Mid-Term Progress Report: Boston Latin School

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Boston Latin School

Rachel Skerritt, Head of School

78 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 02115
(617) 635-8895

Mid-Term Progress Report Term 1

Alanna Thach
ID: 335544
Grade Key
A+ (97-100) C+ (77-79.9) F+ (50-59.9) - Failure
Homeroom: 1010_027 Excellent A (93-96.9) Fair C (73-76.9) F (<50) - Failure
Grade: 08 A- (90-92.9) C- (70-72.9) P Pass
Counselor: Murray B+ (87-89.9) D+ (67-69.9) NC No Credit
Good B (83-86.9) Poor D (63-66.9) I Incomplete
B- (80-82.9) D- (60-62.9) W Withdrawn
UN Ungraded

Warning Notice
Your student is in danger of failing the current marking period. See below for an indication of subjects at risk of
failure. Students are evaluated based on class assignments, exams, and attendance. A student cannot have more
than three unexcused absences in a marking term and receive passing report card grades.

Course (Teacher) Mid-Term Grade Comment

Physical Education 8 (Holmes) A+

ELA 8 (Gibbons) F
Hist/SS 8 (Stuppard) C-
Latin MS 8 (Bartoloma) F
Spanish 1 (Green) B
Algebra 1 (Wetherby) F
UNIF SCI FOUND8 (Balicki) C+
String Techn (Shipley) C-
Total Absences: 0 Total Tardies: 0

According to the Boston Public Schools Promotion Policy, all students will be evaluated for promotion with respect to
report card grades, performance on student products and standardized tests, and attendance. Besides academic standing, a
key factor in the Promotion Policy is student attendance. A student cannot have more than three unexcused absences in a

Signature Required
Sign and return this form to your student's homeroom teacher within two days. If you wish to schedule a parent/teacher
conference, please call the school number listed above.

Rachel Skerritt, Head of School Parent/Guardian Signature

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