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PO Box 2199

QUEENSLAND Sunnybank Hills

QLD 4109
CLUB Inc. Phone No 0401 527017

Newsletter August 2020

Descending Mt Greville (see report p.3) Photo: MH

Club News
From the editor Bushwalk Database
Welcome to the August newsletter. Richard is keen to hear from anyone who may have a
walk suggestion in their local area that he (and other
The club has returned to a regular walks schedule and members) may not be aware of. These can be added
aren’t we enjoying it? This month’s newsletter features to the bushwalks database portal at -
walks to old favourites Mt Greville and Lizard Point, .
and there’s also an inner city ramble for variety. An If you have any queries please contact Richard.
upcoming Spicers Gap base camp provides various
walking possibilities.
QBW Membership and Renewal
Despite drought, floods, bushfires, and major works on
roads and infrastructure, it seems that the end may Membership is on an annual basis. The fee of $30 is
nearly be in sight to allow the re-opening of walks in now due for the 2020/21 club year from 1 July. Helen,
Lamington NP – Binna Burra section and camping at our membership officer, would be delighted to hear
Green Mountains. Perhaps some base camps may be from you when you plan to sign up again.
appropriate to celebrate? Payment by direct transfer into the club bank account
Note the important notice about the QBW Annual is preferred. Payment details are on page 6.
General Meeting coming up on 1 September. Note that you also need to fill out a membership form
Keep safe, maintain physical distancing and hygiene, (same form for new member or renewal), sign it and
and enjoy your walking… either post, email or hand it to Helen at a club meeting.
Michael H The club email is

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Notice Of Annual General Meeting Coming Walks
The club's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held
on Tuesday 1 September 2018. The venue is the Little With the update of Covid-19 pandemic
Kings Hall on the corner of Carl and O'Keefe Streets, restrictions applying from 3 July 2020,
Buranda. The AGM will immediately follow the usual QBW continues to provide walks and
monthly club meeting which starts at 7:30 pm. Note
that Covid-19 protocols must be observed on the night.
activities under specific conditions.
To vote at the Annual General Meeting you must be a
Updates are posted on QBW’s website.
financial member of the club. Proxy votes are Any person wishing to come on a club walk must
allowed if you are unable to attend the meeting. contact the walk leader first. The leader will organise
The nine management committee positions which will the meeting place and car arrangements and has full
be up for election are: discretion on who can come on the walk. If possible
provide leaders with plenty of forward notice if you wish
President Vice President Secretary to nominate for a walk or if you change your plans.
Treasurer Membership Officer Training Officer
Editor Social Secretary Outings Officer Nominations close 9:00pm on the Wednesday prior to
a weekend trip or by 9.00pm on the Monday before
If you would like to nominate yourself or another Wednesday trips.
person for a position, please fill in the nomination form
(see p.5) and send to the Secretary c/- the club postal More details are available in the club calendar.
address or provide it at the AGM. August 2020
The other important positions to be filled but which do 1 Sat White Rock (Ipswich) D/W
not have a vote on the management committee are: Ron Owen
Supper Convenor, Equipment Officer and two 2 Sun Walks planning (Sunnybank Hills) SOC
delegates for Bushwalking Queensland Inc. Stable Swamp walk 2pm & BBQ 4pm
No nominations are necessary for these four positions. Sandy Thomas
4 Tues Club meeting (Buranda)
Michael Hoopmann 0401 527 017
General News 8 Sat Plunkett Reserve (Logan Village) D/W
Covid-19 Update Michael Hoopmann
Queensland Health advice must be followed by all club 9 Sun Mt Maroon to the cave (Rathdowney) D/W
members while engaging in QBW activities. Note the Aileen Elliott
Covid-19 protocol on the club website and click here 14-16 Fri-Sun Spicers Gap Walks (Aratula) B/C
for the latest Queensland Health Directions. Richard Kolarski
22 Sat Somerset Trail (Mt Mee) D/W
Another very useful resource for those who want to Ron Owen
head out for recreation is at Outdoors Queensland 23 Sun Flinders Peak Cct (Ipswich) D/W
Covid19 Coronavirus Latest News and Updates. Aileen Elliott
Bushwalking Queensland and the QBW committee will 29 Sat Railway Workshops Museum (Ipswich)SOC
continue to monitor Covid-19 advice. Sandy Thomas

Most Queensland national parks, forests and September 2020

recreation areas are open for visiting, camping and 1 Tues Club meeting & AGM
Michael Hoopmann 0401 527 017
walking. For the latest advice about what rules apply
see: 4-6 Fri-Sun Mt Superbus & Lincoln Wreck T/W
Ralph Hales/Michael Hoopmann
Bookings can be made at
for one month in advance of any planned visits.
Proposed Walks
Maximum camper numbers will be set for each
campground to limit risks of congestion and to aid Sunshine Coast Hinterland Great Walk 18-21 Sept
camper compliance with Qld Health requirements. This walk is fully booked but if you wish to register as a
reserve please contact me by phone on 0457144012.
Lamington NP Access Updates Thanks Aileen
Bibbulmun Track WA September 2021
The Queensland National Parks website advises that At the beginning of September 2021 I am planning to
walks in the Binna Burra section remain closed until at walk the 1000km Bibbulmun track from Perth to
least 31 August 2020. Walking tracks in the Green Albany. I will do it solo or with like-minded people.
Mountains area are open but the Border Track is I will be driving to Albany taking approximately 14 days,
closed at Wanungara Lookout. leaving my car in Albany and catching a bus to Perth.
Green Mountains Camping Area will be temporarily The walk should take about 50 days with food drops
closed until at least 31 August 2020. For info go to: along the way.  There are three sided huts with water and drop toilets. If you are interested please let me
mountains/ know.
Mary Sherlock

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Past Walks The ridge track provides a steadier gradient for the
return to the carpark than the gorge track as it only has
Mt Greville 5 July 2020 a couple of rock scrambles. The junction with the Palm
It was a perfect sunny SEQ winters day for a ramble in Gorge track indicated that the carpark was near. Since
the high places and that’s what eight QBW walkers did we had completed the walk in good time, we easily
on the slopes of Mt Greville. A full carpark at the base made it back to a cafe in Boonah for our reward.
indicated that a few others had the same idea, but Technical details: Carpark (167m) to summit (767m) is
there was plenty of room on the mountain for all of us. a 600m ascent. North facing rock slabs (550m)
Start time 9am. Finish 2:40pm.
Thank you Margie R for leading a very enjoyable walk
and Dell, Noelene, Sandy, Belinda, John and Dave R
for your fine company. Michael H
(photos by MH)

Social 18th July – walk from Southbank to Merthyr

Bowls Club
On Saturday, July 18, we had a clear sky and a spring
in our step (despite it technically being Winter) as 11
QBW walkers departed from the Wheel of Brisbane at
Southbank to stroll along the water’s edge of the
Brisbane River - heading east.

Social/physical distancing through pedestrians,

cyclists and electric scooter riders proved within our
capabilities and the city sights were enjoyed at a
At the beginning leisurely pace fitting our 2 hour window until lunch.
We enjoyed watching Citycats cruise past, views
It was a steady ascent beneath the palms in Waterfall across the water to the City Botanic Gardens, and
Gorge with some rock scrambling required to the rock climbers at the Kangaroo Point Cliffs.
mandatory break on the rocks overlooking Moogerah.
A few of us then thought it was then just a relatively
quick and easy skip to the summit, but our memories
deceived us. The rocky outcrop is about two thirds of
the way up to the top, so there is still quite a bit of work
to be done. Displaying all the grit, stamina, good
humour, team spirit and fear of failure that our club is
renowned for, we pushed on to the summit.

On the wharves Photo: Sandy T

We wove our way along boardwalks and across

cycleways, climbed stairs and crossed the Story
Bridge, then descended back to the river level to the
Howard Smith Wharves and along the floating
walkway, arriving at Merthyr Bowls Club right on time to
order drinks and lunch.

Moogerah view After an enjoyable meal on the balcony at our reserved

table we moved outdoors again for a coffee on the
Our experienced leader recommended that we move grassy riverbank nearby before heading our separate
on quickly to enjoy a much better location for lunch at a ways homeward.
rocky point along the south east ridge (see page 1).
During lunch we identified numerous peaks around the Thanks to all who participated in the walk and meal.
Scenic Rim. Mt Greville holds a central location with Sandy Thomas
excellent and unimpeded views towards this arc of

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Lizard Point 6-7 July 2020

Lizard Point sunrise

Six walkers began this adventure at Teviot Gap. We were

a little stunned at the devastation caused by fires at the
end of Brett Road, which was evident at the carparking
area and continued along the trail, past the bridge over
Teviot Brook, and partway into the rainforest. Thankfully
normality returned soon after.
We made quick time along the access road till the climb
commenced to Mt Roberts saddle. About an hour later we
had achieved the top of the ridge line and headed towards
Mt Roberts. There was a brief side trip to view the Steamer
Formation and Mt Superbus. Then it was a careful descent
with a couple of rock scrambles out towards the point.
Packs were dumped at the campsite and tents erected.
With cuppas in hand we moved out to Lizard Point (the Fire damage
campsite is several hundred metres to the south in the
shelter of trees). The fine sunny conditions meant that the
views were forever and we appreciated the expanse of
scenery from the Main Range in the north towards Spicers
Peak around to the Richmond Range in NSW. Light zephyrs
played on the rock promontory as we basked in the afternoon
A couple of wedge tailed eagles cruised past. The calls of
lyrebirds had welcomed us to their home when we first arrived
and they regularly reminded us of their nearby presence while
we visited, though we never saw them.
The point lived up to its reputation as a bright sunset speared
shafts of light and shadow across the serried ridges of the
Main Range. Some of us ventured a short way along the
hillside towards Mt Steamer to fully appreciate this view.
Sunset on Main Range

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We cooked our evening meals in the twilight.
John innovated some illumination and we
cluster around to share a few stories.
When the full moon rose, some of the company
returned to the clifftop to see the many sprinkles
of light scattered across a delicately lit nighttime
landscape and identify where so many people
were going about their lives. We felt at once
connected but incredibly removed. The magic of
the scene reduced us to contemplative silence.
Next morning for the small effort of walking out
to the point again, we were treated to a perfect
sunrise. Could it really get any better? The
mountainous relief provided strong contrast
between light and shade while misty remnants traced
along some of the valley floors. Gradually the shadows
were banished as the world before us awoke.
Eventually we tore ourselves away from this exceptional
scene, harnessed our packs and returned to our cars.
The walk in to Lizard Point from Teviot took
approximately 3 hours and the return was about 2 and a
half. It is a 550m ascent from Brett Road (777m) to Mt
Roberts summit (1327m).
Thankyou very much John and Julie Shera for leading
this memorable walk and thanks to Aileen, Mary & Bert
for your excellent company. A repeat is welcome.
Michael H

Photos: MH

Nomination Form For Committee Position
I wish to nominate …..........................................................……………………………….

For the position of …………...........................................................……………..……….

Nominator ……………………………….........................................................….

Seconder ………………………………........................................................

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General Information Club Equipment
QBW Management Committee Compasses Topo Maps
Garmin GPS First Aid Kits
President Michael Hoopmann 0401 527 017
Vice President Michael Freemantle 0427 198 496
5 GPSs which have a 20 metre contour topo map of the whole
Secretary Lynn Nicol 0400 705 041
of Australia included.
Treasurer Aileen Elliott 0457 144 012
PLBs with inbuilt GPS
Outings Officer Richard Kolarski 0455 879 785
3 PLBs with inbuilt GPS. The PLBs will be made available at
Membership Officer Helen McAllister 0419 684 319 each club meeting and will need to be returned at the following
Media Officer Michael Hoopmann 0401 527 017 club meeting.
Training Officer Vacant Contact John Brunott on 0448 761 097 to book these items.
Social Secretary Sandy Thomas 0403 821 525
Reciprocal Walks with Other Clubs
Other Voluntary Positions
Equipment Officer John Brunott 0448 761 097 Redland Bushwalkers Club
Supper Convenor Mary Sherlock 0457 990 067 The only stipulation is that Redland club members have priority
Librarian Noelene McCay 0407 658 023 over visitors. Calendar is available at:
BWQ Rep Ralph Hales 0422 205 120
BWQ Rep Richard Kolarski 0455 879 785
Bushwalkers of Southern Queensland (BOSQ)
Members of other BWQ affiliated clubs can join up to three
Insurance Hotline 1300 574 980 walks per calendar year. This will be with the agreement of the
Meeting Place activity leader. Members of BOSQ have priority for nominations.
Calendar is available at
Club meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month starting at
7.30pm. There is no club meeting in January. Bushwalking Adventures Queensland
Meetings are held at the Little King's Hall on the corner of Carl (formerly YHA Bushwalkers)
and O'Keefe Streets, Buranda. Entry is via the gate on Carl St. Members of other BWQ affiliated clubs can join up to three
There is parking within the grounds and in Carl Street. walks per calendar year. Calendar is available at:
Tea/coffee and cake/biscuits are provided after the meeting.
A coin donation is appreciated. Gold Coast Bushwalkers
Membership Gold Coast Bushwalkers may admit as honorary members
Probationary Membership financial members of bushwalking clubs affiliated with BWQ.
This dispensation will be at the discretion of the Management
A non-member automatically becomes a Probationary Member Committee.
on his/her first walk after signing the Acknowledgement of Risk
form. No fee is payable to become a Probationary Member. Ipswich Bushwalkers Inc
A Probationary Member must become an Ordinary Member on Intending walkers must contact the leader in advance. The
his/her second walk by filling out a membership form and paying newsletter also contains a full description of the grading system
the membership fee. and a list of Committee members and their contact numbers.
Calendar available at
Ordinary Membership
A person may become an Ordinary Member by filling out and
signing a membership form, having a proposer sign the form Feature Pic
and handing the form with the membership fee to a committee
member or walk leader.
The proposer may be any current member of the club.
An Ordinary Member has the right to vote at an AGM or be
elected to a committee position.
Members of Another Bushwalking Club
Members of another bushwalking club which is affiliated with
Bushwalking Queensland Inc. (or an interstate Federation) and
who are covered by the same insurance do not need to become
a member of our club to go on our walks. However QBW
members will have priority if there is a limit on numbers.
Pay fees or other items direct to the QBW club account at:
BSB: 124-057
Account No: 20421276
Account Name: Queensland Bushwalkers Club Photo: MH
Reference: Include your name and what the payment is for – Sadly the iconic koala tree on the Lower Portals walk
eg “RSmith member fee”. which featured in this section of the August 2019
Website newsletter, is no more – a victim of the bushfires.
Perhaps this is symbolic of the massive impact of the
Additional information is available on the club website at URL:
fires on koala populations across eastern Australia?

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