A Handbook of Suggestive Therapeutics

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Medical Book and Publishing Company
Copyright, 1907, by C. V. Mosby Medical Book Co.

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Press of
Security Printing Co.
of St. Louis
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whose beautiful example and most frequent

suggestion, " JBe sure bou are rlgbt ant* tben go
abeao,"has given to my life whatever
dynamic quality characterizes this book.

I bring to the consideration of the medical profession not

merely the facts of personal experience and clinical evidence as

proof of the value of suggestive therapeutics in the general prac-

tice of medicine, but also a detailed explanation of how to apply

suggestion efficaciously, both with and without hypnotism as a

therapeutic adjunct. I give in explanation of those facts, ex-

perience and clinical tests as interpreted in the light of modern

scientific knowledge.
Many volumes have been written upon this subject by

neurologists, scientists, and phsychotherapeutists of note, but in

most cases they lack the practicability so essential to its success-

ful employment by the general practitioner. My aim is to em-

phasize the value of suggestive therapeutics in a field of work

that comes within his domain, which has not heretofore been

pointed out by the authors of other works of this character.

The presentation also embodies what I have assimilated and

found practical from a careful study of the investigations of

leading authorities on this subject. To make this book prac-

tical and easy of assimilation has been my constant aim. And
here it may fitly be pointed out, with a view to forestalling criti-

cism, that this book is not intended principally, or even mainly,

for neurologists and psychotherapeutists, to whom the constant

repetition of what to them are well known facts must inevitably

prove wearisome. It is intended rather to instill into the vast

mass of the profession to whom this entire field is as yet terra

incognita, those basic principles of physiological psychology


upon which the scientific therapeutic application of suggestion

in all its forms necessarily depends. With that end in view,

principles of all pervading importance are iterated and reiterated

as often as their application comes under consideration, in
order that they may become so fully absorbed and assimilated
as to be almost axiomatic to the reader.

To hundreds of American physicians I am indebted for

many kindly criticisms and valuable suggestions concerning my
lectures and demonstrations, which have been of invaluable aid

in laying the foundation for this work. I also desire to acknowl-

edge the valuable assistance rendered by Dr. K. W. Millican in

the review of the manuscript for the press, etc.

Americus, Georgia.

Preface. Pages.
Chapter I. Hypnotism or Suggestion? 11-15

Chapter II. Nomenclature Defined 16-20

Chapter III. Hypnotism Demonstrated 21-43

Chapter IV. Suggestion, its Uses and Abuses 44-54

Chapter V. Theoretical Considerations 55-88

Chapter VI. Other Phases of Personality 89-113

Chapter VII. Suggestion Applied Without Hypnotism .114-146

Chapter VIII. Hypnotic Suggestion 147-209

Chapter IX. The Opinion of a "Neuropath" and

Others 210-216

Chapter X. Some Other Practical Points 217-226

Chapter XI. The Psychologic Factor in Obstetrics 227-237

Chapter XII. Training the Subconscious Self: A

Rational Basis for Auto-suggestion ... 238-247

Chapter XIII. Correct Diagnosis a Safeguard Against

Blunders 248-256

Chapter XIV. Philosophy and Religion and their

Relation to Health' 257-267

Chapter XV. Conservation of Energy, Education and

Control of the Emotions, Breathing,
Relaxation, Dietetics, Etc 268-276

Chapter XVI. Roughing It as a Means of Health 277-285

Chapter XVII. Are All Specialists Egotists? 286-290

Chapter XVIII. Personality as a Factor in Therapeutics. .291-301

Chapter XIX. The Abuse of Personality 302-308

Chapter XX. Environment, Its Influence in Therapeu-

tics 309-313

Chapter XXI. The Brutality of Frankness, Honesty

Imperative 314-322

Chapter XXII. Physical and Mental Hygiene 323-329

Chapter XXIII. Suggestion in Education 330-338

Chapter XXIV. Moral Stamina a Therapeutic Power 339-346

Chapter XXV. Self Mastery as a Fine Art. 347-353


It would be superfluous here to do more than briefly allude

to the conditions under which this book was written. The

problems of Psychotherapy are forcing themselves so strongly
upon the attention of the medical profession that I do not think
that any experience that may throw light upon them should be
withheld. About fifteen years ago, while a general practitioner

of medicine, I became impressed with the great importance of

properly directing the psychic factor in therapeutics, and for

several years groped in the dark in search of ideas, with such

aids as could be gained from the older writers on hypnotism and

allied subjects.

Quite an impetus to my efforts was received during a three

months' stay in New York twelve years ago, in the personal-

ities of well-known men in the schools of postgraduate instruc-

tion in that city, but the far-reaching influence of suggestion or

the personal influence of the physician as a therapeutic aid in

the general practice of medicine was not even faintly appreciated

by the profession at that time.

About seven years ago I became convinced that the general

profession should have a better understanding of the theory and
efficacy of suggestive therapeutics and a knowledge of the prac-

tical methods of its administration; and being fully satisfied

that the methods which I had successfully employed in general

practice for several years would be of practical value to all phy-

sicians, as an addition to their therapeutic armamentarium, and

believing also that this knowledge would be a means by which

they could successfully combat the enormous increase in all the

forms of quackery which were at that time springing up as the

natural offspring of the rapid evolution in psychological develop-

ment, I began going from city to city, giving a lecture on sug-

gestive therapeutics, applied hypnotism, and physhic science,

limiting my classes exclusively to the medical profession.

The cordial reception and appreciation accorded me in this

self-chosen field of endeavor by the more representative portion

of the medical profession was beyond my most sanguine expec-
tations, and in all places that I visited the physicians taking my
lesson insisted that it be put into a permanent form, to be used
by them for future reference.

I was not yet ready to commit myself to writing upon this

much mooted and misunderstood subject. Within the last

seven years, however, the attitude taken by the larger part of

the medical profession in regard to the influence of the mind

over the body has considerably changed. The study of psy-

chology with laboratory instruments and methods has demon-

strated the relation between thought and matter in a most con-

vincing manner.

Monism, a philosophy which amalgamates or unifies the

two entities called mind and matter, is becoming more popular.

Physiology, psychology and biology are on friendly terms, and

harmoniously laboring to solve the problems that are being

forced upon all thinking people, as well as physicians.

In contemplating my venture of seven years ago, I now

fully appreciate the trite saying of Pope, that "Fools rush in
where angels fear to tread." Be that as it may, I have been in

association with those of the profession who have studied Psy-

chotherapeutics in all parts of the world, and they have made

no hesitancy in saying that I had boiled down and crystallized

the subject into a readily assimilable and excellent form for

practical clinical use. So now, after enjoying the confidence and

appreciation of the medical profession as a student and teacher

of Psychotherapy, I should deem myself reprehensible and cow-

ardly did I not give my "mite" to help those who need strength-
ening on this line of advanced professional equipment.

The strong prejudice and open opposition to the free in-

vestigation and employment of Psychotherapeutics has exerted

an overmastering influence upon the minds of many of the mem-
bers of the medical profession, and many there are who lack the

courage and moral stamina to enter this field and employ its

truths for the relief of countless thousands of individuals who

do not need medicine or surgery, yet are vainly crying to us

for help. While this state of apathy exists in the ranks of the

medical profession, the popular "ists" and "paths" and other

disguises are standing with open arms beckoning these discon-

tented and unfortunate ones to come into their ranks and get
their Psychotherapy in a placebo capsule of religious dogma or

bonepath massage.
I am also fully aware that it is not good policy for one seek-

ing popularity to speak out frankly and honestly upon this sub-

ject and tell the truth. Even physicians in many instances who
admit that they have made no effort to comprehend the prin-

ciples of Psychotherapy and apply them as a therapeutic adjunct,

feel that any theory or conception or method that does not con-

form to their preconceived ideas, however worn out, moth-

eaten and useless, is an insult to their intelligence. Yet, in

spite of my well grounded and justifiable apprehensions, I now

dare to offer this little volume containing ideas, impressions and
opinions, based upon conscientious abservation, demonstration,
tests, and clinical evidence, on the one hand and upheld by the
more enlightened element of the medical profession in the lead-

ing cities that I have visited, on the other, perfectly willing to

be ridiculed by those desiring to do so. If I succeed in con-

vincing some part of the profession of the justice of the cause

which I defend, and at the same time give others the opportunity

of discussing it with a thorough knowledge of the facts upon

which it is based, this alone will justify me in having undertaken
the preparation of this little handbook.
It is not my desire to oppose any system of therapeutics,

but to emphasize the importance of the mental factor in health

and disease, and to point out practical methods that can be ap-
plied by the general practitioner as an adjunct to his thera-

peutic resources.

I am fully aware that the ideas herein expressed will be of

value only to those who find in themselves that inexplicable

psychic response, which amounts to a conviction as regards the

truth of the principles elucidated, sufficient to dispel the general

unconcerned apathy or half-hearted uncertainty toward the

practicability of these methods.

It has been my privilege to get in close touch with my col-

leagues in towns and cities, in private practice and in hospitals.

Here I have studied their problems and been uplifted and in-

spired by their courage and devotion to their work, and have

learned to honor and reverence character, manifested in the

personality of a physician, as second to nothing in life. In

their homes, in their conveyances, in the sick room, and in their
private office work, as well as in hospitals and medical societies

and colleges, I have been given a cordial welcome, and here I

desire to express again my profound gratitude for such atten-

tions by turning this little book over to them as a grateful re-

minder of bygone pleasant relations.



Hypnotism is the art of persuading an individual to act

upon or execute an idea or a series of ideas, either consciously

or subconsciously. The condition is brought about by sugges-

tion. Thus defined and regarded in the light of present day
knowledge, the term has a significance entirely different from
that generally believed by investigators of twenty years ago.

The hypnotic or suggestive condition is induced with the

consent and co-operation of the subject brought under any per-

son's influence, or it is accomplished by playing upon his or her

ignorant credulity. The educational methods in vogue at the

present time in our schools and colleges are bringing to bear

upon the minds of our youth the same methods that are adopted
when we hypnotize an individual, having first secured his intel-

ligent, active co-operation.

The more intelligent person always makes the best subject,

just as the best minds take an education — another form of sug-

gestion — more readily. In both education and moral teaching

the individual is induced or instructed to act upon or execute an

idea or series of ideas, in order that his life and conduct may be

brought under their influence. All knowledge on any line is

the result of assimilated ideas, and its value is in direct ratio to

the extent to which these ideas are acted upon or executed.

The orator or actor who sways his audience with emotion from


tears to laughter is in the truest sense using hypnotism or sug-

gestion. The mob leader, blood-thirsty and murder bent, car-

ries his crowd at the point of emotion in the same way.

From this more modern conception of the meaning of hyp-
notism, we all use it unconsciously every day of our lives, both
upon ourselves and upon others. The successful men in every
community are those who are persuading others to act upon or
execute their ideas. This is true of men in all professions and
all occupations and branches of trade or commerce. Physicians

are no longer afraid to enter the field of physiological psychol-

ogy and appropriate its truths as therapeutic aids. The possi-

bilities and advantages to be derived from a knowledge of

Psychotherapy are appreciated today as never before in the

world's history.
In the following pages I expect to lead the reader to see

this subject as I see it, and to be persuaded to act upon a series

of ideas and execute them in relation to his patients in a way

that will assist him to help them to get well.

By the use of suggestive therapeutics, results can be obtained

where drugs, surgery and other methods of treatment are inade-
quate. The reading of this book alone by many of your patients
will give them all the suggestion needed to relieve certain psycho-

pathic conditions. Our more intelligent patients have a right

to be taken into our confidence. Many of them are assuming

that right and desire to know, aye, they demand that you tell

them why you are adopting a special method of treatment.

They want to know what you are giving them and what is to be

expected from such measures.


In numerous instances after getting well en rapport with my

patients, I have educated them into the principles of psycho-
therapy and turned them away from my care stronger men or

women, feeling that they no longer need rely upon a physician.

Through getting possession of him I have put him in possession of

himself. We cannot do our best for our patients without tak-

ing into consideration the higher evolutionary elements of human
personality, call them psychic, mental, intellectual, moral, or

spiritual, as you choose.

We are on the threshold of a great awakening to a conscious

realization of a higher conception of our duty toward our patients
and our privileges as physicians. By degrees, step by step,

slowly but surely, are we getting away from the superstition

that has so long darkened our conception of life. From the

time the little amoeba began to develop by sucking into its jelly

self nutriment from the water around it; from the time its little

jelly cousin, the moneron, put out his first pseudopodium, there

began the journey toward and the feeling out after a higher con-
ception of life. Long and tedious has been the way, slow and

painful has been the ascent from darkness to light. The law of

evolution in even the lower realm or sphere of life has never

mocked an amoeba or a moneron. The faculties back of the

amoeba and moneron realm whereby they found what they

reached out after were no more natural than those that move
us to seek a higher conception of life. The infant reaches out

hand and mouth for food; it is there. The real man, the higher
self which is here in a material nursery, is in the infant stage of

existence — it seeks to manifest itself in a truer sense. If the

little amoeba was not mocked, shall he be?

I am a confirmed optimist, it is true, but in the light of

present day knowledge we are warranted in having a high degree

of optimism in regard to the laws of heredity and training.

Where there was once an overpowering sense of the infallibility,

inexorableness and certainty, of what was called law —of the

absolute dependence of phenomena of all sorts, including the

supreme one of will, upon visible, tangible, material elements in

the physical body and its activities — there is now a growing con-

sciousness of self-activity and freedom. Pessimism as a philos-

ophy has not the sway that it had yesterday, and we are dwell-
ing more and more upon the will and its privileges as a basis of

character and health. We now realize that the mind helps the

body as much as the body helps the mind, that both mind and
body constitute a manifestation of the real self in action, and
that every human being has within him an inherent quality of

force that he can use for his welfare and happiness.

It may be that the light upon the landscape of the future

is but a reflection from the luminous regions of my own hopes,

but if we take into consideration the broader and higher course

of human events, such as the work done by the medical profes-

sion in problems of social vice, intemperance, hygiene, dietetics

and preventive medicine, sanitation, pure food, etc., we can but

feel that we are at last coming to a conscious realization of a
lofty ideal of the brotherhood of man, and that the day is not
remote when the physicians will be found doing all within their

power to help their patients to help themselves.


It is now believed by advanced thinkers who have gotten over

the stunned and stunning stages of the light that evolution has

shed upon us, that some individuals of all races have not reached

the point of development where the self-conscious ego is capa-

ble of taking their lives into their own hands. It is quite likely

that this is true. Such people will be helpless dependents upon

others to think and do for them as long as they live. There can
be no higher function of a physician than that of getting such

patients to act upon an idea or series of ideas and execute them

consciously or subconsciously, in order that their lives may be

brought under its influence, and health and happiness be main-


The following pages will serve to illustrate and explain the

position I have taken. I could easily fill this volume with the
reports of cases furnishing clinical evidence of the value of Psy-

chotherapy in the routine work of the general practitioner and

specialist, but I am fully aware that, after I have elucidated
principles and described technique and methods of application,

each reader must adapt these principles to his own personality.



By Suggestive Therapeutics, or Psychotherapy, is meant

mental influences in the treatment of disease, as applied both
with or without hypnotism, with the definite understanding that
any influences brought to bear upon the mind of the patient,

e. g., the impressiveness of the modern static electric machine,

the crudest device of the charlatan, including all such methods
as are employed by christian scientists, osteopaths, mag-
netic healers, and divine healers, as well as the influence exerted

in any way by the personality of the physician in words of en-

couragement, reasoning, persuasion, advice, etc., all come under

the broad domain of Suggestive Therapeutics.

Any mode of influence exerted by a human being by any

means whatsoever for therapeutic purposes conforms to the
same general When we
law. understand Suggestive Thera-
peutics we know the why of all the cures brought about by all

so-called mysterious methods in both ancient and modern times.

The miracle of the past is the fact of today, and what was re-

garded in ancient times as a miracle was a result of the employ-

ment of some law at that time, and perhaps even now, not under-

Suggestive Therapeutics is the only form of mental thera-

peutics that is based upon scientific principles, and is not in open

opposition to other rational therapeutic measures. It is regarded

simply as a therapeutic resource and not as a complete system

of medicine, though with it cures can often be brought about

where other methods have failed and even when used alone,
other therapeutic measures will frequently be unnecessary.

In Suggestive Therapeutics, or Psychotherapy, we make

use of hypnotism. By the aid of hynotism it is possible to exert

a greater influence upon the mind of the patient than can be

done through any other agency. But suggestion is of great

value in the treatment of disease without the aid of the deeper

suggestive condition called the hypnotic state, By suggestion

in that state,. or in that suggestible condition known as the hyp-

notic state, however, results can be obtained that cannot be

obtained by suggestion without that condition. I have demon-

strated and proved that proposition to several thousand Ameri-

can physicians, and I confidently expect the facts set forth and

demonstrated here to remove the least shadow of doubt from

the reader's mind upon this question. Simple suggestion, how-

ever, will be used ten times in the practice of medicine for each

occasion on which it will be necessary to resort to actual hyp-

notism. Yet I insist that it is the same treatment in kind, with

a difference only in degree as regards results. By the aid of

hypnotic suggestion results are obtainable that cannot be ob-

tained in the general practice of medicine in any other way.

HypnotismDefined . — Hypnotism, as we saw in the
last chapter, is nothing more than the getting an individual to

act upon or execute an idea or a series of ideas, either consciously

or subconsciously. Whenever an individual can be induced to act

upon a suggestion in any department of life in that sense, then

he is, strictly speaking, hypnotized; but for our present purposes,

let us regard hypnotism as being the induction of a mental and

physical condition in which the subject is more amenable or

susceptible to suggestion at the hands of another, and possesses
an increased ability to carry out that suggestion. In this con-

dition a greater influence can be exerted over the mind and

body of the patient. It is the induction of a suggestible condi-

tion. By suggestion in the hypnotic state, powers and poten-

tialities lying dormant and unused in the patient can be brought

into play. A consciousness of those potentialities can be awak-

ened in him. He is thus introduced to a new element in his own

life, be it physical, mental or intellectual, or moral, and that can
be accomplished by suggestion for the patient which cannot be
done by any other means.
The cases reported by Dubois, which he describes in high-

sounding, neurological phraseology, are just such cases as com-

pose nine-tenths of the work of every general practitioner in the

United States; and there are thousands and thousands of Ameri-

can physicians who have not one-fourth the verbosity wherewith

to describe it who are using their own individual methods of

Psychotherapy in this class of cases with equally good success.

We all use suggestive therapeutics every day of our lives, either
consciously or unconsciously.
I desire to introduce you to a higher conception of this

subject, one that is distinctly American, one that has struck a

responsive chord in the character of the more enlightened ele-
ment of the American profession, hundreds and hundreds of
whom have studied this subject in Europe and have witnessed
European methods of applying suggestive therapeutics.

Suggestion Defined . — You have no doubt ob-

served that I use the terms "hypnotism" and "suggestion" as

synonymous terms. Any idea or hint or intelligence or impres-

sion made upon the mind of an individual is a suggestion. Usu-

ally, however, when we use the term suggestion, we mean an
oral suggestion. So to make myself clear I will define sugges-

tion to mean what you say to your patient, and the way in which
you say it. It embraces everything in the personality of the

physician and his conduct in the sick room.

Suggestive Therapeutics, then, is the sum total of the influ-

ence exerted by the physician on his patient to help him toward

recovery, or for the relief of any mental or physical symptoms

of whatever kind; and, as we shall see later, this is always ac-
complished through the normal physiological processes.
Pardon me for being so explicit, almost prolix, in the defini-

tion of terms, but I desire thus to make plain my point of view

of this subject at the outset, and at the same time to utter a

protest against the lack of moral courage that some individuals

have assumed toward hypnotism and suggestion, while attempt-
ing to hypnotize or suggest the profession into believing that

they use an entirely different method and employ neither hyp-

notism nor suggestion!

It is the duty of every physician who is true to his Hippo-

cratic oath to adopt and use every measure that will alleviate

human suffering. A little deception in one sense is used as a

therapeutic measure by all physicians, and anyone who denies

this is yet in the embryonic stage of his appreciation of the

psychological factor in therapeutics. But it should be expected


of medical men, in discussing means to secure an end for the

greatest good of their patients, to be absolutely honest with each

other, as becomes men who are members of a high and noble


" Psychotherapy is suggestive therapeutics, and it is applied

in many different ways according to the requirements of each

individual case," as Forel concisely remarks.

Prehypnotic Suggestion . —Prehypnotic sugges-

tion is the mental preparation of the patient to be hypnotized.

So much which would have the effect of prejudicing the

lay mind against its employment has been done and said and
written upon hypnotism in the evolution of this subject through

the ignorance and superstition of the last one hundred years,

that you will find that the best results will be obtained when
you conceal from the patient the fact that you are using hypno-
tism or suggestive measures, until after you have obtained

therapeutic results. Then you may explain what you are doing,

and why, and the patient will appreciate your efforts. In some
cases I make no explanation because the patient is incapable of

understanding it. There is a prejudice, a fear, an antipathy, a

skepticism, toward the use of hypnotism in the minds of some

of the laity to such an extent that you will succeed with sugges-
tive measures just in proportion as you cover them up with
some other name or theory, as is done by the christian scientist,

the osteopath, the magnetic healer, the religious revivalist, the

patent medicine vendor and the health food manufacturer.



I will describe to you now a method which I have used in

connection with my class work with physicians on nearly four

thousand subjects, with the result that practically every one who
gave his consent and co-operation was hypnotized, without fail-

ure, I am sure, in one per cent of the cases.

Instead of appearing to use hypnotism in the presence of the

physicians on the individuals brought in for demonstrations, we

use a medicine in a bottle, one of the local antiseptic solutions,

and call this medicine "Somno-Analgesic Compound." We as-

cribe to this medicine whatever value or therapeutic property

we desire it to possess, and picture on the mind of the individual

what effect it will have, and getting his consent for us to use

the medicine, we secure all the co-operation necessary on the

part of the subject to put him into that suggestible condition

which is produced by suggestion and known as the hypnotic

state —the most unfortunate term, so far as the successful ap-

plication of suggestive therapeutics is concerned, that could

ever have been devised.

Some people will let a "medicine" put them to sleep, quiet

them, influence them, relieve their pain, even though it be only

a little bottle of pure water that we call "Somno-Analgesic Com-

pound," but they are alarmed at the bare idea of hypnotism or

suggestion. They will stand for Dubois to use his "moral ortho-

paedia," "reasoning," "persuasion," etc., while he unconsciously

hypnotizes them into acting upon an idea or series of ideas, and

executing them both consciously and subconsciously, as his re-

ports show. People who will not stand to have the truth ex-

plained when one attempts to show them that all forms of men-
tal therapeutics are based on sound, sensible, rational principles
of physiology and psychology, will allow the christian science

teaching to hypnotize them into an attitude of denial of pain,

sickness, and death, on the one hand, and into a mental attitude
of affirmation, iteration and expectancy of health and happi-
ness on the other. A very excellent form of suggestion they

have, based on a theory that is one-half truth only, but with

that one-half truth they get results.

If you were to ask me how to make a suggestion, I would
say, "In a perfectly natural way of talking, with the least affec-

tation possible." If you in the least doubt your ability to use

the method which will be explained to you here, be actor enough

to speak and act as if you had not the slightest doubt about the
results to be obtained. Talk as if you meant it, talk calmly,

earnestly and kindly. Use a monotone voice. Look at your

patient while you are talking to him. Look right into his eyes

and get him to look at you.

The following demonstrations and explanations were steno-

graphically reported showing in detail my method of demon-
strating hypnotism in my class work among the physicians.
There were present several well-known physicians who took part
in the demonstration described, who will vouch for the correct-

ness of the incidents here reported.


When we were ready for material for the demonstrations of

hypnotism, two of the physicians present were requested to go

out on the street and bring in two or three men who were
absolute strangers to us all.

The method here described demonstrates a simple, prac-

tical, efficacious method of inducing the hypnotic state to the

extent that anaesthesia can be produced, and each one of the

several physicians present demonstrated his own ability to do

so, using an entirely new subject, brought in from the street,

whom we had never seen before. The physicians bringing in the

men obtained for demonstration purposes were requested to seat

them in the ante-room. One of them was brought into the

room at a time, to be hypnotized, and as he walked in at the

door I addressed him as follows: (Take note that the medicine

used upon this occasion was only a small vial of water.)

A Pre-Hypnotic Suggestion Given. — "Take

this chair, please. Now, I will explain to you what I am doing
and what I wanted with you. Do you see this little bottle of

medicine? This is a sample of a preparation that I am intro-

ducing to the physicians, known as "Somno-Analgesic Com-

pound." "Somno" means sleep producing, and "analgesic"
means pain relieving; so, then, this is sleep-producing and pain-

relieving medicine. It is used by rubbing it on the forehead

just as you see me rub it on mine. You notice it does not harm
me and it will not harm you. Now, I have explained to the
physicians here that, in order for this remedy to have its effect,

it must be applied in a certain way, and that it is the way that

we get our patient to do and be while the medicine is applied,


Fig. 1.

A Condition of Voluntary Receptivity.

Before beginning suggestions to induce hypnosis, after giving pre-
hypnotic suggestions, have your patient relax every muscle, close his eyes
lightly and breath through his mouth, as illustrated in the above cut.

that determines its effect. I want you to take a seat in this

chair, lean your head back against the wall, relax every muscle,
close your eyes lightly, and breathe through your mouth, just

as if you were going to sleep. Then, as I apply the remedy,

you will soon get quiet all over, then get drowsy and sleepy,
and go to sleep, and awake feeling better. Now, see here, my
man, don't resist the effect of the medicine; just sit here and let

it have its effect."

Suggestions to Induce Hypnosis. — "All

right, take this seat. Lean your head back against the wall.

Close your eyes lightly and breathe through your mouth and
think of going to sleep. Now, as I apply this remedy you will

soon become quiet all over and get drowsy and sleepy, and go

to sleep, and awake feeling better.

I will talk to you to help you to concentrate your mind.

Now, as I apply this remedy, you will get sleepy, sleepy, sleepy,

so-o-o-o sleepy. Now, go to sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep.

"Now, you feel quiet all over. Your muscles are relaxed.

Everything is dark to you. You do not hear anything but

my voice. You are drowsy and sleepy, so-o-o-o sleepy. You

feel the sleep coming over you. You are going to sleep. Sleep,

sleep, sleep.

"By the time I count ten you will be fast asleep. One, two,

three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and you are asleep,

fast asleep, sound asleep.

"By the time I count five more you will be sound and dead

asleep, just as you are in the dead of night when sleeping soundly

in your own bed. One, two, three, four, five, and you are asleep,

fast asleep, sound asleep, dead asleep. Don't awake now until

I tell you.

"Every second your sleep will become sounder and sounder

and deeper and deeper. Sleep on quietly until I awake you.
"Now, you will not feel anything or hear anything or know

anything except what I tell you. Sleep on quietly until I

awaken you."
"Now, gentlemen, this subject is in a suggestible condition,

which I will proceed to demonstrate. I raise his arm.

Suggestions to the Subject Hypnotized. —

"Sleep on quietly. When I count three this arm will be stiff, so

stiff that you can't take it down. One, two, three; your arm is

stiff, and you can't take it down until I tell you. Now, when
I rub this medicine on your arm three times it will be dead and

have no feeling in it. Now, I pinch this arm" (thrusting a pin

through a fold of the skin), "but you do not feel it; there is no
feeling here at all; this arm is perfectly dead."

"Gentlemen, no one minds being pinched, at least with your

finger nails, so I give the easiest suggestion to accept, to accom-

plish an end. For the same reason I say to a patient, 'I will

examine this tooth,' while in reality I apply the forceps and ex-

tract it. This makes it easier for the patient to accept the sug-


"Now, sleep on, and when I count three, stand up. Put
your heels together, and when I say "stiff," be as stiff as iron,

so stiff I can lay you across two chairs and you will not bend.

One, two, three. Now, stand up! Get stiff, stiff as iron."

"Place his heels in the other chair, please, doctor." (The

man is placed with his head on one chair and his heels on an-

other.) "Now, hold strong, be stiff." (Standing upon his


body.) He sustains my weight of two hundred pounds

easily. "Now, relax, limber, sit down and sleep on."

"Now, my man, when I count three you will open your

eyes and be wide awake. You will be feeling good all over.

You will remember nothing that has been said or done, and will

find that you never felt better in your life, and will always be
glad that you came tip here. One, two, three, and you are
"Have a good nap?"
"Yes, sir."

"What do you remember since coming into this room?"

"Nothing at all but sitting in that chair and going to sleep."

"You are sure that nothing has hurt you since sitting there?"

"No, sir, nothing has hurt me."

Now, the talk that I gave that man about my selling the

medicine, and how it was used, and what it was used for, etc., was
the prehypnotic suggestion. In that way I got his voluntary

consent to sit in this chair and let the medicine have its effect.

In doing that, he was letting me put him in that suggestive con-

dition unfortunately named the hypnotic state. Notice again,

I had that man relax every muscle, close his eyes lightly, and
breathe through his mouth. He was then in a condition of vol-

untary receptivity. The very fact that he agrees to relax, close

his eyes, and breathe through his mouth, indicates that he is a

hypnotic subject, because it signifies his willingness.

As to who is a hypnotic subject, it is the individual that

does not know that he is to be hypnotized, whose confidence I

can secure sufficiently to get him to conform to the conditions,


just as we have demonstrated. I always secure the voluntary

co-operation of the individual and get that supreme factor in

human consciousness, the will, to assist me in accomplishing the

result. I get the co-operation of the voluntary waking con-

sciousness to act upon or execute an idea or series of ideas, either

consciously or subconsciously. In getting an individual to go

into that sleep-like condition known as the hypnotic state, I am

simply getting the real ego to act upon or execute an idea through

intelligent co-operation. That is the way by which that sub-

conscious condition known as the hypnotic state is produced.

Then, after the subject is hypnotized, I get him to act upon or

execute an idea subconsciously.

In nearly four thousand instances in which I have used men

of all nationalities for demonstration in my class work, I have
yet to see the first unpleasant result. In all cases pins were

stuck through their faces or arms and their bodies put across

chairs and one or more men stood upon them. I have used
lawyers, preachers, doctors, dentists, merchants, mechanics and

people of all trades and classes. As regards nationalities, Ger-

mans, French and English, Italians and Chinamen, Japs, Indi-

ans and negroes, have been my subjects. They have all proved
about equally susceptible as regards race.
The more intelligent individuals of all races made the best

Everyone that left the room went out with a pleasant smile

on his face, and most of them thanked me for the experience.

I treated them all kindly and acted in a way to secure the co-

operation of a high element of human consciousness.


One exception should be mentioned where we had a little

variety. In Colorado Springs a man came in drinking and I

suggested that he was getting sick, suggestion without hypno-

tism, and that he was going to vomit, and he did vomit, copi-
ously. In giving him a suggestion to relieve him of this condi-

tion, after suggesting that he was feeling easy and comfortable

all over, and that his nerves were steady and quiet and strong,
I suggested that he was feeling fine, and would go out feeling
like a fighting cock. I walked out behind him into a dimly
lighted hallway to tell the man securing men for demonstration
purposes not to bring in another drinking man, when this ruf-

fian, a miner weighing about one hundred and ninety pounds,

both tough and strong, began to exhibit his fighting cock quali-

ties on me. After flooring him, which was necessary for self-

defense, I got him into the room, but secured his release from

arrest by exacting from him a promise never to hit an old man

or a little boy when he wanted to fight, but to always hit a man
just like me. This he promised, and with my arm around him
I led him to the door with the injunction to be good and quit

In this case we had a demonstration of the efficacy of

simple suggestion on the one hand, and of "forced suggestion"

on the other. I suppose Dubois would have styled that "moral

orthopaedia." Many men, when drinking, are very amenable

to suggestion without hypnotism, and so is a drinking woman,

but you can never get an individual to accept a suggestion that

is not in accord with his character. Self suggestion is always

stronger than the suggestion of another, and the home training,

moral conviction, religious influences, etc., all go to form a self-

suggestion in the individual which is the basis of character, so

that the individual will never accept a suggestion not in accord

with, or that antagonizes, his own autosuggestions.

People have faith in medicine, and when we proceed as if

using a medicine, we utilize the faith or confidence that is re-

posed in this material agency, inert though it is as to physiolog-

ical effect, which proves a most powerful factor in producing that
condition known as the hypnotic state, on the one hand, and
getting results by suggestion applied as a therapeutic measure,

on the other.
This was illustrated for me once, when a woman brought a
seven-year-old child to my office in a great hurry to get
something done very promptly that would prevent a small silver
coin that he had swallowed from killing him. She had fright-
ened the child badly. After drawing the attention of the child
away from itself by showing some curios in my office, I said to
the little fellow, "Now you feel all right, don't you?" "Yes, I am
all right," was his reply. 1 then turned to the mother and set
out to assuage her fears by telling her that there would
be no
danger to the child from swallowing the coin, that I had swal-
lowed a coin when a small boy and did not hurt me.
it That I

had repeatedly had children brought to me who had swallowed

a coin and it never did any of them any harm at all. That her
child needed no castor oil, which she was about to give it, or
anything else but to be let alone. When I arose to turn her out
of my office, she exclaimed in a most emphatic manner,
doctor, are you not going to give him any medicine?" I saw at

once that it was impossible to reason with that woman, so I

said, "Yes," and forthwith prescribed one ounce of compound

rhubarb and soda mixture, and handing it to her, directed that

she give ten drops of this every two hours, and that I would guar-
antee that inside of a week he would expel that coin all right

and never suffer the slightest inconvenience. She received more

satisfaction in two minutes from that prescription than from a
ten-minute conversation in which I had reassured her all that I

Our therapeutic measures must be in accordance with an
individual's preconceived beliefs. I notice more patients in the

office of a physician who uses medicine as a means of satisfying

the mind of his patient, as well as persuasion, reasoning, advice

and other forms of suggestion, in conjunction with the placebo

prescription, in one day than I do in a week in the office of a

physician who entirely relies upon "therapeutic conversation."

In. another similar case, the mother was perfectly satisfied

when I advised that her child eat a baked potato with his

meals three times a day, stating that this would conduct the

coin to a safe delivery without the slightest harm to the child.

Our therapeutic measures must be adapted to the individu-

ality of the patient with whom we are dealing.

Demonstration No. 2 .
— "Now, Doctor Blank, I

want you to hypnotize the next man. I want you to convince

yourself that your suggestions are just as efficacious as mine.

"See, I have tacked these printed suggestions upon the wall,

over the chair that the man will occupy here. I will give him
the pre-hypnotic suggestion for you. By this I convert him into

32 hypnotism demonstrated;

a hypnotic subject. I talk him into willingness to sit in that

chair and let the medicine have its effect, while you carry him,

by reading those suggestions on that wall, into a deeper state

of suggestibility. Bring in another man, please." (Another

subject is brought in.)

A Pre-Hypnotic Suggestion Given .

that seat and I will explain to you what I am doing and what I

want with you. Do you see this little bottle of medicine? I

am introducing to the physicians here a remedy to cure head-

ache, quiet nervousness, relieve pain, etc. It is applied by rub-

bing it on the forehead just as you see me do here. It must be
applied in a certain way to get results. The physician here
knows how to apply it. I have explained to him that it is im-

portant to get his patient to conform to certain conditions in

order that the medicine will produce results that are expected.

That is what I will show you. I want you to sit in this chair

and let the doctor apply this to you just as if you had a head-
ache and he were going to relieve it for you. Now, look at me.

I want you to sit in this chair as you see me, relax every muscle,
close your eyes lightly and breathe through your mouth. Then
when the physician here applies this remedy, you will soon get
quiet all over and get drowsy and sleepy and go to sleep, and

awake feeling better. Now, I want to ask you, don't resist it,

just sit here and allow the medicine to have its effect. Take
this seat." "Proceed to apply the medicine, doctor." (Rub-
bing "the medicine" on his head on either side, the physician

read the following suggestions in a conversational tone, with a

low monotone, affirmative voice)


Suggestions to Induce Hypnosi s.

— "You
close your eyes lightly. Breathe through your mouth. Think
of going to sleep. As I apply this remedy you will soon get quiet
all over, and get drowsy and sleepy and go to sleep and awake
feeling better.

"I will talk to you to help you concentrate your mind.

"Now, as I rub this on your head you will get sleepy,

sleepy, sleepy, so-o-o-o sleepy. Now go to sleep, sleep, sleep,

sleep. Now you feel quiet all over. Your muscles are relaxed.

Everything is dark to you. You do not hear anything but my

voice. You are feeling quiet from your head clear down to your
feet. You feel a torpor all over your body. Your arms and
limbs are so-o-o-o heavy. You are drowsy and sleepy, so-o-o-o
sleepy. You feel the sleep coming over you; you are going to

sleep. Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep.

"By the time I count ten you will be fast asleep. One, two,

three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten — and you are asleep,
fast asleep, sound asleep.

"By the time I count five more you will be sound asleep and

dead asleep, just as you are in the dead of night, when you are

at home on your bed, — one two, three, four, five —and you are

asleep, fast asleep, sound asleep, dead asleep. Don't awake, now,

until I tell you.

"Every second you sleep will become sounder and sounder

and deeper and deeper. You now see what a quiet, sweet ex-

perience you are having. You are having a quiet, refreshing

sleep. Sleep perfectly quiet until I awake you.


"Now you will not feel anything or hear anything or know

anything except what I tell you. Sleep, sleep, sleep, quiet, re-

freshing sleep. Sleep perfectly quiet until I awake you. Every

second you sleep will become sounder and sounder, deeper and
deeper. Sleep on quietly until I awake you."

I then proceeded: "Now, doctor, hold up this man's arm

and suggest to him that when you count three it will be stiff, so

stiff that he cannot take it down." (The arm staying there as

suggested indicated that the individual was in a suggestible con-

dition.) "Now, take hold of his wrist, doctor, and say to him,

'Your arm will come down now.'

"You notice that arm came down with a wax-like resistance,

no volition exercised by him at all. When I feel that wax-like

resistance as I make the 'arm test,' I am quite sure that I can

produce anaesthesia by suggestion.

"Doctor, suggest to him that his arm will be dead when you
rub the medicine on it three times, that it will be perfectly dead

and have no feeling in it at all. You see, gentlemen, after that

suggestion I am able to thrust a pin through his arm without the
slightest evidence of pain."

(Doctor Blank asks if any other part of the body can be

rendered anaesthetic by suggestion, and if it is not a fact that
the back of the arm is neither very sensitive nor vascular.) "All

right, rub some of this medicine on his lower lip and suggest that
when you rub it three times it will be dead and have no feeling
in it. Notice this, please, gentlemen." (Thrusting a pin
through his lower lip from outside to inside an inch through the

lip.) "You see it does not bleed, even on the. inner surface of

his lip."

No place except the eye is more sensitive than the lip and
no place in the body is more vascular. As to why this does not

bleed, I will refer later on in my lecture. It is supposed to be

the influence exerted by suggestion upon the co-aptation of the


Upon one occasion in the presence of the faculty of Tulane

University, and of at least one hundred physicians and three

hundred medical students, I thrust a steel hatpin through the

cheeks of three hypnotized subjects. Then I requested a noted

surgeon there to name one man's face that should bleed, and
bleed more than just a few drops, and that I would remove the
pin from the faces of the other two men without bleeding, while this

man's face would bleed. The experiment was a perfect suc-

cess. I made the same experiment in Mobile, in the presence

of the Medical Society there.

The method of getting the part to bleed is to suggest pain

in the part, and the control over the blood supply to the part

through the influence of the higher centers over the vaso-motor

neuro-regulation of the blood supply is augmented. To keep it

from bleeding, suggest that the part is dead, perfectly dead, and

has no feeling in it. Then the higher centers seem to exert an

inhibitory influence over the flow of blood in the part, with which

in suggestive anaesthesia, the face pierced by a steel hatpin does

not bleed, at least in nine-tenths of the cases.

"Your subject seems to be comfortable, doctor. Now, sug-
est to him that when you count three he will stand up, and

when you say 'stiff,' that he will be as stiff as iron from head to
foot. I will lay him across the chairs for you, as there is a

knack that I have acquired of lifting a man in that position that

makes it easy for me.

"Put your foot there, doctor, and we will both stand upon

him. Give me your hand. Tell him to be stiff! to hold strong!

Now, come up gradually.

"You see, he easily sustains our combined weight of over

four hundred pounds in a line in the center of his body.

"Tell him to relax. Sit down. Sleep on. Doctor, suggest

to your subject that when you rub this medicine on his arm
three times it will be dead and have no feeling in it as long as he

is in this room. Tell him that when he is awake you can thrust
a pin in the skin of that arm while he is looking at it and he will

have no feeling in it, that his arm will be perfectly dead as long
as he is in this room.

"Now, suggest to him that when you count three he will

be wide awake, that he will feel good all over, that he will not

remember anything that has been said or done while in the

room, that nothing has hurt him, and that he will never have
felt better in his life, that he will be glad he came up here and
will always feel better. Now, count three and tell him to


"All right, my man, how do you feel?"

"All right, sir."

"Has anything hurt you since you came into this room?"
"No, sir, not in the least."

"Do you see this pin?" The doctor put some medicine on
your arm here and it has no feeling in it. I am going to stick

it with this pin. If you feel it in the least, let me know. Now,
look at it, here it goes; do you feel that?"

"Not a bit."

"That will never hurt you or never get sore in the least."

(The doctor asks if we ever have any trouble in waking a

subject?) "Not in the slightest. He is in a condition of in-

creased suggestibility, and to awaken him is only to get him to

act upon an idea or suggestion, and this he will do easier now

than ever before, provided you make the suggestion properly.

"Occasionally it is necessary to repeat again, 'Wake up.'

Rarely have I found it necessary to thump him on the face or

slap him lightly and speak more emphatically, 'Wake up!' Be

calm, well poised, and self possessed. Should you ever find a

subject that anyone else had hypnotized and found difficulty in

awakening, either turn an interrupted current of electricity upon

him or administer one-tenth of a grain of apormorphine hypo-

dermically, and see what he will do. I have never found this


What effect does hypnotism have on the subject, is asked.

"Whatever effect you suggest. The effect is determined alto-

gether by your suggestions. Hypnotism is but the induction

of a mental condition in which your suggestions will be more

effective and lasting. I will cover that question in detail in

my analysis of the subject later on.

"Gentlemen, you notice those men go out of this room with

smiles on their faces. They seem to appreciate and enjoy the


experience. The higher evolutionary element of human person-

ality has in them been put to a test. They have proved their

mastery over the physical man. Call this intelligence, will, or

reason, as you choose. It functions with the mind and is a

psycho-physical process.
As these experiments are conducted here I regard our demon-

strations as splendid mental gymnastics. Those men are sent

out of here with a new element of selfhood having been aroused
within them. The real man, the ideal ego, is more self conscious

of his mastery and control of mind and body, his servants, than
when he came into this room. I never hypnotized an individual

in my life who was not my friend after that, all because I dealt

with him kindly and he appreciated it. The man himself, the

real self, is not weakened and dethroned by the methods that we

employ, as some would have you believe.

When you rightly appeal to the higher self, you can take
that old physical hull, his body, and stick it, stand upon it, cut

it, etc., and it is all right with the master of that house, or

physical body, because every step you are taking is through the
power possessed within him.
How frequent it is that the operator becomes hypnotized

instead of his subject, thinking that it was some power that he

was exerting over the hypnotized individual, rather than the use
of an inherent quality of force within the individual himself.
It is largely a matter of confidence in human beings. Faith

in your fellow man, confidence in his ability to exercise inherent

potentialities that are written in his blood, and chiseled in his

cerebral cells, is the secret of success in this line of work, as well


as an important essential in rendering genuine service to your

fellow man in every department of life.

(Demonstrations Nos. 3,4, and 5 were about like those just

described, and a further report of these cases is therefore un-


"Gentlemen, with the next subject waiting on the outside,

I will demonstrate another method of inducing the hypnotic
condition by having him fix his eyes upon some bright object, so

as to get his attention while making suggestions.

"Take this seat, my man. These are physicians and I desire

to show them how I can get a man to look at this bright collar

button until his eyes become tired and how he will go to sleep

in a few minutes. I will put you to sleep and you will sleep not

over five minutes and awake feeling better."

"But I do not care to go to sleep, doctor," Bays the patient.

"All right, then, we will excuse you."

A physician: "Doctor Munro, I should like to see you put

that man to sleep and put him through the same test as you
did the others."

"I should be glad to do so, doctor, but this man says he

does not care to go to sleep and that is the end of it so far as

our efforts to hypnotize him are concerned. No one can be hyp-

notized against his will. Consent and co-operation are abso-

lutely necessary, except where auto-suggestion on the part of

the patient can be brought into play through credulity or fear

conditions which would remove the experiment altogether from

the realm of the justifiable.


The point that I have attempted to drive home upon your

consciousness here is that more people will consent for the med-
icine to put them to sleep than will give their consent to be

hypnotized; so by the use of the medicine you can accomplish

results that cannot be secured otherwise. It is a means to secure

an end. There is no deception in it, for I tell the individual

what I expect him to do, what will be the result, and what I

want him to do in order that the result may be obtained. The

medicine actually is the material means through which the effect

is induced. It does it by the impression it makes upon the mind,

the sensory nerves, if you please, and this impression reaches

and influences the higher cerebral centers. It accomplishes its

work in accordance with the normal physiological processes.

It may seem queer to you at first glance that we can in-

fluence the physiological processes by psychological methods.

But all medicines produce their results by their influence upon

function, even when taken into the stomach or applied hypo-

dermically. Medicine used locally as a means of suggestion is a

powerful functional stimulant. By it we can inhibit certain

brain centers and call into play an increased activity of others.

We quiet nervousness, we relieve pain, we restore sleep, we en-

courage secretion, nutrition and excretion.

All therapeutic measures can accomplish their results only

by acting in conjunction with those inherent properties and
forces within the biological element of the organism. Our in-

ternal medication only acts upon function. Medicine used in-

ternally or externally, whether for its physiological or psychic

effect, can through the suggestion giving it its psychological

potency, stimulate the function of every organ in the body.

Every center of activity in the brain can be influenced by

suggestion. Every organ in the body and all bodily functions

are under the control of the nervous centers. Every element of

the organism has its center of activity in the brain. All these

we can influence by suggestion, and we can use medicine and

surgery and all other therapeutic measures, not only for the

effects produced by their own physical influence upon the organ-

ism, but also as a means of successfully combating the disturbing
psychic factor through the influence of those measures upon the

mind. Every physician uses these measures, consciously or un-

consciously, every day of his life.

Do not understand by the ground that I have taken that I am

a therapeutic nihilist. I am first and last a regular physician,

anxious for any therapeutic aid by any means whatsoever that

will help to alleviate human suffering and cure disease. We

can demonstrate the physiological action of our medicinal agents

upon the physical organism, even in unconscious persons and

animals, as impressively and conclusively as by a slap or a kick

we can demonstrate to the person who denies it our ability to

use our hands and feet.

But understand, I am talking to you about the psychic fac-

tor in therapeutics, pointing out its value as an important thera-

peutic adjunct, to be used in conjunction with any measure,

medicinal, surgical, or otherwise, that will help to alleviate suf-

fering and cure disease, or that will put the individual in such

condition that a cure may take place.


This science as applied in the practice of medicine is based

upon these premises: There is inherent in mankind a psychic

power or mental force presiding over the functions, conditions,

and sensations of his body, and this inherent potentiality, which

is a property of the cells that compose the complex mechanism

of the animal physiology, can, under proper conditions, be evoked

and controlled at will and applied to the alleviation of human

WHAT that inherent quality of force represented by each

individual cell in the human body is, has in ages past been called

by many names. It has been designated by such expressions

as the "vis medicatrix nature," "the resident energy within,"

"neuric energy," and, in the terms of psychology, "the sub-

conscious mind," "the subjective mind" "the subliminal con-

sciousness," etc.

Tennyson referred to the same incomprehensible life prin-

ciple when he pulled a little flower from crannied wall and said:

Little flower —but if I could understand

What you are, root and all, and all in all,

I should know what God and man is.

The tendency of modern science is toward the possibility of

reducing all phenomena, physical as well as psychical, to a com-

mon cause.

Verworn remarks that "The attempt to explain the mystery

that surrounds living substances, the substance that nourishes

itself, breathes, moves, grows, reproduces and develops, has

exerted from the earliest times a peculiar stimulus upon the
mind of inquiring thinkers."

But while we do not know what that inherent quality or

force as represented by the individual cell is, neither do we know

what electricity is, nor what matter is, in any form in its ultimate

analysis, but we do know something, not all, of the laws that

govern these of Nature's forces, and by conforming to these laws

we are better enabled to make our struggle for existence.

By conforming to this psychological law, we can get results

in the alleviation of human suffering, and as broad minded men

we want to make use of anything that will help us to grapple

with the problems of health and disease.

Just as steam and electricity were governed by Nature's laws

that existed forever and only required science to make use of

them, so has psychic law existed forever, and a better under-

standing of, conformity to, and appropriation of this law are

destined to make the same revolution in the practice of medicine

as has been effected by steam and electricity in methods of travel,

manufacture and communication.

The intelligence of our age demands that the higher evolu-
tionary factors of human personality, call them by whatever
name you will, be recognized, and their truths be appropriated

for the welfare, health, and happiness of our patients.



This is an age of dynamics. It is a day when all minds

are turned in search of laws that govern hidden forces. The
intelligent comprehension and utilization of Nature's forces,

through compliance with the laws that govern them, has revo-
lutionized the external world of travel, manufacture and com-
munication. Step by step, humanity is entering upon the field

of finer forces. Electricity, a force unseen, through intelligent'

compliance with the laws that govern it, is utilized as never

before for the comfort and happiness of man. Man's progress

in the scale of evolution has been in just that degree that he has
utilized forces governed by laws not understood and has appro-
priated them for his happiness and welfare.

We are in this world for growth, and to help raise human-

ity in the scale of evolution is the only worthy purpose of all

human endeavor and achievement. Each individual represents

just so much energy, and by his use or abuse of this inherent
life force is he a factor for good or evil. A better understanding

of the laws governing the power that we are all using, either ig-

norantly or intelligently, should be a means of helping each

individual to use his life forces for the advancement of self and

for the good of others. The struggle for the achievement of

happiness and health is the greatest incentive to the activity of

the human race.

Evil is simply the result of misdirected energy. The universe

was made for man, and all the forces of Nature are beneficent

and are placed here for his utilization. By perfect conformity

to Nature's laws, health and happiness may be maintained; but

for violation of, or opposition to Nature's laws, disease, impo-

tency or premature death is the penalty.

In the study of hypnotism and the laws that govern its ap-

plication we are led into the study of the laws governing and

controlling the mind and its influence over the physical organism.

Suggestion, or an idea aroused in the mind of the subject by

impressions from without, or conveyed from one mind to another,

is found to be the dominant factor in producing the psychological

condition known as the hypnotic state. Perhaps no one subject

has been so much abused as the subject of hypnotism by the

very class of people who use the all-potent factor, suggestion,

which they either ignorantly or maliciously deny, as the force

by which most of their results as curative powers are obtained.

I refer to christian scientists, osteopaths, faith healers, and such

like. To point out the danger which attends the unconscious

and ignorant use of suggestion, both with and without the aid
of hypnotism, as well as the possibility of benefit that may accrue

from its intelligent use as an adjunct in the practice of medicine,

is my purpose .

Suggestion is an impression conveyed by any means of com-

munication whatsoever from one mind to another. It has been

used by every human being, profession, school of learning, sect,

"ist" or "ism" that ever existed. All education is the result of

repeated and accumulated suggestion. All theological sermon-

izing, dogmas and religions, make employment of suggestion

upon the mind. Our belief upon any subject is the result of

dominant suggestion. By our use or abuse of our powers of

suggestion do we become a force for good or evil.

So receptive is the human mind to suggestion, that we be-

come a part of all with which we have associated during our

existence. Our beliefs or convictions upon any subject are the

sum of the suggestions that have possessed us.

By suggestion we are enabled to build character in those

susceptible. Its use is of inestimable value for the correction

of vice, the cure of evil habits, and the prevention of certain

forms of insanity. By it the will power is strengthened, latent

talents are developed, and inherent capabilities of mind and

body brought into activity.
By the use of suggestion brain centers can be stimulated and

brain cells developed. Virtue can be instilled and vice eradicated;

purity or impurity, confidence or fear, love or hate, joy or grief

can be made the dominant quality of the mind.

By suggestion we exert personal influence which stirs human

activities and is a tremendous power for good or evil in the
universe. By this all available energies or forces of Nature are
being controlled and utilized for the happiness of man.

By suggestion every center of activity in the brain can be

strengthened and every organic function in the body increased

or encouraged to new activity. War and bloodshed, theft and


wreck and ruin of manhood and character, are the result of evil

suggestions that have been allowed to dominate the mind of an

individual or a nation.

The most sacred shrine of the soul itself is invaded, dominated

and profaned by suggestions intruded upon the individual in

which the ideal ego has not been awakened and evolved.

Suggestions are forces operating in the realm of cause with

effects that are as sure and unfailing upon those in whom the

ideal ego has not been awakened as the law of gravitation itself.

Suggestion is but disguised hypnotism. Suggestion with-

out the use of hypnotism, is often malicious, but clothed in

the garb of truth it is the dominant force that rules the life of

every human being, of every nation, of the very world itself.

By its use on the part of the "Mother of Christian Science,"

thousands of innocent, but honest and conscientious, followers

are being robbed of their individuality and selfhood. By the

use of suggestion on the part of wicked and designing men, the

markets are flooded with spurious wares of all kinds and honest

money is given for worthless trash. Here is the stronghold of

the patent medicine vendor, the health food manufacturer and

the advertising medical quack, as they play upon the ignorant

credulity of those who have not learned the intelligent use of

their own thought powers.

Through the use of suggestion, people are made to submit

on the one hand to many useless surgical operations, which often
aggravate the functional trouble they were intended to relieve,

and on the other hand they are caused to refuse the help of

honest surgery for the relief of pathological conditions beyond

the reach of any other method of treatment.

There is absolutely no difference between hypnotic suggestion

and suggestion without hypnotism. It is the same in kind, the

difference being only one of degree as regards its effects upon

the physical organism. Suggestion without hypnotism, even

when used unconsciously, may stealthily and subtly dominate

the mind without the consent of the individual; while hypnotic

suggestion, intelligently applied for the relief of functional ills of

the physical organism, is always employed with the individual's


One cannot be hypnotized without the consent of the true

ego — never against his will or without his co-operation. The

true ego is the real man. It is the intelligent life entity that can
control all the mental faculties and use them to vitalize and

energize every part of the organism. When fully awakened and

evolved, the mind and body are its obedient servants. It is

beyond the vision of the microscope or the range of the dissecting

knife, and just in proportion as it is developed will it control the

mind, and through the mind produce harmonious and healthful

results in the body.

I have no wish to be visionary. Life is too short for imprac-

tical theories and suggestions; but to speak plainly, some of us
have been half-doctors long enough. We have been dealing too
much with effects, and have failed to consider an important etio-

logical factor of disease.

Man is both a mental and a physical being and cannot be

treated simply as if we were conducting experiments in a chemical


laboratory. Heretofore all the advance made in the progress of

medical science has been on a physical plane, and the achieve-

ments made in the branches of surgery, bacteriology, pathology,

and hygiene challenge the admiration and applause of modern

civilization. But while bacteriology and pathology can detect,

and surgery remove and destroy the diseased part and hygiene
lessen the conditions that occasion the infection of the organism

with pathogenic germs, the causes of many so-called functional dis-

eases —among them neurasthenia and certain forms of insanity

have remained obscure.
The number of inmates of the insane asylum in every state

is yearly increasing far beyond the ratio of increase of population.

Why so many diseased bodies and imperfect nervous organiza-

tions? These bear a strong evidence of the tendency for the

species to degenerate rather than to grow healthier and stronger.
These are burning and pertinent facts that are beginning to

dawn upon the thinking portion of our craft.

Nor are the people satisfied; all over the world is the spirit

of unrest and dissatisfaction being made manifest, as is indicated

by the different "mind cure" schools and cults which attempt

to carry their claims into extravagant absurdities. The doctors
themselves realize this, and just in proportion as they are honest

and educated men are they deeply troubled at their own defi-


With a large acquaintance of professional men, I am pre-

pared to say that physicians study hard and work unceasingly,

and their brain and muscles and their very heart's blood itself is

at the disposal of their patients; but still something more is


needed. Either our remedies are insufficient, or we fail to under-

stand the great human machine upon which we are experimenting.

While we do much good, and earn sufficient gratitude to

enable us to strive on, and while we can maintain enough courage

to look our patient squarely in the face, the suffering which we
have not been able to relieve and the i-elief and cures which we
have not effected, and the universal prevalence of diseases that

have not been eradicated have become such prominent factors in

the history of our profession as seriously to humble our pride.

The time has come when psychology should be brought to

the front. I would that a chair of physiological psychology
were established in all our regular medical schools. I should like
to see every boy and girl in our common schools, old enough to
understand it, made to realize that a power resides in the mind,

and how they can use it to maintain a healthy body, and how,
by an abuse of this force, they increase their susceptibility to
disease from whatever cause.

To say the least of it, the medical profession should better

acquaint themselves with the importance of psychic influences

as etiological factors, as well as equip themselves to make use of

this therapeutic power in the cure of disease. When the mem-
bers of the medical profession become leaders and teachers in
this important branch, the practice of medicine will be elevated
to a higher plane. Then will the breach between that portion
of intelligent laymen who feel that physicians are not doing their

duty be bridged over.

The indifference of science has always been the mainstay
of charlatanism. When the intelligent scientific application of

any therapeutic measure is adopted by the medical profession,

charlatanism is robbed of its power. That these people effect

cures of certain forms of functional ills right before our eyes,

ills that had not been amenable to cure by our ordinary methods
of treatment, is self-evident. In every city, town and hamlet,
the followers of the different cults and "isms" are gaining in

number, and thousands of dollars are reaped by them that should

go into the pockets of the medical profession; while on the other

hand, thousands of innocent lives are sacrificed on account of the

neglect of scientific medical treatment.

With the intelligent recognition and application of suggestive

therapeutics as an aid in the practice of medicine, conditions and

symptoms can be relieved that cannot be reached by any other

remedy, and it is cases of this very class that are going from

physicians and seeking aid from other sources.

The effect of the mind upon metabolism is now well estab-

lished. Emotional conditions of a hopeful, optimistic and cheer-

ful kind, encourage anabolism or constructive metamorphosis.
On the other hand depressing emotional conditions that conduce

to fear and despondency and the like, encourage catabolism, or

destructive metamorphosis. By suggestion we can produce such
mental impressions as will increase the potential energy inherent

in the cells of the organism and thus render them less vulnerable

to pathogenic germs and other etiological factors of disease.

This is an effectual means of conserving energy and increasing

the resistive powers of the individual and lessening his suscepti-

bility to disease.

Since the observation of Beaumont upon Alex. St. Martin,

the Canadian who had a fistulous opening in the stomach suffi-

ciently large for him to watch the physiological processes of

digestion, the effect of certain emotions upon the functions of

digestion has been clearly recognized. Beaumont observed that

mental conditions, such as fear and anger, diminished and some-

times entirely suppressed the secretion of gastric juice by the

stomach. At times, under these conditions, the mucous mem-

brane became red and dry, and at others it was pale and moist,

showing the effect of mental impressions upon the vasomotor

neuro-regulation of the blood supply to the stomach through the

involuntary nervous system. Under the conditions mentioned

fluids were immediately absorbed, but food remained undigested
for from twenty-four to forty-eight hours.
More recent discoveries by Prof. Elmer Gates, of Washing-
ton, D. C, have shown that bad and unpleasant feelings create

harmful chemical products in the body called catabolins, which

are physically injurious. On the other hand, good, pleasant

benevolent and cheerful feelings create chemical products called

anabolins which are physically helpful.

Quite frequently neurasthenic patients maintain a condition

of auto-toxemia on account of morbid emotional conditions that

dominate their minds, giving rise to headaches, preventing sleep,

conducing to insanity and proving destructive to all physiolog-

ical processes. In this class of cases, suggestion both with or

without hypnotism is our most reliable therapeutic aid.

From the earliest periods in the history of mankind down
to the present time, there is abundant and sufficient proof, un-

doubted and acknowledged, going to show that in innumerable

instances cures of manifold diseases and ills of the physical organ-

ism have been wrought by influences brought to bear upon the

mind of the person afflicted. You are too familiar with the his-

tory of these cases for me to make further mention of them here.

One well demonstrated fact, the result of honest investigation, is

worth a thousand opinions prompted by prejudice. Having

witnessed the efficacious application of suggestive therapeutics,

both with and without hypnotism, in hundreds of instances, I

should still feel confident of the inestimable value of this im-

portant therapeutic adjunct, if every other physician in the

world doubted its efficacy.

You must face the facts as they are: Exact science has
proved to us the correctness of the claim of the efficacy of this

method of treatment as a therapeutic agent. The people who

make use of it in disguised form are here; and the proposition
that confronts us is, Shall we appropriate the laws that govern

the influence of the mind to the intelligent and scientific treat-

ment of disease and make use of them as therapeutic measures,

or shall we leave these laws to them?

My observation is that the members of the medical profession

are ever ready and anxious to avail themselves of any thera-

peutic resource that will help to alleviate human suffering. All

that is needed is a more thorough understanding on the part of

the general profession of the theory and efficacy of suggestive

therapeutics, and a better understanding of the technique and

practical methods of its application.


The idea has been emphasized that only functional and

neuropathic conditions are benefited by this treatment. But
be it remembered, that a functional disturbance or disease, if

neglected long enough, may lead into an organic condition, and

that the timely administration of suggestive therapeutics to

correct or cure the functional disorder may prevent its resulting

in an organic issue.

Furthermore, suggestive therapeutics should be applied with

an understanding and comprehension of the anatomical and physi-
ological relations of the organism, as well as of the pathological

conditions to be alleviated. It is not to be used to the exclusion

of other therapeutic resources, but can always be used with

them, for it is not antagonistic to or incompatible with any remedy

which helps to cure disease.

It is evident that some physicians are afraid that if they
should adopt this method of therapeutics, they would be counted

as allies of the quacks and charlatans who misuse these methods.

It is the duty of every medical man who is true to his Hippocratic

oath, to adopt and use every measure that will help to alleviate

human suffering. This science, in the hands of a conscientious

physician, is capable of curing diseases, and reaching conditions

that no other remedy can reach.



For our present discussion, let us regard man as being a

living, thinking entity; a functioning organism that nourishes

himself, breathes, moves, grows and reproduces, adapting him-

self to his environment, both acting and reacting under the in-

fluence of innumerable internal and external stimuli.

His body, with its structures, organs and parts, is composed

of millions on millions of cells, each one of which, however much
it may differ in structure and function from those belonging to

other organs and tissues than its own, is a lineal descendant from

a single primordial cell. Just how the mind of man is related to

the brain and nervous system is as yet far from being clear, but

we do know that as the brain is, so is the mind, and that a healthy,
well developed mind corresponds to a healthy, well trained, well

developed, and well nourished nervous system.

In the use of such expressions as soul and spirit in this dis-

cussion, it is with the same meaning as the word mind, and to

suggest that the mind has emotion, feeling and will, as well as


Emotion and will are frequently regarded as spiritual, in-

tellect as mental, and sensation as physical, but they are all qual-

ities of the same individual mind, soul, or spirit. So in the sense

that I use the term "mind," let it be held to embrace or include


the whole of man's psychic or mental activities, conscious and

subconscious, voluntary and involuntary.

Let us think of the human mind as being manifested by or

through the sum total of the functions of every cell in the body,

expressed in thought, feeling, volition, action, motion, perception,

conception, memory, etc.

When I say action and motion, think not only of objective, ,

conscious, external action and motion, such as feeling, seeing,

hearing, reading, talking, waking, etc., but also of subjective,

unconscious, internal action and motion, including even the ac-

tion of the lowest cell in the body, in its ability to take in new

matter, fix it, change it, and throw it off.

In one sense, each cell seems to have a mind of its own, for

it goes on performing its special functions, be it brain cell, or

gland, muscle, bone or skin cell. Yet no one of these

microscopic organisms is capable of independent existence.

Each has its duty to perform, but each in turn is dependent, at

least in a very large degree, for its own existence upon the activ-

ity of other cells of the body, the functioning of which constitutes

the complex mechanism of the animal physiology.

Conscious Mind. — Man, as an entity, has conscious psychic

or mental activities, which correspond to the functions of the

motor area of the brain, the gray matter, the higher centers, the

voluntary processes. The functioning of these we designate as

the conscious mind. These centers respond to stimuli that reach

them through the five special senses: sight, hearing, feeling, taste,

and smell; and through these all the lower functions can be

reached and influenced. Here is the seat of all voluntary action,

the home of reason and the higher intellectual faculties.

That there are certain material seats of purely mental func-

tions in the brain is now recognized by all our ablest physiologists.
This is now demonstrated beyond a doubt by the fact that when
these are physically disorganized, special functions are abolished,

even though all other parts of the brain remain intact.

The specific anatomical seats of speech in man have been

found in the brain. No such centres have yet been discovered

in the lower animals, and this seems to be the great distinguishing

feature between the mentality of man and the lower grades of


A young lady of my acquaintance, who had taught music

for several years, after a severe attack of illness during which
she suffered with great pain in the head, supposed afterwards

to have been due to a ruptured blood vessel, found upon recovery

that she had forgotten every single note of her music, and it

was necessary that she be re-educated in music, which, in the

light of modern physiology, meant that in the opposite hemi-

sphere of the brain there were certain centers that had been dor-

mant which could now be educated to perform the functions of

those disabled by the mechanical interference due to the sup-

posed blood clot.

Our conscious mind, then, seems to be an outgrowth of

education and experience, resulting from the conditions that en-

viron us during our struggle for existence from the cradle to the

grave. This is the mind that we use in our normal, waking

consciousness, as we go in the smooth, even tenor of our ways,

attending to our respective vocations in life, not dominated by

fear or anger or emotion, but controlled by reason and will.

This, I say, is the conscious mind and represents the higher brain

centers in action.

Hypnotism is the process or method of using suggestion to

influence the action of the conscious mind. By suggestion the

functions of the motor area of the brain can be soothed, quieted,

made still, passive, inactive, at rest, or placed in abeyance.

As an individual the subject ceases to use these brain centers

and consents to allow you to use them for him, and through them

to reach and influence the vegetative brain and nervous system,

which presides over the physiological processes of the body.

Hypnotism, in one sense, is induced sleep. The only dif-

ference between induced sleep and natural sleep is that in natural

sleep you are completely oblivious to the outside world, while

in induced, or hypnotic, sleep, the subject is, as it were, asleep

to every one except the person who induced the sleep. This

is always the result of suggestion. He is en rapport with the

operator, in relation with him. He hears and acts upon the
operator's suggestions, but appears to pay no attention to anyone
else except the person who induced the condition. This is also

the result of suggestion.

When the conscious mind is rendered passive, as when an

individual is hypnotized, then we can better reach and influence
all those psychic activities which lie below the threshold of con-
sciousness, the study of which throws much light upon the sub-
ject at hand.

Subconscious Mind — All those psychic activities which are

found below the threshold of consciousness correspond to the

functions of all the involuntary physiological processes — the func-

tions of the involuntary nervous system, including the functions

of the ganglionic and sympathetic nervous systems and the

functions of the lowest cell in the body in its ability to

play its part in the game of the life of the entire physical organism.

These functions we designate the subconscious mind.

Moreover, the subconscious mind, which corresponds to the

functions of the vegetative brain and nervous system, perceives

by intuition; it is the storehouse of subjective memory, and the

seat of the emotions. It presides over the functions, conditions,

and sensations of the body; over all the vegetative or nutritive

processes; over digestion, secretion, excretion, nutrition, waste,

respiration, calorification; in short, over all cell life function and

When the conscious mind is inhibited or soothed into passiv-

ity, as in the hypnotic state, this subconscious mind is amenable

to influence by suggestion. It can be influenced by suggestion
without hypnotism, but in the hypnotic state there is an increased
amenability or susceptibility of the subconscious mind to sug-

gestion, and also an increase in its power to execute an idea or

suggestion through its control over the physiological processes

of the body.

In the hypnotic state we can influence and make such im-

pressions upon the subconscious mind as will be fully carried

out in its influence over the physical organism. And the fact

that the subconscious mind does preside over the functions, con-


ditions, and sensations of the body, and is more amenable to

suggestion when the conscions mind is inhibited, gives us in a

nutshell the reason why the results are obtained from hypnotic

suggestion or suggestion in the hypnotic state.

How do we prove that the subconscious mind is amenable

to suggestion? For upon the truthfulness of this proposition is

based the entire structure of the science of suggestive thera-


First, we use suggestion upon the conscious mind. This we

do when we hypnotize a man, as was demonstrated in a previous
chapter. Then, by suggestion in the hypnotic state we can
better reach and influence the deeper thresholds of consciousness.

After an individual is hypnotized, you will remember that

we held up his arm and suggested to him that when we counted

three that arm would be stiff and that he could not take it down.
We challenged him, "You can't take it down." The arm re-

mained stiff, showing that voluntary function was here influenced

or inhibited by suggestion; that the conscious mind which pre-

sided over this motor function was amenable to our suggestion.

Then it was suggested that after the medicine had been ap-
plied to his arm it would be dead and would have no feeling in

it; and a pin was thrust into his arm without the slightest evi-

dence of pain, showing that the subconscious mind, which pre-

sides over the sensations of the body, was also amenable to

Then that both the conscious and subconscious minds were

amenable to suggestion, was proved by suggesting to him that
when he stood up and we counted three, he would be stiff, so

stiff that we could lay him across two chairs and he would not
bend. We then caused him so sustain the weight of from two

to four hundred pounds without the slightest inconvenience.

A further demonstration that the subconscious mind pre-

sides over sensation and is amenable to suggestion was given

when we suggested to the individual that his lip was dead and
had no feeling in it, and a pin was thrust through his lip, not

only without the slightest evidence of pain, but without pro-

ducing bleeding.

So we see that the mind of man, both conscious and sub-

conscious, both voluntary and involuntary, is amenable to sug-

gestion, and that suggestion to the voluntary waking consciousness

is as much hypnotism as is suggestion in that increased condition

of suggestibility usually referred to as the hypnotic state; that any

influence brought to bear upon the mind of any individual

by any means whatsoever is hypnotism; that the individual is

hypnotized by suggestion, and that an individual with his eyes

wide open, thinking he is in possession of all his conscious fac-

ulties, is frequently as much amenable to suggestion as is the

subject in that sleeplike condition usually referred to as the hyp-

notic state.

The conscious mind presides over the voluntary functions;

it corresponds to the functions of the gray matter, the motor

area of the brain, the higher intellectual faculties; but in the

presence of a stronger personality, be it an attorney at law, a

minister, a teacher, a salesman or physician, it is amenable to

influence and controlled by suggestion.


The hypnotic state, when induced by the method that we

employ with the medicine, is always induced with the consent

of the voluntary waking consciousness. We always get the con-

sent and co-operation of the will of the individual to be hypnotized;

but by suggestion without a sleeplike condition, as is used by all

classes of individuals, the conscious mind may be stealthily and

subtly dominated. Hypnotic suggestion, however employed by
the medicine method which we have demonstrated and described,

is always used with the individual's consent.

The subconscious mind presides not only over the invol-

untary functions, but over all cell life function and development.

I have frequently produced copious emesis by suggesting to an

individual that he had taken ipecac, thus showing the effect of

suggestion upon the involuntary physiological processes. In a

number of instances I have had physicians accomplish this result

in my class work by suggestions made by them to the subject that

they had hypnotized.

I say by suggestion we can influence cell life. In not less

than one hundred instances have I taken a hatpin from a lady's

hat and without sterilization thrust it through a large fold of the

cheek of a person without the slightest ill results following. In

several hundred instances have I thrust a smaller pin without

sterilization through the face or an arm of an individual without

the least untoward results.

We certainly cannot influence the bacteria upon the pin;

then we must increase the resistive power of the cells in the face

in some way. Whether it is done by encouraging leucocytosis

or the migration of phagocytes, or whether we increase the resis-

tive power of protoplasm direct, has never been explained.

Theorize upon that proposition as you will, its meaning has a far

deeper import than appears at first upon the surface. To me it in-

dicates that we can increase the resistive power, life, strength and
energy, of every cell in the body by suggestion, both with and
without hypnotism; so that in the fight between the etiological
factors of disease, which is ever being made by the cells of the

body, we can help these cells in their struggle against pathogenic

germs or other etiological factors of disease.

Physiologists have ever endowed the brain centers with a

peculiar form of energy of their own, indefinitely referred to by
such expressions as neuric energy, nerve force, and the like.

These higher centers occupy a relation to the general cells com-

prising the physical body similar to that occupied by a dynamo
to a piece of machinery. By suggestion we can convert potential

energy into dynamic energy, latent energy into moving energy,

and in this way increase the resistive power of every cell in the


I am aware that some physicians will shrug their shoulders

and raise their hands to heaven in protest against the foregoing
statement. It goes against the grain to present an idea so com-
pletely at variance with their preconceived opinions. But if

they will reflect and verify, they will be forced to bow down before

the evidence of facts.

I do not mean to say that an instrument previously infected

with a culture of anthrax bacilli can be thrust with impunity

into the flesh of a hypnotized subject, neither do I mean to give

license for any failure to observe the strictest rules of asepsis,


which has been the means of the brilliant achievements that

have crowned the efforts of modern surgery; but let the facts

in the case speak for themselves. Let us hew close to the line
of truth, let the chips fall where they may.
I have in at least five hundred instances taken a pin that has
not been previously sterilized and thrust it through a fold of the
skin in the face or arm and with but one single exception have
never observed the least unpleasant results. Even the exception
in this case only goes to prove the efficacy and power of suggest-
ion in the accomplishment or support of the position that I

have taken.
In one instance I used a small blade of my pocket knife
and jabbed it under a fold of the skin for an inch without sore-
ness resulting. The antiseptic property of the blood is not to be
discredited in making allowance for the result, nor elimination

by bleeding, but in this case the arm bled only a few drops. On
an average where a pin was used, the arm did not bleed one
time in fifty. Nor do I forget the natural resistive power of the
cells themselves in a healthy individual, and this, in my opinion,
can by suggestion be strengthened to a wonderful extent.
The one exception where the arm became sore was in the

case of a physician for whom I gave a treatment by hypnotic

suggestion and relieved him of a tinnitus aurium of twelve years'

standing. He was an extremely neurotic individual and when I

awoke him after the treatment for his tinnitus and asked if any-
thing had hurt him in the least, he replied, "No."

"Did you know that I had thrust a pin into the flesh of

your arm?"

"No, you did not or I should have felt it," said he.

"Do you feel it now?" I asked. "No, not in the least," said

he. "You did not stick me really, did you?"

"Yes," I replied, "And here it is now," and I pushed back
his cuff and let him see the pin yet through the fold of the skin.

"Take that out," said he, in a most excited manner.

His tinnitus was relieved, and after one year when I last

heard from him, had not returned. Yet he seemed hurt with
me that I, a physician, should have taken such a risk as to thrust

an unclean instrument in his flesh.

In the afternoon he had a red, painful arm, with a general

temperature of 103° F. and he asked that I hypnotize him again

and get rid of that condition! I hypnotized him and gave him
appropriate suggestions to relieve his pain, quiet his nervousness,

and give him a good night's sleep. After awakening him, I

assured him that his temperature was due to maleria. He took

twenty-five grains of quinine that evening and was all right the

next morning.
This, I say, was the only case that I have ever experienced
where there was the slightest unpleasant symptom after sticking

a pin without sterilization into the flesh, and I am quite sure

that I have made that experiment not less than five hundred


It has been reported that a physician jabbed a dull lead

pencil into the flesh of a hypnotized subject and produced an

infection. Such a procedure would destroy the cells in that part

and is not at all a parallel case to where a sharp instrument is

used and proper suggestions given to influence the result.


These facts have led me to conclude that through the in-

fluences exerted by the higher centers of the brain over the vaso-

motor neuro-regulation of the blood supply to the part increased

leucocytosis results, and that the theory of phagocytic resistance,

as advanced by Metchnikoff, is an important and constant factor

in natural immunity. According to this author, leucocytes having

arrived at the spot where the intruders are found, seize them
after the manner of the amoeba and with their bodies subject

them to intracellular digestion.

The facts mentioned in regard to the case of the physician,

whose auto-suggestions were adverse and most unfavorable, as

against at least five hundred cases where suggestions were given

in the hypnotic state that would possibly favor this natural

physiological process of immunity, lead me to conclude that cell

activity is increased or retarded in even a local area by suggestion.

We know that every cell in the body through the complex mech-
anism of animal physiology is influenced by centers of activity

in the brain. These centers can be stimulated and encouraged

into action by suggestion. We can convert potential energy
into dynamic energy, latent energy into moving energy, and in

this way all the physiological processes can be increased or en-

couraged, and by suggestion both with and without hypnotism,

we can aid the cells of the body in the fight against the etiological

factors of disease, whether due to pathogenic germs or other


The physician, then, in the light of such indisputable facts

is a factor either for good or harm in the sick room. How often
is it the case that his training in the pathological laboratory so

fills him subconsciously with fear of pathogenic germs that it

completely offsets his confidence in the natural resistive powers

of his patient ; like a dog frightened and cowed, he goes into the
fight with a drooped head and his tail tucked in, exercising a

most depressing influence upon his patient, rather than with a

sufficient faith in the potentialities inherent in the living cells

that comprise the physical organism, to encourage them into


Has it not often been your experience to see a patient very

sick, so that from the pathological condition there existing, reason

would cause you to doubt the possibility of his recovery? But

he had faith in you, expected to get well, was hopeful and opti-

mistic, and that encouraged you both to encourage him and to

do your best for him. Later on, when he was safely on the road

to recovery, when he was thanking you for what you had done
for him, you gratefully reminded him that he was getting well
on account of his courage and bravery, and that had it not been

for his will power and determination he never would have re-

covered. You really felt that your services played a small part
in his recovery.

On the other hand, you have had patients who were not at

all seriously sick, so far as their apparent pathological conditions

would indicate, yet from the very first visit you realized that

you had failed to get en rapport with them. You realized

that you "did not make good", and upon your return the
next morning you found that he was nervous and had not slept

well that night ; there was an increase in pulse rate, his respir-

ations were quickened, and he was over anxious about himself,


and from this condition he continued to go on from bad to worse

until, finally, upon your last visit, when you realized that he

would not recover, chagrined, humiliated and mortified you could

not but feel that he had failed to recover on account of the mor-

bid mental attitude taken towards his condition in its incipiency.

He died for the lack of the will to get well.

The experience of hundreds and hundreds of physicians co-

incides with the cases just cited. Why is it that the mental

attitude of an individual plays such an important part either

toward the recovery or non-recovery? For this reason: Every-

body's subconscious mind is constantly amenable to the influ-

ence, suggestion, and control by his conscious mind, and when

you fully comprehend this proposition, you see very plainly that
every one is treating himself by self-suggestion all the time,

whether he realizes it or not. Your own thoughts, your own

beliefs, your own predominating mental characteristics, whether
you will it or not, whether you believe it or not, whether you know
it or not, are the suggestions that are ever influencing your sub-

conscious mind either for good or harm.

So much so is that true, that you can put it down as a safe

proposition that the individual who is hopeful, optimistic, and

cheerful, constantly looking on the bright side of life, carrying

sunshine and cheer into the lives of others — that such an indi-
vidual by his mental attitude conduces to the health and strength

and well being of his own physical organism as well.

On the other hand, the individual who is pessimistic, de-

spondent, and blue, having morbid fears about his own physical
condition, worrying over the affairs of life, unduly emotional,


pining and complaining; such an individual, by his mental atti-

tude has a wrecking, weakening, ruinous effect, not only upon

his own physical organization, but upon that of others.

As we pointed out in a previous chapter, emotional con-

ditions of a hopeful, optimistic, and cheerful kind encourage

anabolism, or constructive metamorphosis, a building up of the

cells of the body; while depressing emotional conditions, worry,

fear, envy, anger, jealousy and such like, encourage catabolism, or

destructive metamorphosis, a tearing down of the cells of the body.

In the study of the etiology of neurasthenia and allied con-

ditions, including all functional disturbances — and their name

is legion self-suggestion enters into these cases as a causative

factor that is of a far deeper import than is generally recognized;

and in treating this class of cases, as well as for the nervous

element of any disease, acute or chronic, surgical or otherwise,

it is our duty as physicians to make such impressions upon the

conscious minds of our patients in our daily association with

them as would indirectly influence the subconscious mind, through

autosuggestion. At least we must make the patient feel that

we understand his case; that we are especially interested in him;

that we are giving him due consideration, and as far as possible

we should hold out a strong belief or expectancy that he will get

well. Just in proportion as we keep him cheerful, hopeful, and

optimistic, just so far shall we help him on the road to recovery.

Think of these two minds as two sets of men upon a war

vessel. The men upon the upper deck give their attention to

the fleet over yonder. They give their attention to the objective

world. These are performing the function of the conscious mind.


The men below deck give their attention to the internal ma-
chinery of the ship, paying no attention whatever to the outside

world. They represent the subconscious mind. Their respec-

tive duties are entirely separate and independent, yet the men
below stand ever ready to obey the dictates or orders or sig-

nals from the men above.

Every human being is giving orders that will encourage the

performance of every organic function every minute and hour

of his life; or he is giving orders that will inhibit, retard, and

weaken the involuntary psychic activities or nervous functions.

So you see that suggestion is used both with and without hyp-

notism, and that any influence brought to bear upon the con-

scious mind of your patient indirectly reaches his subconscious

mind. We are using it every day of our lives for the good or

harm of ourselves and for the good or harm of our patients.

To show you the influence of the mind upon the bodily func-
tions, I will cite one illustration. I was once talking to a physi-
cian about hypnotism or suggestion when a band stopped in front of

his office and began to play. In a jocular way he remarked,

"I should like to see you hypnotize that band and stop them

from playing." "All right," said I, "come and watch the pro-
cedure." I procured three lemons and gave a half of each to as
many little boys on the street, instructing them to walk round
and round the band, sucking the lemons and making faces at the
musicians. The result was such an increase in the secretion of

their salivary glands that the men were compelled to stop and
swallow or empty their instruments of saliva. They were unable
to continue their music and the little boys were put to flight.

An individual with a large "bay window" is usually a man

who gives full appreciation to the thought of the dinner hour,

the breakfast hour, the lunch hour. This pleasurable antici-

pation of the approaching meal time encourages the free flow

of blood to his gastric mucous membrane, with a result that he

has a plentiful supply of gastric juice, a good appetite, a good

digestion and a healthy physique.

On the other hand, our cadaverous looking brother usually

approaches his meal hours with pessimistic forebodings and goes

to his home at meal time more as a matter of duty than otherwise;

thus he unfortunately fails to encourage this passive organ

sufficiently to enable it to secrete sufficient gastric juice to give

him an appetite or to secure a perfectly digested meal.

By suggestion we can influence man's conscious and sub-

conscious psychic activities and thus every organ and every cell

in the body can be stimulated. The daily visit of the physician

to his patient is one of the most important therapeutic factors

at his command through the very influence of his own personality.
Before going into the practical application of the theories

of hypnotic or therapeutic suggestion, I desire briefly to call

your attention to other phases of this subject, which, though they

may not appear to you perfectly scientific, have a bearing upon
the subject at hand of such importance that it cannot be ignored.

We remarked in the outset that the subconscious mind per-

ceived by intuition, that it was the storehouse of memory, the

seat of the emotions, and presided over the functions, conditions,
and sensations of the body. So far, we have been elaborating
the influence of the subconscious mind over the functions, con-

ditions, and sensations of the body, having made it clear that

when the conscious mind was inhibited, the subconscious mind

was more amenable or susceptible to suggestion, and that sug-
gestions given in the hypnotic state were more effective and

lasting in certain selected cases than suggestions without hyp-

notism. We also made it plain that the conscious mind of every

individual was amenable to influence by suggestion, and that any

influence brought to bear upon the mind of an individual by any

means whatsoever, came under the broad domain of suggestive


The Subconscious Mind Perceives by Intuition. — It is now

considered that thought transference, or telepathy, is rendered

possible on account of the ability of the subconscious mind of

one individual to be impressed or influenced by another mind by

some means apart from the generally recognized modes of com-
munication. It may be that this is based on sympathy existing
between two persons concerned and deals with something in
which they are mutually interested. Be that as it may, that
there should be such a relation between two individuals of con-

genial habits of thought and action seems to me to be no more

unreasonable than that two mechanical instruments delicately

and harmoniously attuned the one to the other should receive

electrical vibrations through air and earth and water thousands
of miles apart by which our wonderful system of wireless teleg-

raphy has been perfected.

In connection with this phase of the subject I am at present

an agnostic, but I am ever ready to stand by facts as I find them,

hoping that some day, perhaps not far distant, some of the

problems that have so perplexed honest investigators on this

line will be explained by the discovery and control of a natural
law that has been in operation forever and, like all other natural

laws, only required the intelligent of man to appropriate and

use it for his welfare and happiness.
I have had some demonstrations and observations of certain

phases of this subject presented to me which have led me to

certain conclusions that I desire to bring to your attention,

without which it would be impossible intelligently to practise

suggestive therapeutics.

I once took a young man whom I had frequently hypnotized,

and, while in the hypnotic state, blindfolded him. I wrote upon
a piece of paper the following suggestion: "Go to the mantel-

piece and get the baby's photograph and bring it to me." My

wife, who was also present at the time, read the suggestion. Not
a word was spoken more than to tell him that, when I counted
"three," I wanted him to go and do what was written upon the

piece of paper; that I would not indicate what I wished him to

do by look or gesture or word, but would constantly think of it.

I then removed the blindfold, told him to open his eyes and

do what was ordered on the piece of paper. He at once went

to the mantelpiece, put his hand upon the first photograph near-
est to him, which was the wrong one, but put that down; then
to another which he also put down; then to another which he

also put down; and lastly he took the Baby's photograph indi-

cated, held it in his hand and turned around with a blank ex-
pression on his face and handed it to me. "Good," said I. "Be
seated and sleep on."

At this juncture my wife threw a winter coat over his face

and I wrote on another piece of paper, that he would go to a

washstand, thrust his hand in the water pitcher, and wash his

hands, which he did. I again wrote on another piece of paper

that he would take a stool upon the floor and turn it bottom
side upwards and take a seat in the bottom. This being done,

I wrote that he would go to a lounge in the room, lie flat down

upon his face, cover his head up with a pillow, and go to sleep.

Take notice that all these suggestions were written, not one

word being spoken. Each suggestion was carried out precisely

as written upon the piece of paper. When I awoke him and

asked what he had been doing, he replied "Nothing." When I

told him what he had done he denied it. When I presented the

written suggestions and assured him positively that he had

carried out every suggestion given in writing, and that not a

word had been spoken to indicate what we wanted him to do, he

laughed aloud and said that we had played a great joke upon him.
Since that one demonstration I have never doubted that

man has a means of conveying an idea or impression to another

individual which lies outside the domain of the five special senses.

It is by this that thought transference or telepathy is made

possible. As to whether the reader believes in thought trans-
ference or telepathy or not, is a matter for him to decide. It

is recognized as a fact by some of our ablest scientists and psychol-

ogists of the present day. It affords an explanation of a

great mass of unexplained phenomena that have been hitherto

relegated to the realm of mysticism. If there be any truth in

it, it has its practical bearing upon our subject at hand in this

way. The more faith one has in his ability to hypnotize a sub-

ject or to use suggestion both with and without hypnotism,the

greater will be his success. The more faith we have in any thera-

peutic measure the better will be the results from its adminis-
tration. The more faith we have in that inherent quality of re-

sistive power within our patient, call it by whatever name we please,

the better are the chances of our patient to recover.

The physicians who have the most confidence in suggestive

therapeutices always secure the best results in its application.

A doubtful mental suggestion may outweigh a positive oral sug-

gestion, if it be possible to give a positive suggestion orally when

one is in doubt, and a physician may fail to get results for the

lack of confidence in the procedure.

Furthermore, we, as physicians, should cultivate a spirit

of optimism and self-confidence in our demeanor with our pa-

tients. The physician who goes into the sick room with an air

of self-sufficiency, which is based upon professional qualifications

and an understanding of human nature, will always inspire his

patients with confidence and secure that mental attitude on

the part of the patient that is desirable. Such a man usually

possesses tact sufficient, not only to influence the mental attitude

of his patient in regard to his own condition, but to drop a sug-

gestion here and there upon the minds of those around him which
will secure the proper psychological environment under which

the best results may be obtained.

Many men succeed in the practice of medicine far beyond

their professional qualifications, because they possess tact and


self confidence sufficient properly to impress and inspire confi-

dence in those with whom they associate.

On the other hand, we often see a well qualified physician

fail to succeed, on account of his lack of ability to carry that

suggestive influence which is so essential to the personality

of the successful physician. A lack of faith in self, however

much one may try to conceal the fact from observation, repels

that confidence that others would have in one.

I am frequently asked how to acquire confidence in our

ability to succeed in accomplishing what we have undertaken in

life, and I usually answer: "By going the route; by making the

fight, by hard work, concentration and study, and the acquirement

of self-confidence which can only come through knowledge and
experience." That indefinable quality of personality called "per-

sonal magnetism" is comprehended here. The man who goes

down the stream of life day after day self reliant, optimistic and

cheerful, with a pleasant greeting for his friends, glad that every-

thing is as well with him today as it is, glad of the privilege to

work and to study and to learn and to be of use in the world, is

always the one that is looking out for a better tomorrow, and

unconsciously attracts to him the elements that go to make up

success in life.

With the physician this is indicated by his library, his post-

graduate diplomas, his office equipment, and the interest that he

takes not only in his profession, but in all questions that con-
tribute to the welfare, happiness, and onward development of

the human race. The world has no use for human inertness. We
must keep in line with the progress of our age, or step aside.


The individual who is pessimistic, despondent, and gloomy,

and so morbidly self-conscious of his own life's battles that he
has no time to speak to his friends, who is continually speaking

disparagingly of life and its opportunities, brooding over his

own troubles, whining and complaining, will drive away those

elements that go to make life worth while.

This intuitive faculty of the subconscious mind often forces

itself upon the recognition of the physician in his routine work.

You have frequently called to see a patient who was not properly

within your clientele. You perhaps wondered why you received

this call. On returning the next day to make your second visit

the minute you entered the sick room you could tell whether
your patient was better or worse, and who among the environ-

ment was for you or against you, and you have at times observed

that the patient would be progressing very satisfactorily but

for the antagonistic suggestive influence of some influential mem-

ber of the family or friend who favored the patronage of another


Properly to get en rapport with all those who collectively go

to make up the environmental influence brought to bear upon

your patient constitutes tact, and is one of the greatest elements

of success in the practice of medicine.

The Subconscious Mind is the Storehouse of Memory.

Memory seems but to be the impress made by previous experi-

ences in life upon the entire brain and nervous system. Aside

from conscious objective memory every experience in your life

has left its indellible impress upon your subconscious mind. This

is what gives rise to a great many subjective impressions and

sensations which haunt the lives of neurotic individuals.

All education and instruction and experience of any kind

is retained by the subconscious mind. These ideas or impres-
sions here lie dormant until ready to be brought out by the asso-

ciation of ideas. You would say that some of your best pre-

scriptions have been extemporaneously devised upon the spur

of the moment. But the skilled surgeon finds every previous
experience in the dissecting and operating room and pathological

laboratory instinctively forcing itself upon the domain of con-

sciousness as an impelling guidance or impulse to every step of

the procedure.

By suggestion in the hypnotic state we can obliterate old

impressions and memories which are the result of unpleasant

experiences in life and plant new impressions and ideas that will

influence the future life and conduct of an individual both con-

sciously and unconsciously.
The physician who has the happy faculty of getting the

confidence of his patients and keeping them feeling good is

always a successful therapist. At every visit he lifts his patient

out of a morbid self-consciousness of despondency and gloom

and impresses him with his own strength, optimism, and cheer-
fulness. Dignity and self-poise should at all times be maintained

to obtain the best results.

That the subconscious mind is the store house of memory

explains why you can give a patient a suggestion in the hypnotic

state at nine o'clock this morning that will give him a good
night's sleep, beginning at a specified time, the following evening


and every night afterward. I have frequently broken up nervous,

wakeful habits of neurotic individuals in a single treatment by
suggestion in the hypnotic state.

The nervous element of an acute disease may be aggravated

or a neurasthenic condition maintained on account of some mor-
bid emotional condition resulting from an unpleasant experience

in the previous life of the individual, rendering the patient ner-

vous, preventing sleep, and proving destructive to all physio-

logical processes.

By the use of hypnotic suggestion we can modify the sense

impressions causing these depressing emotional disturbances;

give such people more plentiful and refreshing sleep, and plant
upon the subconscious mind such impressions as will make them
more hopeful, more optimistic, more cheerful, and happier in

many ways, resulting in a good appetite, good digestion, im-

proved nutrition, and a complete restoration to health. By sug-

gestions properly given in the hypnotic state we can change the

individual's point of view in regard to experiences which upset
the mental and nervous equilibrium. I cite one case for example

I once had a patient, a lady, who had a son accidentally

killed. She was of an emotional nature, neurasthenic, and rather

inclined to be on the hysterical order. Three hours after the
accident which caused her son's death I was called. The large

bed-room was full of friends who had come to express their

sympathy. These people had unconsciously used suggestion

to make her feel worse. Her minister had been on the scene to

express his sympathy, and unconsciously used suggestion to

make her more self-conscious of her bereavement.


As I walked in the door I began to ask each of those present

to leave me alone with my patient. By the time I had reached

the bed, the room was cleared of all present except her husband.

I attempted bravely to talk her into being quiet, but my very

presence seemed to have heen a signal for an outburst of this

emotional condition. At every attempt to reason with her or to

soothe and console her, she would cry vehemently and answer,

"Oh, you don't know, you don't know."

Seeing that I was making no headway, I prescribed chloral-

hydrate, 15 grains, and potassium bromide, 30 grains, to each

dose, four doses, repeated every two hours. I directed that no

company be allowed to come into the room and instructed her

husband to sit by her bedside and place a cold towel upon her
forehead, changing it every ten minutes. This was in August

and the weather was extremely warm.

After the fourth dose of the prescription just mentioned had

been taken, I prescribed 15 grains of trional to the dose to be

given every two hours for four doses. Three hours after the
last dose of this was taken I adminstered a hypodermic injection
of morphine sulphate, one fourth of a grain, with hyoscyne hydro-
bromide, 1 /100th.

Three hours afterward she had still been unable to sleep,

was very nervous, had a terrific headache, and I felt that it

would be unsafe to administer more medicine. At that junc-

ture I hypnotized her. The medicine previously given appar-
ently had a cumulative effect as she was very easily hypno-

I then suggested that she would sleep soundly all night;

that her sleep would be quiet and refreshing; that while she

slept a perfect spirit of resignation would come over her and

she would wake in the morning feeling perfectly resigned to the

accident and bereavement; that she would sleep soundly until

eight o'clock the next morning, at which time her husdand should
awaken her, by placing his hand upon her forehead and command-
ing her to wake up; that she would be feeling perfectly resigned to

the accident, and would eat her breakfast and give her attention

to her domestic relations and feel proud that she had ever been
permitted to be the mother of so worthy a son.

On my return the next morning I found that she had slept

soundly all night, and she at once began to tell me that she had

decided —giving me the very ideas that I had suggested to her

the night previous.

I feel quite sure that a greater change in her mental and

nervous condition had taken place during this one night's sleep,
together with the influence of the suggestions given, than would

have resulted under normal conditions after a period of several

months had elapsed.

I am furthermore convinced that there is much insanity,

the etiology of which is obscure, where, in many cases, if the

timely administration of hypnotic suggestion had been used to

give those people good sound sleep, to change their mental atti-

tude toward the conditions that were worrying them to make new
impressions upon their cerebral cells and substitute more whole-
some mental states, a large proportion of these cases could have

been prevented, upon the principle that an ounce of prevention

is worth a pound of cure.

The proof that all insanity is dependent upon diseased states

of the brain has never yet been rendered in its entirety. Or-

ganic pathological changes are found in paresis, senile dementia,

alcoholism, and probably in epilepsy, dementia praecox and

climacteric insanity and this leaves out of consideration the

condition of a large proportion of those adjudged as insane.

The correlation between mental symptoms and pathological anat-

omy is as yet largely to be determined, at least in a considerable

part of the acknowledged field of insanity.

Many people are incapable of thinking and reasoning for

themselves, as the result of false training, education and en-

vironment. You can give them advice and make all the appeal

to reason within your power, and yet they seem unable to exe-

cute your ideas. The physician who has that spirit of altruism

sufficient to enable him to appropriate these methods can here

apply hypnotic suggestion and obtain results that cannot be
obtained in any other way. He gets control of his patient and
puts him in control of himself. He educates the individual in

the art of controlling and directing his conscious and subcon-

scious psychic or mental activities.

There are others upon whom the cares of life have borne
heavily, whose involuntary nervous system has received many
a hard blow; it has been shocked and wrought upon by cruel

impressions or experiences which take possession of a patient

and torment his life. These are found among all classes, from the
highest bred college graduate to the most ignorant working class.


They have not yet learned to control these involuntary impres-

sions. By suggestion in the hypnotic state you plant within

them a new consciousness, a consciousness that is power.

When they are sick there is no time for re-educating and
re-training them. Like miners buried in a deep, dark hole in
the earth, where huge piles of shale and debris had caved in

upon them, they need help. Like a man in jail, they want to
get out. They expect you to do something for them. To give

them narcotics and sedatives but temporarily benumbs their

psychic activities, interferes with all functional processes, weak-

ens their powers of resistance, interferes with elimination, and

is actually destructive and weakening to both mind and body.

The judicious, intelligent application of suggestion, both with
and without hypnotism, in this class of cases, is a boon to these

unfortunate sufferers who rely upon us for help.

The Subconscious Mind Is the Seat of the

Emotions . —Whatever impulse dominates the individual

whether fear, worry or anxiety, envy, anger, jealousy, love or

the purely animal passions —makes its appeal to and impress on

the subconscious mind, which corresponds to the functions of

the involuntary nervous system.

We all have noticed that the functions of the different or-

gans of the body are greatly disturbed through emotional in-

fluences; sorrow brings tears to the eyes; prolonged grief inter-

feres with the secretion of gastric juice by the stomach. Of all

emotional conditions which are most detrimental, however, fear,

which is the opposite emotion to self-reliance and self-confidence,

is the worst. Fear is the natural accompaniment of weakness,


ignorance and disease. Fear has a wonderful inhibitory influ-

ence upon both the motor and voluntary, as well as the involun-

tary, functions of the body. Fear of sickness, fear of death,

fear of failure —fear of anything of any kind, of any nature — is

detrimental to all physiological processes. We invite what we

fear. Fear weakens our resistive powers to disease. It is the

frequent experience of physicains to have pneumonia and en-

teric fever patients who die of fear and not on account of the

pathological condition existing. This has been observed by

physicians everywhere.

In the Century for December, 1899, R. R. Bowker gives the

following translation of an Arabic legend:

The Spirit of the Plague entered the gate.

One watching, asked, "How many wilt thou slay?"

"A thousand," spake the Spirit, "is my quest."

The Plague made end. The Spirit left the gate.

The watcher cried, "Ten thousand didst thou slay!"

"Nay, one," the Spirit said, "Fear killed the rest."

At the very onset of illness the patient becomes afraid, gets

nervous, does not sleep, and manifests a lack of confidence in the

ability of his physician and doubts his own ability to recover.

He thus has a psycho-neurotic condition complicating his disease.

His resistive powers are thus lessened, all physiological processes

are disturbed, and death results from fear and not on account
of the pathological condition, which would run its course and go

on to recovery but for the psycho-neurotic element.

We should distinguish here between conscious and sub-

conscious fear. Tuberculous patients are noted for their ap-

parent optimism, hopefulness and cheerfulness, which is fre-

quently only on the surface. Yet as a result of this very op-

timism, as has been observed by all physicians, even in the pres-

ence of such a gross pathological condition, the resistive powers

of many tuberculous patients are augmented to an astonishing

degree. We frequently see others, however, who are so sub-

consciously dominated by fear that all involuntary nervous func-

tions are disturbed, on account of impressions gathered from
experiences which have come to them through their own ob-
servation of the disastrous consequences of this disease. In this

class of cases suggestion, both with and without hypnotism, is

particularly beneficial. We quiet an irritable, involuntary nerv-

ous system; we get them to breathe deeper; we give them sug-

gestions which produce more plentiful and refreshing sleep and
plant subconscious impressions which result in the re-establish-

ment of the normal functions of every healthy cell in the body

as far as this is possible. The result is an increase in the patient's
resistive powers, a conservation of his protoplasmic energy, and

he is in condition more successfully to combat the pathogenic

germs which are making their ravages upon him. The etiolog-

ical factors of disease, whether due to pathogenic germs or other

causes, are powerless in the presence of cells of an organism with

a degree of resistive power sufficient to render them invulnerable.

All that contributes to the health of an individual in the

way of nourishment, medicine, climatic conditions, exercise, etc.

of course should be appropriated.

The etiological factors of disease are here, and they are here
to stay, in spite of our modern methods of disinfection and im-

proved sanitary conditions, which have practically abolished

yellow fever, small pox, cholera, and other diseases regarded as

inevitable curses of the human race.

We as physicians have studied the dead body too much and

the living organism not enough. We have underrated the self-

healing processes of Nature, and the physical effects of psycho-

logic influences. This has frequently given charlatans who

make use of these methods in disguised form, an opportunity

to give us a black eye. We are now, however, giving more at-

tention than ever before to social and mental and hygienic causes

of health and disease and are placing the practice of medicine

upon a more rational basis. We are giving more attention to

the prevention of disease: and to methods of maintaining the

health of the individual.

Suggestion is used both upon the conscious and subcon-

scious mind, and whatever we do in the way of teaching our pa-

tients how to keep well by conforming to the conditions under

which health can be maintained, comes within the broad domain

of suggestive therapeutics. It is the purpose of suggestive thera-

peutics to help our patients to help themselves by better con-

trol and direction of their conscious and subconscious psychic

It is important to remember that the subconscious mind of

every individual is amendable to the influence, control, or sug-

gestion of his own conscious mind. His own thoughts, his be-
liefs, his predominating mental characteristics, as the result of
education and environment, are the suggestions by which he is

continually influencing his subconscious mind.


So much so is this true, that we judge character by the ex-

pression of the faces of people that we see every day. The

strong face and the weak face, the honest face and the villainous
face; the face which indicates a high order of individuality and
self-reliance, selfishness or servitude, all are in evidence. The
fact is, the body is a perfectly negative element, existing accord-

ing to the laws of heredity, environment and education. Thought

is a great factor of change and growth, and thought means that

brain cells are functioning in response to internal and external

stimuli. The will power is a positive part which can guide and
regulate our thinking, provided it has once been evolved suf-

ficiently to set up a new line of mental reaction, through memory

and experience. We are all using our thought forces or self-

suggestions, then, as either creative or destructive agencies, in

accordance with this natural, physiological law.

In order to think for one's self, however, the individual must

be equipped. He must have a well trained and well developed

mind and nervous system which can come only by conforming

to the laws of health and by familiarity with the facts that are

demonstrated by science, and not through the influence of the

modern metaphysical theories of the present time, which act as

temporary narcotics, lulling the intellectual faculties into passivity.

Yet, to cultivate habits of cheerfulness, optimism and self-reli-

ance conduce to health and strength of the physical organism,

on account of the influences of such mental states upon the in-

voluntary physiological processes. Such states of conscious-

ness as give rise to pessimism, despondency, jealousy, anger,

worry, envy and discontent, exert a wrecking, weakening, ruin-


ous effect upon all the involuntary functions. The system be-

comes loaded with metabolic toxines, which in turn render the

individual more miserable and morbidly self-conscious.

People frequently say they are miserable on account of

their physical condition, and they are, but they are often reap-
ing in full measure the conclusion of their own mental action.

The mind governs both the conscious and subconscious actions

of the human body. The condition of the body is largely the

result of what an individual has thought and believed, and

thought and belief are determined by his education and other

experiences in life. The influence of education upon the ex-

pression of the face and physique has been observed by us all

and furnishes a fitting illustration of the influence of the mind

over the body.



The tendency of the logical mind of today is toward the ac-

ceptance of a philosophy that seeks for unity of body, mind and

spirit. These are qualities of the individual, but, scientifically

speaking, they are one and the same thing. Thus, monistic

philosophy, or monism, recognizes that mind, spirit and matter,

soul and body, God and the world, are abstractions and not
things in themselves, but are incomprehensibly bound together
in their inseparable oneness. Call this philosophy "Monism" or

"Monotheism," to suit yourself, but you cannot get away from

the stupendous fact, even though our half-trained understand-

ings and narrow experiences are unprepared to comprehend it,

that the whole universe is animated by a single principle of life,

and mode of energy, and that such expressions as body, mind,

and spirit are qualities of this one principle, thing or substance.

But since it is impossible to think of any quality or thing except

by comparison with something else, each one of these qualities

should be held in equal appreciation.

Knowledge is but an apprehension of facts based on a repre-

sentation or description of those facts in terms that can be com-

prehended by human intelligence.

So, then, in our analysis of the qualities of personality, we

can with consistency, in the light of these premises, say that

each individual becomes self-conscious of his existence upon


one of three planes respectively, physical, mental or intellectual,

and moral or spiritual, all qualities of the same individual.

For instance, the atom of hydrogen gas, considered for so

long a time to be the smallest subdivision of material substance,

is now known to be itself composed of from twelve hundred to

three thousand "ions," or charges of electricity, all elemental

units of force; and it is now recognized that there is in the uni-

verse but this one element. Every other element or combina-

tion of elements is composed of this one elementary substance
coming together in different degrees of density. So that the
space a thousand feet above our heads is composed of precisely

the same elementary substance as is the earth beneath our feet.

Furthermore, the cosmos, with its countless planetary sys-

tems and planets, some of which are millions of times larger

than this little earth upon which we live, together with the

spaces between them, is all composed of this one elementary

substance, call it physical, mental or spiritual, as you please.

The only logical conclusion, then, is that the entire cosmos

is an organism, pulsating, throbbing, vibrating, living, in which

we live, and move and have our existence.
And as is the cosmos, so is man. He is an organism, pul-
sating, vibrating, living. And as is man, so is each individual

cell in his body with inherent potentialities and powers that are
constantly being manifested, functioning in its own way, as it

plays its part in the game of life according to heredity and en-

Yet life is a fact, and all forms of life from the first unicel-

lular moneron down through the millions and millions of years


in which the evolutionary development of man has passed, are

all sharers of that one ever-present life, with numberless vari-
eties of expression, infinite and limitless.

In the evolutionary development of the human race and of

the human intellect and character, each individual seems to

become self-conscious of life upon one or the other of these three

respective planes before mentioned, physical, intellectual, and

moral or spiritual, each of which is the result of training, edu-

cation and environment, so far as their manifestations in his life

are concerned.

Heredity plays an all-important part in the growth and

development of body, mind, and character. So much so, that

a single fertilized cell contains all the psychic qualities, disposi-

tions and traits of personality, physically, mentally and mor-

ally, of ancestors for ages past. All the potentialities are trans-

mitted in this microscopic, fertilized cell.

The great majority of people are conscious of life only upon

the physical plane. They have scarcely any higher conception
of existence and its meaning, other than what appeals to the

appetites, eating, drinking, and sensual indulgences. Like two-

legged animals they live in many instances upon a plane even

lower than the brute, as is indicated by expression of face, phy-

sique, character of speech, habits and conduct.

Others there are who in self-consciousness reach the next

higher plane and seem to go no further. There are people that

we all know, concerning whom, though they may have an intel-

lectuality so cold and pulseless that it glitters as the stars, and

be strong enough mentally to make wonderful achievements in

the fields of politics and commerce, etc., it is nevertheless easy

to discover that there is an element in their personality that is

lacking. It is lacking in expression of face, in handshake, in

tone and quality of voice and speech, and especially in their

conduct and demeanor with their fellow man. In the presence

of such an individual one feels more as if one were face to face

with a stone or an iceberg, rather than in the presence of a human


As to what conscious existence upon the higher plane of

selfhood indicated implies, it is hard to define, yet it consists in

the evolving and developing of those higher elements of human

character regarded as the ethical and aesthetic and moral sense.

We see it manifested in its influence upon human life in magna-

nimity, generosity, altruism, kindness, bravery, and all other

distinctly human faculties. It is the higher functioning of the

true ego, the real man, call it body, mind, spirit, life or soul. It

is manifested in man or woman by the exhibition of those inner

qualities of moral and spiritual dignity, in the determination to

do only that which is conceived to be good and right, not in the

outer esteem of their fellows or in the worthless praise of a

conventional society, but in their own inner consciousness.

"Unfortunately," says Ernest Haeckel, "we have to admit that

in this respect we are still largely ruled by the foolish views of

a lower civilization, if not of crude barbarians."

This animating life principle that functions in human beings

defies analysis, evades our comprehension, and transports our

thoughts beyond what is finite and terrestrial. But it is in

man because man is, and if it were not, he would not be. Haec-

kel says, "Why trouble about this enigmatical 'thing in itself

when we have no means of investigating it?"

This unexplained, undefined and incomprehensible element

in man is the real ego. It is consciousness of life itself. It

is the power that manifests itself on the physical, mental, or

spiritual plane, in its voluntary human expression accord-

ing to knowledge, education and environment. It is the

intelligent life entity which, when fully awakened and evolved

in the consciousness of the individual, makes him strong, inde-

pendent, capable and free.

To discover this element of selfhood is to discover the real

self. It is to find yourself out.

It is the privilege and duty of every individual to manifest

the highest expression and meaning of life upon each of these

planes, physical, mental and moral; to develop harmoniously as

an athlete, in body, mind and character.

When this highest element of selfhood is evolved in self-

consciousness, then do mind and body become man's obedient

servants. Then do we discover the meaning of Emerson's ex-

pression, that "Every man is a divinity in disguise, a God act-

ing a fool."

Strange talk this may appear to be giving to medical men,

but it is the most essential truth in connection with our subject.

In the application of suggestive therapeutics we must re-

gard man as a thing of life, of force, of intelligence, of will and

reason, that emanates from, and is a part of, the central source of

all life, with millions and millions of cells in his organism that are

ready to respond to stimuli in the form of human personality,

therapeutically the personality of the physician.

In all events in the light of this monistic philosophy that

is accepted by every prominent man of science at the present

time, let us as physicians recognize that this inherent poten-

tiality or quality or element is latent in every human being,

whether recognized by him or not, and let us make use of this

animating life principle in therapeutics, using it as one of Na-

ture's forces by conforming to the law that governs it.

The intimate relation between neuron structure and mental

activity is now fully appreciated by both physiologists and psy-
chologists. We are taught that the morphological structure of

nerve elements bears a most important and intimate relation

to mental activity. That the mode of neuron structure is re-

garded as mirroring the mode of organization of the psychic


But it must also be remembered that every psychical phe-

nomenon has its physical concomitant; which is but to say that
every mental state has its influence upon the body. The changes
which appear in neuron structure are, then, the result of edu-
cation and experience which promotes its growth and develop-
ment. Faculty proceeds function. Inherent in every human
organism are latent faculties or potentialities which can be de-
veloped through the influence of environment and education-

other names for suggestion.

Step by step it is dawning upon us that humanity is an or-

ganism and that "the satisfaction and requirement and func-

tioning life activity are impossible without social co-operation,

and it is only then that the individual becomes freed from the

bonds of blood relationship." "In other words," say Sidis and

Goodheart, "with the growth and development of social organ-
ization, organic bondage is replaced by functional relationship."

The lives of human beings are thus so interrelated that per-

sonality is but the outgrowth of experience. The life of each

individual is constantly influencing the growth and development

of brain and mind and character of other individuals by whom

he is also influenced.

Morality, the functioning of the highest element or quality

of selfhood, conforms to the law of evolution, and like organic

evolution, this psychic evolution is but the adaptation of indi-

viduals to conditions of existence. The law of psychic evolu-

tion, as of evolution in general, is from structure to function,

from bondage to freedom of the individual elements.

In the light of the foregoing pages, then, you, reader, are

a being, body, mind or spirit, animated by the one principle of

life from which you come, in common with all human beings and

all forms of life. You have a mind and a body such as you have
made it for yourself, modified, of course, by the laws of heredity

and environment. You physically are the obedient servant, or

should be, to the controlling force or life entity within. Your

face and physique have been formed, shaped and moulded, by
your use or abuse of this inherent life force within you.

This inherent life force, question of all questions, what is

that? Who are you? In the light of modern knowledge of the

cosmic process of evolution we are constrained to answer that


you are a part of the universal source of all life, which you see
manifested wherever you see anything, from the dead earth
upon which you walk, to the eyes of those that you love, flowers,

trees, clouds, moon, sun and stars, even the stars so far away
that a ray of light, going at the rate of one hundred and ninety-

five thousand miles per second, beginning at the time that it

was formerly believed that the world was thrown out into space
by special creation, could not have yet reached this planet, in-

finite and limitless. It is referred to by scientists as "force."

Herbert Spencer says, "The eternal energy behind and within

all things." The idealists or religionists say, "The God in whom
we live, move and have our being."

Think of this power, of which you are, how it converts

bread and meat, fruit and vegetables into bone and muscle,
brain and blood, and how you are endowed with, or have evolved,

will and reason and other faculties of mind and character, and
then dare to exercise these inherent potentialities as a co-worker
with infinity. Divine molecules are we with the privilege to

think, reason, will, and do for ourselves.

It is utterly impossible to hypnotize anyone without getting

the consent and co-operation of the self-conscious ego —unless
it be one in whom this self-conscious ego has not been evolved.
See how we get the consent and cooperation of this, the real

man, when an individual consents to relax, close his eyes, with

lips slightly apart, to secure thorough relaxation, as if to say,
"All right, doctor, mind and body submit I unto you, I step

aside, the door is open."


At this juncture and while your patient is in this condi-

tion, by your better educated and better equipped personality

you pour some of your own psychic life in the form of suggestion,

into his. You thus renew and stimulate latent, dormant, psy-

chic activities, encourage the functions of his body, and you

put life and health and strength where there was weakness, in

conformity with a natural law.

It is estimated that the normal individual has from eight

hundred million to thirteen hundred million cells of gray matter
in his brain and that the average individual uses but about one-
tenth of this entire number. By the influence of personality

upon personality, then, we convert latent energy into moving

energy, potential energy into dynamic energy, and thus stimu-

late and encourage the functions of every cell in the human body.

Every time you come into the presence of a patient, it is

your privilege and duty to get the consent and co-operation of

the ego, that highest element of the self-conscious individual,

and appeal to this higher psychic quality, the man himself, the

organized, intelligent life entity, that has simply thrown this

physical cloak around him, and encourage it to vitalize and

energize all life processes upon the physical plane.

We, as physicians, have studied dead eyes that do not see,

dead tongues that do not talk, dead ears that do not hear. We
all know that the mind, soul, or spirit, or life, name it as you
choose, is the real man, and yet this ever present entity has been

an unconsidered element in our consideration of human beings.

I am aware of the sneers that occasionally come from a few

individuals who disregard this quality of human personality.


They are usually those in which this higher self-consciousness

has not been evolved. They have not discovered themselves;

we stand upon different planes and they deserve our pity.

There are other individuals who are so hide-bound in relig-

ious orthodoxy that they are themselves hypnotized by creed

or dominated by the power of suggestion until they are not

open to the consideration of this subject in its broader aspects.

There is no phase of philosophy or religious theory or question

or problem of life, educational, ethical, moral or political that

a conscientious truth seeker is not likely to jar in the discussion

of this subject. They are under the sway of precedent and pre-

judice, and it seems to them a species of disloyalty to question

the hoary old beliefs which have become as much a matter of

family inheritance to them as the color of the eyes or hair or

shape of the features.

But times and manners change. Skepticism is the natural

fruit of growing intelligence and increasing experience. It is

simply the unwillingness of the truth seeker to be satisfied with

anything less than the truth.

The great majority of mankind are practically untouched

by the progress of present day knowledge. The tremendous

task of teaching men and women to think for themselves and
learn the great lesson of self-reliance has scarcely begun.
All but our most intelligent people are creatures of a school of

thought or belong to some intellectual herd. Never was there

a time that so demanded fearless, independent, tolerant, logical

Reason is mankind's greatest, highest and noblest faculty,

and as such should be the supreme court of the mind, and all

other impulses that flitter and dance and play in the stream of
human consciousness, either intellectual or emotional in charac-

ter, should be subject to its rulings.

Will, the executor of reason and judgment, should be loyal

enough to follow their dictates. It is upon this condition only

that sanity is maintained. Will and reason, however, are in

keeping with the law of evolution, psychic qualities that are de-

veloped by education, knowledge and experience.

Consciousness, the most fundamental faculty of the human
soul, is a stream of endless psychic states, resulting from previ-
ous experiences, incessantly changing as the restless, white

capped tides of ocean, that can exist only by virtue of its end-

less unceasing motion; and this continuous change is what makes

conscious life.

Conscious life itself, then, is a stream of varying psychical

states, which quickly follow one another in perpetual motion,

rolling, rising and sinking, ebbing and flowing, with never an in-

stant of rest. The elementary psychic states which lie below

consciousness constitute the subconscious realm. Here is a

great ocean of memories, sensations, imaginations, emotions

and impulses, desires and aspirations, hopes and ambitions,

fears and disappointments, successes and failures, which are

past impressions or memory pictures that linger in the human

brain. These rise to the realm of consciousness and are inter-

preted in thoughts and feelings from which there is no escaping,

and these thoughts or feelings in turn constitute mental states


which exert an influence upon all involuntary physiological pro-


The power of attention fixes the mind on such ideas and

sensations or memory pictures as are most worth while to the

individual, and by constant assertion and iteration, reasoning

and persuasion, suggesting and impressing, we substitute such

impressions as will bring the individual under their influence,

both consciously and subconsciously.

By suggestion we can drive back these subconscious im-

pressions or memory pictures, and if we but have personality

and self-hood to dare to make an appeal to the highest element

of character within those of our patients who need thus arous-

ing, we have rendered the greatest service that one human being

can possibly render a fellow man. Arouse the higher intellec-

tual faculties, the higher brain centers, and the highest moral
ideal into action, and you truly put life into your patient.

In every great battle that has been fought in both ancient

and modern times, brave leadership by a strong appeal made

through patriotism and pride has so aroused the psychic element
in soldiers in battle that men have been frequently known
to stand and fight through heat and cold, day and night, with

hunger and thirst, for days and days at a time and conquer by
unwavering will and determination. They have thus exhibited
a degree of resistive power in many notable instances that has

been beyond human conception. In all instances in battle the

soldiers on the victorious side easily recover from serious wounds

and mutilations, while, on the other hand, those upon the side
that is defeated, die of mere trivial inflictions.

In all heroic achievements of men, reserve, subconscious

power, has been brought into action, stimulated or evoked by

the conditions of the moment, that enables individuals to accom-

plish which seemed absolutely impossible in proportion to their

recognized capacity.

These are facts that every observing individual has fre-

quently recognized and that are acknowledged by us all. If

human beings have within them that psychic element which can
be evoked under extraordinary conditions to so increase the
normal resistive powers and capabilities of both mind and body,

why should we as physicians not in a sense, be generals or leaders

in our association with our patients, and in our daily relations

with them evoke latent energy and heighten their normal resis-

tive powers to the ravages of any disease, acute or chronic, or-

ganic or "psycho-neuro-pathic."

The successful men in every profession, in all trades and

departments of life, are enthusiasts, whether it be a Martin

Luther, a Savonarola, a Bismarck, a Napoleon, a Joe Wheeler,

or a physician. Men have in innumerable instances been

known to stir their fellow men to action. The simple country

maiden, Joan of Arc, by her enthusiasm and unwavering


confidence, headed the French army in the face of defeat and

led her stalwart troops to victory.

What are we as the medical profession doing as leaders for

the people? As guardians of the public health are we doing all

within our power in the way of teaching people how to keep

and healthy and strong, without relying upon us to admin-


ister to their physical necessities or upon priest or clergy to

control their psychic activities?

In directing an individual how to control his or her psychic

activities and steer them into channels of useful thought and con-
duct, the entire man, physical and psychical, body and mind,
or soul and spirit, if you choose, must be taken into considera-

tion. Body, mind, and spirit must be considered as qualities of

the individual, one and inseparable; their inter-dependence must

be recognized.

At this time, when those possessing abnormal powers of

imagination, with unlimited emotion and little reasoning, are

being led by every absurd theory and metaphysical dogma

that is presented under the pretense of an especially commis-

sioned divine guidance, we should be prepared to rise to the

occasion and acquit ourselves as men in the highest sense. The

great need of the world today is education, knowledge and guid-

ance, other names for honest, conscientious, truthful suggestion.

The problems of health are the problems of life, problems of

education and economic considerations which involve the ques-

tions of work, food, clothing, homes, and all other essentials

that make for human happiness. Manhood is only in the mak-

ing. We are yet evolving, growing and developing. The pro-

cess of evolution is as active today as it was a million years ago,

and it points to the evolution of the mind as well as the body, of

the God in man, and not the triumphant brute. All those who
in any way by ideas, provision of means, or achievement con-
tribute to the evolution of the human race, are the world's true


Life consists in the free exercise of our faculties and hap-

piness in the successful performance of duty and achievement.

"The law of natural selection" and "The survival of the fittest"

will go on forever.

The self-conscious ego can and does function on the physi-

cal plane, making a tyrant or a beast of man; or on the mental

or intellectual plane, making him capable of reasoning and think-

ing for himself; or on the ethical or moral plane, making him a
reasonable, useful human being, dependent on education and en-

vironment. The optimism of scientific minds consists in the be-

lief that upon these three planes of life mankind must be strong,

capable, and free, and that we shall not dwindle into physical
weaklings, intellectual nonentities, or spiritual slaves or fanatics.

The fight made by the medical profession against parasitic

germs in the fields of pathology, surgery, medicine, and hygiene,

has been crowded with glorious achievement, but a greater work

is still before us. Our battle is only half begun.

Since the days of Vesalius, Harvey and Jenner, clown to the

present time, every step of advance made by medical science has

been boldly contested and fought by ignorance, fanaticism and

misdirected zeal. The warfare of science must go on forever.

Nature has surrendered to science her most valued treasures.

We have subdued steam and electricity, harnessed the water-

falls, tunnelled the mountains, rendered the bosom of the ocean

amenable to the great service of mankind, and demanded from

the bowels of the earth her most sacred treasures.

Those who regard humanity as a finished product, now stand-

ing at the mercy of an anthropo-morphic deity, are in the truest

sense retarding the evolution, growth, and development of the

highest psychic qualities of man and womanhood.

Science has no fight to make against true religion ; its strug-

gle is with ignorance and intolerant dogmatism. She demands

a religion that appeals to the brain as well as to the emotions ; to

reason and not to ignorance, one that will develop the entire

individual to the fullness of perfect manhood and womanhood.

Life is a struggle. Every idea that seeks to be embodied de-
mands a conflict. In order to live, we must dare to be, to de-

clare our own individuality.

Physicians have done much for the protection of the

human body, but what are they doing to prevent the para-

sitic infection of absurd beliefs and dogmas and theories

that at the present time infect the human mind with their

blighting, weakening influence upon the development of body,

mind and character?

Science and everyday experience agree that Nature cares

nothing for individuals. What the people of our time need is

plain living, clear thinking, and right action, to develop poten-

tialities of both mind and body.
The psychical correlation of religious emotion and the sex-

ual instincts is such that any sect that starts with extravagant
sentiments of love to all men will fascinate and take hold of an
easily impressible type of unscientific and unthinking people.
Yet minds that have been stored with nothing more substantial
than historical fiction and agitated so long by unreasonable dog-
mas of a capricious deity from which they naturally shrink, are
easily captured and held in subjection by any mind-soothing

theory under the guise of religion that has a romantic or mysti-

cal flavor. A lack of contact with the world and an unfamiliarity

with the facts of science have left these credulous people with

no more powers of reflection than a child, and they naturally

have, in consequence, abnormally deveolped imaginations and

emotions, and are easily captured by absurd and illogical meta-

physical vagaries.

In my travels among the physicians I have talked with

many men of scientific attainments, and in the ranks of both the
clergy and the medical profession they deplore the fact that

theologians of the present day have been so slow to accept and

utilize the message of science, and that so many have lacked the
moral stamina to shake off the worn out and useless doctrines

of an ignorant and superstitious age; yet among the clergy are

many who teach and preach better than their creed. They
have no fight to make against science, but look upon science as

the handmaiden of true religion. The majority, however, have

been held in the coils of creed and fettered by dogma and thus
coerced into a beaten path at the sacrifice of reason and judg-

ment. The more enlightened clergymen realize this, and just

in proportion as they are educated and scientific men, are they

boldly getting away from the absurd dogmas and shaking off

useless external formalities that have fettered the aspiring

spirit, progress and growth of humanity so long.

In their slowness to interpret life and its meaning in the

light of present day knowledge, no wonder that we see an article

in one of our leading periodicals headed "Is the Pulpit a Cow-

ard's Castle?" And yet there was never in the world's history a

greater need for strong, fearless, unblemished and unfettered

men willing to devote their lives to the help of their fellow men.
Do you ask what this discussion has to do with suggestive
therapeutics? It has at the present day a most important bear-
ing. The present status of this subject is so related to those

influences of an educational nature that furnish food stuffs to

the minds of the people, that I should feel that I had dodged
the issue, the most important issue, did I not boldly face these

problems, which I know are agitating the minds of scientific

medical men everywhere, and give them the consideration that

they so pre-eminently deserve.

Religious beliefs and health and disease stand in precisely

the same relation as does mind and body. It is simply a ques-

tion of those influences that dominate and control an individu-

al's psychic life. To do another's thinking for him is to regu-

late his actions and control his life. It is a question of the fac-

tors that are obscuring and obstructing the path of social and in-

tellectual progress in opposition to those influences that elevate

thought and action among living men and women.

No intelligent physician would think of overlooking the

question of dietetics in the treatment of a case of chronic indi-

gestion, especially when unwholesome food was largely respon-

sible for this physical malady. It is of equal importance, if not

more important, to take into consideration those elements that

are harmful or healthful in the growth and development and

stability and maintenance of mind and character. The physi-
cian who ignores the psychic element in the consideration of

sickness and disease is as one-sided as the Christian Scientists


who refuse to recognize the needs of the body. The considera-

tion of the maintenance of the health of an individual involves

those factors that maintain and sustain health and strength of

both mind and body.

How many thousands of people have died before men found

out which were poisons and which were foods? To teach by
killing that others may learn to use their faculties has been the

method of the cosmic process in the evolution and development

of the human being. Even today the greater part of sickness

and disease is but Nature's protest against human beings for

violating her laws, physical, hygienic, dietetic, psychical, etc.

In the consideration of those factors that contribute to human

health and happiness, all these elements must be considered.
Every step taken by the scientific men of the medical pro-

fession to abolish cholera, smallpox, and yellow fever, has been

opposed by mystics and sentimentalists. But though thou-
sands of lives have been saved by improved sanitation, hygiene,
dietetics, disinfection and asepsis in the physical realm, there is

a field of no less importance in the psychological realm that needs

to be fumigated, disinfected, drained and cleared of parasites

that live and thrive upon the ignorance and superstition of

weakness arid innocence. Modern science is turning the great

searchlight of truth into every dark corner where these pois-

onous microbes may be found lurking.
The universal acceptance of the doctrine of evolution by
all the important non-sectarian universities in our country and

by the more enlightened theological schools has sounded the

death knell of the old formulated creeds and dogmas based upon

the ideas of special creation that has fettered the aspiring spirit

of humanity so long. To say that you believe in the doctrine of

evolution is but to say that you believe in God's way of doing

things, and of all classes of people who ought to be ready to

accept this important truth and give the people the benefit of

the light it sheds upon human life and conduct, the men of the

learned professions should be the first.

Fear, which is the result of an analysis of consequences, has

been so instilled in the human mind by the teachers and preach-

ers of anthropo-morphic theism, until the great masses of people

who are not sufficiently educated to think for themselves, have

been unconsciously dominated and development of body, mind

and character suppressed.
The revelations made by scientific investigators do not take
God out of the world, but render us more intimately self-con-
scious of his all pervading presence. Moreover, they only add
new luster to the matchless character whose simple teaching of

faith, hope and love has for two thousand years stirred the

noblest impulses of the human soul, and proved to be the great-

est factor in the evolution of the ethical and moral element of

the human race, in spite of the war and bloodshed and destruc-
tion of human lives that have been perpetrated by religious sects

pretending to be his followers.

The great need of the world today is men to interpret life

in the light of present day knowledge and to tell the people the

truth as the more enlightened individuals see it, and who will

not falter and be cowardly on account of the ignorance and

superstition of ages past and gone that is still exercising its de-

moralizing influence upon our present civilization. All the mod-

ern creeds and cults, "ists" and "isms" of the present day are

but an evidence of the recoil of the people from the dogmatism

and intolerance of medicine and theology.

With the present conception and theory of the origin and

destiny of man, the individual has made a wonderful discovery.

He has learned that he is no longer a serf, but that he, too, has
creative power, and he dares to give it manifest expression in

his life and conduct. With this changed mental attitude toward
the universe and its process of development, he has been made
self-conscious of the God in his own soul, and life has a zest and
meaning which is equivalent to having put him into a new world.

It has altered his conception of himself and his relation to all

forms of life, and he realizes as never before his intimate rela-

tion and responsibility and duty to his fellow man. He no longer

considers himself a stranger and an exile in a foreign country,

but here and now he is at home, securely abiding in the great,

living, throbbing, pulsating heart of Nature. Side by side with

his fellow man is he permitted to work and in his own way to

contribute his best efforts to the furtherance of human happiness.

No class of human beings have done so much for their

brethren as the members of the medical profession. In dens of

poverty, fields of pestilence, or amid the heat and shot and shell

in war, they are ever conspicuous for their presence. Day and
night, through heat and cold, sunshine or rain, they are found

anywhere, from the lowest brothels to gilded palaces, in labor-

atories and hospitals, amid contagious diseases or with the in-

sane, laboring to promote the comfort, health and happiness of

their fellows.

Ignorant mankind has been so long preached the worm of

the dust theory and been taught to call himself weak, humble,

powerless and worthless, until many have become so on account

of their own thinking. Let them once get a glimpse of their di-

vine origin, in the light of modern evolutionary knowledge, and

dare to exercise their faculties and inherent capabilities of body

and mind on lines of useful endeavor, and seek health by con-

forming to the conditions of health, and dare to claim and exer-
cise the ability to think, will, reason, and do for themselves, and
many there are in this world who, like Pygmalion's statue Gala-

tea, will be transformed into beings of life.

We are beginning to look at ourselves with new eyes.

The old religions, which condemn the body as vile and sinful

and advocate a locality of everlasting punishment, are passing

away. We now realize that the mind helps the body as much as

the body helps the mind, that mind, body and spirit are quali-

ties of the one individual and that within every human being
lies the power through intelligent living, acting and thinking, to

develop both mind and body into a high degree of perfection.

The human will, guided by reason, is the positive part of

our mental equipment and the body is the negative, responsive
to its rulings and dictates. Intelligent, logical thinking as the

result of education and experience, effort and determination,

are the great factors of growth and the most powerful forces in

the universe. It is force itself in its voluntary human expres-


sion. By these all other forces of Nature are controlled and

utilized for the happiness of man.
We have nothing to fear from the modern unlicensed sys-
tems of healing which have arisen out of the development of a
better appreciation of the psychic qualities of man within the
past twenty years. The fittest will survive. As among Rus-
kin's Lilies, the sunflowers and weeds shoot up their heads in

gorgeous array and they are only giving expression to a single

phase of truth. The universe is big enough to furnish a stage of

action for us all, so let them do their little stunts in peace.

The coming physician, however, must of necessity be a

broad-gauged and well educated man. His therapeutic arma-
mentarium and mental equipment will be such as to enable him
to avail himself of all methods of treatment, physical, mental,

social, moral, ethical, that make for the health and happiness
of his patient.

A large percentage of the people who are sick, ailing or com-

plaining do not need medicine or surgery. What many of them
really need, though they may not be cognizant of their need, is

direction and advice, knowledge and guidance, all suggestive

measures that enable them to conform to the conditions by

which the wonderful recuperative powers inherent in the bio-
logical elements of the organism can have a chance to re-estab-
lish health. Human beings are so constituted that they cannot
in this infantile stage of their development, stand alone. The
great organism of humanity must have men strong, capable, self-

reliant and well educated, to direct and influence the functions

of the great mass of the people, just as the higher centers of

the brain influence all the lower bodily functions.


The hunger of the body for bread and fruit, meat and vege-
tables, is no more real than the hunger of the human intellect

for facts and principles by which life and conduct may be


The charlatanism of the past twenty years has an important

message for the medical profession, as it has also for theologians.
In hundreds and thousands of instances have they demon-
strated to us that there are mental or physical causes of diseases,

on the one hand, and that diseases of the physical organism, not

too far advanced, can be benefitted, ameliorated and oftentimes

cured, by correcting these perverted mental conditions on the


Science has pointed out and discovered the mental toxemia

that has been disseminated and scattered broadcast uncon-

sciously and unintentionally by the halting, timeworn, moth-
eaten and useless systems of education and ecclesiasticism, and

there are thousands and thousands of individuals who need

help, in the way of aid to enable them to do rational, intelligent

thinking and living.

What is disease? I believe that even Virchow would agree

that it is a condition wherein the cells of the part affected do not

properly perform their functions. At first it begins as a mere

so-called functional disturbance, which, though the aid of the

microscope be required to detect it, always implies a physical

change. At least, there is a lessened degree of resistive power

in the cells of the organism. In this weakened condition the

individual cells are more vulnerable and are unqualified to put

up a strong fight against their enemies. Now an exciting cause


of disease comes along in the form of a pathogenic germ or other

etiological factor. In the case of the bacteriological infection

a fight ensues. Brave and altruistic little men as they are, the

phagocytes throw their bodies into the combat to destroy the

pathogenic enemy by intracellular digestion, or if, forsooth, they

fail in this, they pile their bodies by the thousands and millions,

to build, as it were, an impenetrable breastwork for the protec-

tion of the remaining cells of the organism, each one anxious

and willing to sacrifice his own life that his fellows may be pro-

tected. Thus an organic or structural change takes place and

this may then be beyond the pale of psychological methods of

But in conjunction with surgical, medicinal and other thera-

peutic measures, we can, by psychological methods, aid in the

re-establishment of every other bodily function which may have

been disturbed on account of this local, organic, or pathological

condition, and so we not only help the individual in a general

way, but wc indirectly aid in the healing processes of surgical

procedures and supplement medicinal and other therapeutic de-

vices. We quiet nervousness, relieve pain and promote sleep.

The result is better appetite, increased digestion and assimila-

tion, improved nutrition, and a consequent conservation of en-

ergy throughout the entire physical organism.

So, then, it must appear to the logical mind, that there is

no class of cases, acute or chronic, surgical or otherwise, in which

the psychological factor does not play an important part in con-

junction with all other methods of therapeutics.



It is in functional and neuropathic conditions that sugges-

tive therapeutics is most applicable, yet it must be remembered

that a functional disturbance weakens the resistive power of

the cells of the organsim and invites bacteriological invasion,

and that the speedy and timely correction of the functional dis-

order may prevent its resulting in an organic lesion.

There is an important psychic element in all classes of dis-

eases and conditions, surgical, infectious, febrile, or otherwise.

Physicians on the coasts, where yellow fever until only a few

years ago wrought great destruction of life, quite frequently re-

minded me of what an important role mental influences played

in helping or hindering a patient suffering with this disease.
One physician recited a case in which he had under his care

a young man sick with yellow fever, whom he had led to believe
himself suffering only from malarial fever, in order to avoid the

harmful influence of fear of yellow fever in his case. His family

had acquiesced in this scheme and the young man was doing

well and no apprehensions were entertained as to his recovery,

until a thoughtless friend of the patient who had himself recov-

ered but two weeks before from yellow fever was admitted to

see him. He made it dawn on the consciousness of the sufferer

that he had yellow fever instead of malarial fever, a severe ill-

ness instead of a trivial one, and thus so wrought upon his emo-
tional'or involuntary nervous system by the fear that he had

planted by his unwise suggestions that the patient at once took

a change for the worse. "His stomach and bowels and kindeys
literally went to pieces," and he was dead in two hours after the

young man's visit.

A physician of my acquaintance related the following case:

His wife, who was supposed to have reached full term of preg-

nancy, was taken ill with a unilateral lobar pneumonia with

temperature of 104, pulse 120, the first day. Two days after-
ward she was delivered, and on the fourth day after the onset

of the pneumonia and the second day after parturition, at about

nine o'clock at night after using the vaginal douche, hot poul-

tices to the chest, and ice to her head, she went to sleep with her

hand gently clasped between both of his own.

He likewise dropped off to sleep, when after perhaps two
hours had elapsed, she awoke startled with a muttering deliri-

ous groan which awoke him. Her pulse was 160 a minute and
the tempearture was afterward observed to be 105.5 F. He
quickly prepared a hypodermic injection of strychnine sulphate

1-20 grain, and just as he had pushed the water to the end of

his needle to exclude all air, he looked down as if to say, "Give

me your arm."
Her condition was such before she went to sleep two hours

previously, he had entertained very great apprehensions of her

ability to recover, and now he felt decidedly uneasy about her,

though he made every effort to conceal his forebodings. As her

eyes met his he felt what she afterwards admitted, she was about
to say, namely, that she was going to die or that she was dying.
Quickly getting possession of himself he spoke to her loudly and

strongly, positively asserting, "You will be better in a moment.

I have seen a hundred people more sick than you are get well.

Give me your arm." As he looked at her again, having with-

drawn the needle, a smile was on her face and tears trickling

down both her cheeks. Putting his face close to hers and gently

caressing the other cheek, he suggested, "You were only dream-

ing; let me renew the poultice and ice bag and show you how
good you will be feeling in a few moments." At once a new con-
sciousness took possession of her, the anxious expression was

gone, her pulse was slower and her voice decidedly stronger.

That proved to be the turning point in her recovery, though the

lung did not begin to clear up until the eighth day.

There are, in the experience of every general practitioner,

in certain individual cases, crises where the psychic factor has de-
cided the recovery or non-recovery of his patient. Had the

case just related have been surrounded by an emotional; over-

anxious family, who would only have aggravated that peculiar

psychic condition, that physician's wife would probably have

been dead inside of two hours.

The author has had in his own experience several incidents

where he has been called into consultation to see individuals

who were seriously ill, where the entire family had confidence
in his judgment, which also made the patient more amenable
to his suggestions, and where the attending physician had prac-
tically read the patient's death warrant by giving an unfavorable
prognosis in no uncertain terms, and after making an examina-

tion, he has begun psychic treatment by the positive statement

to the patient, "You are going to get well all right."


In one such case that happened to be turned over to me

after a brief absence, where the physician in temporary charge

had given a positive, unfavorable prognosis, I assured the pa-

tient in the presence of the physician at my first visit that he

was going to get well, that the treatment that he was on was
precisely the right one, that a decided change for the better

would take place that very night. The physician, a very dear
friend of mine, followed me out of the room, and in a subdued
tone, addressing me by name, said, "I hate to see you fall so

hard. There is no more possibility of that patient getting well

than there is of your taking wings and flying."

The case in question was that of an old man seventy-eight

years of age, who had been sick for ten days with la grippe and

who now had an acute lobar pneumonia. The prognosis given

by the physician in this case was just such as ninety-nine phy-
sicians out of a hundred, who did not fully recognize the value

of the psychic factor in therapeutics, would have given in such a


"Why do you say that he will not get well?" I asked.

"It is my opinion, based upon the pathological conditions,

together with his age and continued illness," was his reply.

"But my opinion is that he will get well," said I.

"Yes, but you are not doing right to make him believe that

he is going to get well when he is so sick," said he most kindly.

"But, doctor, that is just what is going to make him get

well; because I can make him believe it, will strengthen the bridge

that is to tide him over to recovery."


After that I assumed control of the situation and allowed

no one to enter that room who did not believe that that patient
was going to recover on account of confidence sufficient in me
to rely upon my judgment. Even the physician agreed to co-
operate with my plan out of respect for my wishes in that par-
ticular case.

When he returned the next day, he said to me in the con-

sulting room with his face lighted with a smile, "He is really

better. Your presence has greatly benefited him."

It was eleven days before that lung cleared up, his tem-

perature went down and heart beats became strong and natural
for his condition, but he recovered.

The point that I wished to bring out has been illustrated in

this case. The physician who does not fully appreciate the psy-

chological factor in therapeutics is far more likely to give an

unfavorable prognosis — and in many instances he might as well

knock his patient on the head with a sledge hammer as use
psychic influences, unconsciously though it be, to retard rather

than promote recovery.

It is frequently the case that the physicians come into the

presence of a serious pathological condition, so depressed him-

self by his knowledge of pathology, that he forgets to put confi-

dence in the recuperative powers of his patient, which can be

encouraged and stimulated to increase all physiological proces-

ses. This unconscious suggestive influence may so plant fear

in the patient, accumulating with double force on account of

the depressing environmental psychologic influence which fol-


lows as a logical sequence, that it can be stated as a scientific

truth that the prognosis frequently kills the patient.

People die frequently under such conditions of purely nerv-

ous shock. Shock may be defined as being a complete suspen-

sion of some and partial suspension of others of the functions of

the nervous system.

Fear alone, an emotion which is the result of the analysis of

consequences, exercises an inhibitory influence over all the nerv-

ous functions, both voluntary and involuntary. Every idea that

originates in the conscious mind as the result of self-analysis of

subjective sensations, symptoms, and conditions, reproduces it-

self in the body.

Physiologists have always endowed the nerve and brain

centers with a peculiar energy of their own, indefinitley expressed

under such terms as neuric energy, nerve force, vis medicatrix

naturae, etc. At any rate these higher centers stand in a similar

relation to the body to that in which a dynamo stands to a great

building full of intricate and complex machinery. When prop-

erly manipulated the influx of energy goes to every organ, cell

and function of the body, giving stored up energy to the special

functions as occasion requires.

The mental attitude of the patient to his own condition is

the determining factor in the utilization of stored up reserve

psychic power. The very belief on the part of the patient in the

possible serious outcome of his illness, even when he is, as far as

it is possible for a human being to be, apparently devoid of fear,

disturbs and depresses him and weakens all power of resistance.

An illustration of the influence of the conscious mind upon


voluntary functions is well demonstrated by concentrating the

mind upon the arm held at right angles to the body and con-

stantly iterating the suggestion that "the arm is getting stronger

and stronger."
It is usually supposed that a man cannot hold up his arm for

more than five or ten minutes at a time. I once took a class of

ten young ladies bewteen twenty-two and thirty years of age,

and by suggestion each one was enabled to hold her arm at right

angles to her body for one hour. During this experiment I held

my own arm at right angles and standing in front of a circle that

had been formed, I requested that each one of the young ladies

look at the bridge of my nose glasses and positively assured them

that as long as the eyes did not lose sight of this object, their

arms would remain strong.

"Mine is tired and I cannot hold out much longer," said one,

after about fifteen minutes.

"Then let me touch the point of your elbow and it will be

strong again," I quickly replied. Then going from one to the

other who requested it, I kept that sort of thing up until the
hour was up.
Each one of the young ladies thought that I had given them
the strength to hold their arms out so long. In a sense I had
done so, by suggestions to their subconscious selves, though they
were wide awake and in no sense hypnotized, as the term is ordi-

narily employed; yet in reality there was as much hypnotism ex-

erted as if they had been in a state of active somnambulism.

I have frequently taken a group of children, who have always

been favorite associates of mine, and began with them in what

I was pleased to call "exercises." I would first begin by having

all hold out one arm in a prize contest which they enjoyed im-
mensely. For four out of six to hold out an arm at right angles
to the body for an hour and a half after the third or fourth day's
exercises, was nothing unusual.
They could also stand on one foot for more than an hour,
still at times and hopping about at other times with the other

foot in hand, either in front of or behind them. At any rate,

I held their attention and constantly kept up a suggestive influ-

ence by addressing my suggestion to one and then another, ex-

pressing my confidence in his or her ability to hold up an arm

or stand on one foot all day long.

In my demonstrations and lectures given to physicians, I

always have had one or more physicians present take a sugges-

tion, without the slightest attempt to induce sleep, by agreeing

to co-operate with me so that I could show him how he could

convey a suggestion to his own subconscious mind and get re-

sults that would surprise him. In over five hundred instances

have I placed physicians submitting to this experiment across

two chairs and jumped upon their bodies with my entire weight

of two hundred pounds, and in nine-tenths of the instances they

would say that I had apparently placed no more than three or

four pounds upon them. They were astonished and frequently
incredulous when I informed them that they had sustained my

Anyone who believes that he can do so, can easily lie with

head in one chair and heels in another and hold up one hundred

and fifty or two hundred pounds. On the other hand I have


frequently witnessed a physician attempt this where he did not

believe it possible for a man to sustain even his own weight, and

he always proved that what he believed about it was correct.

It is simply a question of mental attitude.

For a suggestion to be assimilated as a self-suggestion, there

must be confidence that amounts to a conviction, before it will

reach and influence the subconscious realm. The great realm

of subconsciousness, which corresponds to the functioning of at

least nine-tenths of an individual's psychic powers, is amenable

to the suggestion of the conscious beliefs of the individual. His

mental attitude, if it amounts to a conviction, evokes or calls

forth latent powers or inherent psychic activities, and renders

the reserve energy available or useless as he has confidence or

lack of confidence.

But suggestion without hypnotism is effective in its influ-

ence not only upon the voluntary nervous functions, but the in-

voluntary functions as well. Through the influence of sugges-

tion upon the physiological processes of the body, even gross

structural changes can result.

I walked up to a physician upon one occasion who was hold-

ing the hand of a little boy in both of his own, gently manipu-
lating his hand. He was assuring the little fellow that those

warts would go away, that they would go away when he did not

know anything about it, and in two months would be gone, etc.

The physician had attended my lecture and demonstration

the previous evening, and when I discovered what he was doing,

I exclaimed, "Using suggestion so early, doctor?"


"Oh, this is my own method of curing warts," he replied.

"I enjoy the enviable reputation here among the little boys as
being the wart cure doctor, and I have in numerous cases dis-

persed them by suggestion."

A well-known physician related to me an experience of his

in the case of a uterine fibroid —yes, a fibroid tumor of the

uterus! Upon his last examination before an intended surgical
operation, he found that there was much adhesion, and rather
than jeopardize the life of his patient, he decided upon a plan
which he executed as follows:

"Mrs. Blank," he said, "if you will co-operate with me for

one year, I feel quite certain that you can get well without the

operation I intended. It will all depend upon your intelligent,

persistent co-operation and effort. I wish to see you once a week

to apply a medicine to the inside of your womb for the influence

that it will exert upon lessening the circulation in that tumor,

and also to apply a tampon to hold up the heavy organ so that

you will suffer no more pain. Now, what I want you to do,

in dead earnest, is this: Whenever you think of your

condition at all, say to yourself, 'The blood vessels that go
to this tumor are drying up, shrinking up, getting smaller and
smaller, my womb is getting lighter and lighter and this tumor
is going away. Every day and night it is going away."

"Doctor Blank," exclaimed she, "are you a Christian Scien-

tist? Do you mean to tell me that any such mental attitude on

my part could exert an influence upon a large, hard substance

like the things you showed me in those jars?"


"No, madam, I am not a Christian Scientist," said he, "but

I do know that persistent, intelligent use of the higher brain

centers exerts a wonderful influence over the vasomotor neuro-

regulation of the blood supply to any part of the body upon

which attention is centered, and I tell you frankly that if you
will do as I advise you, I expect to avoid the necessity of this


"Doctor Blank," replied his patient, earnestly, "I will per-

sistently and constantly do some of the finest thinking that any

person ever did, all the time while I am awake and when I retire

at night. I will affirm and iterate that this tumor is drying up

and shrinking up, that the blood vessels are getting smaller and
smaller and that the tumor is getting lighter and lighter and is

rapidly going away, day and night it is going away."

This physician saw that patient once a week and made a

simple application to her womb, but each time assured her that

the congestion was being relieved, that the blood vessels were

getting smaller, that her womb was getting lighter and that she

was progressing nicely in every way.

He said that at the end of one year that woman's tumor was
less than one-fourth of the original size. His patient at that

time said, "Oh, doctor, it is such a responsibility to have to

keep forcing that suggestion upon the involuntary physiologi-

cal processes all the time."

"Then dismiss it, madam, just as I am going to dismiss you.

I am positive that you will experience no more trouble and you

may think of yourself as being a well woman."


It was two years since he dismissed that patient and she

had experienced no more trouble.
While upon this phase of the subject, let me state here that

the sexual instinct and its development is a far more potent factor

in the production of neurotic symptoms than is commonly sup-

posed. Nothing so disturbs the tranquility of the average mind

as the belief in his or her own sexual weakness, though it is

purely imaginary.

That one individual, however, has a nose that is conspicu-

ous for its enormous convexity and another for its concavity

does not prevent this organ from performing its function. So

in the case of the female uterus, which is probably the organ that

varies more than any other in position and size and the fact

that in one case the fundus points to an angle of forty-five de-

grees forward when the individual is in the erect position or

forty-five degrees backward in another individual is no ground

to give rise to a diagnosis of abnormality or disease.

This organ is also from its very nature subject to a great

variety of vascular changes and when a patient is morbid in

the belief that she has some serious uterine affection with all

the perverted mental states that accompany such a self-con-

sciousness, there is no field of work in which suggestion in con-

junction with some simple application or device brings such

fruitful results.

Get the confidence of your patient ; let her know that you are

considering her case from every point of view; find out what she

believes about her case and do it tactfully, and then give her a

scientific analysis of her case in your own language that will har-

monize with her own convictions and her symptoms, and in

making a mental picture to her as to what the outcome of the

treatment will be, be sure to cover every symptom.
In other words, in conjunction with your local treatment be

sure to give a suggestion to meet every indication, letting your

patient feel that the treatment will bring such results. While

using suggestion in conjunction with your treatment, do all you

can to secure the intelligent co-operation of your patient.
In all gynecological cases there is more or less functional and

neuropathic disturbance, such as insomnia, nervousness, indi-

gestion, constipation, despondency, etc., which can be success-

fully combated by simple suggestion given at the time the local

treatment is applied. Above all send your patients away less

self-conscious of the seriousness of their illness and more confi-

dent of a complete recovery.

A casual remark, while holding the attention of your pa-

tient, that she will be easy after this, will sleep soundly at night,

have a better appetite and feel better in every way, is food stuff

for the subconscious mind that furnishes memory pictures or

ideas that will be reproduced in the body.

A patient of mine upon one occasion had worked very hard

taking stock in a dry goods store and became fatigued. He had
not slept the two nights previous, though he had taken fifteen

or twenty grains of sulphonal. He said when he came into my

presence that he just must have a good night's sleep or he could

not undertake the heavy task before him the next day. After

patiently going into his case, asking him in regard to appetite,

elimination, digestion, amount of water taken during the twenty-


four hours, etc., I remarked, "Well, you will sleep if you take a
dose of this prescription at bedtime and follow other directions."

I advised him to go at once and drink two glasses of water

and repeat this in two hours, and again at bedtime and also in-

sisted that he take a long walk before going to his home, all of

which I explained was necessary both to encourage elimination

and to drive the blood away from an overworked brain.

I then gave the following directions: "Now, take notice,

Mr. Blank, if you are not willing to go to sleep tonight, don't

take this medicine, for if you take it you are going to sleep. Be
sure to explain to your wife that you are taking something to

give you a good night's rest and that your bedroom must be
kept as quiet as possible.

"After preparing for bed, shake the bottle thoroughly and

fill a tablespoonful of the medicine and then swallow it. Then

put out your light, get in bed and turn yourself loose," (showing
him how to relax). "By slightly breathing through your mouth,

you will take into your lungs more oxygen, which greatly facilitates
the action of this medicine. In less than a minute after you

relax and breathe deeply, you will feel your arms and lower
limbs getting heavy and experience a sensation as if you are
sinking down in your bed. This is the effect of the medicine,

don't resist it; and in less than three more minutes you will be

sound asleep and sleep soundly all night and awake in the morn-

ing feeling much refreshed."

I then arose and turned to the door in a way that suggested

to him to get on out.


"See here, doctor," said he, "there is no danger in this medi-


"It will put you to sleep, Mr. Blank, but if you had a weak
heart it would strengthen it and all bodily functions will be en-

couraged and you will have the best night's rest you ever had in

your life. Be sure to remember to relax when you get in bed

and breathe slightly through your mouth. Come tomorrow and

tell me how well you slept."

I had prescribed fifteen grains of trional in thirty-two doses

of carbonated water, less than one-half grain of the medicine to

the dose, when he had taken fifteen or twenty grains of sulphonal

at each dose the two nights previous and had but little sleep.

The next day he returned and asked if there was any danger

of getting in the habit of taking that medicine, reporting that

he had slept soundly all night long and stating that his wife had

said he had not slept so soundly before in thirty years.

"Some people are very susceptible to that dose, Mr. Blank,

and I see you are one of them. Don't you notice what a seda-

tive effect it has had upon you?"

"Yes," he replied, "I feel a little lazy."

"That is simply the result of a good night's sleep and the re-

lief that the medicine has given to the nervous element in your

case. You will not need another dose of that prescription

oftener than once a week. You will be thirsty and drink plenty
of water after this and that encourages all functional activity.

You will eat more, digest your food, and improve in health in
every way, but you must relax at night when you retire and

breathe through your mouth, for the increased amount of oxy-


gen taken into your lungs which is secured in that way is very
essential to the success of this treatment."

The fact that he did relax and breathe slightly through his
mouth, with the idea having been strongly put to him that he
would go to sleep, virtually amounted to getting him to hypno-
tize himself, or take a suggestion both consciously and subcon-
sciously. In five weeks he reported that he had taken five doses

of the placebo prescription, had slept well all the while, and had
gained six pounds in weight.

Two years later he reminded me of the marked benefit of

that prescription. "You know how I had for several years suf-

fered with indigestion," said he; "now I can eat boiled ham,
hard boiled eggs, and cheese for supper, and sleep well, all night.

I have gained thirty pounds and am in better health than I have

been in over thirty years."
I am personally acquainted with two physicians who have
for some time been engaged in sanitorium work. One of these

physicians secures a good night's rest for his patient by direct-

ing the nurse very seriously in the prescence of his patient to

give a "sleeping capsule" (a placebo) at nine o'clock and if his

patient is not sleeping soundly by ten, to give another. "But

in no event to give more than two. She will sleep soundly all


"In fifteen years," said he, "I do not remember that this

has failed to secure a good night's rest in more than a half dozen


The other physician instructs his nurse to prepare his pa-

tients for sleep by looking after all possible requirements, mak-


ing the patient conscious that he is being prepared to get a dose

of medicine that will make him sleep soundly all night, and then
directs her to administer one drop of a solution of potassium

bromide, instructing the patient that he will be asleep in five

minutes and will sleep soundly all night.

Said he, "That is the last I ever hear from them. They
sleep all night."

Hundreds and hundreds of physicians have reported to me

that they secured a good night's sleep for their patients by
giving a hypodermic injection of pure water.

A few days ago I came in to the presence of a gentleman

suffering with an acute pleuritis with a rising temperature and a
severe pain. He was walking the floor, holding a hot water bag

to his painful side, and stated that he had been unable to lie

down on account of the severe pain. I advised that he lie down,

relax every muscle, breathe slightly through his lips, and stated

that he would at once get easy and go to sleep.

He was left alone and conformed to the conditions and did

get easy and went to sleep promptly. I assured him before try-

ing the method that the thorough relaxation would allow the
blood to circulate evenly throughout his entire body and thus

relieve the congestion in and about the inflamed area, and that
he would get easy and go to sleep. He intelligently and con-
sciously acted upon the suggestion and got good results.

Upon one occasion I was called hurriedly to see a patient

after several attempts had been made to secure my services.

She was a neurotic woman who was reported seriously ill.

I had seen that patient before, however, and picked up a bottle


of Avena sativa, a sample that had been left in my office, and

carried it along with me. My patient was extremely hysterical,

almost opisthotonic and shaking convulsively, hands cold, feet

cold, pulse rapid and around her was a badly frightened family
and freinds. As I came into her presence I expressed a regret

that I had been so long delayed, and taking her hand sympathet-

ically, expressed the hope that she had not suffered on account

of my delay. Whereupon she displayed all of her symptoms

with exaggerated emphasis.

Her husband and the chief attendant had their say in des-

cribing the severity of the attack and related the special inci-

dents that had transpired during the past hour or so and at the

proper psychological moment I said to her strongly, "Now, be

patient and let me find out just what is the trouble."

I had seen that patient before and my familiarity with her

case did not require any further light to correctly interpret her

symptoms. However, a physician must sometimes pursue the

course that will best secure the accord of the patient in order to

get best results. I took her temperature, counted her pulse, per-

cussed her chest, listened to her respiration, examined her lips

and the lobes of her ears, etc. I then said to her, at a moment
when I had her attention, "Be patient, madam, I have just

what I need to relieve you in a few minutes," holding the sample

of Avena sativa in my hand before her.

Turning to her husband I requested him to bring me a glass

of water, an empty glass and a spoon. While waiting for this I

said to her kindly, "Be patient, you will soon feel all right after

you take a dose of medicine." I poured one spoonful of the


medicine into the glass, followed by six spoonfuls of water, and

stirred it briskly for at least nine seconds. Then taking a spoon-

ful of the mixture, put it to her lips and told her to swallow it

Handing her husband the glass I placed one hand over her
eyes closing them gently, and requested her to breathe through

her mouth. "Now, breathe deeply; once again; now again,

away down deep;" thus getting three full respirations. "There,

now, you are relaxed perfectly all over. Now lie still and let the

medicine have its effect, and in ten minutes you will feel all right

and be quiet and easy from head to foot."

She lay perfectly still and her husband with eyes as wide

open as full moons exclaimed, "See here, doctor, that seems to be

a very powerful medicine you are using. Is there no clanger in

that dose?"

"Just what she needs," I replied. "If her heart were weak
that medicine would strengthen it, her nerves will become steady

and quiet and strong. Her muscles will completely relax, her

hands and feet get warm and her head get easy, and her nerv-

ous equilibrium will be completely re-established."

I walked out of the room and requested that he follow me

and leave her quiet for ten minutes, stating that she would be
completely relieved at the end of that time and that then we

would give her another dose and she would go to sleep and sleep

soundly all night.

At the end of ten minutes we returned to her bedside. She

lay as passive and still as a lake without a ripple. Taking her

wrist, I found her pulse about seventy instead of one hundred

and twenty as it was upon my arrival. "Open your eyes, Mrs.

Blank, you feel good, don't you?"

"Oh, doctor, I could feel the effects of that medicine com-

ing over me just as you said it would. I never had anything

make me feel so pleasant in all my life."

"It has had a delightful effect, but I never gave a dose of

medicine in my life that did not have a good effect on you.

You are one patient that I can just know that every dose will

produce the desired result."

"Because you understand my case so well, doctor," was her

suave reply.
That was all right. Throw bouquets at your patients and
they will throw them back at you. Blame them and find fault

with them and they will blame and find fault with you.

In the case of the patient just described I advised that another

dose of the medicine be administered and for everything to be

arranged to let her go to sleep, casually remarking that she

would sleep soundly all night and be feeling all right in the

morning. My patient remarked that she came near going to

sleep anyway from that one dose, and that if she had not been

afraid that I would have left her, she would have gone sound

to sleep. I left instructions that she come to my office the next

day and gave her a prescrpition with several names that

amounted to nothing, on account of the smallness of the dose

of each, instructing her to take a spoonful in water before meals

and at bedtime, suggesting to her that this would keep her nerv-
ous system functioning properly; that it would make her sleep
soundly at night and prevent another one of those attacks.

At least three-fourths of the adult population of the world are

relying upon some therapeutic system or method. They are

followers of some herd, school, or system, that offers health in

the place of disease. The self-conscious intellectual ego has

not been sufficiently evolved within them to enable them to rely

upon themselves. What these people really need is education,

knowledge, and guidance — other names for suggestion — to give

them the will to dare to do as well as they know how.

A large percentage of these functional and neuropathic con-
ditions would get well of their own accord if the people were

only level-headed enough to do as the dog does, who lies down

and gives Nature a chance to recuperate an outraged physical

Rest in a comfortable bed, deep inspiration of pure air,

light, wholesome diet, copious draughts of water to encourage

elimination, with unyielding faith in the powers inherent within

the biological elements, would result in a cure of a large propor-

tion of the usual ills of human beings without any drop of medi-


Yet, suggestion begets faith, confidence', and belief, and is

at the bottom of Christian Science, osteopathy, patent medicine

cures, electrotherapeutic quackery, magnetic healing, divine

healing, mental science, metaphysical healing, faith cures and

such like. These people are here and their methods are appli-
cable to a large class of functional and neuropathic conditions.

They are alert and active and here to stay as long as time lasts,

under some name or guise, to make use of this psychological

method of treatment.

We as a profession should not lay aside one single therapeu-

tic measure or device, but in addition to our ordinary therapeutic

measures in all classes of diseases and conditions, we have an

opportunity to give our patients the benefit of this most power-
ful therapeutic adjunct. Honestly and earnestly convince think-
ing people of the utility of any good thing and they will endorse

it and give you their hearty co-operation, it matters not how

strong their prejudices may have been.

Physicians frequently make a serious mistake by discour-

aging their patients with an unfavorable prognosis instead of

relying with more confidence upon the psychic element which

would furnish them a rational basis for a more hopeful result.

A young lady of my knowledge was taken seriously ill with

pneumonia and a pessimistic, brutally frank physician, at his

very first visit told her family that she was going to die.

After his second visit, an aunt of the young lady went to

her with the physician's prognosis and told her that she must

die. The girl had slept a good part of the previous night and a
visitor at that house who had the case under observation had

not felt uneasy about her neither had she been seriously con-
cerned in regard to her recovery.

"Won't somebody say that I can get well?" was the wail

that went up from the frightened girl in reply to the cruel mes-

sage delivered by her aunt. "Oh, if somebody would say that

I could get well, I would not have to die," she continued.
The stern aunt, who conscientiously believed that the girl

should know that the worst must come, in order to give her

time to face the problems of the great beyond, poured into her

ears the poison. "The doctor says you must die. You can't

get well. We want to tell you the truth and give you time to

prepare to die," etc.

No human being in that condition can stand that kind of

psychic influence and live. Every nervous junction became

disturbed. The machinery of the entire nervous system was

shocked and she did not sleep any more for the next two nights
and died on the third day after the physician had read her death
warrant. All this time she begged, "Won't somebody say that
I can get well?"
There are many fatalities occurring daily all over our coun-

try for the lack of men with faith in this psychological law and

courage and moral stamina to stand out against the popular

prejudice to it and apply it as a therapeutic aid.

A number of times in my life has it been my unpleasant

duty, yet high privilege to have an opportunity to stand by a

patient, in the face of a positively unfavorable prognosis, made

by those who did not appreciate the great power of suggestion

upon the subconscious, and tell him, "You are going to get well."

I have had such patients squeeze my hand as I held theirs and

say, "If you stand by me, doctor, I will get well."

All classes of illness, sickness or disease, in conjunction with

other methods of treatment, need moral or psychological sup-

port. They need leadership. We need men in the profession

to do as Napoleon did, when his men were dying by the several

hundred each day on his march in the east. He visited the camp
and took each one by the hand and assured him strongly and
positively that if he would be brave, he would get well. As

this one visit of his to the sick and discouraged soldiers, put an
end to an epidemic where several hundred men were dying each
day, so would many human lives be saved by this simple sug-
gestion given with confidence and with conviction, in con-
junction with other therapeutic measures.

The medical profession have been looking too long at

the surface of things. We have dealt too much with externals,

with effects, and have neglected causes.
There are three-fourths of the human race who need arous-

ing and being shocked into a self-consciousness of strength and

ability, confidence and determination. Not only in facing the

questions of health and disease, but in all other problems of life.

The man who gives such patients some of his own optimistic per-

sonality is giving them strength and life itself. They convert

countless millions and millions of brain centers, lying dormant
and unused, into action to encourage every bodily cell to in-

creased function.

The trouble is that the majority of people have not sufficient

confidence within themselves. They do not recognize their power

and have no confidence in the latent potentialities dormant and
unused within them, that can only be called into action through
faith and confidence. A new self-consciousness needs to be

awakened within them. The great majority of people are in-

capable of thinking and reasoning for themselves. Their minds

through education and experience have not had the foodstuffs

to enable them to exercise reason. They are governed by fear

and ruled by emotion. They go through life in a listless, dream-

like, mental condition, referred to by Jastrow as mental loafing.

The will is only capable of reproducing those impressions

made upon the brain through experience and education. What-

ever idea is uppermost in their minds, whatever impression is

the strongest, is the one that most influences them.

The physician who is so engrossed in the pathology of the

case that at each visit he recites it over and over again to his

patient, assists in encouraging not the patient, but the disease-

He fastens the morbid psycho-neurotic element of the patient

stronger upon him, and thus intensifies his disease by lessening

his resisting powers.

People are hypnotized by their beliefs. Belief in an idea or

a theory or a creed or a drug or a man or a woman is the place

where the individual relinquishes self responsibility, takes men-

tal refuge, and agrees to act upon the idea or series of ideas that

are presented to him either consciously or subconsciously. It is

all a matter of getting the confidence of people and making sug-


"Get off the grass, get off the grass," is a sign that one sees

everywhere in the study and application of this subject. It is

before the door of the prevailing educational systems, political

and economic problems, religious and therapeutic creeds, or-

thodox and heterodox alike, all mould and shape the actions of

men by the use of suggestion in disguised form. How sensitive

people are when we tell them the truth!

Three years ago in one of our northern cities a gentleman

invited me to attend what he called a remarkable hypnotic ex-

hibition. It was the last service of a ten-day religious revival

meeting in a tent with a capacity for fully five thousand people.


The last song had been sung and the last prayer offered before
the speaker appeared upon the platform.

He walked up and down before his audience as if heaven

and hell, life and death, time and eternity were all on his shoul-

ders. He then struck a pose, by the side of his little stand, that
itself filled his audience who were already under the influence
of his suggestion, with expectant awe and fear. With all the

intensity of a tragedian he then began: "There are people under

the sound of my voice here tonight that before this hour is over
will have made a record for hell or heaven! There are people
under the sound of my voice that before another year has rolled

around will have approached the judgment bar of God!" One

strong expression after another of this kind followed, and in less

than three minutes a little woman with an unstable, nervous or-

ganization near me dropped upon her knees with the cry, "Lord

help, oh Lord, save the people!" etc.

On and on went the suggestor, the pulpit orator, the speaker,

the hypnotist, and one after another followed the example of the

little woman until within twenty minutes pandemonium reigned.

The whole tent reverberated the echoes of crying, shouting and

I walked up close to the leader and noted that he went from

one to another and suggested what the Lord would do and what
the penitent must do. To one he suggested, "Just get up and
say glory hallelujah. It's all right." For at least forty times

the poor fellow jumped up and clasped his hands and exclaimed,
"Glory hallelujah, it's all right!" Dozens of others were play-
ing their stunts in different ways.


This was in one of the most enlightened and cultured states

in our great union, and this was a tame affair to some experiences
that the writer has witnessed in his own southern State, both

among whites and negroes.

Any method of getting an individual to act upon an idea

or a series of ideas, be they true or false, either consciously or

subconsciously, is hypnotism or suggestion. Suggestion, then,

is a basis of all religions, creeds, dogmas, non-medical and non-

surgical therapeutic systems, and all methods of education.

"Keep off the grass, keep off the grass," however, is found
posted everywhere by people who live and thrive upon the ig-

norant credulity of their fellow men.

Suggestion is used both for the good and for the harm of

human beings. It is used by everybody and the really danger-

ous man or woman is the individual who is unconscious of its

potency as a factor in both sanity and insanity, happiness or

unhappiness, education or ignorance, truth or falsehood, health

or disease, character building or moral perversion.

We frequently see fanatics upon various lines, swaying and

leading men and women into all kinds of incongruous paths and

actions by their fanatical zeal, enthusiasm and absurd devotion

to some false theory or concept. The only protection for the in-

dividual is knowledge and experience, education and light, and

the ability to think for and protect himself.

No special tact is required by a physician to use suggestion

to fix the attention of his patient on such ideas as are desirable

to influence his life and conduct for therapeutic purposes. The


great thing to be desired is to have more regard for the welfare

of your patient than for the remuneration for your services.

We find everywhere pseudo-conscientious men in the medi-

cal profession who "have too high a regard for the truth" to use
suggestion in a legitimate therapeutic manner for the helpful-

ness of their patients. Such men usually fasten a trivial func-

tional disorder by the injudicious use of suggestion upon the
consciousness of a patient and make it a serious psycho-neurotic

condition by giving his disease a name and pointing out its seri-

ous pathology and consequences, simply giving a prescription

to relieve a condition which he has made in reality ten times


A North Carolina physician had a patient who was morbidly

self-conscious of some functional disturbance and after going to

leading men in several of the larger southern cities, he finally

landed in Baltimore where he secured an audience with one of

the most widely known physicians in the history of the medical

profession. The patient related his difficulty in getting relief

and told how he had gone from place to place and how the phy-
sicians did not agree and how some called his disease one thing

and some another. The physician stripped him, gave him a

careful examination for two or three minutes, and said, "All

right, sir, put on your clothes."

He seated himself to write a letter, and by the time his pa-

tient was dressed, he said, "Give me twenty dollars, please,"

which was promptly handed over to him. Then with one hand
on his doorknob and the other on the patient's shoulder, he
looked him squarely in the face and said to him, "My friend, go

home and read only the book of St. James, call yourself a

fool and let doctors alone."

The door was opened and the man was out of the physician's

office before he realized it, another patient having gone into the

consulting room. The gentleman reminded the office attendant

that the doctor had forgotten to give him a prescription and he

was informed that he must now wait until all present had gone
in before he could have another audience.
Over and over did he revolve that advice, "Go home, my
friend, read only the book of St. James and call yourself a

fool and let doctors alone." The gentleman grew too nervous
to sit still and decided to take a walk and return an hour later,

and while walking alone on the streets of Baltimore, blind and

deaf to everything that he saw and heard, the meaning of that

advice at last dawned upon his consciousness and he began to


He then decided it would not be necessary to return to the

physician's office, and he took the next train for his home, all

the while remembering that his family physician had told him
that his disease was more "in his head" than otherwise. The
meaning of the advice given by his family physician was now clear

to him and he realized for the first time that he did not have a

brain disease, and that what the eminent physician really meant

was that his condition was the result of an unbridled imagina-

tion, or to speak in modern psychological phraseology, due to

a morbid self-consciousness.

He reached his home with his head up, wearing a smile like

a headlight on a steam engine, and though three years had


elapsed, the gentleman yet laughed at how easily he had been

cured by finding a man with courage and honesty sufficient to
tell him that he had been acting a fool and should let

doctors alone. No doubt, he also was instructed to quit reading

patent medicine advertisements, and modern mind cure theories.

Now, that is just the point. People so often need advice,

assurance, ideas, persuasion, or shocking, other names for sug-

gestion, and not medicine or instruction in the pathology of

their disease. The fact that a patient comes to you is ordinarily

an acknowledgement that he is willing to take your advice, that

he has confidence in you and is willing to rely on your judg-

Here I would add a word of caution. It is a great mistake

to tell a patient that you can find nothing the matter with him;

almost as bad as to exaggerate the seriousness of his symptoms.

An individual with a functional disorder may not necessarily be

suffering with insomnia or have sustained a loss in weight and

yet be in the incipiency of a disease which, if not properly treated,

may result in serious disorders of matebolism. He comes to

you with subjective sensations, feelings and impressions which

annoy and depress him. He feels incapacitated for his work.

Every problem of life is colored by the hue of his morbid subjec-

tive state, and when you tell him that you can find no cause for

his trouble you only add to his morbidness and aggravate what

may be the incipiency of a grave disorder. A good proportion

of the more serious nervous and mental diseases begin in func-

tional disturbances. The disorders of metabolism resulting in

metabolic toxemia may begin in this way. The patients should


be made to feel that they have your confidence and sympathy,

as well as the benefit of your knowledge and skill as a physician.

Then you are in position tactfully to govern their habits of

thought and to conduct and help them to execute a plan of

treatment that will bring about recovery.

Elimination is usually deficient and the treatment needed

in such cases tests the complete resources of the physician and

embodies all therapeutic measures, medicinal, dietitic, physiolog-

ical and mechanical, as well as psycho-therapeutic.

Frequently work under the proper conditions, is the only

means of cure, and the far reaching influence of the physician

to secure the conditions necessary for the recovery of his patient

is not out of place.

The proper treatment of disease is as varied in its applica-

tion as is the wants and necessities of mankind.

Illustration . A physician of my acquaintance was

called to see a frail little woman who was the only support of
her two fatherless children. Day and night she labored with
needle and thread, vainly striving to buy food and clothing, pay
rent, and provide for other life essentials. Deprived of fresh air

and sunshine and under constant mental and physical strain,

she finally succumbed, with all bodily functions disturbed and

discouraged and depressed in the extreme.

The representative of a local church organization stated to

the physician that they had provided a nurse, arranged for her

medicine and would send her nicely prepared meals and visit her

"All that will only add to the severity of her psycho-neurotic

condition," said he; "go and get her $25.00 to pay her house rent,

fill her pantry with substantial food to meet present demands,

but above all secure her a position where she can work and get

exercise and sunshine and fresh air and have time to sleep at

night and she will need no medicine, no nursing, or visitors."

The representative of the charitable organization left say-

ing she would have the society consider the matter at their next

meeting, a week hence.

There was present at that interview between the physician

and the representative of the local organization, a stenographer,

who was the widow of a poor young physician who had died,

leaving her with no means of support, but before her marriage

she had learned to "do things with her hands," and she was in-

dependent and happy. She requested the physician to meet her

on the outside of the sick lady's room at 7:00 o'clock that even-

ing, at which time she delivered to him the amount of cash re-

quested, and had unloaded the substantials for a well filled

pantry and announced that she had secured a position for the
sick lady in question, all of which she had done quietly and un-
ostentatiously during the day, requesting that the part which

she had played in the matter never be disclosed to the patient.

Within a few days that frail little woman was at her post

of duty and up to four years afterward she was at work, much

improved in health and strength, contented and happy.

Such was the result of the efforts of a woman who was wil-

ling to help her weaker sister to help herself.


The true physician faces the problems of his patients with

impartial and impersonal courage, and with the tenderness of

one whose own heart has felt the pressure of these tremendous

questions; one so full of love and sympathy for his fellow man,
full of cheerfulness, full of strength and optimism and full of

helpful hope "That he can move on human life as stars move on

the dark seas of bewildered mariners."


So far I have endeavored to show that hypnotism is

nothing more than getting an individual to act upon an idea or

a series of ideas, and to execute them either consciously or sub-

consciously. The name matters not except to those who desire

to appeal either to the credulity or ignorance of their fellows.

My observation has been that the physicians who object

most strenuously to the use of suggestive measures, both with

and without hypnotism, arc the ones who are really doing the

most to hypnotize their patients into a serious illness, rather

than using suggestion and every other available means

to help them get well, and keep well without relying on a phy-


The theologian who raises the greatest objection is the man

who is hypnotizing his audience into believing some question-

able dogma by an appeal to the emotions, rather than by keep-

ing abreast with the investigation of science and

preaching a

sane, rational religion that appeals both to the

heart and to the


The educator who most strongly opposes it, is usually the

man who is making a great bluff to conceal his own lack of moral

stamina or his ignorance.

With the prejudice that exists against the use of suggestive

therapeutics by the selfish and uninformed element of our pop-

ulation, from the highest to the lowest rank, I am truly sorry


that there is so much of meaning in the application of sugges-

tion in its relation to the practice of medicine.

I can but wish that man were a machine to be dealt with in

a cold, perfunctory manner, or that he were a cabbage instead

of a human being, or a tree that needed to be pruned and ferti-

lized and relieved of parasitic infection and then left alone to

see what he would do.

But we cannot get away from the facts that man is an or-
ganism composed of millions and millions of cells that are suscep-

tible to external stimuli; that these can be stimulated by any im-

pression that reaches the consciousness of the individual through

any one of the five special senses; that the higher and lower bodily
functions are so inter-related that any impression that reaches

the higher sensers is in turn transmitted to the lower bodily

functions; and that through these, every function in the body

and every cell can be influenced.
We cannot forget that man is a sentient being with intellect

and feeling and emotion, which are the highest characteristics

of a human being; that constitute the distinguishing differences

between him and the lower forms of animal and vegetable life.

These cannot be ignored in our consideration of the individual,

composed as he is of mind and body. Ignorantia legis meminem
excusat. Every physician, clergyman, educator, or other human
being, is playing and toying with these evolutionary factors of

human personality by every idea or impression conveyed to the

human mind, whether he realizes it or not.

Alas! Too often in his refusal to exercise sufficient regard

for the truth, he sets himself in open opposition to the highest


and best interests of the health and happiness of all individuals

with whom he associates. Often, yes, thousands of times and

oftener, have I heard physicians refer to suggestion, both with

and without hypnotism, and say, "There is nothing in it."

These are men who belong to a "learned profession," who are

educators and leaders and teachers of the people!

A successful neurologist in one of our larger cities, who con-

siders the greatest element of his success for the last fifteen

years due to his employment of suggestive therepautics very

charitably remarked that physicians who opposed these methods

really do not know any better, and in their ignorance could not

be blamed.

In the consideration of any therapeutic measure, the first

thought that comes to the mind of the wide awake physician is,

what is its advantage over any other method of treatment?

The answer to that question is easy: Its addition to other

therapeutic measures enables the physician to get results in a

very large proportion of cases that come under our observation,

that cannot be secured through any other agency. The value

of any therapeutic adjunct is in direct ratio to the successful

results that accrue from its administration. Yet, it must be

remembered that what are possibilities with any method or kind

of treatment, medicinal, surgical, suggestive, or otherwise, are

not always actualities in the hands of all men alike, and it de-

pends upon the individual and upon him alone, rests the respon-

sibility for what he is not able to accomplish when he is really

put to the test at the bedside, and this often seriously disturbs

our conscience and often humbles our pride.


Any physician who expects to use suggestive therapeutics

successfully must by practice acquire that confidence in his own

ability to succeed with it by familiarizing himself with all the

facts and theories and details of his subject.

Yet, I have often noticed an individual who possessed that

inexplicable quality of personality to get others to do anything

he wanted them to do, who had never read a line in psychology

or suggestion and was absolutely unfamiliar with the principle

of medical science.

Hypnotism is a self-induced psychological condition. You

do not hypnotize an individual, you simply get him to do it him-

self; but to get anyone to act upon an idea or a series of ideas,

either consciously or subconsciously, one must be in dead earnest,

exercise a little enthusiasm about the undertaking and go at it

with the will to succeed.

The greatest essential to the application of suggestive thera-

peutics is a conviction on the part of the operator of the value of

the treatment as applied to the case at hand and a desire to

bring about the recovery of the patient. In fact, this is the

important essential which is the sine qua non to the success of

any kind of treatment.

Yet, if suggestion be of value at all it is of use just in pro-

portion that the individual accepts and carries out the sugges-

tion both consciously and subconsciously. Hypnotism is but

the art or technique or method of instructing an individual to act

upon a suggestion or a series of suggestions. There must always
be a conscious acquiescence, consent, or co-operation, on the part

of the individual, not necessarily to be hypnotized, but to take


the suggestion, which is the same thing. Then by suggestion

there is induced in the patient a new consciousness whereby he
is led to do that which he had previously been unable to do for
himself both consciously and subconsciously.

In a preceding chapter I spoke of using suggestion to in-

hibit the conscious mind, as was hypothetically supposed to be
accomplished in the hypnotic state. It would have been more
correct to state that we simply get the patient to be passive and
allow the operator to induce a new consciousness and then to

direct the stream of consciousness which produces mental states

that react upon every bodily function.

We get our patient to let us direct and control his psychic

activities and teach and illustrate for him how he can direct and
control them for himself. We put our patient better in control
of himself, all dependent upon the suggestion or sense impres-
sions that are transmitted to his brain cells through the senses

while in this passive or suggestible condition. What else does

education or theological sermonizing or instruction upon any

line accomplish?

Sense impression is the starting point for every psychic

action. Every sense impression that is produced by suggestion

or otherwise has a determined localization in the brain cortex.

It is assumed by psychologists that every sense impres-

sion, according to its degree of strength, produces a molecular

change in the nerve cells influenced, which gives possibility of

a reproduction of these ideas or sense impressions by an internal


Memory is the result of sense impressions that previous ex-

periences in life have left upon the brain cells. The very ideas

or products of thought which are stamped upon the brain cells

by suggestion in the hypnotic state, as well as by suggestion

without hypnotism, have the power of being reproduced in men-
tal states, which gives rise to a new consciousness in the indi-


By suggestion in the hypnotic state we are better enabled

to plant sense impression, ideas, thoughts and feelings which

reproduce themselves in the consciousness of the individual and

furnish a foundation for his intellectual activities.

In this suggestible condition, we are enabled to drive back

certain sense impressions that create unpleasant mental states,

obliterate them and wipe them out, and by holding the sub-
ject's attention to certain ideas presented to him, we create a

new consciousness or alter his frame of mind. We render the

individual more self-conscious of potentialities, dormant and un-

used within him, which he can call into operation through the

combined effort of memory and will, in contrast to previous con-

ceptions of his own personality. This new conception of him-

self and his relation to the outer world contributes to strengthen
and develop the self-conscious ego. It is in reality the develop-

ment of the ego.

By suggestion in the hypnotic state we give impulse to re-

produce previous sense impressions. Call it strengthening memory

or will or character or ego, as you choose, and the mental process
which brings about the logical connection of sense perceptions

or ideas reproduced in this way, is what is called thinking.


So, then, by suggestion in the hypnotic state we create

new thought habits, mental states or streams of consciousness

which react upon every bodily function. We alter the inid-

vidual's thinking.

The following cases will illustrate the position taken by the

author as to the value of suggestion in that condition of induced
passivity or receptivity to suggestion commonly referred to as

the hypnotic state. Whether the individual is asleep or not does

not concern us here. It suffices if we have the confidence and

co-operation of the patient.

The physician who fails to avail himself of the great thera-

peutic value of hypnotic suggestion to his patients, in well se-

lected cases, for the relief of conditions and symptoms that can-
not be alleviated by any other method of treatment, refuses to

employ one of the most powerful therapeutic adjuncts available

at the present time.

The results obtained by hypnotic suggestion in the follow-

ing cases speak for themselves: I shall only cite enough cases
to illustrate the position taken by the author in the preceding



Loss of sleep is a condition that leads to general physical

disease. It has innumerable causes, all of which should be con-

sidered and treated according to indications, which calls into

exercise the complete resources of the physician. It more or

less accompanies all diseased conditions, acute or chronic, func-

tional or organic, surgical and otherwise.


It is useless to attempt to break up the habits of nervous,

wakeful people by suggestion when the individual lives in open
violation to all the known laws of health, or where the system is

overloaded with toxic products due to indigestion, caused by

overeating, with fermentation, malnutrition, etc.

Meet every indication in the individual case at hand and, in

conjunction with other sane, sensible, rational advice or sugges-

tion, hypnotic suggestion will prove indispensible in many cases.

Make it a rule to regulate your patient's diet, his drinking,

and his habits, as well as his thinking. The question of food

and drink habits, etc., will be briefly considered in a separate


However, there are numerous individuals among all classes

upon whom the cares of life have borne heavily, who, try as they

will, with their imperfect knowledge of self-control and lack of

self-reliance, cannot keep back subjective impressions which

crowd themselves upon their consciousness when they retire

for sleep, and the darkness renders them more conscious of their


Many there are who are still waiting for special divine in-

tervention to satisfy them that their souls are saved. Doubt

hovers over them and disturbs their peace of mind. Others

have not learned the beauty and glory and salutary effects of

work and useful employment as a means of strengthening and

developing both mind and body.

An unoccupied, idle brain is the reflector of a morbid imagi-

nation upon which flit and dance all kinds of annoying mental

pictures to the discomfort of the individual who fain would find

relief in sleep.

In rare instances an over-expenditure of nerve energy,

through work or worry or dissipation, prevents the individual

from possessing that inherent quality of nerve force sufficient to

exercise self-control. Uncontrolled emotions, in the form of sen-

timents both selfish and altruistic, also contribute their influ-

ence to keep awake the restless neurotic.

An irritable nervous system, either hereditary or acquired,

is transmitting constantly afferent and efferent impulses to and

from the brain, and throughout the entire human frame subjec-
tive sense perceptions are interpreted by the individual as nerv-

ousness, sickness, pain, disease, etc.

Nutrition is disturbed and toxines of metabolism, or more

properly, catabolism, are being manufactured to poison all bodily

functions and prevent the normal formation of "opsonins."

In conjunction with dietetic, medicinal and hygienic treat-

ment, suggestion in the hypnotic state should be used, if neces-


Get your patient to relax every muscle and breathe deeply

and rhythmically for several times in succession, and then with
one or two drops of chloroform or any other placebo, or without
them, as you choose, tell him that you are "going to put him to

sleep, that as you apply this remedy he will get quiet all over,

get drowsy and sleepy and go to sleep, and awake feeling better."

Then to hypnotize him, make suggestions as advised in the

chapter on the technique of inducing the hypnotic state. After


he is hypnotized, while you sit beside the unfortunate whose

nervous system you have soothed into quietude and passivity,

talk to him, using suggestions somewhat like these:

"You are resting quietly, sleeping soundly, breathing deeply,

perfectly relaxed and passive all over. Now, as you lie in this

passive state with all tension relieved, while I am talking to

you, you feel your nerves getting steady and quiet and strong.

All nervousness is going away and by the time I count ten, your

nerves will be quiet and steady and strong all over, your nervous

equilibrum will be completely re-established from head to foot.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten; your

nerves are steady and quiet and strong all over.

"Now, after this treatment, whenever you think of your-

self, you will find that yonr nerves are steady and quiet and

"At bedtime you will relax, close your eyes and think only
of sleep. You will go to sleep and sleep soundly all night long.

You will awake in the morning feeling refreshed and rested.

"After this you will be thirsty and drink more water than

ever before in your life. Every two hours from morning until

you retire at night you will drink a glass of water. The increased
amount of fluid will cause an increased action of all your bodily
functions. Your skin and kidneys, liver and bowels, will elimi-

nate more freely.

"You will be easy and comfortable all over. You will en-

joy eating and work and exercise, and gain in weight and be
happier, feel stronger, and be glad that you are living."

I then awake the patient and consciously give him advice


how to eat, how to drink, how to exercise and how to relax so

that he can go to sleep. I give him a reason for all the advice

that I have given, as well as a reason for the suggestion given

him in that induced condition of passivity.

I am often asked, "Do you mean to say that the suggestions

will be effective just because they are made to the patient who
is hypnotized?" I say we make sense impressions on the brain

cortex while the patient is in the hypnotic condition that are re-

produced in the individual's thought habits. The reproduc-

tions of these ideas are auto-suggestions. When you substitute

helpful auto-suggestions for adverse and harmful auto-sugges-

tions, you have been of the greatest help that one human being

can be to another. You have put your patient in control of

himself. You have changed his habits of thinking, and by this

means new habits of thought and action in every day life are

formed. You have put your patient better in possession of him-

self, and better enabled him to meet the exigencies of every-day



Syphiliphobia, Insomnia, Neurasthenia, etc. — Mr. Blank, a

farmer, who had led an honorable, upright life, had by his indis-

cretion contracted a gonorrhoea and a chancroid. The chan-

croid readily healed, but the gonorrhoea persisted for several

weeks. He believed that he had syphilis, was tortured by a hyper-

sensitive conscience, and for several months had been confined

to his room. His physician had re-assured him, reasoned with

him, and done all in his power to argue the delusion that he had

syphilis out of his consciousness.


He had recovered from both these diseases, but there was a

psycho-neurotic element in his case which was day by day grow-

ing more serious. He did not sleep at night, was frequently heard
crying and praying, when everything was quiet and all were

supposed to be asleep. Anorexia, indigestion, malnutrition, a

loss in weight of thirty-five pounds in five months, had caused
his physician to feel apprehensive of his soon being a fit sub-

ject for the insane asylum. In fact, he was so already.

Here were insomnia, hysteria, syphiliphobia, neusarthenia,

delusions, etc., all in one case. I explained to him the value of

a new and powerful sleep producing remedy (a placebo), that I

was "introducing to the profession," and impressed upon him

consciously that there was a nervous element in his case that

this remedy would relieve.

I let him know that it was expected to put him to sleep, and
that the result of this sleep would be to relieve the nervous ele-

ment in his case. He readily consented for the treatment to be

used, and went into a profound state of suggestibility.

In the hypnotic state I addressed him about as follows:

"Now, Mr. Brank, you are sound and dead asleep, perfectly re-

laxed and passive from head to foot, breathing deeply, your

nerves steady and quiet and strong. As you lie here while I

apply this remedy, your nerves are growing steadier and quieter

and stronger, and by the time I count ten, your nerves will be
steady and quiet and strong all over. One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and your nerves are steady,

quiet and strong all over. Now, you will not be nervous any
more. After this, whenever you think of yourself, you will find

that your nerves are steady and quiet and strong, and you will

realize that you have not had syphilis, that Doctor Blank was
right, that he knew his business and that you are now well and
all right.

"You will drink water every two hours, enjoy your meals,
sleep soundly at night, and attend to your duties just as you did
months ago when you were well.

"When you go to bed at night, you will relax just as you are
here now, close your eyes and think only of sleep, then you will

go sound asleep, and sleep soundly all night long. If you awake
at all in the night, it will be to think of yourself as resting and
sleeping quietly, feeling contented, satisfied and happy. You
will enjoy your meals and take the old-time interest in your
farm work, your stock, and business generally. You will go to
town as you once did and every day feel thankful for the im-

proved condition of your health."

I allowed him to sleep for thirty minutes longer and then

awoke him. I told him that this treatment had done him
good, that he was going to feel better after this, that he would

enjoy his meals, would sleep well at night and would attend to

his business as in former times. I assured him that he was in

sound health, had been well all the time, and after this would

feel differently in regard to his own condition.

He came to see his physician five days after that, and, while

lank and lean as a pine fence rail, he was his old self, his rational

normal self, as he once was before his misfortunes. Five weeks

afterward he had gained twelve pounds in weight and was rap-

idly on the road to recovery.


By suggestion in the hypnotic state, new ideas, new sense

impressions had been substituted, new thoughts planted in the

place of the old ones that were torturing his conscience, prevent-

ing his sleep and damning his life. A new consciousness now
possessed him and he was practically a healthy man.

Epilepsy, Chlorosis, Anaemia, etc. —This patient, a girl

aged sixteen, had been treated by five leading physicians of her

city for several years without benefit. Her case had been diag-
nosed as true epilepsy, but I had reason to believe that this was
a mistake.

She had epileptic seizures from once to several times a week,

was anaemic and chlorotic, her menses were scanty and irregular,

she had poor appetite and was badly nourished; slept soundly

at night, but her sleep was not refreshing. Awoke in the morn-
ing tired, and she took but little interest in anything.

Hypnosis was induced and suggestions were given her while

in the hypnotic state, to get her to breathe deeper, and it was
also suggested that she would always breathe deeper, day and
night, asleep or awake, that she would always breathe deeper.
It was also suggested that she would be thirsty after this

and enjoy drinking water, that she would always drink more
water, that she would take a glass of water every few hours

from morning to night. It was further suggested that she

would take exercise freely every day, that her bowels would
move regularly every morning, that she would go to the toilet

at least twice a day, and that her bowels would functionate prop-
erly, move freely every morning, etc.

In a case like this, suggestion must be given to influence

the individual's conscious and unconscious psychic or mental

activities. Waking conduct must be guided as well as subjec-

tive impressions made to influence the involuntary functions.

My lecture to this girl would probably be about as follows,

with my hand upon her forehead or gently stroking her fore-
head from side to side, made in a monotone, positive, earnest
manner, presented in a way that would transmit words
into feeling: "Now, my dear little girl, you are sound asleep,

and while you lie here your nerves are getting quiet and steady

and strong, quiet and steady and strong, and by the time I count
ten your nerves will be quiet and steady and strong all over.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, your

nerves are quiet and steady and strong from head to foot.

"Now, as I talk to you and place my hand upon your chest

you feel your ability to breathe deeper getting stronger and
stronger, and by the time I count five I want you to breathe

deeply, filling your lungs as deep and full as is possible. One,

two, three, four, five, now breathe deeply, deeper yet, [she took

the suggestion well]. There, now, rest and breathe naturally.

"Now, after this, you will always breathe deeper, the blood
will circulate more freely in your stomach and will better nour-

ish your gastric mucous membrane so that you will have a bet-
ter appetite and a better digestion. Under my hand here, now,
you feel the blood circulating more freely in your stomach, and

by the time I count five the blood will be coming freely to your
stomach. One, two, three, four, five.

"After this you will be thirsty and drink water every two

hours and you will be hungry and enjoy your meals. You will

chew your food well and especially enjoy eating fruit and vege-
tables. You will sleep well at night. When you go to

bed you will go sound asleep and sleep soundly all night. You
will never again be nervous or have another one of those nerv-
ous attacks. You will enjoy breathing, drinking water, and eat-
ing, working, exercising and sleeping — you will enjoy life.

"As you eat more and digest your food better, you will be
better nourished, get stronger, gain in weight and have perfect

About six weeks after this treatment by suggestion, which

was followed by three others given by her physician, I learned

that she had experienced no more trouble and was a great deal


Five years after that, her physician, who assisted in the

treatment, informed me that she had never had any further

trouble, that she at once began to sleep, eat, drink, exercise,

gain in weight, etc. "She went from one hundred and ten to

one hundred and forty-five pounds in weight," said he, "and is

now married and the happy mother of a fine baby."

The therapeutic application of suggestion in hysteria, neuras-

thenia, melancholia, indigestion, morbid fears, nervousness, etc.,

makes use of the same principles as were empolyed in the above

mentioned cases. Your suggestions must be made to meet the
individual needs of the patient at hand. Burn into his conscious-

ness or subconsciousness the ideas that you wish to influence


both his voluntary waking consciousness and all his or her in-

voluntary psychological processes.

As a rule, suggest away whatever subjective impressions,

sensations, feelings, thought habits and bodily symptoms are

objectionable, and in their place suggest what you desire to in-

fluence your patient or become a part of his life.


Acute Migraine, Neurasthenia, etc. — Telephone girl with

acute migraine, but was neurasthenic and highly nervous tem-

perament at best. Her physician usually began with a hypo-

dermic of morphine sulphate, one-fourth of a grain and atro-
pine sulphate, one-one hundred and fiftieth, and in addition to

this, prescribed a brisk purgative of calomel, aloes, podophyllin,

cascara, etc.; also hot foot baths and hot fomentations. If

constipated, he directed an enema to be given at once.

The girl reached her home at six p. m. in one of her most

severe attacks. At least two days were usually required for her
to get over one of these severe headaches, usually associated

with indigestion, and during this time from two to three hypo-
dermics of morphine were required in addition to a dozen doses

of coal tar preparations, bromides, etc.

She was a young woman twenty years of age, with an un-

stable nervous system, and the cares of life were bearing heavily
upon her. Her responsibilities were heavy and her work ardu-
ous. Her headaches and general collapse were Nature's rebel-

lion against the outrage being daily committed against her weak
physical organization. But her suffering was great and she
needed help.

Her physician had already recognized the harmful effect of

the narcotics, sedatives, purgatives, etc., which were being de-

manded more frequently and were used each time with less ef-


At 6:30 I went with her physician to see the girl, suffering

with an intense headache, nervous, etc. I told her I could rub

her head with a medicine that I had and relieve her headache,

and that she would go to sleep.

She readily went under the influence of my suggestions, was

easily hypnotized, and I suggested that her head was getting

easy and her nerves getting steady and quiet and strong, and

repeated this suggestion a half dozen or more times, and ended

by saying that by the time I counted ten she would be perfectly

easy from head to foot, that her nervous equilibrium would be

completely re-established.
We allowed her to sleep until after my lecture and returned
at 12:30 to find her asleep. She awoke at my suggestion per-

fectly easy, thoroughly relaxed, in a copious perspiration. I

directed that she be rubbed off gently with a dry towel, drink a

glass of malted milk with two eggs in it and drink all the water

she wanted. She drank two large full glasses and then I directed

that she shut her eyes and go to sleep and sleep soundly all

night. No, I did not hypnotize her again, for I had suggested in

the hypnotic state that she could go to sleep after I awoke her

and every night after that whenever she decided to do so.

Her physician 'phoned me that he went by to inquire about

her at seven the next morning, but she had gone to her post at

the telephone. I 'phoned him that that was cruelty to animals,


for she should have rested that day. What she really needed
was shorter working hours, better pay, and more time to devote

to outdoor exercise, reading, recreation, etc. But she was in the

mill, to have her life ground out of her to enlarge the dividends

of an enormous corporation, to be used like corn that is ground

to be made into bread to fill our stomachs.

If the medical profession expects to be held in the esteem

of the public, which it so eminently deserves, the physician as

an individual should speak out upon these questions that con-

cern the welfare of our fellow man, not alone in hygiene, diete-

tics, sanitation, etc., but upon any and all problems that influ-

ence the health and happiness of the individual.


Psycho-neurotic Paralysis. —Mr. F. E. H., by occupation cot-

ton buyer, age fifty-eight. His history was that ten years be-
fore he was taken with an apoplectic seizure and evidently had
a thrombus, as he was unconscious for several weeks and his arm
and leg on the affected side were paralyzed.

He was sustained by rectal alimentation for several weeks,

but could swallow liquid food after six weeks or two months and
after six months gradually began to regain the use of his arm
on the affected side, and after one year began to hobble with
crutches, dragging the affected leg.

He was then taken with acute sciataca and confined to his

bed for one year longer. At the time I saw him he had been
dragging his foot on the affected side for eight and a half years,

but was able to get about with the aid of crutches.


During this time he had tried every available method of

treatment offered in hospitals, sanitariums, health resorts, etc.,

as well as some of the modern cults that use suggestion without

hypnotism, in disguised forms.

Hypnosis was induced and suggestions made with a view to
implanting sense impressions, impulses, or to inducing a self-

consciousness of ability to use his leg. When I held the leg up

while he was hypnotized and suggested that he would allow it to

remain, he held it up without trouble. He then acted upon a sug-

gestion to lift it up, to bend it, and finally I had him walk around
in the room while yet in the hypnotic state. It was then sug-
gested that he would wake up and would find that he could walk
as well as he ever did in his life.

It was really amusing to see him find himself using the leg

which for ten years he had been unable to lift from the ground.
I have treated over a dozen similar cases in patients who have
put aside their crutches and walked with perfect ease. The sug-
gestion given is that the limb is getting stronger and stronger,

that the normal control and use of it is returning, etc. Repeti-

tion and iteration, iteration and repetition, are very necessary

in some cases to make a suggestion or suggestions effective.


Persistent Vomiting. —A gentleman fifty-eight or sixty years

old, had typhoid fever for three weeks. He had vomited all food

taken for forty-eight hours, and was nervous and weak, and his

physician had used every available means to relieve his uncon-

trollable emesis. In the hypnotic state I suggested that his

nerves were getting quiet and steady and strong and repeated

this suggestion several times; that all nervousness or weakness

was going away, that his stomach was getting stronger and
stronger, easier and easier, and that by the time I counted ten all

sickness or nausea or irritability or weakness about his stomach

would be gone, and he could retain milk, liquid nourishment and

water, and would enjoy them.

I also gave him suggestions to give him a good night's sleep,

etc. We allowed him to sleep about twenty minutes, and upon

waking him, allowed him to drink a glass of fresh buttermilk,

which he retained and seemed to enjoy, remarking that that

seemed to be the only thing that had tasted right to him since

he had been sick. He continued to take milk or any form of

liquid nourishment, and was not troubled further with sick

stomach. He slept well at night and made a safe recovery.

This book is written with a handsome fountain pen presented

by that gentleman's son, a prominent jeweler of his city, who
said, "When you use it, remember we feel grateful and consider
that you saved father's life."

I recall several cases in which well known physicians have

relieved persistent, incontrollable vomiting by hypnotic sugges-
tion. There is more or less neurotic or hysterical or neurasthenic

element in all acute diseases, which can and should be controlled

by suggestion, with or without hypnotism, whichever seems in-

dicated. In pneumonia, typhoid and malarial fevers, the acute

infectious diseases, etc., in fact, in any case that comes into the
hands of the physician or surgeon, the psychic factor should never
be overlooked.


Psycho-neurotic Indigestion. — Indigestion is always accom-

panied by a neurotic element, with insomnia, nervousness, etc.

In numerous instances I have relieved these cases of all distres-

sing symptoms by a single treatment. In general suggestions

should be given to quiet off the nervous element in the case,

to give more plentiful and refreshing sleep, to get them to eat,

drink and breathe, and exercise properly, as well as to encourage

function. As seeing someone sucking a juicy lemon will increase

the salivary secretion, so will sense impressions increase the func-

tions of the stomach or any other involuntary function.

A young man, age twenty-four, had a "stricture of the

oesophagus" for over two years. He had lived all the while on

milk and soup, etc., taking no solid food during this time. He
had an enormously dilated stomach, due to the large quantities
of milk he had digested. He had been treated as an invalid dur-

ing the entire two years or more, and this itself was a constant
suggestive influence to keep up his peculiar psychic condition.

The day I treated this young man, his physician, a most

capable and excellent gentleman, had invited two consultants

in view of deciding the advisability of making an exploratory in-

cision to find out the cause of the supposed oesophageal stricture.

I happened to be honored by an invitation to express an opinion

in the case, and in a few minutes after I had the liberty of deal-

ing with the young man, I had him eating bananas and drinking
water as rapidly as anyone. A few minutes devoted to hypnotic

suggestion was all that was necessary. After waking him, I ad-

vised a diet of eggs, bread and butter and vegetables, with meat

once a day, and suggested that the young man be put to work.
When heard from two weeks later, he was hard at work and eat-
ing anything except milk and soup upon which he had been

nourished for the past two years.


Another Psycho-neurotic Condition. —A lady about forty-two

years old had been in the John Hopkins Hospital for several

months and also had been treated in Southern sanitariums.

Several operations, mostly of a gynecological character, had been

performed. The nervous element in her case, for which she had
been operated upon, was only aggravated after her return home,
and for over two years she had occasional paroxysms of head-

ache, indigestion, hysteria, insomnia, etc. Her physician ex-

plained that it usually took about two days for him to get her

relieved, and then two days longer to get her over the effects of

the therapeutic remedies he had used to relieve her terrible


She was hypnotized and allowed to sleep two hours and sug-
gestions were given to relieve the nervous element in her case,

to give her more plentiful and refreshing sleep, to relieve her

headaches, to get her to breathe deeper, drink water freely, and

aid her digestion. It was also suggested that her nerves would
always be quiet and steady and strong and that she would never
have another attack. She awoke from the two hours' sleep com-
pletely relieved. Five years later she had experienced no more



Obstetric Anaesthesia. —N. E., age twenty-two, primapara.

Called at 9 a. m. and found patient with light pains and os open

the size of a twenty-five cent piece. Hypnotic state induced
and suggestion given that when I came to see her again when
labor was well astablished that she would close her eyes and go

to sleep and feel no pain. At 10 p. m. I was called and when I

told her to close her eyes and go to sleep, and made other sugges-
tions to get her into a deep state of suggestibility, she easily went

into the hypnotic state and was completley amenable to sugges-


She would extend her hands to receive help from an assistant

and bore down with every contraction, but her expression showed
no evidence of pain. She did not get nervous and did not know
when the child emerged until I told her to wake up and look and
see her baby.


Noctural Enuresis. —A little factory girl, sixteen years old,

arose at 5 a. m. and returned home at 7 p. m. She was about

the size of an average child of eleven, had been to school but

two or three months in her life and the enuresis had been con-
stant for over two years, but she found no trouble in holding her

urine in daytime when awake.

I had a talk face to face with her father and mother, in which
I made every effort to burn into their consciousness the enormity
of the crime that they were committing in selling their child's

brain and blood and muscles for a price. Then I explained

kindly to them the importance of air and sunshine and outdoor


exercise and wholesome food. I should like to have had the

owners of that factory take their part of the medicine, and
the State authorities also, for permitting such a crime to be in-
flicted upon children. After this private lecture to the child's

parents, I then induced hypnosis in the child and suggested that

she would take exercise night and morning and breathe deeply

and that she could never urinate lying down again, that the urine

just would not come, her bladder would not let it pass until she
got up to use the vessel. I also gave suggestion to relieve the
nervous element in her case.
Quite frequently I have had one single treatment relieve a

case of bedwetting, by suggestion in the hypnotic state. This

little girl was heard from several days afterwards and had had
no further trouble.
In a number of instances I have instructed the parents to
rock their children from two to six years old to sleep, and to sug-

gest to them, while going into a natural sleep, that they would
wake up and call them when they desired to urinate, that they

positively could not wet the bed any more, that without think-
ing about it they would call their parents or get out of bed on
their own accord and use a vessel. In a number of cases the re-
sult of this treatment has been highly satisfactory.

A Retroverted Uterus and its Accompanying Neuroses. —

"Good morning, what seems to be the trouble," said I to a negro

girl about thirty years old.

"Got de fallin' of the womb, doctor."

"How do you know that is your trouble?"


"Doctor Blank said that was what was the matter with me."
"I see; how long has Doctor Blank been treating you?"

"Off and on for five months, doctor."

"And what has he done to relieve your womb trouble?"

"Put some medicine in my womb on an instrument with

some cotton on it and put some cotton rolls to hold my womb
up, and gave me medicine to take every three hours."
"Do you ever use a hot douche, use hot water with a syringe?"

"Yes, sir; I use that laying on my back for fifteen minutes

twice a week."

On examination I found a decidedly retroflexed and retro-

verted uterus, bound down by adhesions, with heat, pain and

tenderness, and her general temperature was 105.5° F.

"Have you been able to work any at all for the past several

"Powerful little, doctor. I tries to do the cooking for a
small family and only cooks two meals a day, but I gets awful

tremily and weak and I don't sleep at night."

This woman was neurasthenic, suffering with insomina, but

little appetite and poor digestion, anaemic and improperly


She needed her time to make a living; to give her scientific

gynecological and surgical treatment was out of the question,

for the facilities were not at hand in that locality to care for

such patients. I attempted to lift the uterus from out of its

impacted position, having put the patient in the knee chest po-
sition and applied a Hodge-Smith pessary to hold it. Yes, I

displayed bad judgment by attempting to use a pessary in that


case, but the woman needed help and this was a step toward

giving her a little more permanent relief than the continued use
of the tampon. My effort to correct the displacement and in-
troduce a pessary gave her much pain, and caused her to be ex-

tremely nervous, whereupon I hypnotized her and she went into

a profound state of suggestibility.

Here was an ignorant colored woman and my suggestions

to her were about as follows:

"Now, Mary, you are sound asleep. Sleep on quietly and

get the benefit of this treatment. As you lie here (stroking her

forehead) your nerves are getting steady and quiet and strong

all over. All nervousness and weakness is going away and your
nerves are getting steady and quiet and strong all over. By
the time I count ten, your nerves will be steady and quiet and

strong from your head clear down to your feet. One, two,
three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and your nerves are
steady and quiet and strong. You are perfectly easy and com-
fortable all over.

Now, as you lie here and as I stroke your abdomen, you

feel all pain or soreness or tenderness or congestion about your

womb and ovaries going away. The blood vessels that carry

blood to your womb are drying up and shrinking up, getting

smaller and smaller. After this, every minute and every hour

and every day you will become stronger and stronger, the blood

will circulate freely in your stomach and you will be hungry and
enjoy eating and your food will be digested and you will get
stronger and stronger every day. You will drink water freely,

a glass full at least every two hours. Your kidneys and liver

and bowels will act freely. Your bowels will move every morn-
ing after breakfast. Whether you feel like it or not you will go

to the toilet after breakfast and your bowels will move freely.

"You will have no more pain; be easy, sleep well, enjoy

eating and improve in health every day. Whenever you think

of yourself, you will find that you are getting better, growing

stronger, that you are perfectly easy and you will not be troub-

led any more."

Do you ask me if I had confidence in those suggestions to

believe that they would be effective? I answer that question

by saying that I had desire to benefit that 'poverty stricken un-

fortunate outcast sufficient for me to exercise the will to give

the suggestions that I wanted to be effective. The confidence

was all on her part. She had had faith enough in me to save

the whole of the previous week's hard earned money and send
it to me with a request that I come to see her, "please."

I awoke her from the treatment easily, with the parting

suggestion, "you will get better every day now, Mary."

I fully intended calling to see her again after two or three

days, but the pressure of my professional engagements for the

following week caused me to forget her until about ten days

afterward. Then I thought to myself I had treated her kindly

and if she wanted me, I should have been notified.

Eleven and a half months after that visit, I received a call

to another house in another portion of my town and found a

colored girl suffering with malarial fever. As I removed the

thermometer from her mouth, I remarked, "I have seen you
before. Where did I see you and what was your trouble then?"

"You done forgot me, doctor? Nobody ever did do as

much good for anyone as you did for me with that one visit

you made me most a year ago."

Further questioning recalled my to memory that this was the

girl whom I had hypnotized nearly a year before. I had often

reproached myself for the unscientific procedure in attempting
to use a pessary under such conditions and of my neglect of the

case afterwards. I had supposed that she or some physician

had removed the hard rubber pessary and that was the end of

it so far as I was concerned.

"Why, girl, have you worn that instrument all the while and

did not consult me about it? Don't you know that is liable to

do you great injury?"

"Fo' God, doctor, I ain't had a speck of pain since you
walked out of that house and I been doing my work regular up

to yesterday."
On examination I found that the pessary was transversely
across the vagina, with the uterus sharply retroflexed over it

acting only as a foreign body, but that all congestion, soreness,

tenderness, hyperplastic conditions, etc., were gone. A very

careful examination proved that there was no erosion or ulcera-

tion caused to the parts by the instrument, which had served
to keep up a most unsanitary condition. Sexual intercourse,

she informed me, had not been painful in the least, but on the

other hand, was attended with normal gratification, when the

act had been intolerable prior to my first visit.

I removed the pessary and gave her another treatment by

hypnotic suggestion, suggesting to her that she would never


have the slightest pain or inconvenience from her womb, after

that, since the instrument was removed. Her malarial fever

rapidly yielded to treatment by calomel and quinine and when

this woman was last seen, about two months afterward, she had
experienced no more inconvenience.

After that experience, ten or twelve years ago, it fell to my

lot to treat a great many gynecological cases, the majority of

which, on account of poverty and lack of necessary facilities for

radical surgical intervention, were treated conservatively.

I recall a number of cases among both whites and colored

where I have relieved by hypnotic suggestions all the painful

and nervous symptoms accompanying a retro-displaced uterus.

These poor unfortunate women, who did not have money

to afford radical scientific surgical and gynecological assistance,

were enabled to meet all the exigencies of life and be comfortable

and happy, carrying a dislocated organ whose reproductive
function was not a necessity to their happiness.

As showing the far-reaching effect of hypnotic suggestion, in

a class of cases usually not considered amenable to benefit by

psychological methods of treatment, I report the following three



Urithritis with Bloody Micturition, Insomnia and Pain.

Lillie H., aged nineteen, married four months, last menstruation

six weeks ago. Suffered with painful urethritis causing her to

cry out when she voided her urine; passed blood from urethra

or bladder when she urinated, which appeared in small clots and

shreds in the vessel, suffered constant pain, for which she had

had a daily hypodermic of morphine for a period of one month.

During this month she had taken the usual sedative diuretic

remedies and the pain had constantly grown worse and the blood
in the urine had gradually increased in amount. The patient
wore a distressed countenance, had but little sleep, and when
seen on August 8th, was seated on the bed crying and writhing

her body from one side to the other, and was a picture of perfect

misery and distress. Examination of the womb found it in nor-

mal position, a little enlarged, as would have been expected.

Diagnosis, congestive urethritis due to reflex disturbance caused

by impregnated uterus.

The hypnotic state was induced and proper suggestions were

made for relief of pain and cure of all congestion in or about
genitourinary organs. (Note that this was my first visit after

this condition had lasted one month, and she had constantly had
the hypodermic of morphine all the while, thus complicating her

case by making her a morphine habituate.)

Second visit eight hours later on the same day, found patient

easy, but still discharging blood. Would not permit treatment

by suggestion, as she begged for morphine. Did not sleep that

night, as she had no suggestion to that effect and morphine had

suddenly been withdrawn.
Next day she was placed in a deep hypnotic state, appropri-

ate suggestions were given, and she was allowed to sleep four

hours; awoke free from pain, and nerves quiet. Treatment by

suggestion on same afternoon. Slept well that night, and after

that she suffered no more inconvenience from either nervous-

ness or pain. At the end of one more day all pain and bloody


discharges were gone, the patient was happy, strong, and with

good appetite. Two days later the same, four weeks later the


Menorrhagia and Anaemia Accompanying Large Fibroid

Tumor of Uterus. —Woman, forty-eight years of age; has large

fibroid, profuse menorrhagia for fifteen weeks, greatly emaciated,

anaemic, constipated and weak, pulse 140, respiration 60, tem-

perature 102°F. Passing clots as large as a hen's egg and when

seen was the picture of distress, with no appetite, very nervous

and unable to sleep; suffering also with a remittent malarial


Her case seemed to me to be one in which at best life could

not be expected to last longer than a few days. Treatment

Calomel, followed by salines and 15 grains of quinine sulphate

daily for the malarial element in her case. Deep hypnosis was
induced and proper suggestions were made to restore sleep and
relieve nervousness, regulate her bowels, to stop hemorrhage, to

aid digestion, to give appetite and to build up hope and to change

her intuition or belief that she was going to die into belief that

she would get well.

From the first treatment by suggestion her nerves were quiet,

her sleep was refreshing and plentiful, her appetite was good,

and her heart beats slower and stronger and breathing easier.

After four treatments by suggestion the menorrhagia had entirely

stopped. She was then^put on a tonic. Two years later she

was in good health, with her fibroid growing smaller.



A Unique Case. —A Patient fifteen years of age with acute

gonorrhea and badly swollen prepuce, had not urinated in thirty-

six hours. His bladder in lower part of abdomen felt like a
large cocoanut. His pain and suffering were intense. The
meatus had in it the large drop of characteristic yellow pus. He
had used a hot water hip bath for the relief of his trouble, but

without success. To use a catheter would mean to push the

disease back into his bladder, giving him gonorrheal cystitis.

Hypnosis was induced and suggestion made that when he awoke

he could urinate freely.
On awakening he expressed the desire to urinate, "oh, so

bad," and in one more minute a forcible but small stream began,
lasting five minutes. I then gave him a prescription for his
gonorrhea, and he went home happy and free from pain. Ten
days later he was seen and the case was progressing nicely.

Another Unique Case. — A physician said to me upon one oc-

casion, "Can you hypnotize this boysothat I can catheterizehim."
He had acute gonorrhea and was having a catheter used twice

a day, in order to relieve his full bladder, which he was not able
to relieve in the usual way. Hypnosis was induced and sugges-
tion given to relieve the psycho-neurotic element, and when he
awoke he urinated without catheterization and continued to do
so thereafter.


Morphine Habit. —This was a patient of one of the best

known physicians in the south. Her ovaries had been removed,

cervix and perineum repaired, but the operative procedures had

only aggravated the neurotic symptoms that they were intended

to relieve. In addition to the aggravated nervous symptoms,

she had a pain in one side, which had appeared as a result of ad-

hesions, and to relieve this the administration of morphine had

been instituted and continued for several months or more. The
pain had subsided, but the demand for the continued use of

morphine was imperative, at least from this lady's point of

view. Five or six months had elapsed since the beginning of

the habit, which was now well fixed.

The patient lived forty miles distant and was ordered to

come into the city. Her physician explained to her that I had
a treatment which would relieve her of the morphine habit with-
out inconvenience, and both she and her husband consented to
co-operate with our plans. She was given at a dose for four doses

every two hours, beginning at 2 p. m.

I^Calomel, 1 grain.

Resinous podophyllin, 1-8 grain,

Extract of nux vomica, 1-6 grain,
Powdered extract cascara sagrada, 1 grain,

Aloin, 1-5 grain.

M. et. ft. caps. No. 1.

This dose was given in a capsule, every two hours for four closes,

beginning at 2 p. m., and the patient was allowed to have her

usual hypodermic of one grain of morphine that evening.

The following morning she was given two drachms of Ro-

chelle salts every hour until copious watery evacuations were

produced, and this was directed to be given without regard to

the action of the purgative dose administered the previous day.

Thorough elimination of the by-products of morphine must

be secured as well as the getting rid of all retained excreta due

to the continued use of morphine. At 11 a. m. the next day a

warm bath was ordered, warm enough to secure thorough re-

laxation, and the drinking of copious draughts of water was also

insisted upon for eliminative purposes.

No more morphine was allowed after the dose the day pre-

vious. When thorough elimination is secured in this way, mor-

phine can be abruptly withdrawn without any inconvenience to

the heart's action; in fact, the patient is less apt to die without
the morphine than with it, provided the nervous element in the

case is cared for, and this can be controlled by suggestion.

At noon on the second day, after copious actions of the pur-

gative given the day previous and a saline had been given, and

a warm bath had been administered, the patient was hypnotized

and allowed to sleep for three hours. It was suggested that her

nerves were steady and quiet and strong, and that her heart

would beat strong and regular; that every minute and hour
after that her nerves would get steadier and quieter and stronger;
that she would enjoy her meals, feel hopeful, optimistic, and

cheerful, and after that would have an antipathy for morphine

or any form of opium; that she would breathe deeply, drink
water freely and take an interest in the affairs of life as she had

not done in many months. It was suggested that at bedtime she

would take three drops of the placebo prescription and go sound


asleep and sleep soundly all night and awaken every morning
feeling refreshed and well rested.

After three hours' sleep she was awakened and ate a lunch
of milk, bread and butter and at once took the train for home,

forty miles away. Five days afterward I went to this lady's

home town, where her husband had gotten the physicians inter-

ested in my class work, and instructed a class of physicians at

that place, allowing the husband of the patient to be present.

She was then sleeping, eating and doing well in every way.
Twenty-seven days after the withdrawal of the morphine, in

response to a letter of inquiry I learned that the patient had ex-

perienced no more inconvenience, had slept well, enjoyed eating,

gained in weight, and was happier and better in every way.

"But," said he, "yesterday my wife overexerted herself and I

used a hypodermic of one-fourth of a grain of morphine last

night, the first that she had taken in twenty-seven days." The
only thing left for me to do was to write to him and express my
regret that he had acted so unwisely and urged him to use reason,
castor oil, Epsom salts, hot poultices, bromides, or do anything

else but to deliberately start her on morphine with an already

acquired predisposition for the drug.
To educate an individual in the principles of psycho-therapy

is one thing, but to get them to exercise the force of character

sufficient to apply these principles is something else.


Chronic Indigestion. —A country editor, age thirty-four, had

for several years suffered from indigestion, and in two years he

had not eaten meat for supper without spending a restless night

and having little sleep, followed by no appetite and a bad head-

ache the next day.
He was hypnotized and suggestions were given to encourage

a freer flow of blood in his stomach, to stimulate the cerebral

centers that influence this important organ and also to quiet the

nervous element in his case, get him to breathe deeper, and drink
more water. Upon awakening him, I advised that he eat some

of everything upon the table at his boarding place that evening.

"But suppose it makes me sick," asked he. "Then I will pay

your doctor's bill," was my reply. "Suppose it kills me?" "I'll

buy your coffin and pay your burial expenses," was my answer.
Then addressing him, I said, "Mr. Blank, go and eat as

much of everything you have on your table as you desire and

especially eat meat, and come tomorrow and tell me how you are

feeling." The next day he returned and said he had eaten a

hearty supper of pork sausage and broiled beefsteak and never

had a better night's sleep or felt better in his life. I laughed and
in a friendly way advised him to eat as much of everything as

he wished in the future except printing presses and newspaper

editors. Several days afterwards he was cheerful and happy

and had experienced no more difficulty.

It is interesting to me to see the skilled laboratory chemical

analysis of the gastric contents, made by some of our physicians,

and the diet and medication prescribed according to indications

in the light of the teachings of modern physiology. It is beauti-

ful work, requires great skill, and proceeds upon exact scientific

basis, and I hope some day to be equipped to do such work my-

self in order more scientifically to report the results of psycho-


logical methods of treatment, but my confidence in the brain

plasm and its influence over the physiological processes is such

that these methods in the large majority of cases seem to me to

be quite unnecessary.
In gross pathological changes, however, due to destructive

processes, malignant stomach affections, etc., there is presented

quite another aspect of the subject, and these methods throw a

wonderful light upon the case at hand. However, we must be

careful not to fasten upon our patient by the unconscious use of

suggestion a psycho-pathological condition instead of relieving

him of a psycho-neurotic disturbance.


Subacute Sciatica. —A man aged forty-five was confined to

his bed with acute sciatica for several weeks and for five or six

months following had used crutches, unable to bear his weight

on the affected side. His physician had invited some of his pro-

fessional friends to witness the treatment of this case.

The history of the case, the time that had elapsed, the ra-

tional therapeutic measures, etc., that had been employed, to-

gether with the symptoms at hand, convinced me that the se-

vere pain, insomnia, and functional disturbances were unduly

aggravated by the prolonged attention that had been given to

them by the patient, which had created sense impressions that
reproduced themselves in the peculiar mental state exhibited by


There is always a tendency for the nervous system to re-

tain an impression after the cause which gave it birth has passed

away. This proved to be true in this case of sciatica. The pa-


tient was hypnotized and suggestions were given to relieve his

pain, to quiet nervousness, restore sleep and re-establish the

function of the disabled limb. The man while in the hypnotic

state was persuaded to use the limb, and when awakened stamped
his foot on the floor, walked, jumped, hopped on the affected

limb, and then turned in all seriousness to the physician and said
he was easy for the first time in five months. After seeing him

three more times on each of the following days successively, he

went to his work. This man was a carpenter and appeared in

no sense to belong to the hysterical type, yet this was a psycho-

neurotic condition.

Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Etc. —A man, fifty years

old, had had chronic bronchitis for fifteen years, with occasional

paroxysms of asthma. He now had acute pneumonia, affecting

the lower lobe of the right lung only, but had a temperature of

104. 5°F., pulse 105, and rapid respiration also. On the fifth day of
his acute illness he had slept but little the previous three nights

and was extremely nervous and over-solicitous about his con-

dition. There was a large element of fear about his case, which
gave rise to very bad auto-suggestions. These were encouraged
by an over-anxious family and friends. I had done all within

my power to re-assure him by suggestion without hypnotism but

to no avail.

Seeing his anxiety so pronounced and the psychic element

in his case so adverse to his recovery, I decided that one more

day without a change would mean the death of my patient. Tak-

ing in my hand a bottle of some placebo, I said to him earnestly

"Mr. Blank, there is a nervous element in your case that I am

going to relieve before I leave you. This medicine, used as I

am going to use it presently, will put you to sleep, quiet

your nerves, strengthen your heart and help you to get well.

Now, it can't hurt you, but will make you stronger. I will stay

with you until you awaken, and you will be feeling better and
stronger and take quite a different view of your condition when
you awake."
A patient in that condition is always easy to hypnotize.

This man readily consented to the treatment, and while in the

hypnotic state I suggested to him that all nervousness was going

away and that his nerves were getting steady and quiet and

strong. Then I also suggested that his heart was beating stronger

and stronger, and that his hands and feet were getting warm,
that the blood was circulating freely all over his body, that all

congestion and pain about his lungs were going away, and that

his fever was cooling, temperature getting more normal, and

nerves and muscles and heart getting quiet and steady and

strong. I suggested that every dose of the medicine he was

taking would quiet his nerves, strengthen his heart, lessen his

fever, aid his digestion, and that whenever he thought of him-

self he would feel that he was getting better, feeling stronger,

and going rapidly on to recovery. I allowed him to sleep for

twenty miniutes or half an hour. When I awoke him I gave

him the answer to my question, which was more an affirmation
than a question. "You are feeling better, Mr. Blank? This has

done you a great deal of good." "Yes, doctor," said, he "I feel

that I am going to get well and have not felt that way before."

I then took his temperature and found it two degrees lower than
it was thirty minutes previously, and his pulse beats twenty a
minute fewer than before he went to sleep.

He slept well that night, as I suggested he would, and his

pulse and temperature were better the next day. His tempera-
ture never went any higher than 102. 5°F. after that or his pulse

above 120 a minute. His lungs cleared up on the ninth day.

Two years afterwards, that man had not had another attack
of asthma, as I had suggested on two or three occasions following
the first treatment by hypnotic suggestion that he would never
have asthma again, that he would always drink plenty of water,

the bowels would move regularly every day, and he would sleep

soundly, have a good digestion, and always feel better.

It may be pointed out that in asthma there are always

functional disturbances due to deficient elimination causing a

general neurotic condition, of which the asthmatic paroxysm is

the predominant manifestation, and attracts the greatest atten-


In regard to the use of hypnotism in very sick people suffer-

ing with pneumonia and enteric fever, the acute infectious dis-

eases, etc., I have always felt that if I could get the patient to

exercise enough self-control to go into the hypnotic state he

would be certain to recover. No possible harm can come from

giving a patient suggestions to quiet nervousness, relieve pain,

re-establish function, and encourage the action of all the brain

centers, turning this energy represented by the cells that com-

pose the cerebral cortex to the strengthening of every cell and

every function in the body.

Hypnotism is only an intensified, and therefore more effica-

cious form of applying suggestion and it seems to relieve a very
sick patient of a heavy responsibility, when you use his psychic

powers for him, direct them, and regulate their control over his

body rather than keep him on the alert to do this for himself.
There are yet some physicians who believe that suggestion
is of value only in hysterical subjects and that only hysterical

people can be hypnotized. If that be true, then all sick people

are hysterical, for there is no acute febrile illness in which the

psychic factor does not play an important role in helping or

hindering the recovery of the patient.

Remember that there is such a thing as nervous shock, due

to sense impressions which give rise to fear thoughts that hold

the attention of a very sick patient. The physician who can

change these psychic states, changes the mental attitude of his

patient, encourages all involuntary physiological processes, and

helps his patient to recovery.

It is hard to hypnotize an hysterical patient, while, on the

other hand, a normal nervous organization always best responds

to suggestion and makes the best hypnotic subject. This I have

demonstrated and proved to the satisfaction of several thousand
American physicians, notwithstanding the opinion of a few pre-
judiced neurologists, who are self-hypnotized by their precon-

ceived convictions, to the contrary.


Dressing a Painful Wound. —A gentleman, thirty-two years

old, had his foot infected with a gas-producing germ which caused
the leg to swell enormously. To give him the only chance to

recover the surgeon amputated the limb at a point about seven

inches below the hip joint and dressed the amputation wide

open, not allowing the flaps to close, in order to secure thorough

drainage. Large quantities of gauze came away at each dress-

ing literally soaked in purulent discharge, as the infection had

extended above the amputation.

The patient's reserve forces were being drawn upon heavily

and his toxic condition left him unable to withstand pain. He

did not appear hysterical, but at each dressing of the wound he
could be heard crying all over the hospital, on account of the

severe pain. He was placed in a suggestible condition, using a

placebo medicine as an aid, suggestions were given to produce

anaesthesia, and the wound was dressed without the slightest

complaint on the part of patient.


Hysteria, Neurasthenia with Delusions, Hallucinations, Etc.

—A delicate, high-strung, nervous young woman, with ambition

while in college three times in excess of her physical strength.

A decidedly neurotic tendency, always over-sensitive and mor-

bidly conscientious. This condition had been encouraged by

overstrain in education and by one incident after another which

proved to be a shock too great for a nervous system so unstable,

yet not more than a normal individual could easily withstand.

Finally came an attack of typhoid fever, and when the patient

was seen several months later she had for five months been con-
fined to her room with hands and arms fastened, with delusions

of persecution, and impersonating one character after another

sent down to earth by Promethus, etc.


She drank but little water, taking only a small quantity of

milk for nourishment; the bowels moved only under influence

of purgatives; there was constant enuresis, sleep was secured

only by hypnotics, bromides, etc. She had a furred tongue, fetid

breath, rapid pulse, was extremely nervous, with an excitable,

over-active brain, and finally would become exhausted and lie

with head hot and bathed all over in perspiration. At my first

visit I released her arms and acted as if I had perfect confidence

in her, had her exercise every muscle, breathe deeply, drink one
glass of water, and after an hour another glass. I then put her

into a light state of hypnosis and gave suggestions to quiet nerv-

ousness, to relieve an over-excitable brain, secure sleep, cure

enuresis, correct delusions, create appetite and thirst, and to reg-

ulate bowels, etc.

Besides releasing her from the fastenings on her arms, all

medicine was withdrawn at once save a one-eighth grain dose of

protoiodide of mercury, which was ordered to be given at bed

time for its general tonic effect. From the first treatment by

hypnotic suggestion she became quiet, slept well at night, ate

three wholesome meals a day, had but few delusions, enuresis

was stopped, pulse quiet and normal, talk rational, and the whole
picture of the case was changed.
After one week she was eating, sleeping, drinking water

freely, exercising and resting alternately, practicing deep breath-

ing, and presented every indication of great improvement, while
previously she had been gradually growing worse for several

months and probably several years. After two weeks' treat-

ment, she made up her own bed, swept her own room, took walks

in the park, and assisted in the housework, busying herself with

fancy work, etc.

The outcome of this case is for time only to decide. The

permanency of the results obtained by suggestive therapeutics
depends altogether upon the stability of the nervous system. A
favorable out come in a case like this will depend upon our ability

to bring about those conditions necessary to physical develop-

ment, sleep, food, drink, exercise, mental quietude, as well as

directing her habits of thought and action into healthful, normal

channels. Yet, the results so far show the possiblities for help

even in this unfortunate class of cases.

Sanity or insanity is not to be ascertained by any definite

standard. They are terms that cannot be defined, for one merely

denotes the absence of the other. They are both only relative

terms. It is absolutely impossible to find a person of so healthy

a mind and body that some form of degeneracy cannot be ob-

served. As a well-known psychologist remarked, "No one can

be accused of being hopelessly sane." Yet, if an individual is

unable to look after his affairs and is dangerous to himself and

others, and interferes with society, he may undoubtedly be said

to be of unsound mind. At any rate, insanity is not revealed

by any one symptom. The change is displayed by everything

both physical and mental. The degeneration affects the body

as a whole.

Not every person that is sick, then, should be counted as in-

sane, for all disease affects both mind and body in a degree.

There are many people that are insane, however, who, had timely

treatment been instituted, could have been completely restored


to a normal condition of health in both mind and body. "Treat-

ment," in the sense used in the above remark involves education

environment, dietetics, exercise or employment, and all that

contributes to the evolution of the individual.

Suggestions, both with and without hypnotism, in the hands

of a thoughtful physician can do much toward bringing about

those conditions under which recovery may be rendered possible.

Hypnotic Suggestion in Surgery.

One physician who had taken my personal instruction in

suggestive therapeutics informed me six months afterwards that

he had used hypnotic suggestion for anaesthesia in not less than

five or six hundred cases of minor surgery with complete success.

Another stated that he used suggestion both with and without

hypnotism, in obstetrics and minor surgery so frequently that
it had become an unconscious habit with him. All physicians

use suggestion, consciously or unconsciously. Only those who

have studied and understand the use of hypnotism use it sys-

tematically and scientifically, so as to get the most efficacious

results from its employment.

An anaesthetist who understands the systematic and artful

use of suggestion will, in some cases, use not over one-fourth of

the amount of chloroform or ether that would be required by

another, who does not properly use suggestion, and will thus

greatly lessen the danger of anaesthetics. In giving chloroform,

or ether, engage the attention of your patient. This should be

done tactfully, so as to gain his spontaneous attention without

letting him know that you are making an effort to impress him.
Examine his heart and pulse and affirm: "You are in fine con-

dition to take an anaesthetic; now, I want you to do as I request

and this will put you in a sound sleep without the slightest dan-

ger. Given by the method that I use, it only makes your respi-
ration and breathing strong and regular, while all other func-
tions are inhibited. Now, close your eyes lightly, breathe

through your mouth, and think of going to sleep. As you in-

hale this remedy, you will get quiet all over and get drowsy and
sleepy and go to sleep and awake after the operation feeling fine.

You will not be sick at your stomach or nauseated in the least

degree. We are going to take good care of you and you will get

along all right. Now, breathe this down and go to sleep, sleep,

sleep, sleep," etc.

I employ the same suggestions as are used to induce hypno-

sis, and at the same time use chloroform or ether, only to the

minimum extent required.

If you expect to push the chloroform or ether to the extent

that sense impressions could not be made on the brain or sugges-

tions be presented to your patient, suggest to him before he is

fully under the anaesthetic that he will be perfectly relaxed and

limber, that he will breathe deeply and regularly, that his heart

will beat strongly and regularly, and that he will have no feeling,

that all sensation will disappear. Then proceed with the anaes-

Frequently, however, I start off with ten or twenty drops of

chloroform and hypnotize the patient while he thinks the anaes-

thetic is producing the result. In that case I suggest to the pa-

tient, after hypnosis is induced, that all feeling, all sensation in

the field of operation, is going away, that the part is becoming


perfectly dead, and that by the time I count ten the part will

have no feeling in it.


Suprapubic Cystotomy. — The operation was decided on, the

patient being a man about forty years of age, who had an infec-

tion produced by a catheter being thrust through the urethra,

behind the bladder into the peritoneal cavity, an abcess being
formed, extending above and in front of the bladder. It was
the "other fellow's patient," and I had been invited to go with
the consulting surgeon to see what could be done for the un-

fortunate. The surgeon said to the sick man, already in a sub-

conscious condition, due to his anxiety over his serious case,

"This is a physician friend of mine and he will give you chloro-

form and put you to sleep and we will do the right thing for you.

Do just as he tells you and he will take good care of you."

With a piece of gauze on the bottom of my hand and with

ten drops of chloroform on it, I said to the patient, "Close your

eyes, breathe through your mouth, and think of going to sleep.

As you inhale this chloroform, you will get drowsy and sleepy
and go on to sleep without any trouble." I then exercised sug-
gestion on him, using the formula described in a previous chap-

ter to induce hypnosis (Hypnotism demonstrated.)

With a piece of cotton saturated with water, after the patient

was hypnotized, I gently touched the area to be operated on,

saying to him, "All feeling is going away; this part is becoming

perfectly dead, no feeling in it at all, and by the time I count ten

it will be perfectly dead and without feeling."

In the midst of the operation the surgeon asked, "How much


of this is suggestion and how much is chloroform?" I answered

him by holding the man's arm up and suggesting that he allow
it to remain until the operation was completed. We afterwards

awoke the patient with nerves steady and quiet and strong, as

suggested to him, and he stated that he had experienced no pain

and felt much better. In this case we used not over twenty
drops of chloroform by actual measurement.
Always tell your patient how he will feel before waking him.
That will determine his feeling after he is hypnotized. It is

not only what you do and what you say that brings success, but

the way you do and how you say it. This is true of the use of

suggestion both with and without hypnotism.

In reducing dislocations, setting fractures, opening abscesses,

sewing up incised wounds, and numerous other conditions, hyp-

notic suggestion is applicable. Yet, so much depends upon
the environment, for an adverse environment produces a counter

influence by unconscious suggestion, that it is often impossible

to overcome. In private practice, however, we have an ideal

condition for the application of suggestive therapeutics. It is

here that the best results are always obtained, for there is a

closer personal relation between the physician and his patient.


Operation for Adenoids. — This patient was a little girl ten

years old, with adenoids to be removed. She was hypnotized,

and the suggestion given that when the doctor examined in her

mouth and back of her throat and nose, it would only tickle her

a little, that the parts back there were dead, had no feeling in

them, and that when I said "Wake," she would awake laughing

and see some blood come out of her nose and mouth. The oper-

ation was done by a well-known specialist, and with perfect

success. The little girl did not shed a tear.


Suggestion in Dental Surgery. —A young man twenty-four

years of age, by occupation a drug clerk, had serious valvular

lesions, and cocaine or chloroform or ether was positively for-

bidden by his physician. At his request I hypotnized him in the

presence of three well-known physicians and surgeons, and two

large molar teeth were extracted without pain, and he was less

nervous after the operation than before he took his seat in the

chair. Two of the physicians examined the heart before and

after the operation and remarked upon the improved nervous
condition. After inducing hypnosis, I suggested that he open

his mouth, and then applying a small quantity of ananti-

septic solution upon some cotton around his tooth, suggested that

all feeling was going away, that his gum and tooth and jaw were

becoming perfectly dead, and that by the time I counted five,

that entire side of his face would have no feeling in it, that the

dentist could extract the tooth, without the patient's feeling

any pain.

To use hypnotism or suggestion with success in surgery or

dentistry, you must have the confidence of your patient. In

fact, the best results from suggestive therapeutics in all classes

of practice can be obtained only where a perfect confidential rela-

tion exists between the patient and the attending physician.

For that reason, suggestive therapeutics will never be particu-

larly applicable to general hospital work, but in private sanita-


rium work, where the physician is brought into close relation to

his patient, an ideal condition is presented.


Psychical Impotency. —A young man had been accused by

a jealous wife of worshiping a foreign goddess. This he strenu-
ously denied. However, upon one occassion he walked by his

home with the lady in question and was observed by his sus-

pecting wife. Though he assured her that his being with her

upon the occasion was only a coincidence, his assurances did

not allay his wife's suspicions, and she then and there demanded
that he prove his fidelity by his ability to perform the sex-
ual act. Though the young man was innocent, the psychic

effect of being put to so crucial a test, so suddenly, was

sufficient to completely inhibit his ability to meet the demands.
Then the exacting wife turned with double vehemence upon the
unfortunate husband, and the sense impressions or suggestions
produced by her declarations that she had proof positive of her

correctness of her suspicions, rendered the poor fellow impotent,

in her presence, for a month.

The stability of his home was in jeopardy, and threats of

abandonment were made by the wife, who felt that she had been

wronged. His physician sent for me and my treatment for the

young man was by instruction and education as to how he should
steer himself out of his dilemma. He was also hypnotized and
special suggestions were given to combat the psychic effect of

the suggestions that had so completely subdued him. This was

on Saturday, and on Monday he reported that the psychic


atmosphere of his home had been completely changed and that

the treatment was a decided success.

The psychology of the sexual relation is a most interesting

and important subject, and involves the consideration of the

physical, emotional, intellectual, ethical, aesthetic and moral

qualities of human beings. It is related to every phase of life

educational, religious, social and moral — and plays an all-

important part in the production of health and happiness. The

highest function of the physician is to be prepared to give sane,

wholesome, sensible advice where needed in such cases, and to

save such as are seeking help from the vampires who live and
thrive upon the distorted imaginations, credulity and suggesti-
bility of those who are honestly and earnestly seeking relief.


Insomnia Treated in a Unique Manner. — " Doctor, I wish

you would give me something to make me sleep better at night,"

said the wife of a hard-working man upon whom the cares of

life were pressing heavily.

" Why can't you sleep, Mrs. Blank ? " said I.

" Oh, I just toss and roll about for hours and hours, and
last night I didn't close my eyes until after one o'clock."

This lady was a great religious character, and I knew this

was her most vulnerable point from a psychological stand-point;

so I asked her if she believed that if two people agreed as touch-

ing any one thing it could be done for them. " You know I do.

doctor," she answered.

" All right," said I,. " Let's agree that you are going to

go to sleep right now." I was standing at the foot of her bed,


and, looking into her face for a moment, I said in a calm mono-
tone voice: " Just look at me and think of sleep. As you do,

your eyes will become heavy and you will get drowsy and sleepy
and go to sleep. Now, close your eyes lightly and go to sleep,

sleep, sleep, sleep. By the time I count ten you will be fast

asleep, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

and now you are asleep, fast asleep."

Then coming up to her I gently soothed her forehead with

a few strokes on either side with my fingers. " You are sleeping

nicely, having a calm, refreshing sleep. Sleep soundly for two

hours and then awake. Your sleep will be restful and refreshing.
After this you will be able to go to sleep at any time you desire

to do so. Just close your eyes and relax every muscle and think

of sleep, and you will go to sleep and sleep soundly all night, and
awake feeling refreshed and rested every morning. You will

drink water freely every two hours from morning until you
retire at night. You will enjoy your meals, have a good
appetite, find pleasure in your work, rest when you get tired

enjoy the companionship of your husband and children and

friends, and always feel happier on account of the improved

condition of your health."

Two years afterwards this woman's husband reminded me

of this experience. He said his wife had slept well and enjoyed
her meals, had no more headaches and was greatly improved

in every way. " Nothing ever did her so much good, doctor,

as that one visit of yours, but we lost our baby with cholera

infantum two months ago and my wife is 'just all in,' and I want
you to see her again." This was on fv passing visit to my home

and I could not see his wife as requested, but I have always felt

that I missed a great pleasure in not having the opportunity to

infuse into her sad life some of my own strength and optimism

by another suggestive treatment.


A Psycho-neurotic Condition. —A young lady twenty-two

years old, the beautiful daughter of a prominent physician, had

not been able to eat any meat without it causing gastric disturb-

ance, since the death of her mother two years before, and since
that time she had been nervous, suffered with insomnia, and

lost considerably in weight. I gave her two suggestive treat-

ments, having first secured a suggestible condition. Two weeks
later she reported her case, and had gained in weight, slept well

at night, ate all the meat she desired without the slightest in-

convenience, and felt better and happier in every way.


Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy. —A Physician once

stated to me frankly that he had no confidence in anything per-

taining to these methods and could not possibly become interested

in a subject that he had so disregarded. He was an excel-

lent gentleman, but like so many physicians in our profession,

had not troubled himself to look into the subject of psycho-


A day or two later he said to a patient of his, the wife of a

leading banker in his city, who had suffered with gravid nausea

persistently for several days, "If you don't get better, I will

bring a physician here who will treat you by hypnotic sugges-


Her mother, who was present, urged that he do so, and re-

ferred to a physician who had relieved her brother, the Reverend

Blank, D. D., a prominent educator, of a most distressing supra-

orbital neuralgia, after no benefit had been obtained from other

methods of treatment for over two weeks. His patient also
urged that I be called in to see her. In his conveyance, while
on our way to see this patient, I asked why he desired to use a
a method in which he "had absolutely no confidence," and had

so expressed himself only two days before, wherein he related

to me the circumstance just referred to.

"For this visit she is my patient as well as she is yours, doc-

tor," said I, "and I expeet to get a fine result."

The preconceived mental attitude of your patient is of great

psychic significance in determining the results of any kind of

therapeutic measures. I had this lady's confidence befroe I ever

saw her, and this was an ideal relation.

After talking with her for a few minutes, I turned to her

and said I was glad to have the opportunity of demonstrating

to Doctor Blank the efficacy of the method of treatment which

I was introducing to physicians, and in this particular case it

would be a genuine pleasure for her sake, as well as for my own

and Doctor Blank's.
I had that lady hypnotized or in a suggestible condition be-

fore I suggested that she go to sleep, yet I placed her in a deep

subconscious or hypnotic condition and made appropriate sug-


She was allowed to sleep twenty minutes, and awoke com-

fortable, ate some bread and buttermilk, as I suggested, and as

she drank it down, stopped to ask her mother if she remembered

that she went to the refrigerator upon her return from her grad-

uating exercises four years before, and remarked that no milk

had ever tasted so nice before or since until she got this glass,

and she proceeded to drain its contents. Her comments upon

that glass of buttermilk reminded me of how I relished nice but-

termilk when a boy on the farm, and I asked for a glass and

drank to her health, and it was fine, too. I hypnotized my pa-

tient, but got hypnotized myself into drinking a glass of milk

before I left the room.

That lady ate her evening meal, slept well that night, en-

joyed her breakfast and was out driving the next day. A year

later her mother reported to me that she went for several weeks
without inconvenience, but after that, the destruction of some

choice flowers by a stupid gardener brought on the return of her

trouble, but "it was never so bad."


Supraorbital Neuralgia. — The case of the prominent edu-

cator mentioned in case No. 27, who had supraorbital neuralgia,

was an interesting one, and is worth relating here, as it brings

out some important features in connection with the application

of suggestive therapeutics, and at the same time clears up some

misapprehensions in regard to hypnotism and its application to

the higher grades of intelligence. The gentleman in question

was the president of a well-known college in his State. When

I met him he apologized for his "stupidity" and explained that
his case had resisted all treatment for two weeks and was get-

ting the best of him. He said that twenty-five grains of quinine


daily and two one-quarter grain doses of morphine sulphate had

been his dose for the past several days, besides using static elec-

tricity, hot applications, different standard neuralgic remedies,

and all the modern "antis."

"Let me relieve you by suggestion, doctor," said I.

"What, do you mean to hypnotize me?" he replied, some-

what astonished.
"Yes, get you to take a suggestion."
"But I never thought I could be hypnotized," said he.

"Only weak minded persons cannot be hypnotized, cannot

be induced to execute an idea or series of ideas, for the lack of

ability to exercise self-control, and certainly one cannot hypno-

tize a strong minded person who docs not care to be hypnotized.

Of course, you belong to the latter class, but if you will consent.

I will show you what can be done for you."

"My dear sir," replied he, "I will consent to anything that

even holds out a hope of relief." We very promptly arranged

to give him the treatment and I left him in a condition supposed

to be sleep, having made appropriate suggestions.

Ten days later I saw him again, and he was quick to thank
me for the very prompt and efficacious relief given him by the
treatment, and said he had not suffered one iota from that con-

dition since I left him, "But, doctor," said he, "I don't think I

was asleep. I wanted to tell you that I was easy before you left,

but promised to lie still in the condition as you requested!"

That was just where he consented to act intelligently upon
and execute an idea or take my suggestion. All that is necessary

is the intelligent co-operation of the patient; so I repeat again


for I desire to drive this point home, that hypnotism is nothing

more or less than getting an individual to act upon an idea or

series of ideas, either consciously or subconsciously.

Get out of your mind anything you ever saw on the stage
in exhibition of the amusement features of hypnotism. Even
there, however, you see an illustration of the subject under dis-

cussion. Boys like fun. It is in their line —in accordance with

their thought and conduct —and they go on the stage having
perhaps unconsciously decided to act upon or execute any idea
or series of ideas given by the hypnotist. Your patient does the

same thing when he co-operates with you in any ordinary method

of treatment.


Alcoholism and its Accompanying Neuroses. — Once, in one

of our great American cities, a well-known physician telephoned

me to know what I could do with a case of acute alcoholism. I

replied that I had good results in my private practice in

such cases, but that it all depended upon the character of the


He wanted me to come at once to treat a patient of his who

had been drinking too freely for a week or more, had taken not
less than fifteen drinks that day, but was anxious to quit. His
patient was a fine man, who proved afterwards to be one of the

most delightful men I ever met, but he had his vulnerable point

and his friends had led him too far.

If I can talk to an individual for a few minutes I feel the

personality of the man sufficiently to approach him with a degree
of certainty or with uncertainty as regards results. I suppose

this is acquired by experience. Anyway, I was not in this

gentleman's presence five minutes before I said to his physician,

" Doctor, we are going to get along all right. I am ready to pro-
ceed with the treatment." The patient, a business man and
capitalist, about forty-eight years old, was nervous, emotional,
irritable, miserable, and had suffered with insomnia, anorexia,
etc., and just felt that something had to be done for him. Even
in the condition described, the man was a gentleman, showed

that he had a great soul in him, and I could feel that I had in him
the elements of a man to use on his own behalf, which he, from
inability to express the supreme function of consciousness, the

will, had failed to use for himself.

I induced the suggestive state and allowed him to sleep for

three hours, giving him a glass of water at intervals of an hour

apart without arousing him from the existing state of suggesti-


He was then awakened and advised to take a walk for half-

an-hour or more with his wife, a bowl of chicken broth being

ordered in the meantime. In the suggestive state I had made

such suggestions as would quiet nervousness, relieve soreness
in the epigastric region, restore self-confidence, produce an
antipathy or hatred for whisky, and arouse the highest element

of selfhood into action.

It was also suggested that after his walk he would eat a bowl
of chicken broth and then go to bed and at once go sound asleep,
that he would sleep soundly all night, and that if he became

restless during the night, his wife would give him a glass of

water and he would go sound asleep again. I impressed on him


that he would not wake until nine o'clock the next day, at which
time his wife would awaken him. Then, as has been my cus-

tom, I told him he would feel rested, refreshed, self-sufficient,

and not want whisky any more.

At eleven o'clock the next day his wife phoned me, in re-

sponse to an inquiry about his condition, using these words:

" Oh, doctor, he is doing beautifully. He slept all night long,

taking water twice, and looks so calm and self poised this morn-

ing. He says he does not want any more whisky, and I never saw

him look and talk like this after a spree before."

I saw him only twice more and talked to him face to face as

friend with friend. Several weeks later, when I was ready to

leave that city, he came to my room at the hotel, again ex-

pressing his thanks, and like the real man that he was, he

said, " Doctor, you have helped me more than anyone ever
did in my whole life. You have given me a new conception
of myself and made me feel in regard to myself as I never felt


I had awakened in him a higher self-consciousness or an

appreciation of a higher self-hood, and the memory that I have

of hundreds and hundreds of such experiences is to me one of

life's greatest rewards.

"Conversation is suggestion just disguised,

The new man, is the old man hypnotized."

It is a great thing to have confidence in human beings; faith

in humanity is faith in God. It is to recognize the divine in

human life.
The individual or individuals who have helped me the most

in life have been those who were able to discover the germination

of a higher selfhood as an actuating impulse in my own life and


Pulmonary Tuberculosis. — In a southern town a few years

ago the thermometer suddenly dropped and the weather was

uncomfortably cold. At the hotel a lady from a different state

in a well-advanced stage of pulmonary tuberculosis, was visiting.

Cough, cough, cough was all that she could do. Her weakness

aroused my sympathy, and I said to her: " Mrs. Blank, I can

help you a great deal by suggestion, and should be glad to do

so while I am here for the pleasure I should get out of seeing you

" Why, Doctor Munro, I have consumption. Pray, how
could hypnotism help me? This is no imaginary disease."
" Mrs. Blank, you are evidently very nervous. I heard you

say you did not sleep two hours in all last night, and I noticed

that you ate practically no breakfast this morning."

" Yes," she replied, " I am so weak and nervous I can

scarcely walk. This bandage on my hand is the result of an

injury received from a fall yesterday. No, I cannot eat or sleep,

and this miserable weather is terrible on me."

She had a forlorn, downcast look, but I honestly believed

that I could benefit her.

" Mrs. Blank," said I, " by suggestion in the hypnotic

state I can quiet that irritability of your nervous system, give

you a good, refreshing night's sleep, and yet you can relieve

yourself by expectorating when necessary in your sleep. Getting


a good night's rest, you will conserve your energies and will
awake with a good appetite and strong, quiet nerves. Then,
as you eat more, sleep better, and get stronger, I will get you
to breathe deeper and take in more oxygen. The increased
amount of air will mean much to your general health, for oxygen
is a food that many people do not take in sufficient quantities.
Along with the influence of more oxygen upon all bodily func-
tions will be an increase in elimination, both of carbon dioxide

from your lungs, and from a freer activity of all bodily functions.
" In your particular case I have confidence in the benefit to

be derived from deep breathing in other ways. Increased

function means increased blood supply, and by breathing
deeper your lung substance will be better nourished and its

resistive powers increased, and your chances to recover strength-

ened ten to one as compared to the present. There are other
ways that suggestion would prove of benefit, but though you
could not understand if I attempted to explain them to you,
I feel warranted in saying that I know you will be benefitted to
a remarkable degree."

" Doctor Munro, I am ready whenever you are, and as often

as you see fit to give this treatment," she replied.

Calling her friend, Miss Blank, into a room to be present at

the time of the administration of this treatment, I proceeded to

put her into a condition of suggestibility and gave suggestions

to quiet her nervousness, restore more plentiful and refreshing
sleep, inflate the lungs, and, above all, to stir all latent psychic
activities into action, to increase her resistive powers, etc.

This young lady present told me that when she was a school

girl Mrs. Blank was a fine singer and had a lovely voice, so at

another time while she was hypnotized I gave her a suggestion

that she was again a school-girl, and was going to sing while

her friend furnished the music. The song was the " Angel's
Serenade," and she sang, too. She reached the highest note
in " Hosannah in the highest, Hosannah to his name."
I then appreciated as I had never done before with any
patient, what I had done for her. All that I did was out of

kindness and sympathy, but with optimism and faith. There

was no money in this case. There was no selfish motive in it.

After four days she had been sleeping, eating, drinking,

exercising, and singing as she had not before in years. Six

weeks later I learned indirectly from her husband in another

town in that State that she had gained six pounds, and was
rapidly improving every day.

When I left the town where I treated this lady, she thanked

me sincerely, and gave me a note which she had prepared to send

to me at the train by the porter. In this she expressed her

gratitude that she had received through me the ability to eat

and sleep, for the relief from pain, nervousness, etc., and ended
by saying, " You have put into my life a bit of blue, where all

before was smoke and cloud."

Four years later this lady was enjoying life and much im-
proved in health.
I shall hope that every reader of these pages may do as much
for many individuals who do not need medicine, but do need to
have aroused in them a self-consciousness of dormant poten-
tialities awaiting utilization.


The inconsistency of some men and their attitude toward

certain phases of psocho-therapy but reflects their own limited

conception of the subject.

Prof. F. X. Dercum has thought fit, in his work upon Sug-

gestion, Hypnotism, Etc., to classify the phenomena of hypno-

tism as belonging "unequivocally to the domain of hysteria," and

asserts that "the state of hypnosis is beyond doubt pathologic,"

but remarks that "suggestion without hypnotism is susceptible

of scientific application and is often profound and far-reaching

in its effects. So easily do men acquire a one-sided way of seeing

things! Their outlook is colored by the hue of their own sub-

jective limitations.

Dubois, on the other hand, says: "The suggestible condi-

tion is normal." One can boldly say that everybody is

hypnotizeable and suggestible. The subjects who prove re-

fractory are those who are temporarily in an unfavorable

psychological situation; under the sway of skepticism, fear, or


On the other hand, *the pathologists of one of our greatest

Eastern universities, a medical school second to none upon this

continent, whose graduates all over the United States reflect

the high character of their alma mater, in an unsolicited letter*

Personal letter to the author from Dr. Allen J. Smith, pathologist

to the University of Pennsylvania and formerly dean of the University of

in reference to my work among the physicians, commits him-

self as follows: "If it be of any value to you, that I should ex-

press an opinion of your efforts to disseminate a more intelligent

idea of the value of suggestion in the treatment of disease, you

are more than welcome to this note. I do not think your claims
are in a way excessive, as I can from experience substantiate
all I have heard you say as to the efficacy of the measure as an
adjunct in ordinary therapeutics. Your explanation of its mode
of action, while necessarily not of completeness, I believe to be

based on sound principles, and your methods of inducing hyp-

nosis in order to effectively apply suggestions, have added, to

my mind, several valuable details to the methods commonly
taught. I am particularly glad to see an effort to have sugges-

tion applied in a logical mode to appreciated pathological condi-

tions as underlying the manifestation of symptoms, rather than

made in an indiscriminating way for the mere relief of symptoms

without concern for their cause."

The professor of principles and practice in one of our great

Western universities remarked to me: "Munro, I have been to

Europe five times within the last thirty years and have kept up

with the progress of psychotherapy from the early Charcot days

to the present time. I have at least thirty volumes written by

as many different authors in my library upon this subject, and

I do not hesitate to say that you have a simplified conception and
easy method of teaching psycho-therapy that should be in the

hands of every American physician. Now, take my advice-

go and give it to them in a book."


It is hard for me to conceive of a man occupying an impor-

tant position in the medical profession clinging to such a dis-

torted, antiquated conception of this subject as that enunciated

by the prominent neurologist before mentioned, unless he is

himself in a psycho-neurotic condition, which the reading of his

comments upon hypnotism and suggestion would indicate.

Out of between three and four thousand men put into a degree
of suggestibility by the method I have explained in a previous

chapter, with the assistance of as many American physicians, to

a degree that anesthesia could be induced by suggestion, during

the past seven years with a success of at least ninety-eight per

cent, the only failures were upon hysterical or extremely neurotic

individuals. In all cases the more normal nervous organiza-
tions made the best subjects for demonstrative purposes.

The phenomena of hypnotism, and all forms of suggestion,

are in accordance with the normal physiological processes. It is

a physiological condition, and to conceive of it as being anything

else, shows the hysterical, perverted mental condition of the man

who is attempting to hypnotize the profession into believing


Between these two great American medical schools situated

as they are, on the Atlantic and the Pacific, hundreds and thous-
ands of American physicians, many of them occupying profes-

sorships in other reputable medical schools and standing high in

the profession, have said to me, "I know from experience that
what you say in reference to the utility of suggestion in the

practice of medicine is true."


So, in the face of the facts that I have presented in the pre-
ceding pages, upheld as they have been by physicians of the

highest professional attainments, I am constrained to believe

that the man who opposes the judicious, conscientious use of

suggestion in any form applied in the hands of the well-qualified

phsycian as an adjunct to his therapeutic resources, does not

know any better.

If suggestion be of value at all, the most efficacious form of

suggestion is the most valuable. It is all hypnotism or it is all

suggestion, each is a phase of one and the same thing, pertaining

to psycho-therapy, a mode of influence, and the personality of the

man who is using it determines its use or abuse, just as is the

case with all other therapeutic measures.

It will be twenty-two years before my day of Oslerization

comes, and I hope to be able at some future time to give

the profession a more scientific presentation of the subject at

hand, backed by additional facts, supported by new evidence,

tests and clinical experiences.

The majority of cases that I have reported have been those

treated for my colleagues and the facts set forth in all such cases

can be substantiated by their testimony. My explanation of the

modus operandi is in accordance with modern scientific knowl-

edge and stands upon its own merits. The permanency of the

results of suggestive therapeutics depends entirely upon the

quality of the individual subject's nerve and brain plasm.

The least satifactory results are obtained in hysterical,

neurasthenic, weak-minded, and degenerative nervous and men-

tal organizations, yet in this very class of unfortunates it has


within it the promise of more benefit than can be obtained by

any other method of treatment.

For seven years I have made good my claims for the efficacy

of suggestive therapeutics in the presence of critical physicians

and I am ready to stand by the facts as I have found them, not-

withstanding the opinion of a few psycho-neurotic neurologists
who seem afraid of encroachment upon their specialty if this

branch of professional equipment became a part of the general

practitioner's therapeutic armamentarium.

The cases here reported are given simply as an index to the

broad scope of the usefulness of suggestive therapeutics in its

application to the general practice of medicine and surgery, as

yet only partially appreciated by a small portion of the medical

profession. The subject, when studied in its broadest aspect,

is some day certain to occupy the prominence in therapeutic,

that it so eminently deserves.

The more intelligent and better educated laymen are becom-

ing wide awake to its importance and there are those in the pro-
fession who are ever ready to adopt what is true and useful not-
withstanding the prejudice of the ignorant and superstitious ele-

ment of our age.

Physicians who have studied and employed these methods

have frequently said to me frankly: "Suggestive therapeutics is

all right, but there is no money in using those methods; the peo-
ple prefer to pay a man who will exaggerate their symptoms, as

is usually done by one who does not appreciate the psychic factor

in his consideration of the symptomatology."


What we see in our patient's symptoms depends altogether

upon the way we see it. As our mental perspective broadens, we

interpret symptoms in a new light and what we see has a new
By all means let us "tell our patients the truth" in medicine

and in religion and education and on all lines, but let it be "the
truth" as the more enlightened people see it.

Absolute knowledge on any line does not exist.

Because we can study anatomy and pathology with the

miscroscope and the test tube, we are liable to overlook the

factors of human personality of which anatomy, physiology, and

pathology are but expressions or manifestations.

We may not know what the mind is, but we are learning what

it will do, and if mental methods of treatment will get results,

then as broad-minded men we want them, for we want anything

that will alleviate sickness, weakness and unhappiness and help

to cure disease.

A well-known physician who did over one hundred major

surgical operations a year, for fifteen or twenty years, very
earnestly remarked that as soon as he began to study the results

of these cases for one year, five years, and ten years after-

wards, his conscience hurt him so that he now treated his patients

more conservatively; that while such work was far less re-

munerative, the results, so far as his patients were concerned,

were much more satisfactory, and that he himself slept sounder

and was less disturbed in his dreams.

All over the country physicians have called my attention

to cases where surgical intervention has been resorted to for


the relief of some psycho-neurotic condition, associated with a

minor structural abnormality, where the symptoms were only

aggravated instead of benefited by surgical procedures. Yet

in these very cases the operation was a " brilliant success,"

because the temporary psychic effect gave the patient a boost,

which enables the surgeon to collect a good fee and hypnotize
himself into believing that he was all-important.

Other physicians say that while they recognize the value of

these methods of treatment, they find that they feel as if they

were carrying a heavy load of responsibility on their shoulders

which is too burdensome for them to endure. They feel as if

they were assuming the responsibility that the patient should

take upon himself. The fault in such cases is not with suggestive

therapeutics, but with the physician's methods of using it.

The physician himself was probably in need of psychopathic treat-

ment, for the real aim in the application of suggestive thera-
peutics is to help your patient to help himself.

No kind of work is more conducive to the mental and phy-

sical vigor of a physician than the effort to make suggestions

that will produce such sense impressions as will give rise to

healthful mental states in your patients, for the very attention

on your part to such ideas causes the effort to be of therapeutic

value to you as well as to your patient.



Unquestionably the fine art in applying suggestive thera-

peutics lies in the employment of suggestion without an effort

to induce a sleep-like condition. Yet, if the individual can be in-

duced to act upon and execute your suggestion, either consciously
or sub-sconciously, it is by the use of the same method; call it

reasoning, persuasion, advice, preaching, education, suggestion

or hypnotism.

Upon one occasion when I was standing by a cigar stand

with two physicians, and holding in my hand a small phial of

water, a third physician, a stranger to me, walked up and asked,

" What is that in your hand?"
" Liquid electricity," was my reply.

" Liquid electricity; why, what is that and what is it for?"

" It is used locally as an anaesthetic, to relieve pain, cure

headache, or to extract teeth and do minor surgery," said I.

" Hold out your arm and I will demonstrate its efficacy."

The physician extended his arm and rubbing some of the

water on the back of it for half a minute, I withdrew from my

pocket a small steel pin, and holding it between my eyes and

his, said to him, " You see this pin. I am going to stick it

through a fold of skin on your arm, but you will not feel it.

Your arm is perfectly dead and if that hurts you in the least,

let the physicians present know it. Look at it; here it goes,"

thrusting the pin through a large fold of his skin.


" Did that hurt you? " asked one of the physicians.

" Not the least bit," was his reply.

Taking me by the arm the first physician said, " Come back
this way, Dr. Munro; come back with us blank." In his office

he turned to me and said, Dr. Munro, shake hands with Dr.

" I want some of that preparation of yours," said he.

When I explained that the medicine was only water and

that I had been talking to the other physicians present about

the efficacy of suggestion, he laughed heartily and seemed

to appreciate the experience.

Such experiences have been mine in hundreds and hundreds

of instances, not only experimental and demonstrative, but also

with a direct therapeutic aim. I state this experience in detail

to bring out this point the unconscious use of suggestive

methods is the most effective.

In three-fourths of the cases where an individual requests

that he be placed in the hypnotic state, we fail to get him into

a state of suggestibility sufficiently effective to induce anae-

sthesia by suggestion, but by suggestion in disguise, we fre-

quently succeed in a hundred cases, consecutively without a

failure. A physician in a Western city questioned the above

statement, as have many other physicians who had to be shown.

Upon the occasion of my lecture and demonstrations, one

physician, after inducing hypnosis, proceeded as usual and in-

duced anaesthesia and made other tests. Then another did the

same upon an entirely new subject, to the extent that a large

pin was thrust through the fold of the man's face without his

evincing the slightest evidence of pain, and he also was made to

sustain a weight of 200 pounds on his body with his head on one
chair and his heels in another, to demonstrate the efficacy of


At this juncture the physician who had questioned our

ability to successfully hypnotize such a large percentage of
individuals, asked if I called that hypnotism. " Why," ex-

claimed he, " you are getting those men to do that through
" Certainly, doctor," was my reply.

" Well, why don't you call your work by the right name and
say you are demonstrating and teaching suggestion and auto-

Other physicians present who were men of the highest pro-

fessional attainments, assured the physician in question that

they had never witnessed more successful demonstrations of the

efficacy of suggestion, having seen work both in America and
Europe, by competent men.

The extreme Ignorance manifested by some men in regard to

the practical and theoretical phases of psycho-therapy is pitiful.

They expect to find in hypnotism some uncanny influence by

which they can dominate and control people without regard to
their wishes or knowledge, as has been claimed by every kind

of outlandish faker advertising to teach all sorts of absurdities.

The only class of people that we can dominate, as distin-

guished from simply aiding them to execute an idea or series

of ideas, is those of an unstable nervous organization, in whom

a consciousness of self-control has never been evolved. Such

people are so suggestible that they readily take suggestions put in

the form of positive affirmations in the waking state, but for

therapeutic purposes they are the least satisfactory patients,

although the very ones that most need our help, and the class of

cases for whom suggestion is more useful than any other measure.

I have experimented with hypnotism and suggestion in every

possible manner, both for amusement, demonstration and thera-
peutic application. The more normal, reliable and strongest
nervous organizations have always produced the most satis-

factory results, because they could best exercise self-control

and were better able to act upon and execute a suggestion both
consciously and subconsciously. We can treat by suggestion
any individual who seeks our services as a physician.

Never, under any consideration, let a patient suggest to you

the kind of treatment you must adopt.

In the case of unstable and degenerative nervous organiza-

tions, the problem is to bring about those conditions that in-

crease their protoplasmic energies, as well as to direct those ener-

gies into normal, useful, healthful channels. I have often pre-

scribed a placebo to satisfy the patient, while I only too well re-

alized, that his benefit and recovery depended altogether upon

my influence upon his habits of thought and conduct.
A neurotic lady for whom I prescribed a teaspoonful of com-

pound rhubarb and soda mixture at bedtime for sleep, and advised
to relax and breathe deeply and rhythmically for ten minutes
when she retired, so the medicine could have full effect, com-

plained that she slept so soundly that she felt "dead all over"
the next morning. I accepted that as evidence of a splendid re-

suit of the treatment, but advised her to reduce the dose one-
half, drink more water, and take more exercise in open air and

susnhine, assuring her that the "dead feeling" was only her

"nervousness dying out."

Never use hypnotism or suggestion for amusement upon any

The physicians over the United States who have felt that

their practices were injured by their use of suggestion and hyp-

notism have been mostly those who have given parlor entertain-
ments, etc. I have yet to find a single man who employes sug-

gestive measures in a dignified, conscientious manner, but whose

success has been augmented both therapeutically and financially.

I can cite some men who have stated to me five years after

taking my instruction in suggestive therapeutics that the knowl-

edge derived from the one lesson had benefited them more than
a three-months' course of post graduate instruction. They were
men who had not before realized their own worth, and by the

lesson in suggestive therapeutics they awoke to a higher appre-

ciation of themselves.

Contact and close proximity breeds sympathy between two

people of opposite sex, and when an easily impressible neurotic

woman seems to be possessed of the hallucination or self sugges-

tion that you are unduly fond of her, a single suggestion or a

look of indignation is quite sufficient to plant a sense impression

of an opposite character that will dispel her delusion.

It has been asserted that a patient who has been frequently

hypnotized has been robbed of self-reliance and become so help-

less that he must lean upon his hypnotizer for support. On the

contrary, I have frequently planted suggestions into the mind

of a patient that have rendered them so independent and capa-
ble and self-reliant that they have refused to have further sug-
gestions from me, taking their lives into their own hands, being

guided by their own reason, while we remained the best of


A man had been so crazed by a long drunken spree that he

became delirious and rushed out of his house in the dark, ran

into a fence, and landed in a neighbor's house, begging him to

protect him, his face bleeding from the obstacles he had en-

countered. Beside his bed was found an iron poker and on

either side of him were respectively a pistol and a large knife.

His stomach had at last become his best friend and given him a
chance to end his siege of alcoholic poisoning by rejecting all

whisky he attempted to put into it, as well as all medicine given

for the relief of his miserable nervous and mental condition. He

felt, however, crazed as he was, that I was his friend and I did

my best to prove worthy of his confidence.

I placed a cold towel upon his forehead and began my sug-

gestions to hypnotize him by telling him that the cold appli-

cation would quiet him all over and make him drowsy and
sleepy, and that he would go to sleep and sleep soundly all night

and awake in the morning feeling all right. Though I had se-

cured thorough relaxation, with his eyes closed and with him

breathing through his mouth, when I suggested that "this cold

towel will put you to sleep and- you will sleep sound all night,"

he took a deep inspiration and said, "Lord grant it," showing

how he acquiesced in the treatment. He was hypnotized, and

suggestions were given to quiet all nervousness, to relieve

his irritable stomach, to g.;t him to sleep soundly all night, to

excite a disgust or antipathy and hatred for whisky; and above

all, to awaken within him a consciousness of manhood and duty
to his family.

He slept soundly all night from 5:30 p. m. until 7:33 a. m.

the next day, and as I approached the front door on my return

visit, his wife, whose nervous system had been shattered by

such expsriencss for s-vcral years, met me with ths exclamation,
"Oh, Dr. Munro, do you reckon Mr. Blank will ever wake up?"

"Why, certainly, Mrs. Blank; he is breathing, is he not?"

"Yes, he has been resting nicely, and I was able to retire

las! night and get some sleep for the first time in three weeks."

Upon awakening the patient in question, who was a large,

strong, well educated, successful business man, I congratulated

him upon having a good night's sleep and assured him that he
would not care for more whisky and was going to be a man after


That evening I said to him, "Mr. Blank, I desire to put you

to sleep again," and extending his hand, he said, Dr. Munro, you
c-a-n-t do it. I thank you very much for the treatment last

night and shall always appreciate it, but I do not exp?ct to touch
any more whisky and I shall get along all right."

I assured him that I was very glad indeed to hear him talk
that way, and that for his wife's and daughter's sake, as well as

his own, I knew he would feel happier. However, I turned to

an attendant and directed that a placebo capsule (of powdered

licorice root) be given at eight o'clock and in case he did not

sleep soundly by nine, to give a second capsule, suggesting to the

patient that he would sleep soundly all night. He refused hyp-

notic suggestion but took the placebo capsules and slept soundly.

It is very easy to get an individual to accept a suggestion

that is in accordance with his natural desires. Some people

do not want to get well. They enjoy the sympathy and atten-

tion of an over anxious family ad nauseam. In such cases a sug-

gestion given to set up a reaction may become necessary.

A physician had a pneumonia patient who had insisted that

he was going to die on a certain night. The family had asked

that another doctor be called in and that each of them stay on
watch during the night.
The attending physician had kindly assured the family that
there were no alarming symptoms and also did all he could to

reason with and reassure the patient. Nevertheless at the ap-

pointed time the young man sent for his family and began bid-
ding them good-by, when at that juncture the attending physi-
cian walked into the room, where the new recruit had for two
hours been on watch.

He was a man who did things in his own way, so he insisted

that all the family go out of the room and demanded of the pa-

tient, as if he was mad enough to fight, what all this commotion

meant? When the young man assured him that he was going to

die and could not get well, etc., the wise old physician answered,
"Well, die you, die and be in a hurry about it; make haste

and let me see you." Then placing his hand on his forehead he
called the boy by name and said to him kindly, "I am tired of

all this foolishness. You are going to get well. You can't die,

it matters not how hard you try. Now, close your eyes and go
to sleep and let me hear no more from you." The patient was
relieved of his morbid psycho-neurotic condition and made a
nice recovery.

A hypodermic of one-tenth of a grain of apomorphine has

served the author as a most vaulable means of suggestion.

In some psycho-neurotic cases a Paquelin cautery heated to

a cherry red heat before the patient's eyes and brushed with

quick light strokes down the spine proves a most valuable ex-

pedient as a means of suggestion. Hundreds and hundreds of

physicians are using the static machine at so much per treatment.

Says one, who is honest enough to admit that it is only a sug-

gestive means of treatment: "It matters not what be the

trouble, I give them all the same dose."

A man who will exercise the courage to do so can use sug-
gestion and get results when all such subterfuges are worthless.
He can take his equipment with him wherever he goes and the
general practice of medicine is unquestionably the field for its

most valuable and effective employment.

In my work among the physicians it has been a matter of

observation that psychotherapy is being appreciated just in

proportion as culture and education are most in evidence. "Its

successful employment, as with all other branches of medicine,

depends largely upon the personality of the physician. There

is no disease or condition where its use is contraindicated, pro-

vided the right suggestions are given to help the patient.

If used to benefit the patient, its employment will make

friends for the physician. No selfish, cold blooded physician who

is in the practice of medicine solely for the money and who has
not his patients' interest more at heart than the desire to secure

a fee, can ever be a successful psychotherapist. It is best em-

ployed by the man who is most willing to stand up for his weaker
brother, who is most anxious to help his patients to help them-


It was once my pleasure to be present at a medical society

meeting at which, from a psychological point of view, the dis-

cussions of a most highly interesting and instructive paper upon

the use of " Forceps in Obstetrics " interested me very much.
One physician related his experience in a recent case where

he, and another physician present, had found it necessary to

make several prolonged and strenuous efforts at traction upon

the fore-coming head before they succeeded in a delivery which

resulted in a badly lacerated cervix and a. most completely

lacerated perineum, stating in the conclusion of his remarks

that he found it frequently necessary to resort to the use of

forceps, and for this reason he highly appreciated the paper.

Another physician referred to a recent high forceps opera-

tion, and the difficulty in applying forceps before the head began

to descend and while the os was as yet but partially dilated. A

third referred to the frequency with which he had found it

necessary to resort to the use of forceps in obstetrics, and how

he dreaded such ordeals. Still another speaker emphasized,

among other valuable ideas, the small amount of traction with

which she had been able to deliver her forceps cases, even while
the patient had been thoroughly chloroformed.

Among those who discussed the paper was yet another, a

large, self-possessed and magnificent looking physician, a little

past fifty-five I should guess, who rarely ever had to resort to the

use of forceps, and he urged the advisibility of not being in a

hurry, and giving the natural physiological processes time to

accomplish their work, rather than of hastily resorting to instru-

mental assistance or interference.

I do not claim to be perfectly accurate in my passing refer-

ences to the discussion to which I have referred. But the

features brought out in those discussions illustrate conclusively

the importance of more attention being paid to the psychologic

factor in obstetric practice.

It was quite evident that the large self-possessed physician

to whom I referred did appreciate the psychologic factor, and

hence, " rarely, if ever " had to resort to the use of forceps; and

it was also equally evident that of those present, some phy-

sicians were rather inclined to be nervous, and unconsciously
had been a potent factor in producing the condition in their

patients which necessitated the use of instruments.

More than in any other part of the practice of medicine, in

obstetrics the physician should be well poised and self-possessed,

and should maintain a quiet demeanor and keep well conserved

his mental and nervous equilibrium in the presence of an ex-
citable, frightened and nervous patient.
In the early years of my professional work I assisted three

times in the instrumental delivery of a lady who at the time of

her fourth delivery fell into my hands. Knowing the difficulty

that she had experienced with her previous deliveries, and see-

ing the depression that her condition and the approaching ordeal

produced upon her, I had her come to see me quite frequently

and positively assured her that I had her on a treatment that

would insure a safe and easy delivery, and before her confine-
ment I had eliminated all element of fear. When I was called
to see her at the time of delivery, after making a careful diag-

nosis, I again positively assured her that it was absolutely

impossible for her to do otherwise than get along nicely, and I

have never attended an easier delivery than hers.

Where it has been possible, it has been my habit to see the

prospective mothers often enough before parturition to keep

well en rapport with them. I have frequently placed them in

the suggestive state two or three times during the last weeks

of pregnancy, in order to insure a perfect psychological attitude

at the time of delivery.

The influence of the mind upon metabolism is well estab-

lished. To keep our prospective mothers in a buoyant, hope-

ful, cheerful state of mind helps to prevent albumenuria, eclam-

psia, and other complications. All other essentials requisite to

the well-being of our patient of course should not be overlooked.

A wholesome vegetable diet, with milk and eggs, as well as

regular out-door exercise, should be insisted upon.

When called to see your patient when in labor, manifest a

kindly interest in her well-being and make her feel that you are

kind, firm, and self-sufficient, by your conduct in her presence.

After carefully making your diagnosis, do all you can to calm

her spirit, assuage her fears, and inspire her with confidence in

your ability and intentions to do what is best for her. Assume

absolute command of the situation and allow no environmental
influence, such as over-anxious expressions of friends, to influence

her. Let her feel the masterful, helpful, encouraging influence


of your personality, as well as get the benefit of your kindly


When the members of the medical profession become awake

to the importance of the psychological factor in obstetrics,

forceps deliveries, lacerated cervices and perinei will be far less


While in a Southern city four years ago, a well-known phy-

sician requested me to see with him a woman in. labor, and I

quote the following from his report of the case: " About 2

a. m. I was called to Mrs. W., a young primapara, who was fright-

ened, exceedingly nervous, and hard to control. At 4 a. m.

Doctor Munro came at my request and demonstrated the efficacy

of suggestion in a most satisfactory manner, by substituting for

the extreme nervousness a condition of placid repose. The

rapid heartbeats became normal, the patient slept peacefully

between contractions and '

bore down '
to her pains without
complaint. It proved especially efficacious during that nagging
stage of dilatation. Later on, with the aid of only a few drops
of chloroform, the case was conducted to a finish with perfect

satisfaction both to myself, my patient, and her friends. I am

fully convinced that when physicians learn to practise intelli-

gently what for ages we have all been practising ignorantly,

i. e., suggestive therapeutics, then the obstetric couch will be

robbed of its horrors."

Labor is well established, the os is dilated to the size of a

fifty cent piece, more or less, the contractions and all indications

are that there is to be no cessation of symptoms until your

patient is delivered.

She is begging you to do something for her. You have

made out your diagnosis and reassured your patient, but now
the severity of her symptoms is such that she feels that she must

have help. You have the reputation of using chloroform, and

she would not be satisfied unless you did use chloroform. You
are waiting for the right psychological moment, she has patiently
endured her sufferings and feels that she can hold out no longer

without help that she has not received. You have assured her
that she is doing well, that every indication is for a safe delivery,

and that you arc going to use chloroform so that she will not

suffer. The urgency of the occasion grows more imperative and

you decide to make another digital examination.

As this is completed, say, " All right, madam, be patient and

bear strong and hard to the next pain and just as that leaves

you I will give you chloroform so that you will get well under

its influence by the time another contraction comes and you

will not suffer any more."

Just as the contraction has expended its energy, synch-

ronously with the first inspiration after a long bearing down,

shake about thirty drops of chloroform upon a handkerchief in

a paper cone or that you have placed in a tumbler, and placing

that close over her nose and mouth, suggest to her strongly,

Breathe this down now, and go to sleep." She takes a deep

inspiration, and you quickly and strongly suggest, " Breathe it

in again, and now again, away down deep."


The three deep inspirations from the thirty drops of chloro-

form administered in this way at this particular moment have

sufficient physiological effect to annihilate completely the
receding contraction; and also the three deep inspirations in

succession, together with the physiological effect of the chloro-

form, secure the thorough relaxation of your patient. She is

now in a receptive condition, and you must quickly, but em-

phatically and distinctly, follow this up with your suggestions
to get her into a deeper suggestible condition or into a hypnotic


So, removing the cone or glass about two inches from her
nose, you proceed to suggest, "Now, go to sleep, sleep, sleep,

sleep. Now you feel quiet all over. Your muscles are relaxed.

Everything is dark to you. You do not hear anything but my

voice. You are drowsy and sleepy, s-o-o-o-o sleepy. You feel

the sleep coming over you. You are going to sleep. Sleep,

sleep, sleep. By the time I count ten you will be fast asleep.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and you

are asleep, fast asleep. By the time I count five you will be
sound and dead asleep. One, two, three, four, five, and you are
asleep, fast asleep, sound asleep, dead asleep, and you will not

awaken now until I tell you. Every second your sleep becomes
sounder and sounder and deeper and deeper. You will not hear
anything or feel anything or know anything except what I tell

you. Sleep on quietly now until I awake you."

Your patient is now in a deeper condition of suggestibility, but

you want to take an additional precaution to secure more thor-

ough relaxation, so, without the addition of more chloroform


you bring the cone or glass closer to her nose and suggest,
"Breathe deeply, deeper yet, once again away down deep. There,
now, you are thoroughly relaxed."

Then stroking her forehead gently, make suggestions about

as follows: "Sleep on quietly. Now, your nerves are getting

steady and quite and strong, steady and quiet and strong all

over. By the time I count ten the last bit of nervousness will

be gone and your nerves will be steady and quiet and strong all

over. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

and your nerves are steady and quiet and strong all over."

"Now, on account of the sedative effect of the chloroform

upon you, you feel all pain or aching or soreness or hurting about

your abdomen or back or womb going away, you are getting

easier and easier, and by the time I count five you will be per-

fectly easy and not suffer any more. One, two, three, four, five,

and you are perfectly easy.

"Now your labor will be regular and normal, you will labor

hard, but will feel no pain. Your contractions will be strong,

the mouth of your womb will dilate and open easier, but you will

feel no pain.

"Sleep on and when the next contraction comes, reach up

your hands and bear down strong and long, but you will only

feel a pressure; you will not experience any pain."

As the contraction again becomes evident, say to your pa-

tient, "Bear down hard now, it will not hurt you. That is fine;

stronger yet, more yet! There now, take more chloroform and

go into a deeper sleep."


Here you put about twenty drops of chloroform on the hand-

kerchief in the cone or glass and make a few additional sugges-
tions about as follows: "Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, breathe

deeply, sleep sound. Now, sleep on quietly until the next con-

traction and then don't wake up, just reach up your hands
and bear down, but sleep on."

As this contraction recedes you give about ten drops more of

chloroform and make a few additional suggestions.

By that time your patient is sufficiently amenable to sug-

gestion to the extent that I have frequently had patients go two

hours in labor without more than the slightest complaint, getting

them to relax thoroughly after each contraction and making a

few additional suggestions.

Toward the latter part of the second stage of labor, with the

last two or three expulsive pains, it is best that you give chloro-

form at the beginning of the contraction for its physiological

effect, using it freely and effectively as it enables you to manip-

ulate the head and perineum and render such assistance as

best to prevent laceration.

I have yet to see the first case of post partum hemorrhage

in a case where suggestion was used; though I have always fol-

lowed the expulsion of the child with my left hand and grasped
the fundus of the uterus after Crede's method. Post partum
hemorrhage is largely a nervous phenomenon and properly direct-

ing and controlling the psychic factor is a safeguard against it,

though I never neglect any other precaution, consequently I

have never had any trouble on this score.


A rigid os indicates an irritable involuntary nervous system

and it rapidly disappears when the psychic factor is properly

directed as above outlined. Your success will be in the direct

ratio to that in which you secure thorough relaxation of the pa-

tient and properly make suggestions.

The patient need not necessarily be asleep; a merely partial

subconscious condition is attended with excellent results, pro-

vided you have the confidence and co-operation of your patient,

and this it is your privilege to gain very quickly after you enter
the room.

A nervous physician is undoubtedly a menace to the welfare

of an obstetric patient, for nervousness begets nervousness and
fear begets fear. Self-control and self-confidence on the part of

the accoucheur carry, all unconsciously, a wonderfully helpful


Don't neglect any other therapeutic resource. An obstetric

patient of mine had two sisters, each of whom died of eclampsia

in her first labor. The effect of such a family record was most

depressing upon her. During the last weeks of pregnancy I saw

her every few days and assured her positively that the treatment

I had her on would prevent any such occurence. She was a

plethoric, full-blooded woman and the secundines were removed

with practically no hemorrhage at all. A severe headache, ex-

treme nervousness, and rapid, full pulse which followed, required

not only large doses of veratrum hypodermically, but free bleed-

ing also, as well as suggestion in the form of reassurance, persua-

sion and encouragement, with large doses of calomel and jalap.


To a patient who had aborted after four months and had

considerable hemorrhage and was almost pulseless, I suggested

strongly and loudly, upon making an examination, "You will be

all right! Be brave, madam, you will have no trouble, etc,"

though I proceeded to clear and pack her uterus.

In a case of twins, I "chloroformed" my patient with alco-

hol administered by inhalation and suggestion, used forceps on

the first child and internal version on the second, with perfect


Ten drops of chloroform given to a patient after each con-

traction while she is thoroughly relaxed, passive, eyes closed and

breathing rhythmically through her mouth, and suggestions made

in a monotone, conversational way, to quiet nervousness and

render the patient conscious that something was being done
for her, is attended with excellent results, without any farther

effort to induce hypnosis.

The confidence of the patient in her physician can be con-

siderably augmented by properly directing the psychic factor in

obstetrics, and the welfare and safety of the patient are rend-

ered far more certain.

In a case of an abortion at five months, before the expulsion

of the uterine contents, which was attended with much hemorr-

hage, I packed the vagina and put on T bandage, hypnotized the
patient, made appropriate suggestions, and went away, returning

in three hours to find that the patient had been easy, but upon
removal of the packing both foetus and secundines came away


A patient who once has the assistance of a physician who

properly diets the psychic factor will instinctively feel that she

has never before had the right attention in her previous con-


A number of physicians of my acquaintance have been able

to execute successfully the above described methods greatly to

the satisfaction of themselves and patient.

Your success in obstetrics, as in all other classes of work,

will be in direct ratio to the integrity and stability of your pa-

tient's nerve and brain plasm, on the one hand, and your ability

to present suggestion properly, on the other.





Every sense impression or perception or idea that has come
within our individual experience through education or environ-

ment has left its impress upon the brain cells, and these brain
cells stimulated by ideas of a similar character reproduce the

memory pictures gathered by experience and this process is

what is called thinking. Thinking in logical sequence consti-

tutes reasoning. Thinking gives rise to mental processes or states

of mind or conditions of consciousness that are constantly chang-

ing, so that the conscious mind or ego of one moment is not that

of the next.

So inter-related are our psychical and physical processes that

much has been learned of our subconscious psychic activities by

observing the influence of the mind over the body.

The subconscious self corresponds to all mental and physical

processes which lie beneath the stream of consciousness. We
often natter ourselves by believing that we control our thoughts,
when, as a matter of fact, thinking is but a reflex of the sense
impressions that have been made upon our cerebral cells by all

that has gone to make up our experience in life.

Yet, education, travel, association with people, and all other

like experiences, benefit us only as we react to them.

Every impression cr idea that is made upon the conscious

mind of the individual throughout his entire life is one of the
factors that collectively constitute the training of the subcon-

scious self. The result of this training constitutes our assets,

as represented by body, mind and character.

Our ability to react upon and be benefitted by the experi-

ences of life is dependent upon an inherited quality of brain

plasm, on the one hand, and education, on the other. We can

be benefited by the experiences that come into our lives only as

we are prepared by knowledge gained from previous experiences.

That which influences us most is what most persistently
holds our interested attention. The kind of thought or line of

endeavor that most receives our purposeful attention sustained

by reason, will and determination, so reacts upon our bodies and
minds that we unconsciously become moulded by that partic-

ular kind of work.

The mind, like the body, becomes strengthened or weakened

by mental and physical action. The blacksmith who uses a

sledge hammer day by day develops a muscle of steel, while the

bookkeeper who lifts no more ponderous weight than the leaves

of his ledger from week to week, has muscles that have become
atrophied and shriveled. The man of genius is only distinguished

from other men by his exceptional power of attention to one

given subject. On any line of work in all professions the indi-

vidual who becomes most proficient is he who most persistently

gives attention to his specialty.

It has been well said that the mind set habitually and

strongh' in any one given direction loses the power to think upon

any other line. The Christian Scientist, who ignores the material

aspect of disease, and the physician who does not appreciate the

psychical, are good illustrations of the above statement. The

particular line of thought to which we constantly give our atten-
tion, and by which we habitually act, makes us what we are.

To be strong, capable and free is the ideal that every individ-

ual should strive to attain, but strength in mind and character

cannot be attained by neglect of the body, for the interdepend-
ence of mind and body is such that the highest development
of the one quality depends upon the other for its support.

Use your faculties and live, grow and develop, is a decree

of Nature from which there can be no escaping. Some day,

sooner or later, each individual awakens to the realization that

his life is a fight between himself and the entire world. We are

so related to each other, however, that the duty of the individual

and his dependence upon other individuals and their depend-

ence and relation to the great whole must never be left out of

consideration. Yet, the individual must stand upon his own

feet, see the world with his own eyes, do things with his own
hands, and interpret the problems of life with his own intellect.

To be prepared for this conflict, this contest, this body, mind

and character tryst, is the problem of training the subconscious

self. Life itself is the greatest incentive for living, and to attain

the highest development and expression of the subconscious self

renders the individual capable of enjoying life, not only for his
or her own sake, but because to him or her comes a double pleas-

ure of being better equipped to help make life more worth while
to others.

Since we are endowed with a little infinitesimally small por-

tion of the universal life, wisdom, intelligence and force that ex-
ists in the universe, the highest privilege of every human being

is that of being a chooser; the privilege of exercising a choice be-

tween what shall and what shall not receive his attention. The
ideas which we encourage become stronger, last longer, and exer-
cise the greatest influence on our habits of thought and conduct.

Even in the case of what are commonly held to be involun-

tary mental processes which crowd themselves upon us unwel-

come and unbidden, when we are consciously all unaware of their

existence, coming as the result of previous experiences —we can

encourage those that are desirable and inhibit others that are
undesirable to a very large degree. But while we can only
partly inhibit those memory pictures that are undesirable, we
can as choosers decide what shall in the present and in the future
claim our conscious, intelligent attention.

Everything that claims our conscious attention strongly and

persistently constitutes "food stuff" for the subconscious self,

which contributes to the remoulding and rebuilding of our phys-

ical and mental constitutions. Character itself is evolved in ac-

cordance with this same law.

As choosers, then, the privilege is ours to be open and re-

ceptive to whatsoever is good, true, and useful in the realms of

thought — as expressed in the literature of poetry or fiction, phi-

losophy, religion, or science, or from association with individuals

—that may be of use to ourselves or other human beings. We

should study it honestly, appropriate its truths, and live by them
in all departments of life.

In the same realm of human experience, with respect to what-

ever is not good and not true and not useful for our best growth

and development, let us exercise the courage of our convictions

and reject it, even though it has the time-honored sanction of

conventionalism and authority. We should let truth herself sum
up the case and guide our lives and conduct in accordance with
the light and knowledge of the present age. This is the clue to

the correct training of the subconscious mind.

Then, too, since we realize the power of mind upon mind

and the influence of the mind upon the body, both for our own
good and for the benefit of others, we should encourage mental
states that make us hopeful, optimistic, and cheerful. We should
look upon the bright side of everything and strive to say and do

something to cheer the lives of others. As we sow, that shall

we also reap, is the law of Nature in the realm of both thought

and action. Whosoever uses suggestion to help others is using

the highest form of autosuggestion to help himself. Our effort

to create healthful mental states in others reacts upon our own

subconscious selves, so that what we are is to a great extent the

result of what we have given to others.

Individuality and strength should be our highest and most

constant aim in life. •

The great subconscious self, with its millions and millions

of living cells of brain and blood and bone and muscle, all reser-

voirs of expressive energy, is for us to educate, train, and develop

in accordance with the laws of evolution. Each individual is the

maker of himself in a far greater S3nse than is rsalizsd by the

pessimistic philosophers of our age, who would surrender all to

heredity and environment. The limitations set by heredity and

environment of course, are beyond question, but when once we
become strong enough to think for ourselves and to rely upon the
powers and capabilities inherent within the cells of our organ-

ism, then those influences that would fetter and mould a weaker
individual and hinder bodily and mental growth and develop-

ment become for us strengthening and wholesome exercise.

Each individual contains within himself an ideal man, and

to bring forth this individual harmoniously and symmetrically

developed in all the qualities of selfhood should be our constant

endeavor. What the man or woman of the future is to be de-

pends upon our habits of thought and conduct today. No prop-

osition is more true than that by constant endeavor we can day

by day gain in strength of body, mind and character.

The great trouble with the majority of people is that they

have not an adequate appreciation of the potentialities and pos-

sibilities inherent within the cells of their own organism, which

are ever ready to be trained into active, useful service. Others

are satisfied as they are and they constitute a large percentage

of our population. They are drifting along day after day with-
out making any special effort at self-development and almost

wholly dependent upon others to think and do for them. De-

pend upon others to think and act and do for you and you be-
come incapable of thinking and acting and doing for yourself.

That which makes a man strong in all the qualities of self, social,

intellectual, physical, moral, business or ethical, is action, effort,

concentration, persistency, determination.


Recognition of our defects and desire for self-improvement

are the incentives which urge us to higher growth and develop-

ment. Those who feel that they are self-sufficient and are all

that they care to be, have not been stirred by the influences

which induce a self-consciousness that gives rise to the impulse

to make effort. Perhaps they are unfortunate and have not

been awakened to a consciousness of what they are as compared
with what they may become.
The hope of humanity lies in the law of the "survival of the

fittest!" The great mass of the people do not think for them-
selves above the most elementary questions of life. In problems

of health and education, ethical and moral ideals, their views are

more a matter of inheritance than based upon intelligent con-

viction as the result of careful investigation. The physician

who can arouse them to observation, reflection, and self-activity,

is doing them the highest service that an enlightened mind can


The problems of health are the problems of life and pertain

to all questions of human interest. Body, mind, and character
are but reflections of the great subconscious realm with its in-

herited or acquired impulses, habits, instincts or ideals, and

these, like the flower garden, need to be continually uprooted

and reset. The false and barren and useless should be rejected,

and new varieties planted in keeping with knowledge and ex-


Surely this line of thought has a practical application in the

practice of medicine. Stand any day you choose on a street

corner and see the masses as they pass, and with pencil and

paper in hand make a mark for everyone who is weak and living,

minus the qualities of a normal, healthy individual, and you

will find that at least fifty per cent of our population have weak
bodies and imperfect nervous organizations.

The great majority of those who are sick need to be taught

how to keep well, how to eat, how to drink, how to exercise, how
to work, and how to sleep — in short, how to live. More than at

any time in any age does the individual need self-reliance and
the feeling of independence and freedom. This belongs only to

those who have achieved sufficient self-hood to dare to exercise

the courage to stand by their convictions.

Self-reliance is nothing more than one's own recognition of

his or her ability to act and think and live according to the dic-

tates of reason and judgment. Each individual has a different

problem to solve. All people are not "born free and equal," so
far as heredity and environment are concerned, but all are born

with the privilege to think, act and do for themselves, that the
greatest health and happiness may be maintained.

People as a rule are not sufficiently educated to take their

lives into their own hands. In their efforts to do for themselves

and to struggle with the problems of life, they make many blun-

ders which react with ill results to both mind and body, and as
experts in the healing art, our aid is sought to help them. They
do not always need medicine, but they do always need education,
knowledge and guidance. "The physician of the future must
have more than professional knowledge and skill. He should

be an expression of the highest thought and culture of his age,"


to be prepared to take his place as a leader and teacher of his

fellow man.
The practice of medicine offers great privileges for real, genu-

ine, unselfish service. The opportunities for being of real help

to our fellow man are the greatest of any calling in the list of

human achievement. In no other profession are such condi-

tions offered for brain development, self-reliance, and altruism.

The people have a right to make every effort to keep healthy
and strong without relying upon us to administer to their physi-
cal necessities. It should be a part of our work to help them to

so help themselves and then the followers of the different non-

medical therapeutic systems would no longer continue their

hold upon the people.

So long as new-born babies come to gladden the hearts of

the men and women of the world, physicians will be in demand.

While human endeavor continues, accidents will happen and the
surgeon will be needed. We have not yet subdued the mosquito
so as to prevent his carrying malaria and yellow fever germs, or

eradicated vice to prevent the diseases of physical degradation

due to infectious germs.

The Klebs-Loeffler bacillus, the bacilli or anthrax, and ty-

phoid fever, and the thousand other germs of infection do not

respect even a healthy human organism, and for all these condi-

tions the services of the physician will be invoked. The astig-

matic eye and other refractive errors are here to stay to cause

reflex disturbances and functional diseases of both mind and

body. Infantile diseases will claim our little ones as long as it is

human to err in dietetics and the world remains the abode of


Weischesbaum's bacillus of meningitis and othsr infectious dis-

eases. The great white plague alone claims one out of eight of

all human beings. In spite of our knowledge of mental thera-

peutics women will grow tumors and a million years of special

effort will not anihilate the physical results of inebrity and syph-

ilis or prevent insanity in its various forms.

The one sure event in the pathway of every human being is

death, sooner or later, and the one hop3 of every individual is

that his life will be prolonged. Let us, then, do all we can with
all therapeutic measures when the people are sick, but by all

means let us help them to keep well by teaching them how to

live so far as possible to maintain healthy bodies.

The benefit to be derived from work and exercise and water
and laughter and rest, food and companionship, education and

environment and self-development, in a thousand ways should

be ever kept before them. All these things should be studied

by the people and all this constitutes the training of the sub-

conscious self.


It goes without saying that a good clinician has a wonderful

advantage over the individual who has not had sufficient train-

ing and the necessary experience to interpret the symptoms of

a disease, and quickly couple those symptoms with its etiology,

pathology, prognosis and treatment.

As has been stated in previous pages, suggestive thera-

peutics should be applied with an understanding and compre-

hension of the anatomical and physiological relations of the

organism as well as of the pathological conditions to be alleviated.

Good men in our profession who do not sufficiently appre-

ciate the psychic factor in therapeutics are frequently so en-

grossed with pathology that they forget to tell the patient what

he can expect in the way of recovery and to keep this idea

constantly impressed upon him. They do, however, often im-

press him with the seriousness of his condition in a detailed

explanation of its pathology, but they fail to inspire him with

a conviction of recovery. Such physicians leave the patient
depressed, and if, forsooth, he happens to fall into the hands

of a quack who has sufficient personality to lift him out of the

depression thrust upon him, and recovery is not incompatible

with the pathology of his disease, the patient " is cured " and
the physician's reputation is injured.

As bearing upon this subject, in a discussion of a paper

read by me in one of our larger cities, one of the best known


men in the medical profession thus expressed himself: " Now,

gentlemen, you know as well as I that there are a great many-

people in this city that have been treated by some of our very

best physicians for months and years, and yet, satisfactory

results have failed to be attained by them. Yet, those same

patients, after going the rounds from one physician to another,
finally land in the office of some of the most notorious quacks
in the city, and do obtain the relief so vainly sought at our

hands. When we know that such things as this exist all about
us, it seems the time has come when we can afford to study
some of the secrets of the quack, for what they can do for morbid
processes, we can do also."

At that same discussion another physician in the course of

her remarks said: " Doctor Munro dares to speak out aloud

what all thinking physicians have recognised, but do not ex-

press, except at low breath, when among themselves."

This line of therapeutics is undergoing a rapid evolution,
and the true and useful and good that is in it is being sifted

from the false and useless. Those of our profession who take
a stand against it are doing much to encourage the followers of

the modern " creeds " and " cults," " ists " and " paths,"
who go to extremes in their views of the influence of the mind
over the body.

People easily believe that which it is to their interest to

believe. Physicians are educated to their view that medicine

is the natural recourse of the sick man, and it is hard for them
to recognize the psychologic factor, because it happens to be
the basis of all forms of quackery. Yet, the thinking portion of

the American people are on the alert, and they are ever ready
to accept and support anythingtrue and useful, it matters not

how strong their prejudice may have been. Christian Science

and osteopathy, etc., have served a useful purpose. They have

stimulated the people to reflect and exercise more self-control,

but they have made, and are destined yet to make, many gross

and painful blunders before their fanatical zeal is quelled.

In several instances within my knowledge disastrous results

have followed the vigorous methods of those who use massage

as a means of suggestion. In a case of acute articular rheu-

matism in a little boy of twelve, the inflammation which followed
this treatment by vigorous massage was such that an amputa-
tion of the limb was necessary to save the little fellow's life.

In a case of diphtheria the methods employed served only

to increase the inflammatory exudate, and a speedy death

followed; whereas the timely employment of anti-toxin in

diphtheria has reduced the mortality of that disease to a very

small death rate.

A case of acute mastoiditis, resulting from a neglected

middle-ear disease, was treated by the methods of the Christian

Scientist whereby surgical intervention was withheld until too

late to be effective.

In several instances it has come to my knowledge where

appendicular abscesses were ruptured by massage with fatal

consequences, to say nothing of children with gastro-enteroco-litis

who died under Christian Science psycho-therapeutics while

legitimate, prophylactic, antiseptic, medicinal and dietetic

methods were withheld. *


I once witnessed the removal of sixty-five stones from the

gallbladder of a woman who had been taught to ignore such
" errors of mortal mind " ; but after becoming weak, jaundiced,
and anaemic, with all bodily functions disturbed, she at least

yielded to the rational advice of her friends in time to resort

to surgical procedures for relief, and recovered.

At a Christian Science service not long since, just in front
of me sat a young man who was rapidly losing his hair as a

result of an infection of the hair follicles with the germ which

causes seborrhoeic eczema. The psychic effect of his religion

upon him was great, but the germs went on with their work just
the same.

Christian Science was held before the attention of the

audience by readings, songs and prayer, as a sovereign remedy

for sin, sickness and death; but over on my left sat a lady in

mourning. With her head drooped and lips closed tightly, she

sat there not at all receptive and took her medicine, though her

expression showed a consciousness that realized the mockery

of all that was receiving her attention. Her face was sad because
her husband was dead, and this experience was setting up a

mental reaction of all the negations that fell upon her ears.

Over on my right sat a gentleman with eyes open like full

moons and his lower jaw dropped as if it had no muscles to

support it, with a well fixed gaze upon the reader of the sugges-
tions that had been prepared to hypnotize the audience. He
was suffering with locomotor ataxia, and though credulous,
receptive and suggestible in the most complete sense, he walked

away upon two " errors of mortal mind," usually called crutches.


Yet, physicians are far from infallible. All their patients

do not get well, neither does absolute knowledge upon any

subject exist, while every conception or theory or viewpoint

represent some relative phase of truth to be determined by indi-

vidual experience.

While we know what mercury will do in syphilis, and

quinine in malaria, and sulphur in itch, and antitoxin timely

administered in diphtheria, and what the result of corrected

errors of refraction will bring in the relief of headaches and

numerous functional disturbances, and what relief surgery will

bring in gross pathological changes, etc., yet there are many

conditions confronted in all lines of professional work in which
we do not know absolutely what the outcome will be, and no

physician has done his full duty until he has given this patient

the full benefit of every therapeutic aid. The rule should be

" While there is life there is hope."

Two cases here cited that have been brought to my atten-

tion will illustrate the blunders that may be made by too quickly

jumping at conclusions without due appreciation of the psycho-

logic factor in therapeutics.

A well-known physician and surgeon was consulted in

reference to a patient of another physician with an incipient

malignant affection of the cervix, and he strongly advised

operative procedures as the only safe course to pursue. The
operation was deferred, and several months later this patient

was taken on a litter to a prominent surgeon in one of our larger

cities. After carefully considering the case, together with the

assistance of a well-known pathologist who made a micro-


scopical examination to determine the exact character of the

disease, he declined to operate, as he believed this would only

serve to transplant the disease to more vital structures and

hasten her death. Discouraged and hopeless the lady finally

yielded after much protest to the solicitation of a Christian

Science friend, and consented to do so because this was the only

promise held out to her for a possible hold on life. After three

or four months' treatment by Christian Science psychological

methods, that lady had gained twenty pounds and returned
home, walking erect and strong, and after three years would
occasionally call upon the consulting surgeon in her home town,
who advised the operation in the incipiency of her disease, and

laugh heartily over the incidents connected with her case. The
facts in this case can be well authenticated.
Again in a Western city a gentleman about thirty-five years

of age had been treated for pulmonary tuberculosis for a period

extending over many months, and was finally advised to go to

a higher and drier altitude, his physician assuring him that this

was the only hope offered for him. He went to a town situated
just west of the Rocky Mountains, and carried with him a letter

of introduction from his home physician, together with a report

from a competent pathologist showing sputa teeming with

tubercule bacilli. After examination and observation for several

days this physician advised the sufferer to go home at once and

die among his friends and relatives. He then sought the assist-

ance of a Christian Scientist, and after two days did return home

inspired with hope, and having been able to sleep and eat under

the psychic effects of their method, he was much improved, and


put himself under the care of a Christian Science " practitioner "
at his home town. When I saw him, he was holding the position

of city attorney, and in his hands he held the report of the

pathologist, as unquestionable proof of the correctness of his

history, which he flaunted while he enthusiastically related his

experiences at one of their mid-week meetings, stating that he

had gained thirty pounds and was enjoying life, eating, working
and happy.
As illustrating another phase of the subject at hand, how-

ever, in another Western city a well-known physician advised

an immediate operation for an incipient malignant disease of

the cervix. Seeing his patient a few weeks later he very naturally

greeted her and expressed his pleasure at seeing her looking so

well. " Oh, I have never been sick, doctor. That was all an

'error of mortal mind.' I am perfectly well." Her phraseology

at once " put him next," so with the salutation, " I wish you well,

madam," he modestly left her.

Several months later she returned to his office. The tem-

porary psychic stimulation that had for awhile held her up in
spite of the existing pathological conditions, had reacted, and
now that characteristic, sallow, cachectic hue which attends this

disease was plainly in evidence. She was weak and anaemic,

nervous and over-anxious about her condition. She had at

last decided to have him operate, but she had waited too long,

and there was nothing left but to leave her to face the inevitable.
In the first case of " malignant disease " it is probable that
the pathologist was mistaken; and tuberculosis, under favorable

climatic conditions, and when not too far advanced, is by no


means an incurable disease. Good food, dry open air, sunshine

and optimism often do wonders in the way of giving the recup-

erative powers of such patients an opportunity to overcome

pathogenic bacteria and re-establish a condition of health. In
less serious affections, especially, should the influence that the

psychic factor exerts, be well kept in mind before an unfavorable

prognosis is rendered. For there are numerous instances in

which the prognosis may determine the outcome of the disease,
on account of the part played by suggestion in aiding or retard-
ing recovery.

In many diseases, an exact diagnosis is not always possible,

though few expert diagnosticians will admit this, and even in

psychiatry and nervous diseases those that are amenable to

treatment, either curative or palliative, are benefitted just in

proportion as the bodily functions, both voluntary and involun-

tary, are encouraged into activity.

No possible harm can come to the individual by suggestive
measures, used either with or without hypnotism, which are

only a means of getting the individual to rely upon the properties,

faculties and functions inherent within the biological elements

of the cells of his organism. By suggestion we can stimulate

all bodily functions, both voluntary and involuntary.

All other sane, sensible measures are, of course, not to be

neglected, such as rests or exercise, dietetics, hydrotherapy,
both internal and external, relaxation, deep breathing and
materia medica agencies, as the individual case indicates.

Yet, there are many cases, not incompatible with complete

recovery in which the patient would get well, due attention


being given to the psychologic factor, but which would not

recover without its aid.

In all cases let us give the patient the benefit of the doubt.



From a psychological standpoint all religious services of all

denominations are especially interesting. If we attend them to

learn, we usually find our lesson between the lines.

The psychic effect of the comingling of several hundred male

and female voices, with sentiments of love expressed in song;

with the martial spirit of soldiers battling in unison and march-

ing as conquerors from victory to victory; amid music and beau-

tiful flowers, fine clothes and suggestive mottoes, and mystical
carvings; all these combine to have a significance but little ap-

preciated by one in a thousand of the people of our times. They

subtly and gently stimulate all the involuntary cells of the body
and temporarily lift the individual out of his self-conscious phys-

ical and psychical weaknesses, and, in general, when free from

emotional excitement, prove to be an experience which, like

other deviations, reacts with benefit upon both mind and body.

Suggestion is to be seen in all such experiences from start

to finish. The methods adopted by the clergyman of getting

en rapport with the audience; the unconsciously induced condi-

tion of receptivity by quartettes composed of male and female

voices; the reading responded to by the audience, followed by
a female solo; all create a psychic condition which renders the

individual forgetful of self and his surroundings.

For the time being he is completely amenable to the sug-


gestion given from the pulpit orator, who from thirty to sixty

minutes has the opportunity to create sense impressions and

present ideas or suggestions that are beneficial or harmful, as

the case may be. They are wholesome, beneficial and helpful
suggestions just in proportion as they are the reflection of a

broad, well educated, truth-loving mind or personality.

It has been my privilege to hear such men in all denomina-

tions, both Protestant and Catholic, Jew and Gentile, Mormon
and Free Thinkers, as well as promulgators of Oriental philoso-

phies and religions, containing much that is true and useful and


Just in proportion as the people are becoming sufficiently

well educated to comprehend in some degree the cosmic order

of the universe and the laws of its evolution and to appreciate

the part played by heredity, environment and education in de-

termining the ideas and ideals which go to construct the religious

beliefs of individuals, are they becoming more open to accept the

contribution made by science to our moral and religious philos-


The more enlightened element of all denominations now

admits that science has in numerous instances unquestionably
demonstrated that religious teachings have at times been wrong
as to matters of fact. Be that as it may, man is a religious being,

for he is by nature a truth seeker, and everyone must either have

a philosophy of his own in reference to the questions of life or be

creed-fettered by some fixed religious dogmatism, which seeks

to mould him according to prescribed ideals.

At no time in the world's history were the rights of the in-

dividual so much appreciated as now. All religions are useful

just in proportion as they contribute to the development of the

individual in body, mind and character.

As long as religion appeals to the intellect and renders the

individual conscious of his privilege of being a thinking, reason-

ing, responsible entity, with the power to exercise choice as to

what shall and what shall not enter his life; as long as its promul-
gators inspire men and women with high ideals and point to sane,

rational, sensible rules of conduct both for self-betterment and

for the health of his fellow man; as long as it teaches him self-

appreciation and altruism and its influence i's for what is good
and true and useful for human happiness and health and growth,

the beneficial influence of religion for the evolution of the indi-

vidual cannot be questioned.

The sublime faith that carries with it a conviction that is

unshaken, that brings peace, eliminates fear, and makes life

serene, or a reasonable philosophy that is entirely satisfactory

to the individual in regard to his past evolution, present conduct,

and future development, is as essential to the life, health and

happiness of a rational human being as is food or water, exercise

or sleep or air, congenial associates or other life essentials. It

is here that the mind takes refuge in those problems that are

forced upon the attention of all civilized races.

Yet, when the emotions have been wrought upon and the
individual is led into that extreme state of mono-ideaism which
exists in religious ecstacy with crying, shouting, or other mani-
festations of joy or grief, pleasure or hope, and he or she is no

longer under the guidance and control of reason, it can but be

regarded as psychical prostitution pure and simple.

The psychical correlation between religious emotion and the

animal passions is now recognized by all our ablest psycholo-
gists, neurologists and psychiatrists. The erotic and religious

feelings are so closely associated that the step from the emo-
tional religious enthusiast to the sexual prostitute is but a very
short one.

As bearing upon this subject, Howard says: "Religious

emotion springs from the animating power of the sexual nature,

and through the emotion thus aroused we deify and worship the
inspirational source of our spiritual longings."

Kraft-Ebing remarks: "How powerfully sensuality expres-

ses itself in the histories of religious fanatics and in what revolt-

ing scenes, true orgies, the religious festivals of antiquity, no less

than the meetings of certain sects in modern times, express

themselves Owing to the correspondence in

many points between these two emotional states, it is clear that

when they are very intense the one may take the place of the

other, since every manifestation of one element of mental life

also intensifies its associations."

The reader is aware that the more enlightened leaders of all

religions now openly oppose any form of emotional excitement

in religious services and regard it as a deplorable relic of ancient

barbarism. But, be that as it may, it has been my experience to

attend such meetings all over our country and the consciousness

of the degrading influence of such meetings on innocent, impres-

sible, and highly suggestible boys and girls, men and women,

who are the victims of these induced endemics of temporary

emotional insanity, has been particularly painful and revolting

to me.

Children, as well as men and women, who are not sufficiently

educated to think for themselves upon these questions, are, when

the emotions are stirred, suggestible in the highest degree, and

any method of coercion which incites fear, plays upon the imagi-
nations and dethrones reason, is prostitution of body and mind.
One neurotic boy of my knowledge remained in a subconscious

state all night long and his nervous system never reacted from

the shock or sense impressions of that experience. He was weak

minded and hysterical ever afterward and finally became insane
and died in the asylum. A neurotic woman, after having been
subject to religious excitement for several days, began having

cataleptic seizures and had kept this up constantly every day

for two years, being all the while in a state of religious fervor,

and was frequently visited by her minister, who would talk and
pray with her, thus keeping up this morbid, psychoneurotic con-


It has been my experience to be called in consultation to see

two persons, ill with an acute disease, who died as a result of the

effect of having been for several days subjected to the injurious

sense impressions produced by a fanatical, emotional revivalist.

The timely use of suggestion to drive back these perverted mental

states and plant new sense impressions in their stead would, no
doubt, have altered the results, but neither of these patients

was amenable to treatment at the time I visited them.


The conviction of sin and fear of hell and the awfulness of

the "Judgment Day" were impressed upon them until every or-

ganic function had been disturbed, they had been unable to

sleep, food and medicine had not been assimilated, and they

died of diseases from which under different conditions they

should have made a speedy and sure recovery. Such has been
the experience of hundreds of physicians of my acquaintance as
a result of emotional religious excitement.

But aside from the danger that such pernicious influences

exert upon life itself, the positive harm to the development and
growth of body and mind is the worst. To speak plainly, the

effect upon the entire individual is identical to that of excessive

sexual intercourse and it is questionable if the results upon mind

and body of sexual prostitution are not even less injurious.

Every intellectual state is accompanied by definite physical

manifestations. The physical concomitants of such psychical

states as where the individual is under the sway of emotional
religious excitement are vasomotor phenomena, respiratory phe-
nomena, and motor phenomena or phenomena of expression.

The vascular modifications that take place are felt in the

form of arterial pulsations, heaviness and a sense of choking, all

of which are usually ascribed to being "the power of the Holy

Spirit" acting upon the individual. They all denote a state of
tension of the organism and of concentration of effort. Such
emotion is contagious. Mental states beget similar mental states
in others who are so situated as to receive sense impressions from

those thus affected. The tension produced upon the nervous

system and the physical reaction to such experiences for several

days in succession leaves such individuals nervous and weak

with all bodily functions disturbed. Sleep is hindered and they
are often pale and indifferent to interest in all other things except
religious matters.

We all realize that this is nothing more than a condition of

hysteria, but such hysteria is contagious and when often repeated

forms a habit, and such habits are positively injurious. To be

exposed to such influences interferes with the growth of both

mind and body of children, and the habit of having one's psychic
life controlled and played upon by an emotional enthusiast, in

the personality of an individual of the opposite sex, is positively

destructive to the essential conditions of a happy marriage re-


To educate an individual to be guided and controlled by

emotion or passion in religious conduct and expect him to exer-

cise reason and judgment in reference to other phases of his life's

conduct, would mean to teach him to act directly contrary to

his religious teaching.

The over-expenditure of nervous energy from such emotional

religious experiences and the habit of being psychically aroused

by such experiences reduces the individual to a condition of

mental and physical inertness. It is horrible to contemplate,

but there are thousands of ardent female religious devotees

whose psychic life is so dominated and controlled by their church

executive or "spiritual adviser," that their husbands find no

more place in their higher nature than a dog finds comfort upon
the grave of his buried master.

This state of affairs reduces such marriage relations into

nothing less than legalized prostitution. Whoever holds the at-

tention of an individual, stirs his emotions, and directs his

thoughts, governs his actions and controls his life both con-
sciously and subconsciously; and when married women are so

dominated and controlled, the higher social affiliations and more

complete amalgamation of personalities between man and his

wife are rendered impossible. Such marriages, then, are a fraud

and a farce, and the result is unhappiness and nervousness,
functional disorders and disease. Such practices might be ex-
cused in old maids and widows who are safely beyond the danger
of ever getting married and who have no ambition to attain in

life; but no growing young man or woman or wife or prospective

mother should be exposed to their pernicious influences.

Adolescence, especially, should be kept free from an envir-

onment of religious fervor, which holds their constant attention

and causes a useless expenditure of nervous energy to the neglect

of the development of all other physical and mental attributes

that should be cultivated by directing their lives into the normal,

healthful, useful lines of thought and action.

The religious training of a great many individuals has but

served to educate them into a psycho-neurotic disease, which

practically unqualifies them for the duties and responsibilities

of life.

To maintain a robust, vigorous state of health and physical

well being while adhering to such religious practices is an abso-
lute impossibility.

It is from this class of religious neurotics that Christian Sci-

ence largely draws its membership and its dogma of negation

and affirmation is only a suggestive means to drive back morbid

states of consciousness produced by sense impressions made in

times gone by and forgotten, and to replace these by concep-

tions, ideas, sense impressions, or suggestions that give rise to a

new consciousness, to mental states that are more pleasant, more

hopeful, less emotional, more optimistic and cheerful, and these
react favorably upon the body. With all its absurdity Christian

Science is a stepping stone, perhaps not an indispensable one, to

the evolution and revision that is today taking place in the reli-

gious philosophies of the world. To the man who is broad enough

and generous enough and wise enough to detect the kernel

of psychological truth buried beneath its capsule of religious,

dogma, this cult serves as an illustration for an important lesson

namely, that the mind and the influence exerted upon it through

religious worship plays an important role in the cause of disease

and the maintenance of health.

People are not to be blamed for their religious beliefs or

habits of conduct in life. As a rule they are creatures of circum-

stance, fettered by environment, unfortunate heredity, and de-

ficient educational advantages.

The clue to the situation was unconsciously admitted by a

country clergyman in the South, who, in discussing the evolution

that is taking place in religious ideals among the more enlight-

ened centers of our country and the part that education exer-
cises in shaping our religious beliefs, answered "Yes, but we care

nothing about such ideals and education down here." And so


it is with everyone in reference to his philosophic and religious

convictions. He instinctively feels that he is right from his

viewpoint, and he is. His religion fills an essential need to his

life and he has as much right to it as he has to life itself. And

so has the individual who has acquired a broader perspective the

same right to reject the false, worn out, and useless, and to in-

terpret the problems of life for himself.

We are still only half civilized.

Ten million years of growth, evolution and development will

not have remedied all the consequences of the ignorance that

exists today.

Institutions, organizations and religions are a necessity.

When they do not interfere with individual liberty and expres-

sion, they are useful. The majority of people are incapable of

thinking and reasoning for themselves. They have not as yet

acquired strength of intellect and knowledge of the universe suf-

ficient to give them the confidence to take their lives into their

own hands.

To them the power, strength, authority and privileges of

the self-conscious ego are as much a stranger and as intangible

and useless in the choice as to what shall govern and control their
life, as if they never existed. Indeed, such a self-consciousness

to them does not exist, for this quality of human personality is

also developed according to the general laws of existence through

heredity, environment and education.

However, individual responsibility cannot be evaded.
Men and women who know better and have evolved moral
courage sufficient to give them the impulse to act up to their

convictions, are impelled by immutable law under which they

cannot decide to do otherwise than press forward and onward

and upward, and they are increasing their strength day by day
according to the law of development by use.

We live in a new age and are confronted by new conditions.

New opportunities are thrust upon us. We must live up to our

privileges or take the consequences. We must turn opportuni-
ties to good account. We must each go our route. We can't
live and do as any other individual in this world today or in any
age has done.

The great need of the world is men and women to interpret

life and its meaning in the light of modern education and en-
lightenment; such as will speak out aloud and tell the truth as

the more enlightened people of this day see it, and who will not
be intimidated by the bulwarks set in our way of progress by
the ignorance and superstition of ages past and gone.

At least to us as physicians there is no other time but now,

and no other place but here, and a billion of years will not make
it otherwise.




More power, strength and ability is a radical craving of the

human being. Such cravings are as instinctive as the desire

to live.

Each individual is endowed with latent potentialities or

energy expressed in the millions of cells of his organism, accord-

ing to their quality, and these he may use or abuse as he decides

for himself.

How to create and conserve the highest expression of

personality as represented by body and mind, in order that the

greatest happiness may be maintained, is worthy of the serious

consideration of every intelligent human being.

When we take stock of ourselves, we find that we have all

the qualities of the lower animals, and others, besides, which

are the distinguishing characteristics between human beings

and the lower forms of intelligence. Appetites, passions, emo-

tions, feelings, desires, and a consideration for others of its

species, belong to the animals beneath us. Man alone of all the

animal creation is capable of thinking and reasoning and of

communicating his ideas to others in spoken and written language.

No rule of conduct can be pointed out as a guide as to the

best methods for the individual to pursue in order that the

highest degree of physical strength, intellectual development,


and moral character may be maintained. That is the problem

that confronts every individual. It is the problem of life which

each one must solve for himself; yet, how many there are who
fail to live up to their privileges!

When we as physicians are brought face to face with the

problem of treating disease we have but to reflect for a moment

to see that the real problem for the individual is how to live.

The most fruitful cause of disease and weakness of body

and mind lies in uncontrolled and misguided appetites, emotions,

and passions, and a failure properly to conserve and direct our

mental and physical energies into healthy channels of thought
and conduct.
In speaking of this subject a prominent professional man
remarked to me as an illustration of the baneful results of our

ignorance, that he had for years been threatened with a nervous

collapse. Physicians had diagnosed his case as neurasthenia,

and advised rest, outdoor exercise, tonics, etc., all of which he

had tried without permanent benefit. Physical culture exercise,

dietetics, autosuggestion and electrotherapeutics had also been

used to no avail. Finally it dawned upon him, through knowledge

gained by a book that incidentally fell into his hands, and much
to his mortification, that his conjugal relations were far in excess

of what was compatible with the intellectual requirements that

his work entailed. This knowledge dawned upon his con-

sciousness much to his humiliation and self-reproach, but he had

the stamina and moral courage to act up to the light before him.

At the time that I saw him, four years had elapsed, and during
that time he had not allowed a single seminal emission to take

place during his conjugal relations. He had so trained him-

self as to exercise the self-control to convert the procreative act

into a social relation, and the result was an increased vigor of

body and mind.- Though nearly sixty years of age he declared

that he had never been able to do as good work in his profession

before in his life.

This practice would not apply to all men alike. To many

it would of itself cause a psychoneurotic condition, but since

traveling among the physicians I have frequently found, es-

pecially among professional men, those who constantly maintain

a neurasthenic condition, keep up a continual state of mental

inertness on account of the excessive expenditure of nervous

energy in perfectly legitimate sexual relations. This waste of

energy, to the detriment of both mental and physical vigor,

could by intelligent thought and purpose be directed into both

brain development and body building.

Aside from a condition of lowered vitality that is frequently

maintained in both men and women by such indiscretions,

emotional religious feelings, too much social excitement among
enthusiastic, exuberant young people, over-eating, excessive

chewing and smoking of tobacco, whisky and beer drinking,

worry and over-anxiety about business, anger, envy, jealousy
and fear, irregular habits of sleep, work and recreation, all

contribute their quota to hold the individual in check and pre-

vent the highest and best expression of individuality in body

and mind.
A lady who had emerged from an excitable emotional
religious revival, weak and nervous, after being sick for a day,

was anxious to return, and when I admonished her of the danger

of such dissipation, and remarked that death itself was not
infrequent as a result of such indiscretions, she answered suavely

that " it would be a lovely way to die."

In the same spirit another patient whom I advised to

abandon the use of tobacco and whisky if he expected to get
well, replied that he would rather not live if he had to give them
up; that he had reached the age when his sexual powers had
failed, and he now felt that these offered all that went to make
life worth while.
It is hard to realize, until one stops to consider this subject,
in what complete slavery many human beings are held by their

appetites and uncontrolled emotions and passions.

A country parson once sent for me, and very seriously and
confidentially explained that the physicians of his town did
not understand his case. That he had for years suffered so

much with indigestion until he was unable to do mental work,

and, though he " loved his work and was completely in the

hands of the Lord," that it troubled him to be unable to prepare

sermons that would hold the people. He was six feet high and
weighed two hundred and eighty pounds. After he had related

his tale of woe, I informed him that the external evidence in his

case did not coincide with his interpretation; that instead of

suffering with indigestion he gave every evidence of digesting

and assimilating too much food. Then turning to his wife I asked
how much he ate for breakfast as compared with the other
members of the family, and she answered, as much as herself

and their four children combined. I reasoned with him and


explained how it was impossible for his stomach and his brain

each to perform the highest function at the same time, and

outlined a reasonable diet, advised that he walk ten miles a day

and cut his own wood, work in his garden, and take such other
physical exercise as would reduce his weight. He took my
advice kindly, and two weeks afterwards informed me that he

felt like a new man. He had been so completely occupied in

getting individuals to " save their souls," that he had forgotten

the present salvation of his own character sufficient to control

his bodily appetites.

I was once introduced to an aged physician, then ninty-one

years old, who had just returned from a six mile ride on horse-
back on a visit to a patient in the country. I inquired why
he did not leave such trips to "the boys " in the profession,
pointing to two physicians who were themselves between sixty

and seventy years old. I shall never forget his answer. He

died of pneumonia several months afterwards, but that answer
of his contained a fine lecture on psycho-therapeutics. His

reply was :
" I don't want to die. Do you not know that as

long as a man is at work, he is thinking, and that when he is

working and thinking, he is using his brain cells, and that the
brain cells kept in constant use give strength to every part
of his body ?

For sixty-five years, this physician, old Dr. Smith, of Oxford,

Mississippi, had kept in harness, frequently making trips on

horseback for sixty miles in the early part of his professional

career, and he furnished a good illustration of the salutary

effect of continuous exercise and useful employment.


The only safe way to control our emotions, appetites, and

passions, is to direct our energies into channels of wholesome

and useful effort, whether it be physical or mental effort. The
result is strengthening to both mind and body, provided it is

done cheerfully and with a purpose.

The emotional part of our nature, when guided by reason, is

expressed in enthusiasm, a quality which is essential to success

in any line of effort. Be it man or woman, the continuous and

persistent pursuit of some steady work or useful employment
will react as health and strength-producing factors to both

mind and body. This very effort conserves our energy, guides

and controls the emotions, and cultivates all the positive quali-

ties of human character. The proficiency which comes from

continuous persistent effort achieves a self-reliance that eradicates


Worry is only our own recognition of our inadequacy or

or inability to be equal to the exigencies of life. It shows a lack

of self-reliance, without which man is but the plaything of chance,

a puppet of circumstances.

Envy and anger and jealousy are all characteristics of

weakness and incompetency. Such negative qualities can find

no place in the life and character of a real man or woman.

There is a retroactive degeneracy of wealth which, as history

has shown, proves the destroyer of the idle, the proud, and the


The sooner every human being can learn that the real

elements that create health and strength and happiness and

success in life are inherent within him, and that reason should

be the guiding star by which he should direct and control and

develop and use the potentialities within his own organism, the

sooner will be realize that upon him alone depends the respon-
sibility of so living that he can maintain sufficient resistive

power in the cells of his organism for health to become a habit

and happiness and success the rule of his life.

We have only a few medicines that can be relied upon in the

application and treatment of disease, and in some instances it

is really remarkable how well people get along without any

medicine at all.

In one little city of 25,000 inhabitants, the physicians in-

formed me that a non-medical practitioner in that town was

doing more work than any two physicians in the place. He
had taught school for a good many years, and had gained quite
a fund of general information in regard to psycho-therapeutics,

dietetics, hydro-therapy, massage, exercise, etc., which, coupled

with a good personality, enabled him to practise with remark-

able success.

Now, I am not a therapeutic nihilist. We should use

medicine when indicated, and there are conditions in which

is it absolutely indispensable, but in the great majority of cases

that come to us for aid, we should display more confidence in

our patient's brain plasm and in the recuperative powers inherent

in the cells of his organism under proper conditions, to re-

establish a condition of health.

Without the co-operation of the patient, it matters not

what be our therapeutic measures, we are handicapped very

seriously. It is not what we do for the patient with materia

medica agencies that is the greatest factor in therapeutics,

but the environment which we create for him and what we get
him perhaps unconsciously to do for himself. If his brain cells

do not respond to the sense impressions made upon them so as

to get him to act upon and execute our ideas both consciously

and sub-consciously, then may we expect very little benefit to

be derived from the administration of medicine. It is what

he eats and what he drinks, how he acts and the way he thinks,
together with breathing and relaxation, fresh air, pure water,

work and sunshine, that are the real helps to get a sick man well.

Thousands of the ablest physicians place little or no con-

fidence in more than a few medicines, aside from the confidence
that the patient has in their efficacy. Is it not time that we
should deal with our patients squarely and honestly, and,

while giving medicine when indicated, either for its physiolog-

ical or psychological effects, let them know that the real source

of health and happiness depends upon their own control and

direction of their conscious and unconscious psychic activities

into normal, healthful lines of thought and conduct. Where

an individual needs such advice, and the majority of them do,

I should deem myself untrue as his physician and false to my

Hippocratic oath, did I not express my honest convictions

relative to the real elements that contribute to his health and

well being.

Thousands of American people to-day are magnificent

examples of what intelligent, systematic, physical exercise can do

in the way of developing a vigorous, robust, healthy body.


A large percentage of our most successful physicians are

physical athletes as the result of intelligent physical training.

As yet not one person out of five knows how to breathe, or

realizes that sufficient oxygen taken into his lungs from the
inspired air is as important as the food that he eats.

Water, pure, wholesome water, as a functional stimulant,

a toxine eliminant and health-producing agent has not occupied
the place it deserves in our therapeutic armamentarium or in

the appreciation of the people, whose privilege it is to use it

without our advice.

Most of our people still overtax their nervous systems with

an excess of meats, as an article of diet, and thus maintain a

lowered power of both mind and body on account of such

indiscretions and excesses. The tests at Yale University, made

by Professor Irving Fisher, have proved beyond all question

that " a low proteid, non-flesh or nearly non-flesh dietary " is

conducive to a greater mental and physical endurance than

the ordinary American diet.

The use of the corset as a fruitful source of disease yet

needs to be impressed upon the minds of our women.

Intemperance or lack of self-control and the use of reason
in eating, in dress and business activities, and religious worship,

and sexual matters, and emotions of all kinds, and passions of

every description, should all be kept in mind by the physician

who intends to make such suggestions as will redound to the

greatest benefit of his patients. Self-control is humanity's

greatest, highest, noblest achievement.


Disease is a condition where the cells of a part or of the en-

tire organism do not properly perform their function. At any

rate, it denotes an absense of health. These are only relative
terms, for what might be a condition of reasonably good health

for one individual would be so far below the normal standard of

another as to be considered disease for him.

A problem that confronts every human being is how to

maintain the highest possible degree of resistive power in the

cells of his organism so as to render them invulnerable to patho-

genic germs and other etiological factors of disease. This can

not always lie accomplished by tonics, reconstructive agents, etc.

In many instances it is simply a question of getting the individ-

ual to conform to those conditions and habits of life which bring

an increased degree of resistive power to the cells of his organism

as a consequence. Such habits can often be brought about as the

result of an idea put strongly into the brain plasm of your pa-

tient. Before you can succeed in putting such an idea suf-

ficiently strong to get your patient to act upon it so as to change

his habits of thought and conduct, you must believe in the effi-

cacy of the means to secure the desired end. Confidence begets

confidence and conviction creates conviction. Courage begets

courage and health begets health.


So, if a physician is weak, discouraged and tender-

footed, before he can get others to act upon an idea, either con-

sciously or subconsciously, he must get right himself.

To bring about this end, try "roughing-it" as a means of

health, and get your patients to do likewise.

The finest reconstructive agent at our command is an idea

conveyed to your patient that will create hope, expectancy,

confidence and optimism. All these encourage anabolism or

constructive metamorphosis, and this is doubly true when it

moves one out into the sunshine and fresh air and enforces exer-
cise and deep breathing, resulting in sound sleep, good appetite,
and increased digestion and assimilation. It means new blood
for the patient and all this contributes to health.

Along with this comes a rest from the routine path of life,

the dropping of business cares and perplexities, and a chance to

catch something of the inspiration that comes from associating

with birds and wild flowers, trees and rocks and running streams.

The psychic and physical effect for the good of the individual of

all such measures cannot be overestimated.

We are told that one death out of eight in the world today

is the result of tuberculosis. It is not so. The people who die

infected with tubercle bacilli do so because they do not live so

as to maintain that high degree of resistive power to enable the

cells of their organism to withstand the onslaught of tubercle

In offices and street cars, in places of business and on the

street, we in cities are exposed to the tubercle infection every

day of our lives. We do not contract the disease because we are


alive enough to resist its invasion. The factors of disease are

here and ever will be. It is up to us to learn how to live.

No better illustration of the value of roughing it can be cited

than where thousands and thousands of individuals with this

disease are yearly going to the high altitudes along the range of

the Rockies and dropping all home comforts, having the will and

courage to face hardships in the West, living out of doors in

open tents, and in this way making the fight for their lives.

The very decision to do that which they believe will result in their

recovery is the important essential which, favored by a dry,

high altitude and the conditions for living in the open air and

sunshine, and encouraged by the optimism and cheerfulness of

those who have been in that section long enough to have dropped

the title of "tenderfoot," brings about a restoration of health.

Life is a struggle with us all. In order to live we must dare

to be. We need sufficient resistive power in the cells of our or-

ganism to combat the etiological factors of disease, and this can

only be secured by conforming to the requirements for creating

and maintaining that high standard of healthfulness that will

secure this quality.

In all classes of practice, medicine is only an aid. With its

assistance the individual's chances of recovery, when sick, de-

pend upon the natural recuperative powers of the cells of his or-


In thousands of instances during warfare individuals have

left their homes of comfort and luxurious ease and for years have

endured the hardships of camp life and the stress of battle, on

scanty food and insufficient bedding without shelter, only to re-


turn after the campaign strong and robust and in a perfect state

of health.

During the cowboy days many young men, reared in wealth

and affluence, went as physical weaklings to the Western plains

and astride a broncho followed a herd of cattle and endured the
hardships of camp life and simple diet, until they were rewarded
with health and vigor of mind and body.

The very process of learning to be content with little to make

one comfortable and satisfied with extemporized substitutes,
cultivates a mental and physical stoicism which, as a means of

health, is hard to overestimate.

We watch with interest a game of baseball or football on

the hottest day of summer and wonder how the participants can

so ignore the heat and enjoy such sport, Such "roughing-it"

brings its reward and produces physical athletes.

At a temperature of 110 degrees in the shade I watched a

gang of men working for hours and hours in the hot sun engaged
in laborious manual labor with pick and shovel. This acquired
physical resistance came "by roughing-it," and the men were
healthy and happy.

A month after the earthquake of San Francisco, when a

hundred thousand people were in improvised tents and on plain,
coarse food, the health of that city was officially reported as

being better than at any time in its history. Neurasthenics

who must have a cup of coffee with snowflake crackers in bed

before rising in the morning were, after one month of "roughing-

it," enjoying a breakfast of onions and beans.


The health and vigor that rewarded the early settlers in the

pioneer days of our country when they were compelled to labor

hard, live simply and have but little, also has its lesson.

To the thoughtful observer it is plain that our artificial

methods of living at the present time are not conducive to the

highest development of manhood and womanhood.
When education interferes with physical development it

strikes a weakening blow at the quality of brain plasm of the

individual, an element that must be kept at a high standard to

attain the best results in mind and body building.

It has often been observed that the most successful men in

all professions, and in all lines of business, in our large cities,

have been, and are, those who were reared in the less populous
towns and rural districts, where those natural conditions of
simple living, fresh air, pure water and sunshine, quiet surround-
ings and wholesome food, exercise and employment, furnished
the enviornment under which the highest standard of physical

development could be produced. Such conditions favored the

growth and development of a quality of brain plasm that mani-
fested itself in the facility with which the individual was enabled
to withstand the arduous duties and responsibilities amid the
more complex environment of city life.

The boy reared in the fields, well acquainted with the woods

and familiar with the chop-ax and the wood pile, thought he was

having a hard time; but we know better now.

The country girl that rides horseback to school, carries a

cold lunch in a bucket, and grows up among the birds and flowers,

with cheeks painted by fresh air and sunshine, has a mental and

physical equipment for life that far surpasses the accomplish-

ments of her more delicately formed city sister. Let this be

supplemented with a liberal education and she is prepared to

withstand the exigencies of life under any and all conditions.

"Yes," said one physician, "granting that all you say about
the value of physiological and mental therapeutics be true, if

we put the laity in possession of such knowledge, we physicians

are likely to be out of a job."

To entertain for one moment such a selfish idea or to give

expression to such sentiments is not in accord with the spirit

that actuates the leaders of our high and noble profession.

No better illustration of the absolute absurdity of the idea

that any one therapeutic resource in the form of psycho-thera-

peutics disguised as Christian Science or osteopathy, or any

physical culture or dietetic fad could ever supplant the rational

work of the physician can be made than by quoting here from

that excellent article appearing in the American Monthly Review

of Reviews entilted, "The Doctor in the Public Schools," by Dr.

John Cronin, of the health department of the City of New York.

No better illustration, also, of the influence exerted by the

body upon the mind and of the criminal neglect that fanatics are

likely to bring upon the children of our country, by failure to

have proper medical attention given for the correction of physi-

cal defects, could be presented than are made plain by the facts

brought out in this report.

After relating the history of the movement for the inspection

of children in the public schools as instituted by the board of

health and relating the facts showing the necessity for a more

thorough physical examination of children in the schools, Dr.

Cronin says:
"Of 99,240 children examined in the schools of the Borough of Man-
hattan from March 27, 1905, to September 29, 1906, 65,741 —or about 65
per cent. —needed some form of medical treatment. Of those 99,240

children, 30 per cent. (30,958) required correction of defects of sight, in

most cases by eye-glasses. A still larger percentage (39,778) needed at-

tention to their teeth. There were 38,273 children with swollen glands

in the neck, indicating some present or past trouble in the throat, nose,

ear, or some abnormal constitutional condition. Enlarged tonsils, with

their baneful effects, including liability to tonsilitis and diptheria, were

found in 18,131 children. About 10 per cent, of all the children exam-

ined (9850) were found to have adenoid growths in their throats — a con-
dition which predisposes to affections of the ears, the nose and the lungs,

and which interferes most seriously with the child's general health and

mental development. Heart disease was found in 1659 children; disease

of the lungs in 1039, and deformities of the bodies or limbs in 2347. Of

the children thus far examined 2476 have been found mentally deficient;

but probably the percentage of such children in our schools is slightly

greater, as the figures thus far quoted include largely the primary grades,

in which the mental development of the children is not so easily judged

as in the upper classes

"But perhaps the most striking results in the way of physical and

mental improvements have been noted in the children who have adenoid

growths or large tonsils removed. The amazing change which these chil-

dren have undergone can scarcely be believed unless actually witnessed.

From dullards, many of them have become the brightest among their

fellows, after the operation.


"It has been shown that 95 per cent, of 'backward children' and of

mentally deficient children have physical defects which can be remedied,

thus improving their mentality as well as their physical health. Accord-

ing to the City Superintendent of Schools, 40 per cent, of the children of

the schools of New York are below the grades in which they should be

according to their ages. The Department of Health has found that 2 per

cent, of all the children thus far examined were mentally deficient, and

in nearly all these cases adenoid growths, defects of vision, or other reme-

dial disabilities existed. In the special classes for defectives in Public

School 110, 95 per cent, had adenoid growths in the throats.

"Moral obliquity, of which truancy is the first manifestation in school

life, goes hand in hand with physical defects. Thus, among eighty-three

truants examined by the Department of Health in the Special Truant

School in this city, 87 per cent, were found to have physical defects, in

most cases of a remedial character. Truancy, and its kindred ills —the
'street habit,' and the 'gang habit' —lead to crime unless speedily checked.
The records of the Children's Court in New York and of the similar court

in Chicago showed that nearly all the youthful criminals that were brought

to these courts were truants, and, what is more, that 85 per cent, of these

children were found physically defective. ......

"To sum up, we may say that we have shown beyond peradventure
that physical defects exist in about 60 per cent, of all school children in

New York; that in most cases these defects are remediable by proper

treatment, and that the early discovery of these defects is the prime fac-

tor in the maintenance of the health of the school children and in enabling

them to pursue their studies.

"We have shown, furthermore, that backward, mentally deficient,

and truant children can be vastly improved by the early recognition of


physical infirmities which underlie their mental or moral defects, and that

by appropriate treatment, if applied early enough, we can save these

children from illiteracy, from drudgery in factories at small wages, or

from an almost inevitable criminal career.

"In view of these facts, what can be more important than a syste-

matic individual examination of every school child at stated periods, and

what can be of more lasting benefit that the early application of the proper

treatment in all cases in which physical defects arc found?

The facts, however, brought out in this report show also the

ill results of an environment that does not furnish fresh air and
sunshine, pure food and good water, and a mental quietude that

is conducive to sound sleep and a healthy body.

That such ill conditions exist is no fault of the medical pro-

fession, whose work it is to meet conditions as it finds them.

Disease usually attacks the most vulnerable point, and where

a low state of physical resistance is maintained, it is manifested

in numerous ways.
Correction and treatment of physical defects in children and

adults by all means should not be overlooked when we are

brought face to face with such conditions, but what is of far

greater importance is, that people be so environed that health

and vigor of mind and body would be the natural consequence

of such an existence.
We all have noticed the benefit resulting in health and
strength to a city-bred boy or girl who had spent a short time

"roughing-it" in a country home.



Egotism and altruism are the distinguishing characteristics

of an enlightened mind. An individual with the first quality

only, however, without the second to balance it, is converted

into a character that would be more aptly described by some

other adjective. Such men are everywhere, in all professions

and avocations of life. They are those who have acquired a

one-pointed view of seeing things. They follow the path illum-

ined by the light of a narrow intellect so long until their faculties

for any other conception or interpretation become dwarfed and


The tendency of the human mind is to run in channels

carved out, as it were, in the brain plasm by sense impressions

most constantly and frequently playing upon it. The reflex

of these impressions is what gives rise to every individual's

peculiar way of thinking and reasoning. So that a man who

continually looks at any problem, be it that of a physician,

facing the complexities of disease with all its numerous mani-

festations, or any other individual facing any problem from a
restricted viewpoint, is liable to be mistaken.
Specialism in medicine, from the very nature of things, is a

necessity. It has come to be regarded as synonymous with

proficiency, and is, as it ought to be, here to stay. Further-

more the men that compose the rank and file of our specialists are

for the most part, broad-minded and well educated physicians.


The specialist's association with the general practitioner

and the men who follow other special lines of work than his own
is usually a safeguard against his acquiring a narrow way of

interpreting the symptoms of disease. Much of his work is

referred to him by his colleagues, who, in some degree, feel the

responsibility as sponsor for his treatment." He is usually a

man who has followed the law of adaptation and his particular

branch of medicine is chosen in view of special qualifications

and fitness, and he continues his specialty according to the law

of the " survival of the fittest."

Granting all this, and much more that could be said in his

favor, there is a strong tendency for the physician to exaggerate

the importance of his special line of work as a contributing factor

to the welfare and happiness of the human race. His very

proficiency and success and belief in himself and his methods,

all combined, have a tendency to produce an unconscious

temporary psychic beneficial result to his patient, as an accom-
paniment of other special treatment; and frequently a relapse
of the patient into ill health follows, indicating that an important

element in the case had been overlooked. Finally, the patient,

usually a woman, seeks another specialist, on an entirely different

line, who discovers what he regards to be the real source of her

illness, and she is again temporarily benefited. The results

prove that this physician also was correct, but the patient has

added to her consciousness an increased awareness of her com-


After a third, or perhaps a fourth, physician, each of a

different specialty, has conscientiously and correctly treated


the patient, she has been unconsciously suggested into a state

of invalidism.

She then falls into the hands of some non-medical system

of treatment, a Christian Scientist for example, where she
becomes educated to disregard the medical profession and for

the privilege of outpouring her abuse upon all physicians, she

unconsciously adopts a stoicism that enables her to exist in a

reasonably fair state of health, while she daily declares that it

is all an " error of mortal mind." The very egotism of her

leaders and the self-assertiveness of her new environment gives

her the psychic stimulation and encouragement to tolerate

her existing physical disabilities, which, in reality, are im-

proved because she ceases to give them attention. Her morbid

self-analysis, with its despondency and fear, has been replaced

by a positive antagonistic attitude to the medical profession,

and she becomes so preoccupied in deriding physicians that

she forgets her physical disabilities much to her betterment.

It has been my experience to find many such cases as out-

lined in the above description. Just such a lady once sought

my advice, luckily having visited only two physicians. Her

neurotic symptoms, insomnia, headaches, indigestion, etc., were
the natural accompaniments of a pronounced error of refraction

and a catarrhal endocervicitis.

After proper glasses had been prescribed by a competent

oculist and her endocervicitis appropriately treated, it was
an easy matter to secure habits of plentiful and refreshing
sleep by suggestion, following which was a good appetite and

digestion, improved nutrition, a relief of all neurotic symptoms,

and a rapid return to health.

Neither the " neurasthenia " of the neurologist, the " sub-

acute gastritis " of the stomach specialist, the " catarrhal endo-

cervicitis " of the gynecologist, nor the " astigmatic error of

refraction " of the oculist, treated alone, as applying to this

case, could have resulted in the relief of that patient. Further-

more, she could have had the benefit of all the specialists in the

medical profession, and if she were under a religious environ-

ment that maintained a psychoneurotic condition, with its

disastrous consequences to the normal physiological processes

of the body, her lower physical resistance thus maintained

would have precluded the possibility of perfect health under
any circumstances.
The egotism of the specialist, then, becomes a dangerous
and abused quality of human personality the very moment he
unduly exaggerates the importance of his specialty, to the

neglect of other lines of sane, sensible, rational therapeutic

measures, be they surgical, gynecological, medicinal, environ-

mental, hygienic, dietetic, psychologic, mechanical and physical

or physiological.

No one is more prone to commit this unpardonable sin

against his profession than the psychotherapeutic fanatic,

who is also in evidence, and such specimens of narrowness and

bigotry have done much to retard the progress of this branch of

therapeutics within the past twenty years.

Let us remember that we are human beings, as are, also,

our patients; that we are physicians as well as specialists, and


as physicians let us acquire a broad and generous perspective

of our patient and his welfare, and of his and our relations to

others, and not unduly exaggerate our importance. No man

has a right to expect the support of his colleagues in a specialty
who is not first a well qualified, all-round physician.

We should be prepared to give our patients the benefit of

all that modern professional skill and knowledge offers, and

should have the courage to manifest the egotism and altruism

to insist upon his or her conformity to all conditions and means

that contribute to health, and then the people would not so

often find it necessary to resort to measures outside of the

medical profession, for relief that we fail to give.

Man as a whole, a being both physical and mental, com-

posed of qualities designated as mind and body, must be taken
into consideration.


The personality of a physician is an important asset, in the

makeup of his professional equipment.

The achievement of personality is the goal sought by every-

one beginning the study of medicine; and everything pertaining

to medical thought, colleges, books, hospitals, clinics, operations,

laboratories, dissecting rooms, class associates, quiz masters,

instructors and professors, all combined, furnish the environ-

mental and educational factors which collectively go to convert
the aspirant into the type of genus hominis known as a physician.
Aside from his scientific medical training, the personality of

a physician is the greatest factor in the make-up of his profes-

sional armamentarium. So much so is this true that we often

hear the expression that " the physician is born, not made."

Such an expression usually implies that there is an inner quality of

personality that manifests itself in the dealing of a physician

with his patients, that does not exist equally in all men equally

trained in professional knowledge. There seems to be an inner

spring or quality of character that counts when such men are

put to the test in the office, or at the bedside, in daily intercourse

with others, on any and all occasions, which is a sine qua non
to the successful practise of medicine.

There is in every one a quality of personality that either

attracts or repels others. It is not necessarily an accompani-

ment of any special type or physique or nervous organization.


It is found in men of small build and of neurotic type as well as

in those that are robust, phlegmatic and heavy. Such men
frequently make serious blunders in their professional work, but

still they hold the people.

Individuals sometimes wait one, two, or even three days

for a physician to sober up from a debauch and go for him with

their own conveyance and assist him to the bedside of a sick

wife or child, and declare that they would prefer him drunk to

any other physician sober. This has been an occurrence in a

city whose medical profession compares favorably to that of

a town of equal size anywhere.

It has been a matter of personal experience, in my own

work among the medical profession, that I have frequently

grasped the hand of a stranger and instantly felt that I had

found a warm personal friend before we had exchanged any

more than a mere formal greeting. On the other hand, I have

frequently felt so repulsed, at the first glance of a physician,

that I refused to acknowledge him as a man whom I wished to


Upon one occasion I called upon a physician of high pro-

fessional attainment, whose conduct, when I approached him,

was discourteous in the extreme. I looked him squarely in the
face for a moment, and extended my hand, saying, in a quiet
monotone, " good-bye, doctor." The effect of this upon him
needs no comment. He shook hands with me, but learned a
lesson. In his reception room he had but one patient and that

one appeared to be an old stand-by. This was no surprise to


me, for that physician had given me a taste of his quality, and
I never cared to see him again, and so it was with his patients.

From this office I went to see another physician, in the

same specialty, who was courteous and human, really showing

me more deference than I felt that I deserved. He had won a

high place in the esteem of his colleagues by hard work in his

home city, and his office was full of patients. The treatment
accorded a stranger by that physician was a sample of the

quality of the personality of the man, and such a quality as the

people liked, and he is doing a great work.

Invariably those of the medical profession who are com-
petent men and who possess this happy streak of personality

above illustrated, are making a success of their work.

There is a lesson for us as physicians in the following verse:

"There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave,

There are souls that are pure and true;
Then give to the world the best you have,
And the best will come to you.
Give love, and love to your heart will flow,
A strength in your utmost need;
Have faith, and a score of hearts will show
Their faith in your word and deed."

A little display of those qualities typified by the great

religious reformer about two thousand years ago, kindness,

sincerity, sympathy, earnestness, fearlessness, bravery, mag-

nanimity and altruism, is an inestimable element in the person-

ality of the physician. It helps to get control of people, not by

force, and better enables him to put them in possession of


Here is the clue to the explanation of that indefinable

psychic quality that the most successful physicians carry with

them which proves a power in therapeutics; and this is mani-

fested all unconsciously by him in every move of his life. It

begets the confidence and trust of his patient and the respect

and co-operation that is a most essential factor in the successful

treatment of any disease.

Especially is this quality in the physician necessary in the

treatment of enlightened and self-respecting people. It begets

a reciprocation of that respect which such people feel is due them.

They positively refuse to be driven, but it is only an evidence

of their high intelligence when they are willing to be led for

their own good by the skillful direction of a cultured, competent,

conscientious physician.

A sensible display of tact and diplomacy will often enable

a physician to win the confidence of a patient, and thus secure

the co-operation so essentially necessary for the best results,

when the being too blunt and abrupt would render him utterly


To see one physician so manage a little fellow as to get him

to submit to the skillful dilatation and treatment of a sup-

purative periastitis with hardly a whimper, by his firmness

and kindness and tactful persuasion where another would

become nervous and excited and spend a much longer time
in accomplishing this result, his patient crying vehemently and
suffering a needless amount of pain on account of his resistance,

is an illustration of what personality means in a certain class

of work.

It is a great help to a physician to be able to get hold of

people and use them to help themselves to get well. We all

help or hinder the recovery of our patients, far more than many
realize, by the way we deal with them. We unconsciously use

suggestive therapeutics at every step in our routine work.

People buy goods of the merchant they like, the grocery-

man they like, the dairyman they like. In all trades this per-

sonal factor is taken into account. A dry goods clerk brings a

better price because people like him, he knows how to deal with

people and to help them to suit themselves in their purchases;

but more than in any other department of life does the person-
ality of the physician count in helping people to get well. A
patient cannot get into your office and walk out without your
personality having made some mark upon him. There are
people in whose presence you are always at your very best, and
for whom you can render the best professional service.
It is a recognized psychological law that we become like

those whom we habitually admire. Thus we become a part of all

with whom we have associated during our existence. In all of

our experience with literature and personal association, this law

continually operates, so that all men are reproductions of other

In all sections of the country are neurologists, who, from
constant association with a certain class of patients, seem to

have become the living embodiment of all the objectionable

mental and physical characteristics of their patients. A patient

who had twice been to see a physician of that type, remarked that

he felt worse after each visit, and did not care to return again.

Another neurologist who was himself the personification

of physical strength and mental vigor and optimism, remarked
to me that he never felt as though he had done his duty unless
he sent his patient out of his office feeling better for having
come to see him. It is needless to remark that he is one of
the most successful men in his specialty in the profession to-day.

The reader will pardon me if I seem critical or personal in

my remarks in this chapter, but the importance of the subject

at hand is such that I should deem my effort futile did I not

drive home the point under consideration.

We all have our short-comings. Day by day do I have

added to my consciousness an increased awareness of my own
deficiences as compared to the knowledge and competency
of some of my colleagues with whom I have been privileged
to "associate. Only my experience and the results obtained by

careful observation of the personal factor in therapeutics

and the encouragement of physicians who have also personally

tested these methods, would give me the courage to express

my honest convictions at all hazards.

I fully realize that the hard knocks and criticism that may
be fired at me will only serve to educate the profession in the

sane, rational use of the measures advocated, and if such be

the case, my efforts will not have been in vain.

It is a great thing to be able to make a hair-splitting diag-

nosis, the correctness of which is infallible, and I shall unceasingly

strive to attain such proficiency.

It may also be a great satisfaction, and it is of unquestionable

benefit to the physician who can do it, to give a minute and


detailed delineation and description of the pathology of a

disease to the satisfaction of his professional associates, but
such an elucidation is never of value to the patient.
Physicians themselves become the easy victims of anv
disease as soon as they become conscious of the seriousness

and gravity of the diagnosis rendered by their colleagues in

attendance. Their very knowledge of its etiology and path-

ology renders them unduly self-conscious of their condition,

and such a self-consciousness gives rise to morbid mental states

that inhibit the normal physiological processes, prevent sleep,

and seriously retard recovery.

When I see a physician sick and half dozen of his learned

colleagues lined up around him, all rendering him more self-

conscious of the seriousness of his condition, I can but wish

that only one of them had been called and that he possessed
those qualities of personality that, in spite of the physician's

knowledge of pathology, could drive back those existing morbid

sense impressions and substitute in their stead mental states

that would enable him to put up a more creditable fight. If

the life of a physician is worth anything the end would justify

the means. So while giving due appreciation to scientific pro-

fessional knowledge and training in pathology and diagnosis,

what is of far greater importance is, that we so use our know-
ledge as to help our patients to get well.

Every visit of the physician is an opportunity to help ac-

complish such a result, and here is where the personality of

the physician is often detrimental or helpful to the recovery

of the patient. The very self-consciousness induced by a


physician at his visits, and the mental states which follow in

consequence of such an induced self-consciousness, are the

deciding factors for the good or harm of the patient. The
influence of personality is contagious. We set up mental states

in others around our patients that prove helpful or harmful

in the sick room.

Out in New Mexico a young man walked out of a physician's

office looking downcast and dejected, with lips tightly closed

and with jerky inspirations. " A lunger up against it good and

hard," is the way they refer to such patients out there.

That night I lectured to a class of physicians and the next

day that patient went out of the same office with a smile on his

face, and a bright animated expression, having taken the first

step towards recovery, as the result of sense impressions or

suggestions strongly made upon his brain cortex by his physi-

cian. He ate more that day, slept well that night, and reported
that he had coughed but little, was not so nervous, had enjoyed
his breakfast, and felt stronger. All because his physician had
the personality to exercise the egotism and altruism to look

him squarely in the face after his examination and say to him,
" I have some good news to tell you. You are much better

to-day. Already a marked improvement has taken place in

your condition, but you will be very much better by to-morrow.
You will enjoy your food to-day, have a good digestion, sleep
well to-night, and improve every day from now on."
Physicians themselves frequently have invalid wives, whose

invalidism is maintained in consequence of the constant asso-

ciation of a husband whose personality depresses them. The


affection displayed by such men for their wives may be beautiful

to contemplate, but the accompanying emotional, sentimental
sympathy, is weakening in the extreme.

Reader, if you happen to be of that type of individual, get

cured of your miserable psychoneurotic disense, and don't live

as a parasite infecting the lives of those with whom you asso-

ciate. My prescription for you is, to associate and amalgamate

with the wide-awake element of the medical profession who
constitute the upper ten per cent, of our ranks. Sages, poets

and philosophers of all ages have repeated this message to the

world, that men and women make men and women.
If there be anything of value in these expressions, that I so

feebly echo here, they are but the reflex of impressions that

association with other personalities has left upon my cerebral


If the quality of my brain plasm were of high standard,

and my previous environmental and educational advantages

had been more propitious, my opportunities would have borne

better fruit.

We all have our capacity, and, under equal opportunities,

we can only react upon sense impressions or suggestions in

proportion to our qualifications.

Whatever be our deficiencies as a result of heredity, en-

vironment, and education, each of us can give our patients of

our highest, truest, and best self, as an aid to their recovery.

Some men bring a reproach upon the profession on account

of a failure to exhibit those character qualities which alone

constitute the highest type of professional personality and


manhood. By the correct use of your personality as a factor

in therapeutics, you help people to help themselves. But there

are instances when you advise a nervous patient who is suffering

with insomnia and a train of functional disorders, to relax and

practise deep rhythmical breathing, and to concentrate his

mind on sleep as a means of self-help, and the neurotic patient

says, " I can't." The stability of his nerve and brain plasm is

below par, and he lucks the will power and determination to

execute your advise or simple suggestions.

" Then I will relieve that uncontrollable nervousness for

you, so that you can lie here and let this medicine have its effect."

The patient believes in the medicine, but not in himself. Only

a placebo is used, but by kindness, firmness and persuasion, I

got my patient to relax and exercise that self-control which he

believed that he was incapable of doing. By the aid of my

suggestions he easily goes into the hypnotic or suggestive state.

Then I plant new ideas, impressions, and feelings upon his brain

plasm, and he awakes from the treatment with a new element

added to his consciousness. He now feels that he can relax,

breathe deeply and rhythmically, and go to sleep. In the

waking state I reinforce these suggestions.

" That treatment has greatly benefitted you. You can

relax and will sleep well to-night. You will always feel better

after this."

A new quality of self-hood has been added to that patient's

personality. Brain cells have been encouraged and persuaded
into action. What I did for him was in a spirit of kindness

and for his best interest, and he appreciates it as such. He

leaves my presence in gratitude and feels that I am his friend.

The fear that some physicians have that people will object

to the employment of these methods is a self-confessed weak-

ness. They are too proud to express a favorable opinion.

Fear never accomplished anything for the good of the physician

or his patient. Some of the best friends I have in the world

to-day were those made in my efforts to get them to control

themselves, who took my suggestions given either consciously

or subconsciously, and through such aid learned to rely upon


In the employment of suggestion, both with and without

hypnotism, you are only helping your patient to help himself.

Yet many physicians will denounce and ridicule it and go on
filling neurotic patients with such medicines as lessen in every

way the patient's self-reliance, making the patient absolutely

dependent upon them.

A man who practices medicine in that way may make money,
but he also encourages the business of the undertaker. He can

only be excused upon the ground of ignorance.



In order to make myself understood, I will give you an illus-

tration of how personality is abused in the practice of medicine,

and the picture here presented is an apt illustration of the con-

duct of many of the general practitioners, who do not take into

consideration the psychological factor in therapeutics.

All observing individuals have noticed that in every locality

there are physicians who have more "very sick" patients, in

proportion to their patronage than others. That the personality

of a physician is frequently the prime factor in producing these

"very sick patients" is beyond question.

Here is an illustration of the usual conduct pursued by such

men in the treatment of an ordinary case of pneumonia, a dis-

ease in which the correct use, or abuse, of the personality of the

attending physician, more than in any other acute disease, de-

termines the recovery or non-recovery of a patient.

"Give this medicine very carefully, and watch her closely

until I see her again. I will call this evening."

True to his promise he is punctual in fulfilling his appoint-

ment, much to the satisfaction of the family, who anxiously

await his coming. During the day the sick mother has grown
more nervous, her temperature is higher, her pulse rate faster.

She is by this time over-anxious about her condition, and this

in turn has made her family extremely anxious about her.

The physician has, by his conduct, demeanor, words, and

action, made a strong impression upon both patient and family,
and the fear that he has thus implanted into the minds of all in

the household has kept up a depressing environmental influence

which has got in its effective work upon the patient.

The lady in question is suffering with acute pneumonia. She

feels a decided pain upon breathing, experiences a sense of suf-

focation, and the paroxysms of coughing have rendered her de-

cidedly conscious of her illness; and now the physician in whom
she has placed her trust has looked serious and given directions

in a way that speaks louder than words in unduly exciting her.

Not one word has he said to allay her anxiety, soothe her mind,

assuage her fears, or inspire hope.

Upon his second examination he finds his patient decidedly

worse, as might have been expected, and now he is serious, sure

enough. His fatalities in the treatment of pneumonia have

been particularly large, and he much dreads this disease; and

seeing his patient with a higher fever, a more rapid pulse, flushed

face, more anxious expression, and remembering his past record

with such cases, he makes no effort to conceal his gloomy fore-


Again giving directions for the night, he starts for his con-

veyance, and when out in the hall the members of the anxious

family, who has followed him, turn with pleading faces and in-

quire, "Doctor, how is mother?"

"Very sick, very sick," is his reply. "Watch her carefully

tonight. Keep the house as quiet as possible, and if she should

get worse before morning, be sure to call me."


Before the next day he has been called, for his patient has

been unable to sleep, and from his point of view a hypodermic

of morphine is decidedly indicated.

On and on this management goes, and if finally his patient

recovers after two weeks of severe illness, which she might pos-
sibly have done in spite of her physician, that family are grate-

ful to God and the doctor for having "pulled her through."

I remember once going to see a lady about fifty-five years

old, with acute pneumonia, a decided congestion of the lower

lobe of the right lung, and after carefully making out my diag-

nosis and prescribing for her medicinally, I turned to the patient

and gave her a talk about as follows: "You have pneumonia,

Mrs. Blank, but only a mild case, temperature only 103. 5°F.,

but a good pulse and everything is favorable to a nice recovery.

You are in pain, but a hot poultice I have ordered will relieve

that very promptly. You will soon get comfortable and will

rest well tonight and be feeling much better tomorrow when I

see you again. Now, be patient, and in from seven to ten clays

you will be well. The medicine prescribed for you will keep you
comfortable, strengthen your heart, keep your nerves quiet,

steady and strong, and all will be well with you."

With tears of gratitude in her eyes, she answered, "Oh, doc-
tor, you make me feel like I am well already. I feared that I

had pneumonia and felt that I never would get well."

"You are going to get well all right," said I, "going along

nicely to recovery. Your daughter will have entire charge of

your medicines, and knows just what I want you to have in the

way of nourishment. After the hot poultice is applied, you close


your eyes and go to sleep, you will rest nicely and feel much bet-
ter when I see you tomorrow."
Upon my return the next day she smiled pleasantly as I

entered and bade her good-morning, and when I felt her pulse

and remarked, "You are better," she answered, "I feel much
better, doctor."

"Going right along to recovery, madam. Now, I shall see

you day after tomorrow."

"See her every clay if you think best, doctor," exclaimed

her son. "We want mother to be well real soon."

"I can't trust everybody as I can you, so I will not come

tomorrow unless you call me. She is going to do well. Keep
out all visitors, continue all directions, and I will see her again

day after tomorrow."

I saw that patient only twice more, and at the last visit as-

sured her that it was a pleasure to come into her pleasant family,

but that I was going to turn her over to the entire charge of

Mrs. Blank, her daughter.

"If you feel it necessary to consult me again, just whistle

and I will come."

In about seven more days the son came to know if his mother
had better have a tonic; he said she had had no fever for three

or four days and was entirely well. Her lung cleared up upon
the ninth day of her disease.

I do not mean to say that all pneumonia cases should be

seen only four times. In fact, a daily visit or two is indicated

in most cases, but the case in question serves to illustrate the


part that the psychological factor plays in an ordinary case of


Many people die who would get well if given a chance to

allow their protoplasmic energies to assert themselves.

Out in California I was invited by a physician to go with

him on his rounds through the County Hospital. Six pneumo-
nia patients were in one of the wards, four of them old men.

The majority of these were chronic alcoholics and only one was
delirious or appeared seriously ill.

"But one death from pneumonia in five years, in this hos-

pital," was the physician's record up to that time.

"How do you treat them?" I inquired.

"Keep them comfortable, give them hospital tea (sweet

milk) and let them have old Frank to keep them feeling good."

"Old Frank," as the hospital physician styled the genial German

superintendent, carried sunshine and good cheer into those wards

at least twice a day. He had then been in his place for seven-

teen years, and the therapeutic value of his personality to that

institution would be hard to estimate. He knows how to get

the confidence of men and women and how to keep them feeling

good when they are sick. Many a poor tramp, who has only
seen the rough side of life, has felt soothed by his kindness, and

buoyed up to recovery by his optimism, while being controlled

by his firmness.

There is no disease in which the influence brought to bear

upon the mind of the patient so determines the recovery or non-

recovery as pneumonia. It is a self-limited disease and those

influences which soothe the mind and quiet the nervous system

bring about a complete re-establishment of the nervous equilib-

rium, allowing the blood to circulate normally through the peri-

pheral blood vessels of the body, and thus relieve the tension

or high pressure upon the heart and inflamed lung, with its

fatal termination to pneumonia patients.

One of Old Frank's characteristics is kindness, which is en-

couraging in contradistinction to sympathy, which is depressing

and weakening.
There is more or less mental depression in all pneumonia
patients, as the individual is rendered painfully conscious of his
helplessness. This results in fear, and such sufferers enjoy sym-
pathy as they enjoy morphine, which inhibits the normal physi-
ological processes and stealthily lessens their resistive powers to
the disease. No worse influence can be exerted over the patient

than the presence of a highly emotional person, who lavishly

pours out sympathy to the destruction of all the optimistic and

strengthening qualities of mind and body. So great are the in-

fluences brought to bear by the mind over the physiological pro-
cesses of the body that a physician who unconsciously uses the

power of suggestion to the detriment of his patient, actually

makes a very serious condition out of a trivial disorder.

On the other hand, by the intelligent and judicious use of

suggestion, we can make a very trivial disorder out of a seem-

ingly serious pathological condition, so far as the results are con-


The injury done to the unsuspecting public by physicians

who are ignorant of the use and power of suggestion, is far

greater than is commonly supposed. Whole communities have


become fear-stricken by the exaggerated serious reports of this

class of physicians, who frequently ride day and night to see

the victims of their perverted influence. Their very influence

in the community in which they live spreads like a contagious

disease, emanating from a focus, which stealthily moves among j

them, reaping financial reward for their indiscretions.

"Very sick, very sick," is their watchword, as they implant
fear in his trail.

While the laity are properly being educated in the necessity

of self-protection from the contagiousness of tuberculous disease,

malarial and yellow fever carriers, and other infections, for the

safety of their own lives, they should also be protected from that
pest to any community, the physician who unduly exaggerates
the condition of his patients by reporting all cases as being seri-

ously ill.


Only the practical aspects of this subject remain to be con-


A physician in general practice must not only treat his pa-

tient, but he in absolute control of the environmental influence

brought to bear upon him as well, in order to secure the best


The sick room, especially in the small towns, and rural dis-

tricts, is often the meeting place for gossipers, who unconsciously

exercise a great influence upon the patients, frequently prevent-

ing recovery in an otherwise curable disease.

To say nothing of the value of quiet, rest and sleep, which

is hindered by this procedure, the discussion of other cases of a

similar kind that have terminated unfavorably and which had

come within the experience of the visitor, or remarks relating to
the procedures of another physician whose methods are differ-

ent from your own, all exercise an unconscious influence that

makes the patient nervous, excites fear, and proves destructive

to that confidential relation which should exist between patient
and physician.
The physician who is timid and allows this state of affairs

to exist, to the detriment of his patient, is joepardizing his pro-

fessional reputation.

A loud-mouthed, self-assertive woman, who is the uncon-

scious drummer for a competitor, is to be found in every locality.


Seeing the harmful influence of such an individual upon a patient

with a continued illness, the simple instruction to "admit no

visitors" is usually sufficient; but the madame in question is not

always repulsed so easily, as she unduly exaggerates the import-

ance of her presence to the welfare of the sufferer, and enforces

her entrance in spite of your injunction, which she considers

does not apply to her.

My own custom has been, under such conditions, to give my

patient or his family the choice between my services and those
of this unfriendly visitor.

Useless antagonism, however, never pays upon any occa-

sion, but where the welfare of your patient is at stake, people

will appreciate any stand that you take in his behalf. "Do
what's right, come what may," is a safe rule under any and all

circumstances, and the self-respecting physician should exercise

the courage and self-assertiveness to face these problems and

leave no stone unturned that might retard the recovery of his

patients. The successful men in the medical profession are those

who have the stamina to stand by their convictions and allow

no intervening meddler to poison the environment of the sick


In a large class of cases it is absolutely impossible to obtain

successful results in private practice, on account of our inability

to secure the right environment, and here is where sanatorium

and hospital facilities give the physician a wonderful advantage.

In such places the environment is absolutely under his control

and direction.

We should overrule any factor in private practice, however

as far as possible that will in any way set up an undesirable

mental attitude on the part of the patient as regards his own
condition, or that will create mental states that are injurious;

for mental states influence metabolism, and encourage or retard

all the normal physiological processes, and wonderfully help or

woefully hinder the recovery of your patient.

In all classes of professional work, there is a fine art in

adapting oneself to whatever environment one may be thrown

into, and in maintaining that prestige which the successful phy-
sician must never surrender. When to be dictatorial, when to

to coerce, when to be lenient and kind, and when even to sooth

and palliate by your presence, and at the same time be in abso-

lute control of the situation, are all important considerations in

the successful practice of medicine.

People sometimes need to be aroused and lifted out of mental

states which prove to be adverse to their recovery, and new ones

substituted in their place; and this applies not only to the pa-

tient, but to everyone coming into his or her presence. It is

our duty as physicians, to create an environment wherever our

patients are to be found that will help to make them get well.

To illustrate, here is a patient sick with pneumonia, a dis-

ease that frightens the majority of people. On my second visit

I find the family and others in attendnace depressed and down-

hearted, which, of course, renders the patient morbidly con-

scious of his condition. It is evident to me that I must alter

that environment and re-establish hope in my patient or the out-

look is very grave. Do I send for a consultant? Not unless it


is a baby less than two years old. What I do is to look every

member of that family squarely in the face, and kindly but pos-
itively tell them, and also the patient, that he is going to get

well. I have frequently emphasized that suggestion, and as-

sured the patient that I had seen a hundred people ten times
sicker than he with pneumonia, and the last one of them re-


Then getting close to him with my hand on his head, I

quietly and calmly assure him that I have never treated a

pneumonia patient above two years old who did not get well,

with the single exception of one old man who had a bilateral

pleuro-pneumonia, with an enormous effusion, and I tell the


I leave that home with a newly created helpful environ-

ment as a therapeutic resource, and under such conditions my

patient is enabled to relax and to proceed with a consciousness

that gives rise to mental states favorable to his recovery.

Do I depend alone upon the psychologic factors thus set

in operation? No, I give my patient the benefit of every other

possible therapeutic adjunct, from the application of a brick,

heated to a red heat and placed in boiling water and allowed to

remain therein until all simmering ceases, wrapped in a woolen
cloth, and the moist heat confined by a blanket to the diseased

lung, or a corn-meal and mustard poultice, renewed and applied

hot every hour or two, or an ice-bag in their stead, to the use of
all other measures, medicinal, dietetic, and hygienic.

The hot brick, taken out of boiling water, has a weighty

physiological significance, aside from being an excellent vehicle

to retain heat and moisture, which it gradually liberates to the

great comfort of the sufferer. I do not hesitate to tell both
my patient and his family that this hot brick relieves the pain,
relaxes the patient all over, and causes the blood to circulate

more freely to the periphery, and thus relieves the lung of its

congestion and inflammation, reduces his temperature, enables

him to sleep and helps to make him a well man. I tell him in

perfect candor and truthfulness, that I have never known a

patient who has used the hot brick heated to a white heat and

then taken out of boiling water and applied as indicated, to

fail to recover.

Is the point clear? I am using that hot brick as a means

of suggestion. Aside from the therapeutic value of heat and

moisture, this harmless palliative resource is used to substitute
sense impressions that are pleasant and comfortable in the

place of existing ones that are distressing. This enables my

oral suggestion, strongly and emphatically driven in upon his

consciousness, to call myriads of living cells in his organism

into helpful, useful and active service.

In a crisis like this the entire picture of the disease is changed

by the personality of the physician.


A physician who fully appreciates the influence exerted by
suggestion upon the mind and the influence exerted by the
mind over the psychological processes of the body, will habitually

give a more favorable prognosis than the one who does not
appreciate the potency of such measures.

Every physician who has successfully practised medicine

for a few years has osberved instances where the family of a

sick member, upon becoming aware of the attending physician's

grave prognosis, has insisted upon having a consultant, who,

upon his advent in the sick room, has taken a more hopeful
view of the patient's chances for recovery, and at once a marked

improvement has begun, which has not abated until complete

restoration to health has been secured.

A medical man in the West related this experience: He

was once called to see an Indian chief, seriously ill with an acute

double, lobar pneumonia, with high fever and severe pain.

After a careful examination, he frankly and honestly made it

known to the family of the sick warrior that in his opinion he

could not get well and would have to die. The brave old chief

did not so easily take his suggestion to die, and he refused to

accept the physician's services, continuing to take a well-known

Indian remedy, to render him less conscious of his suffering, and

while surrounded by weird noises and dances and other savage


ceremonies, the recuperative powers of the cells of his organism

were allowed to assert themselves, and he made a safe recovery.
To this day that tribe of Indians refuse to accept the services

of physicians, having had the strong conviction implanted that

the white man's medicine is unreliable.

A gentleman of my acquaintance was sick for many months

with chronic interstital nephritis, probably of alcoholic origin,
and a competent pathologist found large quantities of tube

casts in his urine, which bore a large percentage of albumin, and

with his report gave his opinion that the prognosis was grave.

His attending physician and also a consultant, gave him no

encouragement. He was persuaded to take an infusion of some

kind prepared by an illiterate farmer who was strongly con-

vinced that this would effect a cure.

His physicians allowed the harmless experiment, to satisfy

his patient, who was eager to try anything that offered a possi-

bility of recovery. With every dose of the infusion, however, he

became more influenced by the farmer's conviction of his

recovery, and he began to improve from the time he com-

menced the remedy, till within a year was able to attend to


All cases of degenerative kidney disease are not necessarily

fatal, but he was steadily growing weaker all the while until he

began the farmer's prescription, which probably benefitted him

more through its psychic influence than otherwise.

I was called some years ago in consultation to see a little

boy ten years of age, possibly infected with malaria at first,

but he also had a sub-acute gastro-entero-colitis. He had been


sick for nearly two weeks and was still having frequent, watery,
mucous discharges from his bowels, and had, for thirty-six

hours, vomited everything taken into his stomach. He had

a pulse of 150, temperature 100. 5°F., pale, weak and anaemic.
His physician had given him the standard medicinal remedies,

as recommended by our best authorities upon children's dis-

eases, and the child was constantly growing weaker. He had

notified the family that the outlook was grave, and was quite
willing to adopt any suggestions that I might offer.

I endorsed all his measures, but suggested that they be

discontinued, on the grounds that the results did not warrant

their further use. He was anxious for me to share the respon-

sibility of the situation and readily consented that 1-30 grain

calomel only be given every hour while the patient was awake.

Sitting by the bedside, I dipped my fingers in a bowl of ice

water and began gently to stroke the little sufferer's forehead.

I was alone with him at the time while the attending physician

was out of the room with his mother, giving orders for the day.
By the time they returned to the sick room I had suggested the
patient into a refreshing sleep, and had also given him other
suggestions, appropriate to his condition. That he should be
asleep was somewhat of a surprise to his mother, whose anxiety
and nervousness had served to keep him from doing as well as

he would possibly have done had she been more self-composed.

" Will you do me the favor, Mrs. Blank, to take that bowl
away from the bedside, and remove all towels from the bed

also?" I asked.

" Why, doctor, the child would vomit all over his bed and
also on my floor," responded she.
" Madam, take the bowl away and cover your floor and
his bed with newspapers, and if he vomits one time, put them
back. He will rest well to-day and sleep most of the time.

You will have to awaken him to give the tablets, but that will

quiet his stomach and keep him from vomiting again. Keep
the room absolutely quiet, allowing no conversation at all to

disturb him. Allow him to drink all the water he wishes when
you give the tablet, to quiet his stomach and make him sleep.

He will want some chicken and barley broth to-morrow, and

if Doctor Blank says so, I think he will enjoy it."

The mother looked queer, but removed the bowl and

towels. I also requested her to tell him to go to sleep when

she gave the tablets.

The little patient rested well that night, and when we returned
again the next day, his face brightened and he smiled as he bade

us good-morning.
" Oh, he is so much better," exclaimed his mother, "and he
is begging for something to eat." He improved every day and

went on to recovery in due time.

Every word spoken by me to that mother while the child
was asleep was a suggestion, an indirect suggestion, which is

always the most powerful kind.

Even a child four years old appreciates sense impressions,

or suggestions made upon his brain cortex, far more than is

realized by people and physicians in general. A little boy of

my knowledge, four years of age, was sick with an acute capillary


bronchitis, and his father, who was a physician, felt much

concerned about him.
His mother, as was her custom, at bedtime began to have
him recite his infant's prayer, and after her the child repeated:

" Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep,

if I

should " — there he began to have a paroxysm of cough-

ing, and when he could speak again, he said, " Mamma, mamma,
I don't want to say any dying prayer, I want to say a living

prayer, like that papa told you."

The substitute for the standard orthodox style of prayer

had been learned from one of the current journals and went as

" Now I lay me down to sleep,
I know the Lord my soul shall keep,

And I shall wake to see the light,

For God is with me all the night."

To satisfy the child and his mother, the father said, " Yes,

my boy, we don't want a dying prayer, when we are sick at

least," and he repeated the substitute, the child saying it after

him, and then went quietly to sleep.

If an ignorant Indian chief, that child of the plains, and

a little four year old boy, can appreciate a living prognosis and

a living prayer, so are all men and women influenced by sense

impressions or suggestions that a gloomy prognosis produces,

with its weakening, paralyzing, inhibitory influence to all the

nerve centers.
It is a physician's duty first, last, and all the time, to do

that which will help the patient to get well.


There are many instances where, in a case of extreme illness,

the only help that can be given a patient is to inspire him with
hope, encouragement and optimism, allaying his fears, and
bringing about those conditions necessary for the physiological

processes to accomplish the work of restoring the patient to


By the influence exerted upon the mind, we encourage all

the physiological processes, and thus, through them, convert

potential energy into dynamic energy. We help the cells of

the body to accomplish their work of fighting the etiological

factors of disease, whether due to pathogenic germs or to other


Physicians have frequently reminded me, in discussing this

phase of our subject, that they have repeatedly witnessed a

rapid lessening of the resistive powers and speedy death, as

soon as they rendered an unfavorable prognosis, given frankly

and honestly in response to the question, " Doctor, do you

think I am going to get well ?

If a patient who is extremely ill has important business

matters in mind that are worrying him, let them be arranged

to his satisfaction, upon the ground that it will help him to get


To such questions as " Am I going to die ? " you can evade

a direct answer by giving one that will be perfectly satisfactory to

your patient, and at the same time will create sense impressions

that will set up a different line of thought.

I prefer so to impress my patient that such an idea will never

come into his mind, and, also to engage the services of every

member of his family to help me to accomplish this result,

while on the outside I take them into my confidence and express

my opinion to them honestly and frankly.

Even in a case of acute multiple neuritis with high fever,

intense pain, hyperesthesia and great tenderness, in which
the disease reached its height in ten or twelve days, I was en-
abled to maintain a mental stocism that was remarkable, and

at the time of the patient's most distressing symptoms, he

repeated back to me the suggestion that I had so often iterated

to him. I had so often said to him, " You will get better," that

he began to ask for the suggestion by saying, " I will get better,

won't I, doctor? " It was some months before he was able to

go about on crutches, but I never let him get away from the
conviction of recovery.

At the time of the Galveston flood an unfortunate man was

picked up perfectly helpless, in a half drowned, wounded con-
dition, and for six months lay in bed wearing a plaster cast
for a severe injury to his spine. Two years later he was hobbling

on crutches, which he had been using for many months, but he

was unable to get his hands to the floor and rise again without

support. He was in constant pain, had numerous functional

disturbances, insomnia, indigestion, frequent movements from
his bowels, headaches, etc.

When I saw him I felt that possibly his nervous system

was retaining impressions after the results of the physical injury

which caused his pain, disturbances of locomotion, and other

symptoms, had been removed; and, at the request of his physi-

cian, I gave him three suggestive treatments, using hypnotism

as a means to secure the most effective results.

All his symptoms were relieved, including his indigestion

and bowel complications, after three or four treatments; he

put aside his crutches, and a week after the last treatment was
comfortable and happy.

In all classes of practice the therapeutic value of suggestions,

strongly put into the brain plasm of your patient, will help him

to get well where recovery is impossible.

In some classes of work all that a physician can accomplish

for the patient is to help him to endure his physical disabilities.

This includes such cases as where the organic structure of the

nerve cells is involved, atrophic changes have taken place in

the spinal cord or any other parts of the motor nervous system,

as well as inoperable pathological conditions, resulting from

malignant disease, tuberculosis, and all such cases as are beyond

the pale of recovery.

Even in these cases, however, we can use suggestive measures

to enable the patient better to endure his sufferings, and do so,

without the aid of hypnotism, much to the comfort of both the

patient and his family.

In two cases of malignant disease — in one case, of the uterus,

—in another, of the stomach — occuring in two people above the
age of sixty, I kept them each so cheered by constantly holding

before their attention a contemplation of their past lives which

had been filled with usefulness, of duty done and successful

achievement in their own humble way, and so pointed out the

moral heroism that they were displaying and the value of such

an example of cheerfulness and optimism, that they were

enabled to meet that sweetest and most welcome of all relievers

of pain and suffering under such existing conditions, death,

with hardly a word of complaint.

If our patients have sufficient recuperative powers to give

even the slightest hope of recovery, let us strengthen that hope
and help them to get well.

If they are ill with incurable diseases, we should help them

to endure their suffering, all the while working for their recovery

even without the slightest ray of hope to encourage us. Thou-

sands and thousands of such efforts have been rewarded by the

recovery of apparently incurable patients.

A million years of advancement and progress will not have

rendered our most expert diagnosticians sufficiently competent

to prognosticate with infallibility, in all cases, against the de-

termined and persistent effort of the truly alive physician who

will stand up with all odds against him and fight for the recovery

of his patient with every available therapeutic resource.

Absolute honesty and sincerity, under all circumstances,

are imperative to the self-respecting physician, but the weaken-

ing, paralyzing, discouraging frankness of the pessimists is



The care and training of the body is the first step toward
self-development. Other things being equal our most success-
ful men in all professions are those of strong, vigorous physiques.

The sooner that every individual comes to realize that his

physical anatomy is the most valuable piece of property that he

will ever own, and that its proper care and preservation will, in

a very large measure, determine his success and happiness in

life, the better will he be prepared to guard against those abuses

that drwarf its growth and development.

Children should be taught that the power and privilege is

theirs to maintain and preserve the body as an instrument of

health, strength and beauty. It is so often the case that the

physical man or woman of the future is dwarfed and ruined by

its misuse in childhood.

Morality itself is the result of environment and education,

and many children and young people make blunders that maim
them for life, weakening body and mind on account of the fail-

ure of the parents to instruct their children earnestly and seri-

ously concerning the laws of procreation and reproduction. In

their ignorance they are the easy victims of self-pollution and

vice that leads to the consequences that fill hospitals, insane

asylums and penitentiaries. Here also is the source of frequent

suicide, divorce, murder, disease and death.


To send children to church and leave all moral guidance to

its influence is not sufficient. It may appear beautiful to teach

a boy to sing "There is sunshine in my soul today," but we who

have seen the miserable mental depression and physical suffer-

ing resulting from gonorrhea and syphilis contracted by unthink-

ing youths, know that it is far wiser to talk to them plainly about

the sexual functions and to give them that knowledge that every
boy is so eager to receive, and thus save him from the pitfalls

that lurk in his path by an earnest appeal to his reasoning facul-


Many people look with disapproval upon any effort to solve

the question of social vice. They pride themselves in their ig-

norance and call this purity. Violations of natural laws in inno-

cence and ignorance, however, are attended with the same pen-

alty as other crimes of misconduct.

If suggestion is of value anywhere it is in such cases as these,

upon the principle that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound

of cure. To teach children to pray "Give us this day our daily
bread" and not show them how to work for it is criminal neglect.

To have them sing "We will walk in the light" and not forewarn
them of the consequences of physical degradation and vice is

mockery and deceit.

In early childhood is the time that we can plant sense im-

pressions or suggestions upon the soft tablets of their brain plasm

and so form habits of thought and action that will make them
conquerors in life. The evil consequences of vice to the develop-

ment of both mind and body should be explained to children


and constantly iterated and repeated by those responsible for

their care and training. >

They should be made to feel that every part of their body

was created for a purpose and that function should be carefully
explained to them. They should not be allowed to become
ashamed of their procreative organs, but should be taught to

regard their care and preservation as a sacred trust, and that

upon that care and preservation their future happiness will

largely depend.

They should be taught the necessity of thorough cleanliness

to prevent the consequences of irritating secretions that so fre-

quently lead to masturbation.

To let a girl know that the passions that she experiences

are the same that prompted the marriage of her own sweet
mother and the act which culminated in her own birth, is to

plant knowledge that is power that will be manifested in the

production of character and pure womanhood.

Tell her that the passions that she experiences are given by
the same animating power that causes the flowers to bloom in

spring and the birds to sing in summer and let her know that

these signs of awakening sexual life are Nature's call to her to

be prepared for the responsibilities of motherhood.

Let her know that such passions are but an evidence of energy

that seeks to find expression in her life and conduct, and that
such energies can, by reason and will, be turned into intellectual

and physical development.

The sexual impulse is in essence the same impulse that finds

expression in music, poetry, literature and art.


It is the primal impulse that gives rise to the preservation

of the species and creates the home, in which the little ones of

earth are nurtured and protected.

It is the impulse that gives rise to educational institutions

and to forms of government.

It finds expression in mechanical arts, invention and navi-


It has manifested itself in the discovery of new countries, the

clearing of the forests, the building of cities and the construction

of railroads.

It is the impulse that gives rise to all the achievements of

science and is the birth of all philosophies and religions.

It is the instinctive impulse that has prompted human activ-

ity in all ages, which was formerly ascribed to an anthropo-mor-

phic deity.

This awakening sexual life in boys and girls is an evidence

of physical energy that can, by wise and judicious suggestion,

be directed into deeds of usefulness as varied as the vocations

of man.

It can be turned into channels of intellectual and physical

development. In wholesome employment, in work of all kinds

in outdoor sports and exercises and in mental and physical action;

in a thousand ways can this sexual energy, under the guidance
of reason, find expression.

It is about the time of puberty that every healthy normal

boy or girl feels an impulse to do something. This impulse can

be expended in self-abuse or sexual intercourse or emotional re-


ligious worship to the great harm of both mind and bod}' — in

prostitution pure and simple.
But show a boy or girl how to converse or direct his or her

energies that are seeking to manifest themselves, in useful and

healthful lines of employment for the development of both mind
and body, and the result is healthy, happy, self-reliant, virile

men and capable women.

All strong characters of all ages are and have been strongly
sexed. A vigorous sexual nature is the logical accompaniment

of a great intellect and a strong healthy body.

What boys and girls, men and women, need is to know how
to converse and direct their energies into useful channels of

thought and conduct, and not to prostitute them in worry, emo-

tion, passion, self-abuse, sexually as well as from whisky and
tobacco, and in a hundred ways that lead to weakness, illiteracy,

degeneracy, disease, poverty, crime, divorce, suicide and death.

Properly conserved and directed, however, the same sexual

instinct produces men and women strong, capable and free in

body, mind and character.

Many of our patients need to be taught how to direct their
lives into natural and healthful channels of thought and action,
as well as to have remedial measures that will help to correct the

physical disability which has already been incurred on account

of their own indiscretion.

Here is a young man who did not have the proper instruc-

tions upon the lines indicated. For several years he was a vic-

tim of self-pollution, and finally when he attempted to stop his

disgusting habit, he was annoyed by nocturnal emissions. It is


the same old story. Quack literature fell into his hands, which

unduly exaggerated his symptoms and suggested "loss of man-

hood," and planted fear into his mind. He is unable to sleep,

all bodily functions are disturbed, his physical condition is below

par, he is unable to concentrate his mind upon his studies or his

business. He feels a great sense of unworthiness in the presence

of the pure young woman that he would wed, but for his miser-

able psycho-neurotic condition, and this unduly aggravates his

despondency and morbidness.

If he falls into the hands of an advertising quack who guar-

antees a cure, he is bled to the utmost of his financial ability.

But he comes to you. Tactfully you draw him out upon every
phase of his case. You assure him that every uninstructed boy
was once the innocent victim of such habits and allay his fears
of going insane. You explain to him that such practices are of

themselves harmless, aside from the useless waste of energy that

should have been directed into normal channels of physical and

mental development and the loss of self-respect which it has

caused him. You advise a liberal, wholesome vegetable diet,

with meat but once a day, and plenty of water to encourage

elimination, systematic physical exercise, deep breathing, etc.,

but above all, by suggestion you drive back the morbid sense im-
pressions and substitute new ones in their stead by your own
persuasiveness and encouraging optimism. You appeal to the

highest and best that is in him, and show absolute confidence in

the outcome, but insist upon a rigid conformity to your instruc-


You further advise him against testing his potency with a

prostitute, and if he has taken such steps to prove the correct-

ness of his own opinions as regards his impotency, you assure

him that his failure to cohabit with such a creature only proves
the highest type of manhood. You see him often enough to build

up his physical and mental constitution and to establish whole-

some habits of thought and action.

Such cases are attended with excellent results where the
quality of brain plasm is such as to get a reaction from the sense
impressions or suggestions made upon it.

Children should be so trained that their habits of thought

and action during the first twenty-five years will produce strong

bodies, clear minds and buoyant, happy spirits. The best de-

velopment comes in the unconscious exercise of a child's facul-

ties in wholesome endeavor and useful employment, such as will

call both mind and body into action.



The prime purpose of education is to equip the individual

to make the struggle for existence.

More than ever before do we now realize that this necessi-

tates the development of the body as well as the mind; that body,
mind, and character, are all qualities of the one individual and
that it is practically impossible to elevate one quality while the

others are weak or degraded.

The problems of health concern all that contributes to the

evolution of the individual, physically, mentally and morally.

The capacities and capabilities of the body should occupy

more consideration in our educational system than is done at
the present time. When education or religion interferes with

the physical development of children, it strikes a weakening

blow at the quality of brain plasm possessed by the child, and
to obtain the best results in mental development, this should be

kept at a high standard. Moreover, any factor that retards

physical growth and development, while education is enforced,

seriously jeopardizes the life of the individual, and our American

cities have thousands of physically weak, neurasthenic boys and
girls who have been maimed for life under the strain of the ex-

isting educational methods.

Everyone should be environed by those conditions that main-
tain the highest standard of protoplasmic energy during the

period of childhood and adolescence. The impressions that are


made upon the brain through the senses from Ihe cradle to the

grave are the suggestions that constitute the education of an in-

dividual. Here those that are useful and good, or harmful and
false, are alike recorded, to furnish foodstuff for the mind, which

is manifested in thought and conduct.

School training, after all, consists only in furnishing an en-

vironment in which certain suggestions, ideas, mental pictures,
concepts, or impressions, can be photographed on the rapidly

developing cerebral cells. Here consciousness itself is evolved,

habits are formed and anew world is opened to view as the child's

perceptive powers are strengthened and individuality begins

to assert itself.

While a certain quality of physical traits and habit tenden-

cies is transmitted to the offspring, by far the most potent factors

in making children what they are are the inherited environ-

mental conditions which bring to bear upon the child their un-
conscious suggestive influences. What we are is largely the re-

sult of what we have experienced in life. Habits of thought,

traits of character, religious beliefs, moral convictions, etc., are

all directly the result of impressions that have been registered

upon our cerebral cells. Environment contributes both to our
physical and mental constitutions.

In the slums of one of our great American cities I noticed a

little two-year-old child, without shoes and bare-headed and

dirty, in ragged clothes that scarcely covered its poorly nour-

ished body; reared in filth and poverty, with a drunken father

to abuse its weak-faced mother who tolerated her pitiable state

of existence because she did not know any better. Had she been


taught to work, to think and do for herself, she could easily have

extricated herself from this miserable role.

That a child born under such conditions should become a

prostitute, contract disease, and die before she was scarcely out
of her teens would be as natural as the law of gravitation.

A girl whose father at the time of her birth was occupying

the position of president of a great college and who was reared

in the lap of education and refinement, could have been nothing

else than the mathematical resultant of the parallelogram of the

forces that environed her.

A little child of my acquaintance was taken at six months

old by a couple of kind-hearted people who provided it with all

the physical necessities of life. They saw in this little one latent

possibilities and potentialities that could be developed and

trained into active, useful service, and they enjoyed watching

its growth. They said she was beautiful and the child smiled

and cooed and grew more beautiful. They informed their

friends that she was smart and every day reminded the little

one of this belief in her, and, at an early age, she did all sorts of

useful service. They said that she was good and obedient, and
true to the law of suggestion, they moulded those very qualities

in her. They loved to listen to her merry prattle and she early
acquired a vocabulary of words to express her ideas.
" Later, when she started to school, they believed that she

would excel in her classes, and she led in every study. They
encouraged her efforts to imitate her foster mother in cooking,

and, though she soiled her clothing and wasted material, they

were pleased, and she soon became an expert cook. They appreci-

ated her efforts at the piano, and she developed into a talented


Still later'in life she married, and was the pride and helper

of her husband, and an honored woman in her community.

Such was the culminating force of suggestion in the home
life in its influence upon the life and character of a motherless

waif. Who can dispute the saying that " men and women make
men and women " ?

" You are a bad boy, just as bad as you can be, and I will

never let you come down town with me again," said a mother
to her little six-year-old, who was the impersonation of the

character that his mother had exhibited for him every day

of his life.

Children are usually just what their parents make them.

A little four-year-old boy was playing on the floor with his

fifteen-months-old baby sister, and he impulsively jerked some

of his toys from her baby hands, and she in turn began to cry.

The mother, who was quietly sewing nearby, witnessed the incident
and looked up serenely, and in a subdued tone, called young
America to her. He sulked up to her with a face that indicated

that his rights were being transgressed, and he was not disposed

to stand for it.

" Kiss me, my boy," said she, while she implanted a kiss

upon his forehead. She then good naturedly placed her fingers

under his chin, and with his face upturned to hers, quietly said

to him, " You are mamma's little man, you are a good boy. Yes,

you are; you are a good boy, and I know you are going to be

just as sweet to your little sister as you can be. She is a little

baby, but you are a little man. Now, I am going to see if you

In a few moments the mother looked up again and her

little son had piled all the toys he could find around his sister,

and now sat upon the floor, looking first at her and then at his

mother, trying in vain to suppress his delight in his mother's

approval which he seemed sure he would get. " I told you so;
come and kiss me again," said she, making a quick move as if

to catch him while he dodged from the room with a joyous

ha! ha!

The greatest factor in the education of a child, and the most

important element in the development of character in children

is the confidence that we show them; for the confidence reposed by

others in us determines the estimate that we place upon ourselves.

To believe in a child is to beget self-confidence in that child.

After we are older, and have more experience in the world,

we are able to excuse ignorance and we only crave the confidence

of the best people. By this we estimate ourselves, but in

children the love and confidence and expressed appreciation of

those nearest and most closely related, is the most powerful

factor in the development and growth of all the latent elements

of manhood and womanhood.

Children easily enter into sympathy with those with whom

they are constantly associated, and the blighting influence of
a home in which violent displays of temper are made or hyster-
ical conduct in any form is exhibited, is harmful to both the
mental and physical development of children. Here they

unconsciously acquire habits that frequently last them through


In the use of suggestion upon children for the correction of

vice and the cure of evil habits, moral perversions, etc., both
with and without hypnotism, no rule can be given that will

apply to all children alike. One must know children and deal
with each one according to his or her own individuality, first

securing their confidence. They are very suggestible without

hypnotism, and easily come under any influence by those who

have their confidence.
In one of our large cities a revival meeting was conducted

by an advertising revivalist, under the auspices of several of

the leading orthodox churches, and his text for seven days was
" Hell, the kind of place it is and who is going there."

The physicians of that city were more than ordinarily

busy during this period, on account of the psycho-neurotic

condition induced by the fear that such preaching had im-

planted in the minds of unthinking men and women.

At one of their special services for children, held by the
revivalist during the latter part of his stay in that city, only
" workers " were invited, besides the children, thus securing
such an environment and suggestive influence that hundreds

of children, who were incapable of thinking and reasoning for

themselves, were coerced into joining the church. Under these
circumstances children are unconsciously moulded into a par-

ticular line of religious belief which but reflects the opinions of

their parents or the makers of their church creed, and under

this influence they are reared and educated. The power of


choice is denied them, and they grow into manhood and woman-
hood stamped as if they were so many bricks.

We might as well expect to make a race horse out of a colt

that had been imprisoned in a stable all his life, as to expect

children reared under such an environment to become broad-

minded, truth-loving men and women. As self conscious,

independent entities, they are not allowed to think for them-

selves, and failing to exercise their intellectual faculties their

minds become dwarfed and useless. How many people are

born and reared under such an enforced environment from

which they are never able to extricate themselves! They
acquire a one-sided way of seeing things, and such mental pro-
cesses continuously indulged in, form habits, and such mental
habits form mixed anatomical grooves or channels in the brain

plasm to the extent that it becomes impossible for the individual

to think or believe any other way.

Mental faculties are mainly acquired and are the product
of environment and education. Chief among these are memory,
imagination, speech, knowledge, conception, judgment, will

and reason.
Reason is mankind's highest, truest, noblest faculty, but

it is only able to draw conclusions from the light of experience.

Many advanced thinkers believe that " the will is higher

than the mind, and that its rightful prerogative is to govern and
direct the mind just as it is the prerogative for the mind to

govern and direct the body." This seems to be true when we

see an individual using his entire mental equipment at a given

salary to promulgate a fixed religious dogma, or when " a


lawyer receives a retainer and commands his mind forthwith to

busy itself with all its resources of reasoning and persuasion

for the party who pays him. Even his emotions from the
extremes of pathos to those of indignation may be pressed into
the service as well."*

There are others who deny that there is such a faculty as

" will " who take the position that mankind is impelled to action

by desire and held in restraint by fear, and between desire and

fear each human being stands.

Yet even will, desire and fear are only qualities of the indi-

vidual body and mind and they conform to the general law of

evolution, being the outcome of heredity, environment and


The logical conclusion, then, is that each human being is

what he is, by the operation of the same infallible law that

moves the earth around the sun, and that holds the stars in

their places.

People mean to do well. They are seeking happiness as

best they know how, according to their instinctive impulses

inherent within the protoplasmic mechanism of the physical

organism, modified or guided by knowledge and experience.

Some of the greatest, noblest, truest characters that exist

in the world to-day are clergymen, who are so far in advance

of the creed of the church under whose jurisdiction they are

laboring, that they have become a law unto themselves. They
have been impelled by desire to do that which is right, and

* Thompson: " Brain and Personality."


useful, and true, until they are found standing in orthodox

pulpits, fearlessly doing all within their power to liberate men

and women from the tyranny of creeds and dogmas, ignorance
and superstition, through which all creeds have been evolved.

They are interpreting the problems of life in the light of present-

day knowledge and eagerly seeking the contributions shed upon

the pathway of human endeavor and achievement by the

light of science.

" To live by science requires intelligence and faith, but not

to live by it is folly."

Men stand where they are in the world to-day held by the

tyranny of fear and ignorance, unless liberated by knowledge and

experience. Frequently physicians, who stand high in the

medical profession, have said to me frankly and honestly that

they felt the necessity of a more thorough knowledge of the

theories and methods of using psycho-therapeutics, but they

" were afraid their practices would be ruined if the people

should find it out." When such men are teachers in our medical

colleges, their pupils bear the stamp of moral weakness upon

their professional characters. They are the legitimate product

of weakness and fear as manifested in the personality of a


On the other hand, the output of the majority of our medical

schools does not stand in the slavery of fear because their faculties

are constituted of men who were open minded and fearless.

A most valuable part of education is the incentives and

will ideals implanted through personal association.



As we learn to discriminate between people of other classes

presumably of like character and qualities, so do we also with

physicians — there are among medical men some who, in the true

sense of the word are not physicians at all. Here is a type of

the latter class.

One day in speaking of the importance of the psychological

factor in therapeutics with a physician, he said, " Well, there

may be something in that; for not long since I had a patient who
lay in bed a little over three months, and I could not find a thing

the matter with her, but I never tried to exercise any influence

over my patients in any way. They expect medicine, and I give

it to them, and let them use their own minds to suit themselves.

I am not in the profession for my health, and a man is liable to

lose out with his patients by being too dictatorial."

" How often did you see her, doctor?

" Twice a day."

" And you let her stay in bed three months, saw her twice
a day, and did not even tell her that there was no reason for her

staying in bed, and advise that she get up and move about, take

exercise, get fresh air and take an interest in the affairs of life,

both as a means of happiness and for her physical well-being?"

" No, she was a very sensitive woman, and I hated to hurt

her feelings," he replied.

"What was your bill in that case, doctor?"


" Four hundred and eighty dollars."

" And you are not afraid to hurt her feelings with that

sized bill?"

"Oh, no, she was quite well satisfied and paid it without a
" Why, doctor, if I saw no reason for that woman staying

in bed and having me visit her twice a day I would as leave take

money from off a dead man's eyes as receive pay for such work."
" That is just the difference between us," said he.

And it was. And this illustrates a type of men everywhere

who call themselves physicians.

Some physicians are actually convinced that they have

done their duty when they have been kind, sympathetic, and
attentive to their patients and prescribed for them medicinally.

Since their patients are satisfied they seem to feel that they have

done their whole duty. So long as there is money in the case,

the recovery of the patient does not seem to concern them.

The absolute lack of moral courage displayed by this class

of doctors, who upon the surface give the appearance of being

honest and conscientious professional gentlemen, is horrible

to contemplate. They use narcotics freely, even when contra-

indicated, inhibiting the normal physiological process, robbing

their patients of self-reliance, rendering them absolutely de-

pendent upon the physician, lessening in every way their resist-

ive powers, and actually retarding recovery. We all have seen

such men who in the spirit of cold commercialism impress by
word and conduct on their patients that they are very sick,

when this attitude on the physician's part has proved to be a


great causative factor in the case. Their patients, after a long

illness, consider that their physician, in having impressed on

them that such would be the case, has only displayed his knowl-
edge and good judgment; whereas, in fact, this man in whom
they have trusted has really been the greatest causative factor
in the case.

Some physicians acquire a high reputation by giving a

gloomy prognosis, thereby instilling fear into the minds of both
patients and friends, bringing to bear upon them all the psycho-
logical conditions possible to depress them and hypnotize
them into a long siege of illness. The power and efficacy of

suggestion, in the cause and cure of disease, are but faintly

appreciated by one in a thousand of the people of our time;

hence their easy gullibility by such men. The student of psycho-

therapeutics can discern this class of physicians everywhere,

who often stand high in the medical profession.

If I were to tell you that in a room I had a servant ever

able and willing to obey my dictation or orders and execute

them, in having everything in that house just as I wanted it,

so could you form some idea about the power of the great in-

voluntary nervous system in its control over the bodily functions.

We influence this involuntary nervous system by the sense

impressions we make upon the brain plasm of the patient when-

ever we come into his or her presence.

Fully nine-tenths of an individual's psychic powers or

protoplasmic energies are subconscious; that is, he — the in-

tellectual man —is unconscious of them. These we can influence

for the good or harm of our patient. The physician who shakes

his head, and gives a high-sounding name of the disease, often

fastens the condition stronger upon his patient, by adding a

psycho-neurotic element when there is no pathological basis

for the condition named existing.

A lady of my acquaintance had been sick for several months

and her physician took with him to see her a consultant who
appreciated the psychic element in therapeutics. Together in
the consulting room they discussed this case.

"What is the matter with her, doctor?

"Just weak and nervous, can't sleep, does not eat. discour-

aged, and getting worse every day."

The consulting physician quickly saw that the attending
physician was the most aggravating causative factor in this case.

"Why does not she get better," said he to the consultant.

"Because you don't talk and act right."

"What must I do and how should I talk?"

"Why, give her a sleeping capsule, and tell her that you

are going to give her a good night's sleep. Then turn to the

nurse and say, 'Give one of these sleeping capsules at eight o'clock

and if she is not sleeping soundly by nine, give her another, but

in no event give her more than two, she will sleep sound all night.'

Say it as if you meant it. Say it as if you had not the slightest

doubt about it. Then, turning to the patient, say 'You are going

to sleep well to-night and will feel much better in the morning.'

"When you come to see her to-morrow, smile pleasantly as

you walk into the room and, as you bid her good-morning, take
her hand, and feeling her pulse affirm: 'You are better.' Tell

her she will improve every day now. Say to her, 'You will en-

joy your food today and not be nervous and will feel much
stronger; you are going to get well; going right along to recovery.'

Keep this up as you see her at every visit. Getting in behind a

neurasthenic case like this with all the bodily functions perverted,

you can stir latent energies and stimulate nervous centers into

activity and be a factor for good."

The physician did so and his patient was soon well.

Too many physicians are nothing more than slaves to their

own desires. They see in their patient's illness a chance to make

money. They feel that they have done their duty when they
have prescribed for them in a perfunctory manner and, putting
their reliance solely in drugs, they overlook entirely the psycho-

logic factor in therapeutics. They even tell their patients that

they are seriously sick, purely for personal aggrandizement.

The result is undue nervousness, over anxiety, sleeplessness,

perverted functions and constant progress from bad to worse.

These symptoms they attempt to relieve by narcotics. They

enter the sick room in this indifferent, half-hearted, selfish man-
ner and their efforts are worse than useless.

Such physicians forget that man is a living organism, body,

mind and spirit, and the ideal ego should be the master, not the

the slave, of the body.

See in your patient potentialities that are susceptible to ex-

ternal stimuli, and regard something besides the physical mani-

festation of the individual.

Treat the man himself, the intelligent organized force — call

this mind, soul or spirit — that has simply cast this physical

cloak around him and stir him to renew, energize, vitalize and
strengthen every part of his physical organism.

What do we stir? Call it what you will, let it be the "vis

medicatrix naturae," the "resident energy within," "neuric en-
ergy," the "subconscious self," the "involuntary nervous sys-

tem," the "psychic man," "spirit," "mind," or "soul," the name

matters not. This fact is true. Man has within him reserve en-
ergy that can be stirred into activity. By suggestion the physi-

ological processes of the body can be influenced for his good.

We can produce such impressions upon his brain plasm as will

quiet nervousness, relieve pain, promote sleep, and acting thus,

we can conserve his energy, resulting in a better appetite, better

digestion, and improved nutrition. We thus re-establish all the

perverted physiological processes. By this means you can get

your patient well when drugs and other remedial agents abso-
lutely fail.

If medicine or surgery is indicated, by all means use it.

The great trouble is that many of the men in our profession

are ignorant of the potency of the psychologic factor as a thera-

peutic adjunct. Some who have had a glimpse of these latent

possibilities lack the moral stamina boldly to take hold and do

their part. I know men who would face a cannon absolutely

devoid of physical fear, yet too timid and half-hearted in the

sick room to do more than give drugs, nine-tenths of which are

worse than useless, in this class of functional and neuropathic

Many of these sick people need a good, sound, intellectual

flogging. They need to be told that they alone are to blame for

their condition. Let them know that health is a natural con-

dition and comes to every one who conforms to nature's laws,

which they are continually violating every day of their lives.

Emerson has well said that "Man may boast that he can
violate the laws of Nature and maintain health; the lie is on his

lips, the conditions on his soul."

Let your patient know that to maintain health he must con-

form to the laws of health. Get hold of him and put him in

possession of himself. Urge him to take into his system plenty

of Nature's healthful beverage, pure water, to eliminate impuri-

ties from his system and to encourage all functional activity.

A man should not drink less than four or five pints of water a
day. Tell him or her to exercise freely every muscle and hasten
the blood to every part of his system to eliminate effete material

as well as to build up, nourish and renew the life and strength
of every cell in his body. Advise him against becoming a slave

to his appetites, over eating, sexual excess, etc.

Fully nine-tenths of the American people eat too much meat

and keep their nervous system overtaxed to dispose of the amount
of food in excess of what is actually necessary for nutrition. Get
such people, when nervous, to learn to relax and to practice deep

breathing as a resource of healthfulness. Impress upon them

the pleasure, beauty and glory of work and useful endeavor and

achievement, as a means to invigorate and strengthen both

mind and body. Let them know that we are born into this

beautiful world surrounded by everything to make us happy

and keep us well, but that the world is ruled by law and we must
conform to laws of health, and that when we do that we shall


be well and happy, which is our highest privilege, and not before.
It is often the case that our patients need education and en-
couragement, knowledge and guidance —other names for sug-

gestion and not medicine or sympathy, which only fixes them

deeper in the mire ; but there are some who are called physicians
who have not the courage to attempt to make use of these thera-

peutic measures.

Why let Christian Scientists, osteopaths and other species

of charlatanism thrive upon a large class of cases when, if we

were but equipped in this higher art in therapeutics, we could

day by day infuse health and happiness, joy and sunshine, into

the lives of weak, erring, miserable children of this world who

are crying to us for help. Our patients are not merely chemical

laboratories, but human beings with intelligent faculties to com-

prehend our suggestions that act upon every part of the body
through the nervous centers. If properly presented they will

regulate all perverted functions in perfect accord with the physi-

ological processes of the body.

Man is not a machine, but a living organism.

The unseen part of man, mind, spirit or soul, constitute the

dynamics of this human organism and they constitute the great-

est therapeutic factor at our command, ever present and ready

for utilization.


"Man exists not for what he can accomplish, but for what
can be accomplished of him." — Goethe.
By suggestion we can add a dynamic quality to the mental

equipment of an individual who is receptive. A new element is

given to his personality by the impression made upon his brain

plasm, which better equips him to meet the exigencies of life,

and whereby he can be educated into the art of self mastery.

A little child, seven years old, was beginning her first day
in school and appeared bewildered and confused as she antici-

pated the new experiences that the day had in store for her.
As she started out of the home, her father, who was awaiting
the arrival of the right psychological moment, called her to him.

"Papa, mamma says I must hurry or I shall be late," re-

sponded the child as she came up closer to find out what her
father wanted.

"You have plenty of time, my daughter," said he. "I have

a secret to tell you if you will promise not to give it away. Do

you know there is not a smarter child in this town than you are?"

"No, papa, I did not know that."

"Well, there is not, and I will show you. Who can run

faster than you among your little friends?"

"None of them," was her answer.

"Who rides a wheel or plays dolls better than you?"

"None," she answered.


"Well, here is our secret. They cannot learn faster in school

than you can. They are all smart, but they don't know it. The
girl that does what her teacher tells her is the one that learns the

fastest. Now, that is our secret. You go and find out what
your lesson is and come home and we will help you to study, and
by the end of the term you will be at the head of your class."

The child's answer was, "All right, papa, if you will help me,
yes, I will."

"Go to school now, you have plenty of time, but don't give

away our secret."

The child walked away with a new element added to her

consciousness. She went with head erect, and a smile on
her face that indicated that she was going out to conquer. Of
course, this was followed by other similar suggestions, and dur-
ing the eight years since that time, that little girl has stood with

the head of her classes and found in her school work a genuine


In another instance a child, thirteen years of age, was com-

peting for a prize given in elocution. Her father had also offered

her a reward and expressed a wish that she win that medal. She
had worked hard to succeed and upon the morning of the contest

the father called her into his den and handed her the promised

reward for winning the contest.

"But," said she, "I haven't won it yet."

"See here, daughter," was his response, "I know, and your
teacher knows, that you render that selection aright. Now, it

matters not one bit what the judges or the audience think of it.

Go, render your selection to suit yourself and to do credit to your


teacher, but forget all about the prize or the opinion of the

She went away relieved of all apparent anxiety and shared

the prize with an older contestant.

The question of self-mastery is one of education and self-

development. By suggestion we can plant ideas that give rise to

impulses or incentives within the individual to make effort at

self-development, self-education, and self-control.

Every one should be made to feel that he is born to be of

use in the world and should be taught how to exercise his capac-

ity, for it is only through the self-reliance gained by our own

activities that we can make a success in any vocation in life. The
individual who can be of most help to others is the one who sees

the greatest possibilities within them.

The problem of life for every individual is the one of self-

mastery; how best to conserve and direct our energies into useful,

wholesome lines of thought and action. To be of help to others

one must at least in some degree have become master of one-


It has been a matter of observation to see a physician so ut-

terly lacking in self-control that he was incapacitated to use
efficacious suggestion upon an individual, even after the latter

had assumed an attitude of voluntary receptivity. In him the

self-conscious ego had not been evolved sufficiently to give him

force of character to be of influence.

It is for each one of us to decide whether we shall control

and govern ourselves in the light of reason, education and ex-


perience, or be held by the opinions of others. To do our best

in life we must be independent, strong, capable and free.

The leaders of all professions in all ages have been men who
have overleaped the limitations of environment, of ignorance

and superstition, and have dared to stand up for what they be-

lieved to be right.

To have achieved self-mastery is to be guided by reason,

impelled by truth, and freed from the tyranny of fear, selfish-

ness and ignorance. It denotes courage, humble service, mag-

nanimity, sympathy, friendliness and a tenacious 'stand for the

right. To reach this high ideal of moral attainment human evo-

lution must go on forever. We are as yet in the amoeba and

moneron stage of our appreciation of this higher conception of

ourselves and our relation to others.

"With this poor life, with this mean world

I'd fain complete what in me lies;

I strive to perfect this — my me;

My sole ambition's to be wise."

Fear is the natural consequence of weakness and ignorance.

To be masters of our bodies does not mean that the physical

basis of existence is to be ignored. Far from it. On the other

hand, to maintain a strong, healthy body is the first essential to

development. Will power and determination are natural ac-

companiments of a healthy organism.

There is a peculiar psychic quality that is the heritage of

some individuals. They are content to drift with the crowd

and have not the courage to dare to use their own reasoning fac-

ulties. The problem of education is to deliver these individuals


from such tendencies and thus to prevent^them from lapsing into

physical weaklings, mental nonentities,"or moral cowards.

It is the inalienable birthright of every human being to mani-

fest the highest expression of individuality and selfhood; to give
the world the very best that he can make of himself according to

the limitations of heredity, environment and education. Fear

and selfishness are the greatest barriers to the progress of aspir-

ing humanity.

The "thou shalt" and "thou shalt not" of an irresponsible

hierarchy no longer fetters the spirit of the man who has obtained

sufficient self-mastery to live up to the light and knowledge of

the present age.

But not for ourselves alone must we live. We gain in

strength by helping others, by assuming responsibility, by

work and useful achievement.

A great deal of the hysteria and neurasthenia and despond-

ency and weakness of men and women is due to their failure to

exercise sufficient self-mastery, to use the powers and capabilities

inherent within the cells of their organism. Such people we

can wonderfully benefit by suggestion.
Medicine will ever have a place in our therapeutic arma-

mentarium, but its use to relieve nervousness and psycho-

neurotic and functional disturbances, by lulling and inhibiting

the normal physiological processes, where the individual should

be taught the art of self-mastery, self-control, self-activity and

conformity to such physiological methods of development as

breathing, relaxation, dietetics, water drinking, exercise and
work, with sunshine, fresh air and cheerfulness, is a crime.

The use of suggestion in therapeutics is nothing more or less

than getting an individual to exercise self-mastery and self-


Here I am reminded of a stalwart man, six feet two inches

high, weighing one hundred and ninety-eight pounds, who had a
wife and two children in another portion of his State, while

he was being supported by his brother, and all the while nursing

and encouraging a psycho-neurotic condition. His physician

informed me of this element of sloth and laziness that was a

great factor in his case, besides his morbid self-consciousness,

and sought my aid to arouse him from such psychic incumbrances

and put him in possession of himself.

He came into the office walking upon a cane, and besides

his symptoms of indigestion and insomnia, he complained of a

constantly painful and weak back.

Our treatment was to give such suggestions as to drive

back his morbid existing sense impressions. To substitute a

new consciousness he was placed with head on one chair and

heels on another and made to sustain my weight of 200 pounds

upon his body. Then, looking him in the face, after he was

awakened, I imformed him frankly and honestly of the test we

had made and assured him that a stronger man did not exist

in his State, that all he needed was exercise, and that the right
thing for him to do was to go to work. I met him upon his own
plane, that of a physical laborer, and used such methods as
would most convince him that he was a man, and he appreciated
it. He did go to work and had no farther trouble.

Such harsh treatment is not applicable in private practice,

but when I see people whining and complaining and morbidly

self-conscious of their own life's battles, I can but wish that they
could be aroused in some way and be made to see the pleasure

and beauty and glory of work.

Upon the exercise of our own self-activity does the welfare

of the future race depend.

The intellectual world brings life's greatest pleasures, but

as we now understand it, the head and hands must be educated

together. Mental and physical development must go hand in

When wealth causes the individual to depend upon the

physical and mental efforts of others to do for him what he

should do for himself, it is a means of degeneration and weak-


It is all a question of mental attitude. We must ever press

onward for the acquirement of more knowledge, the discovery
of new truths, and for facts revealed by new experiences. We
must never be willing to accept as a finality the imperfection

of present attainments.

To be glad to live for life's own sake, to love and to help

others for the pleasure it gives us, and in our own humble way
to crown our lives with useful endeavor and achievement,

leaves no excuse for the question, Is life worth while?

It never becomes stale, flat and unprofitable, save as it

reflects our own stupidity.


Anabolism 51 Monism 6
Bleed 35 Metabolism 51
Catabolism 51 Migraine 163
Character 46 Mind 56, 239
Chloroform 192, 193, 251 Monistic Philosophy 89
Christian Science .... 16, 20, 240 Morality 95
Clergymen 105 Neurasthenia 69
Confidence 125, 134, 277 Pessimism 14
Conscious Mind 57-61, 86 Pin 37
Disease 112, 277 Pre-Hypnotic Suggestion. .20, 22
Dubois 18 Psychologists 151
Ego 103 Religion 106
Environment 243 Science 104
Emotion 55 Self- Reliance 98, 245
Evil 45 Subconscious Mind
Evolution 95 62, 72, 77, 83, 86
Faith in Medicine 30 Successful Men 101
Fear 119 Suggestion 45
Health 102 Suggestion Defined 19
Heredity 91, 243 Suggestion to Induce Hyp-
Hypnotism 11, 58, 86 nosis 25
Hypnotism Defined 17 Therapeutic Measures 40
Indigestion 168 Wake 37
Insanity 82


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