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8 Ways to Deal with Excess FP Inks

Title: Bought too many inks? Here's the deal

Keywords: fountain pen inks, ink lover, 

Page description: You love your pens and you love colors. Oops, you just found out you have a lot of inks.
Here are some ways to deal with those never-gonna-used-up inks.

The headline: You love ink, and the color ones. What do you do with so many of them?

The body text: 

To describe my ink collection with adjectives is subjective. So, I find another way to do this: I have ()
bottles of different ink, plus () bottles repeated. That's physically () bottles. Oh, there are more, I have () of
ink samples (of course they are different colors).

Are the numbers impressive? No? Maybe imagining the numbers doesn't do the job. Take a look at the
actual space they occupied.

Whatever, I just call this "a lot." Now, the problem is it didn't seem like I can use at the rate of 1 bottle/year.
Would I be able to finish them during my life time, consider I could live to 100. Ouch, can't forget that with
this "a lot" situation, I have the tendency to keep buying. Just because I'm an Inkaholic, it became intuitive
to buy them.

What to do with so many Inks? 

People who aren't inkaholic don't understand why buying so many, they just the incapable of using up the

The answers are: Drink it. Shower with it.

Okay, That's just a ridiculous joke to brush off people who don't understand the passion and love we have
toward inks. Again, it's a joke, the inks are not intended to be used any of these ways mentioned above.

The real answers are:

#1. Write! Just write often and write a lot. 

This is ranked as #1 because that's what inks are for.

Luckily, I'm a writer, I can live with this and love this option. Maybe you are not a writer, don't worry,
somehow you still have to write with a pen, if you can skip the typed version, then enjoy the writing.

#2. Write with a larger flow pen.

I love my writings fit well between the college rule, I tend to use pens with a Fine nib. But I did end up
owning some Medium nib pens, and wow they deliver the ink like crazy. The time to refill that converter
was shorter.

This wider nib method is a legitimate way to consume ink.

#3. Go even wider!

This starting to sound crazy, as of how wide the piece of tint can go. Well, this is actually thinking outside
of the box. The "wider" means as wide as a paint brush.

It's crazy? It's not! I got this idea one time doing an ink review. Usually, there's a section using a Q-tip
swap to spread out the color. I just picked up my Sakura water-storing brush to do the spreading. As well
as this, I used an acrylic (#2) brush to write the letters bigger. Big like that "Invitation" on the card you send
to your BFF.

#4. It's color. It's paint.

I just talked about using a brush, did something spark?

Right, spreading the ink is something you do for an ink review, then go ahead to paint with the inks. When
a single ink is used, it can serve as an alternative ink review. That's what I did to replace the Q-tip

Be creative. Multiple inks can be used on the same writing paper, why not painted? 

Strange or creative, there are more ways to think of using ink with this method.

The above are really ways to use/consume the inks. The next one is a little odd.

#5. Ink Mixing.

Out of the ordinary (maybe) but I have done so. That's to experiment with the inks. Having more inks
means more mixing combinations.

I haven't been mixing like crazy, but I came from somewhere. I'm an ink lover. I want to explore colors. The
mixing can either follow shared recipes or DIY. Shared recipes may be less favorable unless the same inks
are owned. I am more of the DIY type. 

The bottom line is, because this is experiment, some mixing may not work and ended up as waste.

*Be aware that, by the law of conservation, the total amount of ink stays the same. But the color collection


In PART ONE of 8 Ways to Deal with Excess FP inks, I talked about various ways to consume ink, plus
one that's a little out of the ordinary. Here continues to add a few ways to deal with the excess inks. 

The ways in PART ONE are pertain to single-self, and the ones added here will involve other players.

#6. Give away.

The receiving parties can either be ink fans or just beginners. It's very much about sharing the inks.

#7. Exchange.

I imaging this to be done with sample size. Usually the case that the inks are still available in the market
but either parties would not risk buying the whole bottle before trying the inks out. Well, exchange of
limited edition inks, of bottles are okay; it's more of finding the right parties to do so. Exchange can be
difficult, it needs both parties come to agreement.

#8. Sell them.

This method takes the hard work, harder than give away and exchange.

What's the point of buying the ink and selling it? Well, that's mostly because the inks are limited editions
that gone out of production; they are just hard to get around.

Would anyone buy? That depends. I believe there are fans out there dieing to want some.

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