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English Assignment

A kind of Tenses

By :
1. Abel Regina Pinkan (19013010004)
2. Cantika Ardhiana Novita (19013010019)
3. Theodora Oktavia Nauli Turnip (19013010016)
4. Rizqi Silviana Dewi (19013010025)

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur

1. Simple Present Tense
Usage :
 stating events that become habitual
 stating general truth
 stating a request or an order
 stating events that will definitely occur
 to shows the skills, abilities, character possessed by someone quote a news
 describing the plot in the drama's narration
Penggunaan :
 menyatakan peristiwa yang menjadi kebiasaan
 menyatakan kebenaran umum
 menyatakan permintaan atau pesanan
 peristiwa yang dinyatakan yang pasti akan terjadi
 untuk menunjukkan keterampilan, kemampuan, karakter yang dimiliki
 mengutip berita
 menggambarkan plot dalam narasi drama

Time signal :
 Adverb of time : every, every day, every week, every month, every year, in the morning,
at seven, once/twice a day, here/there.
 Adverb of frequency : always, as a rule, ever, seldom, often, nowadays, once in a while,
sometimes, frequently, generally, commonly, normally.
Tanda waktu:

• Keterangan waktu: setiap, setiap hari, setiap minggu, setiap bulan, setiap tahun, di pagi
hari, pukul tujuh, sekali / dua kali sehari, di sini / di sana.
• Keterangan frekuensi: selalu, sebagai suatu peraturan, selalu, jarang, sering, saat ini,
sesekali, kadang-kadang, sering, secara umum, biasanya, normal.

Formula :

Example :
(+) Abel always come on time.
The sun rises from the east and sets in the west.
Nauli live in Surabaya.
(-) Cantika don’t like to swim at the beach.
Budi is not good at speaking Chinese.
Ayu do not read a novel this month.
(?) Do Silvi and Ozi go to the beach on weekend?
Is Tiara good at speaking Chinese?
Is Jessica a patient girl?
2. Present Continuous Tense
Usage :
 to describe events that occur in the present or will occur later
 stating a temporary event
 stating the situation changing
 state the events that took place while talking
Penggunaan :
 untuk menggambarkan peristiwa yang terjadi pada saat ini atau yang akan terjadi
 menyatakan peristiwa sementara
 menyatakan situasi yang berubah
 menyatakan peristiwa yang berlangsung pada saat berbicara

Time signal / Tanda Waktu :

Formula / Rumus :
Example :
(+) Andini is reading a book at the moment.
Alif and Adit are playing basket ball right now.
Devia and I are baking some bread.
(-) Elvita isn’t writing a letter
Shendy is not sleeping right now.
Naomi and Sukma aren’t swimming on Tuesday
(?) Is Elvita writing a letter?
Is Shendy sleeping right now?
Are Naomi and Sukma swimming on Monday?

3. Present Perfect Tense

Usage :
 stating events that occurred but are still related to now
 stating events that occur repeatedly
 stating the event that was completed in a short time
Penggunaan :
 • menyatakan peristiwa yang terjadi tetapi masih terkait dengan sekarang
 • menyatakan peristiwa yang terjadi berulang kali
 • menyatakan acara yang selesai dalam waktu singkat

Time Signal / Tanda Waktu :

Formula / Rumus :

Example :
(+) Yuli have bought a new car
Tika and I have been to Singapore
Bila and I have study hard this month
(-) Vonny hasn’t finished her Science project.
There hasn’t been any rain this month
Faisal has never cut his hair himself.
(?) Have you bought a new car?
Has tika been to Singapore?
Why has Adi worked hard this month?

4.Simple Past Tense

We use simple past to talk about things that had happened at a specific time in the past
Bentuk kalimat yang mengindikasikan bahwa sebuah kegiatan dimulai dan berakhir pada masa lampau
pada waktu tertentu

+ verbal s+Verb2 she bought a new book yesterday

nominal s+was/were+nominal the case was hard to solve
She did not buy a new book
- verbal s+did+not+v1 yesterday
nominal s+was/were+not+verb1 The case was not hard to solve
? verbal did+s+v1? Did she buy a new book yesterday?
nominal was/were+S+verb1 was the case hard to solve?

Time signal
1. Ago
2. Yesterday
3. Last week
4. Last month
5. Last year
6. 2 days ago
7. Etc.
Example :
1. (+) Sinta saw Metha yesterday
( -) Sinta did not see Metha yesterday
(?) Did Sinta see Metha yesterday
2. (+) Nick took his medicine last night
(-) Nick did not take his medicine last night
(?) Did Nick take his medicine last night?
3. (+) Rani gave me the book last week
(-) Rani did not give me the book last week
(?) Did Rani give me the book last week?
5. Past Continous Tense
Is a verb tense which is used to show that an on going past action was happening at a
specific moment of interruption, or that two on going actions were happening out the
same time.
Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung di waktu lampau.
Usaged : to shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in
the past
Formula :
To be was : I, she, he, it
To be were : you, we, they
Time signal :
1.All day yesterday
3.While + past continous
4.When + simple past
Example :
1.(+) Syifa was shopping at the market yesterday
(-) Syifa was not shopping at the market yesterday
(?) Was Syifa shopping at the market yesterday?

2.(+) Hanti was sleeping when my mother came

(-) Hanti was not sleeping when my mother came
(?) Was Hanti sleeping when my mother came?
3.(+) Reyno was playing guitar while I was ironing my clothes
(-) Reyno was not playing guitar while I was ironing my clothes
(?) Was Reyno playing guitar while I was ironing my clothes?
4.(+) The flower was blooming last week
(-) The flower was not blooming last week
(?) Was The flower blooming last week?

6. Past Perfect Tense

Is a verb tense used to talk about actions that were complete before some point in the
Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sudah terjadi atau selesai tapi di waktu lampau.

Formula :

Time signal :
1.At the same time
3.At 7 o’clock last night
Example :
1.(+) The little boy had fallen before I helped him
(-) The little boy had not fallen before I helped him
(?) Had The little boy fallen before I helped him?
2.(+) Dimas said that his brother had washed the car
(-) Dimas said that his brother had not washed the car
(?) Had Dimas said that his brother washed he car?
3.(+) I had done my homework before nine
(-) I had not done my homework before nine
(?) had I done my homework before nine?
4.(+) I had gone to Surabaya with my friend
(-) I had not gone to Surabaya with my friend
(?) Had I gone to Surabaya with my friend?

7. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past perfect continuous tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk
mengungkapkan suatu aksi (dengan durasi waktu tertentu) telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu
tertentu di masa lalu.
Tense dibentuk dengan had dan been dan Secara umum past perfect continuous tense hanya
terjadi pada aksi berupa, tidak stative verb karena umumnya hanya dynamic verb yang memiliki
bentuk continuous.

Berikut rumus past perfect continuous tense untuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif.
Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense Contoh Past Perfect Continuous Tense
kalimat positif (+): Lia had been walking
The labors had been demonstrating
S + had + been + -ing/present participle

kalimat negatif (-): Lia had not been walking

The labors hadn’t been demostrating
S + had + not + been + -ing/present participle

kalimat interogatif (?): Had Lia been walking

Had the labors been demonstrating
had + S + been + -ing/present participle

Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Continuous Tense

No Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Continuous Tense
1 Past perfect continuous tense untuk mengekspresikan aksi yang panjang di masa
lampau sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi.
When the guests came, we had been waiting for an hour.
(Ketika para tamu datang, kita telah menunggu selama satu jam.)
He had been standing in front of the door for thirthy minutes before it was opened.
(Dia telah berdiri di depan pintu selama tiga puluh menit sebelum dibukakan.)
2 Past perfect continuous tense untuk memberitahukan berapa lama sesuatu terjadi
(period of time) atau sampai waktu tertentu di masa lampau.
She was annoyed since she had been waiting for 2 hours on the bus station.
(Dia kesal karena telah menunggu selama 2 jam di halte bus.)
By the time the teacher came, the students had been reading a half part of the text.
(Pada waktu guru datang, para siswa telah membaca separuh bagian dari teks.)
I had been working ith my computer all day, and all I wanted to do was eat some
(Saya telah bekerja dengan komputer sepanjang hari, dan yang ingin saya lakukan
adalah makan coklat.)


Simple Future Tense adalah bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian di
masa yang akan datang. Bentuk tense ini merupakan salah satu tense paling dasar dan sering
digunakan dalam penulisan mau pun percakapan Bahasa Inggris. Penggunan tense ini identik
dengan kata will/shall, atau be going to.

Rumus Simple Future Tense

Berikut ini adalah rumus Simple Future Tense:

Fungsi Rumus Contoh Kalimat

O Subject + will/shall + Verb 1 + Object O I will leave it.
Positif (+) o Subject + be + going to + Verb 1 + Object O I am going to leave it.

O Subject + will/shall + not + Verb 1 +

Object O I will not leave it.
Negatif (-)  Subject + be + not + going to + Verb O I am not going to leave it.
1 + Object

O Will + Subject + Verb 1? O Will I leave it?

Interogatif (?) o Be + Subject + going to + Verb 1+Object? o Am I going to leave it?

Fungsi Simple Future Tense

Tense yang merupakan gabungan dari aspek simple (pada satu spesifik waktu) dan bingkai waktu
future (yang akan datang) ini juga memiliki beberapa fungsi dalam penggunaannya.
Kegunaan Contoh Kalimat
a. Untuk mengungkapkan gagasan umum. a. Families will always be important for us.
b. My parents will visit my grandparents
b. Untuk mendeskripsikan kebiasaan.
once a month.
c. Untuk menggambarkan emosi. c. He will love his new bicycle.
d. Untuk menyatakan milik atau hubungan d. By next month, Andrea will have a
personal. complete set of encyclopedias.
e. Untuk menentukan batas waktu dan fokus
e. John will call me Thursday morning.
Will Versus Be Going To

Seperti yang telah disebutkan di atas, Simple Future Tense identik dengan kata will dan be going
to. Terdapat perbedaan fungsi dalam pengunaan kata-kata tersebut.


Fungsi Contoh Kalimat

I need a hand for those groceries. Will you
a. Untuk mengajukan permohonan/permintaan.
help me?
b. Untuk menunjukkan keinginan atau
He won’t go no matter what.
c. Untuk membuat janji. I promise, I will come to your party.
d. Untuk menunjukkan fakta umum. Plants will die if they don’t get enough water.

2. Be Going To

Fungsi Contoh Kalimat

I am going to go to the party whether you are
a. Untuk menunjukkan niat atau tujuan.
there or not.
b. Untuk membicarakan kejadian yang akan
Look at those clouds! It is going to rain.
segera terjadi.
c. Untuk membicarakan rencana yang telah
We are going to spend a month in Japan.
3. Will and Be Going To

Fungsi Contoh Kalimat

Everything will be fine for Nathan’s party, and
a. Untuk membuat prediksi.
everyone is going to have fun.
b. Be going to biasanya digunakan untuk I am going to write an article. First, I will do
mengenalkan topik. Lalu dilanjutkan dengan some research on the topic. Then I will make
kalimat yang menggunakan will. an outline and write.
Menggunakan Shall

Fungsi Contoh Kalimat

a. Untuk membuat kalimat menjadi lebih formal. I shall go to the store.
b. Untuk menawarkan sesuatu. O Shall I get you a drink?
Should dan may biasanya digunakan pada konteks ini. O Should I get you a drink?

c. Untuk mengusulkan aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh pembicara

O Shall we dance?
dan pendengar.
Pada konteks ini, Let’s (let us) lebih sering digunakan dan lebih
O Let’s dance!

Keterangan Waktu

Untuk membuat kalimat Simple Future Tense, akan lebih komplit jika menambahkan keterangan

a. Tomorrow… Besok…
Tomorrow morning Besok pagi
Tomorrow afternoon Besok siang
Tomorrow evening Besok petang
Tomorrow night Besok malam
b. Next… … yang akan datang
Next time Waktu yang akan datang
Next week Minggu depan
Next month Bulan depan
Next year Tahun depan
c. Tonight Malam ini
d. Soon Segera
e. Later Nanti
Two days later Dua hari lagi
f. Two more days Dua hari lagi
g. By and by Sebentar lagi
h. The day after tomorrow Besok lusa

Pada umumnya, penggunaan Simple Future Tense ini sama saja dengan Simple Present Tense.
Namun, perbedaannya terletak pada bingkai waktu kejadiannya. Bentuk tense ini digunakan
untuk suatu kejadian yang belum terjadi dan akan terjadi pada masa yang akan datang.
9. Future Continuous Tense
Future Continuous Tense adalah suatu bentuk tense dalam bahasa Inggris yang biasanya
disebut juga dengan Future Progressive Tense. Penggunaaan tense ini menunjukkan bahwa suatu
kejadian akan terjadi di masa depan dan terus berlanjut untuk beberapa waktu. Hal yang penting
untuk diingat adalah bahwa suatu kejadian yang digambarkan dengan tense ini memiliki durasi

Rumus Future Continuous Tense

Rumus Future Continuous Tense cukup sederhana yaitu will + be + Verb ing. Rumus tersebut
tidak akan berubah meskipun kita menggunakan subjek tunggal atau jamak.

Berikut ini rumus Future Continuous Tense:

Kalimat Positif
Rumus: Subject + will + be + Verb ing

Contoh kalimat:

I will be staying with my sister for a week.

Kalimat Negatif
Rumus: Subject + will + not + be + Verb ing

Contoh kalimat:

I will not be staying with my sister for a week.

I won’t be staying with my sister for a week.

Kita bisa menggunakan singkatan won’t untuk menggantikan will not.

Kalimat Interogatif
Rumus: Will + Subject + be + Verb ing?

Contoh kalimat:

Will I be staying with my sister for a week?

Penggunaan Future Continuous Tense

a. Fungsi

Selain digunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian yang akan berlangsung dengan durasi tertentu di
masa yang akan datang, tense ini juga mempunyai beberapa fungsi lain, yaitu:

Untuk memproyeksikan atau merencanakan suatu kejadian di masa yang akan datang.
Contoh kalimat future continuous tense:

This time next week I will be sun-bathing in Lombok.

Just think, next Monday you will be driving your new car.

Untuk memprediksi atau memperkirakan kejadian di masa yang akan datang.


He’ll be coming to the party, I expect.

I guess you’ll be feeling thirsty after working in the sun.

Pada bentuk interogatif, tense ini dapat digunakan untuk menanyakan dengan sopan
informasi mengenai kejadian di masa yang akan datang.

Will Jason be coming with us?

Will I be sleeping in this room?

Untuk menunjukkan kejadian yang berlangsung dengan durasi tertentu yang kita harapkan
akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang.

When he is in Australia he will be staying with friends.

I’ll be eating with Jane this evening so I can tell her.

Jika ditambahi dengan kata still, tense ini menunjukan suatu kejadian yang sedang terjadi
sekarang dan kita berharap akan terus berlangsung sampai masa yang akan datang.

In an hour I’ll still be jogging with Sarah.

Tomorrow he’ll still be suffering from his cold.

b. Kapan Tidak Boleh Menggunakan Future Continuous Tense

Sangat penting untuk memperhatikan bahwa Future Continuous tense hanya digunakan dengan
action verb, karena action verb bisa saja mempunyai durasi waktu. Action verb mendeskripsikan
aktivitas seperti running, thinking, dan walking. Sedangkan stative verb mendeskrisikan
keadaan, seperti being, seeming, dan knowing. Akan sangat aneh jika kita menggunakan Future
Continuous tense dengan stative verb.

Contoh kalimat future continuous tense:

I will be being so angry if he won’t come. (salah)

I will be so angry if he won’t come. (benar)

I will be knowing if he lies. (salah)

I will know if he lies. (benar)

Dapat kita lihat bahwa kata being dan knowing tidak cocok untuk digunakan dengan Future
Continuous tense.

10. Future Perfect Tense

Rumus Future Perfect Tense

kalimat positif (+):
S + will + have + past participle (verb-3)
kalimat negatif (-):
S + will + not + have + past participle (verb-3)

kalimat interogatif (?):

will + S + have + past participle (verb-3)

Usage :
1. Future perfect tense to express an activity that will be finished or occured before other
activities are carried out in the future
( future perfect tense untuk mengungkapkan suatu aktivitas yang akan sudah selesai atau
terjadi sebelum aktivitas lain dilakukan di masa depan )
2. Future perfest tense to show that an action will have been completed at some time in the
( future perfect tense untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu aksi akan telah selesai pada suatu
waktu dimasa depan )

Time signal :
1. At this time next week/month ( pada waktu yang sama pada saat ini minggu depan/ bulan
2. By this time next week/month ( selambat-lambatnya waktu yang sama pada saat ini di
minggu/ bulan depan )
3. By next Sunday ( tidak melebihi minggu depan )
4. By 9 ( tidak melebihi pukul 9)
5. Tomorrow ( besok )
6. On the 15th of May ( pada tanggal 15 bulan Mei)
7. In 3 years time ( dalam waktu 3 tahun )
Example :

+ - ?
Fifin will have come Fifin will not have come Will Fifin have come ?
Meri will have eaten Meri won’t have eaten Will Meri have eaten ?
Canta will have gone when Canta will not come when Will Canta have come when
Sinta come at 9 Shinta come at 9 Shinta come at 9 ?
Yafi will have sleep at 8 Yafi will not have sleep at 8 Will yafi have sleep at 8 ?

11. Past Future Tense

Rumus Past Future Tense
Positif (+)
 S + would + bare infinitive
 S + was/were + going to + bare infinitive
Negative (-)
 S + would + not + bare infinitive
 S + was/were + not + going to + bare infinitive
Introgative (?)
 Would + S + bare infinitive ?
 Was/were + S + going to + bare infinitive ?

Usage :
1. To state an action that will be taken voluntary
( Untuk menyatakan suatu aksi yang akan dilakukan secara sukarela ( would ) )
2. To state the planned action
(Untuk menyatakan aksi yang direncanakan)
3. To be used to make an appointment
(Untuk dapat digunakan untuk membuat janji)
4. To be used to make predictions
(Untuk dapat digunakan untuk membuat prediksi)

+ - ?
Nesta would forgive you Nesta wouldn’t forgive you Would Nesta forgive you ?
Lia was going to give two Lia wasn’t going to give two Was Lia going to give two
beautiful scarfs to her friend beautiful scarfs to her friend beautiful scarfs to her
friend ?
Dina would forget me Dona woldn’t forget me Would Dina forget me ?
My cat was going to sleep My cat wasn’t going to sleep Was my cat going to sleep ?

12. Past future perfect tense

Positive (+)
 S + would/should/could/may/might/must + have + past participle (verb 3)
Negative (-)
 S + would/should/could/may/might/must + not + have + past participle ( verb 3 )
Interogative (?)
 would/should/could/may/might/must + S + have + past participle ( verb 3 )

Usage :
1. use to express or tell an event in the past that never happened in the future
( Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan atau menceritakan kejadian di masa lalu yang tidak
pernah terjadi dimasa mendatang )
2. Describe a condition that will be completed in the past
( Menggambarkan suatu kondisi yang akan selesai di masa lalu )

+ - ?
Canta would have worked Canta wouldn’t have worked Would Canta have worked ?
Arya and Fifin would have Arya and Fifin wouldn’t have Would Arya and Fifin have
been shopping been shopping been shopping ?
Alya should have received Alya shouldn’t have received Should Alya have received
her refund by now her refund by now her refund by now
Nata would have been typed Nata wouldn’t have been Would Nata have been typed
when Rizqi come typed when Rizqi come when Rizqi come ?

13. Present Prfect Continuous Tense

Usage :
 stating events that took place in the past, present, and future
 stating events that have been repeated until now

Time Signal / Tanda Waktu :

Formula / Rumus :

Example :

(+) Henok has been selling walnut pie since his last business went bankrupt.
Daniel and Rizky have been pushing our car since 1 hour ago because we cannot find
any gas station.
Irfan has been swimming for 2 hours.
(-) It has not been raining for three days
Erlita has not been living in America since 2003.
Many books have not been being brought by Ella
(?) Have Irfan and Rizky been repairing that car since an hour ago?
Has Kiki been cooking the food for her sister?
Has Agatha been listening to her speech since the first time she started?

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