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Noun Clause

Lecturer: M. Syaichul Muchyidin. M.Pd

Devi Silviana (17020230025)



Praise the presence of the omnipotent God for all graces so this paper can be arranged

to completion. The second, we also say a lot of gratitude for the help of those who have

contributed by contributing both material and mind.

And we hope this paper can add knowledge and experience for the readers ,for the

future can add knowledge and experience for the reader, for the future can improve the form

and add the contents of the paper to be better.

Due to our limited knowledge and experience, we believe there are still many short

comings in this paper. Therefore we strongly implore suggestions and criticism that build for

the perfection of this paper.

Kediri, June 8th 2019

Devi Silviana



TABLE OF CONTENT...........................................................................................................3
CHAPTER I.............................................................................................................................4
A. Background of study.......................................................................................................4
B. Focus of study ................................................................................................................4
C. Purpose og study.............................................................................................................5
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................................6
A. Definition oF Noun Clause.............................................................................................6
B. Types of Noun Clause.....................................................................................................7
C. Syntactic function of noun clause.........................................................................................8
CHAPTER III........................................................................................................................10
RESULT OF ANALYSIS......................................................................................................10
A. Analyst International Journal.....................................................................................10
CHAPTER IV FINAL...........................................................................................................12
A. Conclution....................................................................................................................12


A. Background Of Study

Grammar as one of study that studied by the third student semester of English

Department Faculty. The student of English department will know structural of

sentences in English, we are able to speak it clearly and correctly, we are able to read

every paper, we are also able to analyst every reading paper inside and we may know

as well mean inside it.

One of topic that studied is noun clause. As we know, in English there is a

structure of sentences that become noun, namely noun clause. So that a noun is not

mentioned directly but through noun clause.

When the student wants to know more and use it, student must use every

method that makes helps them for mastering English grammar, one method that is

very useful is analysing a international journal to get structural of sentences, and this

way is used by the student of English department faculty for every university, it is all

happen because, when the student use a method of analysing international journal, the

student is able to remember their lesson that has been studied by the student, another

beneficial effect when the student use this method is making their brain working to

get every structural in international journal.

B. Focus Of Study

In this paper, it will be focused on,

1. The definition of noun clause.

2. The types of noun clause

3. Syntactic function of noun clause.

4. Result of international journal analysing.

C. Purpose of Study

The purposes of this paper are,

1. Knowing the definition of noun clause.

2. Knowing the syntactic function of noun clause.

3. Analyst about international journal.

4. Describing the result of analysing.


A. Definition of Noun Clause

 Noun clause is a dependent clause and cannot stand alone as a

sentence. (Betty Schrampfer Azar, 1939)

 In a noun clause, the full subject and predicate are retained. The noun

clause fills the same position and serves the same function as noun.

(Frank, 1972)

It can be concluded that clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb,

which can take the place of different of speech.

A few identifiers will help you locate a noun clause in a sentence. Noun

clauses often begin with one of (but not only) these words:

 How

 That

 What

 Who

 why

Noun clauses contain a subject and a verb but they cannot stand alone. Noun

clauses are dependent clauses that must be paired with an independent (main) clause. To

see if a clause is a noun clause, identify its role in the sentence. If it is acting as a noun, it

is a noun clause (as opposed to an adjective clause, for example).

B. Types of Noun Clause

1. Noun Clause That Preceded by Question Words

Noun clause that preceded by question words are usually used to answer

a question.

Example : Q : Where does Sarik Live?.

A: I don't know where Sarik lives. "Where Sarik lives" is a

noun clause. We can answer this question without a noun

clause by saying the following. I don't know Sarik's

address. The noun phrase, Sarik's address, replaces with the

noun clause, where Sarik lives.

2. Noun Clause That Preceded by Whether Or If

Noun clauses that preceded by whether or if are used to answer yes/no

type questions.  Whether and if are usually interchangeable. 

Example : Q : Does Judy own a Honda?

A: I don't know if Judy owns a Honda. "if Judy owns a Honda"

is a noun clause. We could answer this question without a

noun clause by saying the following. I don't know the

answer. In this case, the noun phrase, the answer, replaces

the noun clause, if Judy owns a Honda.

3. Noun Clause That Preceded by That

Noun clauses that preceded by that are used to answer questions in

which person who is answering is thinking, giving an opinion, or using a

mental activity verb.

Example : Q: Do you know the location of an ATM?

A : I believe that there is an ATM in the supermarket. "that

there is an ATM in the supermarket" is a noun clause.

Most of the time, native speakers will drop the word that

C. Syntactic Function of Noun clause

1. As a subject

Since a noun clause is a noun, it can function as a subject of a

sentence. Here are a few noun clause sentences where the noun clause is the

subject of the sentence.

◦ How he gets the money is his own affair.

◦ Whether (or not) he gets the money doesn’t concern me.

The two groups of italic words are the subject of the sentences above.

2. As a subject after it

 It is well known that coffee grows in Brazil.

The word “that coffee grows in Brazil” is a subject after It in the above


3. As an object of verb

 I know that coffee grows in Brazil.

 I do not know how he will get the money.

The two groups of italic words are the object of verb of the sentences


4. As an object of preposition

 We were concerned about how he will get the money.

 We talked about what a pretty girl she was.

The words that sign in italic word refer to the object of preposition of the

sentences above.

5. As a subjective complement

 The question is how he will get the money.

 My understanding is that coffee grows in Brazil.

The two groups of italic words are the subjective compliment of the

sentences above.

6. As an appositive

 His belief that coffee grows in Brazil is correct.

The word “that coffee grows in Brazil” is an appositive in the sentence



A. Analyst International Journal

Noun Clause

 It is recommended that teachers and parents should adopt the guided writing

strategy in the teaching of writing in junior Secondary Schools irrespective of

gender and ability of students.

 According to Obi-Okoye (2004), the conventional method of teaching writing in

English has not given students much assistance and part of the reason is that

writing is one of a set of rules because it calls for development and application of

composite skills in the writing process.

 A major feature of this strategy is that leaners are guided and monitored from the

first to the last step.

 While some researchers suggest that females have an edge over males in linguistic

aptitude and writing, others are of the view that because of the biological

differences in males and females (Okoye, 2009)

 This indicates that the experimental group achieved more than the control group

in writing competence.

 This implies that a significant difference exists between the mean achievement

score of students in the experimental al and control groups.

 This implies that there is no significant in the mean achievement scores of male

and female student writing competence when exposed to the guided writing


 Therefore the null hypothesis was rejected which implies that the students taught

written English by the guided writing strategy achieved better than students taught

using the conventional method and hence, had better writing competence.

 It facilitates the development of writing skills in students as well as improves their

test scores.



From the result of analysis result can be concluded that the sentence contained in

international journal “Impact of Guided Writing Strategy on Junior Secondary School

Students Writing Competence in Kaduna State, Nigeria” contains 20% noun clause.

Define noun clause: The definition of a noun clause is a clause that functions as a

noun in a sentence. Noun clauses,

 contain a subject and a verb

 are dependent clauses that cannot stand alone

 function as a noun in the sentence

 generally begin with particular words

A few identifiers will help you locate a noun clause in a sentence. Noun

clauses often begin with one of (but not only) these words:

 How

 That

 What

 Who

 why

Noun clauses contain a subject and a verb but they cannot stand alone. Noun clauses

are dependent clauses that must be paired with an independent (main) clause. To see

if a clause is a noun clause, identify its role in the sentence. If it is acting as a noun, it

is a noun clause (as opposed to an adjective clause, for example).


Azhar, Betty S. 1989. Understanding and using English grammar. New Jersey : Prentice-Hall

Frank, Marcella. 1972. Modern English. New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, Inc Englewood Cliffs

No name. June 4th 2019.

Lilla. Noun Clause. June 8th 2019.


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