My Favorite Colors Are A. B

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Name: (OPTIONAL)________________________________________ Gender:___________

Age: ______

This test is not a measure of whether you are male or female, but rather of your tendencies towards
more typically masculine or more typically feminine behavior. 

Please encircle the letter that fits your answer.

1. I am more
a. Dominant
b. Submissive
2. Do I care of what other people think of me?
a. Yes. I want to know what they’re thinking
b. No. I don’t care what they think
3. When other people criticize me,
a. I feel really embarrassed. How could I not
catch all those mistakes?
b. I’m kind of annoyed, but that doesn’t
give their input any less merit. I’ll take it
into consideration.
4. I am a
a. male / lesbian
b. female / gay
5. I am more attracted to
a. Males
b. Females
6. For me, pink ..
a. Creeps me out... pink is for girls
b. I love it!
7. My favorite colors are
a. Dark colors
b. Pastel colors
8. I am
a. Confident
b. Easily embarrassed
9. In front of other people, I consider myself as
a. Firm
b. Flexible
10. In a group discussion, I,
a. I jump in anyways. If I get caught, I’ll talk my
way out of it
b. I stay quiet. I’d rather not embarrass myself
11. Am I conscious with myself?
a. Very, depending where I am or who I’m
b. Not at all, I could care less what others
think of me
12. Am I taller than average?
a. Yes, I’m taller
b. No, I'm smaller
13. Ever went out in public with make-up?
a. No / Yes, barely visible
b. Yes, quite visible and girly
14. Looking fashionable is important to me.
a. Yes
b. No
15. I would like to take a career like..
a. Firefighter, police officer, politician, athlete
b. Dancer, artist, musician, fashion designer
16. I prefer toys like..
a. Barbies, dollies, artsie stuff, dress-up stuff,
b. G.I Joe, Power Rangers, army men, trucks,
17. Am I assertive?
a. Yes
b. No
18. I fall in love easily
a. Yes
b. No
19. I wear clothes like..
a. T-shirts, jeans, hiking boots, other stereotypically
"male" clothing.
b. Skirts, dresses, other stereotypically "female”
20. I most likely to watch..
a. Sports
b. Soap Opera
21. In a relationship, I prefer..
a. traditional (men are in control)
b. unorthodox (women are in control)

a. AGAIN... I prefer to watch..

b. Drama
c. Action/Adventure
22. I like to work with people
a. Yes. The more the merrier
b. No. I prefer to work alone
23. Who do I like most in a TV show?
a. Guys on soap operas
b. Girls on "Lost", "Alias", or similar show
24. Do I like to take care of children?
a. No, too much trouble.
b. Eventually yes, but not right now/I love
my children
25. I am more closer to (in terms of friendship)
a. Girls
b. Guys
26. I mostly wear:
a. Skirts
b. Pants
27. Last time for TV... Which of these types of
shows do I most likely to watch?
a. Reality TV
b. Romance
28. Do I like to do household chores?
a. Yes / I don’t mind it
b. Someone else does all the cleaning
29. I like to cook…
a. No, too much trouble
b. Yes, I love to cook
30. I enjoy beauty for its own sake. I like to be
surrounded by beautiful things.
a. Yes
b. No
31. I cope with my problems by:
a. Ask for input from others / Let it past
b. Solving it myself
32. When talking with my friends, I am more likely to
a. Politics, sports, or news, work/studies
b. What's going on in your lives and people
you know
33. Do I like to take care of animals?
a. I love to take care of animals
b. Ummm.. no

34. I mostly wear shoes like:

a. High heels
b. Sneakers
35. I prefer to spent my free time by:
a. Listening to music/shopping
b. Watching/playing sports
36. Gossiping about celebrities and friends is a
fun way to pass the time.
a. Yes
b. No
37. In an argument or heated discussion, I find it most
important to:
a. Come to an understanding
b. Drive your point home

38. If someone disagrees strongly with me, my first

instinct is change the subject or compromise.
a. Yes
b. No
39. How much do I care about other people?
a. Only about my loved ones / Me
b. I care about other people more than
40. I lie because:
a. Because it’d hurt their feelings if I don’t
b. Because things are better off if I do. I’d
rather not create any unnecessary drama
41. I am squeamish about rodents, spiders, and
a. Yes
b. No
42. I wish to live out my life independently.
a. Yes
b. No
43. I enjoy other people’s company.
a. Yes
b. No
44. I often have trouble articulating what I want.
a. Yes
b. No
45. I enjoy gory/horror films
a. Yes
b. No
46. What do I think of dying animals?
a. Sad
b. Indifferent
47. I easily talk to new people
a. Yes
b. No
48. I enjoy Mathematics
a. Yes
b. No
49. Am I artistic and creative?
a. Yes
b. No
50. People say I come across as a confident person
a. Yes
b. No
51. I spend a long time to get ready in the
a. Yes
b. No
52. I enjoy:
a. Staying outdoors
b. Staying indoors
53. How do I comfort a friend?
a. Feel awkward and change the subject
b. Actively empathize and say "I understand"
54. If a friend has a problem, it becomes my problem
as well
a. True
b. Not really
55. If someone I know has a problem, I...
a. ask for an explanation
b. try to read between the lines
56. When I get sad, I tend to break down and cry.
a. Yes
b. No
57. I can make friends easily
a. Yes
b. No
58. I enjoy a good romantic story - true or fictional.
a. Yes
b. No
59. I like to attend parties or any social gatherings
a. Yes
b. No
60. When I am starting a difficult conversation: you,
a. prefer to have a specific topic to discuss
b. You just say what's on your mind
61. I don’t like to be alone
a. Yes
b. No
62. I prefer to talk about meaningless stuff with my
friends than have deep discussions
a. Yes
b. No
63. I’m more introvert than extrovert
a. Yes
b. No
64. I prefer to use logic rather than emotion
a. Yes
b. No
65. I think that working with children or animals
could be very fulfilling.
a. Yes
b. No
66. Do I give people compliments?
a. Yes, it comes naturally to you
b. Not really
67. If someone I've just met talks about their feelings,
it makes me feel..
a. Connected
b. Uncomfortable
68. If a friend tells me about his problem, I would:
a. I listen, but I’d rather not. They probably brought
it upon themselves, and I’ve got problems too.
b. Of course I listen! Even if I can’t sympathize, I
69. I cry when someone upsets me.
a. Yes
b. No
70. I get over relationships quickly.
a. Yes
b. No
71. I am loving
a. Yes
b. No
72. I am romantic
a. Yes
b. No
73. I am affectionate
a. Yes
b. No
74. I am compassionate
a. Yes
b. No
75. I am cold
a. Yes
b. No
76. I am distant
a. Yes
b. No
77. It's what's on the inside that matters most.
a. Yes
b. No
78. I’m a logical person
a. Yes
b. No
79. I am easily hurt
a. Yes
b. No
80. I have low self-esteem
a. Yes
b. No
81. I can be emotional at times
a. Yes
b. No

82. I daydream often

a. Yes
b. No

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