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Hola mis queridos estudiantes

Esta será su actividad final del semestre, ya que es un video de 5 minutos en el que se le pide que
presente los siguientes elementos

Primero, debe seleccionar una noticia de negocios internacionales que sea relevante para el
mundo en este momento. Aquí debe explicar lo siguiente:

Source of the news; where was it taken from? 

Fuente de las noticias; de donde fue tomado?
when was it posted?

cuando fue publicado?

January 2019

why is this relevant to your career

 ¿Por qué es esto relevante para tu carrera?

Because this is the new era and we are having new trends and new habits that are in constantly
change and digital payment or transactions like PayPal are very usefull and important because
internet make shorter the way to pay , we used to go to the bank and that takes a lot of time so
that make people save time and also the security is better

Give a forecast to this situation

Dar un pronóstico de esta situación.

This digital payment will keep growing and I predict or I can say that in the near future every
person will only use digital transactions and payment , because nowadays we are beginning to use
that , things like bancolombia app , paypal , and this kind are very usefull and help people to save
time . so we are starting to only use online payments and this will make the world of bussines
easier and can help all the companies .

Segundo, grabe un video espontáneo sobre su experiencia aprendiendo inglés comercial en la

universidad. Incluir elementos como nosotros
Our english course is very different because we are learning business like how to promote our
brand how to make a product and service or how to import export and have negotiations and how
use our career to know different things for business and how to negotiate .

The importance or not (if you consider not any) of the courses that you had at the international
business program. 

La importancia o no (si no considera ninguno) de los cursos que tuvo en el programa de negocios

I really like the e business class because they teach us how to make our brand and how to sell a
product or service and the first steps to negotiate , I remember we make an app that can sell every
supermarket things and I lean a lot doing that , like our app prototype and how to make google
What makes this English different from an average English course 

Lo que hace que este inglés sea diferente de un curso de inglés promedio

It makes difference because its focus on international business and we can learn aspects that can
make a big difference when you are negotiating or on a big business and how to be smarter and
thing on every aspect to make the business happened .
What was the best and worst seen so far

¿Qué fue lo mejor y lo peor visto hasta ahora?

The best for me is the way we learn working in teams and try to learn each other and help our
friends to know more about English and the class was very didactic when we was at the classroom

And also in this virtual mode we can learn a lot and search on internet

Cualquier otra información relevante

Esta última actividad se realizará durante el tiempo de la clase, estaré conectado con zoom si
solicita ayuda a través de una sala de chat y WhatsApp. Ambos videos durarán 5 minutos cada

Para cargar el archivo, cárguelo en cualquier unidad y envíeme el enlace a este lugar

No lo leas ya que es muy notable. Realiza ambas actividades de forma muy natural y muestra todo
el inglés que has adquirido en este momento.
Este es el final del viaje, muchachos, ¡demuestren lo mejor que obtuvieron!

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