INDIVIDUAL Assignment For The Course Inclusiveness (SNIE 1012) (15%) For Engineering S and Applied A, B, & C Groups Instruction I: Choose The Best Answer For The Ten Questions That Follow

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INDIVIDUAL assignment for the course Inclusiveness (SNIE 1012) (15%)

For Engineering S and Applied A, B, & C groups

Instruction I: Choose the best answer for the ten questions that follow.

1. Which one of the following is NOT correct about Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic as
a health impairment?
A. This new viral disease has not only impacting the global community in the health
aspect, but also through economic and socialization deprivations.
B. It has no medical cure and vaccination yet, but can be prevented through keeping
social distance of 1 to 2 m, avoiding physical contacts or hand contamination by
washing hands with soap, water, or sterilizer as deems necessary and carefully.
C. It is possible to contain and reduce the spread of the disease with quarantining both
the suspected and confirmed coronavirus cases, OR through self-quarantine
D. Coronavirus person to person transmission can directly occur during sneezing and
coughing or through contact with droplet nuclei discharged somewhere on any
E. It is a viral infection affecting only the older age groups.
2. Read these four cases:
1. This person is displaced due largely to the growing inter-ethnic tensions, and appears
to be vulnerable to impoverished living environment.
2. This person engaged in sex work to earn money to cover subsistence spending and
lead a kind of hand-to-mouth living.
3. This person is under condition of physical disability, and due to this s/he can’t hear.
4. This person has developed serious mental disorder from birth, and unable to learn
language easily.

Which one of these persons is at most risk of contracting HIV/AIDs?

A. Person 1 B. Person 2 C. Person 3 D. Person 4

3. The essence in promoting inclusion as a strategy of creating social cohesion is:
A. Maintaining sustainable and peaceful co-existence among social groups.
B. Encouraging mutual respect and tolerance

C. Appreciating diversity, regardless of differentiation of any kind.
D. All of them
E. None of them
4. Which one of the following statements is generally WRONG about health related
A. Even though research has stated some causes of autism or mental development
limitations, there are still many gaps to clearly indicate what really causes autism
and many more health related impairments.
B. Prevention appears better than curing of the emerging health related impairments.
C. The health impairments mentioned in the tabular handout you provided with are the
only available health related problems and vulnerabilities.
D. Common cold, flu, and COVID-19 seem similar because all affect respiratory
organs, but also differ in the transmission rate, virus types, and devastating impacts.

5. The significantly sub-average intellectual functioning in adaptive skills such as

communication, self-care, and social-interpersonal skills is referred to as:
A. Hidden disability C. Muscular-skeletal disorder
B. Auditory processing disorder D. Mental retardation
6. Which one of the following is different from others?
A. Cleft lip B. polio C. epilepsy D. Club foot
7. Which one is TRUE about visual impairment and hearing impairment?
A. The former is generally genetically inherited, while the latter is not.
B. The former can’t be diagnosed, while the latter can be, e.g., sign language.
C. The severity of both can be measured using intellectual quotient test.
D. Both impairment types resembled to show different levels of severities occur in each.
8. The OPEC member countries have been at risk of petroleum price decline (drop of about
30%) due to coronavirus pandemic. What vulnerability dimension does this harm show?
A. economic B. psychological C. health D social exclusion
9. Legal foundation of implementing inclusion, among others, entails:
A. Reducing fear of segregation and prejudice to produce friendship, respect, and
B. Every person has the right to live and learn together.

C. The possibilities of gaining an equal access to quality education & learning outcomes.
D. The issue of cost effectiveness and access to equal job opportunities.
10. The following are among features of inclusive environment EXCEPT:
A. It is a short-lived situation directed towards strengthening and encouraging different
ways of participation of all members of the community.
B. It welcomes all people, regardless of their disability and other vulnerabilities.
C. An inclusive service environment is respectful, supportive, and equalizing.
D. It ensures the respect and dignity of individuals with disabilities, and provides
accommodations willingly and proactively.

Instruction II: Give short answer for the following questions.

11. The two main causes of impairment and disability are ____________ and _____________.

12. Briefly explain the relationship between terms, such as handicap, impairment, and disability?

13. Why gifted children are considered to have a special learning needs?

14. Mention some of the basic reasons for the shift to inclusion?

15. Discuss in short how you do perceive about persons with disabilities previously and now?

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