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Relative Clauses (Orações Relativas)

Relativo referente a pessoas (que/quem) =  who/that

Relativo referente a coisas ou animais (que)= which/that
Relativo a posse (cujo/a) - whose

DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES - A oração relativa é essencial na frase. Define de quem ou do

que se está a falar.
Exemplos: The girl who/that is sitting at the corner is my friend Jenny.
The book which/that is on that table is mine.
That's the man whose wife had an accident last week.

Nota Importante: O pronome relativo pode ser omitido quando não é o sujeito da frase
Exemplo: The girl (who/that) you see at the corner is my friend Jenny

NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES - Não são essenciais à frase. A pessoa ou a coisa de que
se fala já está identificada.
Exemplos: His father, who is very strict, doesn't let him be out till late at night.
Your opinion, which I respect, is quite different from mine.
Mrs West, whose daughter you like very much, is coming for tea this afternoon


Defining relative clauses

Join the following pairs of sentences by means of a relative pronoun.
1.  She's the woman. She lives next door.
2. She's the woman. Her husband works at that bookshop just around the corner.
3. I know a big bookshop. It sells all kinds of books.
4. This is the car. We bought it from Ted Elliot.
5. These are the people. I invited them for my party.
Non-defining relative clauses.
Join these sentences by means of a relative pronoun. Don't forget the necessary
1. Mrs Elliot went to hospital. Mrs Elliot had a terrible pain on her back.
2.     Ted Elliot is telling David about his problems. Ted's wife left home some days ago.
3.     The new disco in Main Street has just opened. Everyone is talking about the disco.
4.     Wordsworth was a famous English poet. His house was by Windermere Lake.

Defining/Non-Defining relative clauses

Join these sentences by means of a relative pronoun. Don't forget the necessary

1. The last match was very good. The match was played between two national top teams.

2. The coalition soldiers occupied the capital city. They came to protect the population.

3. My friend John runs the best pet shop in town. He is very fond of animals.

4. My neighbour Sheila complained at the police station. Her house was robbed last night.

5. Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon. He was an American astronaut.


6. The keys are on the table. They are mine.


7. She was dancing with a boy. He is my brother.


8. That is the Spanish girl. I told you about her last evening.

9. The book is very good. I have just read it.


10. The Johnson's’ boy can speak French very well. I met him in Paris last summer.
11. Ann is one of my closest friends. I have known her for years.

Ann, who I have known for years, is one of….


12. Our History teacher was late this morning. He comes always on time.

Our History teacher, who comes always on time, was late…


13. The boy is paying no attention at all. The teacher is looking at him.

The boy (who) the teacher is looking at is paying no attention at all.


14. The girl is very pretty. You have talked to her just now.

The girl (who) you have talked to just now is very pretty.

15. Our Secretary speaks both English and German fluently. Her mother is German.

Our Secretary, whose mother is German, speaks….


16. The woman is a doctor. She lives next door.

The woman who lives next door is a doctor.


17. Where is the cheese? It was in the fridge.

Where is the cheese which was in the fridge?


18. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour.


19.  The girl is Ann's sister. She worked as a volunteer in Africa.


20.   My car was quite old. It was destroyed in a crash.


21.   Some of the girls are coming to Portugal next year. You met them in Rome.

22.  Harmony Day is celebrated in Australia. It should become a world celebration.   

23. My friend is studying in Paris. I'm writing this letter to him.

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