Iligan City Jail - Female Dormitory

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government

Bureau of Jail Management & Penology
Tipanoy , Iligan City





Active participation in the conduct of Therapeutic Community Modality Program among PDL of
Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory:

1. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - For the Psychological and Emotional
Component of TCMP, OOA 01 0930H December 2020, JO1 Gypsy Exchaure,
Chief UWD and duty desk officer conducted Cinema Therapy. This activity aims to
uplift spirit and boost the morale of the PDL especially during these pandemic times.
Furthermore, it also serves as an avenue for the PDL to strengthen the connection
and bonds established among them. It was attended by twenty seven (27) Female
PDL. The said activity was conducted at Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory Cell no.

2. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - For the Intellectual Component of TCMP, OOA
03 1350H December 2020, JO1 Leomar Villastique, duty Jail Nurse conducted
Health Education and Information Campaign on COVID-19 Corona Virus. It is very
vital to equip the PDL with ample knowledge on the detection and recognition of the
early symptoms of COVID-19 for the safety and protection of the entire jail
community. It was attended by six (6) Female PDL. The said activity was conducted
at Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory Admin office.

3. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - For the Intellectual Component of TCMP, OOA
08 1330H December 2020, JO3 Annaliza Bachiller, Iligan City Jail – Female
Dormitory Alternate ALS Implementer in lieu with the ALS Mobile Teachers from
DepEd Iligan City Division conducted ALS Review Class in preparation for the
upcoming ALS Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Examination for High School
Level. A total of eleven (11) Female PDL Learners for High School attended the
said review. The activity was conducted at Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory
Dalawan Area and ended at exactly 1430H of the same day. The objective of the
activity is to continuously conduct ALS classes despite the jail lockdown. The Unit
ALS Implementer along with her other duties and responsibilities as Jail Officer,
conducted the said review classes scheduled every on Tuesday and Thursday for
the PDL Learners to be mentally equipped for the upcoming ALS A&E Examination.

4. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - OOA 02 0750H December 2020, JO1 Gypsy
Exchaure, Unit TCMP Implementer supervised the conduct of Morning Meeting at
the Iligan City Jail –Female Dormitory Dalawan Area. It was attended by twenty-nine
(29) Female PDL. COVID 19 minimum health standards such as social distancing
and wearing of face masks were strictly observed by the participants. The whole
activity was conducted according to the guidelines given by BJMP in conducting
Morning Meeting in the “New Normal” set up. The activity ended at exactly 0910H of
the same day. The activity is part of the Rehabilitative Programs and services of
BJMP that promotes attitudinal and behavioural change to PDL in the midst of

“Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation”

Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government
Bureau of Jail Management & Penology
Tipanoy , Iligan City

COVID-19 Pandemic challenges were activities for PDL personal growth

development are limited.

5. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - For the Psychological and Emotional
Component of TCMP, OOA 08 1430H December 2020, JO1 Leomar Villastique,
duty Jail Nurse conducted One-on-One Counselling to Iligan City Jail - Female
Dormitory PDL as a part of the Psychological Intervention Program of the Bureau for
our PDL in this time of jail lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic. This program aims
to evaluate the PDL current emotional status and to provide an avenue to express
their problems and pressing concerns and lay out options, possibilities and advises.
A total of three (3) PDL benefitted from the activity. The activity was conducted at
the Iligan City Jail - Female Dormitory Admin Office.

6. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - For the Intellectual Component of TCMP, OOA
10 1400H December 2020, JO3 Annaliza Bachiller conducted ALS Review Class in
preparation for the upcoming ALS Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E)
Examination for High School Level. A total of ten (10) Female PDL Learners for
High School attended the said review. The activity was conducted at Iligan City Jail
– Female Dormitory Dalawan Area and ended at exactly 1450H of the same day.
The objective of the activity is to continuously conduct ALS classes despite the jail

7. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - For the Intellectual Component of TCMP, OOA
12 1400H December 2020, JO3 Annaliza Bachiller conducted ALS Review Class in
preparation for the upcoming ALS Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E)
Examination for High School Level. A total of ten (10) Female PDL Learners for
High School attended the said review. The activity was conducted at Iligan City Jail
– Female Dormitory Dalawan Area and ended at exactly 1450H of the same day.
The objective of the activity is to continuously conduct ALS classes despite the jail

8. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - For the Psychological and Emotional
Component of TCMP, OOA 09 1230H December 2020, JO1 Gypsy Exchaure, duty
desk officer conducted Cinema Therapy. This activity aims to uplift spirit and boost
the morale of the PDL especially during these pandemic times. Furthermore, it also
serves as an avenue for the PDL to strengthen the connection and bonds
established among them through film/movie watching. It was attended by twenty
seven (27) Female PDL. The said activity was conducted at Iligan City Jail –
Female Dormitory Cell no. 2.

9. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - For the Psychological and Emotional
Component of TCMP, OOA 13 1230H December 2020, JO1 Sweet Valerie Danica
Adiong, duty desk officer conducted Cinema Therapy. This activity aims to uplift
spirit and boost the morale of the PDL especially during these pandemic times.
Furthermore, the said activity promotes and protects PDL’s psychosocial well-being
and or prevents or treats mental disorder. It was attended by twenty-six (26) Female
PDL. The said activity was conducted at Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory Cell no.

10. Iligan City Jail- Female Dormitory – For the Psychological and Emotional
Component of TCMP, conduct of Morning Meeting by Dorm supervised by duty
Desk Officer is performed on a daily basis. A total of sixt nine (69) female PDL were
able to participate.

“Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation”

Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government
Bureau of Jail Management & Penology
Tipanoy , Iligan City

11. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - For the Vocational and Survival
Component of TCMP, conduct of daily job functions of PDL according to the
Hierarchical Structure of Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory is consistently practiced
and is supervised by the Duty Custodial Officers. Tasking/Job functions every
0600H, includes gardening, facility disinfection activities and is monitored by duty
desk officer.

12. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - For the Vocational and Survival
Component of TCMP, Regular House Run was done on a daily basis to maintain
cleanliness and to ensure sanitation inside and outside their dormitories as
prevention to COVID-19. The daily activity is supervised by the Duty Desk Officers.

However, on June 17, 2020, JO1 Gretchen N Angeles, unit HRAO officer
reiterate the rights of the PD
1. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - Admin personnel facilitated conduct of
intensified E-Dalaw daily to PDL to bridge the gap brought by the public health
emergency and temporary suspension of visitation due to COVID-19.
2. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory – JO3 Annaliza Bachiller Parallegal and
Operations clerk of this facility, conducted updates to some PDL cases particularly
during this pandemic times wherein very limited schedule of court hearings/tele-
hearings were conducted and facilitated/assisted telehearings.


1. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - 1015H 3 December 2020, to intensify the
Government’s campaign regarding EO No. 70 Ending Local Communist Armed
Conflict inside the jail facility, JO1 Vanessa Manguilimotan, conducted
dissemination of information and distribution of pamphlets in support to the Bureau’s
advocacy campaign to End Local Communist Armed Conflict as well as to create
awareness on the negative effect of joining a communist-terrorist groups. A total of
ten (10) Female PDL participated in the activity conducted at the Iligan City Jail-
Female Dormitory Admin Office. The aim of the activity is to intensify the campaign
of ELCAC inside jail facility thru series of information drive and awareness
campaign to PDL. In this manner, the PDL can also warn if not inform their families
especially their children who are the main target of the leftist, not to engage or join
in any communist-terrorist groups.

D. INTERNATIONAL ENGAGEMENT (IF ANY, please attach picture)

1. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - OOA 05 1020H December 2020, PDL Ahyani
Mortaba participated LP4Y online training under the supervision of the duty desk
officer JO3 Annaliza Bachiller. The Life Project 4 Youth (LP4Y) program is an
innovative international pedagogy based on entrepreneurship and aims to facilitate
social and professional integration for young people living in great poverty. The
activity was conducted at Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory Admin Office.

“Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation”

Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government
Bureau of Jail Management & Penology
Tipanoy , Iligan City

2. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory – OOA 05 1010H December 2020, JO1 Gypsy
Exchaure, supervised the conduct of the Online Bible Seminar as part of the
Interfaith Services Supplemental Program of the BJMP in partnership with the
International Youth Fellowship Philippines. It was attended by six (06) PDL from
Dorm 2 and 3. The activity was conducted at Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory
Admin Office.

3. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory – OOA 13 1015H December 2020, JO1 Sweet
Valerie Danica Adiong supervised the conduct of the Online Bible Seminar as part
of the Interfaith Services Supplemental Program of the BJMP in partnership with the
International Youth Fellowship Philippines. It was attended by six (06) PDL. The
activity was conducted at Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory Admin Office.

4. Iligan City Jail – Female Dormitory - OOA 14 1420H December 2020, PDL Ahyani
Mortaba participated LP4Y online training under the supervision of the duty desk
officer JO1 Jerimae Faustino. The Life Project 4 Youth (LP4Y) training is divided
into 3 pillars: business management (WORK), remedial education and essential
business skills development (LEARN), and individual and collective personal
development (GUIDE). The activity was conducted at Iligan City Jail – Female
Dormitory Admin Office.

“Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation”

Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government
Bureau of Jail Management & Penology
Tipanoy , Iligan City


1. Limited movements and interactions of PDL due to the constriction caused by the
pandemic. Precautionary measures are being observed. Wherein, even inside the jail
facility, we limit close contacts among PDL. Further, due to limited space and physical
distancing, few PDL are benefitting from information drives which are usually being
attended by most of the PDL.

2. Activities related with TCMP were reduced and limited due to the existing pandemic

3. Limited space for the activities.

1. Cancellation of ELCAC activities outside the community due to COVID-19 Pandemic.

2. Limited number of participants for existing activities. Activities are conducted by Dorm only.

3. Lacked of campaign materials to be used in the information drive.

4. Limited space and resources in carrying out of activities. Other activities were temporarily
suspended due to COVID-19 pandemic.

5. E-dalaw and E-hearing services cannot be done simultaneously since we have limited
functional personal computers and unstable internet connection for these online services.


1. If possible, the National Headquarters must provide video materials to be used during
discussion of the ELCAC inside the jail facility to achieve uniformity of information being
shared to the PDL.
2. Provision of essential video materials and informative leaflets/brochures or any other wide-
ranging information related to the discussion of the ELCAC inside jail in view of the
sensitivity of the topic.
3. Provide unified guidelines, approach and tools to be utilized in the campaign and
information drive.
4. A webinar for personnel on topics associated to ELCAC will increase awareness of the
pressing issue/s and will promote deep understanding on the topic at hand.

Prepared and submitted by: Approved by:

“Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation”

Republic of the Philippines
Department of the Interior and Local Government
Bureau of Jail Management & Penology
Tipanoy , Iligan City


Unit WD JNOR Warden

“Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation”

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