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Blackburn 1

Mark Blackburn

Professor Hicks

Writing 200

1 April 2021

Role of College Education

A few decades ago, having a bachelor's degree was one of the many ways to differentiate

job applicants in a very competitive market. However, as of 2015, the number of college

graduates escalated to one person in every three people. These statistics show that it is now

common to have a degree, therefore the question of whether a bachelor's degree still holds its

initial value. These statistics can encourage the next generation to earn a degree because maybe

by then, one in every two would have a degree. Despite these facts, the four-year course taken in

the university still has a role in a person's life, and the essay below will highlight college

education's role.

The first and most common role is access to an increased amount of job opportunities.

Statistics show that college graduates see fifty-seven per cent more job opportunities than non-

graduates. Research also shows that two-thirds of job opportunities offered to require a college

degree or any other post-high school education by the end of last year. This means that someone

with a college education has access to a good number of the few job opportunities they qualify

for. According to Burning Glass Technologies' research, there are approximately two million job

opportunities posted online per quarter that require a college degree or higher education. This

makes access to these opportunities easier as they are posted online, and one can access the

opportunities online (Hout, 2012). However, for job opportunities requiring a diploma or less,

only half of them get posted online, therefore, making it hard for someone in need of the

opportunity to access it and connect with the people (Stange, 2012). Additionally, a college

education opens one up to opportunities. During the learning process, one gets to experience the

working environment as there is a lifelong of professors, colleagues, mentors, friends and


In a changing world, there is more specialization than ever as people want to invest in

opportunities and have them done well. Technology, Health and education are the most growing

fields currently as they are interconnected and evolve more rapidly than other sectors. Getting a

bachelor’s degree helps one decide on the specific field they want to focus on to be professional

at that skill (Restuccia & Urrutia, 2004). Additionally, there are open courses like bachelors of

Science, an open opportunity course compared to a closed course like bachelors of Science in

geology. Courses like these are more open to opportunities than closed courses.

The next role is college education increases marketability. Having a bachelor's degree

keeps an individual in demand as college degrees are in more demand than any other post-

secondary school education. Statistics show that more than seventy-five per cent of job

opportunities available in the four fastest-growing sectors demand a post-secondary school

education qualification. These sectors include STEM, healthcare, government services and

education (Stange, 2012). Even though thirty-six per cent of adults ranging between twenty-five

and thirty-six have a college degree, there have been comparisons, and there will be more job

opportunities requiring a college degree that there wouldn't be enough degrees to fill the

positions (Restuccia & Urrutia, 2004). College education gives you a competitive advantage over

those without in the market. Jobs could also require communication, critical thinking, analytics

and problem-solving, which are all taught in depth across all college education departments.

Another role of a college education is it increases the potential to earn. According to the

department of labour, there are estimates of earnings per week for each qualification. For

example, those without a high school diploma earn about five hundred and twenty dollars per

week. Those with a high school diploma earn approximately seven hundred dollars per week,

while bachelor degree holders earn an average of eight hundred and fifty dollars per week

(Restuccia & Urrutia, 2004). According to the math, a degree holder earns almost twenty-five

thousand dollars more than high school graduates.

Among more than ten millions jobs created for people, more than eighty per cent of the

job opportunities have been taken by bachelor degree holders. However, the number of job

opportunities added on the ones already existing for high school graduates has increased by

eighty thousand, only showing a reduced rate of unemployment for college graduates compared

to high school graduates (Stange, 2012). More unemployment means that there is a higher

possibility of poverty compared to someone with a college education. This could help us

conclude that having a college degree increases an individual's probability of attaining economic

stability in an evolving world.

Networking opportunities are an essential power to have in today’s world. This is why it

is vital to create, build and maintain professional networks, as it is essential in achieving goals

and, at long last, attaining success. Some of the sections in the learning process of earning a

degree include activities like attachments, internship, and volunteering, which help students

make connections and get better at performing the skills they are learning (Hout, 2012). These

activities have helped many students meet people who have helped them shape their future by

introducing them to more opportunities, absorbing them in their workplaces or even, in some

cases recommending them for future opportunities (Hackman & Dysinger, 1970). College degree

holders also have professors and other mentors that provide the support that is not available to


The last and most crucial role of a college education is personal growth and a sense of

self-awareness. Besides earning a degree and being open to most opportunities, there is also

more than just paper to get from a college education. Many students start their college education

when they are at the peak of their teens at 18 or 19. This is the age around where teenage hood

ends and adulthood begins (Stange, 2012). Additional to gaining skills like writing, teamwork,

time management and communication skills, a college education is also empowering. It boosts

an individual's confidence, which brings in the sense of achievement. Throughout college

education, one learns to budget, decision-making, critical thinking, overcoming challenges and

adversities. This satisfaction contributes to reduced stress and increased levels of happiness to an


We can all agree that the bachelor's degree has lost the value it had yesterday, last year, a

decade ago. However, the experience one gets from the college learning process is an essential

part of a college education. A college education is a very significant part of a person's. It is also

the transformation of a teen to adulthood, which creates a significant impact on who the person

becomes in the future.



Hackman, J. R., & Dysinger, W. S. (1970). Commitment to college as a factor in student

attrition. Sociology of education, 311-324.

Hout, M. (2012). Social and economic returns to college education in the United States. Annual

review of sociology, 38, 379-400.

Restuccia, D., & Urrutia, C. (2004). Intergenerational persistence of earnings: The role of early

and college education. American Economic Review, 94(5), 1354-1378.

Stange, K. (2012). Ability sorting and the importance of college quality to student achievement:

Evidence from community colleges. Education Finance and policy, 7(1), 74-105.

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