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The Importance of moral values: Respect

While living at home I learned the value of respect because it is very important to live with
other people. Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when
they're different from you or you don't agree with them. I think that sometimes there are
situations that need more respect from us, especially when it comes to solving differences
in our home. Being Respectful with ourselves allows us to be respectful with the people
we care about. I believe that more than a value, respect is an attribute that we always will
need to keep in mind when it comes to being transparent in society, Respect is the force
that pushes us to do the things right not only for us, but also for those who we love. it
seems like this value hasn't been taken seriously lately. We have stopped recognizing,
accepting and appreciating other people’s qualities and values. We should know how to
properly and politely interact with the elderly, our family, and our colleagues. I have
always been respectful when I talk, give my opinion, and express my feelings. Being
appreciative and grateful of someone who helps us is not a duty, but it is a nice gesture.
We need to value the effort and dedication that others make for us, and expressing
respect to them is a nice act of kindness and generosity.

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