Quiz #1 (P4)

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QUIZ 1 – Semester 1 Term 1
Primary 4
Topic: Our organ system
A healthy diet

A. Choose the correct answer and write its letter (a, b, c, or d) in the brackets

1. Which of the following statements is not true?

a. Bones cannot bend and move.
b. Bones meet at the joints.
c. The skeleton is made up of 206 bones.
d. Skeleton is an active movement organ. ( )

2. Digestive juices can be found in the _________.

A : small intestine C : large intestine
B : stomach D : gullet

a. A and B only c. B and D only

b. A and C only d. B, C and D ( )

3. Which of the following characteristics of the multicellular organism is true?

a. Made up of one cell.
b. Need microscope to see the cell.
c. Made up of more than one cell.

Saint Nicholas School 1 Quiz #1-P4/Science/2018-2019

d. Has a tiny size. ( )
Look at the pictures below and answer questions 4 and 5.


4. The biceps ___________ and triceps ___________ in the picture X.

a. pull; push c. bend; move
b. contract; relax d. relax; contract ( )

5. Activities labeled X is ___________ and Y is ____________.

a. flexion; extension c. bending; moving
b. extension; flexion d. pointing; lifting ( )

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

6. Human has ______ bones as a baby and ______ bones as an adult.

7. Joints allow us to ______________.

8. Our _______________________ completes the food digestion then the food substances
will be _______________________________________________________________.

9. We must chew the food properly so that food is more easily ____________________
through the ____________________________________________________________.

10. The foods and drinks that contain ___________ are good for our bones.

11. Cells are the smallest units of _____________________________________________.

12. Based on the number of cells, there are two kinds of organisms, they are
_______________________________ and ___________________________________.

13. Bacteria and yeast are examples of ________________________________ organisms.

Saint Nicholas School 2 Quiz #1-P4/Science/2018-2019

14. Our stomach digests the food with ________________________________________.

15. Muscles work in pairs. When one muscle ______________________, the bone will be
pulled and other muscle __________________, the bone will be pushed.

16. Nutritional requirements vary according to _______________, _________________,

_______________ and _________________________.

17. Food additives are added to food to maintain its _________________________ and

18. We can read product labels, to find out information about the food product including
_______________________________, ____________________________________,
______________________, ________________________ and precautionary measures.

19. Examples of multicellular organisms are ___________________, _________________,

___________________________, _________________________________________.

20. We use a ____________________ to help us observe cells.

C. Answer the following questions in the space provided.

21. What are precautionary measure about food? Give an example.


22. What will happen to the food that has been completely digested?


Saint Nicholas School 3 Quiz #1-P4/Science/2018-2019

23. A diagram shows a skeleton.


a. What is a joint? ______________________________________________________


b. What kinds of joints are labelled I and II? Explain each joint!

24. Look at the product labels below.

Saint Nicholas School 4 Quiz #1-P4/Science/2018-2019

a. What is the meaning of Sodium 470 mg?
b. What is/are mineral(s) in this macaroni and cheese product?

25. Look at the figures below.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2
a. What are the characteristics of organisms on figure 1?
b. What are the differences between organisms on figure 1 and figure 2?

Saint Nicholas School 5 Quiz #1-P4/Science/2018-2019

Unit Answer’s key
1 Our body systems a, Multiple choices
1(d), 2(a), 4(d), 5(b)

b. Fill in the blanks

6. 300 (baby), 206 (adult)
7. move
8. small intestine, very tiny then carries to different
substances to different parts of our body (absorb to be
used by body cells)
9. swallowed, gullet/alimentary canal
14. digestive juices
15. contracts (pulled), relaxes ( pushed)

c. Problem solving
22. Our blood carries the digested food substances to
different parts of our body to be used to produce
energy and some will be kept in our body in the form
of glucose, protein and fat.
23. a. places where two bones of our skeleton meet.
23. b. I is the ball and socket joint, it allows us to
swing our arm in circles. II is the hinge joint, it allows
our legs to move back and forth in one direction.
2 A healthy diet a, Multiple choices

b. Fill in the blanks

10. calcium and iron
16. age, gender, activities, body weight
17. quality, and improve its taste and appearance.
18. serving size, nutrition facts, used by date,
ingredients list

c. Problem solving
21. this warns us about food substances in this food
product that may cause allergic reactions or may not be
suitable for people with certain illnesses. Example:
may contain a lot of salts, not suitable for people with
high blood pressure, not suitable for diabetics, etc.
24. a. this tells us the amount of salt in one serving of
this food product is 470 mg.
24. b. calcium and iron
3 Cells a, Multiple choices
b. Fill in the blanks

Saint Nicholas School 6 Quiz #1-P4/Science/2018-2019

11. life/living thing/ living organism
12. single-celled/unicellular and multi-
13. unicellular
19. any kinds of plants and animals.
20. microscope

c. Problem solving
25. a. very small, unicellular/made up of only one cell.
25. b. big, multicellular/made up of millions of cells
and has complex organs.

Saint Nicholas School 7 Quiz #1-P4/Science/2018-2019

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