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At one time there was an elderly woman who lived in the hut, located in a remote village. He
lived with a grandson who was a child. The old lady used to be called grandma. My
grandmother had a daughter, but unfortunately fate is not good> Children grandmother had
long been dead, so the old woman lived alone with her grandson. The old lady is very dear to
her grandson, to provide food and drink, the old woman working disebuah factory far from
his home. Throughout his life the old woman working for a living for himself and his
grandson. Salaries earned grandmother was very poor so can not be to supply all her life with
her grandchildren. The old woman's grandson was a kid so it must drink milk because her
body is thin due to illness.
Grandson old woman suffering from extreme malnutrition, so it must be a lot of nutritious
food so as not seriously ill. Likewise

Pada suatu hari ada seorang wanita tua yang tinggal di gubug, terletak di desa terpencil. Ia tinggal
dengan seorang cucunya yang masih kecil. Wanita tua itu biasa dipanggil nenek. Nenek mempunyai
seorang anak perempuan, tetapi sayang nasibnya tidak baik> Anak nenek tersebut telah lama mati ,
sehingga tinggallah wanita tua itu seorang diri bersama cucunya. Wanita tua itu sangat sayang
kepada cucunya, untuk memberikan makan dan minum, wanita tua itu bekerja disebuah pabrik yang
letaknya jauh dari rumahnya. Sepanjang hidupnya nenek tua itu bekerja mencari nafkah untuk
dirinya dan cucunya. Gaji yang didapat nenek itu sangat minim sehingga tidak dapat untuk
mencukupi seluruh hidupnya bersama cucunya. Cucu wanita tua itu masih kecil sehingga harus
minum susu karena tubuhnya yang kurus akibat penyakitnya.

Cucu wanita tua itu menderita penyakit busung lapar, sehingga harus banyak makan yang bergizi
agar tidak sakit parah. Begitupun


Adverse General

Floods that happen always cause harm to those affected by flooding, either directly or indirectly,
known as the impact of flooding. The impact of flooding will be experienced directly by those who
house or the environment affected by flood water. If the flood lasts a long time will be very harmful
because the activity would be much disturbed. Any activity becomes uncomfortable and dirty
environments that impact the lack of clean water and a variety of diseases easily infect people
stricken with floods.

Diseases That Occur As Flood Impacts

Impact of floods that occur frequently disturb the health of the environment and health of citizens.
Unhealthy environment for all the trash and dirt that drifted often pollute the environment.

Water-borne garbage and rotting caused disease in the skin itches, and lots of flies flying around
because of the rotting garbage that a lot of abdominal pain also occur. Polluted water sources so
that those affected by flood water and consume difficulties because of an emergency, as a cause of

Deadly Business

The impact of flooding was remarkable luas.Rumah can be damaged because of flood. Items of
household furniture, if not rescued immediately be swept away and damaged as well. What's worse
if people who have a home business could be disrupted production activities that resulted in losses.

Losses due to production can not affect the fate of employees who depend on the business. Loss on
ineffectiveness of production could lose customers, jams and damage to capital equipment because
of flooding.If the situation continued to be so populist that lead to economic stagnation and growing
impact on social problems in society are often at the flood struck.

Administrative Loss

Often the impact of this flood is not just bringing the impact of material loss. Due to frequent
flooding offices, schools or even private agencies have lost important documents of residence and
the like.

As a result of floods often force schools had closed from the learning activities. All students and
teachers and can not move regularly, even sometimes a lot of important files and data stored on
damaged schools inundated.

Flooding can not be known when they come from, but also can be anticipated by preparing yourself
to save important documents to higher ground. Making specific storey building is safe to put
important documents as well as learning tools vulnerable to damage when inundated for schools
that are in flood prone areas is necessary.

Back To Point Zero

Impact of floods often make individuals, families, communities, institutions, schools and anyone
experiencing loss. Not infrequently the family also have to lose everything. Lost their loved ones,
family, home and everything in it, also work.

Being zero at this point the appropriate term. All gone and lost instantly. Not infrequently those who
are experiencing these floods also have memory loss because of severe depression is not strong due
to bear the brunt of the impact of flooding for himself.

National Disaster

Many times in our beloved country is there a huge flood or flash flood. Recently, also occurs in
Papua occurred precisely in Wasior flash flood which took so many human victims.

Life orderly and peaceful society was suddenly torn apart because of flooding. Suffering is so clearly
reflected in those who have experienced it. The government set a national disaster.

As a citizen who has a high concern for almost all Indonesian citizens in any area rushing to reach out
to each other can share the load order to ease the suffering of our brothers and sisters affected by
flooding in Papua Wasior.

Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata's first novel, published by the Geography Library in 2005. This novel
tells the story of the lives of 10 children from poor families who attend school (elementary and
junior high school) at a Muhammadiyah school in the Pacific Islands which are full of limitations.

The story takes place in the village of Hanging, East Belitung. It started when the school threatened
Muhammadiyah will be dissolved by the MOEC Sumsel nisi reach new students a number of 10
children. When the new 9 children who attend the opening ceremony, but just as Mr. Harfan, the
principal, gave a speech about closing the school, Aaron and his mother came to enroll in the small

That's where their story begins. Starting from the placement of seats, their meeting with Pak Harfan,
their incredible introduction in which A Kiong that even grinning when asked his name by their
teacher, Mrs. Mus. Stupid incident conducted by Borek, election class president who protested
loudly by Kucai, the incidence of discovery of extraordinary talent Mahar, experiences first love
Curly, until the stakes are life-latitude pedaled 80 km round trip from home to school.

They, Laskar Pelangi - the name given Bu Muslimah will delight those of the rainbow - one had it the
name the school in various ways. For example Mahar revenge which is always cornered his friends
because his pleasure with the occult which led to sweet victory at the carnival 17 August, and the
extraordinary genius who challenged and defeated latitude Drs. Zulfikar, school teachers are
certified PN rich and famous, and won the quiz contest. Laskar Pelangi navigate the days fun, laugh
and cry together. The story ends with ten herd latitude father's death that forced the little Einstein
dropped out of school with a very touching, and continued with events 12 years later where Curly
are fighting outside the island Belitong back to his village. This beautiful story with a hilarious and
touching summarized by Andrea Hirata, we even can feel the spirit of childhood ten members of the
Rainbow Warriors this.


Congestion is a situation or circumstance in delays or even interruption of traffic caused by the large
number of vehicles exceeds the capacity of the road. Congestion occurs in many large cities,
especially who do not have good public transportation or sufficient or not well balanced with the
needs of road density of population, such as Jakarta and Bangkok. Traffic jams become everyday
problems in Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan and other big cities in Indonesia.

The cause of congestion:

Jams can occur for several reasons: The current through path has exceeded the capacity of road

Traffic accidents that resulted in the smooth disorder because people who watched the scene of an
accident or because of accidents involved vehicle is not removed from the traffic lane,

flooding so that vehicles slow down vehicles There are road repairs,

Certain road sections of landslides, traffic congestion caused such panic in case of the tsunami siren
The negative impact of congestion

Traffic congestion is a big negative impact which is caused by:

Loss of time, because of the low travel speed

Waste of energy, because at low speeds lower fuel consumption,

Wear and tear on the vehicle is higher, because time is longer for short distances, the radiator is not
functioning well and a higher use of brakes,

Increasing air pollution because at low speeds higher energy consumption, and the machine does
not operate at optimal conditions,

Improve road user stress,

Disruption of emergency vehicles like ambulances, fire brigade in carrying out their duties

How to Reduce Congestion

Many ways to reduce this congestion, ranging from the imposition of lane 3 in 1, build a bridge
overpass, building a bus lane way, and right the situation and evictions in the shoulder of the road
which is considered to cause kemacetan.Namun all it still does not reduce the congestion that

The way to reduce this congestion could perhaps emulate, namely cycling

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