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Performance Improvement Plan Chief Susan Ballard For next (60 Days) ‘As a result of the 2020 evaluation of Chief Ballard, the Commission seeks substantial improvement in the following areas: ‘+ The elimination of a culture of blame" within the department ‘© Chief Ballard, with the help of her command staff, should anticipate and mitigate tisks inherent in any decision of import. ‘© When problems or complications arise, and they will, Chief Ballard is responsible for the response of the department, and ensuring that lessons are learned and shared in a constructive manner. Improved reporting of crime and case closure statistics to the Comr and Improved management of department overtime Improved communication with the media; ‘+ Improved communication within the department; ‘To meet these objectives the Commission requires the Chief to take action as outlined in the Performance improvement Plan within the next sity days, when her next ‘evaluation will be conducted, ot \TION COMMUNICATION: Commission will initiate meetings with Command Staff and HPD Personnel once a month in each district. Commission Talks" with ‘department personnel. Each Commissioner will hold talk story with personnel in teach district, this will allow the Commission to get a pulse check on the department. COMMUNICATION: Communication within the department must improve. Commission requests the Chief provide a communication plan on how the ‘administration plans to improve its communication with department personnel within 30 days. (part of Strategy Pian). Additionally, the Commission requests the ‘completion of the following Communication Action items: Vlog every two weeks (Viog to be copied to the Commission) - minimum of four viogs in 60 days: Hold 2 bi-monthly news conference inviting all media outlets for 30 minutes. (Instances where it must be immediate to be decided by Chiet.); and requiring that Chief should conduct a 1:1 Meeting with SHOPO Honolulu Board at least once a month, Performance Improvement Plan Chief Susan Ballard For next (60 Days) + COMMUNICATION: Commission requires Chief to implement a Daily Informational Memorandum("Daily Memo) to all Command Staff ~ Chief to determine what goes on Daily Memo but would include Overtime status, Major incidents Per District, Accountability Tool to be distributed by 2% Watch and Distributed Efficiently, MANAGEMENT, +) MANAGEMENT: Chief should have 2 1:1 Meeting with Deputy Chiefs (2), Assistant Chiefs (7) and Command Staff (Majors of al Districts — 8) once @ ‘month for the next two months. Chief's office will inform Commission of completion of Chief's monthly outreach, + MANAGEMENT: Regarding Recruiting & Filing of Vacancies; Improving Retention. Within the first 30 days prepare an actionable and creative plan that identifies how the department will improve recruiting, retention andiling of vacancies. As examples Chief should explore the possibilty of hiring 10 new recruiters; mentorship programs between officers and new recruits, enhance lateral transfer programs, + MANAGEMENT: Crime Closure Rates - Monthly Case closures reports provided {othe Commission. (Action Plan 2. Prevent and Solve Crime & Action Pian 4. Improve Organizational Efficiency) Transition to new Records Management System — Chief wil prepare an Action Plan how the department wil affect Crime Closure Rates. MANAGEMENT: OVERTIME - Develop and mademize an actionable system ‘with your department for all overtime that can be viewed by command on a daily basis, Present to Commission within 45 days. LEADERSHIP ‘+ LEADERSHIP: Take responsibilty for the entire police command and not pieces. ofit—as the leader the Chief of Police is fully in charge and responsible for anything that happens under her command, ‘+ LEADERSHIP: When challenges arrive with your management tezm ~ do not ostracize them, talk with them, look for improvement or put in place a Performance Improvement Plan for corrective action, Performance improvement Plan Chief Susan Ballard For next (60 Days) ‘= LEADERSHIP: Manage your command through the teams and follow up with your commanders and ho'd them responsible for performance. ‘+ LCADERGIIIP: Visit each District once a month and hold an open forurn for those: ‘on duty. (Invite off duty personnel and civilians to attend on their own time), GHIFF OF POLICE SIGNATURE: Yotatech sp POLICE COMMISSION CHAIR SIGNATURE: tle [221 Date

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