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The following text is for questions 1 and 2.

Students are not allowed to chew gum in classroom due to several reasons. Irresponsible students may
leave the gum on the bottoms of desks, drop it on the floor or put it on other people's property, so it
makes the class messy with their gum. Another reason why students are not allowed to chew gum is
because it is a distraction. When students are allowed to chew gum, they will lack concentration.
Consequently, they will worry about having, popping, chewing and snapping it, inspite of studying.

Adopted from: structure/patterns-of-organization/cause-

and-effect/ (September 6, 2017) |

1. What is the text about?

A. The reasons wh wing gum is unhealthy.

B. The effects of chewing gum in a classroom.

C. What students usually do with their gum in a classroom.

D. The reasons why students like chewing gum in a classroom.

E. The reasons why chewing gum is prohibited.

2. What will probably happen if students are permitted to chew gum in a classroom?

A. They will be irresponsible.

B. Many properties will be broken.

C. Gum will be everywhere in a classroom.

D. They will focus on their studies.

E. They will worry about their studies.

The following text is for questions 3

In recent decades, cities have grown so large. Now, about 50% of the Earth's population lives in urban
areas. There are several reasons for this occurrence. First, the industrialization increases, which tends to
be located in cities, so many factory jobs are created. These jobs, with their promise of a better material
life, attract many people from rural areas. Second, there are promises of a better education, so many
families are interested to leave farming communities and move to the cities. Finally, places of leisure,
entertainment and culture, such as sports stadiums, theaters and museums, are published in cities. As a
result, these facilities draw them away from rural communities.

Adopted from: (September 6, 2017)

3. From the text we can conclude that

A. there are many unemployment in cities.

B. rural people don't care about education.

C. all people don't want to stay in rural areas.

D. cities are more and more crowded.

E. people don't need entertainment.

The following text is for questions 4.

A common sign of depression is sleep deprivation. When you're not sleeping well, you will lack the
energy you need each day. Your immune function will also drop significantly, so you will be more
susceptible to ailments. Therefore, people with depression commonly have other health problems that
make them even more depressed. Another thing that can wane a depressed person's health is unhealthy
habits. Many depressed people turn to alcohol and/or drugs since they hope that these will help them
escape problems and negative thoughts. People can become dependent on them due to their addictive

Adopted from: and-why.html (September 6, 2017)

4. Depressed people turn to drugs to escape their problems. What should we do to prevent depressed
people from doing that?

A. We should give them medical help.

B. We should assist and support them.

C. We should not make problems with them.

D. We should bear them with their problems.

E. We should not insist them to escape problems.

The following dialog is for questions 5 to 6.

Sandra : I saw your brother at Sandora Radio Station. Does he work there?

Farrel : Yes, he does.

Sandra : He has not graduated from university, Farrel right?

Farrel : You are right. He is taking a part time job.

Sandra : Will it not disturb his studies?

Farrel: No. He can manage his time well, so taking a part time job has positive effects. He can buy his
needs by himself because he can earn money.

Sandra : That's interesting.

Farrel : Not only that. He gains many valuable experiences before graduating. As a result, he will get
used to the working atmosphere.

Sandra : Bravo for your brother.

5. What does Farrel's brother do in his part time job?

A. A manager.

B. A journalist.

C. A broadcaster.

D. A reporter.

E. A teacher.

6. From the dialog we know that......

A. Sandra has a brother

B. Farrel is fond of broadcasting

C. Farrel intends to take a part time job

D. Farrel's brother has graduated from university

E. Farrel's brother enjoys his part time job.

7. Why is having a part time job beneficial?

A. A person will have work experiences.

B. A person will have excessive money.

C. A person will be able to finish his/her studies soon.

D. A person will be more famous.

E. A person will study harder.

For questions 7 to 10, choose the correct words to complete the following paragraph.

Almost all people are fond of the Internet (16) business, studies, social function, even pleasure. Not only
teenagers and adult people, many children are also addicted to the Internet. Of course, it is not good for
them. They often spend their times for playing games on the Internet, (17) about their studies. Besides,
they are not willing to play with their friends outside. (18) will not have a good social life.

its benefits. They use the Internet for they forgot they

8. A. So

B. Because

C. because of

D. therefore

E. As a result

9. A. As

B. Due to

C. So

D. Because

E. Consequently

10. A. Since

B. Because

C. So

D. Thanks to

E. Therefore

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