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The transformation of technology can deflate an organisation's traditional organisational

structure by growing the prominence of upper management, rendering them more available. It
would put people's jobs at risk by exporting formerly in-housed skills and knowledge such as
IT services to cloud technology companies. The wave in productivity advancement has been
shown, for instance, by a vast group of businesses transferring contact center to developing
countries. For highly differentiated companies that have standardised parts, this adjustment of
the organisational structure would be beneficial. By concept, restructuring is intended to
improve profitability and enable the business to concentrate on its competitive advantages,
decrease net assets and maximise the earnings per share. The larger prospective in efficiency
improvements has contributed to the deflation of Japan and America's ecosystems, according
to Christensen theorises, considering the long time period of creating transformative
technologies, firms have constantly reinvested in productivity gains since they have the
greatest direct cost of return. Instead of revolutionary innovations, the continuously re-
investment in productivity gains is to criticise for flat lining development in Japan and

The tactic Christensen proposes for firms seeking to implement revolutionary technologies is
to contend towards disruptive technological innovation as business opportunities rather than
threats, instead of specifically with the strongest consumers of the occupants, with a
commodity that is 'reasonable enough' and step upmarket with a new business model, as the
mini-mills did in the mid to late 20th century with the centralised steel mills. It is more
important to understand the work the client needs to get done than to understand the
consumer, Christensen claims. When introducing technological disruption, knowing the pain
point of the consumers is important for the company plan. Although seeking low-end
disruption, corporations need to be mindful of the fact that a low-cost solution rarely
succeeds in which you have a uprising-cost rival. If the last greater-cost supplier exits the
market or faces being compensated with a money - losing sector struggling against all other
low-cost suppliers, business policy would need to give better to transition upmarket.

To conclude, the disruption of technology should therefore accelerate to prevent inflation in

the global economy. A philosophy of engaging in transformative technologies must be
embraced and encouraged by companies and organisations, or they can destroy themselves.
The narrow minded complexity of leadership resources has contributed to an intensified
emphasis on creativity in development and performance, which in turn has resulted towards
foreign economic development being stagnant. Teams ought to be built and resourced within
the enterprise to acquire disruptive skills and knowledge. The traditional organizational
existence of commoditised industrialised businesses will be changed by technology
disruption, with amplification sweeping over the organised marketing strategy towards the
latter phases of technological growth. This would generate poverty and a systemic change for
all individuals and companies.

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