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Statistical Data Analysis using SPSS course provides an introduction to applied statistics and SPSS for
analyzing quantitative data. Data is the new crude oil, do you have the skills to refine it?”
95% of the world’s data has been created in just the past 2 years. Data is the next natural resource and Big
Data is becoming the new differentiating factor of production. Faced with overwhelming amounts of data,
organisations are struggling to extract the powerful insights they need to make smarter business decisions.
Norwegian Research Training Institute (NRTI) through this course will give you the skills and necessary
knowledge on how to help you uncover the true value of your data, to support you make innovative ways
and make data-driven decisions. Participants who have an interest in learning and picking up quantitative
data analysis methods and concepts will find this course useful and applicable. Practical data analysis
sessions will be based on publicly available.

Why the Course?

Evidence-based programs within National governments, Non-profit making organizations, corporate
organizations requires concrete knowledge in data analysis and results from interpretation. It is therefore
imperative that technocrats, programmers and policymakers are adequately equipped with relevant data
analysis skills. This course is tailored to introduce statistical knowledge and prepare participants for data
analysis tasks

Course Outline
Each session will include a lecture followed by practicals. Participants will also get a chance to see how
data analysis is being applied in a real-life scenario.
 Introduction Data management and Analysis : Variable identification, missing values, outliers
treatments, univariate and bivariate analysis, data transformation
 Data Quality, Sample size determination when target population is known and unknown, adjustment
of sample size with non- response rate
 Introduction to SPSS: Data entry, data manipulation
 Descriptive statistics and data visualisation
 Statistical Inferences: Hypothesis testing
 Test statistics: parametric and non-parametric tests
 Correlation and regression: Simple and multiple linear regression, logistic regression

The course will:
 Introduce participants to SPSS as a data analysis tool
 Introduce survey data as a key quantitative resource for social science research
 Introduce basic statistics for exploratory data analysis including methods for describing and
summarizing variable distributions
 Provide essential skills for data manipulation including selecting subsets and recoding
 Introduce the visual representation of variables in scatter graphs, bar charts, and histograms

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