Biology Topic: 1.1: Fill in The Blanks

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Topic: 1.1
Fill in the Blanks
1. Biology is the study of living things.
2. Excretion is the name of the processes which remove wastes from the body.
3. All living things are capable of movement.
4. Plants can detect and responds to things like gravity, light, and water.
5. Plants make their own food.
6. The energy can be obtained from food by a process called respiration.
7. If a group of organisms does not reproduce fast enough to replace those which die, the
group becomes extinct.

1. The plants move their shoots toward the source of light. (True)
2. The plants move their roots down into the soil. (True)
3. Plants have sense organs. (False)
4. The living things which eat plants called herbivores. (True)
5. The living things which eat animals called carnivores. (True)
6. The living things which eat both animals and plants called omnivores. (True)
7. We obtained energy by a process called excretion. (True)
8. Photosynthesis produces fructose sugar. (False)
9. Lungs and kidneys is used in the process of excretion. (True)
10.Oxygen is the waste product of the body. (False)

Topic: 1.2
Fill in the Blanks
1. A cell is a unit of living matter.
2. Unicellular organisms consist of only one cell.
3. Multicellular organisms consist of many cells.
4. All cells consist of living material called protoplasm.
5. A cell has an outer skin called the cell membrane which encloses a jelly-like substance
called the cytoplasm.
6. The nucleus is a cell’s control centre.
7. Group of specialized cells are called tissues.
8. An organ consists of several different tissues which work together.
9. Cells with fibres conduct impulses.

1. Plant cells contain large permanent vacuole. (True)
2. The largest cells are bird cells. (False)
3. Tissues are the group of cells. (False)
4. Cell membrane is a cell’s control centre. (False)
5. Cytoplasm is 70 per cent water. (False)
6. Animal cell contains chloroplasts. (False)
7. Animal cell has cell wall. (False)

Topic: 1.5
Fill in the Blanks
1. Rhizopods are protozoa which form temporary arms called pseudopodia.
2. Ciliates are protozoa with microscopic hairs called cilia.
3. Most moulds, mushrooms, and toadstools are saprophytes.
4. Protozoa with microscopic hair is called cilia.
5. Protozoa moves about by lashing a whip-like hair called flagellum.

1. Ciliates are protozoa which move about by lashing a whip-like hair called a flagellum.
2. Most moulds, mushrooms, and toadstools are saprophytes. (True)
3. Algae are simple animal-like organisms. (False)
4. Fungi causes diseases like ringworm in humans. (False)
5. Rhizopods form temporary arms called pseudopodia. (True)
Topic: 1.6
Fill in the Blanks
1. The tentacles are armed with weapons called sting cells.
2. Animals which have a backbone are called vertebrates and without a backbone are
called invertebrates.
3. The body of a true worm consists of a similar compartment called segments.
4. Hydra is a typical coelenterates.
5. Leeches live mostly as parasites by sucking blood from their victims.

1. Planarians are flatworms which live in a fresh water and in damp soil. (True)
2. Tapeworms and liver flukes lives a parasites inside the bodies of animals including
humans. (True)
3. Tentacles are armed with weapons called segments. (False)

Topic: 1.7
Fill in the Blanks
1. Arthropods are encased in a tough outer skin called cuticle which protects and support
2. The head of an arthropods carries sense organs.
3. The eyes containing tiny visual units called compound eyes.
4. The head of an arachnids has pincer-like jaws.

1. Lobsters have hard chalky cuticle. (True)
2. Crustaceans have two pairs of antennae. (True)
3. There are more species of arthropods than any other type of animals. (True)
4. An insect has a head with eyes and antennae, a thorax wings and legs and an abdomen.
Topic: 1.9
Fill in the Blanks
1. Molluscs have only one foot but echinoderms have hundreds.
2. Limpets and snail feed with long tongue called radula.
3. Centipedes are carnivorous and paralyses their prey with poison fangs.

1. Centipedes have one pair of legs on each segment. (True)
2. Octopus has shell. (False)

Topic: 1.9
Fill in the Blanks
1. Reptiles have a dry scaly skin.
2. Reptiles have a backbone and skull which protect a brain and nerve cord.
3. Amphibia have moist skin without scales.
4. Bony fish have scales which overlap like roof tiles, so water flows smoothly over them.

1. Frogs have moist skin without scales. (True)
2. Bony fish like cod and haddock, are weightless in water. (True)
3. In reptiles the eggs do not hatch into larvae. (True)

Topic: 1.10
Fill in the Blanks

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