Instructions (3rd Phase)

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The Biography (3rd Phase)

The objective of the collaborative project is to motivate students to practice the language applying
the knowledge learnt in this level, using specially the speaking skill. This project is divided in three
Term Phase Topic Dates
First Term First Phase Project planning August 17 – September 6th

Second Term Second Phase Writing my biography September 14th - October 18th
Third Term Third Phase Video October 26th - November 15th

In this Third Phase (Video) you have to follow this process:

Step 1: Correct the text submitted in phase 2 (if it is necessary) according to

feedback given by the teacher.

Step 2: Prepare the biographies, organize the biographies created in phase 2. It is

important to avoid the reading during the recording and to take into account the
fluency and pronunciation.

Step 3: Record a video. You can use a recording camera, your cellphone, or the
device you prefer to use. Be careful with the quality of the video (audio and editing)

Fluency and pronunciation the following links can help you:

Edit your video; the following links can help you:

Upload your video in YouTube; the following links can help you:

Step 4: Download the file “Our Video” in your PC; copy and paste the URL of your
YouTube video in the file.

Step 5: Send the file “Our Video” in the link “Send my activity (Phase 3)”, only the
group leader sends the file.

This activity will be evaluated through the criteria showed in the following rubric. The lowest score to
approve the activity is 60 points and the highest 100 points.
0 points 15 points 20 points 25 points
The group did not Project is missing Project includes Project includes
submit the final more than two key most material all material
product. elements that needed to gain needed to gain a
impact the comfortable comfortable
understanding of understanding the understanding of
the presentation. person’s whole life. the person’s
whole life.

The group did not Pronunciation Pronunciation is Pronunciation is

submit the final affects clear enough to be very clear and
product. understanding of understood, but understandable.
different ideas. there could have Fluency is good
Fluency is been more and does not affect
interrupted by lots rehearsal. understanding.
and fluency
of hesitations Hesitations make a
which bit difficult to
make difficult to understand some
understand most ideas fluently.
The group did not The Presentation Students worked Effective
submit the final is a result of a together and were teamwork. The
product. group effort, but assigned different final product
only some roles represents
members something that
Collaboration contributed would have been
impossible to
working alone.

The group did not Video is of poor Video is edited. A Video is edited.
submit the final quality and is variety of Video runs
product. unedited. There transitions are smoothly from shot
are no transitions used and most to shot. A variety
added or transitions help tell of transitions are
transitions are the story. Most of used to assist in
Production used so frequently video has good communicating the
that they detract pacing and timing. main idea. Shots
from the video. Graphics are used and scenes work
There are no appropriately. well together.
graphics. Graphics explain
and reinforce key
points in the video.

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