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Part three- worksheet

Pedagogical Experience I
Group: 551028_15

Juana Rozo

Claudia Marcela Vergara
Code: 1052399906

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Bachelor in English as a Foreign Languages

Today's society requires highly trained professionals, who have skills and abilities that
allow them to be at the forefront of the challenges that arise in the environment. To this
end, one of the demands with the greatest demand is understanding and expression in the
English language, since as this is the universal language, greater access to knowledge and
multiple job offers is possible. Thus, in order to prepare these professionals, it is necessary
to guide students from their first school years, on the importance of grammar,
pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary in English.
To the above, in the Bilingual Gymnasium School of Zipaquirá, teachers in the English area
must design their educational materials in a virtual way according to the interests and needs
of the students. To this end, it must be ensured that the student manages to attract attention
and is motivated to learn English as a second language in the best way.
The present work seeks to introduce students to the subject of geometric figures in English
so that they know them, identify them, and relate them to the objects they find around them.
Materials for the class
1) Printed sheet
2) Colors
3) House objects that have a circle and square shape
The activity should be developed as follows.
1) Place the song of the figures found in the following link:
2) After this, especially objects that have the shape of a circle and a square are taken.
3) It is repeated several times how these two figures are pronounced
4) With the same objects, ask the boy or girl who the figure has, the answer must be in
5) Time to use the copy
5.1 They are shown the figures that appear there and then they must mention the
5.2 ask the student what things are in a circular shape, it can be objects, animals, etc.
5.3 After mentioning them, ask the student to draw some of the things mentioned in the
5.4 Color it.
5.5 Ask the student what objects are square in shape.
5.6 After mentioning them, ask the student to draw some of the above in the square.
5.7 Color it.
6) Finally, repeat the shapes and mention the object or animal you made in English.

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