Testing of Hypothesis: Submitted To: Prof. Dr. Sadia Farid

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Assignment engineering statistics
Testing of hypothesis for mean with single sample when population
variance is known

1. General concept of statistical hypothesis:

Problems faced by scientist or engineers have not proper estimation of population.
Therefore, they conclude a data-based decision. For example, an engineer may decide on the
basis of different data that whether the two screw gauges have accuracy or not. In such a case
the engineer gives a conjecture about the screw gauge. The conjecture then put in the form of
data called statistical hypothesis.

2. Definition:

A statistical hypothesis is a postulate concerning one or more population.

We cannot predict whether the hypothesis is true or false unless we study the whole
population. In most situation it is difficult to study the whole and thus we take a sample from
the data to give us proof either the hypothesis is true or false.

3. Null and alternative hypothesis:

Any hypothesis we want to test is called null hypothesis denoted by Ho.
When a null hypothesis is rejected or false another hypothesis is tested called alternative
hypothesis denoted by H1.

4. Type I error and probability:

When a true null hypothesis is rejected the error is called type I error. The probability of type
I error is called level of significance and denoted by α.

5. Type II error and probability:

When a false null hypothesis nonrejected then it is type II error and its probability is denoted
by β.

6. Properties of test a hypothesis:

i. Both the errors are relative if one decreases the other increases.
ii. Adjusting critical values can reduce type I error.
iii. Increasing sample reduce α and β.
7. Test on a single sample when variance is known:
As we know from Central Limit Theorem; Z = then
σ /√ n
X̄−μo X̄−μo
Z= σ > Z α/2 or Z = σ <- Z α/2
√n √n
If - Z α/2 < Z < Z α/2 not rejected Ho then rejection of Ho leads to alternative hypothesis
μ=μo . Such a definition of critical region shows that there is α probability of rejecting Ho.

8. Numerical problem:
An electrical manufacturing company make bulbs that have life time normally distributed
having mean 800 hours and standard deviation 40 hours. Test the hypothesis that μ = 800
hours against alternative μ not equal to 800 hours. If a random sample of 30 bulbs has
average life of 788 hours. Use P-value in answer.

Given hypotheses are:
Ho: μ = 800
H1: μ not equal to 800

788−8 0
Z= = -1.64
4 0/√ 30

Then P-value is 2P (Z< - 1.64) = 2(0.0505) = 0.1010

So, the mean is not different from 800 for α < 0.101.

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