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Fluid Mechanics II


Dr. Jawad Sarwar

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Engineering & Technology Lahore, Pakistan
Mechanical Energy
The form of energy that can be converted to mechanical work completely and
directly by an ideal mechanical device such as an ideal turbine.
Familiar forms: Kinetic energy, potential energy
Remember: Thermal energy is not mechanical energy. But Why?

Pump: A pump transfers mechanical energy to a fluid by raising its pressure.

Turbine: A turbine extracts mechanical energy from a fluid by dropping its

Therefore, the pressure of a flowing fluid is also associated with its mechanical
energy . Pa=N/m2=Nm/m3=J/m3 (energy per unit volume).

Flow work: A pressure force acting on a fluid through a distance produces work,
called flow work, in the amount of 𝑃/𝜌 per unit mass.

Mechanical energy:
𝑃 𝑉ത 2
𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑐ℎ = + + 𝑔𝑧
𝜌 2
Change in mechanical energy:
𝑃2 − 𝑃1 𝑉ത22 − 𝑉ത12 1
∆𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑐ℎ = + + 𝑔 𝑧2 − 𝑧1
𝜌 2
Mechanical Efficiency






Turbine-Gen: 2
General Energy Equation

First law of thermodynamics

Energy can be neither created nor destroyed during a
process; it can only change forms. ∆E = Ein − Eout
Examples: Falling rock, Humans

Remember: A quantity that moves from one location to

another within a system is not considered as a
transferred quantity in an analysis since it does not enter
or exit the system. Therefore, it is important to specify
the system and thus clearly identify its boundaries before
and engineering analysis is performed.


Total energy 𝑉ത 2
𝑒 = 𝑢 + 𝑘𝑒 + 𝑝𝑒 = 𝑢 + + 𝑔𝑧
Energy transfer by heat 2
Internal Energy Sensible and Latent forms of internal energy 3
➢ How heat transfers? Temperature difference
➢ Heat transfer rate
Energy transfer by heat - continued

Adiabatic process: A process during which there is not heat transfer

Two ways for a process to be adiabatic
(1) System is well insulated (2) No temperature difference
Remember: The energy content and thus the temperature of a system can be
changed during an adiabatic process by other means such as work transfer.
Energy transfer by work
An energy interaction is work if it is associated with a force acting through a
distance. A rising piston, a rotating shaft are all associated with work
Examples: Car engines and hydraulic, steam and gas turbines produce work;
compressors, pumps, fans and mixers consume work

The time rate of doing work is called power.(W)
Shaft work
Many flow systems involve a machine such as a pump, a
turbine, a fan, or a compressor whose shaft protrudes
through the control surface, and the work transfer
associated with all such devices is simply referred to as Piston Cylinder device
shaft work.
The power transmitted via a rotating shaft is proportional
to the shaft torque and is expressed as: Wሶ shaft = ωTshaft = 2πnT
ሶ shaft
Work done by Pressure Forces
Refer to piston cylinder device as shown in previous slide, the piston moves
down a differential distance ds under the influence of the pressure force PA,
where A is the cross-sectional area of the piston. The boundary work done on
the system is:
δWboundary = PA ds
Dividing both sides by the differential time interval dt gives time rate of boundary
work (i.e. power)
δWሶ pressure = δWሶ boundary = PAVpiston
Now consider a material chunk of fluid (a system) of
arbitrary shape, which moves with the flow and is free
to deform under the influence of pressure as shown in
the differential surface area figure.

δWሶ pressure = −PdA𝑉തn = −PdA V∙n

Positive for expansion
Vn =V cos θ Negative for compression

The negative sign ensures that the work done by pressure forces is positive when it is done on
the system, and negative when it is done by the system.

The total rate of work done by pressure forces is obtained by:


Wpressure = − න P V ∙ n dA = − න 𝜌 V ∙ n dA
Work done by Pressure Forces - continued
The net power transfer can be expressed as
Wሶ net in = Wሶ shaft,net in + Wሶ pressure,net in = Wሶ shaft,net in − න P V ∙ n dA
Then the rate form of the conservation of energy
relation for a closed system becomes:
Qሶ net,in + Wሶ shaft,net in + Wሶ pressure,net in =

Using Reynold’s theorem by replacing ‘B’ with total

energy and ‘b’ with total energy per unit mass ‘e’. This
dEsys d
= න e𝜌d𝐕 + න e𝜌 Vr ∙ n dA
dt dt
Comparison of equations yields Conservation of energy equation

Qሶ net,in + Wሶ shaft,net in + Wሶ pressure,net in = න e𝜌d𝐕 + න e𝜌 Vr ∙ n dA
dt 6

General form of the energy equation that applies to fixed, moving and
deforming control volume
Work done by Pressure Forces - continued
General: Qሶ net,in + Wሶ shaft,net in + Wሶ pressure,net in = න e𝜌d𝐕 + න e𝜌 Vr ∙ n dA
Which can be stated as:
The net rate of energy The time rate of The net flow rate of
transfer into a CV by = change of the energy + energy out of the control
heat and work transfer contents of the CV surface by mass flow

Substituting Wሶ pressure,net in in the general form, re-arranging yields

d P Fixed
Qሶ net,in + Wሶ shaft,net in = න e𝜌d𝐕 + න 𝜌 +e Vr ∙ n dA
dt 𝜌 Vr = V
Flow work
Rewriting above equation in terms of average velocities and mass flow rates:
d P P 𝑉ത 2
Qሶ net,in + Wሶ shaft,net in = න e𝜌d𝐕 + ෍ mሶ + e − ෍ mሶ +e e=u+ + gz
dt 𝜌 𝜌 2
CV out in

d P 𝑉ത 2 P 𝑉ത 2
Qሶ net,in + Wሶ shaft,net in = න e𝜌d𝐕 + ෍ mሶ +u+ + gz − ෍ mሶ +u+ + gz
dt 𝜌 2 𝜌 2
CV out in
Additional readings:
Solve examples 5-11 to 5-15
Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications by Yunus A. Ḉengel

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