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GROUP 2 REPORTER PO AKO (THERMOSETS PLASTIC) ‘Scanned with CamScanner COMPOSITES ~maTeRiaL ae Tes : NO. _ on of two wederals with diprerent enysicl and col _eropertiec « = wh y are combined | they ceote a weleial whian is Scaled +o do 2 certom Sob. 2 +hey can aso improve strength ord cheenes strong . Nigvt_, AwwoWe (Ceiba a meh = compsite material) Zcembnation op 400 oy mere individual materiale, can be no Fura we ynttetio ~Atagn goa\. obtoin a more ddiveble comoination of eveperties _ 7 Consists dE_O Eber moterial ond a kiedirg rater] cwotenle only bord, will wot ditsolwe in each other MRIWLY TWO 1 PES: A. EVBRWS ~ ibers 10 @ mot x “9. PRETICULATE a FHS Wo matyin HOBTRAK - con we metals, ceramic or polymer Cording wxbeval) = cmkinves phage ~veingereirg mattnal ina plvecter or gory maha oils Or check ede reingorted in coment ard card Pobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdaal \ 4 wre, verstyuchone 3 i y ameTathic gloer - Te rake ort shorger meta] sNorwo) gor - gee eo chength require motenale VELVET ‘Scanned with CamScanner MATRICES Wes aches POSTE _ CMC) “Corer moti compoerhes Come) 1 felymor 7 heott resistant % Composites (FMC) = lee dense CRAPACTE RICTICS = cveingarced concee is a gad example op a compocife —_metenel the cteel and the conevele retain 4neir individeal —__idendities Th te wished crocture . Howevey Leaure they werk together the reel caries the tension leads ard the coruete coves the Comprescion lead = generally umngicts of too or wort prydally Aghro ord medranically separable matonals = wade ay mixwG Ye copwote matenale in wth a vey to Achieve controlled ond onigorm Aispersion oF the constituents = mechanical properties oF COmpates are Super Ky ard iN Some cases ornquely diprorent ~OM tre eopertics op thar conti— Avert . this is deovly ceen with glass- reingcced plastics CORP). \n the cose & GEP, the epoxy rN ic a edlatively week, “Fiesie ord brittle maternal ond aliiough the gas pibex ate sterg and shee Whey can ve coded in tensor only as __& Vewe ploev neh combined te Fin ard te ger give. A _ SAG, chee compte carth exellent Twohress choracteysties, TONOPERSED -Te Aiccantinuox ond orrourded by matrix _ ROP PISE : = xvonsgor hes ty dispevred phase ~~ Sipmlect disgerced phase FRM enjwonment VELVET ‘Scanned with CamScanner yey vvevevevrve eee 8 n_othey coplications » 4 tee as giller iw any ‘Scanned with CamScanner i ne dd a any NO. Composyie MATERIAL SUBTORICE: 1. Fibrous Lomenscte watenal na corvoordirg, water) “called +h =o NOX 6S thE disconievons of Ais pUsed phace methine as fhe consti nvous phate Ckinder) - Pine interprase reg 10 ao knows aS interpoce. 2. Lammate Compact mrevtewon) | - hn “tuo (oe more) ave! pice) “phaset x condists, OF molHiple byers of onented | or. vordomly opented Pree bound tage Hey ay a matnx 19 which each layer oe “PO Vag Awd - dimengional _orerdahon. 3. Rvtwolote, i Reo word ce ~ condich oF Hiry parkelee oF ore waterial embedded in arothey wetemal a wejowlatec can be very small porter , chopreat gibers , platelets, hollow cpheres or nw material? such ag bveky lalle or coven rornd- hes. ‘Scanned with CamScanner POLYMER MATERIAL NO. ~oeten regerved to ac plache ~ PSHE 1G The ancerrecr teym imtorme OF engineering metemale because slascty wpe 10 a preurly wheve and doesnt return tv tts origynal State = valet tend {include rebver (elostomers) ond mony types adreives vae rro\ecular rec tures, = PID Crary) 5 mer Conv), “3. Supiehic. polymers Cogn thesired “grom o@anic mae coles)) — RF, PS, ANC, PE mulon, plastics 2. Datura) _ polymers Cdevve ror pon and animals) =whver, cath o w00) , hearer, SAVE ductile, a = voy auch RI ANCE rok gute _to_high Aempe ‘Scanned with CamScanner PRBRBAHWHSVHOPHHOHSASHSSoegsysHogogovugyyggygsyry;evrness TPES DF POLMERS: RMOPURSTIC MATERIAL ~ Tan can be reshaped or repormed lay heat _ = ARYGANG oF _pPlypropenc tates odvantage oy ths _groperty _Fxampes. nylon ~plyprylenc, = *telon _ __ = aoe —ychyvent - rRoly ethylene = PC ZTHERMOSETNNG PLACES = craped by On ‘wrevercilole process ~ they are vot readily rahaped Torte gored , cannot be regormed Evamyrss : EPO FY EINE — kakelite = payestene HEGING — melamine —_polyure Manes BETO MERS _ = atenals tat evinbit elastic or wbery beaviour Fig a mere amount oF A degorming force _€ adel , the. elastomer yall ret te He ooginal chape ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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