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Topic: Facebook addiction

Facebook is a social network which people use to make friends and set up
relationships. Facebook is also a place where everyone can update status, express
emotions, share information or interests , so on. However, naturally, the more
common Facebook is, the more particular disadvantages does it have. One of the
worst negative influences that the young catch today is Facebook addiction. Its
physicals affections are obesity, eye diseases, stresses,…Its spiritual aspects are
make users sink in virtual world; the studies go down; create spaces between
parents and children, or even violence…In summary, Facebook addiction become
an illness of community. And today, to clarify this issue, Group 9 have a small
play as an example of Facebook addiction.
Mark is an excellent student. He’s known as an ill-tempered and incommunicative
boy. Her family really love and indulge him . At his 16 th birthday, he has just
received a new smart phone from his parents as a present to encourage his
At Mark’s class
Friend 1: Hey, What are you doing?
Friend 2: You have new phone?
Mark : Oh yes. My parents gave me yesterday.
Friend 1: This’s the best choice to play game or chatting online on Facebook.
Mark: Facebook? What’s that?
Friend 2: You don’t know? Haiz, you’re so rustic .
Friend 1: OK. Let me show you. You can post everything on this
Mark: Everything?
Friend 2: Of course. Your feeling, pictures, videos,... and you can also play
game on it. There’re some new ones on Facebook such as League of Legends, Gun
shot, Runing race…
Friend 1: Hey why don’t you join in Legend Group on Facebook, we can play
game together
Friend 2: There are many thing you can experience.
Mark : Wow, it sounds great! Ok I will try. Thank you.

SCENE 2 Attracted by the interest of facebook and chatting game online,

Mark spands most of his time to play without studying. From day to day, he
becomes addiction to facebook
11pm. In Mark’s bedroom
Dad: Son, it’s time to go to bed.
Mark : …( continue to surf facebook)…I know I know. You should sleep too.
Dad: Do you hear me, Mark? Put your phone away and go to bed now.
Mark: Ok ok. Huh.

At lunch time at Mark’s home. Nobody talks to each other. Mark is having his
meal, but she’s just keeps looking at phone’s screen.

Dad: Stop staring at your Facebook. Have lunch.

Mom: Mark, your teacher has just phoned me. She complained to me about

your results of the first semester. I’m so disappointed to hear that.

Mark: Go go, just a liitle bit…

Dad: Don’t you listen? You ‘re always using chatting and playing game on
facebook. Now, see? Your study is dropped.

Mark: I don’t know, I don’t know what are you saying

Dad : You addicted to Facebook! You know?

Mark: Shut up! You don’t understand me anything. I don’t care.

SCENE 5 Because many games Mark play need money to run, so he have to
waste all his money on those ones. From day to day, he run out of money. He
decides to beg a litte money from Mary- a new comer moving from a different
school to here. At first, Mary accept to give money to help him, but after that, she
realize that Mark seems to be addicted to Facebook, so she doesn’t give him
money anymore. But today….

Mark: Haiz, out of money again.

Hey, Mary, can you lend me some money. I will pay back.

Mary: No, you’re always using money to play game on facebook. It’s not
good for you

Mark: Give me money, right now. Don’t you listen?

Mary: No I don’t

Mark: You.. Ok. How dare you?

SCENE 6 Not able to take money from Mary, Mark decides to gather with his
friends to bully Mary.

On way back home

Mary: What do you want?

Mark: Money

Mary: I told you I don’t have

Mary: Hey give it to me

Mary: Stop, please, please…
Mark: How dare you? How dare you despise me?
Mary: Please… stop..
Mark: I told you to give me money. If you had listened to me, you
wouldn’t be like this
Mary’s mother: Stop now. What are you doing with my daughter?
Mark and his friends don’t say anything
Mary’s mother: If Mary do something wrong, you can tell me or teacher.
Why did you bully my daughter?
Mary: Mom, he’s addicted to Facebook. He forced me to give him
money to play games online on Face.
Mark’s parents : I’m sorry, sorry Mrs. He’s my son. I plead you to forgive
him this time. He won’t be silly again.
Mary’s mother: You are his parents? Why did you let him addicted to
Facebook and behave like that?
Mark’s parents: I’m so sorry. Mark , say sorry to Mary and her mother now.
Mark: I do not!
Mark’s parents: You…
Mary’s mother: OK, I don’t need anymore. I will have the police and
government law to solve this problem. I think you should
ready for it.

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