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Aplikasi Metode Geofisika untuk

Eksplorasi Panas Bumi

Dosen: Selvi Misnia Irawati
Tujuan eksplorasi
• Mengumpulkan data geoscience untuk
meminimalisir ketidakpastian yang berhubungan
dengan estimasi parameter reservoir
• Eksplorasi bisa dimulai dengan skala regional lalu
fokus pada area yang lebih kecil
• Eksplorasi dimulai dengan mengumpulkan sampel
dan data dari manifestasi permukaan
• Lalu ke survey lebih lanjut menggunakan geologi,
geofisika, geokimia
Basic concepts of Geophysics
• Major task of geophysics is to make
quantitative statements about the interior of
the earth (model) from observation (data)
• Data ↔ subsurface physical property
• Geophysical method: gravity, magnetics, geo-
electrics, electromagnetics, seismics, …
Basics concepts of Geophysics
Basics concepts of Geophysics
Elements of a Geothermal System
• Heat source
• Reservoir
• Cap rock
• Recharge system
Role of Geophysics
• Role of geophysics is to identify each element
of a geothermal system
→ geometry
→ lithology
→ conceptual model
→ resource estimation
Role of Geophysics
• Exploration of a geothermal system is a
multidisciplinary approach
→ geology & geochemistry
→ geophysics
→ drilling & reservoir engineering
Geophysical Techniques Geothermal
Eksplorasi Geothermal
Exploration Strategy
• Reconnaissance
Start with inexpensive or conventional
method with large area coverage
• Delineation of prospect zone
• Detailed or follow up survey
With specialized method for targeting
Exploration Strategy
• Development strategy
→ start from a specific area to a larger area, to
explore possibilities from existing (known)
Exploration Strategy
• Reconnaissance
→ gravity
→ magnetic
→ geo-electric
• Advanced (Detail)
→ MT
→ micro-seismic (MEQ)
Geophysical Signatures:
• Gravity
→ deliniasi struktur utama
→ heat source identification
• Magnetics
→ deliniasi zona alterasi ~ cap rock
→ heat source identification
Geophysical Signatures:
• Geo-electrical method
→ deliniasi low resistivity zone
→ identifikasi zona up-flow dan out-flow
• Magnetotellurics (MT)
→ as an alternative for geo-electrical method,
with large station spacings
→ target: depth of cap-rock (bottom) or top of
reservoir, prospect boundary
Geophysical Signatures: Detail Survey
• Magnetotellurics
→ deliniasi cap rock & reservoir
→ konfirmasi struktur utama
• Micro-seismic (MEQ)
→ deliniasi zona fracture
→ Konfirmasi aktivitas hidrotermal & zona
permeabilitas tinggi
Desain Survei Gravitasi
Survey Design Magnetic Method
• Measurement points along N – S traverse line
• Alternative
→ traverse lines with max ± 45˚ deviation from N – S
→ random points with dominant N – S trending
points distribution
MT Data Acquisition
• Recording unit
• Electrode
• Coil
Recorded signal:
• Electric field
• Magnetic field

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