Project Selection Guide: If The Score Percentage Is Below 75%, You May Like To Consider Other Project To Run

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Project selection G

S No. Opportunities To Be Consider

1 How important/ urgent it is to run this project right now ?

2 How much this Project helps the organization to move towards their Mission, Vision or G
3 How much impact (Savings) will this project have in term of financial savings ?
4 What the level of availability of right resources for this project within Team/ Organizatio
5 How much savings will this project have in term of time and effort ?
6 How much clarity team has on leading this project ?
7 How much profit (Tangible or Intangible) will this project will give to our customer ?
8 What's the probability of completing this project with in agreed time duration ? (Usually
9 What's level of accuracy can be achieve in capturing the relevant data around this projec
10 What's the availability of right data to complete this project successfully ?
11 What's the level of buy-in from stake holder's side ?
12 What's the level of support is offered from Leadership Team ?
% Score
If the score percentage is below 75%, you may like

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of the particular situatio
© [2017] KPMG, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms af
The KPMG name, logo are registered trademarks or tra
Project selection Guide
To Be Consider Very Low Low Moderate High Very High
1 2 3 4 5
owards their Mission, Vision or Goals ?
m of financial savings ?
roject within Team/ Organization ?
and effort ?

will give to our customer ?

agreed time duration ? (Usually 3 months)
relevant data around this project ?
ect successfully ?

eam ?
tage is below 75%, you may like to consider other project to run.

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ess the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no
ontinue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination
of the particular situation.
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