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CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU HONOLULU POLICE DEPARTMENT (CHIEF OF POLICE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PERIOD: JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2020 ‘Appointed by the Police Commission of the City and County of Honolulu, this position is the adminisative head of the Honolulu Police Department, The Chief of Police: exercises overall ‘executive direction, management, coordination, and contol of departmental functions/activts promulgates policies, rules, and regulations necessary for the organization and intemal ‘administration of the department; and reports directy tothe Police Commission on a regular basis. “The Chief shall not engage in any outside employment without fist securing written approval rom. the Commission. [remainder of page blank] CHIEF OF POLICE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PERIOD: JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2020. EMS ‘RCTIONPLAN. |_| Provide te the Commission at least annually an Action Plan with objectively measurable metrics for the upcoming evaluation period ‘Executes on the Action Plan for his evaluaion period alached to this Performance X.| | Evaluation as Attachment A, Honolulu Police Depariment 2020 Strategie Pan, X| | OVERALL ACTION PLAN [ACTION PLAN COMMENTS: During the evaluation period, Chief Ballard made progress on the strategic plan; however, there were some issues thal should still be addressed, including case closures, vacancies, ‘overtime, and in-person training. The action plan shoud be updated regularly to address Priorities. The Commission appreciates that more measurable outcomes are now proved: however, the Commission believes thatthe results ofthe internal survey of deparmental sat! ‘should have been shared with the Commission, [E=Exceeds Expectations M=Meets Expectations [B=Below Expectations CHIEF OF POLICE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PERIOD: JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31,2020. Tas TEADERSHIP Tg an effecive, compelent and motivated leader who leads by exanple and inspires X | others to pertorm optimally. Mainiains @ postive atitude and a high degree of morale among all uniformed X | plainclothes, reserve, and civiian employees. X | | based on integrity, trust, respect, and fairness, ‘Seeks out and encourages suggestions, paricipation and colaberation to achieve X | and improve ihe goals and objectives of the Department. Instills the highest degree of personal and professional credibility ensuring a culture: 1 ‘Maintains postive relationships with other law enforcement agencies incuding The X | Federal, State and other municipalities. [[—) | atively partcpate in structuring State and City and Couniy poles by advocating X | |to the State legislature, Cty Council and other agencies and departments, x | OVERALL LEADERSHIP TEADERSHIP COMMENTS: Chiet Balard's desire to make changes to the Department to improve ils efficiency and Performance is admirable. This was an exceptionally tough year due to COVE, and the Department under Chie? leadership made a difference in keeping island-wice Infection rates low relative to comparabe jurisdictions Unfortunately, during the evaluation period, Chef Ballard also had a tendency to be ismissve and not accept responsibilty for concems raised against the Deperiment. At ties, Chief Ballard cid not accept constructive ertcism and, within the Department, berated others | in front of ther peers. ‘Thus, morale within the Department's management and among is rank and fle officers was. | compromised. Some were happy, but many felt unfair treated or retaliated upon. Chief Ballar's colaborative relationships with some other law-enforcement agencies could also improve. ‘The Commission encourages Chief Ballard to be more personally active in advocating for Department priorities to he State Legislature, City Council, and other deparinents, ExExceeds Expectations M=Meets Expectations low Expectations CHIEF OF POLICE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PERIOD: JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2020 ‘WANAGERIAL, Heads a dynamic and ineraciive Department making organizational changes as X | needed to ensure optimum departmental functionality and efficiency, ians, advecaiea for, coordinates, delegates end directs, through subordinate X |_| management and supervisory personnel, departmental functions and activites to ‘meet the Depariment objectives and goals uttzing the human resources, ‘equipment resources, technology, fcities, and financial resources, both provided ‘and idealy beneficial ‘Salecis and appoints, within the auihorly of the Offs of the nel and ia X | accordance with the Civil Service rules and regulations, personnel to staff key ‘managerial positions; promotes, assigns, and reassigns personnel as necessary to ‘ensure continued grow, knowiedge, team building, and resource maximization Follows the appropriate collective bargaining agreemanis and laws when imposing X.| | dscipinary actions, including, but not limited to, reprimands, suspensions, and dismissal of personnel uizing the written standard of conduct. x | OVERALL MANAGERIAL WANAGERIAL COMMENTS: ‘The POSTIHONU programs were an excelent example of Chief Ballard's advocacy in meeting the Department's objectives and goals. During COV, the ably ofthe apartment to step up and modty these programs was commendable, However, after delegating assignments or peiies, the Chief tended to blame others and not {ake responsibilty. An example was the CET overtime misuse and Chief Ballard stating there may have been a miscommunication in what was relayed to officers. Chief Ballard di not {ake responsibilty for her actions and blamed supervisors ard commanders. Anticipating potential Issues and mitigating sks in advance of an aperation or decision is kay to strong management, E-Exceeds Expectations B=Below Expectations CHIEF OF POLICE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PERIOD: JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31,2020 ETMe. BUDGET AND FISCAL ‘Provides timely nancial information with sufficient detals tothe Commission which X_| | shall enable the Commission to make recommendations on proposed budgets to the Mayor and to evaluate the Chief fiscal performance. ‘Advocates for and secures budgetary appropiaion, ensures the approval of x_| | expencitures folow proper and responsible fiscal procedures including accounting controls, monitoring, auditing practices and procedures are folowed. Researches, explores, and mmplements new technology, methods, and cost savings x measures that enhance employee safety, manage workloads, and improve time | ‘management and accountabilty. ‘Seeks out evaluales and apples for appropriate grants: explains budgetary x variances which are more than 10% of the budgeted amounts. x | | OVERALL BUDGET AND FISCAL [BUDGET AND FISCAL COMMENTS: ‘The Commission appreciated Chief Ballard's quarterly budget updates and also appreciated Chief Balard's cooperation with and openness to the Commission's Permited inaction Group formed to review the Department's FY22 budget. The Commission welcomes the audit recently proposed by the City Council EsExceeds Expectations MeMeets Expectations B=Below Expectations CHIEF OF POLICE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PERIOD: JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31,2020. we "TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT reales, implements, supports, and encourages partiipalin in Waining and X_| | educational programs to develop and enhance the skils, ebilties, knowledge, ‘awareness and performance of departmental employees, Wainiains an accessible management (raining program and a career guidance | |x| program for departmental personnel which promotes upward mobility with ||” |increasing responsibilty ‘Evaluaies and enhances the recrul taining program so 8s to ensure that the best x ‘uaified personnel are vetted, recruited, and retained, TWinimizes vacant postions by insiing integrity and pide and by providing support X| | forall personnel X| | OVERALL TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT "TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMENTS: CChiet Bard is a constant advocate for raining and has been resourceflin initiating online tuaining to address contemporary topics such as implicit bias-based training. Chef Ballara's fers to revamp the recruit training program ie commendable. Chief Gala i looking towarcs the future and the evolution of training the next generation ef police officers. CChiet Batard is encouraged to find ways to retain veteran officers. There also could be more creativyinfilng vacancies and retention, ceeds Expectations jests Expectations elow Expectations CHIEF OF POLICE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PERIOD: JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2020 ETM] 3] ‘COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS Communicates, articulates, and conveys. ideas, thoughts, knowedge and X_| information, both orally and in wring in easy to understand language, Develops, Tostare and maintains publ relations By nailing confidence, trust, | X | respect, common courtesy, openness and transparency withthe public, the private sector, and the media Provides the public wth ecient access fo police services, including 617, aricuates X |__| the values, including leadership, integrity, excellence, accountabilly and teamwork, ofthe Department fo the community. Enhances public awareness of police presence and protective mission whe | | promoting the guardian relationship X |_| OVERALL COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS | COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMENTS: COVID-19 has presented challenges in all sectors and fr all leaders. During the evaluation period, Chief Ballar's relationship with the media declined and could be considered failing. Part of the job ofthe chief of police isto represent the Department before the media even when the reports not alvays a desired one, The Chief needs to be ‘pen to repairing working relationships with the media, CChiet Batard continues to have a postive relationship with the community. :xceeds Expectations M=Meets Expectations low Evpectations CHIEF OF POLICE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PERIOD: JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2020 EyMye POLICE COMMISSION The Chief shall be accountable solely to the Commission as the appointing authority, except as may be otherwise provided by the Charter. To foster this accountabily, the Chief shall: Inform the Commission regarding the decisions enumerated in the Position X.| _ | Description For Chief Of Police; Maintain @ cooperate ‘elalonship wih the Commission in readiy sharing X | information, concems, and problems, seeking counselladvice from the Commission (on matters within ts purview. x Regularly attend meetings ofthe Commission; Provide the Commission wit any and all ivformation andlor decumentation X.| | necessary for the Commission to conduct the annual evaluation of the Chiefs performance, including, but not limited to, making an annual report to the ‘Commission onthe state of affairs and condition of the Department, as required by HRS, Section 520-2; ‘Provide the Commission with 8 copy of the Chie?s annual dlscipinary repon to he X | | Legislature, required by HRS Section 520-35; Develop for Commission review and recommendation a reasonable five-year pl X | | for the Depariment incucing objectives and goals. Periocically update the glan's {goats and objecives and oversee tne departmental pregress in he achievement of the goals and objectives reporting the same to the Cemmission. Werks with the ‘Commission in monitoring and evaluating whether the Department ebjectives ane ‘goals are being met. x | | OVERALL POLICE COMMISSION POLIGE COMMISSION COMMENTS: ‘The role of the Commission is to provide oversight over the Police Chiefs management ofthe Department, and sharing information is key to that oversight. Despite the nate of the | ‘Commission's duties, the Chief, at times, undervalues the role ofthe Commission and | appears dismissive, ‘The Commission locks forward to working with Chief Ballard on improved reporting to the Commission regarding overtime, vacancies, in-person training, and case closures, ceeds Expectations NMeats Expectations CHIEF OF POLICE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PERION: JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 020 ‘Attachment A. “102 50 pus ou Aq Ajunuiwos ‘oun ua sdysuonejes oxooyo Buruienureus Joppue e2]as0s sowoysno uy Jouuosied je URAL e9|\s0s sowa}sne apinoid PUIsIP yee uy wesBoud , B09 sno, Mouy,, © YUSIIGESS aWOOLNO aTavaunsvaN ‘suazpio pue s1eayjo ueomaq ype UO jeuosied eseos5u) AOBLVULS. zNIg-d3aKojdWia droid Z'y “dnoi8 snoo} eyoe19s etn Jo %0F-0E 10 oye4 esuodsal B UHM ‘Aenins jeustu) pesnaoy jenuue ue uLo}Hed fons Tenuue jeweyu ue wuo}ed “geo sepuejeo yore Jo pus ou; kq quounedep uy UI JuaUIe}@ yOeO UE JolD o47 UEEMEG UO}sse3 uiNso} Uodo UE PIO ‘seok sepucyea sod zy 40 uinuujul © 0 uoU Jed BOA. ysLIAnd ojeaiUNUILIOD tewsoyul eseez0u NooINOevaunsvaN | ADALVALS ‘sojwopeay oojjog yino, pue -sroquiou fyunuauco gz jo ens seep wnuyunseigin | zzoz 420K sepuojen © eou0 jse9| 8 Auiopeae yoee sey | -gigz | 84S | ‘ssoulsng ‘suezni9 ejowlold zzoz 22j}0¢ 40 yo1yo oun hq “BL0z 09 seousveedde o119nd UEUIEW zzoz | aay | Ayunuuco ou) ayn vonoesent satoz | geo | seowjo.oy soppuniodde opioid yoned yee uj uo0A9 ,doo e YIM 88409, €390H “Bujoow sed eouepuene uy siequiew AyuMUNH09 OZ Soar iete ae aninuR eta mateo ueiea oe sto ee ezoeh | aeel ae ieee nn ae sBupeouu roy-unc om jo unumun y-wouNspIened | -BL02 | 8d ese AAs aS oe uj wieiBoud ,1ofeW ou; 80H, eu3 ewer Wak aNOOLNO STavaUNsvaW ADALVULS, “wor kaguy | 1207 ‘1p Aq uoneoipnipe yo uopeinp eBesone ou; conpey | -210z %02 fq suone8nsonuy | azz | op suoneGnsonu expEnsiuwpe eanensiuwupe jo uopeinp oBexene oty conpeu | -2102 40 uopBinp ep conpey ea la (vaou) “Koz Aq vou 10} uoneINp eBesorw ou eonpeu | FT ay ‘AOU sottod 10 UORDASEY youopeinp oy conor aNooiNo S1avauNSvaW xoaivuis | “%OL fq jouuosiod juourzedep Bulajonut ‘saseo eaU9j0[A 2pseuiog Jo Joquinu uy eonpeu reuuosiod -ssouareme pue | Jewousuedep Buysjonu soseo onueneid Burzjseyduio osinoo © ‘AG J0 Joquinu exp o8ea:20q uouiojcu pue siopyroud eyo aq woH Indu] UIHIO ‘soyenb Aone suepinoid eop0s. 29u0 Jo uinuujw e s19piroid eoyes AGI ION | Aq HM sdqysuopejes exosduy ‘eounyduo> 9,001 wewgo pue wesBolg woUssossy Seema oO ‘Ayjeujor s uoursedep 043 jo sypne Aueyenb yonpuoD aWOOino s1avaunsvaW "yjBuens jouuosied pue peojeseo uo peseq eyed pnesayesnqy s6pia aceon sr un pe ev onvened ezofeeu ‘ue puedxe pue 3001 anooino mavaunsvan ef | : AOALVULS eroads YSHGEISS LZ ET RuelKe IEE Lid fouuosiod jFe 40 %00} :220z Jeuuosiod ie 40 945'99 1202 fouuosied we 40 %eE :0Z0z veupek eos, UL VJHIN Ul jeuUosied Cig Pu Woms je UYeAL. 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Bujureay aug srosdunt eg “120g Aq sens} 2010} Jo esn yueuno Buyssesppe o} ia ae natu corred | xc (Pa peeeene “020240 pue fq woysks | “+02 #0 canipueds pur eperben) 2oyejnuis pepes8dn ue eseysind pue yaseosoy Pea 4 aWooLno aTavaunsvaN BH, | ovaune AdmnILS Bujupess Ayyeow penta onosduy zg “ob fa quewuoo Bujujen peseerAyiees em | 202 | ay Buyures ‘esea1ouy oy swinyrojuna Bujujen oxy esyrss pue me;AcY | -B10Z Buuyen pet aNoo1no a1avaunsvan sou | ovaune ADaLVaLS wunjngqung Buuress jeoeu fenuay pue yrI0ey PNY. r= | INTIMA Hee ivedst Ty “sesunoo diysiope lope, u uopediopa oz0z jeudoyonop drussepe tae | ay | Mewdojenep dussepeet pues sswresBord Buojuow Pesosuods-Ayi9 ul uopedions “Buujen poseg-oycuess | uBnowp Ayreyuew warpseno etn ope o} spownew | uojanisul pue suetd uoese| eeino> eae: UE MeIAoY | gz9z Ayrewuow ey uejpuend oy eoesquia, ‘e1qI8e9) oq pinom Ayje}uoW WeIpeNS ‘04y 40 uonBsodsoouy e18ym sesunoo oy ARUEP| Sujuren Aber) “0202 40 pue up ha (0143) snoeBeinoa | zz0z | gy ue sone puedxe puv osinou ‘51 Buypijog jeoju7a ul jeuuosied woms ye ujell | -6+0z aWoo1no aTavaunsvaw ouv | oven AoaILS CHIEF OF POLICE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PERIOD; JANUARY 1 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2020 CHIEF OF POLICE CONMENTS: CHIEF OF POLICE SIGNATURE: Gow bulla Mel Signature POLICE COMMISSION CHAIR SIGNATURE: Alo [p02y nature Date 10

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