The Mentor Test For Pax

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The questionnaire that follows contains a series of 32 statements. Each statement represents a belief you hold
or a behavior you practice, or would practice if given the opportunity. You will indicate the extent to which you
agree or disagree with each statement using the rating scale below.

Rating Categories

7 Very strongly agree

6 Strongly agree
5 Agree
4 Slightly agree to slightly disagree
3 Disagree
2 Strongly disagree
1 Very strongly disagree

1. I think it’s important to help others grow.

2. I think it’s important to be honest with people; to point areas that need improvement as well as their
3. I think it’s important to give feedback frequently; this will encourage learning.
4. When giving feedback, it’s critical to be as specific as possible.
5. One of the key elements in working with other people is establishing trust.
6. Within reason, it is desirable to encourage other people to take risk.
7. I think it’s important to treat the subordinates occasionally, or to go out for lunch or dinner with
8. I like others to see me as a person to talk, to discuss their problem with, or to confide in.
9. I think it’s important to identify ways people can improve themselves.
10. It’s important to communicate to others the expectations of the organization, for example, the dress
code, what really counts, and so on.
11. I think it’s important to create a non-threatening environment in which ideas and feelings maybe
safely expressed.
12. It’s important to help others develop technical skills as well as managerial skills.
13. I wouldn’t hesitate to let my subordinates sit on a top-level meeting where I am present so they
could observe and learn.
14. I wouldn’t be reluctant to transfer one of my most valued subordinate if it was in his best interests,
developmentally speaking.
15. I wouldn’t be reluctant to sponsor one of my valued subordinates for a special assignment if it was
in his best interest, developmentally speaking.
16. I think it’s important to protect my subordinates from high-risk situations, for example, loss of job
17. I would go out of my way to open doors for someone who I thought was deserving.
18. It’s important to encourage the independence of others.
19. It’s desirable, at the appropriate time, to create situations that allow others to become more visible
or that increase their exposure in the organization.
20. It’s important to encourage the independence of others.
21. I think it’s critical to allow highly valued subordinates to be promoted, even though it might weaken
my own functional area.
22. It’s desirable to make sure people are in challenging positions.
23. It’s important to be seen as a person who is able to tell other’s whether or not their goals are
24. I think it’s important to be seen as a role model for others.
25. I think it’s important to give others the chances to make mistakes.
26. I enjoy working with younger or less-experienced people in order to help them learn.
27. I feel good if someone I’ve helped progresses in the organization.
28. It doesn’t bother me if someone I’ve helped actually moves ahead of me in the organization.
29. I think you gain power in the eyes of key people in the organization if people you’ve helped grow
and advance in the organization.
30. It’s important to allow others to come up with the creative solutions to problems.
31. It’s important to stimulate the ideas of others.
32. It’s important to confront and challenge your subordinates.

My Score on the Mentor Test is _____________

My Mentor Management Quotient is ________________

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