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| N102 | 29 JAN 2021

SECTION:21010 FRIDAY 1:00-4:00PM

Assignment#1 Terminologies

A. TEACHING According to the Center for New Designs in Learning &

Scholarship at Georgetown University, Teaching is
PROCESS fundamentally a process, including planning,
implementation, evaluation, and revision. Planning and
teaching a class are familiar ideas to most instructors.
More overlooked are the steps of evaluation and

B. NURSING According to Aseratie, Murugan, & Molla (2014), The

nursing process is a systematic problem-solving
PROCESS approach used to identify, prevent and treat actual or
potential health problems and promote wellness. It has
five steps; Assessment, Diagnosis, planning,
implementation and evaluation.

Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative

C. NURSING care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and
communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing
includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness,
and the care of ill, disabled and dying people.
Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research,
participation in shaping health policy and in patient
and health systems management, and education are
also key nursing roles. (International Council of Nurses,

According to Smith (2016), Teaching is the process of

D. TEACHING attending to people’s needs, experiences and feelings,
and intervening so that they learn particular things,
and go beyond the given.
According to Washburne (1936), Learning is defined as
E. LEARNING "an increase, through experience, of problem-solving
ability," i.e., an increase, through experience, of ability
to gain goals in spite of obstacles. Learning is the
lifelong process of transforming information and
experience into knowledge, skills, behaviors, and

In The Modern Practice of Adult Education (1970),

F. ANDRAGOGY Knowles defined andragogy as "an emerging
technology for adult learning and the art and science
of helping adults learn," His four andragogical
assumptions are that adults: 1) move from dependency
to self-directedness; 2) draw upon their reservoir of
experience for learning; 3) are ready to learn when
they assume new roles; and 4) want to solve problems
and apply new knowledge immediately.

According to Murphy (2008), Pedagogy refers to the

G. PEDAGOGY “interactions between teachers, students, and the
learning environment and the learning tasks”. A term
that is used to describe an approach to schooling,
learning, and teaching that includes what is taught,
how teaching occurs, and how what is taught is

According to Frank (1946), Gerontology is the study of

H. GERONTOLOGY aging processes and individuals across the life course.
It includes: The study of physical, mental, and social
changes in people as they age; The investigation of
changes in society resulting from our aging population;
and The application of this knowledge to policies and

I. POSITIVE According to Hsieh (2011), Positive reinforcement is

defined as a way to encourage a good behavior by
REINFORCEMENT providing a constructive reinforcer to the person.
These reinforcers increase the odds that the positive
behavior will occur again in a similar situation.
According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the
J. DIDACTIC definitions of Didactic are 1) designed or intended to
teach; 2) intended to convey instruction and
information as well as pleasure and entertainment; and
3) making moral observations.


Aseratie, M., Murugan, R., & Molla, M. (2014). Assessment of Factors Affecting Implementation
of Nursing Process Among Nurses in Selected Governmental Hospitals, Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia; Cross Sectional
Study. The journal of nursing care, 3, 1-8.

Center for New Designs in Learning & Scholarship. (n.d.). Teaching as a Process. Retrieved
January 29, 2021, from

Frank L. K. (1946). Gerontology. Journal of gerontology, 1(1), 1–12.

Hsieh, P.H. (2011). Positive Reinforcement. Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development,
6, 1123-1124.

International Council of Nurses (2002). Nursing Definitions. Retrieved January 29, 2021, from

Knowles, M.S. (1970). The Modern Practice of Adult Education: From Pedagogy to Andragogy.

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Didactic. In dictionary. Retrieved January 29,

2021, from

Murphy, P. 2008. ‘Defining pedagogy’. In K. Hall, P. Murphy & J. Soler (Eds.), Pedagogy and
practice: culture and identities (pp. 28-39). London: SAGE publications.

Smith, M. K. (2020, August 24). What is teaching? A definition and discussion. Retrieved
January 29, 2021, from

Washburne, J. N. (1936). The definition of learning. Journal

of Educational Psychology, 27(8), 603–611.

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