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THIRD EDITION JOAN SASLOW ALLEN ASCHER PREVIEW QUIZ == Sa Outlook and Behavior 2 thscuss someore's belaer 3 Compare posposthes on wold prblons | Discuss eoatve nays toachevea gal By Frame your iveAs complete mo quiz by wrning your points m the cices. then calculate your soe. Optimist, Realist, or Pessimist? oP eee cag ithe middle of the night with» ‘tomschache, Your Bretthoughtie, “ty sures mating. just go back sep serous Piste abecer 9 tothe ‘You tink nfewieretce”| pane “ottneser vt he Spams 2 wrt Over, for ‘When you Oxerreivts.; | Ovvecres ees. | See new, you guess this wasn’ —_assumethet prsox vealymy dieamot. Sanleepeson Pfnda beterjee pint ep an open mina aout whether yout “oh, wal. You winsome iheeact oer casame that Jet person ort tke frrespet you. Spm 6-9 POINTS: Yatreancpamee arti spon ce ed tend osc the esha = Eee you tine crea ies baby sandra reaton hoe pene rosorensoa tht could Fg fd out ‘om rat ansering. senate Seespersen ot 40-24 208NTS Yous ios the inte. Ovourbossinvizes | Q)ews about yeuto have loneh to yourself rosin Sra Sut bor te Fomtinetotime? someprebien zh ny 45-16 POINTS Gime or disnsters faslees you youcanheb Tost rele that ‘tgs happen. 2pomts feelvery wrsaf. Spot PAR Work compare answers witha partner. Are your sores simi, or very diferent? Which of you has the moro optiminte reals, or pssimitcoutook on If, according 8 to quiz? Il cr0vP WORK. Calculate average score forthe members ofthe class. On averas how optimist, alist, or possimistcis your cass? BD tte SPOTLIGHT Read and liston to two friends talking about a new virus. they're concemed about. Natica the spotighted language. Leo: Did youhear shout that new viras going around? Chikunguny? "Nora: Chikun-irhat? Oh! You mean the one that comes from mesqulios? Leo: As amalter of fact, yes. ust ke Zika. ‘Nora: We've never had ether of those vases here before. ‘Leo: ‘Well ty say i's due to gloval warm — all those mosques rom the warmor ‘wealher. Isuppose it's just a matter of tie “il we go ll Kinds fnew dseases [Nora You sure are a pessimts. I agre t's sear. Bi hey, what are yon going to do? Leo: Tm jist sayingthus has started getting to me and'mscared, I read thal ir youtcome down with Chikunginya, you can be stck fora year... or even more, Nora: Right. But they say t's sllpretiy rare around here. These things are {Star life, YoWVe goL to Fol With the punches f YoU know What Tear. Pm not going to worry abuul a. Loo: Woll Fam, Anyway, Fim not gotng to the company dianer at that outdoor restaurant. You're Justa sitting duck out there with tie mosquitos and everything. Nora: What about just wearing long sleeves and hoping forthe best? ‘Tmean, now uniueky could you be? Leo: Well Fi yong to callin sich and say Lean't yo. Retler safe thant Bi onverstano inioms AND EXPRESSIONS Find the folowing expressions in Spotlight. Choose the meaning that more ebsaly explains each ono, 41s usta matior of time 2 Twill take a long tr. 5 Yoriro just a sitting duck ost thre, b Iwill certainly happen i the future. 2 Thor's noting you can do to protset 2 Hey, what are you gotngto do? yourselt 2 There's nothing aryone can do about. »b You probatly wort got sick b What plansdo you nave? 6 Botier safe than sory 23 Thishas started getting to me. a It's botter to stay safe and have a This s bogianing to bother me, 1 regrets b rm degianmg to gat sek, bb Timsorry, but Tm sick, 4 Youve got to 1011 witn tbe puncte. 2 You have to deal with life's dificultes and move on. Bb You shouldn't accept the diftculies io brings Gi compare AND CONTRAST Discuss the questions 1 tow would yeu desribe L40'Saunt Nora’ atlooks? How ae ey teen? 2 Whose yuu more uke, Leo or Nora? EERIE rote PLay Tote turns responding tothe following statements related {fo tho situations inthe quiz on pago 2. Use idioms from Exerice Cin your responses. Then charge roles, ‘441 woke up with astomachache. Ths could |_| MI never get the job want! bbe serious Ft better goto the doctor 79 : 4d Ur-oh. There's someone atthe door. 44 Ny boss invited me to lunch in a restaurant. Fm not answering. Ie coulé be a “There mast be some problemwith my work 7? _salesperson or even eiminal 79 Deseribe your personality ‘het EJ PPG VOCABULARY ADJECTIVES TO DESCRIBE PERSONALITY TRAITS Read and listen, Then isten again and repeat. ‘Sona’ toms tampon, but ing ser he Daa ‘Sisto wih be puncen ‘wes prety eesyzang, iota ay. Me es esting apd cating wit dans aot core Shealas ches «gad and acanone asa ‘Stas gute modest ed aay acy, Hes Che an gaysatentor toate and Aa en cong evo Stas: Forme Seton ee whens = mI e es soouteoie ‘Shes vy tstworty Ho's pret sortous. ‘There eat taKathe, Bi cussiey ie vocasuLany onthe chat, classy te ajetives fiom the Vecabulay. omer aster and otoradjecties you knew, accorngto your opnion. Then escuss witha parrer. Sac ssa Canto oter sreamaremgstie Spite ‘ren ony ‘aang iy pastivs waka pap ardworingand dor ipendenaughane wharf. 79 ‘gg oramman cernos ano IRNTIVES:REMEW AND EXPANSION Rememter Gennds aniston es sleds sects. an eed amples a Snenca Sbjct Shang tats with cowokers ihe, Ile bet ofa we] ox allng the oer often, ‘sbjetconlencet Gur dean male atta Mea nt yea Some verbs can ony be folwe by geruns asthe object ofthe ve. Some ves can ‘only be followed by infiritves. Others can be flowed by ether a gerund or an infinive. We considered going to the pienc. NOT We consiered tee tothe pctc interesting etigert oe re a os SEE oan ges Seeihe Theyhave decided to iite their teacter to the psy. NOT They have decid ting ther eacher io the play. Bur ‘She prefers going to the eaty show. OR She prefersto go to the eaty sow, un Prepositions canbe fofowed by gerunds, not by infites. Adjectives can be folloned by infiitnes, aot by gerund. | saw a fim about érving acess te United States. ‘We'e ready to go. NOT We'e ready ging. NOt | saw fm about tegrWe eooss te Unites States. Other uses of ities: To sate a fact ran opinion wth an impersonal t+ an fitive. OQ moms WS 2 gona day to meet the now boss. Tres ve, ers, 1h slate the purpose ofan action. arnt wl eds and ‘We used an insect pdr to avid mosquito bites. inet To modiy an aejecive wth too or encugh. Note: Enough folows an adjective. They wee too late to make the plne to Boston but they were eary enough te catch the bus. NOT. they were enoygh-ea4yo-ctbh the bus. "3 IB ete Listen To ACTIVATE GRAMMAR stn tothe conversions. Tho comalat each statement wih th grand or infintive for of ene af the vrs fom List anda word fom List 2 4 e's going to como home early o : ine 2 Se worm about Tacketout her pee Bie 3 tte sysit's too ae oe 4 Sie does in i a 5 Ste'sapolugang for totim te mg betore wrk eyo 6 Hea ute down about. work tae on Bi PAR work complete te questions with you own ics, using gerunds or infitnes [Anewor your partnors questions 1 Do youavald cinta? Dagon syed fe cna 2 Wha are you 00010 on s 22 6 DoyoulkItsa grOd HE aneonensnnen ? 3 In yourfanly, who does 27 Doyouews stay up ale. 4 do oubeteve m. 8 what gor you mud. Deseribe your personality By psse conversanon sporuiakt Resd ond ston. Notio the spotted comeorsationstratogies. {8 So how would you deseibe yourselP 2B: Mo? Wal. Ta say proiyeasygomne Ido ot things getto me. ‘A Bagyoing I sce yor as serous. B: You thinkso? don’ see myself that way. any as, cur you be be easygomg and seus? 1: Igucn And bow would you descrbe me? B: You? Tsoe you as potty oxtgoing A You de? Why do yousay tht? B: Because you tend tobe talkative and you seem to Ike beg with poopie alot [By ise eetvteme AND inTONATION Listen again and peat. DONT STOP! ‘Then practco the conversation with 2 partner. * Say move about your personality + Ask about other people's personae. Sy ss much asyoucan IB convensarion acrvston crstesimlarcanonston, Sing the Voabunn other jets that dese yosr peronaly. Siar ke ts: Dow WOU You dese ours? ‘Be sur to change roles and then partners. ieee Discuss someone's behavior [Bi mise Grammar sporuchT Read how these four people descibe other people's bbohaver. Notio the spotlighted grammar. "My manager. Chr 52 real sweetherr. /) Hewantsall of us to succeed. Ard heencourages us te learn ne shi sowecan move upinine compary. He's abo realy and urdentanng. He permite we to worleatboms when te haveasicktad You'll aver fd abener boss than Chr! Maton, He was sucha rant Heused wo fore uscray. And fanore forgot even one word he woul forbidthem to go home unl they ad learned the ine. He would warn them to leara ery ne precty bythe nex cass. oF Ney ‘oul’ ben dhe play. Everyone bate hn. Lr ‘hig [BJ RELATE TO PERSONAL EXPEREENCE Find these words and pTCSESIN ss guanace an tamplayer the Grammar Spotigit With aparner, tak about peop you Know or Sawin tanec 2 emptor Teton nic baie ieepeiecmanelniie cancer seis, |Terms Sime Provide examples. I Pte USTEN To CLASSIFY Listen to people describe other people's behavior, using ‘oun ard gronoun objects before infintives. Check the dascritions) of each person, ‘according t the opinons expressed 1 Margurelis: CJaworkatolle (J ayainimtheneek Ca team player 2Poeris — CJ apeople person Ca tyrant Capa m the neck aTmis Gatyrant Capamininencek [J a workahate ‘Gest [DD GRAMMAR VERBS THAT REQUIRE A NOUN OR PRONOUN BEFORE AN INFINITIVE. amas ‘Si Remember: Some webs canbe folloed dee by a if. However, inthe ace ocr, seme Newstiveininites ‘erbe must ave a noun o onan cet Defoe he five. Se ps ma Sa ele cence ee eee rege ees acer —— coleceeee ieeereaee, Soe ee ee ‘Some vs, such a5 would ike want, sk eget. and ned are used wth erwthottanoun er Resrnst wor Froveun objet the acvewoce, fang be meaning. fe ees ‘Without an ebject ‘Win an object one We'd teat oath fod We'd ie aur ren to eat teathierfond oo. ough ime. She want te dete tow car Tom shed to ee te decir. Tom asked Emly see the decor. sown ‘These vets require a noun or ponsun object before an innive in he active ve. For alist verb that can aivse —convnce force vite remit require be folowed trectiyby 20 alow encourage tie wae persuade each es couse rbd! instuct’ pay mind nam ‘3 BB UNDERSTAND THE GRAMMAR On a soparateshost of paper, chance cach sentence to the active voice. Use the By phrase asthe subject. The CEOimited poor of 1 Spouses of co-workers were invited (hy the CBO) to altend the reception. | eres" attend meeon 2 Drwers were told (by thehoiel security guards) to stopat the entrance to the hotel 3 Employees were required (by the rules) to return from luneh at 200, 4 Wo wore encouraged (hy our manager) to tweet ourauestons to the speaker. 5 They wore advised (by the tnvttation) to be atthe restanrant before £000 Gi cRamman PRACTICE Complete the sentences with your own ideas, an object. and an infinitive. 1 The changein the meeting schedule caused eweuntdinnwe tO untastnane.cur light. 2 The bad weather on the ay of the game convinced suo 23 Should we AEM rn w ° 4 The sgnat une entrance lo Ue VERE WAR socsesneses WO 5 Why don't you pay wo 2 6 ‘The article mine newspaper about ne aeldent persaged wo IB Pair worK with a partner, ake turas answerng the questions, using the cues provided, 1A Isa ongng te ot ort plete? B: No, Mark .. ERTL MENS PED see the food. (expect / us / bring) 2 A: Tveyon spoken the manager about the broken quent? B: No I. to her about tt. (ask / Ken / speak) 2: Whos gang ob hee speaker he et? BAe. neon the sone. (woud ke yu) 4 Dp you wat owiehe smiary of what happened the meeting? Breer ne. _ koala wete) ESI, 5B Dit yo nd os nw esa apt wh ME Gres? coal 2. AAU. T nn WHI ROWELL ome ‘my assistant / speak) a IB NOTEPADDING Choose two people you know. Make statements about ‘each person's personality ard behavior, using one ofthe verbs from the [stn the chart atthe top ofthis page. | she encourages everyord to get along. Bi Discussion activaTor piscuss the people you wrote about on your notepads. Say as much 2s you can about em. Compare perspectives on world problems [By usrenne waRenuP How much 9 you wory about epidemic, erram, and crime? Wet {sath ono on tho graph. Than since wth 3 pot worara ml ‘iiact [EZ] P88 LISTEN FOR MAIN IDEAS Liston. Write the problem discussed in each conversation. Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 IG Ps STEN FoR DETAILS Liston agin cre (tue) Fifa) or ND (not discussed. a Shesays there arent lt of newspaper arteles about erime, 17 F ND D He tunks inere’s nomng anyone ean doabeut erie. 7 OF OND ‘a She inks breathing the air on planes ean be dangerous. a ) bb He dunks international travel wallspread the disease all over the world, = TF ND ‘ale wortes about terror in crowded places 1 FOND Bb She thinks terrorism is eased by pororly. 7 FOND [By onnenstano MEANING FROM CONTEXT. Read each quotation. Then ston again and completo oach statement. Conversation 1 1 When the wormansays, “Crime just Out oFcontro se means 2 Mer’s atuge amount oferime b wetvewo consorerune 2 When ine man says, ‘Whats tne world coming tor" he isasting, 2 “Where m the world can wego io avoxt ene?” “What isthe future of the world?” 3 When ho says, “Better safe than sorry,” he i saying 2 don'ttemptertninalsby wearing owelry Just siay home where t'ssale Conversation 2 4 When the man says,“ think I'm geltng 2 Ite obsessed,” he means, 2 “Tm thinking about this way too much” bb “Tm afraid Tin gotuingstek~ 5 When she says, “Well dont thnk that'serzzy.” ste means a... 2 he’s night tobe worrted D tho disease is extremely bad 6 When the woman says, “I'Seven more contagion” she worries 2 tkeould eause an epidemic ’ it won't st forlone conversation 2 7 When the man say, I don’ krow about you, but Tm gelding. ile freaked out about terrorism," he’s really sayin, 2 “Are you asscared ast am about terrorism” “Idor't know how to stop terrorism, Do you” {8 When the woman says, Wel, thats no way to bve she means, 2 “Youre going to ae” bb “Its mposstble to live normally with that outlook.” 9 When she says, Its what i115" she means, 2 "What isi b "There's notung anyone ean do aboutt* 10 When the man says, T guess Fn going alte overboard,” he means, 2 Tim matang ths too unportant” “Tun not terested n tis sue” [Ei cRoUP WORK Answer oach question and explain your arswars. Lien agsin you disagree. Cacia 1 What doe to man thnk wean do about ore? 2 Why doco the woman hii hos pmatea? 3 Which speaker's ontioks coer to yours, the man's he worn conversation? 1 What reasons do the speakers gue for why so many people wil othe Marburg vrus sooner or lar? 2 Which speaker's more optimste—the man othe von? 3 Which speakers ontok is coser to yours, the man’s orthe woman's? Conversation 1 Wha ons the woman think we ear de ato terrors? 2 Which speakorhasa mor rast otlock the man cr th wore? 2 Which spcaiers ontoks closer to yours th man's rhe worn? ipare perspectives on world preblems [By worePADDING _ Witoa fs of word problems thet yeu wort about Or se ho idoss in the pctrs, Wi why yeu wort about them Edens Ivory that we won hare oneugh medicines, and lets of people wil di Ws jst amatere tre a ‘ese gs tar te {Deve goo a Be prt. S3a2 FB] viscusston meet with classmates wh seat same prbiems on ‘oer fats sag ok ‘heir notepads. Discus the problem and explain why you mony about, ° Wats its sae geting me. providing dotalls of exporioneos you or othors you know have had with om eee Discuss what. if anything. can be dane about the problem. ‘ways to achieve a goal BB) READING WARM-UP In what weys cana person's auttude nlp n soWing a problem or achieving a goat? {iit ] San READING Read the newspaper rte, which is based on atru sory inthe news ‘What was PRI Coopers miktake? DAILY NEWS__ FACEBOOK SAVES THE DAY spnsestiraaiisid'ftn Tohugir ascot owersiae, ‘ht ee ptrht o f meine” Som cane arom hn of ‘woe apt mp the tne acansmetshey ‘hontai heen WESTON, NI ‘ae Sete natant oct ing Set doen ‘i ect soba ‘Repo os Fuso or Tipy tno se eo | ‘cn Nw Josey? ad “hn abgy ber ie sort Cn tp a, ‘mindsd, but his aes the cae," Virgnia hopeless. Days ad pase. The camera would ecictnti af want to lol Sid withanaffectionatesmie. “We were ae bven ing onthe guna tig bad Be own Pease stare Segcuitaceecrtctgeks weiter orpetapeammanctediondiand es foment ita tome oncine let home, Pid eames acinar he pea Ps ofthentae Thrace Rate Cape se anne be SoS oe wa gpeaedenie Sthapelatontot tein" Nsodee astweeked whie ining em Sete anced Gnccand ‘tosay, the camer fel offthecaras fey Ironman Triathlon event, Adam Secrest, 4, called Virginia Cooper, who contacted ee eee ee ee eee Scum tists npiottone. Rewloar aon each Mawarhomtin feecsh nt thus Fccook a ‘Then Phil suddenly rememberedplaring Pickedit up, koked for anume, and finding =the Coopers house by mail esterday. ‘teeaneson topo nes fone sateteimnncar nig ewe ‘ecomens ate males. -MelTaheaystae otf mercren” ssid Pb opiures oar amaly's Sion etieaoe Spent hela two wel ca summer carsasandaseur Gite was ome Secreatamedon te camerasnd Pe wean oe BN Scotian be pone a BB DETERMINE THE MAINIDEA. Which statomert oxpresses the man dea ofthe article? 1 There'snodhng wore than osing one's vacation menones 2 Creative thnkngeaa help solve problems in unexpeeted ways. 3 ear a forget person can cause alot of protien. {By UNDERSTAND MEANING FROM CONTEXT Locate these adjectives and expressions in ‘me artele and cassity nem as positve +) or ngatie (+. Ten, wi 2 part ‘explain the meaning ofeach ene in your own wore. D ansentmmaca 1D topatess| 1D meaningtess O went OF attectionate Gi purposes O powers 1g Bl summarize feadthe acl again. Then close your book and, wth a pater S532 sunmarzs th son in your own words. 1 wm fu close [My sentence aroful ‘aroless hopeful opeboss meaningful meaningless panful painless owertul powerless purposeful purposes, taseul ‘usc IB worp stupy PRACTICE The following pairs of words aren't epposit> cequvalons. With a pane, discuss the difference in meaning of tho words, in these pairs. restful /restess: We hada very resiful vacation and dtdn’tdo mueh./ Twas sorestoss lastnight. I coulda’ sep. ‘Your brother Is so hej. He always offers to do the chores at home. / Gi »se.wono stupy ADsective SUFFIKES FUL AND LESS Expand your vecabulary by looming these acocves from the Read on page 40 wth ho sul l (mo “we Jand ss (mearng-wenod) Wrte one sentence Ug one a 3h a — Soames eee enone eee easiest Roctaeeree SST Sin Biatieg thsi eee ‘Babies ao so olpless. Tey ean do anything for tenseives. ‘twas pitiful to see that poor eat looking fo food. / ow can people be so piles: Una they deta eat starve? I noreravoing Adam serests gol was otha fhatened omer Web x extem beware ane wit erento way to achow tho goal on the noted Bi piscussion choose one geal and in a small group discuss ways to achive it, based on your ideas rom Exercise A. Present your Kaas to the class. 4d Net everyone will wantto donate a lt of money. Sots important tokeep «paste {ime t help, waean sts reach our goal 79 in aparagiaph, present Fin Exercio 6 ‘the ideas you! Goa: ‘To calec money fora good cause To txate anorgan donor for asick Peon ‘To worn people about» danger “oind fot pesen Tosorexdapoticl messege Paragraph structure: Review BB weaning sxe stuty ne rues. Werte ea [paragraph consists of sentences about one topic. The most important ees They spencer onary Sentence a pargiph she tople sentence. ris ofen(heugh net Se hea ine to alway) the fist sentence, anditintredues, states, or summaries the teense era Sam ‘opi ofa paragreph. For exainple: Warkatoles lead unbalanced ives. “tetheworkd every dy oF de mec tn forma x academic wig lhe supporting sentences tht fw, war wet rata suround, or precede a topic Sentence—details, examples, and cther thnking about wosk He omed ‘ects belted Wo the ope presented inthe tpi sentence Tne tenga Ifthe last sentence of a paragraph ist is topic sentence, ard especialy Pe from workmakesi isk. if te paragraph is along one, writers sometimes end t with a concluding "2 "ortaho sentence that restates the topic sentenc> or summarizes the paragap. Conciuting Sentences commonly use phiases such as in conclusion of ln summon. By PRACTICE The sentences tolow form a paragraph, but they are out of order. Write T next to the topic santence, $next to each of the four supporting sentences, and C nextto ‘the concluding sentence. Then, on a separate sheet of paper, put the sontencesiin order and rownte tne paragraph. sv 1 She WOK a nights ob so she dan nave to do much work, 2 Since theyre very intelligent, some figure out how io do less work. 3 Vory intelligent prople, or “bras,” are sometimes iazy people. 4 had a frend who was'a member of Mensa, an organization for poople who are rally start, 5 To sum up, sometimes intolgent people use thelr intelligence to get out of doing work. . 6 She could read novels most ofthe might and stil get a paycheck. BB Practice Read the two paragraphs. Find and underline th tpie sentence and the concluding sentence n each paragraph, ‘Terrorist acts take many forms, but all “The things thet worry many people don't worry a Ce a at targeting ofinnocent peopleto achieve ‘epidemics, and natural catastrophes, such as storms ‘maximum pain fear. and disrupton. In ‘and earthquakes. An individual person can't do fone type of act, a terrorist kils or harms a anythng about war, se wy worry about it? lieve single individual for ne apparent reason in hoping forthe best. Epidemics can be terrible, but Inathors terrorist dotonnto axplosivoe Utmictin madorn modizine and think ecntcts are corbombsin crowded markets ot atpublic _deing everything they can to discover vaccines ard ‘events In sill others, tororists attack treatments for them. And storms and earthquakes public transporation, harming or kiling ‘are rdlatvely rare and can't be prevented, so it's best ‘many people at once. In condusion, just te keop an optimistic outoot. Of course it would sithough | goncrally have pasitve Lbocillynot to take pracautiors that can hoip. “Bestar ‘outlook | thinkitisjust a matter of time safe than sony." as they say. butin most cases it's ‘until terrarists harm me or people know best just ty to rol withthe punches. ard love. Bi apPLy THE WRITING SKILL choose one (or more) world problems that SEE ‘worry you. White a paragraph describing your outiock and attitude about) pees myparaapn nae atop ster? the problem. Use the writing models in Erercise as an example 1D ote supoting serters my paagopl atvase tte ope? D botnave a concacng srr? 2 ow Bi most son to ne pooptetaxang about tot reactions fo everts im tte news. Decl ach specke san optimist,» pessimil, oF areas. 1 John 2 swan 2 Mat Now read the statoments. Write the name ofthe person from the lstening whois most likely o have said each statement. Usten again i necessary. 11 You've got to be practica."Thore willbe some problems n Mf that you can solve and oie thal you cai. Whats importa isrealiang when somedungis beyond your ‘conirol.T mean, ts what Ii” : 2 “Life ts full of hard Canes. Dal things happen and there’ very idle you ean do about z 2 “It's important tosce a problom as both a challange and an opportunity for sucess, Difficult expertences ean make a person stronger.” I compiete each description in your own words. 4 An easygoing person ts someone who 2 An outgotrg porson is someono who 3 A rela person is someone who 4 A helpfil person is somoono who B Compete each comvorsation with one of the words that describe behavior from pags 6. 1A: Looks ko have ta work avertim again tonight My boss just gre me throe projects to compiete by the end ofthe day. B: Youre kidding He sounds tkea real To know witont Sarah's hlp, wand never have completed hat sentation mume. ‘ll about. Shereay Helped me out wh my ses eaten st meh She's sucha. 2 A: Tom isreally . 1 ran nto him mv bie park last weekend, and he was sting ona bench and working on that repor. ‘Yeah, that’s Tom alright. He never stops! 4A: Tdon' hunk Jl ada vory good time at thoparty—she didnt say 2 word the ‘whole evening Well, Jl doesnt fee! comfortable n social stuations. She's just not 2 By compute each sentence with one ofthe aocives fom Word Study on page 12 1 xen dental anstvsa txt makes ast ll dna Leaument... 2 Sometimes we fa! complewiy ners just nottang we ean do to ‘make something happen, 23 TheInernet can be very oo «helping us communicate wit large umber of people at once Atm s+ about the future. think things will change for the beter. 5 Some say the colorsof a panting createa more. black and white of apencll drawing. Oma... See !mpresston than the “ COMMUNICATION GOALS 1 Describe how you've bas eninge at 2 Expres a nestvn opinion pate Music and Other Arts = i&st.cckernce, PREVIEW [Bi FRAME Your DEAS complete the suvey. Then tll partner about the 3 Songs and arists you tisted. Explain why each one fs memorable for you. MUSICAL | seat 1 Acangitacely inctblebea thal ma yeu 6 Agu promer wh nino sud nme ying veto gt upansee ono muse 2 Asmgwcay loge aly. 7 Asinger haw ouaway We i fee furcab gle eon prt arr trader sg ice s . 3 Assog ten amon nly bat deve you Atopic msdn ou tag as s 4 Angra ots a 2 Asm mca, re pen 8 5 Asa iting yes a mae youre Sika hess mean By mse vocaBuLARY ELEMENTS OF MUSIC Werk with a parmerto a best asnund ‘explain tho meanings ofthe words on tho right Use the survey to support smeledy 2 vice your explanation Than listen and repaat PAIR WORK Tell your partner about the performers you'd lke to seo, of not like to seo, inthe future. Explain your reasons. wir yes aperfermance 1° love to see Bast. They have a realy unique sound. ‘Amalia Hey, guys, weve got.a free evenng tang. Why don't we see if there's anythng todo? Sendy: Good idea! Let me see iT ean find something nine Paul: I'm in... Check out eTx. They usually have some reat deals Sandy: Let's so Hey, The Phantom ofthe Opera at the Palladium, saw the movie, bt Ive never seentt lve ‘What do you think? Paul: Is tt back home in Chieago at eas tn yoars 2g, ‘ast thatthingbeen playingfor lke twenty years now? ‘Amalia: Atleast Te actually seon ion stage. Hut 1 guess I ‘would. mind seetrg Itagain. The muse is awesome. Paul: Yea, Cs got sone catey melodies, but she story's nothing to write home about. Sandy: Hey, hoco's something that might bo ‘food! IL 1ooks Uke tickets are sl avallable {for Swan Lake. Tas supposed to bean amazing ballet Paul: Un, no offense, but ballet ism’ my thing. ‘Amalia: | can see Pauts gong tobe hard to please! Paul: Somy, I don’t mean to be a pain T ess Tmo really the mood for a show toni. “Maybe there's a museum that stays open lal. By xis SPOTLIGHT Readan¢ lento threo colosues discussing what tog afar meeting. Nec tho spotighoe language. Say eaoe Pad” Reuran gth ded| Sandy: Hold on! Heres semedhirg thal aught he right up your alley, Paul. Ther'san exhibit ofmoern Amenean art at the Grant Galery. And they're open late on Thursdiy. Paul: Now you're talking Sandy: And what | realy love s te leation. ‘The gallerys might arvund the comer fom EB UNDERSTAND IDIOMS AND EXPRESSIONS Find these exoressions in Spotiight. “Match each wit its coract usage. 1 rm. 2 Itsnothng to wnte tome about. 3 lkisn'tmy tung ou 4 He's hard to please 5 [don't moan toto apatn 6 iemght up yourally 7 Now you'e tallng. Ei THIN AND EXPLAIN Discuss toss axostions a You nk someone will dently betnterestod in someting bb You want to apologze for makang toutle. ¢ You think someone has made a good suggestion d You tink someone s dificult sas. You think there's nothing spect about something, Yoo want to indeato you 49 You indicate that something isn't to your porsonal taste willingness to partetpao. 11 Who's wallingto see The Prantom of the Opera and who's not? Explain cach person's potnt of view. 2 Why do you think Sandy thnks the art exhibit might be ust right for Pau? IEEGSRITAL pun worn fate ho events ona scale of 410 5 {wins being most yale) Then tl our pater abet he Kind of events you oto ton Explain your easos in deta 6 Describe how you've been enjoying the arts BB) Psue/GRAMMAR SPOTLIGHT. Roa¢ the commortaras.Notio the spotlighted grammar. yeti MASc’ te So Pao Misr et — shener lan Beane vot For werk, we been dropping by shot very moth orstouse wena at it Sentry ly Ive boan exploring the Antiges rket outset wall They kw rasta nf ierestng tutto ‘Over the past few years ve been goingto se lot ofvetheiter: ve een some csc bs popuir stows Lex Pisrablen and Te Parton ote (pars. Racer. rp to New Yor and Ie been checking onine to see wha layne court go othe Big Aople who seeing a few goodshows gh asc plays aprety bg partin mye. Lately ‘ye been using mesic to wake me up in he tmomnng,getmemoring atthe gy, ard help me Cnnnd after work, Speaking of work, A Te been Heteng te mesic more K during tho doy and ve ced hae acunlly makes me more prodictve i Bi Make PERSONAL COMPARISONS Which person’s tastes, interests, and activites are the most like (or the least like) your own? Explain why. Gl cRamman THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS ‘ete present perc contmuousto express a contnung ation that began in mae ee re coe ote ache ee a eee cee ee ‘Statements ee ‘She’s been practicing ballet for years. = ssepiiiseiachorantc Fteor aig eed oo dea eee Ste sraccesa er Auestees pate Have yor been page para rangi? Noreen paved pnotra eo gee eu eae 2 sant eee tee ee {ind the reset pete when dosing commune sci: Howe ete pent pect ‘eheoaa ine — foumare = trownie —-) ts pe Saee ae ge, eae Soe] is Nw on? ee Note:The present pats cntinuos, sate than the proton pec, ie oe eee ‘generally used to descrine a resent coxtinous action, especially when teres ‘sible evidence thatthe action has jut ended. ‘hats Nora's von doitg onthe table? Has ste been practicing? ° a Frise united ators: nary 6 own ‘Si BB Nonce THE GRAMMAR Find an example ofthe present perfect continuous in Spetligt on page 15. fmm: Doss it daserbe an action that has ished or one that may continue inthe future? BB unoerstano THE GRAMMAR Chock the sentonces in which the present perfect continuous can ako bo used. Then, ona soperate shoo! of paporrewrit those sentnces inthe present porfct continuous. 11 Ho's played with their hand for almost 15 Wor goneto alot of concerts ately ten years 116 Have you vor isted the Museum oF 0 2 Jusian Timberlake has already given two Contemporary Art? concer a my town, 17 How many times have you soon the musteal (2 She's looked online this moming fora good Les Mistrables? deal on show Lekets. (18 Latey, andionees have asked them to play 4 Since e sot promoted to sage manager, ‘more Songs from ther new album, Maricsarnved eartyat ine theater every day Bi cranmar practice compote te questions, wing the present perfect continuous whan possible. thors, asa the prosontpofoce. 1k ++ muste wdeos on my tablet? 3: Yes, have. But 'm done. 2B ‘the mustcal Wicked yet? We a2 B: No, he hasnt. But heshould. I's unforgettable. BR sae rysarasre * JusLnon? 'veboen checking Wo see ere are aay tnleresuing art extMDES this Week. 0h psig Flr, Blt eng heme na few ses, SA: oa Boat musa B: Never Duh ung to hs one ont 0 Eaa,.. 6A: Inne gti ote concer? ie ii 8 B: About twenty minutes. Butit looks Uke we're nally moving now. Describe how you've been enjoying the arts TB) norepapoina ite about your epernces wit the arent Explain why Deen doing somethings ard nt dong ethers. Us the poser port cortiacis ——- sie For becnlsteningfoalet of | Thoves'tbeengsing te onyart Sectheye dpe Whalps | eb lately Bette lhe sme wind || anti snot ey my thing © What | really don't tke is rational mus. (He doesa'tunderstand jaz.) What docs understand is jaz (They really loved the hes) » Mat tires Behe CY CCITT p= What mde everyone cy was fe Tun cee: nd ‘con feunatsses 2 agecoe hemnconeoracte (The melody made everone err) ‘jg BB Wonce THe GRAMMAR Find an exampie ofa clot sentence with What in Spotlight on page 45 own i cranmaz practice Rowe cach statomont asa cot sontanca wth What. 1 Ican't stand long classical music concorts.....What] can't stand ars, leng.classical music. concerti, 2 ted’Leare for Adok'soverty sentimental IS. . 3 Jesiea doesnt particule ike Rona wlen. 4 aly eno song alive Lay Gaga poner 5 Toso Gots Feng” by the Rak yet Fas relly ako mo want dance BB PAIR WoRK. Take turs reading satement aloud. Your parner state it a 2 clot sentence wah Whi 4 “azatwarsputsme to step. 2-“Teatstad thotoud bea in tetwo-pop~ 3 *A god melody can make even bad Iris stom acceplable.” 4 “Lisenmngto my brothor try tosing dtwes mo crazy 5 “Dancing to the muse of a seat salsa band helps me unwind” 6 “Tove downloacingsongs by unknown new artists” Express a negative opinion politely Bi ss conversanion sporuchr Read andliston. Notice the spotlighted comorsationstratogion, A: Are you asmuct ofa mena ube fanasl an? Mca! Eu? Toll he Eth Fm noteray about i. A: How can 70un0 ke Michal Dub B: Tobe houest, wha don ihe his ‘oun i's 80 ommorda Pst yon Know who Teal ike? a Who? B: Sting 2A: Sling? I hate to ay Ht, Dutt nd hs mistea ile dated. Ey Ps nvtim ano rstoNATION Uist again and ropoat Then practic the comersation witha pater. BB noterapoine wite avout some ot Your fevorto musial atte and groupe. Use clot sontancos with What ‘Aristsor groups W tt tke Bi conversation activator create aconversatonsimiiar DONT STOP! to the one in Exercise A. Start like ths: Are you as much of @ = ican the: atts “fan as !am? Bo sure to change rolos and thon parners. you ke or do ke «Say ss ach ar you an, Fy Describe a creative personality ‘Sit | Pisa VOCABULARY DeSCRIBING CREATIVE PERSONALITIES Read and isten, Men tsten again and repeat. Positive quaiies ‘ited having a natural abit to do one or more things exremety wel energetic very active, physcaly and mentally Imaginatne apie o thnk rew and iteresang eas passloale siowng. stong liking for something and boing voy dedicated tox Negathe qualities ‘eccentie behaving in anunesul way or appeaing citferrt fom mos people ‘iffeult never satsied and hard to please ‘than other people By READING WARMUP tis ofton said that gited poople have ecentr, moody, or dieu personalities. Do you agree? Expamn. ‘iat J 98 READING Read me short Dograply. What etfec did Beethoven's personality have on his ite? ‘Barn in 1770 Bon, Germany Lndwigvan Beton started lagi the plano tefoe he wa four yar ld easly ed, eta aca comport pes of manic yt tne sa When Retheen ashton, nto Stayin Venn, Ausra, tha be er of frepean cara ‘sand nemo he mee lant mesa ane compos the perind. exthown prone to be beth filed pant and ‘sn imgiate compo. He wea ca creates om iq und andl lowed by milion Bieter is ranenberd mt ny or hire eins sbi feeheatnagand dha promi Ine alas ‘nid, ede beces0 ane wil war Bat bo pled paleo fod ee mas hd eld do b> egies oce Thre sb lb ra fino Thre ty en Rothe Dring wine people {Sted he wasperfang, ie wild stop anda at epi ts ype fbehvoe many nme and aristicraie elocadnired Beale, ud se es were ava Dicdue peated ppv Tf leven en fms eager wih ee ano bt Hoere, eae offs le, Behrens mds abe gue sins sidan addi to tindilli mea il a fehisecens bate He hal hve of ina hs ‘ad i coll war eos he conpoed ay mse. Ne en lke hmastet to Amant —~ stampiag ite Heconseo meted hispersal syparance ed wd ns and hs ces wad ot diy oe eg ead pla ioe th anos Wht arte runes ae merase te cileence ‘Beclven wre to fans wats, Nooligt Sonata and spas ln, dant wana aad narrade engaged Alia eer aod ser womens mary hi, ey eta bin, "Theo rage pe of eet ews gallos ar, ‘ging ite rete tle eae ally dean hie {ores Rowe, vas is ary grew wis, econ eine io [be ceeticand otic; hs cee ai remune ease ane stances wre pty od ys ste 26, Been a {atu prtornane fis acs hsp By Us ino, ‘sos mas const el When was tured rund se cule ‘Se esr plane as con ot, Boetonen eg oan Vea tg tify seen, One out ef pple ‘rine ben jigs msiceve sine [Bi nvrer ivrormarion iter he inormacon tom the Reading. plan our answers 1 the yoar Hoothovea moved away from orn 2 Beethoven's age when he gave his last publ performance wr 4 tereason heeried 4 theyear Bootuovon dled moody becoming quicy ena easiy annoyed or urhappy ‘egalisteal believing oneself tobe beter or more important [Bi ewniy supportive DETANS Ono spsrato shoot of paper, wre examples fom tho Reading of Beathven's bohavor hat istrato cach potsonalty tat Uso your own wore. expan your answers 1 tat ne wasgitea 4 inal ne was passionate 7 that ne was mooay 2 that he wasenergette 5 that hewas eccentric 8 tat be wasegotisueal 2 that he wasimaginative 6 that he was diffieult, [Gi_EXPRESS AND SUPPORT AN OPINION Discuss the questions. Activate the Vocabulary tp support your opinic, 11 Why do you think every worean that Beethoven asked to marry him rejected him? Do you thunk they made the ght deetsion? eas 2 Whydo youthink Beethoven was able to write some of his most popular pieces of muste il” when hecould no longer hear? Describe a creative personality BB) Frame your veas Do you mink you 4 mnot particulary creatve, Lee arr peccanyies pee | Cameyentones {Sri quan beow onsen fom ARE Sreairperae, oe not tall allitle ‘Stuewnat 2 — extremoly Bi niscussion Provide tals o compete the dasciptons of these Ree ee eeeeee eee Witeatogonty er eeeeegemed nee Cf eo reas hee ‘people parson a rane a {Bi usrenne warm-up viscussion in wnat ways co you tink te ats coud ne usea to bolp children who are under emotional stress 0! the elder with memory prem? ‘sie, [EJ PS USTEN FOR MAIN IDEAS Liston to the radio program for descriptions of how the ats aro used as therapy. Write the typeof therapy that is described by each therapist. & © [Bi Pas Usten For suPPORTING INFORMATION. Liscon to the radio program agai and ‘complete each statement. Then explain what the therapist does to achieve each goa 1 Mark Branch uses te arts lo belp patents with inellectual disabilities mprove 2 thetrschoolwork b thetr ability to soctalze 2 Drce Nelson uses the arts to help troubled teens: 2 talk about their problems morveasily —b shelalt with others moro easly 2 Carl Burgiss uses tho arts to help the elderly 2 tal oes about thetr problems b soctalizs with others [By P28 STEN TO TAKE NOTES Liston to the radio program again. Work with a partner to define these words and phrases. 1 an intellectual Asai 2 atroubied toon: 3 asontor Bi wrtrineas 200d each situaton. Which therapis mentioned in the radio program woul you recommend foreach stuction ard why? Campare and disctss your answors with 3 pant 2 we ‘Sct Ed WORD STUDY USING PARTICPIAL ADJECTIVES, verb Inxs png Saenger See (amaze) amazing mated The present and past parcial forms of many verbs (amo) ameyeg Snnyes cca funtion 28 agjecves. ue) bong bored eens ok (depres) sepresing somos as passive meaning. can (dsappoin) Gisppeintng asa ‘usualy be restated with ¢ by phrase. (enter ervertaning™ entertained ‘Te paint s depressed [by ise) (ely ae —— Fm bored [by this mori. oes Ca ‘Ie presert partiople does nat nave passive (eon felons elated caning, It Gan usualy be rstatd with an active vob. als Se. ‘cote ‘That bookis dopressing It doprsses reryone| a gt Hes so boring, bores m=] (taut) touching toucsed (woubie)—teubing trowles IB worn stu PRACTICE. cire an atjctve to complste sath sentence 1 Mute ean rake language stadens fel (laser 2 Drawing tums aon thtr problems ean make patonts feo! Tess (Genres depres) 3 Somepatents find movement tery oe vr (sath /soathna). 4 Porraton'sinphysial pain th bef of me thoapyean be (saree surprising). 5 scarehor ar mao / aang) that tho ross hav boo bo peste 6 Many doctors report they are (sleased plang) with the prereset patentamake. 7 Many ton patient fol tint drama horapy te entrained entvatnng). [El worn stupy PRACTICE wit 9 parma. taka tums choosing 44 hrm erapy might 4 prosont garteinaladjetho ftom Exes Fard wing tins“ bedasppainang $3 Sentence. You partner thn creates a sertonce sig tho past partial ‘orm {hint might be dappoined bymunc troy Discuss the henefits of the arts BB) HOTEPADDING What are some bones that musi, at, cance, nd theator bring to poop!’ evoryy ves? Wit a panne, make ast and discuss, Use partial adectves. = os 3 in canbe coin | Plaing mui otwork dane eee pelea thn emer deci ‘Gey HB eROUP WORK Presnt your as to vou dss o group, Comment on your dassmats = eas and ak questions. 2 m BB wamine sx stay te res. Wren isting two or more words in a series, be sure to use parallel structure, Allthe words, phrases, oF clauses should bo in the same ferm. Study the examples. ‘ike daneing, painting, and singing (Al are gerunds.) ike to dance, to paint. and to sing (A are ifirtives.) The picture was painted, framed, and sold. (AF are passives.) ‘She's a friendly, helpful, and intelligent human being. (ll re adjectives.) you are listing twe or mere infntives,cither use towith al of them or use st only with the fist one. ‘She wants to eat, to dink, and to goto sleep. OR She wants to eat, drink, and zo to sleep. \With 2 pair or series ofnouns, ether use the article with all f them, or use it oly withthe fist one. I'ma student, a musician, ard a mother. OR I'ma student, musician, and mother. |W anotner word reters to all of the words n the senes, you can use it wit allo tem or only mith the ts. | don't think very interesting or very smart. OR | don’t think Im very interesting or smart. | prefer people who make me laugh and who lke outdoor activities. 02 I preforpooplc who make me laugh and ike eutdeor aethitios. Benton connection, Find and coset the enor My personality Some people think | am mocdy, pessimistic person, are cautious because eomatime: worry about the future, Howavar, the ie vary surprising to mo. What | think that Ihave alway: beon a passionato,a positive, and ‘Optimistic person. The fact that love traveling, temeet new peopl, and Jeamingaboutnew places proves that don't have a pessimistic outlook. ‘Nos’ of my friends find me tobe enargaticand imaginative. IB Practice On a separate sheet of paper. complete each statement with the words in parantheses, using parallel structure, Then write atleast two similar sentences about your ‘own personality and intorests 1 Ike (read, listen to music, go to mowes) 2 Ive bees (teacher, stay-at-home mom. ofice manager) 3 Tenoy (hike, sk, sw inthe ocean), 4 (ceonew places, have new exporiences, make now friends) are all reasons I Uke Lo travel 5 Lastyear (Jom the volleyball cam, play inven games, win an award). 6 What enorsizes and relaxes me i (pant portraits, cook great mals, play my guar. ‘gp: BB Appt THe wrmne SKILL. Wrio aparagaph describing our interests ‘and personaly. Try io include atleast ore sontonce using the present perfect continuous and one using.a cleft sentence with What. Use the Vocabulary rom Unis 4 and 2 — aE soc my prop ne ato sentence ane suporng sentences? (Doe nave enc serene? Coe se porate sour wr By 28 Lizen to the conversatons stout musical preferences. Check the perzon who doosnt ko the music Thon Iston again and write what tho porson dooen' ik about it ‘Tho man Tha woman What ho or she doosn't like 1 One Direction a a 2 Vanessa-Mae a a 23 Josh Grotan a ia 4 Lacy Gaga a a 5 Amon Cares sou a By complete the statoments with or appropiate adjective fom the box eccentric egotistical energetic gifted moody passionate: 1 Sarah avery sho was throe 2 My neighbor has thirty cats. You could say he's abit - 2 Pranco ty an extremely person, Heonly thnks othumself, 4 Dalla bas been 0 lately. She gets angry al the smallest ning 5 My brolter ssrealy v= He's always domg sometung produce. 6 My bossiss0) about he products we Sel. She really betes ta hem, - imustean. Se started playng he piano when TB check the sentences in which the prosentperoct continuous o present porfoct are used como. Comoct and wits tho incorrect sontoncos ona saparata shoot of papar 11 rveatready boos wating two reports for my bass this month 12 kato hasnt seen the movie Interstar yo, but ll her fonds havo beontling her how seal ts. 213 They've never been hearing about at therapy before 14 Mos tot, tance sued late. Hs tetroom Het s still on 15 Wenawont beon making reservations for our fight yet. 16 rtsotyou've dono tho tamety. Lean hear tho washing machino. By Rowrite each statement asa cleft sentence with What. 4 Life without the aris wouldnt be much fan. 2 {don't ke a band whoso resi Is rally commorctal 2 The boat mad everyone fol lke dancing. 4 tke to Histon to mute that has fun Iyrtes and a great melody. 5 They should go see anything that’s playing on Broadway. ‘Wo Project Benefits ofthe Ants ° pase engenconananise COMMUNICATION GOALS 1 Eapross ber’ emer 2 Talk shout francal nals ant plans Money, Finance, and You iiss22remrcuzgae" FRAME YOUR IDEAS Take tho test to lam about your porsonal sponding st. Cree te ltter that best describes you, ‘You hear about the last (oxpensivel) J 3 You are invited to a birthday party JJ 2) You discover a hole in ‘smart phone withthe coolest new and know agift is expected, but your parts. You... focturas. You Yyou'ra short on cash right now. 2 uno te so and stand intine obec You. 1 go aul and buy now pnt 1 ha tho pos ped af fhe fist poopie aha ‘spend more onthogi hon you con fic Th pots yous. ® orrparepicesnine so yeu cen gat tho atfrd anyway other beste gt ony fly» tnd nice git a's wot bo € Jal yous that hopin aluays comes cnponsvo. dow afer a wile and deci fo wa. € savyouarebusy ond do g0, so ou p oe ort havo buy agi otar ‘You would love to hava afancy high- ‘toch entertainment system in Your You always spit the restaurant living room, but you just don't have Dl equally with two work ‘the money right now. You... colleagues when youreat lunch ‘5 buyit wih youre card and hope you ‘This time you weren’thunary and find hemany io py fri oe. ate very little. You. 1 cufbact nother expersesunl you've 4 payyour usual of tobi. saved enough fo buy. 2 ote paylor jst he small amount © decde ruhave mere impestn paning oust. pss than ying on erent © oskthoothes orn yeu, since your syst ‘our’ wos sos. ole you crcted od oe) BB 2m vocazuiaey vescrine SPENDING STMES feet? 2 big tener a parson wo eat spends lt of money forty aeinoto per eo mache Moclpkate Spenenwhotone tspend money you wrote your a are) Pat ow wold you desert your sending stv? TB iscussion Do you xnow anyone yo woul call biped ty, 2 hapkats? Give ano er oro example of ‘that posan's babar Soppot our inion. By 2c sporuient Road an ston toa convorsation btwoon 4 ath and sn abo sponding. Natio the spotigitd anguago Brad: Dac! Chock out. the smart bikes! Are they cool, of what? Ard thors’ 2 pace for ‘yoursmart phone on the handlevars 0 you ‘ean get iexts. You dont have to ook for your phone while you're rng Dad: You've got to be kuiding “Smart bike"? ‘Sure none lke a dgnb bike. Don ell me _you text while youre rding your bike! Brad: Oops. I shouldn't have sald that. ‘What I meats that I could ust'stop and take look. Dad: Look. Event this wer a great bike, ‘which ast, 1's way over our budget. Look atthe prico—its astronomical! And what's so spoctl about texcopt forthe ‘iculoas Fandletars?—which should be legal in my opinion Brad: Well, | could chip In part ofthe cost. Tve saved up 4 Mttle for a rainy day, lke ‘youve always told me to. Dod: Hey, Fmreally proud of you for not ‘spending all your money. But this sta rainy day. The bike tsa totally unnecessary Impulse item. They want youto ‘buy without thinking. Ar the handlebars are just a gimmick to set you to want Brad: But for once, I'd keto be the “frst person to ave someting, ‘cod, you know? Dad: Wel, tfyou have your hoart ‘set onthis smart bike, then youll have to save up and pay forit yourself. But Il need your word (of honor you won't iext wile youre ding Brad: OK But Dad, by the time have enowgh morey io ty 2 smart bike myself, all my frends vill have already gotten thetrs! Dad: That may be true, but Mom ‘and wotrstet! outta nuen ‘money fortis bike, even tf youdo cup Its amatter of Drineiple. You know, money doesnt grow on tees. Bi onnerstano iwios AND EXPRESSIONS. Match the exprossions from Spotlight with their meaning. 1 way over our budgot 2 astronomical 3 cupm 4 saved up bitlefora rainy day 5 impulse ters 6 summick 7 have your heart set on 8 wordof honor 9 stell out 10 matter of prneiple a promise bb very, very hgh more than weear spend ray €@ coniribute some ofthe cost kept some money in case of anemongency 49 something:you buy without thinking much about fh somothing that’s taht a valuoloss feature wally want [Ei THINK AND EXPLAIN. Support your answers to the questions with information from Spotight. 1 nour option, wil Brad buy the start ike Fors? 2 Do you think Dead secs hs dad as aig spender, ety, oF cheapskate? How docs his dad se hin? [EGA croup work discuss some worthless gimmicks and worthwhile features ‘you've seen promoted forthe following products. 4 an oleetronte product, 2 apororal care product... 2 a shoe for aspect sport. 4 another product BB) Pam vocasutary cxrnessina suYER's RewoRse Read andliston. Then faten again ard repeat. [By] Poze usten ror DeTaits Liston o conversations about tems poople bought. Write the preduct thoy cacussng 1 2 BB ase acnvare vocasutaRt Liston agsin. Pay attnton tothe people’ ects From ‘hat thy sy inf herason forthe eee sing expressions rom the Vocabuan, Use ‘ach Vocabulary axeesion oly ee time. 1 alidabecinten ach nem 4 2 5 2 ‘est BE] GRAMMAR EXPRESSING REGRETS ABOUT THE PAST ‘Mish + the pas erect In adbeast Ad wh inate Sct) De fey wish ty had jn 2 gyn toad Dying tat ead? lie Dont ya Wsh nestor had tad ne uPrane a mom ago? Wy des an as sea gatlen te Hote expense node? Should have or ough io have + past paricile | sheuld have waited to bya fod pocessor~ I ought to have waited to buy 2 food proceso. Note: American Endish speakers use should have not ough tohave. in nezative statements He shouldnt have bout the shes fn size 40. NOT He oud o> eve bout the shoas in size 40. ‘Should you have sold yourhoase? NOT Ought yuo hove sol your house? Monty + the past perfect [xpress vor stong reget with If nly + the past perfect You can aso use if ony in 2 past ual cundtional statemet and include 3 rest clause. Moly had bought an underwater comom! (gut wich thad) ‘only we hadn't bout that car! (regret We wis we han) I only had bought an undervatr camer, | wald have taken pictures ofthe cor ree. gt IB Nomice THE GRAMMAR Fine on ret abut th stn Spoleto pase 27 ws [Ei unnerstano THE GRAMMAR On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite tho statements and questions, changing wish or i only + the past pefertto shoul have or ought to have, 1 She wishes she had bousht a new car. (ousht io) 2 Dio you wish you had read tho owner's manta before _yoU tried tose the espresso maker? (should) 2 We wish we had gone to a discount store msteadof tis Faney department store. (ought 10) 4 Ion Thad’ been tn such a hurr to sell my house! (should) 5 Dosa’ he wish he har taken th tora for his new computer? Should) 6 1 wish I hat ought these ghmicky baskothal shoes (Should) She seg fohane baught arch cat I PAI WORK Read cach quotation. Then take turns asking each question. You partner answors wih 2 statement using wish + the past perfect 1 Steven sad,“ should have exchanged those 3 Micholo’s husband sald “You should have shoes” What does Steven wish? oughta convertible” What does Michelle's nusband wish? Ad He wishes he ad exchanged those shoes 99 4 Clark suid, “My cad should have returned the defective ures as soon a he read about the 2 Kate sald, “I shouldn't have ited to repair problem in ie news” What does Clark wish? thus air-conditioner nyse.” What does Kate ‘wish? 15 The teacher told Suzanne, “The Kats ough 10 ‘have taken the school bus this morning." What does Suzanne's children’s teacher wish? A = D> 2 CONVERSATION SPOTLIGHT Read and listen. Te fe pele veeanioe ning 2 Youknow, wish hat gon ta oxeese machine f: Wt do you neant 2: Wol, Laat tony, but t's proty tard to opea 1: Thal's shane, Can yours? 2 Wsloo late only Tua abut tatsooner 12, vel o ae 1 may you cane Tgeniiome aly 2: Thnk about that Tanks tone [By 2 RHYTHM AND INTONATION Liston again and repeat. Then practice the conversation _W nat did you buy? ee wna partner p Disyoust nave? BB rorerappine Answer the questions onthe —_—_—_—— notepad about something you regret buying. Hf not. we hat did you dow ith? 4 Bi conversation ACTIVATOR create 3 | wrnaiyeo savwog = ator Ra want -_ conversation expressing regret. Use the — a Vocabulary and the Grammar. Sart ie this: You know wih. sue fo enange oes ‘and partness. = DONT STOR, Make other suggestion about tha to do withthe on + Aap dine We suggestion, {igor seine plan wy 1 Say st muchas you an, Talk about financial goals and plans BB) Pe oramman sportigHT Rod the interview responses. Notice the spotightd grammar. Cen ee Ie decided set lone tr ol indi bil to ty 12 {Sr mypll—to sve enh money pire werel wants eo oe ben the next few yes By year, ave put away enough ‘ash fora dowm payment Fm coptinatic that I be abla to aford ‘the monthly payments ater that. ‘My short-term goalis to make ‘a budget for my monthly ‘expenses and tice toi ‘ext year. pay ty cards fight gure 1 have gotten « eee “That's a shorttarm plan, pues. My longterm goals) Theyre sil aisle pia the ar, but my goal tobe financially Independere, able o rare Twat to, Bofors I'm ity EE a ee ee eee ae eee foe Soe eo ear ee ent ee so So { best dete rel eae on Sea eye reese tai a Bi mane personal comPARISONS Discus tho quostions 1 Mow are you sumar to or dierent ran any oF the pope the Grammar Spotlight? 2 bo you cutback on your spenamg io ty something you Want? Are you Rnanetally independent? ‘ve specific examples fom your own life ‘25 eramwan conPLETED FUTURE ACTIONS AND PLANS: THE FUTURE ‘Sri PERFECT AND PERFECT INFINITIVES EE Use te ft pets to indicate an acon that wil be camgletd by a specie tine inthe Mee nety futur its commonto ate the patevlartime semen the enters, orm te tus Sept Seah erect with lat or wos have «past pate. Yu can contact wi. Se etre parte: yi ies sd a Beta at My i have fnthod paying formy carbofre ho ond of to year. yo Umesh ave They wont have entem tncs fore 2:00 im thereto Wil sh have finished workby 9007 (es, she wil / No, she wor.) Use 2 petectnmntve ater nope, expect mend or panto ndizate tht an acon wi cr mht tate pace before + epi tine tbe ere For the pfs ne wth tehare + past partie. By this time next yest, plan tohave save enough czsh to buy a cat 9 I: They intend to tave completed their stues by une 10th Te RUE corns Do you expect to have pad bark yourloatsin the next year? (Yes, Ldo./ No, don) | * Pe Report oot ws ‘Bl BB) NoTIce THE GRAMMAR Finda statementin Spotight en page 27 wih te future erect Bi crammar practice ona soparate sheet of paper, use the cues to wre sontancos th the tute pert. 1 by the endor tusmonth /1/ pat matt my payeheekein the bank. 2 by noxt summer /Stan /save enough to make 2 down payment on an apartment, 3 lo you thunk you/ lower / your credit eard deb by December? 44 When / hey / start sponding less than they earn? Bi ceanmar practice compete in paragraph wing partec nnnrnes. a Gompen has bean drowning nde, sees some emegeey shorten yak Bythe endothe mon, . a east budget tate cn stk or ‘Asa mate offac he... _ the last payment on tis car kan by October 08H In ation be «. IE srror connection Those sortoncoeallhave enor. On 3 separate shoot of papor, rowite them sorect. 1 Texpect to wil earn enough moncy to buy a carby the end of the year. 2 Before they comeback home, they wall i have spent al he money they into Esa... 2 We hope having completed our driver traning by the end of the week. 4 By te time I'm thirty I wil to be married for fe years. — Takk about financial goals and plans By noterapoina wee you stortorm and ong Manca goa. competion dats | longterm geo comeition dates oretom goals act Sopa racingbike _bythstenenextyer| bya tere late tment ema competion dates long-termgosts competion dates © BB oiscussion acrvaton Diss yur franca gos wh 3 parte uD eee ede sere sae eee ae crass Soe a Discuss good and bad money management ‘his [I] P89 LISTENING WARM-UP VOCABULARY GOOD AND BAD MONEY MANAGEMENT Read and sten. Then listen again and repeat. Good money management By vocasutany Practice complete each statement about money management using the Vocabulary Uso ach oxpossion onl once 4 Some people sy Mr. and Mrs. Strong are thrifty. They dom spen too much, and dey always have money im the bank fora rainy day. Mr. end Mrs. Strong 'e¥sesgulary 2 Androw oars s small salary, bit he's a hig sponder, so h°s always oat of exsh Andrew . 2 The Wilsons spond everything they eam and have almost no gavingsin tho bank The Wilsons severe Fe eer ret eeranemremeeemeren 4 Whon Katherino’s ordit card statoment comes cach month, she writs a chsek fr the fll balance, Kathorine 5 Sumactsasif he thinks money grows on trees. Tle can't remember where he spent this week's allowance. 6 Fvery month, Melante pays alot of inerest and alae fee om Her ered card bl. She ca sleep ght bbecatsoof all that dobt. Molanio iittala 7 Martha and Dull have everything they nocd and nover spend more than they eam. Martha and Bilt - i panacea 8 Sully always knows whete her money goes. Every day she writes down everything she has bought. Salty 2 owns ‘2lo| LISTEN TO CONFIRM CONTENT Liston to three calls o 2 radio financial advisor. Check ane or more suggestions the host gves each calla. cater 1 Caller2 Calor 2 1 # Savwat'yourioose change] 1 Avoid puis tems. C1 Toonty ene or we cards D2 Tako money ont of ho ATM, [2 Talktoyourparenis, CJ Pay each month's bln fa 2 Putmoncyimthebank. —-«(E} 2 Swvosomomonmy. [3 Stop ung credit cards. D4 Stok to a budget. 4 Don't complain. OA Stick to a budget. BE See usrew ro summarize ston again. On a sonaato shoot of paper, wits Summary in two sentonces ofthe reason eech calle ald the radio Bosra. I 22i2 UsTEN TO EVALUATE. choose one tte callers. Explain toa partner why you think Mack’ adie f good or nt. so, add anole suggestion. Hn cr your ovn ace cuss good and bad money management IB) FRAME YoUuR IDEAS _Anaiyze your own monoy management sivie. ‘Choose the statoments on the suey that bast apply to you. Gade C JWO © Hivewitinmy means © ve sevend my means | [0 Weep tackot my eipenses. Teen row where ihe one ees. © save repay, Ove fom payctecktovayeck aed sendital © latvavspay my ceitcad bls Tmdowringin abt infu, IB par work compar your anewors onthe svar ™ Do yuhae the samo morey management se? Expiain the reasons for your choices and give reabite examples. Us tho Vorabulan. Explain reasons fr charitable giving BB eapive ware-ue wnat ae some reasons people donate money 1o o volunteer Tr charts? ‘ist [EJ Paes READING Read about some cherities. How would you descibe wat a charly &? Daher sarah aeeke ears pee te Et te ety eee eet ee tT ty ae sae eran ens rey ee ee eee tied ee ett crt DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS Tisweb oon hart organcation A Ge aston 107 wien > Brana Sic isn ‘the sta acling jurassic med Onghally named (in French) Médecins Sans Frontiores (43), Rican town erin eg = Doce Wi forts MSs nme et at ‘cal sho be anew eee esdess than Frey SE podes tregery exe tks oF fea cut incnein Sone toca me ‘er ote essinoe enesminghceene Sih amelie ‘idee nto ‘inl czas ovenhen teat tena US" a ‘Sit op wna reed ‘ty their local heath systems ‘topo ee obese tecnica ecanegaa 2egea CORAL REEF ALLIANCE ®)- Palin, rshing an rag evelogmert aretheateungconl ees coma. aise Awiance ‘wound th wrk The ay bei ot the Cor et liane these ese ‘robles ae casod by hans, ‘hey ea be soi by hun, Cons re esi chang, but abject caret lees of ses, ey a indammer of exincbon wins ew ‘cade, Cer! eet Alice ‘ones workin garneretip ‘the perl and groups wir depnc on ef for ther sural They emply 2 tee- Prone speach sing teats ‘uch as oefsing an poor war ‘quay, lang commurites beret socal curly, an eomomicaly| ay sy wt ftom cannon; nd working Sreciy "FSO eH ithe tos industry to decease is rdronment open. We Cara Ree Aliznceis sce, we wile abl 10 er07 beau eralefsfor ang tine come {i [EJ WoRD STUDY PARTS OF SPEECH Wits the noun, ajc, or web fom of each of these worde tod inthe Reading. Use a dictionary necessary hour:chamy ——adyectve: ‘hour contnbuon ver: ver:vounwer nour: verb: donate noun: verb: sist now hour: pollution ver: owns eat ——_vern: hour: extinction adjective: By UNDERSTAND MEANING FROM CONTEXT Complete the statements about information in the Reading with a word from Exercise C. 1 Poor water quality Isa to healthy coral reefs, 2 from the Coral Reof Alliznee help cormmunties corserve the health of lei coral refs 2 If we don umprove the environment, coral reefs may face 4 MSP provides emergency medteal 5 Tourism has coninbuted to the with afew years hen there aren't enough local resources, (of the water around coral reefs. 6 The (of plulanthropists and others are weleomed by MSF and the Coral Reef Allance. wa [Bi raw concuusions completo ach statement wth the mst kay conclusion, basod «nth Roading 1 The purpose ofthe Chartesof the Week colums a totwilreaders which charatesthey should volunteer for b to odieate the pub each weck abeut some good eta 2 The medal personel of MSF tually 2 travel to places where they are nied b asst thepeople msl nthe couires where the wed personnel ve 3 The people heey the Coral Ret alan ae probably i people rhs forse el ib Kl wh Vt aco orl rota [Ei xpress AND SUPPORT AN OPINION. Which of he two chaos doos moro important SH work Exlinyour opinion. IB) FRAME YOURIDEAS Write 2 checkmark next to people or oxarizations you would contibute to \Writa an X next to the ones you wouldnt. Then tell your partner your reasons. 44 re contibute toanznimal Beeng,.1 ‘tanks our reporsitity . SA tepretec outer animals 99 | ‘S35 HW discussion purtosothor no 14 Mymatvston for infomation ftom Exercises A and & coneribatieg to charity Discuss your general and specific reasons Ee ar ‘or contibuing to the charts you Fe money to hemetess checked, saying as mach as youcan. Uso pecple anc organcetons ores fom Word Stuy when posse. [By Pare wor Fire rato tho reasons you think eons donate money to charts om 1108, Wh boing he bost reason. Compare and sass your tings with para ‘to change society $0 poope wil amie them to beagood example So peop wa tnantnem + orreigons reasons to met goon 0 ep ones oor nat help the Romolo. 7F CChooto a charity. Write a paragraph ‘explaining why poople should danato or voluntocr for this cause Present your ideas to your class or group. Organizing information by degrees of importance BB wamne sxnt stay te rues 13m pu toy ta Wren wing. paragraph, organize your ideas and sentences logical ema as ha ee Use words and pase onda ote reader ihe lave importance Ao shathon na ie of the ideas. Write the ideas in crder of imoonance. starting wth the most {Si "Yau have be financially important. Notice te commas. Teta Mow st and met is cor Oreoy aaa First, inorder of importance, eyo to tat soe Sbidgpt nd edo ‘Most importanty, ow't hare densely Tobegin wth, {iayou ct oy ratte onda month Lak bu et eat, Seconty, / Tidy, te shatmone ut Fotowing that, youean 7 “esr whorever ‘tr that, Fray Last but rot least, Least mporianty, ‘Asa malpont, PRACTICE Complete the paragraph wih words and phrases indcating ‘aor ef mpertance. a ae ea ea ae ec ee ee ee eet onee do tho mos good. Tete are several issues | neato think about before sending money. yn 4 Want 0 know tf the chart is financialy sound; tht is, doos most ofthe monoyitrecoives actualy go to tho pooplo in nocd? Or does it spend too much money on| sclaros for emplayoes ofthe organization? | got his information frm Charity Navigator on the Intemet. .. although nearly as important to me, is does the charity address a crisis of some sort, such ee eee eee! ee ee ete ene eeed Impertnt onnngnone ways ack the charity provideshelp 10 al people, regardless of who they ae. Idan'.cae ihe people help are in my courtry orsome other country, and don't care about their religion, race, o nationality. i “gp I APPLY THE WRITING SKILL Write a one-parogroph Bove present my ten oso personal statement for Jb or unversty apptcation, perros? Describe three ways you manage your nancial (or seme woes ant responsitltos. Use vocabulary from this unit and frases oa ts te forgange your idsas in order cf importarce. Provide aaa ‘examples to support your claims. Se secon uncut? wr [Bi P21 ston 1 10 conversations, Then wate tho later ofthe statement that best summaries each conversion Listen again necessary. 2 He snouta be more nity. » lle'snot really big spender. He's jut Feng generous today. € Iihed Inowntt would te so hard to put ogeher, be never would have bong. Conversation 1...... Conversation 2... Conversation 3 . Bi Complete the statements aboxt tad money managemert, using our different phrases trom the Yocabuary in Lesson 3. 1 Maran Bates receives her salary on the ast friday oF every month. By the end ofthe next mont, stienasiio money Fl. Se 2 Pauland Care Otver never pay ther rel ca al an every month he alance ote cars bigger. They're : : - 2 chor sponds more than ae cart. She 4 HHeamors nother ves her money every Weck for transportation loan from school, bat by ‘Thumday tho momey's gone leator oe I complete each statement with tru Perfect innitve 1 By ts weekend, . 2 ALthe end of thtssctool year intend... 3 Dy thetume Lote... 4 Dy tie year 200, hape 5 Hofer eave this Enaish program, Lexpect infomtion using tho future perfect or a Bi on separate shoot of paper answer ach question esing wish andthe past pvfoct or should have and a past participle to express a true regret from the past. 1 What do you ws you had dono efferent you he? 2 What dectston should you have made that you didn't? [Bi eatan your om worse meanng of te follow words and pass. 1 nanesynorpendent 2 arise: 2 ashorviem goa 4 alongtom geal. 5 astronomical 6 loan... XI ee ee alliemae engi conysununise COMMUNICATION GOALS 1 Descrbe along detail and fomatty 2 Tak shout changes coin otems 3 Examne questionable cosmic procedees | Discuss appearance and sefesteen Clothing and Appearance PREVIEW BX Frame your 1DEAs maton eaen quotaton wih tne parson or people you hirk most kal sa ‘Wik to bo fshinnatle, so usually The way you dress affoes how [io the Cotes othe Best thon poops percave you, sas osignre, Betlenieeu elo at portant to dross wall ai fot otc tet tomyel. at ny cts hae «dogne’s geo porecomorablen none ears and sabe rp Ka hay ae pushy pe amps eg i 2s vocasuiaey ADJE:TES TODESCRIBEFASHON Usten ond repeat Datort fsehionablo / syle reprsoking ye being worn by many people who dromewal WHE funy ‘modern andtiractive, bat nan unconventional wa Sn vuendy ‘temporary popularsige tht probably won't as. sorte lassie an unchanging style that is always fastuonable oa stegant Dea ae of igh quay Fel, subdued (oFcotons nt wo ng oF to cote tous (ootors ery bight and an aenton ng BB niscusston Describe the outt of exch poson in the photos above, using one oF more of tho adjoctves fom the Veeabulry Explain using examples ows nt and Romar BB Sie sports Road aconaration botwoon two tava ian axpor dtyéoe sop, Noto the sptighted lngiage Karen: Roya, could Igot your eptntononsomething? ‘Roya: Bulthey draw attention to apart of the Roya: Sure. What’ up? body you don’t want people stare at, right? Karen: What do you thnk ofthese pants? Fora teenager, Karen: Well, como to thnk oft, you have a Tmean. Not forme point. Put personally, | think the Jeans are Roya: The ones with the seyutrs nthe bottom? A bt prety eute.I guess customs ae differeat ‘ask, dori you think? Tthink they'd attract too ceverswbere, meh attention, know wha Tn savins? Roya: I's not hat think grt andl women show Karen: Funny. To me tyre knd of ce, maybea tle wars wear frumpy; bagay clothes, But people funky —Dut not over the top. At last not where can be modern ané fashtonable and stil show come from, somesselF-respeet. Roya: Wel 1tmay Just bea eulbural ung, but ‘country, no gi from anice family would be canght oad wearmg somethings immodest as that In fat, bor parents would never even Tether buy them. Karen: Interesting... Bat you must be right This has sol tobe cultural in he US, no one would even give ‘tem a second thought. IF hey hat a buneh oF holes tm them, I'dagiee thal they were n bad taste. "ranpy ot farioned 00s (ony so woman's does [Bi vwoenstano iiows AND EXPRESSIONS. Porapirase these quotations irom Spotigh 1 [think they'd attracttoo much attention.” 4 think they might make too mary people 2 *.. ut not over the top.” leoleat the person wearing them. 79 3 “No girl. would be caught dead wearnng something as immodest as thal” 4 no one would even give them a second though.” 5“. you have a pola” [Ea an ano EXPLAIN piscsstheso quostos. 1 tn what way do Karen and Royals perspectives on goodand bad taste cir? 2 Whose opinion erresnts he opinionof a maloaty of people in your country? By PAIR WORK Read tro quotations and sayings about the significance of clothes. Then work with a partnorte paraphrase thom. Think of sayings in your own language that oxpross similar ideas. FASHIONS CE 2 esd rm aan ane eae By Discussion waar in your opinion, do ur clotos tl othors aboutus?

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