidat e will be informed in due course in his/her respect ive regist ered email address as indicat ed on t he online applicat ion.
2. The Candidat e should ret ain t he email address and password in safe cust ody for fut ure correspondence.
3. For release of 2nd Inst allment for class XII, t he select ed Candidat e should submit t he following document s:
i) A copy of passed mark sheet of class XI (at t est ed by Principal)
ii) A let t er indicat ing t he present st at us of st udent st udying in class XII (duly cert ified by Principal)
iii) A copy of acknowledgment slip issued at t he t ime of online applicat ion submission
4. The above document s should be submit t ed by candidat e lat est by November 2021, Eit her physically at Educat ion Wing of t he Embassy of
India, Kat hmandu or Consulat e General of India, Birgunj Or via email: at t acheedu.kat, failing which t he scholarship may be
t erminat ed.

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