Corona - Creating The Illusion of A Pandemic Through Diagnostic Tests Jon Rappoport's Blog

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

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by Jon
by Jon Rappoport 22828

March 30, 2020

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Nailed them, with their own words.
In this article, I’ll present quotes
from official sources about their MACHINE
own diagnostic test for the Twitter

1 of 58 5/13/2020, 3:58 PM
Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

coronavirus. I’m talking about fatal YouTube

flaws in the test.

Because case numbers are based on Jon’s Store

those tests (or no tests at all), the The Matrix Revealed

whole “pandemic effect” has been Exit From The Matrix
created out of fake science. Power Outside The Matrix

In a moment of truth, a
propaganda pro might murmur to a Recent Posts

colleague, “You know, we’ve got a COVID: Going to the root of the
great diagnostic test for the virus. poisonous tree
The test turns out all sorts of Bill Gates, HR6666,

results that say this person is Remdesivir, Deaths in Italy

The Chinese system comes to
diseased and that person is
diseased. Millions of diseased Exit From The Matrix:
people. But the test doesn’t really Unlimited Power of
measure that. The test is ridiculous, Imagination
but ridiculous in our favor. It Why you should consider
ordering The Matrix Revealed
builds the picture of a global
pandemic. An excuse to lock down
the planet and wreck economies Categories
and lives…”

The widespread test for the

COVID-19 virus is called the PCR. I
have written much about it in past

Now let’s go to published official

literature, and see what it reveals.
Spoiler alert: the admitted holes
and shortcomings of the test are

From “CDC 2019-Novel

Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-
Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel”

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

“Detection of viral RNA may not

indicate the presence of infectious
virus or that 2019-nCoV is the
causative agent for clinical

Translation: A positive test doesn’t

guarantee that the COVID virus is
causing infection at all. And, ahem,
reading between the lines, maybe
the COVID virus might not be in
the patient’s body at all, either.

From the World Health

Organization (WHO): “Coronavirus
disease (COVID-19) technical
guidance: Laboratory testing for
2019-nCoV in humans” [2]:

“Several assays that detect the

2019-nCoV have been and are
currently under development, both
in-house and commercially. Some
assays may detect only the novel
virus [COVID] and some may also
detect other strains (e.g. SARS-
CoV) that are genetically similar.”

Translation: Some PCR tests

register positive for types of
coronavirus that have nothing to do
with COVID—including plain old
coronas that cause nothing more
than a cold.

The WHO document adds this little

piece: “Protocol use limitations:
Optional clinical specimens for
testing has [have] not yet been

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...


Translation: We’re not sure which

tissue samples to take from the
patient, in order for the test to have
any validity.

From the FDA: “LabCorp COVID-

19RT-PCR test EUA Summary:


virus] is generally detectable in
respiratory specimens during the
acute phase of infection. Positive
results are indicative of the
presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA;
clinical correlation with patient
history and other diagnostic
information is necessary to
determine patient infection status…
OF DISEASE (CAPS are mine).
Laboratories within the United
States and its territories are
required to report all positive
results to the appropriate public
health authorities.”

Translation: On the one hand, we

claim the test can “generally” detect
the presence of the COVID virus in
a patient. But we admit that “the

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

agent detected” on the test, by

which we mean COVID, “may not
be the definite cause of disease.”
We also admit that, unless the
patient has an acute infection, we
can’t find COVID. Therefore, the
idea of “asymptomatic patients”
confirmed by the test is nonsense.
And even though a positive test for
COVID may not indicate the actual
cause of disease, all positive tests
must be reported—and they will be
counted as “COVID cases.”

From a manufacturer of PCR test

kit elements, Creative Diagnostics,
“SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus
Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit” [4]:

“Regulatory status: For research

use only, not for use in diagnostic

Translation: Don’t use the test

result alone to diagnose infection
or disease. Oops.

“non-specific interference of
Influenza A Virus (H1N1),
Influenza B Virus (Yamagata),
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (type
B), Respiratory Adenovirus (type 3,
type 7), Parainfluenza Virus (type
2), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae,
Chlamydia Pneumoniae, etc.”

Translation: Although this

company states the test can detect

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COVID, it also states the test can

read FALSELY positive if the
patient has one of a number of
other irrelevant viruses in his body.
What is the test proving, then?
Who knows? Flip a coin.

“Application Qualitative”

Translation: This clearly means the

test is not suited to detect how
much virus is in the patient’s body.
I’ll cover how important this
admission is in a minute.

“The detection result of this

product is only for clinical
reference, and it should not be used
as the only evidence for clinical
diagnosis and treatment. The
clinical management of patients
should be considered in
combination with their
symptoms/signs, history, other
laboratory tests and treatment
responses. The detection results
should not be directly used as the
evidence for clinical diagnosis, and
are only for the reference of

Translation: Don’t use the test as

the exclusive basis for diagnosing a
person with COVID. And yet, this is
exactly what health authorities are
doing all over the world. All
positive tests must be reported to
government agencies, and they are
counted as COVID cases.”

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Those quotes, from official

government and testing sources,
torpedo the whole “scientific” basis
of the test.

And now, I’ll add another, lethal

blow: the test has never been
validated properly as an
instrument to detect disease. Even
assuming it can detect the presence
of the COVID virus in a patient, it
doesn’t show HOW MUCH virus is
in the body. And that is key,
because in order to even begin
talking about actual illness in the
real world, not in a lab, the patient
would need to have millions and
millions of the virus actively
replicating in his body.

Proponents of the test assert that it

CAN measure how much virus is in
the body. To which I reply: prove

Prove it in a way it should have

been proven decades ago—but
never was.

Take five hundred people and

remove tissue samples from them.
The people who take the samples
do NOT do the test. The testers will
never know who the patients are
and what condition they’re in.

The testers run their PCR on the

tissue samples. In each case, they
say which virus they found and

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HOW MUCH of it they found.

“All right, in patients 24, 46, 65, 76,

87, and 93 we found a great deal of

Now we un-blind those patients.

They should all be sick, because
they have so much virus replicating
in their bodies. Are they sick? Are
they running marathons? Let’s find

This OBVIOUS vetting of the test

has never been done. That is an
enormous scandal. Where are the
controlled test results in 500
patients, a thousand patients?

The test is an unproven fraud.

And, therefore, the COVID

pandemic, which is supposed to be
based on that test, is also a fraud.

“But…but…what about all the sick

and dying people…why are they

I’ve written thousands of words

answering that question, in past
articles. A NUMBER of
conditions—none involving COVID,
and most involving old traditional
diseases—are making people sick.

[1]: (link)
[2]: (link)

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

[3]: (link)
[4]: (link)

(To read about Jon’s mega-

collection, Exit From The Matrix,
click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive

collections, THE MATRIX
THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate
for a US Congressional seat in the
29th District of California. He
maintains a consulting practice for
private clients, the purpose of which
is the expansion of personal creative
power. Nominated for a Pulitzer
Prize, he has worked as an
investigative reporter for 30 years,
writing articles on politics, medicine,
and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA
Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and
other newspapers and magazines in
the US and Europe. Jon has delivered

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

lectures and seminars on global

politics, health, logic, and creative
power to audiences around the world.
You can sign up for his free
NoMoreFakeNews emails here or
his free OutsideTheRealityMachine
emails here.

This entry was posted in Covid.

← Turn the econo… People dying equal…

Amanda says:
March 30, 2020 at 11:24 am

Thanks Jon–I’ll be dropping links to


Please everyone here, I hope you are

sharing this info–the bankers are
quickly moving ahead with their

I’m compiling a master list of citizen

videos showing the empty hospitals
(I also have this in email and am
sending it out –if anyone here wants
to private message me (by joining

10 of 58 5/13/2020, 3:58 PM
Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

that forum, use fake name), maybe

you can set up protonmail account
w/fake name and I can send you the
master list and you can email it out
Please wake up the sheep!!

DarL says:
March 30, 2020 at 12:19 pm

Just curious as to why the

hospitals are empty/slower
than usual.
Obviously, no hospital patient
People not going to ER for
reasons they would have gone
Surgeries have been cancelled
by patients for fear of the
What a snow job by the
I went by hospital near me…
slow and dead. Ambulances
all lined up in parking lot. I
didn’t know they had so

Piksil says:
March 30, 2020 at 2:24 pm


To try and answer

your questions:

1. Yes. (Some treat

ERs like a clinic.)

2. Yes. (All of these

millions of COVID pts
on ventilators will
need tracheostomies
[if they survive 10-14
days on ventilator] if
they don’t fully

I noted on yesterday’s

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

Trumpdate that, in
referring to the new ‘5
minute’ test, he said
the FDA approved the
new test in 4 weeks.
So, when did Abbott
Labs start working on
this, if it was
submitted for
approval 4 weeks ago?
Oh, I’m sure they
were working on it to
help China, before
corona ‘went viral’
and started popping
up in other countries
world-wide. Ain’t they
some smart
ones?!?!?!?! *I wonder
how long the 1000+
page stimulus bills
were being worked on
before it/they were

Yes a snow job.

Totally following the
Event 201 script. Bet
the event planners are
very pleased at how
we’ve exceeded their
expectations of

Question: If MLB
plays no games this
year, will all the
players get a stimulus

kathleen kahl says:

March 31, 2020 at 11:34 am

Because they have

stopped all routine
procedures. Much of
the medicine the
mainstream practices
is considered routine.

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Aron says:
March 30, 2020 at 12:22 pm

They have already started

deleting due to violating
Youtube terms. I saw one
yesterday from a guy in NY
(patriot truther??) who was
trying to talk to people and
EMTs outside the hospital
(Manhattan?) and no one
wanted to talk and there was
no activity. 8 or so
ambulances just sitting there.
It did not look like much was
going on considering over
600 deaths and 30,000 cases
in NY city alone. It doesn’t
add up.

Aron says:
March 30, 2020 at 12:35 pm

YES. Someone else

uploaded it here.

stacey says:
March 31, 2020 at
4:07 am

Thank you.

Tom says:
March 31, 2020 at
10:48 am

I love how the

people with
the hospital
MASKS !!!!

How funny
can it get !!

Aron says:

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

March 30, 2020 at 12:42 pm

Live stream from NY

harbour. US Navy
Hospital ship at port.

Susan Remer says:

March 30, 2020 at 3:03 pm

Thank you, Jon!

That’s why they want

us all Sequestered –
they learned from
other FFs that they
get ratted out sooner
than later with their
Crisis Actors and
FEMA practices. Now
they can get that 5g
installed into the
schools without those
annoying parents
asking questions and
keep us grateful for
the crumbs of
remaining freedom.

CDC reported more

than 2.8 million
deaths in America in
2017 – that’s about
7,700 deaths a day.
Since the Swine Flu
pandemic of
2009-2010, CDC
combined Flu and
Pneumonia deaths,
and more than 55,000
died! The vast
majority of that
number died from
pneumonia of all
causes and underlying
conditions. No proof
at all of the deaths
caused by Swine Flu.
Yet no alarms to close

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borders and suspend

the Constitution. Now
the Officials are
saying 80-100,000
deaths from
COVID19, all based on
bogus “data.” No,
wait, maybe this is an
Undaunted, Dr. Fauci
and that war criminal
who now heads CDC
say “We all are going
to get this COVID-19
at some point” –
multiple waves,
reinfections, etc., just
know that for the
foreseeable future, no
matter what your
actual cause of death
is, it will be attributed
to COVID-19…The
aerial aerosol spraying
continues all over the
planet, not only for
weather warfare, but
as a very effective
dispersion method to
contaminate us all.

Whatever the case, we

are being lied to and
Trump is going along
with it. Just
remember that
hospitals and most
doctors have been in
on these pandemic
scams for a long time.
The rest of the staff go
along with it to keep
their jobs. The Swine
Flu event resulted in
forced vaccinations
for all hospital
employees enforced
by Obamacare, still
the law of the land,
complete with that

15 of 58 5/13/2020, 3:58 PM
Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

Domestic ARmy
funded and staffed at
a level comparable to
the DOD – Trump is
rolling out Obama’s
Big Plan right before
our eyes.
Be Kind to each other
and Be Koolaid

From Quebec
March 30, 2020 at
6:09 pm

Whatever the
case, we are
being lied to
and Trump is
going along
with it.

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THE Federal
Reserve Bank



Cheri says:
March 31, 2020 at
11:34 am

comment! Are
you an INTJ
too? LOL!!!!!!

kathleen kahl
March 31, 2020 at
11:36 am

Hell, they just

had a dress
rehearsal at
Hopkins last
year funded by
Bill Gates.

Laura says:
March 31, 2020 at
4:43 pm

Trump is
forced to go
along with it, I
believe it’s
Fauci is a
Grand Poobah

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

in the NIH
since 1984 and
the media
worships him,
probably as
much as Fauci
Hillary C. To
go strongly
against Fauci’s
advice or to
fire him and
would bring
down a whole
new sewage
spill of hate
on Trump
from the MSM
and their
throngs of
puppets, i.e.
voters. Just
wait and see
what actually
Trump may
make us proud
and get the
economy back
on its feet, or
he might not.
If not you can
mostly thank
the vile and
totally corrupt
media and

craig says:
March 30, 2020 at 8:46 pm

Wife just got off

phone with a niece in

18 of 58 5/13/2020, 3:58 PM
Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

Brooklyn who
witnessed the
following and was in
tears. Please comment
this away, I don’t
understand where
you’re cumming
Are these vids and
pics fake and is her
niece lying

Alan says:
March 31, 2020 at
2:38 am

In a city with 8
million, you
expect more
than 200 to
die every day
assuming a
lifespan of 100
years (which is
certainly way
above the
urban average
in practice).

There is no
evidence in
those footage
that the bodies
died within a
short time
period. There
is no evidence
in those
footage that
those deaths

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were actually
*caused* by
the virus.

It is easy to see
that those
bodies were
collected from
deaths over
some time
perhaps even
over a wide
area. The only
difference is
of the corpses,
because they
are /believed/
to be
infectious, so
they were
frozen and
to be collected
instead of
being shipped

31, 2020
at 1:25

As they
say da
just a
river in

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

March 31, 2020 at
6:06 pm

To me that
video looks
fake. Bodies
are same
shaped (and
not so body
shaped) but in
reality a
person is tall,
another is fat,
a child is
small. They
never showed
lifting a bag,
not because
lifting would
have shown
the real shape.
And it’s not a
first. Look for
a New York
Times’ video
on YouTube,
‘dying at the
hospital door’
that dying guy
is well
healthy, at
around 3
minutes you
can see his
father putting
the money
into his back
pocket, crisis
nothing new.

Arlyn says:
March 30, 2020 at 6:25 pm

The Coronavirus 5G
Connection and Coverup

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Plamen says:
March 30, 2020 at 11:34 am

Jon wrote: “But…but…what about all

the sick and dying people…why are
they sick?”

Earlier today, I talked to a doctor

who works in emergency department.
I asked: What’s the situation in the
hospitals, is it quiet or very busy?
The doctor replied: It is very weird
but is in fact very quiet.
I asked: Really? How so?
The doctor: I don’t know where all
our patient have gone, all the people
we get are all covid.
I asked: How do you know they are
The doctor: Well, they come with all
sorts of problems but after we
question them, they all are covid.
Aha, I see – I said – Thank you for

deep says:
March 30, 2020 at 12:50 pm

Exactly. They’re
misdiagnosing literally
anything as ‘Covid19’. Got a
cough? It’s the corona! Rash?
Corona! Jock itch? Gotza be
the corona!

What a flipping joke. Just

wait, soon they’ll be counting
gun-shot victims as ‘corona
deaths’ to pump these weak

Think I’m kidding? Nope, the

FDA actually did this when
they were trying to get the
herb Kratom banned. They

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were counting car accidents

and gunshot victims as
‘Kratom induced mortality’.

Sean says:
March 30, 2020 at 12:58 pm


Plamen says:
March 30, 2020 at 11:35 am

Btw, we should all be moving to

Belarus, the only sane country in the

‘It’s better to die standing than to live

on your knees’ – Belarus leader on

Cathy says:
March 30, 2020 at 11:36 am

Jon, I hope u get this. Ask somebody

or research what the samples r that r
taken. We’re to believe that this is an
rna virus. R the tests supposed to
find DNA in infected cells that’s
generated from the virus rna during
infection? Or r they claiming to
isolate viral rna? Isolating rna is
MUCH more problematic than
isolating DNA.

Meh says:
March 30, 2020 at 12:40 pm

Hello Cathy, they look for

RNA; these are RT-PCR tests
where RT means “reverse
transcriptase”, that is to say
there is a step where the RNA
is used to back out a DNA
sequence, and the resulting
DNA is then amplified by
PCR. PCR doesn’t work

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directly on RNA, which is why

the extra step is needed. Have
a great day

Rick Potvin says:

March 30, 2020 at 1:06 pm

Cathy, it doesn’t matter if

virus’s are not operating as
“germ theory” says they are.
To wit: Viruses don’t infect
anyone. Viruses are created in
the body as a response to
toxicity. See John Kaminski’s
latest article….

Flu is not contagious

World economy wrecked by a

Social distancing, quarantine
are bogus

By John Kaminski

The Invisible Rainbow
A History of Electricity and
by Arthur Firstenberg,
2017Chelsea Green
PublishingWhite River
Junction, Vermont

This is the best detective story

ever written. The flu is not
contagious. This quarantine is
all a horrible hoax,
deliberately inflicted upon the
world to usher in totalitarian
world government. The flu is
not contagious. No flu has
ever been contagious.

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JB says:
March 30, 2020 at 2:06 pm

I tried to post this on

Facebook, but they
blocked it somehow.

Piksil says:
March 30, 2020 at
2:30 pm

AI–so that no
one is
the bots did it

Again, Event
Discussion on

Piksil says:
March 30, 2020 at 4:29 pm


Thanks for the

Kaminski link!
Got me to wondering
if the Amish
population is more or
less immune to this
‘pandemic’ due to
their lifestyle? Seems
so to me, as well as a
general decrease in
susceptibility to other
dis-eases due to less
direct contact with
Just wondering…

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za ka lu says:
March 31, 2020 at 11:29 am

“deliberately inflicted
upon the world to
usher in totalitarian
world government”.

The entire world was

shut down over this
‘story’, looks to me
that totalitarian world
gov’t was already in
place, simply
expanding it–

Plamen says:
March 30, 2020 at 11:44 am

And here’s a video where the police

arrested a homeless man and then
the medical mafia declared him dead.

Albina says:
March 30, 2020 at 11:53 am

I’m really trying to understand this

but having a difficult time. No
covid-19 killing people – just
traditional diseases. Why then do we
need to build field hospitals because
admissions are overwhelming the
healthcare system in NYC? We have
not seen this many people sick with
traditional diseases at one time.
Someone please help me understand

Meh says:
March 30, 2020 at 12:44 pm

I think the field hospitals are

a precaution. We have them
in the UK too; with luck they
will never be used. Even the

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giant field hospitals in

Wuhan, now dismantled,
seem to only have been lightly

deep says:
March 30, 2020 at 12:55 pm

Where are these admissions

filling up hospitals? I have
family in the city and they tell
me it’s a ghost town.

Here’s a page of youtube’s of

a dozen or so citizen reporters
going to hospitals and looking
for these mythical overflow

They’re finding exactly the

opposite of what the
corporate media is
broadcasting. They find tons
of ambulances sitting around
doing nothing, skeleton staff,
empty rooms, not a single
‘Covid19’ patient to be found,
let alone a dying one. It’s
almost like it’s all

Rick Potvin says:

March 30, 2020 at 1:20 pm

Albina, not only is my local

hospital, John C. Lincoln /
Honor NOT seeing extra
traffic when I pass by every
few days, we were treated to a

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FOX report this morning

about Samaritans Purse effort
to house patients in New
York… but as you can see–
there ARE no patients.
(image search)

Home page for this scam


I think all these crisis actors

and scam orgs better be
careful about carrying this
hoax on too much longer
because I can certainly
imagine a congressional
hearing in which all those
perpetrating this will be
brought to justice. They all
ignorant of what they’re
doing or they likely think that
they can go along to get
along– and get away with

We all ought to work harder

during our time off— which I
now have since my music
store closed its doors two
days ago on Saturday… we
ought to all work 10X hard to
bring truth, justice and what’s
left of the American way to all
the tricksters and shut them
up, shut them down… all
around… for good. And that
includes the virus-
is-“can’t”agious hoax perps.
Holy hell, we have a lot to do.
Where’s Superman when you
need him?

Lydia says:
March 30, 2020 at 1:53 pm

28 of 58 5/13/2020, 3:58 PM
Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

The Tents are unnecessary.

THey are for p.r. purposes
only. THey are to put on a
show by the media. CNN has
gotten caught staging people,
using caution tape, etc..

Pisces says:
March 30, 2020 at 4:34 pm

Here’s a funny one.

CNN journalists,
pretending to be
reporting live from
Saudi Arabia, in a
studio. This shows
how fake they are:

Mike says:
March 31, 2020 at 10:57 am

Had to take a friend to a UK

general hospital (not London)
for an out-patient
appointment yesterday.
Doctors and nurses standing
and sitting around in
corridors, no PPE, not
distancing (understandably I
suppose), and NO

Ann says:
March 31, 2020 at 7:04 pm

Absolutely have seen this

many people sick at one time.
Lots of articles online about
hospitals putting up surge
tents winter of 2017/2018 to
handle flu cases. Same thing
in Italy in 2018. Respiratory
problems are worse because

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of pollution, chemtrails, and

wireless radiation. Wireless
radiation keeps your body
from using oxygen correctly
in your blood. Research
EMF!! Also, why do so many
people refuse to put in the
time to research? They just
expect everyone else to do the
work! Get rid of your TV!!

Maverick says:
March 30, 2020 at 11:55 am

These lot anger me so so much. The

powers that be are laughing at us and
people cant bloody see it. There are
so so many things that are pointing at
this being a scam and people are so
so scared of a virus that they cant see
the wood from the trees and it is so
frustrating but it is even worse than
that because we all know where this
is leading being awake to all of this
but because pretty much 100% of the
population is asleep we will all go
down the plughole with these idiots
because the majority rules the
minority…….look forward to a world
with forced vaccination and
authoratitive states, yaaaaay for us

Boris Johnson apparently has the

corona virus, but yet he sat thre
addressing the nation for 15 minutes
about how he has it but he is self
isolating like a good boy, and
everyone that listens is OMG OUR
DIE THIS IS BAD. So where are hsi
symptoms, i didnt see a single cough
or sneeze no fever no bloodshot eyes
no tiredness or fatigue etc but you
know he has said he has it why would
he lie about something like
that……..well i can think of 100
reasons in a split second. People are
saying we could be locked down for 6

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months maybe even more it angers

me so so so so much all of this for a
bunch of rubbish.

You know what they did recently here

in the UK, a TV channel showed the
film contagion. You know what
happened it had a lot of ofcom
complaints saying it is in bad taste
and the tv channel apologised and it
was a sort of ‘oops my bad’ type of
situation. A lot of people are
commenting on it (after watching)
saying whoa it is spookily similar,
and then get on their day and even
are saying wow that film was so well
done it mirrors perfectly what is
happening in real life. ARE YOU
literally are playing out a movie plot
in real life and are behind the scenes
laughing saying ‘omg look how stupid
these people are we have taken
everything from these lot
hahahahaha……oh lets play a game
lets give them the biggest clue yet
that this is fake i bet you they still
wont wake up’

Clue given, and the comeback from

the dumb masses ‘that is so not funny
with what is going on’ ‘wow what a
coincidence’ ‘wow that film was so
well done it is spooky’ people think
GODDAMMIT you are telling me just
DAYS after lockdown out of all of the
films they have to choose from
MILLIONS of films and TV programs
they so happened to fall on the film
contagion, give me a damned break i
cant stand how stupid humanity has

Right now i reckon the whole lot of

them on April 1st could all jump up
and down and say ‘APRIL FOOLS
PEOPLE’ and people would be
like…..ITS A TRAP we must stay
locked down because i dont trust

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them on this, please please please

stay indoors we are all going to die.

Life damn sucks, and what is even

more depressing is……this is just the
beginning and life will never get any
better after this because everyone has
handed them what they wanted, all of
our freedoms this is our new ‘normal’

deep says:
March 30, 2020 at 12:58 pm

So true. Now you know why

they’ve been hyping ‘zombie’
movies for the past 20 years.

Sandman says:
March 30, 2020 at 1:17 pm

Maverick. I feel your pain.It’s

nearly impossible to get thru
to sheeple. Even one of my
best friends who follows
”things” and is aware of the
agenda, has fallen for it and is
”sheltered in place…” I know
it sucks, but you are not
alone. We have a job to do. If
you can reach one person, or
2, you have succeeded. That’s
how I’m trying to look at it.
The alternative, giving up, is a
path I’m not ready to travel.
Be strong, friend. Peace out.

NC says:
March 30, 2020 at 3:10 pm

My experience is that
those that “can be
reached” as you put it,
are already there and
the others don’t want
to listen. My messages
in social media have
been slammed every
time even by those

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who profess to know

the TPTB are up to.

lamberth says:
March 30, 2020 at 10:08 pm

Well said Sandman.

That is how we have
to approach it. One
person at the time if
necessary, get the
message through to
each one.

I just can not see this

lock-down last for too
long, but perhaps I’m
just an optimist.
At the moment people
still see this lock-
down as a bit of a
novelty, but that is not
going to last too long.
IMO, before April is
out, people will be
tired of it, they want
to go back to work,
they want their kids
back at school, they
want to be able to
watch a theater show,
whatever. Then it will
be interesting to see
the reaction, both
from those people,
and that from the
government. How far
will “they” take the
hoax (we’ve come a
long way already).

This will be the

watershed moment,
where the rubber is
going to meet the
road. Perhaps this will
be the “awakening”
moment for the
masses. To stand up
for themselves and

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call this for what it is.

Interesting times…

Rick Potvin says:

March 30, 2020 at 1:32 pm

Go to the health food stores,

given a greenlight by
HOMELAND (In)-Security as
“essential services” and get
some Mucama Puriana…
which will increase your
neurotransmitter L-dopa and
make you feel better. Only
take it at night. You’ll feel
better in the morning.
I’m not a doctor, I’m a PIANO
player! (Dr. McCoy on the
original Star Trek)

Giles says:
March 30, 2020 at 4:55 pm

Britain is now behaving like

Germany in the 1930s,

except the Big-Brother rallies

are now on TV !

TkA says:
March 30, 2020 at 12:04 pm

The PCR came into the public

consciousness during the
O.J.Simpson ‘trial’. Oh what a circus
(to quote David Essex in Evita), oh
what a show!

Elize says:
March 30, 2020 at 12:20 pm

One of the GOOD doctors I watched
online talking about PCR test said
that if the test is ‘cycled’ long enough
it is likely that EVERYONE would

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test positive. Apparently, there is

a’sweet spot’ where the test will show
negative or positive depending on
how many cycles it is run through.
I’m not an ‘expert! but apparently the
“cycles” are necessary in order to ‘see’
anything at all. You have written
about this in previous posts.

We need an investigative blog now

about the new biology of EXOSOMES
and how they could shed some light
on this ‘event’.

Lydia says:
March 30, 2020 at 2:00 pm

This is true. People assume

that the test gives a binary

It does not. It simply gives a

number of cycles, that are
interpreted by the tester.

Pisces says:
March 30, 2020 at 1:12 pm

The invalidity of these “diagnostic

tests”, as they call them, is very
similar to how psychiatrists diagnose
their patients, with scientifically
unproven “illnesses”, without even
testing a patient for mineral
deficiencies and toxicity that could be
the cause of the symptoms of that
“illness”, just to say “the disease you
have is incurable” and the only
treatment they offer is to make
patients to buy their drugs, for life,
even when the drugs are toxic to the
body and have nothing to do with
these made up diseases that’s voted
into “existence” by the fraudsters in
the medical cartel. They meet in a
conference and vote for what kind of
behavior should be included in their
list of “mental illnesses” and claim
they have a pill for it and people fall

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for the idea of psychiatry, because

they’ve been taught to see the doctors
as experts when it comes to human
health, but in reality, they’re just
drug dealers whose job is to keep Big
Pharma going, and all of the
education they went through is based
on exactly that, not to help people.
The governments all over the world
kill the people with their toxic
treatments, in the name of medicine,
and make huge profits from them.
And they want us to believe their
“Trust us, we are the experts, we’re
here to help you” messages.. when
are we going to learn?

TkA says:
March 30, 2020 at 1:25 pm

Empty hospitals are due to lockdown:

fewer car crashes, gunfights, stupid
accidents and yes, maybe fear of
being sucked up in the maelstrom.

TkA says:
March 30, 2020 at 1:37 pm

This could be black hat or white hat.

White hat is pulling a debt jubilee at
the behest of the system as a whole,
preserving our way of life and
averting the ‘intrinsic contradictions’
within the system. Black hat is the
usual rape and plunder via controlled
demolition of the economy followed
by bailout(read transfer of wealth).
Call me naive, but I don’t smell
sulphur. The word benign spun
through my head a few days ago, but
that’s just me. Nett deaths might
actually be down due to lockdowns.
Whoever pulled this, even if white
hat, must be cold sons of bitches, but
can offset the emotional distress with
the savings in lives.

Plamen says:

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March 30, 2020 at 3:28 pm

I like that. Unconventional


Cynthia M Silveri says:

March 31, 2020 at 8:32 am

Or not, suicides, domestic

violence casualties could
offset deaths by car accidents,
etc. To me, this is all BLACK

Greg from Paris says:

March 30, 2020 at 1:52 pm

Does reason and common sense even

work today anymore? How do we zap
humanity back into coherence? I
don’t believe any of this crap and yet
cannot stop myself from being caught
up in the general fear haze when I
walk outside: people keeping their
distances, moms telling their kids to
stay away from me, cop patrols and
sirens blaring everywhere, everything
closes, fear, fear everywhere.

za ka lu says:
March 31, 2020 at 11:42 am

latin for human;


mortalis, mortalis, mortale

mortal, transient; human, of
human origin;

semihomo, semihominis N M
3 1 M [XXXCX]
half-man, half-human (half

humanitas, humanitatis N F 3
human nature/character
/feeling; kindness/courtesy;

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...


stirps, stirpis N F 3 3 F
stock, plant; race, lineage;
character; [damnata ~ =>
condemned human race];

is indigenous man really Hu-


Dan Salzano says:

March 30, 2020 at 1:55 pm

I just saw a video which said that the

Covid-19 virus was discovered in a
laboratory at the University Of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Scientist
was a female doctor from Wuhan,
China. The Covid-19 virus is said to
be only present in Bats, isn’t present
in humans, and can’t be transported
to humans. In short, humans are
immune from the Covid-19 virus.
This proves this whole false
pandemic is a front for a one world
government takeover as written in
2010 by the Rockefeller Institute.

Ed says:
March 30, 2020 at 1:56 pm

Great posts and your excellent

analysis Jon. My personal take on
this is it is cover by the Rothschild
Crime Families to mask there
failures. Also there Agenda 21 could
come into fruition because of this

Eluard says:
March 30, 2020 at 2:00 pm

On a positive note, think of the

consciousness raising this thing has
been causing. I feel the internet is
finally coming into its own with all
these wonderful, dogged citizen
journalists hitting the streets and

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finding out what’s REALLY

happening day to day. And think how
many more know about Jon’s and
Icke’s work now!! I see some flowers
blooming out of all this. Keep on the
positive side. And keep sharing the

Victor Alan Pate says:

March 30, 2020 at 2:04 pm

I find it extremely interesting that the

creator of the Polymerase Chain
Reaction (PCR) test, Nobel Laureate
Kerry Mullis, wrote the forward to
Peter Duesberg’s, ‘Inventing The
AIDS Virus’!!!
I’m no virologist, but I read this 721
pages book twice in the 90s after I
read ‘AIDS, Inc.’ (I’m currently
reviewing both books now). I suggest
that the AIDS Epidemic mythology
provided a roadmap for this
pandemic insanity that the world is
caught up in right now.
Personally, I feel that we kinda
dropped the ball on the work of Dr.
Duesberg by not continuing to fight
for justice and exposure of the AIDS
myth. Dr. Robert Gallo, David
Baltimore and the current head of the
CDC & Trump pandemic advisor, Dr.
Anthony Fauci should all have been
charged with conspiracy and
thoroughly discredited!
Many millennials, who are the base
of any revolutionary activities today,
did not come up in the AIDS panic
era, and have very little recollection
of that experience… and just as
unfortunate, many who could
remember that period tend to
consider the experience not relevant
and glad that it’s over.
I don’t have the talent, nor resources,
but a comparative documentary
maybe helpful… just sayin’

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TkA says:
March 30, 2020 at 2:29 pm

Thanks for that, never

thought too much about
Mulis, just assumed he might
be a black hat. Assumption is
the mother of all…

tony bonn says:

March 30, 2020 at 3:55 pm

absolutely it is the same page

from the aids hoax. I read
duesberg in the 90s and ealry
00s. he is brilliant and man of
great courage.

mitch says:
March 30, 2020 at 8:35 pm

Nobel Prize Winner Kary

Mullis Challenges The Myths
About AIDS – Narrated by
Gary Null Ph.D.

NC says:
March 30, 2020 at 2:27 pm

Here we go:

and Scott Gotleib who is
recommending vaccines, sits on the
board of Pfizer
and Pfizer

Bullwinkle says:
March 30, 2020 at 2:32 pm

If someone dies in an automobile

collision and a test made on the body
for the Covid-19 virus is positive, the
report to the government will show

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the victim died of Covid-19

D. Smith says:
March 30, 2020 at 2:47 pm

I wish the powers-that-be would

decide on a name for this thing. They
can’t even decide WHAT TO CALL
IT!!!!!! And we’re supposed to rely on
them for reassurance??? They must
be whacked out.

It’s either a corona virus or it’s

COVID whatever (which is, BTW,
another made-up name, like all the
rest of the “outbreaks of recent
years”, which also turned out to be
duds, more or less. People got sick,
yes. People get sick all the time, every
winter especially, every season,
normally. Usually they get MORE
sick from medical intervention than
if they’d just done a few common
sense things at home. But you can’t
tell a lapdog society such a logical
thing because they have no clue
anymore. Reality is not in their

Vitamin C (if you can find a form of it

that won’t give you the trots), vitamin
D3, and vitamin K2, and magnesium.
Those are your essentials. Human
bodies need those things anyway.

What ticks me off about this whole

thing is there isn’t even a valid test
for it and yet the prostitute media is
calling every death (especially
famous people) “a corona virus
death” when, in fact, they don’t know
that AT ALL. Common ordinary flu
kills people, too, always has. See, this
is where they have abandoned
common sense and reasoning, if they
ever had any of that either.

Last week President Trump was

starting to talk with clarity and hope
about getting society back to normal.

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Now today, that’s all changed. Funny

how a weekend of browbeating will
change an opinion quicker than
changing a dirty diaper.

I give up. A few of us “get it”, most

people do not. Ah well.

Laura says:
March 30, 2020 at 2:50 pm

Jon, first of all, I just found the

following and am hoping you can put
something together further exposing
the corona sham using this. Hope
you’ll be able to take the time to read
and dig in and do a concise article we
can all share. I don’t quite know what
to make of it all, so am asking you for

This Dausey character

from-an-epidemiologist/) is a total
alarmist (likely with a massively
bloated ego), seems all about getting
his name in the news, a la Fauci but
not as successful, evidently loving
this shutdown and tanking economy
more than life itself. Dausey is cited
in the following articles, the
Smithsonian one from 2017 and the
Global Dispatch one from 2013…note
that: 2017 and 2013….

Now to your present article:

Thank you again Jon for more great
ammunition in this war. I’ve thought
all along that this increased “testing”
would create the illusion of

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skyrocketing cases of this covid


I actually feel sick with rage at even a

few seconds of “news” coverage of
what’s happening…their giddiness in
praise of all the wonderful healthcare
workers on the “frontlines” and,
“Ooh, aren’t we all just working
together so heart-warmingly and see,
who needs commerce and money
anyways? Economy? So what!” and
all the rest of their stinking garbage.
Wait til their wealth and ill-gotten
status are affected horribly by this
sham and see how the media will
suddenly have a moment of
in their disgusting thrill ride and
DumpTrump last hurrah (although
their political crap seems to be failing
so far).

tony bonn says:

March 30, 2020 at 3:51 pm

thank you jon! you are a hero and I

have published conclusions
comparable to yours on my blog –
the latest one referencing your
material. David Crowe has published
some good information on the bogus
tests too.

I am now curious about the hospitals

and the tents. For example, Zero
Hedge published a grim looking
picture of what I will call 3 orderlies
dressed in white pushing a gurney
between building or building wings
but no one was on the gurney. but
without careful observation, one
might conclude that this was an
ominous case of a patient gasping his

my theory – and I saw a comment

above make the same point – is that
the hospitals are not really
overflowing. Zero Hedge published a
picture of tent hospitals going up in

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Central Park but I saw no one in

them although they looked complete.

And if they do put anyone in them, it

will probably be the same crisis
actors who faked sandy hook. (Zero
Hedge – fwiw – is another fear
mongering site.)

If hospitals are overflowing, is it

because idiots go in to be tested, they
find the virus, and immediately stuff
a ventilator down their throats, and
pump them full ribavirin?

we are at the hands of stalin, dr

kervorkian, and nurse hunnitcut

Cynthia M Silveri says:

March 31, 2020 at 8:37 am

I looked up side effects of

ventilation/intubation. From
a website called Healthfully:
“In addition, the 17th edition
of “Harrison's Principles of
Internal Medicine” states that
remaining on a ventilator for
more than 72 hours results in
a high risk for pneumonia due
to leakage of contaminated
secretions around the
endotracheal tube and into
the lungs.” Ventilation =
more pneumonia = more

Anon says:
March 30, 2020 at 3:53 pm

Couple the false test results with the

lie of a govt media morbidity figure (
the lake of testing for other diseases
and testing the whole population)and
Woah! the Drs supporting these
figures must be complicit and/or
stupid as a plank.

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Rtp says:
March 30, 2020 at 4:52 pm

Do we finally have some hope?

The judge is on point but more

importantly, the comments and votes
are overwhelmingly positive.
Probably not representative of all
Britons but at least it is a start given
that when the lockdown was
announced, it was claimed that 93%
of Britons supported it.

As for Trump. Apparently he will

hand over all decision making to
Fauci. What a spineless weasel. For
everything he has said and done, he
will go down in history as easily the
most gutless and worst US president.

johnyM says:
March 30, 2020 at 10:28 pm

Plamen says:
March 31, 2020 at 9:47 am

I’ve been telling everyone

about the Trump character
since the moment he became
a candidate but millions of so
called “awakened” people
were fooled.

So I don’t think we have the

right to point our finger at the
sheeple for buying into
C-hoax as we are all gullible
to an extent.

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herbert l smith says:

March 31, 2020 at 1:35 pm

Nice to see someone here that

sees Trump for what he is.

Laura says:
March 31, 2020 at 4:52 pm

You do realize that this whole

operation in the USA quickly
became the next in a long line
of DumpTrump campaigns,
right? The media would
skewer him and roast him to
a crisp if he went strongly
against Fauci. Fauci, beloved
media darling and great lover
of Hillary C. (whom you
apparently preferred), is the
huge problem here. As
director of the National
Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases since
1984, he’s, very
unfortunately, the designated
decision-maker regarding this
huge sham.

Peter says:
March 30, 2020 at 5:03 pm

Sure we all see what is going on, we

can see that FEAR and NEGATIVE
EMOTIONS are infectious!


ABOUT IT? What is the solution?
Does anyone have any GREAT ideas?
Let’s start talking about what we
need to do and move out from these

Let’s start creating our own

sustainable communities, people who
have a conscious brain only or people
who are willing to grow and learn,
time to leave the herd mentality. Let’s
look at this as a wake-up call.

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tony bonn says:

March 30, 2020 at 5:39 pm

go to
there is a group mentioned in
today’s or yesterday’s article
dedicated to fighting this
crap. they could use money
and moral support.

Redeye says:
March 30, 2020 at 7:11 pm

Kiss my Corona.

As you say, enemy strategy is

fear, mistrust and isolation.
Natural counter-strategy is
love, trust and togetherness.
Massive, public kissing
happenings with known
Corona “cases”. Hippie-style.
Kiss my Corona. Follow-ups
on social media. Proving that
nobody gets sick. Real,
crowd-sourced empirical

Little people can not prove

that terrorists are a non-
existent threat. Little people
can prove that a virus is.
Enemy’s Achilles’ heel.

Enemy counter-counter-move
would be to blast every
happening with microwaves.
Enough to make certain that
everybody involved DOES get
sick. Which, of course, would
make the whole exercise

Truly, invisible weapons for

silent wars.

Better ideas?

Plamen says:
March 31, 2020 at 9:43 am

47 of 58 5/13/2020, 3:58 PM
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Rethinking of our use of

electricity. That’s a starting

The Invisible Rainbow: A

History of Electricity and Life
by Arthur Firstenberg

Amanda says:
March 30, 2020 at 5:52 pm

Twitter full of EMPTY HOSPITAL

VIDEOS!!!!!! People are WAKING
UP!!!! #FilmYourHospital

Arlyn says:
March 30, 2020 at 6:26 pm

The sheeple will blindly follow and

assist in their own capture and
containment with this conspiracy of
Medical Martial Law Lockdown

This is a long range contrived agenda

that various countries have released
this CV19 onto the civilian
population. We have the government
lying, we have the medical mafia
lying, we have the pharmaceuticals
lying, we have the vaccine
corporations lying and all of those
assisting at the higher levels of these
agencies are lying with the assistance
of the global corporate-government
propaganda apparatus. Some are just
plain dumb and ignorant and going
through with it not to lose their jobs
or positions. They are all ‘Medical
advisors’ so they are going to get a
narrow medical viewpoint with their
medical indoctrination of the liar and
plagiarist louis Pasteur instead of the
true physician of Antoine Bechamp.

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Medicine is a Racket and medicine

kills a in addition to human error and
misdiagnosis s its the third largest
killer in the operation of Western
medicine! Think about that. That is
why there is no public criticism
allowed as they want you to believe in
medicine and have confidence in
medicine. It is heavily and
unwarranted protection instead of
accountability and transparency for
the public. If you have not figured it
out yet medicine is part of Agenda 21.

Medical errors kill almost 100000

Americans a year

Arlyn says:
March 30, 2020 at 6:26 pm

Louis Pasteur vs. Antoine Bechamp:

Know the True Causes of Disease

Louis Pasteur Plagiarist, Impostor &

the Truth About Vaccines

Pasteur: Plagiarist impostor! : the

germ theory exploded

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Arlyn says:
March 30, 2020 at 6:28 pm

No dissent will be allowed just like

the Port Arthur Massacre, 9/11, the
Iraq and Afghanistan war lies and the
protection of opium, the coercive
vaccine agenda and many other topic
issues. I will not be surprised if they
will start to have compulsory
vaccinations for everyone with the
nano-chips as its all in place and has
been for years.

Arlyn says:
March 30, 2020 at 6:28 pm

Corona Shutdown in Australia — But

For How Long?

Fevers are to burn up toxins and

waste products as we are 93%
bacteria. We all have viruses and
viruses are good as they mop up that
which is of no use to the human
organism by our “Innate” immune
systems that we are all born with. It
is to keep us healthy. The only
narrative is there is no cure and when
will the coronavirus vaccine be
available? Any other natural cures…
not medical remissions of
suppressing symptoms by toxic and
contaminated drugs and vaccines is
suppressed like Vit. C and Vit. D
which have been proven to do so.

How a fever helps the immune

system to battle infection When
you’re sick, you might develop a
fever. It can be part of the body’s
response to an infection. Many

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

parents and themselves are having

too many dairy products and junk
foods to their offspring which build
up mucous, phlegm and catarrh
which the very flawed medical model
likes to say “catch a cold”. Too much
protein and carbohydrates will also
do the same. Far too many processed
packaged foods are used instead of
fresh foods. The poison tap water is
also a immuno-suppressant and
harmful to good health and causes
many health issues scientifically

Plamen says:
March 31, 2020 at 9:26 am

^ This

Piksil says:
March 31, 2020 at 5:46 pm


Arlyn says:
March 30, 2020 at 6:29 pm

According to a medical study

published in the BMC Pediatrics:

Fever is generally considered harmful

by physicians and is treated with
antipyretics as it may lead to febrile
seizures, stupor, dehydration,
increased breathing, discomfort, and
tachycardia [52].

While these are valid concerns, we

have to get rid of all the allopathic
medical field’s fear-mongering
techniques on this topic. They
consistently warn of the dangers of
febrile seizures and brain damage
when the problems with treating a
fever are much more prevalant.
According to an article from The New

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

York Times:

Other studies have looked at

attitudes among medical personnel,
who can be just as worried about
fever as parents … Some of the
phobia ‘comes from doctors and

The study above adds:

It is a common practice to treat even

low-grade fevers of 101–102F with
antipyretics. Home use of
antipyretics upon the first signs of a
fever is also common. These
behaviors have lead to the ubiquitous
use of aspirin, acetaminophen,
nimesulide, and ibuprofen, which
control temperature by inhibiting
prostaglandin synthesis in the

The evidence that medical doctors

are causing unnecessary fever phobia
is best summed up by a doctor

“Doctors do a great disservice to you

and your child when they prescribe
drugs to reduce fever” says Dr.
Robert Mendelsohn, pediatrician and
author of How To Raise A Healthy
Child in Spite of Your Doctor. “Fever
phobia is a disease of pediatricians,
not parents, and to the extent that
parents are victimized by it, doctors
are at fault.” Parents are left to fear
that their child’s temperature will
keep rising unless measures are
taken to control it . “They don’t tell
you that reducing his temperature
will do nothing to make the patient
well or that our bodies have a built-in
mechanism, not fully explained, that
will prevent an infection-induced
temperature from reaching 106
degrees F (41 degrees C) (3)

NC says:

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

March 31, 2020 at 8:42 am

Not only that but

hyperthermia is the way of
the body to burn up toxins!
Artificially induced
hyperthermia has been and is
used to successfully treat all
sorts of imbalances.
Suppressing fevers with toxic
chemicals (ie all
pharmaceuticals) leads to
creating more serious dis-

Arlyn says:
March 30, 2020 at 6:30 pm

SARS-Cov-2 is a psyop: virus co-

manufactured in Geelong Australia
and the US

craig says:
March 30, 2020 at 7:01 pm

more fake pics

Laura says:
March 30, 2020 at 7:25 pm

So grainy and shaky,

deliberately unclear. And
what an awfully huge
“freezer” truck for very few
bodies…if there actually were
any with “covid.” I believe a
regular coroner’s van or two
could have dealt with those
bodies…the massive truck
was a huge waste, as is

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

everything else about this

damn fraud. This is all for
show, fabricated, for
maximum panic among the
gullible masses. People surely
die at Brooklyn hospital all
the time. And I believe that
man narrating the full video
was paid by the usual
suspects. If he’s acting, he
deserves some jobs in
It’s interesting to note that in
the United States in 2010
there were 2.5 million total
deaths, with about one-third
of those deaths (about
835,000) occurring in short-
stay, general hospitals (as
opposed to nursing homes).
Suddenly it’s something out
of a horror novel and reason
to wreck the economy while
everyone’s on lockdown for
Thanks for that link.

AnObserver says:
March 30, 2020 at 7:43 pm

And you TRUST the World Health

Organization (WHO)?? Former head
of Marxist terrorist group, and lying
POS in charge of the health of
Check out Amazing Polly’s latest

Wondering Woman says:

March 30, 2020 at 8:21 pm

What scares the ell-o out of me in

this fear mongering hoax of covid 19
being so deadly (lies) is they knew
about this covid 19 in 2012 – applied
for a patent on a vaccine for it in
2016 – patent granted 1n 2019 and

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

the covid 19 started in China 1n

2020. Knowing how devious these
new world order and deep state
establishment INSIDERS are, I
suspect this fear mongering hoax has
a dual purpose of crashing our
economy and making a huge profit by
mandating everyone has to take the
vaccine to keep the new world order
afloat financially – but most devious
of all they will likely try to mandate
that all children must take the
vaccine before they can return to
school and those vaccines are likely
to be more deadly than all the corona
viruses combined, which will go a
long way toward furthering their goal
of eliminating 95% of the population
in any country that buys into this
hoax and accepts the vaccine.

Rtp says:
March 30, 2020 at 9:56 pm

Candace Owens is another one that is

actually doing good work here – and
she has a huge following.

She has looked at all cause deaths in

the US and found that 2020 figures
are tracking lower than previous
years! Although to be fair, once we
start starving then I’m sure the
deaths will rise.

lamberth says:
March 30, 2020 at 10:20 pm

It would be a huge help if people

would just turn their TV off.
The Fear would vanish overnight.
The Virus would vanish overnight.

That was easy, wasn’t it.
Didn’t even require medical
intervention of any kind.

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

fast says:
March 31, 2020 at 8:14 am

Great Idea Lamberth, I shut

down last week… happier and
less stress!

Plamen says:
March 31, 2020 at 9:22 am

Spot on!

fast says:
March 31, 2020 at 8:10 am

thank you Jon for the informative


KalikaWarrior says:
March 31, 2020 at 12:12 pm

Thank you Jon for this little piece of

“gnosis”. I’m pleased to translate an
publish it to spanish in my blog.

Larry C says:
March 31, 2020 at 4:32 pm

Media coverage of the putative

pandemic, is *precisely* like a very
scary movie….without the popcorn.


covid_skeptic says:
March 31, 2020 at 5:13 pm

Whether this virus is real or fake or

being over-hyped or under-hyped,
really doesn’t matter in regards to the
implementation of their wanted
international system, as long as they
can make/let the virus spread (if
real/under-hyped) OR seem like a
real major threat (if fake/over-
hyped), enough to implement the
required multi-phase “response”
protocols on an international level.

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

When looking at this virus/outbreak,

you must keep in mind the elites
wanted goals, and their intended
method to get it… Order Out Of
Chaos (Ordo ab Chao)… If you
understand their end-game and the
implementation method, it should
become fairly clear that this current
“creeping” virus/outbreak (again
whether real or fake) is the perfect
scenario for the WHO/UN to
implement several MAJOR elements
of their wanted international New
World Order system, all done in a
way that is “justified” as being

-Justified chaos/breakdown
-Justified emergency powers
-Justified lockdowns/checkpoints
-Justified forced
-Justified travel restrictions
-Justified forced relocation
-Justified mass body scanners
-Justified “information”
-Justified “false cure” restrictions
-Justified tracking/tracing
-Justified experimental vaccine
-Justified forced vaccination
-Justified food/water/gas rationing
-Justified military intervention
-Justified UN intervention
-Justified rebellion scapegoat
-Justified ban on public
-Justified citizen disarmament
-Justified removal of physical money
-Justified monetary collapse(bail-
-Justified international
-Justified population reduction

I guess the point is, just remember as

this event unfolds, that it will all fit
perfectly into the bigger agenda at

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Corona: creating the illusion of a pandemic through diagnostic tests « Jo...

play (all coincidentally of course).

Today, America would be outraged if

UN troops entered Los Angeles to
restore order. Tomorrow they will be
grateful! This is especially true if they
were told that there was an outside
threat from beyond, whether real or
promulgated, that threatened our
very existence. It is then that all
people of the world will plead to
deliver them from this evil. The one
thing every man fears is the
unknown. When presented with this
scenario, individual rights will be
willingly relinquished for the
guarantee of their well-being granted
to them by the world government.
-Henry Kissinger

Paul DeCourcey says:

March 31, 2020 at 5:27 pm

If you allow anyone to test you for

COVID-19, you will be contaminated
with the virus.

Wuhan says:
March 31, 2020 at 10:19 pm

Both FDA reference have now been

removed. But can see by searching
the quoted phrase, those links are
what comes up in Google. That was
memory-holed fast! Did anybody
make a copy?

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