I'M In!: What IS This Game?

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In this game, the Games Master
- or as we call them in this
game, The Boss gathers the
players to play out a heist, a job,
a scheme, a scam. Use whatever rob/steal/heist/nick/abduct this
setting you want. The important thing [noun] is a good guide. The Boss
is that the gang is brought together can take suggestions from the
during the start of the game, starting
with “The Boss”. The playerʼs character players or come up with it prior to
will be defined by other players so the game.
make sure to have a chat at the start of
the game about the tone and the Now that we know what the job is,
setting. Also, talk about anything that itʼs time for The Boss to hire the
players at the table might want to avoid first member of the crew. Have a
so that everyone plays characters they think about the job and what might
are happy with. be needed to complete it. Then
think of a character and why THEY
are needed. All you need is a
THE BOSS profession/expertise, which they
Have a think about who “The Boss” introduce. Remember this first
is in your game and make it work character will completely set the
with the setting you want to use. A tone for the rest of character
brilliant thief, a corrupt ex-town- creation, so think carefully!
guard, a wise old dragon, or “Weʼre going to rob the Crown Casino.
anything else that works! The only Of course, to do it, weʼll need someone to
rule is The Boss cannot act beyond crack the so-called impossible to crack
getting the crew together for safe, so weʼll need an expert
whatever reason, be it an old safecracker...”
injury, they have priors, or theyʼre
known too well by the people you Itʼs then up to one of the other
are acting against -or whatever players to step forward and take
other reason you like. control of this character. At this
point, they give the character a
name and then working with The
BRINGING THE Boss, come up with a problem for
that character.
CREW TOGETHER “Oh, Iʼll play that character, you can
Once The Boss is established, the call me ʻThe Suitʼ, and I kinda like the
boss will then layout what the job idea that maybe I owe a crime family
is. The job can be almost anything, a lot of money, maybe for gambling
but keep it simple – we're here to debts?”
Renata Bruscato (Order #27137197)
The player then describes where • They can accept the character
The Boss is going to find you and as given.
what it will take to join the job.
Remember that you will join in the • They can change the character
job, so find a reason for them to slightly because the character
join! the players wanted to get isnʼt
“Ok, so Iʼm down in some dirty crappy
bar, looking dapper in the suit that got • Whichever option they choose,
me my nickname. Two guys approach make sure that they work with
me from the Carbonell family, looking the other players and The Boss
for me to pay off my gambling debts. to define what with this.
Thatʼs when The Boss comes in and
explains to them that Iʼll be able to pay “Okay, so I like the idea of playing the
my debts once Iʼve done one job for him. acrobat, but unfortunately the guy you
They agree as they know The Boss wanted to get for this is in hospital, so
always keeps his word. You son of a Iʼll be playing as a parkour expert
bitch, Iʼm in” instead. You son of a bitch, Iʼm in!”

Once the first member of the crew This is all prologue to the game, so
is recruited, they then have to hire donʼt take too long, but let
the second member of the crew, everyone have their scene
who hires the next member, and so introducing their character. Once
on until everyone has a character. everyone has a character, and the
Each time, follow the same method job is defined with all the
set out above. Define a challenges, the job can begin!
complication for the job, then
create the character who could deal
with that - another player then PLANNING THE
steps up and takes on control of
this character, names them, JOB
defines a character problem, and Once characters are made they
what they are doing prior to being should have a character name, a
hired. The character before them is profession/expertise, and a
then in charge of recruiting them problem. Youʼll also have generated
and can opt to take any one person a job with a set of problems that
in the crew to assist, including the need to be resolved, which the Boss
boss. should have noted down. Give The
Feel free to define as much or little Boss a few minutes to prepare for
as you like: give them a name,a running the job, if they need it.
backstory, define if youʼve worked Players should use this time to go
with this person before - did it go over the different complications
well for you or did it all go to hell? and come up with how they plan to
The last person to get a character solve the issues. At this point, the
has a choice to make when idea is that the characters are
presented with the final character. sitting around a table somewhere
They get to pick one of the going over the plan. Once the
following options: players have a rough plan of action,
itʼs time to head out on the job.

Renata Bruscato (Order #27137197)

THE JOB • If the player beats The Bossʼ
roll, you succeed!
Now that you have a plan itʼs time
to take on the job! Maybe you have • If you equal or get less, you
a few things to do to set up before fail!
you actually start the job, but from If the players rolled any problems
this point, there is risk involved in (1s), give these dice to The Boss,
anything you do. When you want who can use them to introduce
to do something there is clear complications to the game.
opposition against you, in whatever
form that might take, then it is at • If The Boss spends it straight
this point you make a test. away, they have to introduce
the complications based on
When making a test, players will what you just rolled. For
determine with The Boss if a example, if you were trying to
characterʼs expertise would help pick the lock on the door, The
with the situation at hand. Boss could say that the door is
left slightly ajar after youʼve
• If it would help them, roll 3d6 gone through it and a passing
and total up the two highest guard will notice.
dice to get their result for the
test. • The Boss can save the dice and
spend them later to introduce
• If their expertise wouldnʼt help an unforeseen complication
them, roll 2d6 and total the dice that players will now have to
results. overcome. This shouldnʼt be
In either case, ignore any 1s rolled something that is impossible
and they will cause a problem. for the players to take care of,
but a new challenge they hadnʼt
The Boss will determine how planned for. For example, the
difficult the task you are trying to players hack the computer to
beat is: get the safe combination, but
The Boss spends a problem so
• If the task is easy, The Boss that before the players get in,
rolls 1d6 (picking a simple lock) the manager of the casino has
downloaded and deleted the
• If the task is challenging, The server copies of the codes! Now
Boss rolls 2d6 (fighting your you have to get the manager!
way past a guard)
• If the task is hard, The Boss CREDITS
rolls 3d6 and use the two
highest dice (cracking a Writer and Designer: Drew Gotobed
Editors: Lynne Hardy & Hannah Butler
thought to be impossible safe Thanks to: Rhiannon Oxley & Robert
with no one noticing) Laverick
Inspiration: One Last Job by Grant
Total up all the dice, excluding any Howitt & Heist Movies
problems (1s) that the players roll:

Renata Bruscato (Order #27137197)

RANDOM ROLL 5. Weʼre going to steal a shipment
of drugs from the cartel in
order to sell them ourselves.
TABLES TO 6. Weʼre going to steal prototype
IMPROVE technology from one company
to sell to their rival.
EVERYTHING If we’re going to do this we’re
Donʼt know what to heist? Or have a going to need a…
player who is stuck for a character 1. Getaway driver
idea? Donʼt worry, we got you 2. Hacker
covered with these random roll
tables. All the tables are focused 3. Face
for a modern setting, but with a 4. Safecracker/Lock expert
little work could be adjusted to suit 5. Weapons Expert
whatever setting youʼd like to use! 6. Master Thief
We’re here to… Allow me to introduce myself,
1. Steal you can call me…
2. Rob 1. “The Cobra”
3. Heist 2. “Quiet Godfather”
4. Burglarize 3. “Fluffy”
5. Purloin 4. “Breaker”
6. Plunder 5. “Popcorn”
…this… 6. “Shadow”
1. Information from a company I have problems, though…
2. Bank 1. Gambling problems.
3. Criminal Organisation 2. I owe someone big and
4. Armoured Transport powerful a lot of money.
5. Important Person 3. Someone wants me dead.
6. The Heart (Discuss what this is) 4. Law enforcement is hot on my
What’s the job? tail.
5. I have no job, and my family
1. Weʼre going to rob the Royale needs feeding.
Casino, a usually impossible job
but with the right team… 6. You killed my father, prepare to
2. Weʼre going to kidnap Elena
Carboni, daughter of Corrado What went wrong?
Carboni so that heʼll make a 1. Men with large guns stop you
deal with us. 2. The thing is on the move
3. Weʼre going to rob the Central 3. Dogs.
Bank, in broad daylight so
everyone will know who we 4. Someone noticed whatʼs
are. happening
4. Weʼre going to break into a 5. You asked for miracles? I give
local art gallery to steal the you the FBI (Or equivalent)
prize artwork before opening 6. Someone playing hero
Renata Bruscato (Order #27137197)

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