SBA Question 2020 - 2021

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ACADEMIC YEAR 2020 - 2021







Description of the Project

Since Healthy Way Club has launched a new marketing campaign on January 1, 2020,Healthy Way’s Club
membership is on the rise. The manager, Imani Watson, has instituted:
(i) four new programs – Salsa, Aerobics, Fitness and Yoga
(ii) special rates
Also, she has added celebrity staff members to attract individuals from different strata of society. Members with
Special status get unlimited access to the gym’s facilities between 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and pay no
membership fee. Regular members pay a membership fee of $2000 every 4 weeks.

You are Imani Watson’s assistant and you have been assigned the task of:
1. Keeping track of the Health Way Club’s membership
2. Monitoring the Health Way Club’s income and expenses
3. Preparing various letters and creating an advertisement.



Design a brochure that will be used to advertise the club and provide information to the public about the health
club. The brochure should give a brief history of the health club, mission statement, and list some of the benefits
of being healthy, the opening hours, types of members, the costs relating to each type of membership and the
four new programs that are now being offered. Ensure to also include images relating services offered by the
gym, a page border and a table. Include a fillable registration form that allows persons to sign up to become a
member of the club. The brochure should be landscaped, tri-fold and onletter size paper. The margin should be
1” for the top and 0.5” for the left, right and bottom.


Using a suitable feature of your word processing application and data from the database section of your project,
create a letter which should be mailed to all trainers, inviting them to a staff meeting.

Design a suitable letterhead for your document which should be placed in a header. The letterhead should
include the company’s name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address as well as the company
logo. (Company name is Healthy Way Club and the company address is 5 Massy Road, Kingston 50, Jamaica,
W.I. You should supply your own telephone number, fax number, email address and logo). The letterhead
should be in the form of a header on the first page only. Use center justification for the letterhead. Use
appropriate font sizes for the letterhead details.

Include in the letter the following information:

a. The left margin must be 1.5 inches and remaining margins 1 inch.

b. A salutation in the form “Dear Trainer name”. This data could be retrieved from your database.

c. The letter should thank them for their service so far. It should also invite them to a discussion
relating to the way forward for the company in relation to its expenses and income. Inform them
of the time of the meeting.

d. Include the summary sheet from the spreadsheet section of the database that gives the trainer an
idea of the expenses and income for the past month.

e. Insert a footer, which should be center aligned,with the company motto.

f. The manager Imani Watson sends the letter.

This letter is to be merged and sent to all members.

Print the primary document, letter with fields, and merge letters.


Healthy Way Club

 Trainers are paid on commission.

 Each trainer is allowed a maximum of 15 members and a minimum of 10 members.
 The Attendance Fee Due is calculated based on the Status of the member. If a member’s Status is
Special then daily attendance fee charge is $500.00. If member’s status is Regular then daily attendance
fee charge is $1000.00.
 A Membership Fee of $2000 is paid; only by regular members every four weeks.
 Member can only attend the gym five (5) days per week.

Create the following worksheet for Janet Michaels shown below:

Sure Result Instructors

Staff Member Janet Michaels
Type of Trainer Salsa Instructor
Date March

Gym Members
Last First 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Total Sessions Status Attendance Fee Due
Hillary May 5 4 5 5 19 Special 9500.00
Hallister Tony 4 5 4 2 15 Special 7500.00
Bent Joyce 4 3 4 3 14 r 14000.00
Wilson Halice 5 4 4 3 16 Special 8000.00
Stevenso Regula
Brown n 4 5 5 4 18 r 18000.00
Swaby Kirky 5 3 4 4 16 Special 8000.00
Greenwic Regula
h Richard 1 4 3 4 12 r 12000.00
Walters Caroline 5 5 5 5 20 r 20000.00
Chang Diana 2 3 4 5 14 r 14000.00
Lewison Ivander 4 5 5 4 18 Special 9000.00
Jonas Isaacs 4 1 2 3 10 r 10000.00
Totals 43 42 45 42 172 130000.00


(a) Create additional worksheets for the following trainers:

i. Markland Holmes – Aerobics Instructor
ii. Mary Jackson - Yoga Instructor
iii. NatelBinns – Fitness Instructor

(Note: Each type of trainer must be placed on separate worksheets. Rename each sheet as the
appropriate trainer’s name)

(b) For all trainers:

Calculate Attendance fee due.
Attendance fee due = Total Sessions * daily attendance fee charged (based on status).

(c) Add columns and include data for the membership fee and the total fee payable.

(d) Numerical values must be displayed in appropriate formats with percentage (%) sign, dollar ($) sign,
comma style (,) and a decimal place of 2.

(e) Insert special member,Jimmy Jennings, before the last person for the Aerobics instructor. Complete
all information for this new member.

(f) Create and complete the Summary area as shown below on a new worksheet.

Healthy Way’s Summary

Trainer's Name
Last First Trainer's type Total Session Attendance Total Fees Due Commission
Holmes Markland Aerobic
Jackson Mary Yoga
Michaels Janet Salsa
Binns Natel Fitness

(g) The commission is calculated at 25% of the Total Fees Due. Include the Total, Minimum, Maximum
and Average for the Total Session Attendance, Total Fees Due and Commission columns.

(h) All trainers as well as their members must be sorted in ascending order by last name.

(i) Add a column to show the percentage of the total commission for each trainer.

(j) Create a complex criterion to select all information on trainers from the summary area whose total
sessions attendance is less than 170and have Commission greater than $30,000.00.

(k) Create and complete the Income & Expense area as shown below on a new worksheet.

Healthy Way’s Income / Expense

Income (Total Fees Due)  
  Phone $ 5,000.00
  Water $ 3,000.00
  Electricity $ 10,000.00
  Total Commission
  Miscellaneous $ 6,000.00
Net Income/Loss  

(l) Create a pie chart from the Summary sheet to show each trainer’s commission.

(m) Create a column chart from the Net Income sheet to compare the expenses.

(n) Create a pivot table showing the total of attendance fee due for each membership type for a specific
trainer. The pivot table is to be placed below the members’ information on the selected trainer’s

Save your spreadsheet as HealthyWay Your First &Last Name.

You should use a suitable application to manage data on persons who have registered with the Healthy Way
Club. Your database should contain three tables. Using data from your spreadsheet populate your database
with data.

Create a database called “Your First & Last Name Healthy Way Club” which will consist of three tables as
shown below.

The field names are:
MemID, Last Name, First Name, Street, Parish, Member Status, Telephone Number, Date Joined, Trainers
Identification Number (TID).

 Ensure that all members added are those from the spreadsheet.
 The MemID is the primary key, which is assigned to EACH record. Note that the MemID numbers should
consist of a number with the prefix FIT for Fitness, SAL for Salsa, AER for Aerobics or YOG for Yoga.
For example FIT10, SAL1, AER3, YOG14.
 A member can only be a Fitness, Aerobics, Salsa or Yoga member.
 The addresses of the members include a wide cross-section of the country (for example not everyone should
be from Kingston).
 Add the following Yoga member: Damion Manning. Ensure that all the relevant information is included for
him based on the information above.
 Sort the table in ascending order by MemID.

The field names are:
MemID, Attendance fees due, Total Sessions, Membership fee due.
 The Attendance fee due figures should have a decimal place of zero (0).
 Sort the table in ascending order by MemID.

The field names are:
Trainer_Identification_Number (TID), Title, Last Name, First Name, Street, Parish, Telephone number.

 Sort the table in ascending order by last name, then by first name.

Imani Watson needs the following information from the database. Build queries to generate necessary

Using MEMBERS, FEES_ATTENDANCE and TRAINER, create the following queries. Name the queries as
shown in bold.

1. Trainer Name: List the trainers whose first name begins with “M”.
2. Aerobics Members: List the MemID number, name, total sessions,trainer’slast name of all Aerobics
members with total session greater than or equal to 15and whose status is ‘regular’
3. Total Fees: List the MemID number, attendance fee, membership fee and total fee due of all
regularmembers. ( Total fee due = membership fee + attendance fee)

4. Create a form that will accept member details.

5. Imani Watson also needs to generate the following report:

 Fees due for March: This report should show all members sorted in alphabetical order by last name and
group by trainer. The report should also list the total fees generated by each trainer and the number of
members for each trainer.Give this report the heading “Healthy Way Club” on line 1 and “Trainers’
Report” on line 2.


Imani Watson, the manager of Healthy Way Club has requested that you design a web page to provide the
publicwith general information about the club. The web page should include the following:

 The club’s logo

 Display information about the club (for example the types of members, membership fees, daily
attendance fees, number of session per week and the types of classes (Fitness, Aerobics, Salsa or Yoga
 Links to the club’s email address, a link to a different location in the web page or link to a user created



1. Develop a pseudocode that accepts as input the first name, last name, member status (only regular or
special should be accepted as inputs) and total sessions attended(should not exceed 20) for twelve (12)
Healthy Way Club members (three (3) from each trainer). The daily attendance fee and the membership
fee should be determined based on the status of the member. The total fees due of each member should
be calculated. The algorithm should display the first name, last name, member status and total fees due
for each member.

2. Design a trace table to trace the pseudocodedeveloped in question (1). The table should accept data for
total of twelve (12) members(threemembers for each trainer).


3. Using the programming language Pascal, write a program code to implement the pseudocode solution
you produced in question (1).

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